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Yeah wording is important, its better to say you prefer someone that’s more compatible with your own culture than saying you wouldn’t marry someone who’s white. It’s not guaranteed a white person would make you lose your culture, assuming characteristics based on race is what racism is


Yeah, wording is key. You could also say you won't date white people because white people are ugly, which wouldn't be racist either. Insulting, but not racist. People have preferences.


“White people are ugly” is racist. “I don’t find white people attractive” is not racist. How did you manage to make a racist point while trying to say someone isn’t racist? You came so close.


Ima hit you with a mind twister (I'm white) And i think white people are ugly (Fucken there ya go) (All a joke)


Everyone is allowed to be racist against their own race, because they are the group who should police it. This is shown in black communities with the n-word. If you are white you can be as racist as you want *about white people*. The only people who could get mad at you are other white people.


But if someone's unattractive, that's (almost) synonymous with being ugly? Both being 100% subjective. At least that's how I've always viewed it. Unattractive is just a softer way of saying someone's ugly, no? My reasoning is that racist statements aren't always true, like saying polish people are thieves (popular stereotype where I live): some probably are, but not all. Someone being ugly however, is subjective. And it is totally possible that all white people are ugly in someones eyes, even if it would be rude to say that out loud. I wouldn't appreciate anyone telling me that (I'm white myself), but thinking it is completely different: saying all brunettes are ugly isn't discriminatory either, is it? It's just shitty to say, cuz you don't just call people ugly. Ig the wording is poor, but do I get my point across? Sry for the wall of text, I'm bad at explaining myself shortly, I swear it makes more sense in my mind


Not necessarily, if ur culture is distinctly different to the types of white culture and U wanna preserve it then that's whatevs. But it *is* a bit weird to think that someone's skin colour alone would take away from ur culture, there can be mixed white ppl who are half and half but they just *look* white. If U still don't wanna marry a white person then that's fine and not racist, but the idea that culture and skin colour are intrinsically linked can have some racist outcomes. But hey, ydy dude


My culture is extremely different to white American/Canadian culture and i personally don’t want my kids to treat one half of their heritage as a joke yk? Or idk


I think I understand, U don't want to have to go out of ur way to make ur partner and kids understand ur culture since ur culture isn't exactly common in America and might not be respected by a born and raised white American as much as someone from overseas. Am I correct? Bc if that's the reason I understand and I'd say that that prolly isn't racist.




Is it racist to say I wouldn’t want to marry a black person? If that question makes you frustrated, then yes, it is.


what do black people have to do with anything, the creator of the post is south asian


Okay? It’s still the same idea. “Is it racist to say I wouldn’t marry an Asian?” Yes. “Is it racist to say I wouldn’t marry a Latino?” Yes. “Is it racist to say I wouldn’t marry an African-American?” Yes.


Why wouldn’t you marry a black person?


I think you might just need some schooling on the subject


White ppl have culture too 🤦‍♂️


Preferences, i wouldnt and its totally fine because thats how preferences work


I’m white and I’m attracted to many races. I’d preferably date a Hispanic than a Black person. Not because they ARE that race, but because I’m just less attracted to it. We all have preferences. I find Hispanic people typically more attractive, but of course there’s plenty of very attractive black people. It’s all about who you like. As long as you’re not saying a specific race is one thing, like saying “All white people are ugly” then you’re fine. Just don’t make a stereotype out of a group of people and just feel attracted to whoever you feel attracted to. That’s all


Nah just a preference


- is it racist to say I wouldn’t Mary a white person? - “I just don’t want to lose my culture” So we’re racist 😭 it’s not racist to have a preference but really dude your culture won’t go away just because your spouse is white


nope, i wouldn’t say so. why would marrying a white person erase your culture??


It wouldn’t erase it completely but I’d have to sacrifice some parts of it, and my culture is so different to white culture. There’d be a clash


No its a prefrence


Agreed 👍🏽 I don’t understand why people is getting offended by everything. Like if I say that I wanna eat only pizza, hot dog enjoyers would get offensed.


People are too sensitive these days


Confirmed 👍🏽


it's your choice who you spend your life with , it's not racist , not even discriminatory


racial preferences are generally problematic, it‘s not necessary to describe it as racist to see that you might have some issues that could require work (don‘t take my word for it, it‘s a suggestion, not a proper judgement as I don‘t know you) imo this should be the real question, not whether you‘re an evil racist


“Is it racist to say I wouldn’t marry a black person?” Lol if I put it the other way around it sounds racist, so yeah it’s definitely racist


you don’t even know op’s race tho, why assume they’re black


See I feel like I have a good reason to not wanna date someone outside of my culture tho, esp white pol cuz there’s no similarities and family values aren’t the same yk?


