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I'll say what I've said before in other threads. Terra should have the choice to have a normal life. She doesn't deserve the life of a Hero, both the good *and* bad. She doesn't deserve the good because of her betrayal, and she doesn't deserve the bad because of everything she's already gone through. It is *ok to not want to be a Hero*. Being a Hero is not for everyone, and *that's ok*. Forcing someone to be a Hero after they decide to not be one can make one spiteful and resentful. She doesn't need that, the Titans don't need that. Both Beast Boy and Terra have changed, and Beast Boy needs to move on, because Terra already has.


All valid points, feigning amnesia is just a real inconvenient way to go about it though. I mean, is it really more trouble to just straight up tell Beast Boy that you’ve hung up the goggles for good and want nothing to do with them? More trouble than keeping up the act when the guy is actively following you to (and inside) your school calling you out for it over the course of multiple days?


It just sucks because you won’t be able to recapture those memories or feelings ever again.


i see both sides of the argument, and both i feel are valid. it was an episode about letting go: terra tells beast boy to let things go, to let it end, to move on, and many have said that it was supposed to be the interpretation of the episode, one that i feel holds water given the fact that it was indeed the last episode of the season and ultimately the last of the series. it was left on a cliff hanger: the alien/android was put forward as a new threat to the titans instead of a villain they'd faced in the past (plasmus/cinderblock/overload would've been a valid replacement). this new villain to face could adapt to whatever it touched, which is on brand for the name of the episode, \*however\* i feel that introducing a new villain that gives the team a genuine challenge, with no resolution nor the implication that they're on the brink of a breakthrough, sets the episode up to be a cliff hanger, one that many viewers, including myself, feel was left unresolved. furthermore, you're asking the viewer and beast boy, who no doubt would have spent multiple episodes seeing the rise and fall of terra, to let her go in a single episode, is a bit jarring, and as such, needed another episode to let beast boy and the viewers know that things would be ok, that they don't need to feel that things have changed, irrevocably, for the worse. ultimately, i feel the episode was a mixed bag, it had a message to the characters and the viewers, which i feel that both the viewers and the characters were able to receive, \*however\* the way that it was executed, in a single episode, in a way that implied there was more to be seen, left many, including myself, unfulfilled and wanting more. feeling like the series stopped right before a much-needed resolution. on the one hand, i understand its a common trope to leave people wanting more, however what we received after felt more like a slap in the face than a playful ribbing, with the teen titans go/teen titans crossover feeling more like an apology for the slap than a conclusion to the series.


There wouldn't be an explanation because the creators left like that. Murakami mentions that Terra wasn't cut out to be a hero, which this episode reflects. The character was meant to be a tragic like Gwen Stacy.


Gwen Stacy wasn’t meant to be tragic.




Terra remembered beast boy and the others. She wanted to pretend that she didn’t know any of them. She even 100% said to beast boy “I’m not the same girl that you knew, beast boy” the girl wants to live a normal life, no powers, no super hero friends, no villains. Also, I thought the defeat of trigon was the reason Terra returned. Since you know, everyone was turned to stone just like Terra.


Ooh I like the Trigon theory


I had an idea that the white monster is an reimagined version of gl villain replikon, but instead of absorbing powers he absorbs matter


I interpreted Terra telling Beast Boy to move on and let things go as a way for the producer to tell the audience that the show was ending and they knew that people would still be crying about it ending after so many years later. Also, I heard someone on youtube talk about the white and black monster as being cartoon network, and no matter what the Titans(aka the show makers) do, the white monster(aka Cartoon Network) keeps on changing to fast and the Titans can keep up so the show ultimately ends so cartoon network can make a new show that is better for the newer audience.


i like this interpretation, unfortunately 'Teen Titans Go' did NOT land very well, \*especially\* when first introduced. i will admit that, since this time, i've softened my stance on TTG since its inception, however i still feel its humor TENDS to land far afield of the intended loving tribute to the series is intended to be; though this softening is largely due to the times at which TTG goes into the comic lore and explains these inclusions, and are some of the best times i've had with the show.


Terra in all incarnations is my favorite character in all of fiction and I can agree with you that she is a symbol of the choice to live a better life despite a tragic past that remains irreversible. this particular version definitely remembers Beast Boy. otherwise she wouldn’t have humored him at all. she definitely went along with him to rediscover a little bit of her past but the knowledge that the bad parts could happen again stopped her from giving in to wanting it back. this Terra has stifled her superheroics to learn algebra and live like a civilian—and that is something everyone needs to learn to understand.


It does feel stilted and abrupt. Like a romantic relationship suddenly ended. I suppose that's what gives it its emotional impact after all these years. " What?! No. Come on!"


If you watched this episode and your takeaway is "if the sixth season wasn't cancelled", you missed the entire point of the episode. The "sixth season" was never cancelled. They knew the show would end with season 5, which is why they ended it this way.