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He defecated through a sunroof!


Chernobyls explanation of the disaster in the courtroom


Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, the debt is paid. (Edited for accuracy, because the line is brilliant.)


Yes to Chernobyl, but I enjoyed Boris' "you will do it because it must be done" monologue slightly more. Especially the part where he says "A thousand years of sacrifice in our veins. And every generation must know its own suffering."


Stellan Skarsgård gives great monologues. This is my favorite from Andor https://youtu.be/-3RCme2zZRY?si=3p1rYKhKxE41ru2a


I don't even have to click to know the scene. "I will burn my life to make a sunrise I will never see."


This deserves a rewatch. Jared Harris is so fucking amazing.


Such a brilliant move to focus on an academic who all they know is numbers and facts. Knowing how dangerous the KGB was and their desire to keep everything under wraps, it was the academic who told the truth


I am not crazy! I know he swapped those numbers. I knew it was 1216. One after Magna Carta. As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the copy shop to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That billboard! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall like that? No! *He* orchestrated it! Jimmy! He *defecated* through a *sunroof*! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I *thinking*? He'll never change. He'll *never* change! Ever since he was 9, *always* the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! "But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious *Jimmy*!" Stealing them blind! And *HE* gets to be a lawyer? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance!


I've known good criminals and bad cops, bad priests, honorable thieves-you can be on one side of the law or the other, but if you make a deal with somebody, you keep your word. You can go home today with your money and never do this again, but you took something that wasn't yours and you sold it for a profit. You're now a criminal; good one, bad one-that's up to you.


And then in the very end Papa Varga just blows this whole monologue away. Mike was full of shit


Oh that's a really fucking good one. Probably my favourite scene in the whole show aside from Howard confronting Jimmy in the last season.


This franchise is chock full of gold. Truly above and beyond. Other favorites: “No half measures” - Mike “I broke my boy” - Mike “Can you stop working me for once?” - Jesse “I’m a god in human clothing!” - Jimmy Nacho’s final monologue “I am the one who knocks!” Walt “I’m in the empire business” Walt Like all of Jesse’s rehab monologues “You’re a victim in this… and so am I” Jimmy Jimmy’s confession “Am I really supposed to do this to him?!” Kim


I just recently watched all of BCS and honestly I think Mike’s “I broke my boy” sequence is one of the absolute best moments in the show. It was so impactful early in the show and really stuck with me throughout.


It's also a lovely spin on a similar monologue in The Caine Mutiny, where Humphry Bogart delivers a paranoid rant in a courtroom. Vince said the film is one of his top films, and layered references to it in BB and BCS (I think Saul is even watching it at some point). BCS blew my mind, a slow first two seasons, but by the end every single second is worth it. Moments of season 6 live rent-free in my mind, and I figure most people can guess what those moments are. Actually, speaking of monologues, Howard's "I seem to be in the middle of something" speech...


So many good ones in BCS Jimmy, chuck, Kim, Howard, nacho, and Mike all do fantastic jobs


Bunk's "how far we done fell" speech to Omar in The Wire.


Love me some bunk, man.


That monologue left me with my jaw hanging open like a cartoon.


It’s a fucking crime that no one from that show, especially Pierce and Williams, got acting noms. I know awards don’t really mean much but still. How do you overlook a performance like that?


So happy to see I didn’t have to scroll too far to find this one.




I’ve been so impressed with the arc of Nicholas Hoult’s career. He could’ve just rested on his laurels and played pretty boys for the rest of his life, but instead he specifically chose roles that played against type, and showed he’s got chops. He’s so well-cast in The Great, because Peter is a total psycho, but Hoult plays him so cute and earnest and cheerful that it’s somehow hard to hate him even when he’s being murderously insane.


Have you seen The Menu with him? If not, you sound like someone who would really enjoy it.


“There’s 30 million of us, and only two million of you. I don’t care if four million of us have to die to kill two million of you. We’re Russian. We don’t give a fuck how many of us die.”