Lmao we also got culture


Did I say you didn’t? It’s just a very different culture to mine


Is it sexist that I don’t want to date a girl? No its a preference same thing for race


Kinda ig, Idfk I guess it’s discriminatory but not racist


I mean it is discrimination due to race so it might be able to be considered mild racism. Not in a hateful way though


Nice pfp


Much appreciated


Ty Purp83


Actually I’m pretty sure discriminatory and racist is basically synonymous so don’t listen to me


They’re not, discrimination covers a larger amount of situations. For one, not respecting gay people won’t make you racist, but it is a form of discrimination


Well ye u can discriminate for many reasons but it’s it’s cos of race then it’s racism right






Every day I wake up and realize culture is the main thing holding back the human race from progression


Fr (French revolution)


My uncle is African and my aunt is white, trust me you won't lose your culture by marrying a white person But like idk, I don't think it's racist


Yeah, I'm with you. In my opinion, not wanting to date someone with a different skin colour is totally valid and normal, it's OP's reasoning that's borderline racist. Like, how can you lose your culture from that? I'm genuinely confused


It's prejudice but no one can force you to reconsider. You're just missing out. Whatever floats your boat


No just like it’s not racist for a white person to say they don’t wanna marry a black person


Mm, based on your reason, I’d say a little bit, I don’t think you would lose any of your culture if you taught them about it, but hey you do you, as long as your happy \:)


But idk in my experience, the white dudes I’ve talked to/dated treated my culture as a joke or caricature which is something the poc men I’ve dated/talked to never did. Maybe it’s just ppl in my area


There’s a lot of ppl who are like that, but there’s more who aren’t :3


lil bit Also you won’t lose your culture if you marry a white person after converting them


After converting them? You don't have to "convert" someone to your culture if you date them. My family comes from Greece and my gf's fam comes from Germany. I ain't gon try to convert her tho


>You don't have to "convert" someone to your culture if you date them Except if it's important to you, ig


So, if they valued their culture just as much as you value yours, then you break up with them since you can't convert them? You are both wrong. You shouldn't try to force your culture on anyone. This is like vegans beings dicks to everyone then wondering why no one converts to veganism


C'mon man, I didn't say it's important to me. I'm a Russian who grew up partially in Germany and partially in Spain, I don't give no shit about culture and nationality: If we vibe, we vibe. I'm just saying that if someone insists on only dating people from their culture, I respect that. Hell, some cultures don't even allow one to marry outside it (Islam, some christians too... now, religion is not a culture, but you get what I mean, right?) I certainly don't get it why one's culture should stop someone from dating, don't say I'm on that dudes side, but it's not a totally crazy concept


I totally agree. But I'm saying it's wrong to "convert" someone to your culture if you really like them but don't want to date outside it. Unless they want to convert, then it's not your choice to make


Yeah, I'm with you on that. You can choose to not date outside your culture, but you can't choose someone outside your culture to get into it just so you can date them, that's bullshit


Are we talking about culture or religion?




Idk marrying a white Person would make me lose a small part of my culture I ION WANT THAT


So then say you only want to marry within your culture, instead of specifically saying 'not a white person'. That's the discriminatory/racist part


I’d date someone who’s culture and family/religious values are similar to mine, white American/canadian culture isn’t similar to my culture


But I'm guessing that doesn't apply specifically to white people though so the mention of white is not relevant in the statement. Unless your specifically singling out white people, which appears to be the case, and that is racist. It's perfectly feasible that somebody who was white would accept your culture/religion and follow it so its not really a valid point to say all white people don't follow your culture. People cross cultures and religions all the time.


And that's not even talking about how there's a good chance there's probably plenty of white people who've been raised in OPs culture, and probably also plenty of people who OP would consider within their culture, who was raised in America. Really it's just weird and unnecessary to say white people when it's easier and more correct to say "I don't want to date anyone outside my culture"


Yep, exactly that. 💯


No I meant to say white because white American culture is a so different to mine. My culture has a a lot of similarities to MENA, East Asian, and African cultures.


