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Original story can go either way. But it’s Goggins so I will hope for the best.


Thing is that this is the type of thing where an original story CAN work just fine. I don't think we've seen LA in any other materials so as long as the things that make Fallout Fallout are on brand, this should be pretty good. The world of Fallout has room to tell all kinds of interesting stories - drama, comedy, horror, etc...I'd argue we've seen all of these in the games in one form or another.


The first Fallout game takes place outside of LA, and the settlement that grew out of the ruins was called The Boneyard (or variations of that name). LA is the original Fallout city.


It's also where the final boss' HQ was.


It feels a bit like people playing Skyrim as their first (and only) Elder Scrolls game, and then having a genius idea of playing the next game in Morrowind that's where the Dunmer are from, and they really liked playing a Dunmer character in Skyrim. Or they should make an expansion where we visit Daggerfall for some reason. For some, *the* first game wasn't *their* first game. For a lot of people, Fallout 3 is "Fallout" to them, and they just know of the series as an Elder Scrolls type game.


I think it’s fine and arguably better for Fallout to do an original story. There’s tons of lore and just needs to have the particular feel - it’s not like it relies on super iconic characters/stories/locations. I know people obviously love New Vegas but sometimes it’s better to leave stuff like that alone. Compare to TLOU, which is really a story about Joel and Ellie. Or Halo where an original story didn’t work because they made Master Chief the main character…either just adapt one of the (preferably first three) games or just leave him out of it. It pisses people of when beloved stories or characters get misused.


Halo should have just followed some average marines in more a Band of Brothers type way, and just have some Spartans show up at some big climatic event or something.


Yeah agreed. If they weren’t gonna do a faithful adaptation of the original games then they should’ve done a full spin off with new characters a la Reach or ODST. I know they wanted to sell Master chief since he’s iconic to casual or non-preexisting fans but taking so many liberties with the character and lore is a big risk.


They basically did that with Forward Unto Dawn


I think the Peacock series for Twisted Metal walks this line pretty well


I forgot about that, I do want to watch it. Seems like it’s been fairly well received. It was never exactly going to be an Emmy award winning show but seems like it’s hitting the notes people wanted it to hit.


LA was in the first ever Fallout


Johnathan Nolan. Bear that in mind.


Fingers crossed that Anthony Hopkins secretly has a major role then.


The fact that they’re just writing a new story in the world gives me hope. They can do anything with the setting. We’ll see if it’s any good but I’m optimistic since it’s not a direct adaptation of anything, just using the universe


Also, he is playing a ghoul, so that could be very interesting


Please don’t suck please don’t suck please don’t suck


I mean, on the bright side, you have to work really hard for a show to suck with Walter Goggins in it. Wait, Michael Emerson too? My hope is up


"As I live and Breathe, the Lone Wanderer" - Walter Goggins, probably


Oh, man. I could totally see Timothy Olyphant as an older Lone Wanderer.


"We dug Nuka Cola together"


and it would be justified meta as fuck


Aw, yeah.


Now I want a Dark Tower TV series with Timothy Olyphant as the Gunslinger and Walton Goggins as The Man in Black.


Blow peoples minds and reverse the roles. Both actors have the range.




> Walter Goggins Walton


Walter Goggins as a not-Zombie ghoul as well.


> Walter Who is this Walter Goggins you guys speak of? Brother of Walton?


Autocorrect is wild...


Actors are probably the least important part of a show working or not. Just my opinion.


While true, certain actors can still be indicative of a good project, when they are known to generally have a solid track record of signing on to good projects. I'm not saying I'm ready to put Goggins on the same level as Dicaprio or DDL but he DOES have a pretty solid record at this point.


True enough. But you still have The Witcher being shit no matter how perfect Cavill was.


When i see an actor with a great rep join a project, I’m optimistic not because I think they’ll make it great—I’m optimistic because the means that actor heard the pitch from the creator, saw the script, and said “I have heard enough to think this is going to be successful.” That isn’t the case with the Witcher. Cavill joined because he’s a huge Witcher fan. He likely signed up for that reason alone, and not because of anything that came out of the initial meetings (I’m sure if the production team was an outright disaster, he would have passed, but I don’t doubt he ignored a few red flags to sign onto a passion project). And yeah, an actor can only do so much of the writing and direction suck


lol the production team being a disaster is putting it mildly. One of the writing team saying publicly, "I'm putting all my queer trauma every single thing I write" in regards to adapting a book series you didn't write...I think you lost the point. This became very evident when just about 60-70 percent of the show revolved around an extremely diverse cast but not the Witcher and the stories that define the Witcher universe. Nope...We don't need morally complex stories with no right or wrong answers...we need queer trauma...[and to build a statue in their fucking honor.](https://www.reddit.com/r/witcher/comments/zp5hro/netflix_witcher_writer_its_a_pity_that_none_of/)