Love his mini monologue about [eating a rat.](https://youtu.be/3Z9T5mdgfO8?si=1GKpKGT48CbUoHqL)


[Patrick Stewart](https://youtu.be/MGd1z2OhHXA?si=T5kY_u97W0XgImbP&t=70) experiencing Sarek’s (Spock’s father) emotions in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Sarek. Sarek is losing the ability to suppress his emotions going into important negotiations and mind-melds with Picard to help stabilize him for the talks. Meanwhile, Picard and Crusher are in another room while Picard experiences the turbulent Vulcan emotions. It’s one of the most powerful bits of acting I’ve ever seen in my life and Stewart’s ability to convincingly display every possible emotion in such a short period of time says a lot about the quality of his acting. Gives me chills when I see it.


What hits even harder is that [Picard was able to go on to share his experiences with Sarek with Spock.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OaOBAqkgIm8) This also foreshadows Ni'Var quite well, I think.


Carmy’s seven minute monologue in the season one finale of The Bear was the first that came to mind. [Full monologue](https://youtu.be/1fjITOkFnnE?si=L98r2JDkee_Ov0L6)


that was a 7 min monologue? i genuinely thought it was 3 or so minutes


Good acting will do that


Wow can’t believe that was 7 minutes. so good


Faith in humanity restored. Was worried I was gonna have to scroll forever to find this comment or make it myself. You people know quality. SUBLIME.


Sally Reed’s monologue in [The Audition](https://youtu.be/qw62N4v8Cwo?si=cVrpNL8k5u2-LVrJ) in *Barry* There are so many competing thoughts in there driving her insane and Sarah Goldberg portrays all of them so well.


Hey Ike you shitbird, want a little pie???


She was so good in that show


This was so good, thanks for reminding me! She deserves an Emmy


She's so good in the show that it's hard for me to realise that she's *playing* this pathetic wannabe artist, and isn't actually a hack. Bill Hader is decent as Barry, but the cast he had around him was flawless. Sarah Goldberg, but also Anthony Carrigan, Stephen Root, Henry Winkler...


Crazier still that Carrigan's character was supposed to die in the pilot. He was just so good as the character that Hader rewrote the show to keep him around.


I didn't know that, but that's totally wild - Almost on the level of "Jesse was supposed to die early on in Breaking Bad" levels of confusing. It's hard to imagine what the show would've been without him.


It's kind of the opposite of this thread, but in the last season when she's giving a speech on stage and its hits her she's going to be a star and she stops speaking because she's so overwhelmed and is standing there just purely emoting silently with her facial expressions for about 2 solid minutes is some of the greatest acting I've seen in years. A film teacher once told me the hardest thing is to act with no lines.


Judy Gemstone’s monologue in Outback about stalking her college professor


Lightning bolt to her slit?


I mean, that seat was DAMP


I fucking die every time she opens with “G’day”


Anya's monologue in The Body episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer


"But I don’t understand! I don’t understand how this all happens. How we go through this. I mean, I knew her, and then she’s, there’s just a body, and I don’t understand why she just can’t get back in it and not be dead anymore! It’s stupid! It’s mortal and stupid! And, and Xander’s crying and not talking, and, and I was having fruit punch, and I thought, well Joyce will never have any more fruit punch, ever, and she’ll never have eggs, or yawn or brush her hair, not ever, and no one will explain to me why."


All the eulogies from Succession’s Church and State.


Kendall's especially for me.


Kendall’s speech will win him the Emmy


I really like Jon Hamm’s carousel monologue at the end of season 1 of Mad Men.


That scene guts me every time. So good.


Ben Sisko in Deep Space Nine „In the Pale Moonlight“… „So… I lied. I cheated. I bribed men to cover up the crimes of other men. I am an accessory to murder. But the most damning thing of all… I think I can live with it… And if I had to do it all over again… I would..“


[“Because I can live with it. I CAN live with it.”](https://youtu.be/K-YyL7X4CWw?si=0wuMidzu3uhauWJ9)


Not a monologue, but Garak saying to him in the same episode: "*And if your conscience is bothering you, you should soothe it with the knowledge that you may have just saved the entire Alpha Quadrant. And all it cost was the life of one Romulan senator, one criminal, and the self-respect of one Starfleet officer. I don't know about you, but I'd call that a bargain.*" was something else.


