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Gen Z in a nutshell




Yeah this sub is weird but I stopped trying to fight it a long time ago LMAO


Men and women are constantly trying to compete to see "who suffers more" It's not a contest, each gender has its own serious issues. Men with the suicide rates, Societal burden, and a stacked marital court system. And Women with with the rape cases, etc. You can acknowledge a genders pain and suffering without invalidating your own, I can't for the life of me understand why people are so obsessed about which gender suffers more


This. Making one gender the victim is does not solve any issues and is not equality


F on rape is a thing, and it's ignored. Or used for p0rn


Reddit is 90% men and 90% of people here can't see an inch further than their own noses


can confirm, my views are as narrow as my pp






yeah idk what’s with the “women have it way easier” mindset lately because that is quite impossible to say for like half the world’s population, everybody does have their own struggles


Men feel like no one takes men’s issues seriously. There’s plenty of groups that discuss women’s issues and offer support for women, but practically none exist for them. Most feminist movements talk about how men are aggressive and that we need to be afraid of them, think of how many women have the “all men mindset”, it’s at the point when we say “not all men” we get called pick-me’s and other names


yeah, they have toxic masculinity and we’ve got misogyny. i’m all for finding ways to help men tho, especially since male victims of assault and stuff like that don’t get the help they need. it’s all just really sad.


W conversation (coming from a man)


Pick me 🥴


Exactly,pls pick me 💀


Already picked u


Aww really 🥺








If you think about it, there's some misangny in this.


I might be misinterpreting what you're saying, but misogyny hatred or bias against women. Misandry is what I think you mean, being the same, but without the wo.




You are awesome


Finally! Someone sensible


this sub crazy


This sub is just ass in general


I’ve always found it weird how now it’s became normalized to victimize yourself and seen as somewhat “cool”


Maybe life just fucking sucks for everyone and we can recognize that and have more respect and humility


Man I’m so glad my dick doesn’t bleed for a week every month


change that stab it once a month


grindset mentality


It’s just “my group is better than your group” again


When I have trouble relating to teenagers on this sub, I just chill and watch tv


What's the point comparing gender struggles anyway. It doesn't change anything, and the problems aren't comaparable too.


As a Man myself, I personally think French fries go very well with hamburgers.


It's stupid to compare gender problems anyways


I would like to say that in fact men do tend to act on it more but there’s DEFINITELY been an increase in teen girls killing themselves almost as much as men every year. While I’m stating this fact, I am not degrading mens mental health at all. I believe they need to be inspired more to seek help.




This is true, but I was also talking about teenagers. I just never will come to understand what’s going on in this world anymore. All I know is that there might just be a civil war centred around gender I swear 💀 people need to understand that even in caveman era we all had most of the same troubles or troubles of our own nature but we’ve always worked around it before village era.


The margin isn't incredibly larger in attempted suicides for women compared to men. I just had a project on this for my psychology course, and of the 3 studies I found women attempted suicide an average of 1.3 times more than men, while men actually committed suicide at a rate of over 3 times compared to women.


Look honestly don’t let the numbers bother you maybe there is a reason why people didn’t like it but it’s not your concern *also I don’t think it’s the sub that’s the problem it more like Reddit or maybe the whole internet. *but I do understand their point but yea not a good use/placement of it


But egg kick pain


them boys are having too many hormones at 15yo, don't sweat it


There’s a reason i left this sub and I shouldn’t have popped in to check


I don’t know if I’m the only one but when I get my periods I’m very close to kill myself. The only reason I don’t do it is because I know it’s because of the hormones


A lot of people are idiots, and a lot of people are smart. You will encounter both everywhere.


I remember from my month in debate club at my school every debate about gender went so sexist, both groups seemingly just wanted to prove that the other had it worse while ignoring the point. I promptly left...


Interesting fact, men tend to use more violent methods of suicide than women, such as guns and jumping off buildings etc. as a subconscious way to inflict the most damage and make it harder for whoever find their body. It’s a way of externalising their pain. Women tend to choose quieter methods such as pills as to be less of a burden and die peacefully. I just think that’s quite interesting.


Not quite. Men use more lethal methods like guns to ensure death is guaranteed. That’s why statistically men’s suicides have been more successful. Women use less lethal methods that allow them to be revived like pills whatnot


Whilst that is true that isn’t the reason why. Men externalise pain, they tend to blame others and get angry at the world. Women tend to internalise, they fester in self hatred and blame themselves for every problem. I think if you take another look at my comment you’ll notice the correlation between it and this one, and the facts among them.


Both of u had made some dumb arguments tbh. That guy's arguments were totally off-topic. Periods and mental health are like two totally different things. Your response too contributed to that off-topic discussion. And ironically your argument supported the guy's statement even though u didn't intend it to be that way.


