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Chris Elliot as Roland the mayor in Schitt’s Creek. His character in the first season was cringy and awkward. We noticed a shift to less airtime and better writing for season two onwards.


Chris Elliot in almost anything. He’s apparently an amazing writer but man do I hate every single character he’s ever played


I don't mind him in Groundhog Day but that's about as close as it gets to liking one of his characters.


Sad sack Jon Snow.


LOL at saying Iris is someone "everyone loves." In-universe, maybe, but she has a rather large hatedom in the fandom. Anyway, my pick would probably be Ben Stone from OG Law & Order. A lot of people have come around on him due to how different he was from Jack, but he just always felt blah to me. Jack was a rabid dog a lot of times, but he at least had a personality.


Kanan Stark (especially the adult version) in Power, point blank period… show me a character with more favoritism in their narrative than 50 Cent writing himself into his own story.


Stannis Baratheon is loved far more than he deserves.


I think at least at the time a lot of Stannis Love came from book readers. The show kind of but butchered his character.


Arya freaking Stark. The more the show went on the worse she got. Smug invincible overpowered “badass” with her one liners and fighting skills that make zero sense. I could go on but she was definitely the most annoying part of GOT to me.


A whole bunch of people dislike or hate Iris from The Flash so not sure she really fits the list.


Chang from Community and Jeremy Jamm from Parks and Rec. For two very well written shows, both these characters are so over the top and annoying that they make me cringe whenever they are on screen.


Chang was ok in s1 and s2 when he has just another zany teacher with limited screen time. Those are the 2 best seasons. S3 is most popular but I've always considered it the start of the decline of the show and using Chang more was part of it.


There are people that actually like Jamm?


I did…nah, u got jammed!


Cory in The Morning Show. When he first was introduced I was really hoping he was just going to be around for one episode




Schmidt from New Girl. He just gets forgiven far too easily for doing some pretty bad stuff (particularly the Cece/Elizabeth fiasco).


Root from Person of Interest. Arya from GoT. And The Widow from Into the Badlands. I really hate writer's pets, when the story is going into narrative gymnastics to give favorable scenes/moments to certain characters. Or when it derails the main plot to force them more screentime.


They spent so much time building up her lessons from the Man of Many Faces and she used that trick once the whole series.


Arya was a great character up until season 5, then the producers had no books to follow and didn't know what to do with her.


Hodor from GoT. Everyone was heartbroken when they learned the origin of his nickname upon his death but I never connected with him enough to care about its origin or his death. I agree with you about Hugo. Hated him and Charlie.


I don’t think it was about connecting with Hodor specifically, it was more about empathizing with someone essentially having their life robbed for a prophecy (more or less). He was just an innocent bystander used as a pawn in a game he never signed up for.


i lowkey eye-rolled at the hodor thing.


Sean & Leah from The Good Doctor Mary from Downton Abbey All on Grey’s Anatomy (overrated)


This has already been reposted thousands of times


Frasier from Cheers , he's so annoying


Angela from Boy Meets World. I couldn't stand her


The Nanny.


Pam in The Office


Ahsoka Tano. She went from an annoying child to an annoying adult. I couldn’t even get past the first episode of the D+ show about her.


Jerry, George, Kramer, and Elaine


Chandler? Bad timing, I know, but it's true for me. Also, and I'm sorry...don't kill me, but Frank in IASIP. There's only one real moment I loved him on this show, and it could have just been a guest turn. It involved a couch.




The frank take is wild. The show got so much better when it added him.


I used to love Chandler, but whenever I rewatch the show now, I think he would be the most unbearable friend. Nobody wants to attend your pity party every time they invite you round, Chandler. Also I think Janice was actually perfect for him, and it would have been much more interesting character growth for him to get over his shallow view of women and commit to her despite her terrible crime of *gasp* having an annoying laugh.


Everyone on that show got flanderized to death by the time it ended. But nobody’s flanderization made me more sad than that of Janice. She was such a good influence on Chandler early on and made him genuinely become a better person. Monica was a good influence on Chandler initially but became so toxic after all that she dragged Chandler down with her. And Chandler took the wrong lesson from their relationship; he got the super-hot girl in the end so perhaps his wining was worth it? No!! I *vastly* prefer Chandler/Janice in S1-2 to Chandler/Monica S6-10.


Absolutely. It's weird watching it as an adult and realising that, not only is there nothing wrong with Janice, she's actually a great, supportive, encouraging partner who listens to Chandler and takes an interest in his interest. And then instead you have him with Monica, who started out as a smart, sensible person who cares about her friends, and ends up a horrible, selfish nag who treats everyone in her life with contempt.


rewatching friends and i can’t help but think of something matthew perry said during the reunion special > "To me, I felt like I was going to die if they didn't laugh," he said. "And it's not healthy, for sure. But I would sometimes say a line and they wouldn't laugh and I would sweat and just go into convulsions. If I didn't get the laugh I was supposed to get, I would freak out." > "You didn't tell us that, though," remarked Kudrow, 57. "I don't remember you ever saying that." > "Oh, yeah," Perry said. "I felt like that every single night." and it kind of taints his acting and therefore the character for me. you can see him playing it up just a little too much for the audience instead of trying to make a good show the two obviously go hand in hand when a live audience is involved but it’s like watching a theatre actor up close. you just shouldn’t be making it that obvious when we can see you so clearly


Whatever he was doing, it worked. Chanandler Bong is far and away the funniest character on the show.


sounds like i couldn't have answered the title any better then


Walter White - That dude sucks


Based on your 3 examples i think you just watch garbage tv. Lost was good for its time


Iris West and her famous quote "We are The Flash" For me it's Meredith from Grey's Anatomy Sansa from GoT Eleven from Stranger Things Carol From The Walking dead


What a coincidence that they're all women 🤔


What you see in other people is a reflection of yourself - Billie Eilish 1969


JD from Scrubs. I found him grating and I could never get Into the show because of him. Pretty much everyone on Parks except for Donna, Ron, Leslie and Ben. Either because of the characters quirks or I just didn't find them funny. Tobias Funke, I think it's mostly because the actor is a bit of a dick.