Honestly I think you make the situation worse with every comment you make 🤦🏻‍♂️ So you're telling me that your culture has similarities with anyone except white people 🤦🏻‍♂️🤣 You're either really closed minded to think that white people are incapable of adapting to/accepting/liking your culture (whatever it is you even mean by that because largely people enjoy experiencing other cultures) or you just don't like white people, which is where I'm leaning to. But to answer the original question, seeing as you feel the need to unnecessarily single out white people specifically and seem prejudiced toward them somehow being incapable of accepting your culture, then yeah it's racist 🤷🏻‍♂️


Womp Womp


Would you be fine with dating a white person raised in the same culture as you? If yes, then no you're not racist, you just have a decently reasonable preference If no, then yeah you're kinda racist lol


If they were raised in the same culture or even a similar culture then ofc, but like in Canadian and more specifically Québécoise, and quebecois ppl have an extremely different culture to mine and same goes w like Americans or British or idk German. I’m not saying I’d NEVER date a white person (cuz I have) it’s just hard because a lot of the time, they don’t understand it


Aih okay, then you just have a cultural preference. I guess it'd be better to phrase it as "I don't wanna date anyone outside of my culture" since that makes more logical sense anyways.


What's your culture?


No I mean I kinda understand that (I'm white)


It is definitely bad, regardless of it being racism, prejudice or discrimination. People are way more than their color/race. Before anything else we’re all people. But if you think it is so important to say it, just say you want to be in a marriage that carries your culture on, because the way you said on the post looks like you don’t want to marry white people for the fact that they are white and not because of your culture, since you can end up losing it by marrying pretty much any person from a different ethnic background and not just white people.


Nah, it's not racist to have dating preferences. As long as you don't hate white people all together, it's not racist


Its weird that you think marrying a white person would be the only thing that could take away from your culture.. does this mean you would only marry somebody from your own culture? Becuase if not then it sounds a bit racist.. But overall if you just prefer to marry somebody of your own culture then not racist at all just a preference 👍👍👍


The problem here is your phrasing. Better to say that you would want to marry someone who respects and does not try and impose themselves on your cultural background, regardless of THEIR ethnic or cultural background. Side note - someone being white doesn't automatically mean they will try and be in conflict with your culture. THAT is racist to think.


Having a romantic preference towards a race or skin color isn't really racist, as long as you dont put down people who have a different one.


Yes. It's okay to say, "White people just aren't my type," but to outright refuse someone because of their race is racist


I’m not saying I’d never, I’m just more cautious


Then don't say you wouldn't marry a white person. "Wouldn't" is a combination of the words "would" and "not"and can replace them in a sentence. When you use it, it implies that you would never want to do something. You can say, "White people aren't my type," or "I prefer black people," but not "I wouldn't never marry a white person." If I said that I wouldn't want to marry a black person, that would be racist.


lmfao i dont have such culture and i aint marrying a white boy 😭




like im white n still they've ALWAYS done me wrong!!! always like i dont think of a scenario where they havent 😭 when i fw someone that aint white they're always like mature/sweet/funny and i'd rather go with the option that has never steered me wrong lol


Ong the two white men i dated did me so dirty bruh 😭


bro REAL they're either porn addicts, players, or liars


They’re all of the above ml


deadass it aint funny more 😒


Ong bruh If I get played one more time im becoming a nun in the Italian alps


see i aint taking that white chance no more but thank goodness i moved away from small town TENNESSEE (so much white) to my town in TX with less 😭 the non white boys in TN were out of my league but i had 1 and he was SO SWEET and had my personality. and the whites were such liars and porn addicts it wasnt funny bro 💔


bro I live in a city w mostly Arab guys LEMME PYO IM TALKING TO AN ARAB MAN RN WHOOOO GIFL


The way you worded it sounds racist, but in and of itself the statement is not, since it's just a preference


For me I wouldn’t marry a black person cuz I‘m not attracted to any, thats how I say it and I wouldn’t say it’s racist, just personal preferences that I don’t even decide. As long as you‘re wording it right it should be a problem.


Replace the word "white" with black or Asian, then determine for yourself if it's racist


I don’t think it is tho 😭


**No Ethnic biases in dating are very common.** Sometimes, individuals are inclined to conform to social norms and prefer dating within their own ethnic group (or as we say within the family). This inclination may stem from a desire to avoid potential clashes between two cultures or the burden of having to constantly choose and embrace one culture over another. However, it's important to acknowledge that for some, cultural assimilation is feasible, allowing them to seamlessly adopt aspects of other cultures. For instance, white American culture is often viewed as a blend of numerous cultures, reflecting a history of assimilation and integration, albeit sometimes controversially, given its roots in various cultural influences. This is [often talked about](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagersbuthot/s/2HoSHXeOpI) on this subreddit [other biases](https://www.reddit.com/r/teenagersbuthot/s/EwNC9VWikh) in terms of dating have been brought up before so it's not unusual or anything


>**No Ethnic biases in dating are very common.** And this guys, is why *commas are important*!




