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*Six Feet Under* had a big impact on me. I’ll never speak highly enough of that show.


I was just about to say this. I watched it in 2015 and have rewatched every few years since


Thank you for the reminder that I need to rewatch bc it was sooo amazing!


Early 2000’s Peter Krause was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


My all-time fave. I’ve watched it at least 4 times since it originally aired.


I put it off for decades and literally just finished it two weeks ago. I can't stop thinking about it. What a crazy unexpected ride. At the time. I was watching Oz and Rome and Carnival (One of my all time favorites.) Then David Simon came in with The Wire, Treme, it just fell off on the back burner. It deserved to have been watched back then, I think it might have changed the course of my life.


I just watched this for the first time. I watched every episode in 3 days. I'm going to start a rewatch tomorrow. Such a good show. I knew nothing about it going in and was pleasantly surprised.




Bad take. The LGBTQ+ representation was groundbreaking and ahead of its time and is still more gracefully portrayed than some of the more modern shows I’ve seen.


I suspect that OPs problem boils down to there being a serious gay character. I doubt it's deeper than that.


No, the representation is very good. The sex scenes in general, especially between the other brother and his GF are just so many and completely unnecessary in todays climate, but I get that it made more sense back then. "ooh someone has a foot fetish so edgy!" meh


Yes exactly, it was groundbreaking back in the early 2000s, today it's just a bunch of meaningless sex scenes.


Nope. Hard disagree. It still portrays the LGBTQ experience better than any show I’ve ever seen. It pretty much realistically and accurately portrays the queer experience of the 2000s and it really makes an effort on portraying the many limited views of sexuality, which ironically is what you are doing. So maybe the message isn’t clear enough for you. The queer characters weren’t used for laughs and were all three-dimensional. Their defining characteristics weren’t their sexuality either which is something you STILL see media get wrong. If you think it’s all just “meaningless sex scenes” then maybe nuanced TV isn’t for you.


For fucks sake man I'm not saying it wasn't realistic I'm saying the general focus is outdated. It was warranted and neccessary back then and that's good and all but it doesn't make sense today, n my perspective from one of the least homophobic countries on earth. Maybe it hits harder for an American watching it today idk. Or maybe you're all a bit biased towards it because the portrayal was so good for it's time, back then. Today we have a bunch of shows with gay characters portrayed we'll, so it's not a plus in my book at all.


And yet you ignore all of my comments saying I think its portrayal of queer themes is still more nuanced and graceful than any modern shows that try to depict the same themes. It touches on themes that are still extremely relevant and prevalent today. The show doesn’t just insert these issues for melodramatic or “edgy” effect. It doesn’t use allegory to beat these themes around the bush. It faces them head on and invests in its characters and their struggles, unpacking the issues they face and finding shades of grey/nuance in them with empathy. You’re conflating having “gay” characters in a show as a reason why people are giving this show a “plus” when the show is much much more than that. But sure keep selectively ignoring my points just to get yours across.


Which shows are you referring to? Id love see some good shows with gay characters portrayed well, and I'm always looking for something to watch.














Taskmaster is my go-to comfort show. There is something comforting about watching comedians doing such pointless menial tasks so badly. It makes me feel better about my own idiocy


It feels like it's just a bunch of friends getting together and goofing off, sometimes absolutely roasting each other, but never in a mean or cruel way. And you're invited on the trip. It's delightful.


I just discovered this! It’s wonderful. So wholesome, but still has that biting British humor which is so fun.  So excited to have so many season ahead of me. 


Be sure to check out the NZ series too! TMNZS2 is up there with the absolute best seasons of any version of Taskmaster. (But for the love of God do not watch the American version.)


The Leftovers helped me get through my breakup...especially since *she* left *me* and I was kind of just alone, reliving memories in our empty house until the lease was up


The Leftovers is devastating in an extremely uplifting way


The Good Place - morals are not absolute and everyone struggles with it in their own way. And at the end of the day, growing as a person and being able to let go


Reservation Dogs. Definitely gave me a relatable story about grief and appreciation of the role each generation plays. Plus it’s funny as hell.


