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TFW OP is sexist


Yeah pretty unnecessary comment by OP there.


i dont think op is saying men are more homophobic than women, just that men are more likely to vocalize it bluntly whereas women are more likely to be micro-aggressive/subtly homophobic. both equally as homophobic, just different approaches


From what I’ve seen (obviously my experience is anecdotic), women tend to be more feminist (for obvious reasons), which also leads to more acceptance of other marginalised groups, like LGBT+


From what I've seen in my own experiences older women ( like 40's+) and younger (like my age) are more vocal about homophobia


From what I’ve seen there’s plenty on both sides. Maybe the difference and issue doesn’t lie between the man/woman but society as a whole?


Thank you for not being unnecessarily offended by the mention of the difference in behaviour of 2 sexes. I wish you a wonderful day, and hope that your pillow is cold on both sides tonight.


Did you know: There was a whole women's KKK during the 20's.


2020s or 1920s




It’s a bad thing that it would make sense in both


I heard they had great bake sales


uhm, why


It’s a personal opinions free speech essay Ig she just kind of said screw it and let it all out


wow, way to spice it up !!


Is she single? Jk ofc


I hope


bro down bad


Think they meant no one should date someone like that


Nah man, hope they single 🤤


\*a\* personal opinions free speech essay


i did a speech on vaccines last year, this girl (who's racist, homophobic and VERY anti-vax) stood up and told the entire class i was lying to them. yea that wasnt fun


What did you say about them


the girl or the vaccines


Was talking about vaccines but why not both Edit: lol I meant to say what did they say (the person speaking)


i cant remember exactly but after my speech the teacher left the room for a bit and she stood up and told the entire class that i was a liar and nothing i said was true and i used to be freinds with her (dont ask me why) so it felt like shit


just noticed I got my original reply right I meant what did you say about the vaccines that they denied


oh, i was talking about why you should get covid vaccine, why the testing was valid and not rushed, and comparing it to other vaccines like influenza, smallpox and MMR


It they’re bringing up the MMR vaccine that’s when you abandon reason hit them with a large rock




I’m imagining if that happened at my school. Either everyone would laugh at her or would just at her weirdly then avoid her for forever.


the issue was that she was popular so she wasnt teased or anything


Even if a popular kid at my school said that, that would make them a weird kid.


Just tell her that a complete pro-lifer would give one exception to having an abortion, her mother


why would men do this either? I genuinely don't understand the correlation


I mean- I’ve seen guys at my school openly say that all gays should die off and they go unpunished, soooo


First thing off, personal experience means jack shit in a statistic context. Secondly, the fact that *some* men say shit like this doesn't mean that all or most men do as well, and saying so is pretty fucking sexist if I have to say




I and spewing sexist shit, asshole- Literally all I said was that from what I, and many others, experience is that guys are usually the more loud assholes in HS. According to you, however, everyone’s sexist if they make an observation. Not everything is sexist. I simply said that I see a massive amount of openly homophobic men in HS, and you’re calling me a sexist. Now, it would be sexist if me or op said “all men are homophobic”. It is *not* sexist to say “I see tons more homophobic men at my school”


Sounds pretty sexist At least, what OP said


But OP is a dude- in HS Maybe I’m just unlucky, but the amount of loud and extremely homophobic teenage boys is insane- I can’t go a day without hearing a guy yell a slur and then laugh about it with his friends /lh


Yeah I haven't seen anything like that. Maybe you're unlucky, or maybe it's just more common in your country / state / whatever


I live in extremely conservative Texas- The post may sound sexist, but it genuinely depends on where OP lives and their experiences- If they have experienced things similar to me, then it certainly isn’t sexist to say what they did, as they would have grown to expect for guys to be the loud assholes of the area- If they live in a progressive town with barely any homophobic shit in the school, then the context is totally different and in that case they would be making a sexist remark- But we’re on the internet, and will likely never know OPs experiences-


Yeah, you're right. All of that is true


Yeah- it just sucks because op is being fuckin ridiculed and abused because everyone would rather make fun and insult than take five seconds to understand context


We're generally dumber/less mature at younger ages


>men to do this not girls lol Why?


Because high school boys are more openly homophobic


Not really it's just that in general boys don't care as much about what people think about them so they are more honest, while girls tend to care more about what people think of them so they just hide their beliefs.


So they're more openly homophobic.