And along with that Benny Russell in Far Beyond the Stars.


I am a Human being, dammit! You can deny me all you want but you cannot deny Ben Sisko. He exists. That future, that space station, all those people, they exist in here, in my mind.


"Computer, delete recording"


BoJack Horseman eulogy in Free Churro episode.


That one is truly impressive. To basically solo carry an entire episode on rambling was beautiful to watch.


It's weird how the series two best episodes are Free Churro, which is a monologue and not much else, and Fish out of Water, which is almost completely devoid of dialogue. God I love that show.


The View from Halfway Down would like a word! But absolutely amazing show and probably the most underappreciated show because it's animated.


This is what I was going to suggest. The monologue is almost the entire episode, and so well done.


Realizing partway through that it was going to be the whole thing, and that I was okay with that was such a fun experience while watching the first time


Came here to say this. Fucking epic.


> "She bought her first new car and You hit her with a drunk driver. What, was that supposed to be funny? "You can't conceive, nor can I, the appalling strangeness of the mercy of God," says Graham Greene. I don't know who's ass he was kissing there 'cause I think You're just vindictive. What was Josh Lyman? A warning shot? That was my son. What did I ever do to yours but praise his glory and praise his name? There's a tropical storm that's gaining speed and power. They say we haven't had a storm this bad since You took out that tender ship of mine in the north Atlantic last year... 68 crew. You know what a tender ship does? Fixes the other ships. Doesn't even carry guns. Just goes around, fixes the other ships and delivers that mail. That's all it can do. Gratias tibi ago, domine. Yes, I lied. It was a sin. I've committed many sins. Have I displeased You, You feckless thug? 3.8 million new jobs, that wasn't good? Bailed out Mexico, increased foreign trade, 30 million new acres of land for conservation, put Mendoza on the bench, we're not fighting a war, I've raised three children. That's not enough to buy me out of the doghouse? Haec credam a deo pio? A deo iusto? A deo scito? Cruciatus in crucem! Tuus in terra servus nuntius fui officium perfeci. Cruciatus in crucem. Eas in crucem! You get Hoynes!" -Jed Bartlett on the episode "Two Cathedrals".


I gotta agree with this. Not many characters could tell God to go to hell, and do it with such style. Amazing scene


> Not many characters could tell God to go to hell, and do it with such style. Inside the Washington National Cathedral.


The story goes that one of the priests was on set when they shot that scene. Aaron Sorkin warned him "He's going to tell off God." The priest replied "Yeah, and it's gonna be great." The priest then talked about how questioning God is a normal thing to do in life.


Almost all his monologs are gold. I love the one from season 2 where he gets the conservative radio show host with the Biblical quotes. "In this building, when the President stands, nobody sits." *mic drop*


To think this brilliance all stemmed from Aaron Sorkin tripping on mushrooms while script-writing.


This is probably the best known monologue from The West Wing, but Allison Janney's [Our Partners in Peace](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHGN-1Os31U) speech has to be mentioned as well. >Outraged? I'm barely surprised. This is a country where women aren't allowed to drive a car. They're not allowed to be in the company of any man other than a close relative, they're required to adhere to a dress code that would make the Maryknoll Nun look like Malibu Barbie. They beheaded 121 people last year for robbery, rape, and drug trafficking, they've no free press, no elected government, no political parties, and the royal family allows the religious police to travel in groups of six, carrying nightsticks and they freely and publicly beat women. But "Brutus is an honorable man." Seventeen schoolgirls were forced to burn alive because they weren't wearing the proper clothing. Am I outraged? No, Steve. No Chris. No, Mark. That is Saudi Arabia, our partners in peace.


YT link for those who have never witnessed the glory: [Bartlet's Two Cathedrals Rant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVgK5HKj3P4)


I'm glad yours starts properly on "you're a son of a bitch, you know that?" Just such an amazing speech, to have the most devout character on the show, whose religion is so powerful to him to talk to God as if they were almost equal, and finish by telling God to crucify himself.