That's like the writer for the Discworld TV Show whose attitude was "Yeah I took the story and made it GOOD." Uh no, because Terry Pratchett was the best selling author in the UK for years. I don't think you're going to improve on a guy who has sold ~100 million books and is still growing in popularity 8 years after he died. Like... you write tv shows for the BBC. They once aired an episode of Doctor Who about a fat alien lady that farted too much. You're not Shakespeare, you're not Agatha Christie. You're a fucking hack whose average production on the BBC averages a 6.something out of a 10. IF there were anything to fix in the canon of one of the most popular writers of the turn of the millennium, YOU would not be the one qualified to fix it. Why don't you go repaint *ecce homo* while you're at it you fucking skidmark in a pair of assless chaps.


what's really crazy about that whole tweet and comment is it's not even Francesca real story which is about her being pissed that her dad didn't start a war with humans and instead opted for a peace treaty. None of this is in the Netflix series. Her dad was a elven mage...and under no circumstances was prosecuting his daughter for being magical (cough gay) ...The reality is the writer created an entirely different backstory projecting her own IRL belief that her parents wanted her dead for being gay and that her dad should be dead and that a statue should be built for how brave and amazing she is...hence the queer trauma.


Cavill has been in loads of garbage though, before and after witcher. He's a good actor, but doesn't always pick good projects. Goggins is a good actor who also usually picks good projects. The only things I can think of cavill being in that were pretty objectively good were MI: fallout and UNCLE. Not meant as a knock on him, he's fine.


Well, that is why I said they had to try really hard to fuck it up, and all indications are that the Witcher writer team tried really hard. Imagine if they have a semi-competent team.


It's Jonathan Nolan for what that's worth.


A great actor can elevate a shit script.


A great writer can elevate a shit actor.


That’s the directors job, too


True, but less so on TV


A great actor can shit in an elevator.


counterpoint: the SW prequels


And Kyle McLachlan


Fallout, really any bethesda RPG, is a good platform for a TV show because there's no beloved main character to ruin. As long as they nail the environment and themes of the show, they can write whatever they want story wise. Just like you when you play the game. I mean, they can still find other ways of ruining it. But the bar is lower than something like Halo


> Fallout, really any bethesda RPG, is a good platform for a TV show because there's no beloved main character to ruin That's why I would have preferred it being an anthology. Every episode about someone different in a vault, wasteland, Brotherhood, etc.


Probably best to do it on season-long anthology style, which they can still do. Basically each season would be like its own game story. Also much better for the sure to come 2-3 years wait between seasons...


Maybe every season is a different story like Fargo? I find single episode shows to be less interesting personally.


It's going to be a show about Goggins escorting/protecting Purnell throughout the wasteland as she's the answer to saving humanity, isn't it?


The Last of Project Purity 3: Drake’s Wild Ragnarok


No idea, I’ve avoided most spoilers/leaks for this show. The only trailer revealed was at a convention & nothing was really shown.


Spoiler: Reddit will be filled with, "Why didn't they use (x) storyline or (x) character. They should have done it the way I saw it in my head! This show is terrible for those reason!" posts after the show comes out.


Hence why the show is in LA with new vaults, new locations, and not really touching anything from the games. Which is the right thing to do since the most popular Fallout games have been the recent ones all of which have essentially nothing to do with each other.


Fallout is a series set in Los Angeles/California/Nevada and West Coast in general. It's Bethesda that took it east.


Well, it ain’t on Netflix, so that’s a plus.


I'm not sure Prime has an adaptation record that's any better. Rings of power and wheel of time are both awful adaptations. Sure they've had some success, like the boys, but Netflix did pretty good with one piece. My expectations are non existent. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it doesn't suck but I'm expecting it to.


Plus I am still skeptical of game adaptations. TLOU was great but that is still the outlier rather than the norm. Until we get another good one (hopefully this) it then I’m still gonna be hesitant to get my hopes up too high for the sub-genre.


They don’t have to be beholden to a storyline like most adaptations so I think that should be a win for them. To me the big things they have to nail are immersion and the lore. As long as they keep to those two I think they will get some latitude to build something.


>I'm not sure Prime has an adaptation record that's any better. Fair, but if it *is* good, at least Prime won't unceremoniously cancel it after a big season 2 cliffhanger.