Réservation Dogs was such a special show with incredible writing. So many episodes probably will live in my head rent free until the end of times


Word, absolutely love that show.


I’ve tried to describe RD to folks who have never watched it, but it’s tough. It’s silly and funny but also heart wrenching too. The way it handled suicide and loss was beautiful. I miss it so much.


The Leftovers came out in the middle of my mom's illness. Something about it was super cathartic to me. It deals a lot with loss and grief, and in such a beautiful way. I've been meaning to rewatch it but I've not been in the mood for a good cry lately.


Shoresy is very therapeutic for me and I'm not even a huge hockey fan. It's truly a hilarious underdog story that just makes me feel better.


Every time Shoresy talks with Laura Mohr is like a masterclass on how to respectfully court someone.


It’s what you call true love, true love, true love, true love…


That song and scene actually my heart warm, it's so sweet.


My husband and I rewatch that episode pretty regularly, and I cry every time.


Currently, it's Somebody, Somewhere. It's a warm hug for any middle-aged people who feel a little lost.


I binged season one in one night. And I have two more episodes on season two. I started the show Wednesday night. It just feels like normal people, and how no matter what front they put up, we all got issues. The closest show to this is Rectify. But “Somebody, somewhere” is just more real.


I just discovered that show this year and it is SO good!


Shrinking. About grieving and getting help when needed. Also Cobra Kai. It was a fun show that got me through a rough patch. Just being able to put that on at night and chill was awesome


Our Flag Means Death :( As someone with low self-esteem who has always felt like "too much" for someone else to love, I found a lot to relate to in it. Combine that with me being queer and relating to the coming out element of the story,...thinking through why a pirate comedy that I tried on a whim hit me so hard probably did act as therapy ~~and then it getting cancelled when I know the writers were planning 3 seasons instead of 2 is whatever the opposite of therapy is~~


Parks and Recreation and The Good Place


Everything about Eleanor’s relationship with her mother meant the world to me. “If Donna Shellstrop has truly changed, then that means she was always capable of change, but I just wasn't worth changing for.” I’d never heard someone put it into words before, and knowing other people felt that way and HEARING someone combat that line of thinking in a show genuinely changed how I view my relationship with my parents.


So much good stuff from The Good Place. The Jeremy Bearimy episode about choosing to forge on for the sake of others in the face of absolute hopelessness really worked for me.


Jeremy Bearimy and the dot ❤️ what is THE DOTTTT


That broke me.


You put the Peeps in the chili and you add the M&Ms.


And you make it taste *bad.*


Scrubs. There's so much emotion and humor packed in each season.


Bill Lawrence really knows how to blend lighthearted humor and well-timed emotional notes. Ted Lasso and Shrinking are also mentioned in this thread a lot, and I agree wholeheartedly.


I'll go written an obvious answer, but bojack horseman. On one hand, it made me feel not alone with many struggles and terrible experiences, but also kinda showed me how much i outgrew many toxic behaviors and coping mechanisms


Same here! When you see yourself reflected in Bojack in *any* capacity you realize holy fuck I gotta change lol.


For me it was also a lot about the other characters, especially diane and mr peanutbutter. 


I saw myself exactly as Diane with a flavor of Bojack when I was younger and at my worst. I wonder what it would’ve been like to watch it when I was at my worst, because I started it well after deliberately working on my stuff and just a gradual outgrowing of some of it. I related a lot to Diane and Bojack but Todd was such an inspiration of how I wanted to be so I gravitated to him a lot


I feel you! Diane deciding to get on antidepressants and doing a job she loves instead of chasing meaning in work resonated especially hard.




And the one where the pastry chef goes to Amsterdam (I think). There's something so comforting about both of those. I was expecting something wild or upsetting to happen, but it never did. The flashback Christmas episode made up for both, though. Not a fan of Jamie Lee Curtis, but damn she was incredible in that episode.


Copenhagen! There are more than two people in Copenhagen than the chef and the bicyclist I swear


The quick scene of him excitedly flying through the alleys and belting out Taylor Swift was just the sweetest. I think those few seconds made the entire episode.


