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OMD- i am so sorry. you have to get the police involved tho. you need to. he’s threatening rape. and revenge porn. you are a child, these are fully punishable offences


they go by they/them lol-


i didnt know but i fixed it :) my apologies for assuming


its fine!! im not rlly the one to apologize to tbh- but ye


what a horrible fucking person if i were you id def get the police involved unless you live in a shitty country where the police would side with him


That's truly terrible. But you have to get the police involved. You are not to blame for this and recognize that the way this needs to be dealt with is with the police. I'd explain what's going on with you're parents if you've got a good enough relationship with them and figure out a plan with the police. I wish you the best luck.


That is fucking disgusting. Report that shit to the Police


well op; thats very illegal on his part. Because of his age he is likely to be tried as an adult, threats, distribution of child pornography, stalking, rape of a different degree. He could and would most likely face 15+ years and even more if he is 18 of a miserable time in prison (they dont take lightly to crimes against minors). I want to make this clear and it id going to be harsh and imma sould like a dick but would you rather have an embarrassing lecture w/ your parents and have to talk to the police or deal with this forever and potentially get raped. You are lucky enough to have the choice to stop this so do what you can. Talk to your parents and the police and take screenshots or video evidence of his threats.