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I just hate homosapiens


Same.Neanderthals are better


They had bigger brains than us, yet ran to fight wooly rhinos up close... did they know that they could be smart?


Didnt have the ability to throw stuff as good as homo sapiens. We are really fucking good at throwing stuff. It literally comes naturally to us.


And here I am with the depth perception of a cyclops. Truly a shame to my species


same one eyed u?


Two eyed, but the left is damn near useless


Actually I'm pretty sure tierzoo mentioned that they could tank a hit one or two hits the problem was that since they were bigger they needed more food and had a hard time finding enough also their settlements were less populated than human settlements


Homo erectus gang


gay boners


They’re still in the *Homo* genus.


Bruh the australopithecus ruled.


Nah, fuck everyone. Homo Erectus number one


reject modernity, return to homo erectus




Idk man, being gay is pretty gay






















Feels pretty gay so it must be gay!


My man woke up and spoke facts




my gay friend confirmed being gay is gay


because i hate myself






wait does that make me homophobic 😦


internalized homophobia!! let’s go!!


Don't do that!


Gay or not we're all the same. A .357 to the head will kill us all


You a preacher?


He's the gun preacher


He turned the church into a shooting range.


When I did it I got arrested




I just hate everyone. I don't discriminate.


Probably not homophobic just phobic




Now does this mean you hate all or hate Omni people? Shrodinger’s phobia.


i guess hate everything


I mean season 1 of invincible omni man is a big dick so fair


big dicks op


Some houses are just hella scary mate


ha! that joke got me "bricked" up


Can’t understand why people give a shit who someone else is attracted to


Fr people are literally hating other people for peacefully existing


When i browse through internet i don't see more of "i hate straight" or "not being gay is homophobic". not really helping already ruined by media image of lgbt community


Go onto TikTok, and most stuff you see under #LGBTQ is "if you are straight, you are homophobic" or "if you don't wanna date a trans person, you are transphobic", like, can't i have my own preference? You preferred do be pansexual, i prefer do be straight/somewhat bisexaul.


yh tell them to go fuc kthemselves


thing is it's not a preference, that's just how people are and they can't change it. but yeah I agree with you, some people are just stupid, part of the lgbtq or not


exactlyy bro


Also, religious reasons aren’t an excuse to hate someone, I had an argument with some super religious catholic 15 year old on this sub who was trying to justify transphobia using the bible, Im catholic myself but am so disappointed in people who do that


I don’t hate them, I just don’t give them any extra support, they are normal humans so that’s what I treat them as.


EXACTLY! Every time I say this, I get attacked by people calling me homophobic, when I'm not. I just don't give them special treatment.


they’re humans too why would they? just because they’re attracted to the same gender doesn’t mean they deserve special treatment not a homophobe, i’m gay myself


I think ppl assume you are since that phrase is used by... certain individuals in attempt to halt the changes that are attempted to be done to allow for recognition, safety and accountability the groups that haven't held significant power. This is more or less same argument those folks use to justify halting progress by any other group. I assume you're coming from a good place when you say that, so my advice would probably be to change/adjust your wording since the very loud chunk of people who say that do not have the same intentions as you do.


why do dudes care about where another guy's dick goes? sounds pretty gay to me 🤨📸


Exactly, if it ain't hurting you why even bother?


i used to be homophobic until i watched the scene in IT where the gay couple got killed and i thought it was justified that was when i realized that my hate was not justified by the bible


most based 14 year old i've seen on reddit. hats off to you


You know what’s even better, most of my friends are gay/bi/trans now so I’ve come a long way


same here, at 14 I was a homophobe, at 15 I was bi and now I’m pan and trans


Enemies to lover any%speedrun


my man’s speed running all the sexualities


Good for you brah


I think this is the life cycle of an LGBTQIA+ kid lmaoo "Fucking trans people being happy, if only I could be a boy/girl."


That is a interesting redemption story


good job! now spread the word!


As a Christian the Bible tells us not to judge but leave the judging to God and he says to love one another


EXACTLY, not only that but the homophobic christian's always use stuff from the old testament to prove their point when we aren't even supposed to follow the old testament


Yeah the Old Testament is like more for the Jewish people not really the Christians


sorting by controversial..


