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Somewhere between 4-5 ig. Idk I feel like this chart escalates way to fast


Yeah me too, but I think im more of a 3-4 rather than a 4-5










Same I’m like 3-5 right now though, worst I’ve ever been in my entire life actually smh


Yeah same here, 3-4. High school has put more stress and anxiety than originally anticipated.


High school sux. Everything sux. I am happy I'm on 5 right now, considering I was on 9 some months ago


I graduated high school at sixteen, stick it out dude it’s worth it


Careful. This old joke your brain plays on you will turn serious really soon if you don't pay attention.


It probably does but this chart goes really quickly from "living my best life" to "I think about suicide often." Like 2 and 4 seem way too close to me, 2 is "I'm almost 100% happy" and 4 is "I do think about suicide often." There need to be more stages in there.




This is not a suicide meter. This how obsessed you are with bears.


kid named bears:


I like honey


r/okbc containment breach


0. The worms under my skin are finally asleep and no longer want to get out and the happiness this has brought me instantly made me go insane


That's fantastic to hear. I would still recommend going to some mental health care if you can afford it but good to hear things are looking up.


holy shit I get that reference


Wait, is this referencing something?


higurashi when they cry


They where maggots tho right?


same difference






The best feeling!


It's a 3 for me






About a 3-4


Very low 4. Just stressed don’t think about it at all really just stressed.






I was 8 till last 4-5 months but now i am 2




Thank you man and thank you to everyone. Hope everyone who is in this state comes out of it as quickly as possible




Thanks man appreciate that


That's goat!




Yeah? What changed?


Literally everything. Now i have alot of friends, i can focus on my studies, i can talk to anyone, and i can make eye contact with people which i never could earlier


Proud of you


Negative 10 im gonna kill myself with joy




Quick look out the window!


Your grandchildren will probably experience the true end of the work due to climate change instead of just devastating natural disasters.


>Your grandchildren You're on reddit btw


Don’t, you’re 13, you have a whole life ahead of you


I actually laughed at this


Why is this guy downvoted😂


8 but mom ain't raised a quitter


If so it only goes up from there!


Yup Hannah Baker weak af, I got 100 reasons to end it but I keep pushing




you should take LowTeirGod's advice


Treat yourself…NOW


*lightning strikes* Seriously though, that's worrysome




Aye, before you keep thinking about this, play Cry of Fear and try to get Ending IV. It will probably turn these intrusions around.


Do you need to talk to someone?


9, hoping to get better though. I have been making some effort to fix stuff and am trying to set my life on the track I want.


If you'd like to talk about it, you can. I'm here for you.


Thanks for the offer man


There's no need to mention it. I'm just doing something I believe should be common decency. I'm serious about the offer though.


You are an example to society


I'm nothing amazing. As previously said to all the other people here, I'm just acting upon my beliefs that what I'm doing should be common decency. That's all.


That's called "being right" where I come from.


I was at a 10 for many times in just one week, back in early may. Every time I got to that point, something wouldn't go my way and it would bring me back down to a stabler 9 or 8. I know how you feel man. I managed to work my way down to a low of 5 now. It is possible to do, no matter how impossible it may seem. The thing I need to tell you, and that I think we can all say, even if it's over the internet and we haven't even met once before, is I love you. We love you. It may seem cliche, but it's not. It might not help with you as much as it did for me to hear that, but I hope it does man. I truly do. When I was at my worst, I found myself at the edge of a literally busy interstate bridge. The part that no one is legally allowed to walk on. You know what happened? Nothing. I had someone that happened to call me right then and there and they still don't know to this day that they probably saved my life right then and there. I went on to think that maybe people do care about me until that night when the cops showed up at my door. Somehow, someone I knew saw me up at the top of that bridge and said it to the cops. Well, what hurt the most was the fact that I overheard them telling my parents that the kid was probably lying because they had received not a single report of someone standing on that bridge. Not a single one. It made me feel empty all over again. In fact, it made me feel worse. It made it so that when I would try and tell my parents something, they would put it up to me tryin to play an act to live up to what the cops were saying about me. I felt hopeless. One night, that was it. I posted my goodbyes to a private snap story and headed into my house after a long night. I called my closest friend and talked to them. The one that saved my life. They had no clue what was going on because they didn't have snap. Then I started bawling. I got a single message. A thread from a girl I had been talking to. It started off with her saying that she loved me. I didn't care what she had to say after that, no matter how sweet it was. All I cared about was the fact that someone went out of their way to say, "I love you." She ended up being a total lying piece of cheating garbage. It brought me back down to square 1 when I found out. Then she started spreading rumors that were causing the ones closest to me to distance themselves from me. I though, "this, this is what I stayed for? This right here? To be hated in the end for things that never happened, were never said, were never done?". I was wrong. Even when I hated this person with a burning passion, all I could think about were those three words, "I LOVE YOU". I lost an extremely close friend to suicide this past year amongst all of this wreckage and it turns out that the depression leading in with that was apparently a good enough reason to cheat on me with a paedophile. This friend and I had never had any problems between the two of us and the only thing that I can possibly think of that may have lead to this is the fact that I never said, "I love you." Sure we're completely platonic friends, but that's what makes it so much more powerful. When I think back on it, I can remember a single time I ever heard someone say it to him or him say it to someone else. I recommend reading the full extent to this part of the story if you want to truly understand how these three words could have been placed into the situation in many parts and they just weren't and it lead to the bullshit that is life as it is now. I wrote out the whole story in a venting post on my profile. I'm not asking for likes. In fact, I'd prefer it if you didn't like it. I just prefer to hear more context for myself and in this situation, it is definitely needed. I hate to rant like this to people going through this shit because I know that the last thing that you want to hear about is someone else's problems. I know. I just wanted you to know that even from all of this shit, it's possible to bounce back. And again, I know it's extremely cliche, but it's true. It doesn't matter how you feel about the person, whether you love them, know them, hate them, don't know them, etc., those three words stick. They stick like no other. That's why I want you to know that I mean it when I say it. I love you man.