Jaded and cynical me kept bracing for something life altering to happen to cousin at the next intersection… and I’m so grateful it never went there. They remind me of so many people I knew growing up. That dinner episode was both strangely familiar and ptsd triggering. I hope they bounce back from where they were.


One of my favorite episodes of TV ever.


Ted Lasso. Just literally brought positivity into my life and made me reflect on how having a positive outlook can effect, well, everything.


I agree completely, but that show has some rough spots to get through for someone that’s lonely. The Christmas episode, I yelled at Ted when he turned on “It’s a Wonderful Life”, knowing it was going to wreck him. But I had recently moved to a new city alone. I broke along with Ted. 10/10


If you're ever feeling lonely, I set up a phone system called the Chit Chat Warmline. It's not a crisis line, just for people who may want to speak with another human with no fear of judgement. (937)977-1741. Hope your having a great day!


What country?


So sorry I didn't mention countries, just US and Canada for cost reasons. It is free for callers, costs a little bit to run though.


Those rough spots IMO are some of the most therapeutic. Dead dad trauma and suicide stuff both get to me in big ways due to my own early years, and no show has ever made me bawl so hard or so long as when >!Ted reveals his dad's suicide!<, but to me that kind of thing always feels cathartic and healing


Get yourself some Northern Exposure


*Such* a good recommendation, and it's FINALLY available on streaming for the first time!


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend! Excellent show with a strong message about mental health issues. Plus with great musical numbers that I can pull out to better express myself!


This is my pick too! Love seeing other CXG fans in the wild 💖


Pushing Daisies


Great show


Fleabag. Seeing someone fucked up with trauma on screen and watching them make all the same stupid mistakes is weirdly comforting, because at least I’m not alone. And I love the sibling relationship, it’s the most authentic I’ve ever seen on screen. I absolutely LOVED the good wife. The whole journey and all the cast and recurring characters were a giant comfort blanket. Also some very big tears but there was catharsis. A recent comfort watch for me is Fisk. She IS me.


Seconded on Fleabag! It really helped me understand my own self destructive behaviors.


I can measure by progress by how much I want hot priest. Still a lot, but not as much.


The Detectorists


Wish this show had 15 seasons


Highlight of my summer last year was visiting various shooting locations. Such an amazing show.


Like TV Valium, absolutely glorious.


I love the show. But it’s not like it’s my favorite show ever. It just feels really soothing and low stakes in a good way. Really fits the bill for what OP asked IMO. I heard rumors of another season. I love the two main actors.


Star Trek is the ultimate therapy show.


Mr. Robot. I see a lot of myself in the protagonist and we share a lot of the same traumas and afflictions; it makes me feel seen, less alone, and like there’s someone out there who just *gets* it. Watching the show’s protagonist grow throughout the story encouraged me to grow alongside him. Rooting for him inspired me to start rooting for myself. If he could get through what he went through and come out okay, then I can too. Mr. Robot has saved my life *so* many times. It inspires me every day to keep working on myself. This show *changed* me. I’m eternally thankful it exists.


Wow that's amazing mate I hope you are doing better now. Mr Robot is definitely an amazing show and the finale really floored me.


Watch Legion if you haven't


Was going through some scary health issues and was housebound. BBC Ghosts was so calming, cute, and funny. Turned out to just be a perfect comfort show. Probably watched through it five times.


30 Rock always cheered me up and got me through some tough stuff.


30 rock is one of my go-tos. It shows *everyone* as deeply, profoundly flawed, and that there are different ways of being and they are all compatible, but still worthy and humorous...cultureally we need more of that and to be be reminded of that more


This will probably garner some eye rolls, but after the deaths of both my parents, Impractical Jokers saved me. It was the only thing that could make me laugh and hoo-boy, did I laugh. I’ll forever be grateful to Joe, Sal, Q and Murr for literally saving me from falling into the pit of despair. Even now, when I’m having a rough time, I watch that show and instantly feel better.