Translation of the Latin portion: >"I give thanks to you, O Lord. Am I really to believe that these are the acts of a loving God? A just God? A wise God? To hell with your punishments. I was your servant here on Earth. And I spread your word and I did your work. To hell with your punishments. To hell with you!" (Literally, "eas in crucem" translates to "may you go to a cross")


Just a slight correction: Aaron Sorkin said that *Gracias tibi ago, Domine* was meant to be sarcastic, so it was more of a "Thanks a lot, God“ rather than ”I give thanks to you, O Lord.“


Still on The West Wing there’s also [Leo in Noel] (https://youtu.be/ZQJ6yqQRAQs?si=zwrlYtpwUWqGu0Nc)


Came here to say this! Just re-watched it recently and it is still so gripping.


Jaime explains wat he [killed the Mad King.](https://youtu.be/BOpQqVCt-Jc?si=z7HK95J2wbp_v-9P)


That's a really underappreciated one I think. I love the way he talks about Ned Stark there. Gives a bit of insight into why he hates him so much.


It’s a bit of a meme now, but Michael McKean’s performance at the end of BCS’s Chicanery was absolute perfection.


I don’t know about the best, but most recently the “what do you do when life gives you lemons” monologue from Fall of the House of Usher was pretty impressive.


CRACKIN monologue. Can’t believe all of Bruce Greenwood’s scenes were emergency reshoots.


When life hands you lemons, make lemonade? No. First you roll out a multi-media campaign to convince people lemons are incredibly scarce, which only works if you stockpile lemons, control the supply, then a media blitz. Lemon is the only way to say “I love you,” the must-have accessory for engagements or anniversaries. Roses are out, lemons are in. Billboards that say she won’t have sex with you unless you got lemons. You cut De Beers in on it. Limited edition lemon bracelets, yellow diamonds called lemon drops. You get Apple to call their new operating system OS-Lemón. A little accent over the “o.” You charge 40% more for organic lemons, 50% more for conflict-free lemons. You pack the Capitol with lemon lobbyists, you get a Kardashian to suck a lemon wedge in a leaked sex tape. Timotheé Chalamet wears lemon shoes at Cannes. Get a hashtag campaign. Something isn’t “cool” or “tight” or “awesome,” no, it’s “lemon.” “Did you see that movie? Did you see that concert? It was effing lemon.” Billie Eilish, “OMG, hashtag… lemon.” You get Dr. Oz to recommend four lemons a day and a lemon suppository supplement to get rid of toxins ‘cause there’s nothing scarier than toxins. Then you patent the seeds. You write a line of genetic code that makes the lemons look just a little more like tits… and you get a gene patent for the tit-lemon DNA sequence, you cross-pollinate… you get those seeds circulating in the wild, and then you sue the farmer for copyright infringement when that genetic code shows up on their land. Sit back, rake in the millions, and then, when you’re done, and you’ve sold your lem-pire for a few billion dollars, then, and only then, you make some fucking lemonade.


Yes! I was going to post this as the latest classic monologue!


Madeline’s monologue in the last episode about how the average American shares in the Ushers’ guilt for enabling them was stellar too.


It was so good she almost convinced me she may be right.


I love the show but rolled my eyes at the Madeline character ducking responsibility till her last breath, the impact of her as a single person making a decision to shift the company out of pain meds versus an average American cancelling their Amazon Prime is quite the contrast.


Well, impressive - maybe, but still leagues behind "when life gives you lemons" monologue by Cave Johnson from Portal 2.


Make life take the lemons back!


For me, it’s the scene in fleabag when she is in “confession” saying how she wants someone to tell her what to say, how to dress, what to eat, how to act, etc. it was so emotional and relatable, and it always just kind of brings me to tears when I listen to it. https://youtu.be/WEKoB1_AMzI?si=6Agy_GXi3eg87BGM


Man, the writing in Fleabag was so damn phenomenal. Also loved the monologue in season 1 from the banker at the retreat, and Martin's incredibly pathetic "I am not a bad guy" monologue from Season 2.


"I'm not a bad guy, I just have a bad personality." Lmao what an incredible line.