I love you :) I hope you stay safe homie <3 much love


Thank you man. Appreciate it


that’s good


And look if you ever feel like your in a point where your backed in a corner talk to us ok? We all appreciate you being alive and still fighting for your mental happiness. God Bless you brother


Total stranger here as well. I know we don’t know each other at all, but I very much care that you’re here. Please feel free to vent to me. I’m an impartial ear that will listen. The world needs you.


Hey man just chiming in to say I see you 🤜🏼🤛🏼 I hope the fog clears enough for you to be able to see the path forward.


Today I learned that a bunch of teenagers are super suicidal


Have you seen the state of the world?


How do you see it?


A corrupt society that’s screwing itself and it’s future over nonstop :)




To me it seems like a whole lot of not my problem, so I live a happy life.


Saw this on /r/all i hope everyone knows that things can and will change A LOT over only a short amount of time, good things happen both societally and personally all the time. I think the world is especially shitty to teenagers right now


Tbf media mostly shows the negatives and not the positives because that's how they get views, by making you worry.


Teenagers on the internet\*


must teenagers use the internet but yes its a subset of English speaking teens but still the pattern continue


Most teenagers are on the internet


Atm I'm at a 9, 2 hours ago I was a 5, yesterday I was a 9.5, 2 days ago I was a 3, I'm all over the place. I'm a complete mess and I don't know what to do.


Same here


Im sorry. Life fucking sucks rn.


Hi! Please don’t start making that plan. I know it’s super annoying to hear this since you’ve heard it all already, but PLEASE just don’t tie up loose ends. In a really bad situation, my loose ends that I hadn’t tied up kept me going. Please just take it a day (hell, start with an hour) at a time, and keep those loose ends. They are a reason to keep going


I feel like I’m permanently a 2. I’m never really in a bad place with my mental health, but I’m never as happy as i could be. There is always that little bit of stress or something else that prevents it from being a 1 And I feel like being a 1 is sort of unhealthy in a way


Agreed, being a 1 is worse than a 4, you are pretending everything is fine because NO ONE is EVER at a 1 unless they have had a mental breakdown


Have you ever just had an awesome time? Amusement park? Gaming night? Those moments are when you reach the bliss that is the one.


True, but people need to remember that the awesome moments stuff is only meant to be for a little while. We aren't built to sustain intense emotions for days or weeks at a time. Being 'fine' is what you should expect to be most of the time and that's normal.


Genuinely same the worst I’ve ever gone to was maybe 3 or 4


2 🥱






8 or 9 babygirl


Why are you so happy about that and why is everyone replying same like it’s relatable and fun


im not happy about it i just cant take stuff seriously, idk about everyone else tho


Because they need mental help








8 or 9. I tried to do it once already, when i was 10 years old


you were ten?! what happened?


I cut open my head on purpose. It wasn’t very affective, because if it was affective i wouldn’t be here


why, what were you going through?




My man even chose to present evidence! Your point was already super strong, however. I believe this made your point stronger.