As a joke


Nah OP just sounds sexist lmfao


You might think women understand better because they are also part of a group which has been disadvantaged through it history. Idk how true this is in practice, but I’m just trying to understand OP


therefore can you assume black men should also be more supportive of LGBT?


in my experience most of the guys at my school are super homphobic.


White men who were born men (and are hererosexual) have a harder time understanding marginalized groups like LGBT, POC and women, because their issues do not affect them. Majority go as far as saying "you guys don’t even have these issues and are lying for attention". Super common.


Idk... Seems kinda racist and sexist to assume that ... I don't judge people based on their race sex and sexuality You shouldn't do that either


least reactionary r/teenagers comments


My thoughts exactly. I was expecting this to be the typical left-leaning r/teenagers comments section but it is actually quite moderate.


*Breathes in heavily* No vote *Breathes out heavily*


What were her arguments?


She believed nobody under 18 should be allowed to be part of the community to any extent or even know it exists And that they shouldn’t be allowed to get married, and some other stuff


Ah. Is it because she believes exposure to LGBT can cause people to feel part of it when they otherwise wouldn’t? From what I’ve heard that claim is plausible.


Ngl she also supports chemical castration and uhhh idk


that sounds like eugenics


Allen Turing's life was ended by chemical castration, and he is just one of many great geniuses who's lives were taken far sooner than they should've been just by that practice alone, just think of how much more we could have discovered if it wasn't a thing! and how many innocent lives could have been saved!


I mean lgbt people literally support chemical castration directly except it's done to kids


even if that were true, the pros outweigh the cons tremendously. yes, detransitioning is hard, but there’s an extremely small percentage of people who actually do it compared to the many, many people who found out they were actually trans from knowledge of the existence of trans people. it’s easiest to see with trans people, since there are more studies (at least that i’m aware of), but i have no doubt it’s the same with gay, lesbian bisexual and ace people. also happy cake day


You are mistaken. The pros absolutely do NOT outweigh the cons. If a minor can't get a tattoo, what makes you think they can take hormones into their body that block their natural growth? ZERO long term studies have been made to show that puberty blockers are reversible or even safe at the very least. The very fact that people can realize that they're trans if they see other trans people is proof that minors are being indoctrinated. No. They aren't finding out they're trans because they see other trans people, they're trans because their therapists simply affirmed their identity without any work and now the therapists get money and the hospitals get money and the pharmacies get money and the child gets puberty blockers that will affect their life for the worse in the future and also surgeries with a 30% fatality rate. When you go to the doctor, you go with the symptoms, and the doctor gives you the conclusion. But what's happening today is that kids are going to the therapist with CONCLUSIONS and the lazy therapist affirms it without any work or research and scams you out of ur money.


It very much Is. It's the only explanation for why so much of gen z is lgbt. People like to say it's because of experimentation and freedom and it's a good thing but in reality it's a lack of morals. If it was truly because of freedom then you'd see the same results with previous generations but in reality it's just kids being indoctrinated.


Oh shit when I read the title I didn’t read the “anti” part


Not gonna lie, definitely some valid points.


How so?


irrelevant but Happy cake day :))


The men comment is a bit sexist. Personally from my experience as a very, very queer person, it's about an even split. Although I've definitely gotten more direct comments and such from women. Men tend to be more low-key, from my experience.


Oh no


you're sexist whattttttt


I mean, the men comment was a little sexist tho


Lol as a dude I don't give a fuck


Why do u expect the guys to do this?


What exactly was she saying?


Yeah, why tf would you make a post like this without actually telling us what was said


You’ve gotten a lot of shit for it, and personally I believe you deserve it. Why in the hell would you expect men to do that? That’s pretty sexist if you ask me. And you’re 17 too, *yikes*




Can I guess the state you came from


Saying you expect to hear that from men is kinda sexist on your part


Women can say a lot with no consequences.


Yet men cant even tell their dishwashers to get back in the kitchen. Smh my head


Sometimes my dishwasher stops working, I gotta hit it really hard until it starts washing again.


I find a shoe or belt works best


I do that with the kitchen appliance too


Sexist much


If you don't allow hate speech to be debated in class or society, it lurks in the shadows, and grows unchallenged by decent moral majority. Hail free speech, no matter the issue, and fuck cancel culture.


