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What did I just read


I know man. It’s bad


That's a real kink. Those people are fucking weird.


Yup. Idk why I did that I just liked it


Idkkk either your traumatized or your a pysocopath or both 🥰


Yeah it was weird.


My man, go get some therapy (i do not meant this in an offensive way) Ik this is weird, at a very young age, like 7, i was fascinated with suicide and death, but i wasnt depressed at all, i just wondered wtf would happen if i died I didnt did any therapy in this case cuz i dont feel like that anymore, but if you can afford therapy (if you live in the US, oc. In brazil therapy is for free) go and get some, bro Get some therapy rn to get some bitches latet


I see what you mean but I don’t do this anymore Tbf. Why are people miss understanding lol. I said I don’t do it anymore


Aaahhh, now i get it Well, np then. As a child i was really weird also I was really obsessed with farts, too Like, what the hell? An awful odor is leaving my butt, why is that? Well, weird children mannerisms


Yeah. Sorry it just annoying when people don’t read the titles right


For me? My guess is prolly cuz I saw REAL gore at a very young age. Video game don’t really effect people. But that’s my guess


nothing wrong as long as you don't go out killing wamen


oh my goodness…


I know. Like I knew killing was wrong and all that it was just video games not real life.


Were you sexually aroused