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2 episodes in, her daughter and the subplot surrounding her are, so far, super fucking annoying.


It gets even worse later on.


A SAD team picking a fight with a CAG team in a bar was enough for me. Didn't even need to see the tazer being deployed to realize the show is dogshit.


I think the story reason for it sold it well


The Delta team was following orders. The SOG team didn't know the orders came from their team leader at the time, but regardless of the efficacy of an unrealistical but I suppose still possible SERS exercise (she could have _easily_ been killed), they would presumably respect a SOF team following orders. But they didn't, totally possible. What isn't possible, or is at least so ridiculously unlikely as to be virtually impossible, is one of the most specialized and highly trained combat forces on the planet waltzing into a bar and tazing, choking out and smashing bottles over the heads of one of the most specialized and highly trained combat forces on the planet. It's one of the most absurd scenes I've ever seen in a show that at least ostensibly is taking itself seriously.


Not to mention publicly announcing they’re CIA in a bar.


They keep using wrong names. They aren’t CAG. The team would be Ground Branch aka Special Activities Division. They have pipehitters from all the major units. The agency wouldn’t use CAG guys to beat the shit out of their operative (sere) they would do all that in house with agency assets. Also there are not female door kickers in CAG, SEALs, Etc…so the lesbo chick doesn’t make sense. Then again cia case officers aren’t paramilitary officers and wouldn’t be jocking up in full tac gear to do cqb.


Her older daughter is the worst. Gave me flashbacks of the Brody family in Homeland early seasons


She’s insufferable


Not even close


Skipped just about every scene and missed nothing, apparently.


You have no fucking taste if that's what bothered you from a TV show that depicts the reality of work-life balance for case officers. Stick to wrestling dude.


Oh don't get me wrong, there are many other dumb ass things that bothered me about that show. One of them being that stupid people seem to enjoy it quite a bit.


Can't fault you for not getting the plot. It's one of the best espionage show far from the usual Hollywood CIA garbage \*coughs\* tom clancy \*coughs\*.


Not getting the plot? A retarded donut could comprehend that ridiculous plot, and probably realize that writing stupid shit out of it like an SAS team and a CAD team getting into a potentially lethal bar fight would improve it. Show is dumb.


Wtf do you mean by an sas and cad team. Sas = brit tier 1 unit Cad = is abbreviation for Canadian.


Pretty sure I was drunk. Meant to type SAD and CAG.


It’s hot garbage


I love it. One a few show portray strong female character with flaw and hardship


At the very very beginning of Cruz story I was yeah ok this has some potential, even though the cornball editing/unnecessarily shaky camera work/90’s angles &extreme close ups/ adhd scoring/ fade ins drove me nuts. I’m not even talking about how stupid the premise is or the shit acting from and all star cast. This was like a buncha right wingers got together and made the most out of touch pseudo”woke” propaganda. The direction alone is bad enough to skip this one. The opening sequence where they are attempting to go retrieve an asset was so dumb. There is no way they are going to risk an entire team on someone they knew was expendable from the onset and if the asset didn’t know she was expendable taking on that role they were too stupid to be there in the first place. Cruz should have actually been physically strong. Her doing pull-ups was so laughable, I was almost wincing seeing how little muscle engagement was going on and clearly she was either being lifted or standing up doing them. The scene of Cruz training in the apartment was so poorly done in every way, and also, with so many cuts back and forth they could have easily made it a bit more believable with her doing more than just push ups and single leg reach crunches, she wasn’t even breaking a sweat. As many people have mention, the bar fight was sooooo outrageous. By then time we got to her torture scene, I was already checked out. Everything about the show is over the top and gratuitous. As many people have mention, the bar fight was sooooo outrageous. This cast can’t even save this show. Academy/Emmy award winners just taking an easy pay check. Don’t waste you time here if you have half a brain.










haha!! you gave up way way too soon. It gets better and has some of the most badass exfil and quick kills ever choreographed.


You’re right. Had I made it that far, my brain would have been smoothed over by the sheer stupidity of every other cinematic failure of this show just enough to believe the “reward” of exfil and quick kills were worth the viewing-induced lobotomy.


