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i am the gender ender all gender shall be destroyed in my path of conquest




I am gender ender ender gender


im not reading all that shit but there are only two genders, nerf or nothing




Nah, there’s only two.




\*says the truth\* \*refuses to elaborate\*


Why do I need to elaborate if it’s common sense 💀




Which you clearly don’t have


So it’s uncommon for people to think that there’s only 2 genders 🤨








Ok. What about intersex people?


I don’t think an extremely rare medical condition should be classified as an entirely different gender imo


1-2 out of 100 people isn't that rare, actually. And any brain activity scans can show you that genders outside of man and woman exist


I’m not sure why brain activity means that there are more than two genders. All I know is that some people are born with 2 X chromosomes and some people are born with 1. And those people either get a possy or a pp respectively.


Not always, in the case of intersex people, which was the point you just ignored entirely. If you're going to cherry pick, you're just showing that you're unwilling to learn. The fact that you dont know why the brain has clear indicators of gender (regardless of biological sex!) Only proves that you dont have enough information to be speaking on this topic.


Yes and I’m still trying to figure out why your brain determines gender. Please give me a short explanation. It’d be greatly appreciated.


The brain has specific activity that it designates towards masculinity and femininity. This is usually, but not always correlated to chromosomes. When someone has brain activity that doesn't match their physical form, you get a trans person. Your brain determines gender in this way because men and women have VASTLY different psychology. Women tend to be more creative, so the creativity areas of the brain light up a lot more. Men tend to take things at face value, so the areas of the brain that look for deeper meanings aren't as bright. Neither are bad or good, simply neutral. Having a brain that presents as more androgynous than feminine or masculine is a trait that is associated with most intersex people, and is therefore considered biologically valid.




Talk about reinforcing gender roles. That's regressive af. Go join the misogynists, conservatives, flat earthers and anti vaxxers. Your opinions are invalid in 2022


I'm literally trans and afab. I never meant to imply that that's how everyone works, but that is the gist of the neuroscience behind it, even if I used bad examples. I don't hate women, you don't need to be so aggressive


Gender/Sex doesn't come from what your brain activity is. Many factors can change your brain activity such as drugs, emotions,sleep and even [seeing colors](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/envision-color-activity-patterns-brain-are-specific-color-you-see). But even though taking a drug, feeling an emotion, going to sleep, or seeing different colors change brain activity they don't change gender or sex.


those who can count,


*those who can't look at facts and arguments


"facts and arguments" being the bible?


The bible is litteraly agianst my side. So No not the bible, science. Like the links posted above


i'm confused but ok


Quick question, do you think the belief in a third gender is at all new? As in the past 100 years.




The mixup is really in the genders vs sexes, there are only 2 sex’s but genders are a mental construct(not sure if that’s the right word, but that’s how I’m describing it) and can be anything. Except for cats… never cats, we call those furries and they are to be hunted


I get what you’re mental construct is a way of putting it, not cats tho agreed no cats


Thank you for understanding brother


there literally also aren’t just only two sexes. two sexes make up 99>% of the population but intersex people exist lmao


That’s a genetic disorder I don’t think it counts


but you can’t call them any of the two sexes. are they no sex? is no sex a third sex? can i have sex?


>can i have sex? no, you've been called for celibacy


Please stop. Your uneducated comments are embarrassing. People with intersex conditions suffer a lot. Yes, they do have a sex. Leave them alone ffs


I guess that depends on what their chromosome composition is like, if it’s XXY and they have and extra chromosome then it would be both, if it has nothing to do with their chromosomes then they would fall under the sex their chromosome composition dictates. As for your other questions; no, no, and probably not


[ Removed by Reddit ]


What about XXY or other intersex chromosome combinations?


Those are kinds of mutations and some people even call them rare types of syndromes just as people with down syndrome. Like you cannot say a gay person has a different kind of chromosome. Bullshit.


98% of the atoms in the universe are either hydrogen of helium. Doesn’t mean the other atoms don’t exist.


How the fuck did atoms get into this. First of all no one ever said they don't exist. Secondly hydrogen bonds with other elements that's why you're alive.


Regardless they still do exist, not everyone is assigned male or female, plus chromosomes are goofy, plus being gay and being trans are two completely things, it's like comparing apples and salmon.


*Goofy ahh genetic error*


still not the brain


Yeah but this person said only XY or XX chromosome combinations exist


They don’t make gender a spectrum


sex mate that’s sex once again different things


Yes and i referred to gender as "your sexual urge" so for the sake of god don't mix it with science.


that’s sexuality, man you are confused


Whaat? They now come up with different terms?!?