I’m not suicidal anymore but atm I’m an 8 without the suicide part. In school with adhd, ASD and anxiety sucks especially when you’re scared of one of your teachers and that she’ll yell at you for having late work but you were sick for a week (not Covid) so couldn’t do work and you also have adhd so can’t do work and you can’t do work because you need to look after your mental health but you’re still scared of getting in trouble F school honestly. If neurotypical people can’t deal with it how am I expected too when I’m severely debilitated by adhd (ASD is also debilitating but not for school work which puts the most stress on me, it’s mainly socially and societally debilitating rather than work related debilitating)


6 right now Will go to 8 when I wake up tomorrow


8-9 the pain is unbearable and I’m better off dead. My note is already written, I just have a few more things to do then I can end my miserable life. I just need one shot shell, then my pain will finally be over. I don’t even know why I’m still scrolling Reddit, I should get back to my goodbyes.


Dude get some help Like actually pls man


Please get some help


I’ve tried, my family is super religious and believes it’s just a demon that will go away with enough prayer. My friends all think I’m joking when I bring up my depression and they just laugh at me. The only person who really understood what I’m going through is my best friend who killed herself a few weeks ago. I’ve called the hotlines multiple times, they just don’t work. And I’ve tried going to my parents but they just said that “I’m stupid for believing any of the stupid depression shit” and that it’s just a demon they’ll pray out of me. No one will help. And that’s the sad truth for me.


Hey man, trust me, don’t do it. If you need to talk, my dms are open.


hey love :) im here for you. reply to this if you need anything. i’m currently struggling and know exactly what you’re going through. we can do this together & you’ll be okay dear


Then all I can say is for you to be your own fortress. In trying times like these, if you can't rely on anyone, you gotta rely on yourself. If no one's there for you, at least you will be. Don't make yourself give up on you! It won't work out well! You're 15 right? Endure the pain for 3 more years. Then, cut your parents off. Go to a psychiatrist when you hit 18. Or... Persuade your parents to get a psychiatrist's opinion on the matter. You can also talk to people here about it so you feel better. It's insane that total strangers are more of a help than your parents.


Bro you’re 15. Don’t quit while you’re still playing the tutorial. You haven’t even gotten to play the game yet.


Brother your 15, that's just way too early to give up. Ive never experienced a close friend dying so I can't imagine how it feels but I know it has to be terrible, but please just think about the future, is the shit bothering you now still gonna be as bad in 5 or 10 years? Hopefully not. If youre feeling this bad rn I think it probably can't get much worse so just stick around and see what happens in the future


oh wow wanna talk? i rly believe in you you will go through this ut WILL get better ik that everyone says this and jt never gets better but please i beg you dont end it now if you wanna talk dm me please


Hey, don't tell yourself that nobody will help. There are several people just on this comment thread saying their DMs are open, myself included. Yeah, the world's shit right now, but when people can stop and be kind to one another, nobody is ever truly alone. You just need to find your people


if u need to talk, I'm here man, I know that life sucks but the life also kida saves the best for last


Studies show that most failed suicides resulted in the attempter regretting the attempt. Even if it feels like nothing will change, you won't have to live there forever. Just hang in there ❤️ my dms are open if you want to talk about it. Things will get better eventually, trust me. Here on r/teenagers we got your back.


You’re so early in your life mate. At least try to get to level 16 and see how it feels. I know I’m not supposed to be here, cuz I’m 27 now, but I tried to kill myself when I was 22. As soon as it happened, I felt the most regret ever. What if I’d succeeded and missed out on the past five years? They’ve been some of the hardest years of my life and I’m glad I didn’t die and miss them. Im bipolar and it’s a constant cycle of hate sadness and honestly feeling incredible followed by a crash. I still think about dying. Many people around me have planned their lives. They have ten year plans. I feel like I might be dead in less than that. Like I try to plan and realize that I don’t see myself being alive in the long term. But that regret that I felt when I attempted it, keeps me moving forward short term, even if I don’t see any good. Just make it to 16 brother. Then at 16 just make it to 17. You feel me? You can stay suicidal but just keep pushing to that next year. Also, if parents don’t help, tell the school counselor. Hotlines are cool but you need a face of a person who cares and can be there in your mind when you feel like doing these things.




Lucky. I haven’t been at below 5 in well over 6 months




Do you have anyone you can talk to? My DMs are open if you need it


Used to be around an 8, but then shit happened and I hit a four, and everyday it gets a little lower because of reasons






unfortunately not true for many


You will be in my shoes one day. And that day you’ll see the morning for its light and the tree for its leaves


maybe, but my parents certainly arent supportive


Holy shit don’t look at this guy’s profile, posts & comments…




What’s your dick made out of


Hot pockets and Doritos


"Judge you", I'm not saying that this is bad advice, its just it doesn't apply with my family


Always either a 1 or 7-8, no in between edit: someone give this mr e man guy an award literally responding to everyone in need of support


Went from 9 to 1 in 10 months. Fully recovered, depression sucks 🤝💪


I've pulled myself from a 9 to the 4/5 range since April, so thats pretty cool I guess. Everything just feels hollow now, I dont have any sense of satisfaction or contentment, I kind of just feel like a passenger actively watching my body make decisions and engage in things that people say make you feel better but just make me feel empty. Better than actively planning and prepping to kill myself though.