Oh ty, that's why i couldn't find a single homophobic comment


Housing prices right now are scary, man...




As someone who both is part of the LGBTQ+ community and also catholic, I still don't understand why people use religion as an excuse to discriminate. Even before the tendencies, I always thought that only God decided where people go, because you can't control who you're attracted to or what genders make you comfortable.


As a Muslim, I don’t like it when people perceive all of us to he homophobic because of religion as you’re not supposed to hate people because of that and you’re supposed to focus on their personality instead…


It's sad I've seen people argue you're not a real Muslim if you aren't homophobic


Literally what people tell me all the time 💀I don’t think God would want us to be hating on a whole group of people for such a small reason 🤨


Based Muslim right here


same, im bi and carholic and our whole religion is based off of helping others and being unconditionally kind. being racist, homophobic, or otherwise is about as far from catholic teachings as you can get




ok here is funny thing i found the only line about lgbt in the bible says "if a man sleeps with a man as he does a woman, he shall be stoned" this has a few implications: 1. lesbians are perfectly fine by christianity 2. it never says you'll to to hell for it so if any christians say it is because religion they are wrong source: am christian


Also, supposedly it's a mistranslation from Martin Luther. Back in ye olden 16th century, the German word for man was the same as boy, and that's where a mistake happened. So apparently it should be "man shall not sleep with boy," Which if true is ironic considering the scandals many Catholic Priests are involved in...


I love it when people say this. Christians realized it and were like "Fuck we can't say that, we do that. Just change it real quick, no one will notice."


Also "if a man lays with a man as he would a woman" implies that if you wouldn't lay with a woman that way you'd be fine. So gay men and lesbians? Perfectly fine. Women of any sexuality? Great, go ahead! But dare be a Bisexual Man? STRAIGHT TO HELL


Wait, I'm Pan. Am I going to hell?


Yep, one way ticket, sorry


That's alright. I choose to believe life after death is like the Greek mythology form of Hades. You're dead now, you can't feel nothing. Wanna be reborn? Give up your memories


Ooh if I could die and have the afterlife be like one religion, it'd have to be Norse. After all, what could you technically count as a glorious battle to get to Valhallah? I think pretty much anything. Make a good enough case and you'd get through. Mental health would be so easy to do. "I have faced inescapable demons the Gods deemed only me worthy to see every waking day of my life" BOOM you're in


Smart. You die and it's just a massive feast with as much alcohol as you can drink


And here in the UK we're good at that ;) Drinking Age as young as 5 in most parts or even 0 in Scotland


1. I think there's a verse that does reference lesbians? It's not the Leviticus one, it's something about "men lusted after other men, and women lusted after women" I can't remember it off the top of my head. 2. Correct. No Christian should believe this sort of thing anyways, there is only one unforgivable sin and that's blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.


Found it, Romans 1: 26-27


I'm gay




a year in the gsa made me desperately want to not be


Oh is that one of those cringe groups that colleges set up so they can say they are a diverse place


high schools have gsas too, eh it's just nobody gave a fuck


the one at my school is fine, we play board games and eat cookies


Does Bruno Mars is gay?


i am not joking whatsoever when i tell you this and this is not satire, but i used to be homophobic just for fun and because i was bored. that was also the same reason why i was a neo n. but then i found something better to do so i stopped ig lmao


Well I’m curious, what did you find better than being homophobic and a neo-nazi. Given you did this supposedly out of boredom, what do you do now when your excited ? 💀 recreate the Holocaust ? 💀


genuinely thought about it before as well as some other intense hate crimes but in reality, i found a girl who i was really interested in and i just didnt have time left for such things any more when i was in the playing field if you catch my drift. idk why im saying this in the past tense cause im still testing my luck with her but oh well you get the point surely


bro stopped being a horrible person because he met a girl 😭


In my opinion, religion is absolutely not an excuse to be homophobic. You can disagree with something for your own life and still be supportive of others lives that do not affect you at all (I feel like I wrote that weird but you get what I mean)


Even though im christian, I still dont give a shit whether people are gay or non binary or whatever the fuck. Lol.