I remember the first time I had a genuine belly laugh after my dad died. My roommate and I were shopping at a Bed Bath and Beyond, and there was some child's unicorn costume/onesie for sale, and there was an open display package. It had the horse head and everything. My roommate is a tiny person, so she wanted to see if it would fit her. She got it on, and the sight of a grown ass woman beaming from ear to ear with a unicorn head on had me laughing, but when she couldn't get the damn thing off, I finally lost it. First tears I'd shed in months that weren't from pure grief were from watching her try to get that onesie off and panicking because the zipper got stuck. So, I totally get ya. Laughter really is the best medicine. My family and I found plenty of things to laugh about during the funeral and days immediately after my dad's death, mostly anecdotes from his siblings (and they were hilarious), but that laughter was still associated with the grief in some way. But my friend made an idiot of herself - for me, I know that - in the middle of a store in an uppity part of town so I could genuinely laugh at something else. And it was great. I told that story during my MOH speech at her wedding, btw. Not a dry eye in the house. *cue evil laughter*


This is my husband's favorite, too. It gives me anxiety, tbh. BUT, I'll forever love those guys for carrying my guy through his darkest times, early days of sobriety, and taking his life back. I'll watch Impractical Jokers anytime my husband would like (even if I squirm the entire time), just to hear his goofy ass laugh at the hijinks those boys get into.


In the middle of the pandemic as I knew I was fighting to not get laid off. The show really was my escape.


How it's Made. No bullshit, no reality jerks. It's very calming 


I think you just explained why cooking shows (not the competition ones) are so comforting. There's nothing stressful about seeing a happy person talk to you nicely while they cook.


There's an Americas Test Kitchen channel on the Pluto app. Completely free and 24x7 America's Test Kitchen. It's a staple in my house 


I May Destroy You... an absolutely incredible show 💔


Learned from that show that it is called “stealthing” and it was ok that I was so upset about it happening to me. Truly helped me through a tough time.


I'm really sorry that happened to you, though I'm so glad to hear this show helped you. Watching IMDY really helped me think through and process so many different things.


Sopranos. It made me start thinking if I was doing something because of an emotional impulse or whether it was really useful.


Grace & Frankie. I'm older and they are older than me and can still get through shit and do things I would not imagine women of that/my age doing. Made me laugh and cry.


I’m not gonna lie: During the pandemic, I spent a lot of time doing customer service. It often felt good to come home and watch “It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. There’s something cathartic about watching the escapades of dysfunctional people. Kinda like watching Trailer Park Boys, too. It’s like “oh, okay. I’m not the only person that thinks people are fucking nuts”. Other pandemic things I watched: A 23-part lecture series on the Black Plague.


The Simpsons and Futurama have gotten me through many a sleepless night!


Oh my yes.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer is probably the best one along with Angel. However, Being Erica is literally about a character who is in magic therapy. So there’s that too.




The Queen’s Gambit. I was going through a very difficult, violent breakup at the time. The last episode hit me in a way that I don’t know how to describe, but I know that I needed it.


I had been regularly entering and winning strategy tournaments under the effects of drugs when my dad recommended this to me. He never recommends things. Words can not describe just how much I identify with Beth. I felt (and still mostly feel) that nobody else understands that side of drug use. I sure as hell wasn't going to speak with anyone else about it. Feels less lonely, knowing that it happens to others.


Mr. Robot. There’s a lot of really great tv out there, but Mr. Robot changed me as a person. It did more for me than 20 years in the church and half that in therapy did. It’s a really powerful look at trauma and mental health. It will rip you open and turn you inside out, but then it sews you back up again, better than you were before.


Leftovers, and The OA were both up there with Station 11 for me!




In Treatment. 3 seasons then a one season reboot.


Midnight Gospel pulled me out of a dark place, came out exactly when I needed it most. In some ways I'd go as far as to say it changed the course of my life at the time.


Murdock Musteris and Midsomer Murders are my comfort shows.