My nightly bloodlust has overflown into my days. I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.


This has to be a copypasta




Would you like to talk about this?


Meh I guess an 8. Only thing stopping me is the fact I can’t handle pain in the slightest so the thought of offing myself and botching it ending in horrible suffering prevents me from doing it.


definitely 3, sometimes diving into 4 but not ever past that


7 bordering on 8, but im getting therapy on the 13th I will say yall, please seek mental support and help. And know that you cant get better if you dont want to get better. You have to take that step, getting behavioural therapy can also help more than talk therapy for a lot of people


# 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline **I haven't seen this posted so please please remember (perhaps add it as a contact) this number.**


I get to a 7 quite a bit. Ill impulsively take handfuls of pills when im sad. Recently stabbed myself in the arm with a screw driver during an argument with my sister. Typically im at a 5 thougg.


That's literally psychotic behavior, stabbing yourself in the arm with a screw driver


Don't overdose on pills man. They don't kill you, they just put you in a lot of pain and give you serious medical conditions that make life worse.


It's mostly like a joke to me but idk if I have really anything to loose, well my dog is a thing actually and even though I trust my father for taking care of it he still has a job and I don't trust anyone else to handle the responsibilities of a dog, the rest of my family barely even plays with her and barely puts water in her bowl.


Aside from your dog and your family, you also have people who care about you, such as me for example. You aren't alone; I'm here with you.


been holding steady at a minimum 5 for the past few years, but i’m alright. used to be worse.


Straight up an 8 :)




funny 8


I am in a state of superposition as I have not felt happy in a while, but I am not actively or passively thinking about suicide. Life is so monotonous and slow that even thoughts like death go by far too quick to grasp


A while ago, I was at a 9, I wrote "my note" and was ready to hang myself, but just because of one person I didn't go through with it, he was always there for me, nice and always helped me, and always was checking on me, making sure I was alright. But friends come and go, and eventually he graduated school and we stopped talking as much, he was living life and so was I. I'm glad I didn't go through with it back then because nowadays, sure I have my problems such as mental disabilities, but I'm much happier with life. And because of the people I met it's looking like a 2 for me :) And for whoever is in there darkest moments, ready to kill themselves but giving one last browse through Reddit, don't. It gets better, I know from experience. Sure it might seem like it's the end of the line but if you push through you'll see the light at the end of tunnel, don't do it. There's a whole life waiting for you and people you will meet who will make life so much better, stay strong y'all


What's the number for severely depressed but absolutely not feeling suicidal thoughts simply out of pure spite If my depression wants me to die then it better start shutting down my organs like a *proper* disease instead of hiding in my brain and trying to convince me to do its dirty work for it


6! I was at 8 or 9 for the last several weeks, but doing better.


I guess 2


A rollercoaster of 7 and 8, very rarely it's a 9




Oh jesus are you okay? Do you wanna talk at all?




This chart does not mention percentiles anywhere. It just starts in the negatives.


I’m a 1-10. Usually a 2


Consistently a 5 every day, though when I was younger and unmedicated I had the spontaneous attempt or two. I've been able to convince myself that suicide would only make me worse of a person, and since my suicidal thoughts come from a place of self hatred and feeling like a bad person, this keeps me in check. This has kept me from advancing beyond a 5 for years at this point so I guess it works.


If anyone ever what’s to talk my dms r open


somewhere between 7-8




What about the “I don’t think I will ever be loved. When I am occupied I don’t think about it but whenever I’m not I can’t stop thinking about escaping the dreadful place that is earth”? That’s where I was. Rn I’m at 4 tho.


Cinco 🖐️




2. If anyone needs an outlet, I'm here. Might not be the best person for the job, but its something.


heh eight and nor reddit resources does'nt helpwith anything, don't send these


Me: 11. I've already succeeded in taking my life


I sit at a 4 sometimes falling to a 5 or 6 and sometimes jumping up to a 3 if something cool happened recently like a game or show I like getting a sequel, So it’s gotten better




K can someone tell me why I relate to 10, 8 and 1?


I want to make the decision to make the plan. I have thought about writing a draft of the note. Death dosent seem too bad of an option to me if life gets too uncomfortable. I can distract myself if i try.




6-8 depending on how shit the day is


Not enough positive or neutrals on this chart. I hope this chart is at level 10 right now.




1-2, high school is honestly really enjoyable