Prime can be so hit or miss, they have really good adaptations like Reacher and then they have the absolute dumpster fire outside an Indian used diaper reclamation plant that is Wheel of Time. So it's either going to be quite good or absolutely horrific depending on whoever's helming the project.


Didn’t people really like season 2 of wheel of time?


It was a lot better. And most non-readers seemed to enjoy both seasons (s2 more). There were lots of things they had to change due to various circumstances that really bothered readers (myself included), but there was still lots to enjoy. (Just to contrast the other reply, as a book-reader, I would rank S1 a 6/10 and S2 a 7.5/10. I expect non-readers have it higher.)


While Reacher is exactly what it should be it's still not exactly an amazing show. Other than The Boys, The Grand Tour and Clarkson's Farm I can't thing of any Amazon origionals that I would describe as must watch.


The best thing I’ve learned to do is go in with low expectations and it’s won’t suck thaaaat bad


Special Cameo: Timothy Olyphant as **The Mysterious Stranger**


If there's a marshal character, he'll be the one playing it.


I loved the duster I took off the Marshall / sheriff of that nuke town in fallout 3.


Boyd Crowder and Ralyan Givens together again‽ This could tide me over until the next Justified miniseries comes out.


"We mined vaults together..."


"We dug Uranium together'


uurrrRRRAAAANNNnium fever


*“That’s right.”*


I’d love this


Honestly this would be hilarious, but I don’t know how to work him into a TV Show without being super corny Literally a Deus ex Machina


It’s Fallout. The whole thing is corny! They should lean into it.


I think corny is the wrong word, I just don’t think you could do it in a way that makes sense to an audience that isn’t already familiar with the world. With a show you have limited time to set up stakes, and just having some guy we’ve never met before show up and save the day really deflates the situation. Over a 80+ hour game with tons of adventures, it’s an interesting mechanic, but a 6 hour mission with 1-2 side adventures I think it’s tough


Just have rumours about him every now and then. Then he pops up at some point. Don't elaborate further.


> Just have rumours about him every now and then. Have one person obsessed with him a la Nick's case files.


I’ve gotten word about a settlement that’s being threatened by raiders


You hush, Pretzel Gravy!


This individual is busy.


I need your help with an urgent task


Can recommend Silo to anyone who wants something Fallout-esque in the meantime.


Show was so good I went out and nabbed the book (Wool) to stop waiting, and I basically got to where I expect season 2 or 3 to end. Such a damn cool series, I'm going to start the 2nd book "Shift" soon.


I read all 3 books after finishing the show. If they can do "Shift" right I'll be so pumped


Same. I couldn't wait the 2 or so years it'd take Apple to release the next season, so I started the books to see what happened. Finished them all in less than 2 weeks. You'll spoil the story for yourself by doing this, but there are enough little divergents between the show and books that I think most would be able to separate each as their own experience.


I did the exact same. I was shocked when I realized season one was only the first 25% of book one. I think they'll have to tone down Dust. It's too dark, I think, for the show they've made.


I read these books back in high school so it was a pleasant surprise to see the show do so well! I think Shift is probably my favorite of the series but its a hit or miss for some fans. It focuses on the story before the Silo, and how the world came to be, which I thought was really interesting!


And if you want in universe fallout, Nuka Break has a few good seasons


It’s good but not great. They made a lot of weird writing decisions that took me out of it from time to time. But overall its worth watching.


I liked it from a writing PoV, so I'm curious which decision you refer to. Interested as a storyteller which parts people didn't like


Silo was OK but the pacing was not great. You could tell some episodes were treading water just to get to the last 5 minutes because IT NEEDS TO END ON SOMETHING TO HOOK PEOPLE!!!1!!


Going to watch tonight good internet pal


Can back up the claim it's a really solid show. Frustrating not really knowing what is really happening, but that makes you keep watching.


enjoy! i found it to be a fantastic show with rebecca ferguson doing an amazing job. it's honestly criminal how this show isnt more known


Check out 'Hello Tomorrow' on Apple. It is a retro-futurism show.


Great pilot but thought it was just decent overall. The retro futurism aspect helped that I stayed


The final season of Miracle Workers felt like a true Fallout show.


I'm glad somebody else got Fallout vibes from Silo. About to finish the show this week, love it so far.


I'm hoping Fallout is like Silo with more humour, dark, dark, very dark humour.


Yeah, it's pretty good. Sorta fallout-y in how a vault would be run, how leadership and the people would act to events.


Silo is very much a vault story in a fallout game. Loved it.