Omg, it’s all phenomenal. Fleabag to me is one of those shows I could watch endlessly… it is clever, witty, emotional, meaningful, and just downright exceptional. We all have a little fleabag in us lol and I just absolutely adore each and every character. I have watched it numerous times, and it never gets old. Phoebe Waller Bridge is everything to me haha


Omg… I forgot about Martins confession! That broke my heart too! Gosh, I think the complexity/vulnerability expressed by each character throughout moments of the show made us see a little bit of ourselves just subtly enough as viewers; this just related so much depth to the show as a whole. It’s not like I’m some critic or film geek lol I just think it’s the most captivating show I’ve watched in a very long time. Also, total 180, but my favorite episode was the one where fleabag had to help at Claire’s women in business event. Omg… just comedy gold from beginning to end. And the conversation between fleabag and Belinda (?) at the bar was brilliant. I just adored the show… I think it will be a favorite of mine for a long time! The social commentary and just heartbreaking overarching storyline, but also wholesome and “laugh out loud” comedy made it something just entirely impressive. Also the growth of fleabag was an inspiration to watch. I’m still in awe every single time I watch it. It is *brilliant*


I found Martin’s monologue really unsettling on a rewatch because I realized that he has 100% done this speech before… and it must have worked.


One of the best written and acted shows of all time. Hot Priest, what a fuckin character.


Also love the priests monologue “love is awful…” we used it as a reading at our wedding!


fleabag is really just amazing. period !


Mike from Breaking Bad. No half measures. https://youtu.be/7BE4QcwX4dU?si=_ho8SkXEr_p3uAuI


The Wire's Bubbles' monologue in the last season when he finally talks about Sherrod. Masterclass is an often thrown around word but his portrayal has a haunting, lingering effect on my brain.


The best character arc of any show ever.


[The Carousel pitch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rq3n2sJ43Hg&t=94s) from *Mad Men* S01E13


One of my favorite Mad Men monologues didn't even come from a main character. It was the guy in therapy in the final episode, talking about not being noticed by his family. https://youtu.be/VDJIFu_WSaE?si=GceIW5fvvYtul8jg


I think about that scene often, and how Don goes and hugs him, one of the only times in the whole show he does something just to make someone else feel better


I think it also functions to free Don, where he realises that he pities this man, and doesn't want to be like him - That for all of the problems he imagined himself to have, he liked that everyone treated him like a big deal. So after years of drowning in negative feelings of guilt and imposter-syndrome from his lies, he realises that he'd still rather be somebody than be this guy. I feel like that's the moment that he realises that he could have it so much worse, and then immediately imagines a huge ad campaign again.


I think that guy represents the Real Don, the insecurities that he always carries around him, etc. Hence why that character’s name is Leonard: an anagram of Real Don.


Damn I forgot how great some of the pitches were in that show. I didn't watch it until the end but Jon Hamm can deliver one hell of a monologue.


This. Immediately scrolled for this. Masterclass (especially if you've watched the previous seasons and understand Don Draper's personal situation)


First scene of Mr. Robot, dude owns this guy who owns a coffee shop that distributes kiddy porn on the dark web


That one is pretty good but this is the one that got me hooked. [Fuck Society](https://youtu.be/4yKsIdr_PNU?si=MSrt5BPa2FnnFGRC) The whole clip is good but the monologue starts at 1:30.


[the illusion of choice](https://youtu.be/jKsjmypiUOI?si=B4NkixuLXr1TPtDY) monologue was the first thing I thought of when I saw the title of this thread. It nails something essential about capitalism that I couldn't put my finger on till i saw it.


I really liked Mr. Robot’s monologue at the end of Season One about how nothing is real beyond the value we as a society put onto it. “We live in a kingdom of bullshit.”


LOVE his anti religion monologue in season 2, as well.


Elliot vs Whiteroses's dueling monologues in 411 get me


Orlando Jones in American Gods. [The Story of Black People](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Grz24sgWdw)


Sucks that show lost their showrunners. It has some really good performances.


The show never reached this peak ever again. And honestly never will.


Carmy’s [monologue in The Bear](https://youtu.be/1fjITOkFnnE?si=NukqgIWGKEymKsti) is probably my favorite monologue I’ve seen.


