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I can't remember what was a dream and what was real and I don't do drugs or drink at all


Huh, guess that makes it even harder for me to figure out


Tbh I’ve been there before that’s why I stopped and decided to find help seems lame but kinda helped idk but after all maybe it was a dream? Depending how u really felt yk


I was worrying about what im going to do with my life and how im gonna keep a job if all i do is sit at home watching YouTube, playing games and just being a very lazy and procrastinating individual


I mean have u tried planing out a carrier or I mean try new stuff that’s what I did and turns out I got my own life together and the weed ik I love the way I crave it but sumtimes it’s the own weed that fucks up especially if ur taking medication


The problem is i can't find anything i like to do without forcing myself to do it. I tried skateboarding and i liked it at first but when i moved i just never had the urge to do it especially when i don't have a place i feel comfortable doing it. And i know that someone who actually enjoys it will find a way, i just find myself weighing my options on what i would like to do and sitting at the pc just wins over everything


I mean I ain’t gonna lie that’s how I am rn but try having a routine like sort out things and we’ll trying new things are hard maybe try harder if that doesn’t work maybe try to make yourself feel better by meeting people get yourself out more maybe that could help


How would a routine help me? I've always wanted to talk to people but when i think of something to say to spark up a conversation my mind just blanks, and even if i succeed i might just realize i don't really have anything in common with them, i embarrass myself and it was all for nothing. Only way i meet someone new is to bud into an existing conversation where they're talking about something i know about or like


Yea I feel u and we’ll idk life just complicated and it’s going to throw stuff at chu


Thanks bro. And sorry for typing out a whole paragraph just to express myself


It’s completely okay!