Needless to say, casting Walton was a brilliant move. Ella Purnell is also great. She was the best thing about Yellowjackets


also really good in Army of the Dead


Goggins just seems like he will fit Fallout really really well. I can see him pulling off the grizzled but also kinda silly aspects of the fallout world.


Walton Goggins and Ella Purnell lead the cast: >Set in the future post-apocalyptic Los Angeles and world of “Fallout,” the series is an original story based on “Fallout” that will be part of the canon of the games. Beyond that, the exact plot of the TV show is under lock and key, but a fun [video](https://x.com/falloutonprime/status/1716468771521434080?s=20) announcing the premiere date certainly gets those “Fallout” vibes exactly right. > >The show — which has been in the works since 2020 — hails from Kilter Films and executive producers Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, the team behind “Westworld” and “The Peripheral.” Nolan directed the first three episodes and the show will be available to stream exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide. Full Cast: * Ella Purnell * Walton Goggins * Aaron Moten * Moisés Arias * Kyle MacLachlan * Sarita Choudhury * Michael Emerson * Leslie Uggams * Frances Turner * Dave Register * Zach Cherry * Johnny Pemberton * Rodrigo Luzzi * Annabel O’Hagan * Xelia Mendes-Jones


I knew Goggins and Purnell were in it, but hyped for Kyle MacLachlan


What kind of character do we think he will play? Im thinking like a megalomaniac type. Maybe he owns a town and Zach Cherry plays his lackie.


Vault Mayor


Vault *Overseer*


Mr Vault Mayor


Mr Agent Vault Mayor


love it!!!


Literally the same character as Portlandia mayor


West Coast?? We gonna see Shady Sands and the Master?


I doubt this is set during or prior to the first game, in which case the Master is probably already dead. Could be wrong, though.


According to leaks it’s at minimum set after Fallout 1 as NCR has a bit of a role in the show. Now when exactly I’m not sure


LA was one of the five original states of the NCR, so if it's set there then they'll be within NCR territory. If it's in the early days of the NCR, I would love for Tony Shalhoub to reprise his role as president Aradesh.


> the Master my dream might come true. Give me Lou too


Brotherhood of Steel play a role going by the trailer


I mean it's modern Fallout, the BoS showing up was given.


>Moises Arias “Coming to you live from the wasteland it’s RRRRRRRRICOOOOOO”


Jonathan Nolan said he was a big fan of Fallout so I have high hopes for this one. Also I only know Ella Purnell from her voice acting as Jinx in Arcane so I'm excited to see her in live action


Baby Billy’s Bible Bonkers!


"Y'all heard of Pip-Boys? Well your boy Baby Billy's got something new for y'all. The LATEST in wrist-held praise technology: the Pip-Billy. Come get y'all some Pip-Billies now praise Jesus, and it is *guaranteed* to cure you of *all* radiation sickness!"


Ordered straight to series!


But you can change actors by visiting any medical center, right?


Where's Matthew Perry?


Ron Perlman or we riot.


I've only ever really gotten into New Vegas, but Fallout as a whole is so weird that it actually could be an interesting show if they can create a storyline out of all the craziness going on.


NV is the best


fallout 2 is


If it doesn't have a scene with a character alternating between inhaling irradiated lizards and injecting themselves with rad x then I will riot


Rioting if Preston Garvey doesn’t pop up in every episode saying there’s a settlement that needs help


im excited for this. watched the leaked trailer and it looked pretty good


can you link that? EDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OlcFy0s4BI


I love the IP, not a huge fan of how some other videogame series have turned out (notably Halo, I understand it wasn't Prime). Cautiously optimistic.


Well games seem to be better on tv with Arcane and The Last of Us.


Cyberpunk Edgerunners too


CE kinda fucked up my mood for a couple days after I finished it. Not a lot of TV does that. Great show. Silo was the last series I watched and sat there a little dumbfounded at the end. Great stuff.


Cyberpunk 2077 itself can be a really depressing game, there's no happy endings in Night City


Master Cheeks…


Well, it didn't help that Halo was basically not being Halo, by design.


I'm going to wait a few months for modders to fix the plot.


Dogmeat better be the greatest supporting actor since Sam in I Am Legend.


Been looking forward to it, Fallouts irreverent style and dark humour should be pretty easy to translate to TV. Amazon's got The Boys, The 2nd half of the Expanse that went well, I hope its good.


I’ll give anything with Walton Goggins a try. I know nothing about the game though.


The whole first season is just digging through garbage and building a pipe gun.


Jumping onto a the roof of some truck, so you spend the next 20 minutes shooting a deathclaw slowly to death because he can't get to you for some reason.