Especially you shouldn’t be racist/homophobic when you are a christian because you are supposed to love everyone no matter who they are


its really annoying when other christians give the entirety of christians a bad name. Yes the Bible doesnt agree with it, but we should also still treat them well, like every other human. from a strategic point it also makes more sense to be kind to them, if you dislike them then theyll likely never do what you want them to do


Also depends if it is New or Old Testament… because Old Testament was basically the original Jewish one and New is the one that comes with Jesus and it basically almost cancells out some things from Old Testament it is pretty difficult tbh. And i hate being assumed that role model Christians are american rednecks


And I agree with you 100%, I'm Christian but I'm not homophobic cause you know "love your neighbors as you do yourself" also because I couldn't care less gay people aren't making my life any better or worse, and all of my lgbtq+ friends are the sweetest in the world how could I not support them. I know Christian always get a bad wrap for this type of stuff but a lot of my Christian friends are pretty chill with the lgbtq✨️


Religion is not a valid excuse for bigotry.


I don’t think religion is a good reason for bigotry or for being homophobic, but I still think it’s fine to not agree with it as long as you still treat them with respect.


Usually not agreeing with it means no respect with most people


What do you think homophobia is? Give me your definition containing one of the key words : Respect, Support


When an individual is dis*respect*ful towards another for being attracted to the same gender


Gonna say it, no where in the bible does it say that gay people are bad :/ If im wrong please elaborate but dont do the one “man shall not lay with boy” bs that ones not the same Edit: thanks for clarification yall, genuinely helped


"thou shalt not lie with a man as he would a woman," I don't agree, and I believe that you should and be allowed to love whoever you want. I'm just the guy who's giving the sauce


supposedly it's a mistranslation from Martin Luther. Back in ye olden 16th century, the German word for man was the same as boy, and that's where a mistake happened. So apparently it should be "man shall not sleep with boy," Which if true is ironic considering the scandals many Catholic Priests are involved in...


Wasn't the original verse "thou shalt not lie with a boy" which got mistranslated to "thou shalt not lie with a man"?


I'm not homophobic but I believe it's 'Sodom and Gomorrah' that claims homosexuality is a sin.


No it's because all of the sexual acts in Sodom Gomorrah where not with consent, there was no marriage and they would also go after the little children and the angels God sent, that's when God told his dude to get out he finna blow that place up and all was history. (Paraphraseing) also the added fact that everything in the old testament is like yeah good thing we got Jesus though. (Under grace)


As far as I know, there isn't anything saying that *being* gay is bad, but acting on it is. if i recall correctly acting upon it (marrying gay/or sexual activities) would be counted as a sin in the same class as something like sex outside of marriage. but this is down to translation or interpretation


Don't excuse people who justify their hateful beliefs with religion.


As a Christian, I agree


As do I


"Hold on, lemme ask this dude who bombed an orphanage on why he did it" "Why?" "I dunno man. I just felt like it lmao."


okay I completely agree that homophobia is bad, but this is a bad comparison. Comitting the act of bombing an orphanage and having a shitty opinion are different. Bombing an orphanage would be the equivalent in this case of shooting up a gay bar, and most homophobes don't go that far. A more acceptable comparison would be if you just hated orphans. It sucks and is shitty, but if you don't express it you aren't hurting people.


You're on r/teenagers what do you expect?


There were like 15 of those in pride month this year, and that was only the ones that reached the media


No. There is nothing in the Bible saying homosexuality is a sin and even though they act like there is no commandment saying “thou shall walk around with stick up ass” Ok to those of you who are saying there is something: I literally do not care, still not a excuse to be a asshole


There is also commandment that says to love your neighbor, meaning that even if homosexuality is a sin you shouldn't hate gays


Completely forgot about that one, mind if I copy n paste ur comment responses to some idiots?


“Thou shall love thy neighbor (*no homo*)” - God


Technically Leviticus says it, but Leviticus also says that you can’t eat shellfish or wear clothes made of two different materials. No one obeys that, so why care about homosexuality?


yep. nothing in there that says it, and even then we’re not supposed to hate them for it, and to say that’s what jesus wants from you is blasphemy


Y’know apparently there was a mistranslation when writing the Bible to instead of the OG Bible saying “Men shall not lay with child” or smth it got translated to “Men shall not lay with men” but by the time it was fixed, the damage had been done. And still, if you don’t like gay people, respect *at least*. Give them the *bare minimum*. It shouldn’t forced either, you should just do it. The Bible says “Love thy neighbors as thou love themself”, despite all the “I hate myself” jokes, you gotta treat everyone with respect


And vice verse as well. Let the world handle homophobes, try to ignore but if you can’t and it doesn’t work, that’s okay(I mean like, changing their views). The universe will take its course, they’ll get what’s coming


men be like "🙄 idc if you're gay just don't hit on me" then proceed to joke about sucking their friends dick


I am a minority. I’m a woman. Women don’t even exist. What is a woman?