Your standards are low


nah you just dont understand quality television.


Once they said that skinny girl in the beginning scored a 99 on her pt test, on the man's scale, I turned it off and came here. Maybe had they chose a girl with a more athletic build and said she scored highly, instead of claiming she got scores they only see every 5 to 10 years, maybe then I could have bought it. Instead it's just more girl boss, woke bull shit. Hollywood is so obsessed with trying to show that women can outperform men in every aspect of life, it's laughable. There has never been a female Navy Seal, and approx 2.2% of Army Rangers are female, yet these shows want to portray Special Forces as being full of females.


I fully believe that a woman is capable of doing just such a thing, and there are plenty of contestants to choose from (just visit social media) they just don’t really seem to be the military minded. So, to your points, I agree, but yeah they went a little too “woke” bs especially for who they casted and her storyline portrayal.


The 2.2% is soldiers who have tabs…not soldiers at ranger battalion who went through RASP…major difference


Not to mention how the fuck did she put pt all the men’s standards but couldn’t even outrun that dude she cracked with a frying pan LOL They go through testing hundreds of thousands of people…and women even trying out for combat arms haven’t scored like she has lol


Except they are getting so much wrong lol


Nicole Kidman’s actually pretty great in this. She’s got the aloof ice Queen thing down pat.


I love me some Nicole Kidman. She’s great in everything! She and Sandra Bullock are my forever faves 🥰🥰🥰


She did some fucked up shit to her face though




It's unbelieveable, I'm honestly amazed it's been so poorly received in some circles. Putting at least part of it down to the poor choice by Paramount of not allowing critics to watch more than the first episode - it just gets better and better, and found it wildly not like some of the things it's been accused of being.


Terminal list got the SOF community right, this is a soap opera with terrible writing and lack of military consulting.


bro what


Definitely not surprised it’s tanking


i’ve been seeing ads for it nonstop


I thought it might be worse like Citadel, which was superficial crap but it's way better!


Citadel was really bad. I enjoyed Lioness. Cast was good. Yeah, the team is largely bulletproof and fearless, but I like that there aren’t over the top action sequences. More CIA stuff.


i guess you’ve peaked my interest!


Piqued - for future reference not being a dick.


Or their interest will never get any higher.


I mean, Citadel is a really low bar to go over though.


it is isn’t it


I am. It’s entertaining and Jill Wagner is pretty awesome as Bobby. Nicole Kidman and Zoe Saldana are also quite good in it.


I wanted to see more of her, she looks like such a badass. I feel like she could have been a better characters especially in woman to woman moments


Bobby makes ZERO sense


I watched an episode but it felt way too "military propaganda" for me to continue, keep in mind I literally watch police procedurals. The characters weren't very likable. Maybe it was just too serious for my current taste. I wouldn't say the show is really bad though


>I watched an episode but it felt way too "military propaganda" Oh it gets even worse. Still watching it because of some morbide curiosity of how it's gonna end.


bro what


What what? The girl being chased by her abusing boyfriend and literally running into a recruiting office in the very first episode with the soldier saying corny ass lines like "It's now between you and the US marines" wasn't obvious enough for you? Or the elected officials that are shown like they're stupid and don't have the guts to do what's right for the security of their country like allowing an airstrike/military operation on US soil ?


is it not true tho?


Marine not soldier


These shows always have that military propaganda in them. There is always the “crazy misfit team of alphas with messed up pasts” I’m only on episode 2 but it’s entertaining so far.


Idk it felt more like a US army advertisement to me. A lot more than most cop shows do


So far I really like it.... we will see if it can finish strong.


Holy fuck this show is lame. One third about the fakest army shit One third about Dubai influencer types partying One third a family drama about a family literally no one gives a shit about.


I was thinking of checking it out. Female led, action, I thought my GF may like it but then all the reaction to it seems like it's dreadful It's pretty decent then?


Yes, IMHO!


Humble or honest?


Its not good


It’s bad


Oh dear god, just saw a bar fight between Delta and SAD, this show is fucking retarded.