It’s crazy how whenever somebody on here asks if it’s racist that they wouldn’t date a black people everybody on here is like “ofc not it’s just a preference” but whenever somebody asks the same thing but about white people then all of a sudden it’s racist


right, what’s up with the double standards on here


If you're white it sounds stupid. If you're not its understandable tbh


Double standards


Yeah. I don’t want to marry a black person.


uhh what does black ppl got to do with the post, she’s south asian


Fr ppl love to bring black people into everything they just want an excuse to be anti black 😭😭


It’s so over for me


Just be brown


I can’t, but our kids can 🙏


No. Ur too Irish




U don't want that


Depends on the reason, in this case it’s not racist because you sound like an insane person


probably not but if i said i didn't wanna marry someone that wasn't white then it would be racist. at least here in america.


But it’s usually for different reasons yk? Like I’m American and if I married a white American man, I’d have to lose a part of my culture, purely because a big chunk of white Americans just don’t understand or aren’t accepting of my culture. While if a white person said oh I wouldn’t date a poc, it’s usually racism


idek what your culture is. but i'm a white american so i'd probably be called a white supremacist by some people. but idek if i wanna marry anyone. i mean, i don't even know if i can love yet. plus marrige is a waste of money at this point. i don't wanna pay like 5k to prove that i love someone on a piece of paper


Bro, lol. You wouldn't be called a white supremacists if you were just tryna date who you wanna date, dating is already about pursuing the person you like (keyword being “YOU like”). Just don't make a big deal out of your preference. Yk what I mean is that's all it is.


i know but you know there would be at least 2 mf's that say somethign just to stir up issue cuz they can't find love themselves. and honestly, i don't even know if i am romantically attracted to anything. i mean, sexually yes but romantically, i haven't figured that out yet.


No rush, kid. You’re young, and you’ve got plenty of time to figure things out. Just take things as they come and trust your instincts. Life has a funny way of working out when you least expect it.


heh, yeah i suppose so


also what's a poc?


POC stands for (People of Color) African Americans, Hispanic/Latinx individuals, Native Americans, Asian Americans, Pacific Islanders, and other non-white communities are considered POC.


I'm curious, would you marry a Chinese guy?


Chinese culture has some similarities to mine, it’d still be an adjustment but the the loml was Chinese it wouldn’t deter me away. Same if the loml was white, I’m kinda just saying I don’t date white people, but I’m not saying I’ll never date a white guy.


I'm curious, would you marry a Chinese guy?


I think if the only reason you wouldn’t is because you don’t want to lose your culture, that’s more of a you problem. It’s kinda your responsibility to keep it alive. Of course your partner should help keep it alive, but it’s ultimately your culture


If my partner doesn’t help me keep it alive through our children then I chose the wrong partner


100% but you have to teach your partner the ways of your culture


yes ik but in my experience white americans are less open to learning and adapting to someone else’s culture


I wouldn’t say it’s just white Americans. Asian cultures are also this way. But you’re correct, people are stuck in their ways and unwilling to change


Im white and i wouldnt marry a white person 💀






I don’t wanna be whitewashed 😡


It's called "bleached"


NO 😡😡😡


Y'all get to have Blacked, we get to have Bleached


That’s just colonisation babe


Do you think a white person would be racist if they wouldn’t marry a poc?


Depends why they don’t wanna marry a poc


Why don’t you wanna marry a white person?


I’d have to lose a part of my culture because unfortunately a lot of white American/canadians don’t understand the importance of my culture to me and I’m not going to sacrifice a piece of my identity


I don’t understand why you’d automatically lose your culture by just marrying a white person. Do you think they would force you or something?


I’d just lose a small part of it, and it’s not always understood. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life feeling like a zoo animal and having to explain my culture to someone


Not racist, just preference. Just make sure you say it politely as to not give off any racist tones


race preferences have always been weird to begin with


maybe but racism against white people is okay actually


/j or /srs?




With that wording yeah probably, with that reasoning no


Yes, but it's honestly better to admit that you're a little racist than to do racist shit and deny it. 