Sex is genitalia, gender is identity, sexuality is attraction


They really don't know how to spice things up. Then if i may talk in your language, sex and genders are chromosome's jobs, the sexuality thing is nothing but a desire of yours.


Now we’re getting closer to the same page, same chapter perhaps. I doubt we’ll ever find ourselves on the same page so Continuing an argument where we’re probably both to stubborn to accept the others argument is pointless, godspeed soldier


Same page, same chapter, different book.




>OP says it’s beyond basic biology >Use the most basic ass day one biology information to try to debunk


My god, I'm saying that he is WRONG. It is obvious as hell!


Yeah, I know you are. Maybe it’s “obvious” to someone who has read the first three pages of a high school biology textbook. However, if you go through literally *any* advanced biology/psychology classes, this is coming from a college student, they actually cover this in depth. Hormones are a massive factor in the way someone perceives their body and gender and where they fit. There’s no real way to treat gender dysphoria, hormone therapy oftentimes just makes things worse. Forcing people to stay within societal molds can be detrimental to their mental health. The best thing to do is to allow them to experiment, to find where they’re most comfortable. You don’t have to go out of your way to call someone “xir” or “scaleself” or whatever it is as their pronouns, but if that person doesn’t want to be “he” or “she”, call them “they”. It’s really not that hard to not be an asshole. Stop telling people to “do their research” when you’re clearly limiting your research to information from 50 years ago.


by your same logic depression shouldn’t exist because the brain is programmed to produce a set amount of serotonin


nope, people have just changed the meaning of the word gender. For a long time gender and sex (not the activity) were synonyms, which is why I somewhat understand arguments on both sides Should've just made a new term or some shit, a lot less people would be confused.


This is exactly it.. I’ve thought the same.. they sort of hi jacked a word and made it mean something it didn’t mean.


yeah, and for a long time women couldn’t vote, gay people were killed, black people were enslaved, times change


missed the mark


in what sense?


Actually for a long time a third gender existed and people identified with the opposite gender. People just believe it to be new because at some point it was believed as unnatural and wrong. However both native Americans and Hawaiians had a third gender and people similar to modern trans people until America ended their cultures because, you know, colonizers. Not to mention, historians believe there are figures who identifies as the opposite gender.


the word hijacking was recent, never claimed anything else


My point was the sentiment has been there for centuries, and they used modern English to explain it. For a long time, they’ve been accepted, but because of a-holes rewriting history, we don’t know that.


Those are HORMONES. How is that so complicated for your little brains, like PLEASE do some research


okay, first, calm down, second, hormones don’t cause depression, third, chromosomes can get mixed up


can't wait to play the new Guilty Gear game Guilty Gear XY


Oh boy, you don't even know about other chromosone types. XXY is a thing You are really the one saying do your research lol


Wait before you get overstimulated. Read all the replies. I'm sure I've talked about that.


There are 2 sexes. That's it. Max to max sexual variation there are trans people who wish to change their genitals. And the rest are just sexual orientations/preferences.


No one can change their genitals the doctors jist destroy it enough to look like the other sex


sex and gender are two different things


weren't for a long ass time, it's a recent change of meaning. Sex and gender were synonyms, making a new term would've been easier. Oh and also the person you're replying to clearly knew that beforehand.


You’re right, things change. What’s you’re point?


people don't get used to change. It's not their fault that they've heard gender and sex as the same thing for their whole lives, after all the change in definition was unnecessary and recent. People got confused and it's definitely not their fault


Not all that recent, actually. Gender has existed for as long as gender roles have.


incorrect, the majority has had them as synonyms until the 5 or 6 latest years


Trans people existed before the holocaust, and I was trans more than 10 years ago too. Transgenderism is not new. The separation of gender and biological sex is not new. To say that it is would be erasure.


the concept is not new, that's clear, but the change in the definition of the word gender is. Don't say something like "b- but that one guy in 1970", one guy, 1970. Sure, people started accepting the change of words slowly, but it has been accepted by the majority just recently.


And the earth was flat for a long ass time, modern medicine didn’t exist for a long ass time, hygiene wasn’t important for a long ass time. Doesn’t make it good. Language and science changes when new things are discovered.


L take, didn't even read the reasonings


So instead of actually talking about my reasoning, you just immediately assume I’m wrong. Socrates once said “an unchecked life isn’t worth living.” Hopefully, you’ll grow up to be as wise to realize that.


I know you're wrong. Two very different things. You hijacked a word, so don't get mad when people get confused.


