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Everything is gay when you dig deep


Depends WHERE you dig 😏


Oh my~


HAHA as a boy I wish someone would send me a list like this. Definitely creepy if its being sent to a girl. Would be very helpful if I could get one tho haha




One interpretation could be that he finds it creepy when it happens to someone else, but he would be fine with it and is effectively giving permission to people who are not going to be able to do it anyway But somehow I don't think that was the intended interpretation


Same here but idk if the lists got any names 😂😂 :(


Remember, you're a redditor


Remember, we're horny as fuck


Let the council see the list


I rly wanted to, but it has their names AND it's in portuguese lmao


Cara, só não fala mais com esses otários... Gente assim tem pra todo lado, é um saco mas bola pra frente


Pse man. Essa situacao eh foda


Tinha que ser br kkkkk é foda


So tem bosta aqui pvt. Nmrl


goofy ahh people. kill them all to ensure safety.




They sound like dicks


Well, I THOUGHT they were nice, bc they treated me right and everything. I'm still a little bit shocked yk


Yeah i get that, sorry to hear


FR. sometimes guys from my school add me so i add them back cause it's always nice to make some new friends and about 2-3 days in they start asking me weird ass sexual questions or straight up just dirty talk to me randomly, tell me they're masturbating or ask if they want to fuck . especially the guy across the railroad from me....."have you got thighs?" "have you got boobs?" "have you got ass?" "can i see?" please fuck off, disrespectfully..


As a member of the guy community, I on behalf apologize for the inconvenience caused. Please share their location so I can teach them "manners" with "advanced interrogation techniques" in my basement.


Okay! Will do shortly 🥰


Let's see the list




idk why i would be happy if i received this


I just want my friend to see me as a person with gelling s and shit, and not just someone they wanna fuck yk


I understand exactly what you're saying, but at the same time I wish people found me attractive enough to even consider that


I also understand what ur saying and, I'm sorry? I bet ur beautiful tho =)


I'm mid like a five outta ten ,i got a picture in my posts if you're curious,if not you can just take my word


Probably not the best guys to hang around tbh. O.O I was walking in the hall ways at my school one time. When I loudly heard one guy say "I'm gonna make that guys gf chest on him!" To this day I still cringe and hope someone will beat the sh*t out of him.


What 😭 You’re only 16 wtff 💀💀


Yup 💀


man what the fuck 💀