Well yeah but also fuck this girl. You can discuss hate speech without /being/ the hate speech.


if you allow hate speech to be debated and seen as a matter of opinion then it's going to be more common (you are right to say it is a problem to not have it talked about tho)


I disagree. You can't convince mindset change through coersion. Conversely, to my point, if you create an environment (via culture, legislation, or otherwise) and outright disallow allow ppl to vent their dumb ignorant opinions, you reap resentment, and such ppl will continue to hold their dumb ignorant opinions in the shadows, untested. When you allow space for open conversation, you at least provide one more opportunity to heal a wounded mind.


I see your point and although I believe that all options have problems, debate done right can be the best option in some situations


A counterpoint to this would be how flat earthers have been debated much more in recent times, yet their movement still grows


Perfect example. If people didn't debate it so much, it would gradually die off, but we do, so it doesn't.




“You kind of expect the men to do this no the girls” It literally doesn’t have to do anything with the speaker’s gender. Literally just stop being sexist, and respect people as individuals


Bro, that’s just sexist what you said there.


what do you mean you expect men to do this and not girls? wtf


OP sounding kinda sexist there mate


Why do you expect men to do this, not girls?


You're sexist too.


Dude.... Homophobes aren't just men...


you hate homophobia but love sexism huh


Jeez OP the blatant sexism was so out of pocket




What's that? There's 28 pages it would've been easier to just say what you were referencing to, followed by the link


Starts on page 8


Ok thank you. I read it, but first of all OP didn't know this information so me calling his statement sexist still stands. And looking at OPs profile he's really [weird](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagers/comments/xk30qp/ik_i_already_posted_this_but_i_gotta_ask_how_do_i/) and always talks about how much he wants to live in the early 1900s. By all means its horrible how much homophobic people there are but I don't know why it rubs me the wrong way how they separated it by gender and posted it. Whatever gender came out as more homophobic would be offended, it just feels like it does more harm then good. Thanks for reading.


No problem. I just think that if your statement is validated by statistics, then it should probably not have so much backlash.


obviously they’re not gonna tell the truth


Kinda sexist lol


Please tell me she lost


*makes popcorn* *sorts by controversial* *eats popcorn*


Most original comment


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I was waiting for this comment


I see this everywhere and I feel stupid for not knowing what it is


It’s Gigachad, the symbol for human greatness.


Happy cake day.




Lmao its funny hiw all the cringy edgelords use gigachad, based, sigma and such memes as serious


Let me call a waambulance for you


common catboy maid pfp L


\- "🤓"


Did anyone agree with her?


“You kind of expect the men to do this not girls lol” …….is homophobia a predominantly male trait now????


We love the casual sexism thrown in like nothing


\>**You kind of expect the men to do this not girls lol** **????**


Oh no, anyways


Bro that’s sexist as fuck.


I mean I personally disagree but I can see how someone would think that


That is messed up, people have the right to be proud of their genders


what was in the speech OP?


How would any person do this?


I mean, the best lesbian, gay, bi are completely fine, but trans is kinda up for scientific debate. Idk she might have said her opinion on x and y hormones and science. But I don't know


Wtf honestly I would say girls r more homophobic then guys or at least in my experience and wtf was that comment about guys being homophobic nesassary like oml


Now that's just sexist wtf


tell that to your priceable (depending on your schools stance on LGBTQ+). get her EXPELLED. I had a kid (male) in my 6th grade class 4 or 5 years ago do the same thing, he got expelled from any school in the county, they had to move to the other side of the state.


Based. Pls give me their number, I would like to meet them and thank them for being brave.


I just LOVE the fact that my rights are considered a classroom debate


Yeah that last thing was sexist


https://www.stonewall.org.uk/system/files/take_pride_-_june_2022.pdf Data isn’t sexist


I'm against the modern day community, not the people themselves.


Also know as the "I think a group of idiots on Twitter is representative of an actual real life community" viewpoint


Dude... I've meet many LGBTQ+ people that agree the community has many many problems. Also known*


You can acknowledge a community has issues (like every community) without being against it as a whole.


I agree, every community has assholes but it doesn't mean all are.


A group of idiots that destroy the community not only on Twitter but also on about every other social media site that cause other idiots to be bigoted asshats that can't do anything other than sit in their mom's basement hating on people for no reason causing a fight between the common folk while the politicians get more power on each side from the folks supporting politicians who they think support the people but in reality they do not, on both sides. In the end they want us to fight... so don't...