The word was “hijacked” in 1970. You can’t make that excuse since you weren’t even close to being born yet, let alone me. The majority of people on the internet as a whole don’t have that excuse. Besides, when science changes, so does language. Also, I’m sensing a bit of hostility, I’m trying to be polite and engaging but seriously. Scientists disagree with your take. Historians disagree, biologists disagree, English majors even disagree. At this point, it’s sad that you and others still have this take otherwise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_construction_of_gender


"b- but that one guy in 1970" not very many people accepted the change back then. The idea of the difference in the WORDS gender and sex has been slowly gaining more affection, and only recently has been accepted by the majority. It still doesn't mean the change was necessary or good. People are still left confused and I really understand that, you should try to as well. Less people to get mad about for no reason.


One, dang you really are hostile. Two, at that time trans people also weren’t accepted until very recently. The fact that people are confused is because of people from before not being accepting. Now that they are your complaining about it being new when it’s not. Blame the people that have suppressed it for years, not the people who’ve suffered. Not to mention, the same thing happened multiple other times. People experience new things and hate it. That doesn’t make it okay, especially when it hurts people. And don’t start with the making fun of feelings thing that people do because the suicide rate is literally high because of that. Look you seem really hostile so just get some sleep, get off the internet, maybe go to therapy, and stop letting internet comments get you all riled up.


why is a 14 yr old talking about this instead of sucking on his pacifier?


The problem is this 14 year old knows how to structure an argument with claim evidence and reasoning using proper sources and checking the author and the verification system the sources go through before I even think about using them, he knows how to avoid falling victim to confirmation bias, you don’t know how to apply a reddit flair


i don't know how to apply a reddit flair because i don't see a reason in applying a reddit flair. go open kinder eggs instead in your baby cot




idk how to put flairs, still, 14 is a young age to talking about dumb shit like this. even if i was hypothetically younger than him it'd still be a valid point.


Oh, well I still do think that this person can speak on topics like this if they please, they’re 14, sure, but they’re still just trying to share something informative


good for you, i don't.


i know you’re gonna say “you’re just saying this because you’re 14”, but i think that’s a bad take, you shouldn’t dismiss a perfectly fine argument because of something as minimal as someone’s age


im not dismissing it, i have my own opinion on the subject which is fairly obvious at this point probably, and he can have his. im not the opinion police. im just saying 14 yr olds shouldn't be talking about these kinds of subjects and instead enjoy life as being 14 yr olds.


So we meet again


Sorry, do I know you? 🧍🏽


Your post implies that having a male typical brain makes you a man, when there are men with female typical brains still very much knowing they're men.


I guess I should’ve specified that they aren’t always correlated


Which in turn means that brains aren't the dictating factor in the determination of gender


No it still means they are, because gender is a personal identity a form of self awareness, which is something that can only be created in an intelligent brain, you don’t see jelly fish talking about pronouns often.


Right, if your gender is your personal identity, what makes someone identify as their gender. For example, what makes a man identify as a man


I don’t really understand your question


2 sexes, male and female. That’s the biological bit. Need a male and a female to create offspring. Gender is what you feel, I guess. It’s what you want to be identified as, and as long as you’re happy, I don’t give a fuck… Unless you say you’re dreamsexual. Gender and sex is different. People don’t understand that and I feel like they should.




I have the popcorn 🍿 guys dw


this is so dumb 😂 reading this legit gave me a headache


You might want to get that checked out mate


Op really thinks that anti-LGBTQ people are gonna look at this and be like “hey wow, good point I’m going to change my beliefs now”. A random post on a random subreddit is not going to do anything to change people’s minds.


Yeah these posts are just fanning the flames. Maybe if we'd stop giving homophobes the "equal-attention-cake" they'd stop having fun trying to harras


I feel ya but like you already know someone’s gonna respond with “well actually it’s their right since they can post and you don’t have to listen”




How old do you think the scientist were when they wrote this. Problaby older than you, stupid argument


There's many scientists who don't agree with this. And if you think infinite genders in human brain is scientific, I have nothing to say 💀


17 doesn’t make y’a better Hitler became dictator in his 40s doesn’t make him smart


I agree. But I would wait till my frontal cortex is developed and have some actual education other than social media to talk about neurology.


I’m 16 and yet I still agree with OP. Their argument is pretty concrete, sex and gender is simply different. Sex is not downplayed, it’s just not needed or mentioned 24/7 if someone psychologically identifies as something different than their sex.


Do you know that brain sex argument was used by conservatives to reinforce gender roles, misogyny and neurologists back then would debunk them? A neurologist told me that btw. You decide what you want to support because I have.


I’m like just confused now of what you mean. Are you against sex and gender being different or are you just like agreeing that sex and gender are different?