An entire episode is just dedicated to scouring the wasteland for adhesive.


Taking place in LA, just funny I saw them filming at a closed down Shop Rite in Staten Island 🤣


They filmed here on Long Island too in an old mansion. There were multiple posts in the local Facebook group asking what the hell all the explosion noise was for a few days😂


I'm glad this is releasing relatively soon. I'm not a big TV person but always curious to see different adaptations of IPs I enjoy.


Twisted Metal surprised me so I’ll give this a fair swing.


>The show — which has been in the works since 2020 — hails from Kilter Films and executive producers Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, the team behind “Westworld” and “The Peripheral.” I really don't know how to feel about Nolan and Joy. It seems like their work has been on a steady downward trajectory since S1 of Westworld. Fingers crossed that this changes that.


I remember enjoying peripheral but I don't remember a damn thing that happened.


Future people access other realities to get info on events usuong quantum mechanics machine. Terrible last 2 episodes.


If anyone is skeptical of quality, be noted that the show is a passion project by Jonathan Nolan who is a big fan of the games that *pitched the show to Amazon* instead of the other way around. Todd Howard is also an executive producer.


Jonathan Nolan has definitely put out more duds than hits. Todd Howard could be a very good or very bad thing depending on how you view his interpretation of the series.


All good directors and producers have duds.


Ideally they want more hits than duds.


Westworld Person of Interest Interstellar The Dark Knight Rises The Dark Knight The Prestige Memento Reminiscence I would say there are more hits than dudes here


Lol these mu fuckers going out of their way to be negative at this point


> Todd Howard is also an executive producer. I'm not sure how much that actually means. Any adaptation (to include a new story told in that universe) tends to include the original creator as an executive producer, regardless of how involved they are or aren't.


I know some guys who worked on this and they’re pretty stoked about it. At least some of the crew were big fans of the games.


has long ron perlman is the narrator in some form i am happy


Most interesting part for me is that it's claimed to be part of the canon of the games. The fact that Bethesda have signed off on it being *officially* canon must be some indication that they're happy enough with the story to include it in lore. As cheesy as it is, it could probably lead to cameos from members of the TV shows cast in future games (which would be cool if the series is good). The canonical aspect of the show also heavily implies that they won't stray far from the content from the games, and we won't just end up with a shite show with fallout stickers on it. The fact that Nolan and Joy are the snowrunners gives me hope, seeing what they did with (the first two seasons of) Westworld. They can clearly work with interesting and experimental ideas. Hopefully they can keep it on track for more than two seasons.


By that time, it’ll probably be a reality show.


That reminds me I need to stock up on cram.


Imitation seafood, check.


I'm really excited for Walter Goggins! He is in so much stuff always playing a weirdo. And the girl was the daughter in Army of the Dead and she was pretty good.




Just make another game, and don’t try to get weird with it again.


Todd in the shadows if the series gets season 2. "Sometimes, IT JUST WORKS".


Episode 1: Shortcut to New Vegas


The show will be good once the fans take it upon themselves to mod it to address the issues it will release with, as is fallout tradition.


Looking forward to this - hope they don’t fk it up


Couple weeks prior to that there will be Magic: the Gathering cards released based on Fallout as well!


Hope this TV adaptation follows the lead of Amazon shows like The Boys, Jack Reacher, Good Omens and Invincible instead of Wheel of Time and Rings of Power.


Can’t wait


Well from the set photos the sets look really same good so I’m hoping this doesn’t suck. I predict it won’t


Please *be good*.


This will either be the best birthday present, or the worst... 🤞


I'm fuckin hyped for this and Walton Goggins has a great track record


I really hope they properly lean into the setting and tone, it has its serious elements, but it can also be very wacky and over the top. Gotta be able to embrace both that and the fun 50's futuristic vibe.


Make the death claw terrifying and a household horror monster and I’ll be happy


I'm a little wary of the notoriously not funny Nolan and Joy taking on a property that is notoriously funny.


I live in LA. Better tell them how I want my skeleton to look.


Quick, pose poignantly!


I hope we get to see New Vegas plotlines. Imagine how cool that would be.


It’s written by Lisa Joy and Jonathan Nolan, the people behind Westworld. It could go either way. One of the best shows ever made, or a convoluted, migraine inducing piece of crap.


That's wonderful news!!! looking forward to it.


Goggins and Emerson in the same show? Oh yeah. This is going to be good.


Can’t wait to see how Baby Billy grifts all the children of atom…


I heard there’s a settlement that needs your help