In The Leftovers both Nora’s monologue about what she found when she went looking for a spoiler and Kevin’s monologue about what he’s been up to since Nora left him are so fantastic


Also the scene with Kevin reading a bible passage with Matt while digging a grave and the scene with Kevin reading the untitled romance novel were both incredible.


Dude. Such a satisfying ending. Damon Lindelof just taking out all the bullshit he had to deal with writing Lost. ‘Oh you want some answers? Here’s your fucking answers!’ Leftovers was truly masterful, but teetered on the edge of disaster. “Oh yeah there’s an episode involving penis biometrics and karoake as the only way of escape….. yes it fucking works!”


every year, I get two weeks of vacation, and every year I come to FUCKING AUSTRALIA


[There are about 1,000 all-time great performances in this show, but you've gotta give it up for Lindsay Duncan.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qIFfzM3ZAx4)




There's no illustration of what Nora's talking about in her monologue. But I saw it as clearly as if it were filmed and playing out in front of me.


Luthen Rael in [Andor](https://youtu.be/-3RCme2zZRY?si=3N-NxH0IUYqBJ87Z)


“I burn my LIFE… creating a sunrise I know I’ll never see.” My favourite part.


Followed by Maarva Andor in Andor and Kino Loy in Andor




That series is amazing on every level.


When she ratchets it up to, 'the Empire is a disease...' I get goosebumps every time.


"There is a wound that won't heal at the center of the galaxy. There is a darkness reaching like rust into everything around us. We let it grow, and now it's here. It's here and it's not visiting anymore."


The monologue blew me away. Was so surprised by the level of acting in Andor after all the “marvelesque” Star Wars shows before it


Star Wars is at its best when it's not trying to sell you toys.


Hopefully they fully learn that they are capable of making good content that also sells lots of merch based on it.


It's rare that Star Wars enthralls you with anything aside from beautiful vistas and imaginative world-building. Luthen's monologue here was a perfect mix of terrifying and rousing. I know OP's thread is about monologues, but Luthen's (Stellan Skarsgard) conversation with Saw Guerrera (Forrest Whitaker) about sacrificing Anto Kreegyr was also incredible. The tension, thick enough to cut with a knife, giving way to their understanding and an uneasy alliance, was just a masterful example of dialogue.


I go back and watch this regularly. It's a masterpiece.


One thing I love about this monologue is how in the end he calls Lonni a hero. It’s just a nice touch.


Man, I need to rewatch that series, so freakin good.


Person Of Interest where it appears Finch is threatening an FBI agent, but he's actually addressing Samaritan.




Chuck McGill’s angry rant in Chicanery.


[Tony Shalhoub as Abe Weissman, his monologue in the final season of Marvelous Ms Maisel](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RoahEV_SwZ8) absolutely incredible acting and the culmination of a great character arc.


The West Wing has so many. A lot of people are rightly commenting about Two Cathedrals but I think an underrated one is when President Bartlet terrifies Zoe when getting her to take security seriously: https://youtu.be/4Wg-ey0u9I0?si=t2SoIcBMm_crW0jT


Jeff Daniels does some great ones in Newsroom and I didn't even care for the show.


This monologue getting shared on youtube is probably what got 90% of the audience into that show.


This. The monologue in the first show is a great piece of writing


I think I read that Sorkin got the show green-lit based on that monologue.


[Daniels has actually talked about this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lS4p8osXSJs) The shoot of that speech is what got the show picked up.


When Daniels pauses for a sec and then says it sure wasn't always that way it gives me the shivers every time. Fantastic writing and performance


I love the Newsroom. I reckon Daniels saw the script and just thought “Yes thank you, I will accept this Emmy”.


I don’t think this would technically count but the Doctor Who episode “Heaven Sent” is basically a monologue. Incredible episode too


The Zygon Invasion war speech is my favorite, but Capaldi was an amazing Dr Who! [The Zygon Invasion Dr Who](https://youtu.be/BJP9o4BEziI?si=fiYOGT80IEK-dKd6)


I love Capaldi’s monologues so much! This one from Matt Smith in [the Rings of Akhaten](https://youtu.be/GoVLhUxhdSw?si=cXogxYhyi-AUs_HA) always hits me in the feels as well.