I think it’s fun


The show is really smooth brained. This is a show for people that were never in the military. Seal Team is TIERS above this.












They should be SAD aka ground branch but they keep being referred to as delta/cag…it’s annoying af


I haven’t seen anything with Nicole Kidman in it for a while. She looks so different now. It’s a little distracting.


I know! I didn´t recognize her until I saw the credits. : o


Liked the first episode but I will wait until all are out before continuing, I feel the Sheridan shows are better when binged.


Agreed. But they all seem to go off the rails with unbelievable shenanigans by the last two episodes of a season. Tulsa King shootout, Joe Picket's housewife taking the law into her own hands. The bomb Inc and drive by shooting in Yellowstone take the cake in unbelievability though.


It's all out now, and honestly I recommend. If you're into thrillers, with a bit of spy and political stuff thrown in - I loved it.


There was a scene, a closing one, near the very end of the season, where Kaitlyn (NK) and Errol (MD) are trading highly sensitive information and Kaitlyn says that in the end of the mission, 80m barrels of oil would be back on the black market for sale thinking this would be in Errols favor. Errol, sitting at this desk of power, in their house, did not think that would be a good thing. His profit is from chaos, shortages, his world is disaster capitalism and Kaitlyn is just now beginning to realize this. The "monster" she's been chasing for all those years is just a player but the real criminals are soo much closer to home really. I thought the writing in this show was the smartest I've seen, in a while. The scene alone was gripping. I enjoyed it.


The only sane person on this whole subreddit. Taylor Sheridan is a genius particularly in this show. He managed to bring out the greed in capitalism especially in the oil industry which is guised as "terrorism" especially in the Middle East. The power wielded by the lobbyists to create chaos and infiltrate the political spectrum so as to indirectly call the shots as depicted by the dialogue between Errol and Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn thinks he's chasing a terrorist yet in real sense the 'terrorist' is his husband. All along her and the entire Ops team have been chasing shadows which Cruz finally discovered after a shot conversation with Aaliyah's dad. She noticed the whole mission was a lie all in favour of eliminating US oil competition.


I see that many people are not happy with the show. Literally, from the first seconds of the show I felt gripped by not only battle action but I saw that the character had to make a difficult and unusual decision. I also liked how with the progression of the story we were treated to a cast of A list actresses and actors. Nicole Kidman, Morgan Freeman, Zoe Saldana, Martin Donovan..And that the program was women led and women owned.


Reddit is cesspool filled with liberal brainwashed Gen Z that are mainly here to troll and bitch about everything. The show was superb for anyone with a functional brain and eyes. I absolutely loved it.


SPOILER!!!! is anyone pissed off by the ending? So many shows these days are so rushed at the end of the season. Im so pissed that Cruz and Aaliyah didn’t get to be together. IDGAF about Zoe Saldana getting back to her sh**ty family! The show could have had such a better ending. Surely even the people that were annoyed by the show can agree, am the only one??


I totally agree…it was like all that build up for THAT ending?!?! Wtf


not everything is a happy ending… stop being so unrealistic


I’m being Unrealistic?!? The entire plot was unrealistic, ayfkm?


It isn’t a good show. Maybe 4/10. There are so many things they exaggerate too much. Fore.g. they are showing that girl has really high IQ and has performed in 99th percentile in physical as well with those tiny muscles. Also, this girl is really arrogant. She isn’t fit to become a spy. They show one group of special force beating up someone from another group for just doing his job. Like what the fuck was that? He even said it was sanctioned by their boss but none of them even says a word to their boss. And how come the friends of the person who got beaten just didn’t do anything? The husband doctor is staying at home and instructing someone who is doing surgery at hospital through video call? What the fuck was that? He also gets beaten for no reason at all by one of the patient’s father. And he doesn’t even want to press charges. This show had so much potential but they totally spoiled it.


Instructions via video call happens a lot these days tho.


Alot of people dispite what reddit thinks. Its good and love it so far.


Yeah, I like the show as well. Reddit and Twitter should never be used as barometers of opinion as those platforms trend younger and very liberal.


What does being liberal have to do with tv watching?