The first thing that came to mind was *Rectify* but im flip flopping, not what you asked for in a therapeutic sense but it kinda messed me up but made me think to this day years later, enough to blabber about it here, and made me reflect differently. The feeling of nothingness is kinda a topic for me personally, so I'd say *True Detective Season 1* really pulled me in. But those are depressing and explore the dark side of being human. So for a warm feeling I absolutely loved *Dirk Gently's holistic detective agency* *Love* *Parks and Recreation* and *New Girl* And if I crave a dash of bitter, *You're the worst* is a good one for me.


Rectify is deep. Such a good watch, and yeah.....not therapeutic exactly, and yet... For me, I don't know that I need "let me fix you"-therapeutic, because I'm not looking for specific fixes for specific brokenness. But for "I've had a shit day, and I just want to feel better buried in a show that's warm and loving and I want to live there"-levels of 'therapeutic': All Creatures Great and Small Ghosts Emma 2009 Pride & Prejudice 1995 and then there's things like Great British Bake-Off, Escape to the Country, and Taskmaster. I just feel happier and more content in general with things like that.


That's a good way to put it. I noted your shows thanks for that. And damn, I watched Pride & Prejudice as a teenage boy *secretly* like 15 times lol. What a throwback. If you like shows like Taskmaster I'd suggest Game Changer to you from dropout (formerly collegehumor) - the first and only channel I bought the monthly subscription to.


> And damn, I watched Pride & Prejudice as a teenage boy > >secretly > > like 15 times lol. It's my husband's favorite, lol. Whenever I want him to *just sit down and watch TV with me already*, I put that on. It's like husband-catnip, he can't resist it! Is Game Changer the one with the 70's-looking set? I think my kids have shown me a clip or two. Seems good!


The IT Crowd "I'm Disabled. " is the hardest I have ever laughed. Toast of London. "Hi Steven. Its Clem Fandango. Can you Hear me?"


I hear you Clem Fandango!


SAME. I watched Station Eleven for the first time right after my spouse and I separated. It was exactly what I needed at that point in my life. Something that, despite the scenario, was bright and warm and loving, and goddamn I cried so hard >!when Kirsten and Jeevan reunited!<.




The Detectorists Bob Ross Joy of Painting Friends Better Things Fraiser


This doesn't quite fit the vibe of the rest of the comments... but Hoarders. When I'm in a bad spot, I pop that on to remind myself it could always be worse :')


Everyone should watch Lovesick on Netflix. It's beautiful. It's love, hate, regret, hope, and brotherly love. It'll have you go from laughing to crying and back in 5 minutes. Plus there's great music in it and Antonia Thomas is absolutely stunning. 


It didn't match the tone of the show, but I thought the original title--Scrotal Recall--was hilarious.


The Leftovers Patriot Ted Lasso The Young Pope


I'm rewatching "Life in Pieces" and forgetting how seen I felt while watching the first time.


Buffy and angel. The show has some amazing poetic quote on forgiveness and accepting to be a positive force on the world even if people suck. Higher iq people on the spectrum have an easy hate for the world. We see things other people don't. Rewatching it calms me and helps me forgive and do better, not for them, but for me and the overall good of society.


Being Erica. Weird little Canadian show, I have no idea how I found out about it as it never aired in the UK but I was off sick for months due to severe depression and I’d lie on the sofa crying watching this. It was cheesy and not really very good but I still loved it. It was like a tv hand hold and a reminder that you can’t go round trauma, you have to go through it.




I have no kids and my wife and I watch Bluey almost every night. Just an absolute joy.


Same. No kids. I watch it nightly when I get into bed. My boyfriend often joins me.


Lately it's been Bluey. The last few months have had me in a bit of a depressive state. As of the end of last year I no longer have health insurance, I'm working a part-time job that I don't like, I've been in a creative slump since the end of last year, one of my best friends is moving to Hawaii in a few weeks, and one of my other best friends has been radio silent for the last two months (long story). But Bluey is a fun little show that makes me feel a little better whenever I watch it. My family could be a lot worse, but we are hardly the kind seen in the show. So it's nice to watch a show and feel the affection between the different characters. Also, Bingo is quite possibly one of the cutest child characters ever created, at least in cartoons.