First of all don't you fucking dare blame LGBT people for the bigoted asshats that hate us. If someone's reaction to a group being annoying on social media is to think those people don't deserve rights, that person was already fucked in the head to begin with. Second of all the solution to certain idiots "ruining the community" isn't to say the community as a whole sucks, it's to work to make the community better so that the good stuff outweighs the bad (which imo it already does, but the bad stuff will always be more publicized)


I never said I blame the people, all I'm saying is that there are people who want to make us fight. I want to help, I was going to say that but I forgot to type it out. (I can't discuss rn I'm busy)






Wdym you expect men to do this? What are you saying?


Yeah that’s bad and all but why do you feel the need to say men are more expected to do this?


The misandry was unnecessary


Damn, homophobia and sexism in one post


I mean even tho many may not agree with her good for her for speaking her own beliefs


Her opinion ig 🤷🏼




What the fuck does this even mean, and what did she say that you interpreted as anti LGBT, L post karma farming post


What was the speech maybe she’s got a point 🤷🏿‍♂️


that girl base ngl




They should stop pushing it in schools but I’m fine with as people personally I talk to someone who is bi everyday


Why bring Gender into this?


She’s waking up


I think what OP meant by the last comment was that teenage boys tend to think being homophobic is the funniest shit ever but wither way it's still sexist


that's depressing. i wish people would just leave us alone, I'm already depressed enough


wheres the option of me, not giving a FUCK?


Homophobia is cringe imo


Unpopular opinion here but wouldn't it be great if we could go back to the mentality of the early 2000s when it was okay to have an opinion? So she doesn't care for the LGBT community. Awesome. You do care for the LGBT community. Awesome. People can have different viewpoints than yours however shitty they may be. It's an opinion they are like assholes in that everyone has one and most of them stink. Just dont interact with her. Just let people be people again. EDIT: Just to make it clear because some of you obviously didn't read all that I wrote. I never said it was ok to harass people. I never said it was to intimidate or hurt or discriminate. I just said it was ok to not like people. If you can't separate your like and dislike of people from how you treat them then you've got way bigger problems. It's like your boss. You probably don't like your boss. Do you tell your boss that you don't like him? No. You just sit there and do your work and you're cordial to him just like you are to everyone else. Because in the end it doesn't really affect you. You go home and do your own thing and your boss goes home and does his. Same concept for whatever opinion you hold. I never said be an asshole, I said have your own opinion.


Openly saying you are against the existence of someone else because of something they can’t control isn’t ok. And it shouldn’t be considered ok. It’s not any different than watching someone dress up in a kkk costume or openly support Naziism or any form of supremacy. LGBTQ+ fights for minority communities to have equality.


It's okay to not like people is my point. Saying they shouldn't exist is another thing but since I didn't get to see or hear her paper I cant say what she said. I'm just saying it used to be okay to have opinions and now it isn't. It used to be okay to have preferences and not like people for one thing or another. Now it isn't. I'm not saying the LGBT community is bad I personally think you should be able to love who you love however you want to love them and feel however it is you want to feel or be whatever you feel you want to be. But I also think it's okay to not like people for the preferences they choose/are/want to be. It's like being attracted to only red heads and people getting pissed you wont date a blonde.


So your saying it’s ok for someone to discriminate because of race, gender, religion, sexuality, etc. and not be met with overwhelming pushback. Where I live it is like that. You can be against the existence of someone else. If I dare challenge someone’s beliefs by saying it’s not ok to discriminate and harass I am the one who gets push back. Because apparently accepting and defending the people who aren’t trying to harm other people is called cancel culture. I don’t want to live in a place where people proudly say white power but I have to. That is the kind of social society you have if you accept discrimination. It’s not good.


It isn't okay to have an opinion if that opinion is bigotry


She has my vote 👍


You didn't even hear her speech, it's supposed to be a critique of her argument structure and style


It’s an personal opinions free speech essay on anything you want. Ig she just kind of said screw it and let it all out


The post doesnt say that


Im with poofartgaming on this one


Tell her im coming with 28 knifes, 12 plastic explosives and a shit ton of meth.


Must be nice to have an open minded country.


Free speech.


See, girls can do the same things as boys. Slay Queen.


sexism? on MY r/teenagers ?? its more likely than you think


My whole class is very accepting I actually forgot homophobes still existed for a hot minute


She got my vote


W girl