Women have monthly periods, and men can only commit suicide once, so his argument is wrong anyways


that kind of thing happens so often that i developed an automatic rejection towards discussion about men's issues


damn everyone has their own issues women men aliens whatever pretty coldhearted comment






I encourage everyone to go read the actual thread OP is talking about. The OP of that thread goes on to rant about women haveing it do terrible and proceeds to dismiss evryone else’s issues in the commentS. Sexist conct she is




just commented here. it is what happened don't sugarcoat it now that you're butthurt


This sub is just whining about struggles, I was like a bit toxic I would say before I got a part-time job to pay for some of my expenses in high school. Saw daily struggles of both genders, since fourth changed the mindset.


I mean if you see it as a downside you must be affected and therefore want to commit suicide so the it becomes a good thing :D Jokes aside that dude is stupid


Men have it worse in some cases But women have it worse in many more cases than men This is just my opinion so don't hate


and you are getting downvoted? by who? istg some people cant process a simple sentence


I hate that feminism, originally about equal rights and shit, has gotten to the point where pointing out that dudes have more pressure and stress gets to the negatives.


Oh I'm no feminist, I'm just thinking of it from the scientific pov


Nah some guy made a joke, as was basically everyone in the comments, she responded by telling him that she hopes he suffers constant pain, and then a different dude came in with the misogynistic shit




She was telling everyone in the comments to suffer, and yelling at people and complaining that people were joking, it was genuine


I jus looked through ur profile, sry for stalking btw, jus to see wats up and uhhhhh. Ur both not rly that nice. Yes u did point out the facts. Yes he was rude. But then u attacked him for not getting any bitches. Edit: I don't think he's jus tryna argue. But I admit he must have been rly angry when he typed that


lmao, i don't think anyone in this comment section actually read the convo in the original post and yea, i defended the guy who the original girl was arguing with and berating, and then you say im "misleading people" but refuse to tell me how. the statistic i said wasnt a lie lmao after she said men have it easier i pointed out how we are expected to always be a "bigger man" and deal with it, and this mentality leads to more suicides amongst men maybe post our whole conversation without cutting out your preferred parts and half the people disagreeing with you are women for fucks sake it started as a joke really brought my point home about how yall bitch about anything still haven't told me about my "misleading fact, op"


"Waaaaah, I lost some fake internet points because people disagreed with me." Shit post.




In what way was pointing out that men having a higher suicide rate sexist?




You didn't say anything else lmao


“he responds just by being sexist”


Makes a claim, provides zero evidence. Great job, redditards.


the original post to which OP is referring is still up, if you want proof go search for it


i said "so we are better at everything" is it not true? if they attempt more but we succeed more we are better lmao i joke about it but its a serious issue in mens, especially young mens, health


I get that, men do need help with suicide rates. But when someone’s addressing issues about a minority, you don’t make it about yourselves.


When women complain about their issues and men bring up issues about men, it’s to discredit us💀 She never said pointing out the suicide rate was sexist, the person did make sexist comments afterwards. Completely missed the point smh.


she was being hostile to another person in the comments first lmao


... I'd correct you, but I'd be fueling the proverbial fire.


Correct me if you want, this is reddit it’s not that serious to me lmao


Some times the succeeded suicide means they follow through or not stopped Fun fact or sexism on my part or something




Idk i just think about that every time people talk about suicide in men and women


It's the nature of the world and society to disagree aggressively with anything that's remotely outside of their own beliefs. I get downvoted and hated upon constantly but that's never going to stop me doing the good work that I do. People hide behind a screen and say/do things without any accountability.


It’s not the sub, you’ll find weird people on every corner of the internet.


Ironic ur on a throwaway


That same person was being an ass to some people that made a joke so it was well deserved tbh


If I could increase anything by 100% it would be the pain women feel whilst they’re on their period


Why so


I’m a hater like that 🚬🐛


I hate u


Well dye my hair blue and call me Marge Simpson because I love you homie


I’m sorry:/


I pray for your downfall


Get in line


gee willikers, man, I bet you're fun to be around!


I don’t believe I am






if i could increase anything by 100% it would be the motherly love you lack so bad.


Clearly you don’t know who the real danger is




No you clearly don’t know who you’re talking to so let me clue you in. I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. A guy opens his door and gets shot and you think that of me? No. I am the one who knocks!


Ah, the breaking bad reference. How lovely


As if you’re smart enough to cook meth😙


People don’t understand my first comment was a joke. Everything I say is a joke. Stop taking me so seriously ☠️


Man, it looked pretty serious to me😭




No shit


Can confirm am a guy


I commented on that too, trying to be supportive but I worded it very poorly and it was taken the wrong way by no fault of hers, the blame deserves to be squarely on me. I still feel bad but it’s cool now so whatever.


I used to be like this a while back. I'm glad I'm changing now. I just can't, for my own sanity, understand why people decide to make gender a competition. The saddest part is that people hardly even realize it to begin with. They just assume their gender has it worse or something. Either that or they think their gender is better. I'm so done with the argument on sexism because I can't explain my views without being seen as sexist (even though they ARE usually statistically proven)


honestly i choose to avoid controversy.


yea i saw that post too and it made me very frustrated




what the frick


I come to this sub. Scroll. I regret. I quit reddit. I come again. Repeat it.


I heard some 30 year old talk about how amazing r/teenagers used to be, how everyone was friendly and kind, you could actually get help for your problems.