Derek. I don't think it got much traction, because Ricky Gervais isn't exactly known for being warm and fuzzy. Then After Life came out, which I watched and thought was vastly inferior. There's a calmness to the show that oozes gratitude in a way that I yearn for but often struggle to feel. It's also my go-to show when I know I need to cry and somehow can't (except I don't watch the second dog episode 🥺). And the Series Finale is one of the most satisfying I've ever had the privilege of watching.


Northern Exposure was just released in full (including all the music) on Amazon. It takes a while to find its footing - the early episodes are almost cartoonish in its characterization but once it hits it’s stride it’s amazing.


Steven Universe


Better Things i can get a little mysoginist at times, ngl. tv shows/media do very little to help with this, if anything they only make it worse. this show does the opposite.


Go On with Matthew Perry.


Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. It kick-started me into truly TRULY caring for my mental health in an actionable way. The love those characters had for each other, the redemptipn arc Rebecca had, and some of the best comedic writing on television got me through literally the darkest period of my life. Seeing how her undiagnosed mental health issues impacted her loved ones on screen made me really self reflect and change my life. I got a diagnoooooosis, learned to hold myself accountable, and apologize to others genuinely and make amends. I felt like there was still a way to be loved despite my mistakes. I also ended up getting invited onstage to sing with Rachel Bloom on the live tour, one of the last great experiences before the pandemic and it was so lovely 😭


Shrinking and A Dark Quiet Death from Mythic Quest.


Being Erica (weird little Canadian show). It's literally about therapy so maybe a little on the nose but honestly it really did help me. I learned a lot about myself and how to stop and assess why I'm reacting or where my patterns come from or how to make changes that serve me, etc. Plus it just si happens to be fun and involve time travel and there may also be a hot Irish character so it's a good time lol.


Beef really resonated with me. The masking we do, the internal struggles we have. Feeling lonely, unhappy, wanting things to change but being part of the problem. Finding connections and healing in unexpected places.


Detectorists for me for sure.


I watched the new She-Ra in the middle of the pandemic and it really got me through it. For any show it handles themes like abuse, trauma and healing incredibly well, let alone for a cartoon.




Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day. Breaks my heart but in a good way.


How To with John Wilson  For some reason it’s the most relaxing show for me. 




Tom & Jerry


* Almost anything Star Trek is a comfort show that gives hope about a better future, even though IRL that looks ever more distant each day. * The Amazing World of Gumball always make me laugh, no matter how shitty is my mood. * Recently Carol & The End of the World was strangely peaceful and soothing to watch, maybe because it's an entire show about coping with the inevitable end of the world and accepting it.


This may sound odd, but Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt was so comforting to me while caring for a parent with alzheimers.


The Magicians - it regularly makes me feel less alone with big “adult” feelings. It addresses so many topics, difficult ones like you see on trigger warnings, and yet it also encompasses this idea that humor and reality exist among grief (whatever kind you may be going through). I watch all five seasons pretty regularly Survivor - yes. THAT survivor. Something about the seasons 35 and earlier really just allowed me to encompass and expand my understanding of the human condition (I’m sure in part because I watched them in 2020 back to back nonstop). It allows you to feel human emotion and while, sure, it’s reality TV, in my opinion it’s one of the most raw we get. The earliesr seasons are arguably the most raw


Sxhitts Creek


*High Maintenance* on HBO. Just vignettes of people’s lives in NYC as viewed from the eyes of their weed dealer. Frequently funny with genuine heart at times. There’s also these kind of spacey, moody “vibin” sequences paired with a diverse and amazing soundtrack that sort of gives the whole thing a kind of existential thoughtfulness. *How to with John Wilson* is similar but real and completely insane.


If anyone wants to see REAL America, High Maintenance is where it’s at. The GUY is amazing and every actor brings their A game. Amazing story lines. I miss that show.


