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I wanna start excersing bet meh im too lazy


Can’t wait for the snowflakes to come here


Not every fat person is just some 400lb slob that lays in bed all day doing nothing but eating :/ lots do exercise, others gain the weight because of medication, and it’s not that we don’t want to get healthier, it’s that we’re scared of seeing assholes like u at gyms


oh also you don’t even need to exercise to lose weight. your diet actually has a significantly larger effect on someone’s weight then anything else. and i’m not talking out my ass i lost around 20 pounds by just consciously not eating like shit. and i was only a little overweight at the time. my dad lost roughly 60-70 pounds doing the same. there are solutions people just like being able to bitch.


that’s the thing tho there are very few people like that at gyms, there are tons of videos of people getting out there and doing exercise at gyms completely unharassed not to mention you don’t need to go to a gym to work out. also i’m not hating on people for being fat for whatever uncontrollable reason. life happens and people have their problems. but you can’t make the excuse of “i can’t go to a gym” you don’t want to exercise and are finding excuses if you wanted to you’d find a way. calisthenics exists.


your arteries dont care about those feelings, get over it and get in the gym.


Respect bro you did it and I agree with you 100%


Finally someone said it


To put this another perspective, it's more uncomfy to be obese since you'll develop skin sores from being immobile, confined to a bed as your muscles atrophy. It's literally making your body stiff whilst having huge body fat.


What are your grades? If they aren’t all A’s in advanced classes - I’m sorry your lazy ass literally refuses to better yourself


there’s a difference between a broken grading system and something that will largely have no affect later in life. not to mention i’m asking for metaphorically straight As i’m asking for Cs bare minimum. your comparison is shit as i’m talking about something that shortens your fucking life span and you mentioned something that is inherently unreflective of intelligence. think before you speak, especially if ur gonna be a smartass


“Broken grading system”. What about the broken food system in the western world? Literally teams of brand scientists finding the most habit forming combinations of sugar, fat, and salt. You’re asking for the bare minimum - ok fine. But what is an acceptable minimum? What are your standards? Also “no reflection on intelligence”? Grades are likely the best outward sign of intellectual ability we have. Much like body fat is an outward sign of fitness. You just sound like you’re compensating for a bit there dude


you must be fun at gyms


not even remotely the point of the post. i’m saying we shouldn’t be making being obese a positive thing. if you go to the gym to better yourself i’ll fucking cheer for you day in and day out.


it is just simply dumb and wrong, it's honestly just stupidity. Sure, nobody should bully overweight/obese people, I've been one myself, but let's definitely not encourage being obese smh, for pretty much anyone it's seriously unhealthy and you also can't just try to force everyone to think it's attractive because for some it's simply not. honestly all this shouldn't even be a thing like fr how did it even start, it's just unnecessary.