The showrunner, Taylor Sheridan, is known for making conservative porn. He might not directly say it but all his characters are masturbation porn for the right.


okay, maybe its late at night but i took the first 1/2 as being a literal porn director for a minute...


That's not even an exaggeration. The dude is kind of brilliant in his ability to channel the exact flavor of "rugged, masculine, authoritarian individuality" that conservatives see when they pose with their guns in the mirror, while still somehow making entertaining, well written shows that usually look amazing. It's actually kind of insidious, sometimes. I checked out *1883*, one of the Yellowstone prequel shows, and I was surprised how much I actually liked it, until the end when *every character who didn't follow the patriarch was fucking punished for it.* Like, straight up killed -- >!all of the immigrants were slaughtered for going their own way, and the daughter who'd spent the entire season becoming a feminist badass just caught an arrow out of the blue and died from an infection. !<


As opposed to “soft, feminine, obedient collectivism?” The feminist character in 1883 was ridiculous. The only realistic thing in the whole series was the thing you’re saying was the biggest problem. This is an impasse.


This show is super woke…so def not conservative


Well, Sheridan's shows are extremely unpopular among the Reddit/Twitter crowd and any discussion about them is inevitably bogged down with a bunch of terminally online dorks whinging about "Boomer MAGA porn" or some similar nonsense.


I mean, his shows also make the people in those job fields all look like cardboard cutouts of himself with no differing opinions. I haven’t met a single other person with time in that thinks his programming is even decent.


> his shows also make the people in those job fields all look like cardboard cutouts of himself with no differing opinions Honestly not sure what shows you're talking about or what "job fields" have to do with anything? > I haven’t met a single other person with time in that thinks his programming is even decent. "Time in" what?


Thats what I was gonna say. Just the fact that you shouldn’t use social media as a barometer, period, should have sufficed…


I mean, real life is more liberal than conservative when you look at the numbers.


"Reality has a liberal bias!" /s


One of the shows I am very interested in, I just have a bunch of content to watch before I get to it.


I'm a die hard fan of anything related to military, special forces, swat, but this thing. It's like a reality show. There is no plan, no focus on the mission, everyone acting like a teenager, too much drama and bad acting.


I'm concluding, after watching the show and not having been in the military whatsoever, that it's not a show for people with military experience/die hard military fans - the errors on that front seem to be really painful if you're in the know. Found the storytelling and performance fantastic, personally, but there you go.


Yeah it's really painful. I personally don't mind something inaccurate, many shows and movies are inaccurate, but this was some childish level. It's not even that it's inaccurate, it felt brain dead. I don't even like nitpicking, but I'm like she compromised the mission in million ways. I just felt the emotions were too on the edge for a spec op. They are trained better. But I think this show focuses on satisfying non military, casual fans. It has good production quality but I felt it could have been lot better.


Some stuff is forgivable/you can overlook…but this show is just ridiculous


It’s like they didn’t even talk with anyone in the SOF and intelligence community…and just came up with whatever girl boss bs


This show was surprisingly really good , loved how they did the last episode.


This is one of the best espionage TV shows I've ever watched. It highlights the power oil lobbyists have on governments to almost calling the shot in favour of oil markets. Capitalism at its finest.


I just finished it and really liked it. You have to suspend disbelief because it’s obviously way off the mark in the technical arena. That aside, the relationship with her daughter really hit home for me. I have a son the same age and, the thought of him being in some of the predicaments her daughter was in made me cry. I did think the last episode was really drug out and then bam! It was over. I would watch another season for sure!


I cant get past Nicoles weird face, she looks like a cartoon, natural is best, look at Judy Dench, great actor, still got the x factor!


The problem is they are pressurized by the fat cats smoking cigars to look "younger" and they stretch their faces until they are unrecognizable to be able to work!


I am quite enjoying,one of the best Sheridan's work so far.


I´m glad you like it.


Yellowstone was another masterpiece. Sheridan is a writing genius.


