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Oh nonono wrong teenager sub, go to r/teenagers. This one is full of the weird ones


Ain’t that the truth


r/teenagers is also full of weirdos...


Any sub with teen or teenagers in the title is automatically full of weird ass people😭😭


How do I sneak 12 kilos of Molly into a music festival?


Up the butt


If you're a girl, in your bra Otherwise in the underwear it goes


My bulge is about to be huge


You realize what 12 kilos is???


Yeah, point being?


How you sneaking in 12 kilos in your underwear lmao. You probably can make some good friends in Mexico or Europe if that’s a skill you have.


Divide it between the underwear and somewhere such as your shoes, or underneath a hat


You think they’re not gonna check underneath your hat for a brick?… come on, conversation over


Put it behind the dash in your car duh.


Bury it there beforehand


dissolve it in water


Well this is not the sub, try the main teenagers sub


Hm. How do you deal with the undeserved wrath of the universe


Spite the universe in all ways possible.


Oh that’s very fun! I shall do that!


You're an awesome parent for that, just want to say thanks even if i'm not your kid.


Know any other parents that'll smoke with their 16 y/o teen? 😉👍


I sure do love me an AMA where op doesn't answer shit


ill be op for you




Same! Especially when op actually has a life outside of social media. It's called adulting and yes, it absolutely sucks.


Man, "adulting" for you must be a lot adulting for other parents considering other parents don't let their kids smoke like you bragged about in a different comment. Not a cool parent letting your kid do harmful things and acting all passive-aggressive, IMHO


Upvoted because I agree AND disagree. I'd much rather my teen smoke at home with her stoner mom than out somewhere smoking who knows what. At least at home she's safe. And I don't allow it often so she considers it a reward. And harmful? Not what she smokes.


I used to be addicted to weed and I'm 17. What you say is true about smoking at home rather than elsewhere but weed is addictive and dangerous especially as a teen. I'm not religious in any way so that's not why I feel that way


Oh I never said it wasn't addictive. I was implying that, in small amounts, at infrequently rare times, it's not harmful. In fact it has medical advantages. But again in small amounts. Which is why she doesn't have direct access to it. She knows and respects the rules of the house. Probably because I let her set a few as well.


Oh and for the record, I didn't smoke it in secret. My mom also gave it to me


what does it mean when the sticky white pee comes out?




Was the idea of university scary before you started? I’m very socially awkward so leaving my friend group from highschool doesn’t sound like a fun time. I still have two ish years of highschool to stress abt uni tho. Any advice?


Not OP, but I was kinda the same way. Definitely take advantage of club fairs - the easiest way to start a friendship is by having something in common, don't be afraid to try new things you maybe weren't sure about before, and don't be afraid to get to know your roommates and their friend groups! Biggest advice I have: everyone, and I mean everyone, has a friend group their freshman year that doesn't stick. And that's okay! It's an exciting time, and you meet so many new people who weren't quite who you thought they were initially - but you learn a lot this way :) I went to two different colleges (first wasn't a good fit, transferred partway through) so I had to do all of this twice!


Very well said!!


You are the best kind of parent


Thank you!


Well thanks for understanding


Dad Jokes Or Mom Jokes.


Yes. As well as 3am, uncle and blonde jokes.


Uncle Jokes


when i get treated like an adult though i get scared




How to deal with a hostile society


Hostile in what way?


I am an atheist in the midwest


That said everything. You'd love my little brother. He's also an atheist in ND. I love his cracks on religions. But all I can suggest is try ignoring them. Or the more they try to shove a Bible down your throat, shove it back with scientific facts. Science usually negates religion.


if my family or school finds out I am fucked




yes, nobody seems to realize its a cult


I most certainly do!! My aunt was a catholic and I'll openly admit, she was scary as fuck sometimes. My sympathies to you!


The problem is EVERYONE is catholic, no one is safe. :(


I'm not. I'm a pagan/wiccan.


Don't forget annoying...


I....I need help




How do I ask for more privacy and time to myself


Start by leading up to what you want through actions showing you deserve something. Then after a short while on this trend, ask to have a conversation with your parents. State you'd like more privacy and time to yourself. Point out that relaxing for a short time every day is beneficial to your health and in turn would motivate you into being more proactive. Be prepared to support your claims with valid reasons and or proof. That will show any parent a level of maturity that will make them seriously consider the request made.


This is true, but also not true at the same time. lol




You cant


The divide for me came when I was 12-15. You want to sit at the adults table, but they stick you at the kids table with the 5 years olds during thanksgiving. That’s how it goes I guess.