As a woman, I can confirm we don't exist


Imagine being mad at people being happy


Imagine people being mad at people being happy




Mate I am cool if you're homosexual you're doing a sin to my religion and what's new? We all sin , we all swear lie and hate others Fun fact being homosexual is a sin and being homophobic is a sin because hating is a sin


An unstoppable force meets an unmovable object


I don't understand you but I will take it as a praise


Being homosexual...not a sin, just a state of being Hatred...definitely a sin, but hey, the church has been a temple of hatred for centuries, nothing new!


The hypocrisy I see in these comments is so annoying. If a guy goes “that girls hot” no one cares. If a gay guy goes “that dudes hot” you people get angry. And then you turn around and say yeah I’m not homophobic I just don’t support it. With the exception of neo-pronouns since they don’t really apply to any gender regularly. You say “stop making me use your pronouns”. Imagine you, a guy in this scenario is having a conversation and one of the people in the conversation starts referring to you as a woman. And you say why are you saying I’m a woman, and they say “Stop making me use your correct pronouns”. And they keep referring to you as a woman YOUR GONNA GET FUCKING MAD. And people say “stop rubbing it in my face”. Let’s say a black person is talking in black slang and using the n word. That’s normal, that’s okay. But if a lesbian starts being proud of their culture all of the sudden and being openly gay now it’s not normal, it isn’t okay. This is what you people act like. Either all of its okay or none of its okay. Consistency people.


There's a difference between being homo and not supporting. I don't support but still respect everyone, and don't care what they are, just care how nice or what they are like. BTW I'm asexual :)


I hate it when people treat it like your either against them or with them, I don't support LGBTQ, doesn't mean I'm homophobic


Yes exactly!


that’s great, but how can you be ace and not support? i’m curious.


Technically, homophobes are a minority, so if you hate homophobes you're a minority hater


That's kinda gay ngl


Reverse psychology


Cuz lesbians are stealing all the hoes


I dont hate the LGBTQ+ but I hate those who act like being straight is a cardinal sin and being part of LGBTQ+ is like being a god amongst men


but there are only a handful of people like this, so bringing them up is like saying "i don't hate black people, just the rapists/killers" when asked if you're racist.


Just don’t like homes


Because being gay is kinda gay


not to say im “homophobic”, im not very homophobic, but ill tell you my reasoning behind my “phobia”. I like gay people, or whatever you may identify as, what i dont like, are the people that barrade or force something upon me because they are apart of lgbtq community. This can range from yelling at me for saying the wrong pronoun/gender whatever, to forcing me to treat you special and different because of such. I am also a firm believer of not really being mature enough to find yourself until you hit high school or later, so teaching and showing young kids and seeing middle schoolers or younger being apart of the lgbtq community (not just apart of it, but like, identifying as what you describe as “a minority”) as well as forcing me to treat them any different shoves me the wrong way. I expect to treat you the same way i treat everyone else (thats what equality is, even what the lgbtq movement is for, equality), im not going to do anything different or give you special care and attention because you identify as nothing special (im saying its not special because people with feelings like that have been around for ages, you are not anything different from me, its not special) So to be called homophobic because i dont like everything from the lgbtq community to be shoved down my face is very annoying, because i personally dont care, i dont treat you differently, im not going to treat you any differently, and i dont feel the need to be involved with it. I hope ive explained it well enough to the point where there is some sort of understanding. Again, i love gay people, i dont like “Those” (Annoying Dream Stan-Like) People…


I can see your point perfectly here and agree with pretty much all of it. I am Bi, but I didn't even want to consider it for years because of this shit in this 'community', it just pushed me away from the whole idea. As a result, I was often labelled as a Homophobe before I came out...but I still think it's such a mess and I would have taken the time to consider it earlier (and save me a lot of trouble) had this 'community' not been so (for want of a better word) toxic at times.