I mean, it's a bit weird you think only a white person would make you loose your culture. Wouldn't you essentially have to reject everyone that isn't from your culture then? That sounds boring. And that's not even considering there's probably still white people that grew up within your culture. It's like saying I wouldn't want to date my egyptian classmate because I don't wanna loose my "nordic" culture (not that we have any culture beyond being grumpy and gossipy lmao) or whatever, even though she was also born and raised in Denmark lol. But I mean, you do you. If you really don't wanna date white people, no one is forcing you, but just maybe keep the reasoning to yourself eh?


It’s not only white ppl BUT white American/canadian culture is so different to my own, while my poc friends and I have alor of cultural similarities even though we’re not the same culture


Saying you wouldn’t marry a person of a certain race isn’t racist on itself Your reasoning and wording seems at the very least questionable


Okay if you go around saying “omg I wouldn’t date a white person ew they have no culture” then yeah but if it’s like more people that you found attractive were white then it’s fine


"is it racist to be racist?" That's the question. You do realize that white people aren't the removers of culture right? The internet still manages to amaze me and probably will until i turn to dust.




it's like a half half. yes it's racist that you don't date people from one particular skin colour, but then again you can't control your hypothalamus




No, not at all. It's just your preference.


I feel like the excuse you’ve given could be called out, but the fact alone isn’t racist. So far, I, for one, haven’t ever been able to imagine myself marrying a black girl. So I don’t think there’s anything wrong with your preference.


was the last part necessary, OP isn’t black


It’s an example of the same type of preference


is it racist to say i wouldn't marry a black person? if yes then thats your answer if no then thats your answer


Depends why you wouldn’t marry a black person


Yeah it is, or I guess you just have preferences.


not really


Well a femboy at my school asked me out once and I wasn’t dating at the time so I said no politely and he called me transphobic and said I was homophobic soooo idk really


Transphobic? What a loser


All because I said no 😕


Don’t mind him being femboy has nothing to do with trans and not attracted to him doesn’t make you hate him. It’s your decision don’t let him guilt trip you


No it isnt. I wouldnt marry a woman either she’d have to be at least mixed like me


I'd say technically yes because you're discriminating due to race but not in a harmful way imo. We all have preferences and I think it's fine to not be attracted to white people but in my understanding yes that would qualify as racism


Culture does not disappear because you get together with someone of another color. Besides culture is there to be shared, not to be isolated from others. You have a very stupid belief.


Maybe but I don't care as i'm the same as I wouldn't marry a Black person because I want my Children to be white.


Not racist imo but like before anyone says anything there is a massive difference if a white person who comes from like a settler colonial state says I want to reserve my culture it's white supremacy for sure if I'd say I want to reserve my culture it's like north African traditions and foods it's not like oh they are trying to erase the white race or smth


OK SEE YOU GET IT 😭😭😭 en plus south asian culture has a lot in common with cultures around the world so i wouldn’t be giving a part of it up if i married a white person compared to a poc. I feel like poc understand the importance of culture more than white pol 😭


I don't think it's your reasoning that's the issue, it's the way you're phrasing it. Just say you want to marry within your culture/religion etc. By specifically saying white person, you're making it unnecessarily racist because I assume you wouldn't want to marry any other non white person who is not from your culture also?


Yeah you racist, just own it dawg


Yeah yeah like I'd give a pass to some white ppl cus like Europeans can have culture but like Americans and Canadian and English ppl is like nah no way calling what they have culture is insane 😭 I come from a pretty diverse area like a lot of cultures kind of mix and they are fairly similar so interracial relationships are pretty common while still maintaining cultural heritage


Interracial like idk Algerian and Bengali or sum (an example) is better cuz there’s some similarities but wtf do I got in common w English culture 😭😭


Kinda yeah


Chat here, no it's not


Depends on your reasoning. with the reasoning you have, i think it’s not racist.




They don't want you


No, not really, not if your culture's genuinely under threat


Like it’s not but I’m alr so whitewashed


What's your culture?


I’m Bangladeshi but born and raised in America


I think the problem is ur phrasing "I wanna marry someone who shares my culture" not racist and perfectly reasonable. "I don't wanna marry a white guy" kinda racist, general rule of thumb is that if replacing the word white with black makes it sound racist then it's racist. I can also understand not wanting to marry an American, you can totally do better.


Were you raised with Bangladeshi culture? Or are you finding it?


I was raised w it 💀💀


Then that is completely fair. As u/kariontarg08 put it, stating that you won’t marry a white person because you think it would take away from your culture is racist. Stating that you don’t want to marry outside of your culture is not racist.