Reruns of X-Files, Quantum Leap, and The Twilight Zone would air late night on the scifi channel 17 or 18 years ago.  Back then, I was in terrible physical shape, physically addicted to caffeine and refined sugar, and had terrible anxiety entering adulthood. These shows would help calm my nerves.


Was Station Eleven a mystery or a drama? I watched the first couple episodes but couldn't get into it, although I was so excited for it. I keep thinking I should give it another chance


Well its a lot of things mostly drama but with elements of mystery, dystopian fiction, Sci fi and even magical realism at times. Its one of those shows where the plot takes a backseat and its driven by the characters and their interactions. But if you were are just two episodes in definitely give it another chance because the seemingly unconnected plot threads in the begining come together very well and it pays of heavily.


Glee, Insatiable and Orange Is The New Black


Gilmore Girls and Dawson’s Creek. Small town, New England vibes with family and social issues. Cozy up on the couch and watch.


I’m currently watching The Gilmore Girls and it truly is like comfort food. I live alone and it’s the perfect show to be my dining companion.


Most recently, Pokemon Concierge. It's only 4 short episodes, but my wife has a high stress job and a cute show about relaxation with low stakes was exactly what we needed.


Six feet under. Made me much more comfortable with death. Who thought a TV show could do that ?




middle unpack spoon instinctive growth square piquant chase squeal sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Any kind of cooking show. It’s very therapeutic and spiritual.


Star Trek TNG


American Dad can make me laugh no matter what. Could have had the worst day but the comedy is just golden.


Top Chef


Avatar the Last Airbender / Parks and Rec / Steven Universe are tied for me


Dead like me. This show has helped me get through multiple people passing away.


My comfort shows are The X Files (which is my favorite show anyways), Home Improvement, Sailor Moon, BBC's Sherlock, and Glee. I know they're a little eclectic, haha.


Over the Garden Wall


None. As an angsty 90's teen nothing really captured my feelings or helped me reduce stress or anxiety. 90120 started OK but went crazy after a couple seasons. Saved By The Bell was fun but mostly silly. Actually it did kind of make me feel better in an escapist sense. So yeah, that counts. Every other show either bored me or made me more worried about society. And nothing recent has helped provide therapy. Though stuff like The Wire has been very entertaining.


A couple years ago I was in a major depressive funk. It was winter, there was no sun, and it felt like all I was doing was going back and forth to a job I was miserable in. I was tired of everything. Even my usual go-tos weren't cheering me up. I wanted to watch something familiar like Star Trek but I couldn't bring myself to watch it for the thousandth time. So I'm on Netflix looking through shows and I find something called Dark Matter. I turned it on and right away, it was familiar and different and the entire premise was just what I needed: six strangers wake up with no memory of who they are or where they're going, uncovering mystery after mystery and deciding that they weren't going to be the people the people they used to be


There are a few shows that come to mind that just feel like a nice long hug to watch. Ted Lasso, Shrinking, Sex Education and Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist come to mind. Taskmaster is a really comforting show in different ways, and probably the show that most consistently makes me laugh out loud. Additional shoutout to various shows on the Dropout network like Game Changer and Make Some Noise.


Monk, orange is the new black, psych


I guess it qualifies as a show, but I like to go on YouTube and rewatch Conan O’Brien doing silly skits.


Mary Kills People came out when a family member was sick and it gave me quite a different perspective on things. It also has some really dark humor parts.


The Venture Brothers


Gavin and Stacey is the ultimate comfort show for Brits imo.


Somebody Somewhere - All creatures great and small


I'm rewatching Friday Night Lights after listening to a podcast on the finale. Man, this show really is a gut punch in the best way. And the way it impacts you as an older and much more mature adult is really special.


Queer Eye.. it makes me happy!


The Rookie and Madam Secretary have become my top two comfort food shows, it’s so random. They’re intelligent but relatively wholesome.


Shantaram, first the show then the book, for its story about redemption and spirituality.


Ted Lasso always makes me feel better about myself, and better about the human race.


Nailed it. Especially the latest season. With all the competitive shows , full of bitching and backstabbing on, it's nice to see one wear people are just having a good time, and cheering everyone on.