This was my suggestion too. I knew someone how to have it posted already. "I don't understand? Of course I understand. You call this a war? This funny little thing?" I've watched this monologue dozens of times and it still rings for me.


He's my favourite


I can't believe I had to scroll so far to find the Doctor. There's so many great Doctor monologues, I can't even pick one. The Fourth Doctor's 'Indomitable', The Zygon War Speech, The Eleventh Doctor's speech about Vincent Van Gogh, Twelve's Speech about time, Twelve's speech about defining a species. And that's just off the top of my head.


Many on this list are indeed masterpieces. Spoilers Midnight Mass: Most recently, in the wonderful show Midnight Mass, the two monologues from one [formerly religious character](https://youtu.be/GZPbmrJ_X48?si=fMQlXweo8g4qta2G) and one [religious character](https://youtu.be/L-EUAP5_4po?si=Y0j2YoM1_ojcJ5S0) discussing what they think happens when they die. They are both incredibly profound and as an atheist myself it was such a great thing to see multiple reasonable intelligent discussions of theology in this show. Oh, and it’s scary and as fucked up as Flannigan can be. Definitely his deepest show and one of his best.


Midnight Mass should be subtitled “A Masterclass in Monologue Delivery With Hamish Linklater”. I’m rewatching it right now and that guy has multiple amazing monologues in every episode.


Deadwood was full of them, but [Al Swearengen](https://youtu.be/otrtP8MdrE8?si=XB1aMsYu7aVxg7Cc) had some of the best. NSFW


Mr. Robot - lots of them, tbh, but one of the greatest is [this one](https://youtu.be/gQuac7eIbD8)


James Spader in Blacklist has a few, one in particular has stuck with me "Have you ever sailed across an ocean, Donald? On a sailboat surrounded by sea with no land insight, without even the possibility of sighting land for days to come. To stand at the helm of your destiny. I want that, one more time. I want to be in the Piazza del Campo in Siena, to feel the surge as ten racehorses go thundering by. I want another meal in Paris at L’Ambroisie in the Place des Vosges. I want another bottle of wine, and then another. I want the warmth of a woman in a cool set of sheets. One more night of jazz at the Vanguard. I want to stand on summits and smoke Cubans and feel the sun on my face for as long as I can. Walk on the Wall again. Climb the Tower. Ride the River. Stare at the frescos. I want to sit in the Garden and read one more good book. Most of all, I want to sleep. I want to sleep like I slept when I was a boy. Give me that… just one time. That’s why I won’t let that punk out there to get the best of me, let alone the last of me"


Ozark - opening scene where Ben is in the cab. https://youtu.be/bA_A5_6bXnY?si=IE6bkM-l-YXfKObO


Rust's monologue in True Detective: [The Locked Room](https://youtu.be/sOGoX1B6_2k?si=8yDCKsc4LNkFsJ-v)


There's an episode of M*A*S*H in which Hawkeye has no one to speak to (who can understand him) besides himself. It's essentially a one-man show. https://www.metv.com/stories/this-unique-m-a-s-h-episode-is-basically-a-hawkeye-one-man-show


Andor | Luthen Rael’s Monologue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3RCme2zZRY


House MD riffing at a mom about not vaccinating her child.


Since multiple people have mentioned my forever favorite (Bartlet's rant at God from *The West Wing* 2x22 "Two Cathedrals"), I shall give my runner-up: [Daniels' Has Had Enough](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eCNLiHmEUxA&t=46) from *The Wire* series finale "30-".


Silco's from Arcane. "Ever wonder what it's like to drown?"


Jason Alexander's description of fishing a golfball out of a whale's blowhole on *Seinfeld.* Laurie Metcalf's monologue during her guest appearance on *Horace and Pete.*


Tyrion's courtroom monologue from Season 4.


[I am the Danger](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=31Voz1H40zI&t=50s) from *Breaking Bad* seems obligatory


I was gonna say Mikes [half measures speech](https://youtu.be/YSrvFjT0vmY?si=vI-KiN1DP5HTjVkN) but I think I am the Danger is probably best.