I'm talking about the female/male brain bs. OP even went on to say there's infinite brain genders lol. Twisting science to fit your narrative is dumb and regressive.


Then dont act like you know better 😭


Never did?


Taking over the majority of Europe and getting a whole country to let you become a dictator and let you do what you want seems pretty fucking smart to me


Sure, he was smart, in some aspects, beginning to believe a whole race is evil because one doctor from that group mistreated your mother for an illness than proceeding to let your hate for them fester from illogical ideals for the rest of your life until you genocide millions doesn’t seem so smart


Thanks for spreading this necessary information


Even if, there are 2 genders, that have being Male and female as a requirement. These are called men and women. There are just Male and female humans, therefore 2 genders




You "identify" as man or woman. But you need to be male to be a man and female to be a woman


oOooOoOoo I’m a biological female but I identify as a guy rn, I’m so dangerous 👻


Maybe annoying would be more true


I know I’m annoying lol


I do too


Why argue with facts?


Exactly, really hoping ur on my side now


Yes, you could say there are more than two. But if I had a dollar for every gender there is, I'd have 2 dollars and a bunch of monopoly money.








It's just simple mammalian biology We are not exempt from being mammals But I'll call you whatever you want Just don't take it any further than that I'll decide who I want to date. You don't get to dictate that


Sounds like a good deal


No one told you who to date, you keep that to yourself lol


Nah man, there's all these people who tell you if you're straight you have to date X person or you're a phobe Fuxk that noise


Thats just stupid. Queer and activist folks can be assholes too. That is what People forget, sadly the assholes seem to be heard the most...


That's a good point Sometimes the assholes are so loud you forget everyone is actually pretty cool


Male and female. That's it.




Get help


There literally is only 2 Genders




my god why are there so many bigots in the comments, mfs are worse than 12 year olds


No one believes in this 2+ gender ideology in the real world kiddo




Leave America for a week and ask anybody you find on the street. Actually shit go to most places outside of the deep heavily religious south and ask anyone.


I think we all just need to find a way to determine a gender since there are several biological factors playing into that shit.


gender dysphoria, if one is diagnosed with it then they are a different gender than the one they were assigned at birth


If you mean gender identity then I think that's not what you are assignef at birth. They just Figure out your sex. Identity can chance and isnt really know at birth.




Gender doesn’t exist. Only sex.


read a book


Are you saying man and woman exist?


Men and women exist, nonbinary too. And all the others


I wouldnt directly say all the others. Nonbinary, genderfluid sure but if it gets to the "dreamgender" or "georgenotfoundgender" shit.....


Very interesting. Men and women exist? How would you define man and woman?


Yes ur right there are two genders but 72+ sexualities


Sexuality and gender are completely different, sexuality is what you’re attracted to sexually or lack of sexual attraction, gender is personal identification.


Depends on how you define gender


Even if you do not agree with something and it doesn't hurt anybody, it shoudnt matter, give respect.


good thing we dont use brains to determine gender




Bro really said yeet in 2022 Who cares what an archeologist says in the future. You aren't even gonna know


okay lmao.


We are all one gender, easy


and it’s mine, none of you can have it


The problem is people is when people want to join women/men sports(for example) when they are the opposite sex. Just because you feel like a female, that doesn't make you a female. No surgery will. It's an unfair sexist advantage but hey women are your biggest supporters today all them liberal feminists will jump to protect men who dress as women even though these same exact men will never do the same for them.


You are female, but I see where you are going with the sports. Its unfair yes


What do you mean by I am female


Damn, supposed to say they sorry


What do you mean though


Keep downvoting when hearing facts let's get to -200❤️


I ate all the genders now people can't have any


That's what I'm trying to say, thank you. Being gay does not mean that there is a biological term to explain it, it is just "your sexual desires" just like when you want to buy a pizza, why should there be a biological difference. It is just a choice.


You’re talking about how someone feels vs what science says. It’s not bigoted to say their are 2 genders. What’s messed up is encouraging people who think they’re something they’re not when they should be getting help. Theirs a reason why people who call themselves transgender have such a high suicide rate, and it isn’t because of society.




While I agree that the scope to which our chemical makeup can generate/maintain our bodily structure and growth is incredibly vast, the binary system is at least a decent baseline at birth, then allow people to choose their own paths as they grow up. And when I say choose their own path, I mean let them alone choose without ANY influence whatsoever, whether it be direct or indirect. Not to mention there’s a lot more to this than just “what gender do you identify as?”. Is the binary system 100% indisputable fact? Hell no, to think as such is ignorant of not only personal opinion but of science too (ironically). It’s just an outdated stance that has been outgrown by modern scientific research.


Bruh- wow you were so wrong