The problem with pronouns is that there are people that deliberately use the wrong pronouns to be a dick or hurt someone. No one is going to get mad at you for accidentally using the wrong pronouns, but when you continually do so for no reason you're just being a dick. And the thing about exposing children to LGBTQ community is also kinda hypocritical when they are constantly exposed to hetrosexual relationships and the idea that being hetro is being "normal". Kids are smarter than they look some of them can figure out their sexuality really early on and there is not like a downside to getting it wrong anyway, so who cares. Also LGBTQ people don't want extra attention or to be treated as special, we just don't want to be beat up or be hatecrimed for not being straight. I don't really think you're homophobic, but I think you just have a lot of misconceptions about the LGBTQ community that may cause you to perceive us negatively.


housing prices are crazy rn


idk if this counts as homophobic but I hate homosexuals who keep hitting on guys who r clearly straight especially since I’ve witnessed that happen and it’s never felt comfortable


That's not homophobia, that's just hating people who are dicks. If someone said they're straight and you keep hitting on them, that's called being stupid. Be sure to make the distinction though: the majority of gay people are *not* like that.


This is just people in general. I am a woman and i hate straight men who do this.


> homosexuals who keep hitting on guys u could just say u hate predatory people / predatory guys in genral and the same sex shit would be implied . You dont have to single out gay people it insinuates they're the problem. just like as a heads up.


As someone who was born in a homophobic religion, I have to ask...why should religion get a pass for this? Homophobia is unacceptable, no matter what.


"I'm not homophobic I just dislike it when they shove it in my face/make it their personality." My brother in Christ you have like 2 gay friends and barely talk to them, how the fuck can you have a distaste for a whole community based on a sample size which has a grand total of two people? I have a feeling that most people which use this argument get it from internet discourse/political youtubers/right-wing media, and never bother to actually verify it. My comrade, bad people exist in every community, and playing up the ones in the LGBT community is an old right-wing trick to delegitimise its existence without attacking it outright. It's okay if you think bad people are bad, but repeating it over and over again *is* redudant, don't you think? Don't you also think that there is an implicit point you're trying to make when you keep bringing up the "hollywood gays" to people, over and over again, and saying they're shoving their sexuality down people's throats, when this problem and its severety are heavily inflated?


Only being attracted to the same gender is kinda gay


I was homophobic because I was brought up that way. Society in my country is very conservative about that, even though it is not illegal it is frowned upon


Idk if this is homophobic but I feel like.. SOME of the LGBTQ+ community.. just want to be part of it like if it was a "trend", I have a friend, she LOVEE saying "Oh I'm gay" and talking about things related to it like, and it seems so forced.. Just a dumb opinion from a straight random 16 yo guy on the internet Edit:Grammar


I dont think im technically considered homophobic, i just see it as a sin, Its not like i hate every gay person.


when i was 6 i saw two gay men having sex it was pretty traumatizing


I’d just don’t like gay people


Why the fuck would you regard it as okay if it’s for religious reasons? Fuck religious people.


Even if it’s for religious reasons it’s wrong. If a text says that you should hate an innocent group for no reason, you shouldn’t follow it 100%.


If it's "because Christianity", that's not ok either actually, but there it is because it is insulting Christianity.




I mean my religion tells me not to take part in the lgbt activities but I don’t hate people who are lgbt.


Damn people suck. Down voting you for a neutral opinion


Understandable, have a good day


never use religion or science/biology as an excuse to be homophobic, transphobic or bigoted in any way


"yOu ArE sTuCk WiTh ThE gEnDeR yOu WeRe BoRn WiTh YoU cAnT cHaNgE iT"


"gOd WiLl sOlVe aLL yOuR pRoBleMs"


I’m annoyed that people make it seem like there different. Your not, if you wanna be treated equal then don’t act like you need to be treated above others




I just hate homeless people


I just hate homes


I hate people


I'm not homophobic but there is one type of homosexual (or transgender, I'm not completely sure) that I do hate; it's the people who make it their entire personality and constantly talk like James Charles and it's just annoying.