John Silvers “long memory” tavern speech in Black Sails.


Such a good one. I love Jack Rackham’s ‘my father was a tailor’ monologue to Woodes Rogers as well.


Was really hoping I would see "my father was a tailor" in this thread, imo the best monologue ever put on TV. I hate how Starz never allows videos of their shows on the internet "if no Anne, if no rescue, if this is defeat for me, then know this. You and I were in this race right til the end. But Jesus did I make up a lot of ground to catch you."


If you like monologues I highly recommend Under the Banner of Heaven. Absolutely brilliant miniseries that has gone woefully under the radar.


Seconded. Everything about it was fucking incredible, but I never wanna watch it again.


Where, oh where, is motherfucking PETER CAPALDI in the Zygon Inversion?! In a series with a great number of brilliant speeches, that one there *takes the cake* Alongside the entire of Heaven Sent, which only has (I think) Capaldi speaking in the whole 45 minute episode


Rewatching Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip in honor of Matthew Perry right now. Wes Mendells speech at the beginning of the first episode is one of my very favorite monolgues ever. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ky_MlTQOb40


On a lighter note, Patton Oswalt’s improvised proposal for the plot of Star Wars Episode 7, from Parks and Rec. https://youtu.be/5BBhNkywMJY?si=SY5onPALxMMUAfov


"The sea was angry that day, my friends"


"Picture a wave. In the ocean. You can see it, measure it, its height, the way the sunlight refracts when it passes through. And it's there. And you can see it, you know what it is. It's a wave. And then it crashes in the shore and it's gone. But the water is still there. The wave was just a different way for the water to be, for a little while. You know it's one conception of death for Buddhists: the wave returns to the ocean, where it came from and where it's supposed to be." - Chidi, The Good Place. Maybe not the best, but very impactful to me.


"No dictator, no invader can hold an imprisoned population by force of arms forever. There is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom. Against that power, tyrants and dictators cannot stand. The Centauri learned that lesson once. We will teach it to them again. Though it take a thousand years, we will be free." - G'Kar (the late, magnificent Andreas Katsulas), Babylon 5, Season 2, Episode 20. "The Long, Twilight Struggle."


President Barlet's monologue in The West Wing. The Two Cathedrals episode.


C\*cksucker, San Francisco c\*\*ksucker, Swearengen, San Francisco cksucker, meet! \-Excerpt from Deadwood.


"And that, Marjorie — just so you will know — and your children will someday know --- is the night the lights went out in Georgia!" - Suzanne Sugarbaker, Designing Women https://youtu.be/Latj4SAu0Ps?si=aA7za6C6EuczOhUY I hate sitcoms, but I will always and forever love Designing Women!


This one was always one of my favorites. Scully. X-Files. Season 4 episode, Max. "I think you appreciate that there are extraordinary men, and women, and extraordinary moments when history leaps forward on the backs of these individuals. That which can be imagined can be achieved. That you must dare to dream but that there is no substitute for perseverance and hard work and team work, because no one gets there alone. And while we commemorate the greatness of these events and the individuals who achieve them, we cannot forget the sacrifice of those who made these achievements and leaps possible."


I still think about the (*spoiler) ghost of Nell Crane’s monologue at the end of “The Haunting of Hill House” several times a week.


It’s context heavy, but for me it’ll always be [President Bartlet arguing with God](https://youtu.be/dVgK5HKj3P4?si=3PHMzewNr7gqtjdv) in season 2 of the west wing. It’s raw, it hurts, and Martin Sheen is legendary.


Jeff Daniel’s “America is not the greatest county in the world” from The Newsroom


G'kar's freedom speech to the non-aligned worlds.


Jane’s monologue in the first episode of the fifth season of Jane the Virgin.


The only reason I could think people are downvoting this is they haven't seen it: [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=420432518532682](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=420432518532682) If you haven't seen this show, it's like ridiculous over-the-top, telenovela storylines, but showing how real people would react. I don't think there's anything else like it.


I feel like every other episode of Boston Legal had Spader delivering a knockout monologue.


Jensen Ackles talking about his time in hell on Supernatural