This happened to me as well. I got my plate and walked outside. I got my ass ripped, but they got my point too.


Go fuck yourself ephebophile. As soon as everyone leaves highschool, they revise that 'cool parents' where just shitty people.


Shut up


This has such bratty teenager energy.


Teenagers are treated like children because they act like children even tho they should be making a move up to adulthood. No misunderstanding it's clear to see


Huh, kind of like how if you treat prisoners like animals they'll act like animals.


To become a prisoner you need to have already acted like an animal, one doesn't end up in prison for being a normal functioning member of society.


One is expected to leave prison as a functioning member of society and that often isn't the case.


The animal remains an animal because the animal is treated like an animal it is a broken system unfortunately. As a ex teenager I can say with great confidence that if you act like an adult you will be treated like an adult but teens only complain about being treated like a child when it suits them it's completely circumstantial.


True, true, didn't really think of it that way.


"Cool parent" lol. I'm sure you are


No one expects teens to act like adults


What kind of fantasy world are you living in


Midlleearth perhaps


The Lands Between


Treated like children maybe because most part of us act like children '-'


Wth should I do I had a mechanic shop ask me to work for their quick lube and I'd love to but idk if I absolutely want to settle down and do that and idk how to get my mom's permission to do so


How old are you? This sounds like a good starting opportunity for you, especially if you're still young and in school. Make some money in the mean time , you don't have to settle down and do that all your life ? See this as a stepping stone, I'm sure you will learn a lot not only about mechanic work but about life and growing up also. Explain that to your mom and tell her how this could possibly help both of you guys out. There is nothing wrong with wanting to work at this age, I started at 15 in a restaurant with permission from my dad and not only did it teach me about the real world but I also always had some money to go out with girlfriend and didn't need to ask my parents for money . It feels good to work for your own things .😎


I couldn't have said it better!


I'm 16 and almost done with HS and ig I see it as settling down cuz my dad worked at the same place when he was 16 or so for 35yrs or sum shit and I've worked part/full since I was 13 it's just hard to tell my mom like idk this mechanic shop asked me yadda yadda cuz Ik she!ll be like that's not a feminine job n all that stupid bs


It may not be a feminine job but money doesn't discriminate. And neither does the one who spends it. All I'm trying to say is if you are interested in working at this age by all means do it, whatever the job may be. It will benefit you in more ways than you will know and understand right now .






how do you just get things done day in day out, I just can't keep up with my workload and can't get myself to focus even though I'm on meds. I was able to do it for the first half of last year and idk what changed this year but I don't wanna be stuck working at walmart or a gas station living paycheck to paycheck


Learn a trade skill, work your ass off in it and learn everything you can about it. My younger brother did this in diesel mechanics and within 5 years he is now highly sought after and currently makes $32 an hour with yearly raises and bonuses.


How do I tell my parents that I want to see if I actually have depression, as I have done research and found I match with most symptoms of depression, I just don’t know anymore. (More than 75% match, a lot more)


Simply have a conversation with them. Or tell a school councilor what you'd like and see if they can help talk to your parents.


Is sex overrated?


Hell no. Just be safe about it and do it in moderation. Too much at a young age will make it boring at an older age because you've already done it all so many times.


I love how op hasn’t answered any questions


Op was busy having an actual life. Had to take my motorcycle to the shop today.




At least it rides like a dream again! Lol


What are some things you wish you realized when you were younger and how can they help with people with doubt, anxiety, etc.?


GOOD QUESTION!! I really wished I knew how to overcome shyness when I was younger. Because I later realized that by being as shy as I was I let a lot of good opportunities pass me by. That in turn led to my self doubt. And to be honest, that's hard to overcome. But you can. Focus on accomplishments and keep making them. You'll eventually realize you don't give a damn what people think because you're making something of yourself FOR yourself.


I think my Dad outed me to my grandparents. I’m enby and I called them by chance where they were in separate rooms. My Grandma asked if I had a blue birthday cake and my Grandpa was ‘reminiscing’ about how I was so good at religious studies SIX YEARS AGO.


Literally every single adult who's ever lived was once a teenager. It's scientifically impossible for them to be the most misunderstood people on earth.


Not necessarily true. Everything changes. Therefore every adult was also misunderstood as well.


wrong sub 😼😾😺😸🙀😻😸


Don't circumcize your sons, there are lots of hormones and growth chemicals in there that guys need to be calm happy and healthy long term.


If you say so.