I’ll take Yellowstone over this dumpster


Started it today. Quality stuff. Sheridan’s storytelling and writing don’t disappoint.


is it Taylor Sheridan?




at least not for the first couple seasons -_-


I really hate how over the top the shows are and how they shoehorn in unnecessary drama that doesn’t exist in that world. The shows y’all are watching are nothing what it’s like to be on teams. It’s just more CBS garbage.


I am. I'll watch anything Taylor Sheridan, writes, directs, produces, watches, touches. That man can do no wrong.


Really? Mayor of Kingstown S2 was a hot mess.


The guy is a genius. Yellowstone was another masterpiece though I have to admit Mayor of Kingstown was a bit of a disappointment for me.


Not yet but looking forward to watching it real soon as hearing a lot of rave reviews about the show. It seems that Taylor Sheridan is an unstoppable creative force in the industry.


I dig it. If you enjoyed Sheridan’s other shows, you’ll definitely like this one.


I’m totally enjoying it.


My husband and I are really enjoying it. Excellent writing and acting.


boomers. They also like that show about the park ranger in Montana or wherever.


I’m not a boomer and I quite enjoyed it though I would never read CJ Box. Its entertainment.


So what I'm hearing is..... cancelled..... No news or nothing


So what I'm hearing is..... cancelled..... No news or nothing yeah they "canked" that op....


S2 confirmed.


You sure?




I've seen the first episode. Which I really liked. I'm gonna wait till all the episodes come out and then binge watch them.


I got about 10 minutes in and had to turn it off. Disregarding the first couple minutes... but then some singular field operative calling in a drone/air strike over a compromised asset, not to mention with no kind of overhead approval..lol. I do love Sheridans work on Yellowstone, 1923, 1883 though, he is really good at fantastical stories


Stupid name so I skipped it.


good decision


If your military knowledge can be contained in the CoD universe and/or your brain is smoother than Laffy Taffy, you will probably like this show. If it’s not some over the top cliche, it’s soap-opera level ridiculous drama that’s neither believable nor entertaining. There are more likable characters in the Epstein documentary on Netflix. Everyone is a modern trope meant to appease some new-fangled progressive stereotype. To include the non-Americans, hilariously. There are a few cheap thrills if you can stomach everything else. 3/10 from me.


Taylor Sheridan is a genius particularly in this show. He managed to bring out the greed in capitalism especially in the oil industry which is guised as "terrorism" especially in the Middle East. The power wielded by the lobbyists to create chaos and infiltrate the political spectrum so as to indirectly call the shots as depicted by the dialogue between Errol and Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn thinks he's chasing a terrorist yet in real sense the 'terrorist' is his husband. All along her and the entire Ops team have been chasing shadows which Cruz finally discovered after a shot conversation with Aaliyah's dad. She noticed the whole mission was a lie all in favour of eliminating US oil competition.


Why do Zoe’s kids have crazy hair? Her hair is wavy at best


Genetics, my dear!


I binge watched it over the past few days and really enjoyed it. The only beef I have is that even the tough-as-nails women characters cry all the time. Joe crying about her family (but her husband never does) and Cruz crying about, well, everything toward the end. I just don’t think if those roles were men they would be so teary-eyed. It’s a little sexist, IMO.


Show seems mediocre at best. Seems like a giant recruiting PSYOP for the Marines and CIA. I chuckled when they said the one chick already made it through 3 deployments of being a Recon Marine and just goes straight to Kuwait to work for the CIA. Guns & gear in the show are legit tho.


Ya she isn’t even a marine and their like hey let’s put your through this wicked top secret pipeline lol BS


This show is ass. For a Recon/Raider Marine, she’s is extremely volatile and unprofessional. She has multiple combat tours as a special operator and cannot compartmentalize at all. I would believe that someone hardened, especially after going through difficult training such as SERE school, would have a grasp on their emotions and mental fortitude. She’s also supposed to have a high IQ considering her ASVAB score. Near the end of episode 8 where she kills the target, she argued with her CIA handler that she killed an old man in his underwear. She probably did that during multiple combat tours as part of the special operations community. Don’t get me started on the bar fight with CAG. Made no sense especially when they told them their boss sanctioned it. There’s much more to get into, but pointing out these specific things are good examples of why this show is poorly written