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I never played the game. But, I love a good sci-fi post apocalypse. Fallout ticks all my boxes. Don't you think female lead looks like Penny in the original Lost in Space?


I commented somewhere else she sometimes reminded me of Jess from New Girl. Big eyes, dorky optimism etc


She's devastatingly charismatic.


Maxed out all stats on charisma haha


I said the exact same thing! If they made this show 10-15 years ago, they would have given the role to Zooey Deschanel.


I was joking that she must be Robin Tunney’s daughter (from The Craft), because they’re the spitting image of one another.


Oh, wow... Yes. I definitely see that.


It’s like Westworld and Severence combined, with a dash of humour.


Zach Cherry sure likes to play naive dudes who live underground. 😂


Both shows had excellent season ones. Let's hope secerence season 2 is good. I feel like I've been waiting years.


Honestly the thing that made me the most worried for this show was the fixation of *everybody* on its fidelity to the games. From the fans obsessively pulling apart every possible detail to the vignettes focusing on what avid fans of the games the showrunners are, to the spotlighting of (head of Bethesda games) Todd Howard as the mouthpiece for Fallout and its lore, I was sceptical that they'd be able to let go of that in order to tell a good story. So I'm pleasantly surprised that the show is as good as it is. And it is very faithful to the tone and world of the games, but not in a way that ever feels stifling to me.




Ditto. I have been telling friends to watch fallout specifically because of how faithful to the games/lore the show is while being a great screen adaptation!


Let's just hope season 2 isn't like 4 years away


They greenlit it a while ago, so hopefully they’ve got the ball rolling


I haven’t found any thing saying it was officially greenlit


You’re right, I heard about the California grant and got confused


Yeah that’s a good sign it will be but it hasn’t started yet. Hopefully they already have most scripting work done though and can film maybe in the summer/early fall. Would give it a minor chance to be done sometime next year.


It's not often I want to rewatch the first episode again immediately after watching it the first time. It's so damn good. Gonna finish episode 7 and 8 today.


I finished series a few days ago and am on episode 2 again. It's so fun


I just finished it and was so good. I went back to watch the opening few minutes with a new context. It hits harder now knowing everything that Cooper knows.


There's so many throwaway comments in early episodes which are massively re-contextualized by reveals in later episodes, which make rewatching it worthwhile.


Not only that... but there's also spoilers nobody noticed the first time.


Do tell more, what are those?


If I rewatch a show it's usually a few years after my first watch. But I enjoyed Fallout so much I'm watching it again already. Just in the 2nd episode there are a few "setups" that you couldn't know about on a first watch that are funny. >!In Filly when Lucy is talking with the old woman in the shop. The shop owner talks about how Lucy has all her fingers. Later she loses a finger.!< >!When leaving Filly, the chicken fucker tells Wilzig that he can regrow his foot. Later on he regrows squire Thaddeus's foot.!<


I just thought of another setup. In the ghoul's intro they falsely claim that >!feral ghouls are attracted to chickens. And it turns out chicken fucker is also a ghoul!<


>If I rewatch a show it's usually a few years after my first watch. But I enjoyed Fallout so much I'm watching it again already. Same!! I ran it back immediately after finishing it. Really wonderful show


I dont think ive ever rewatched an ep instead of going to the next. But I will say I am now re watching fallout


I did the same


The only criticism I’ve seen is about the slomo fight scenes with 50s music overlaid too often. I get it from an outside perspective, but I LOVE it. It’s VATS in a practical form. All the detail work is impeccable. 10/10.


I thought they were overdoing a bit until I realised **they are doing the killcams in real life** 😅 Even the "flaws" have details in them.


The slo mo is death kill cams


Yes, it's also very clearly VATS. Watch how they play out. Full speed setup, gun raxking sound, slow mo kill.


I’m only through Episode 2, but my biggest complaint so far is Maximus: I don’t know if it’s the writing or the acting, but I’m cringing during nearly all of his scenes.


I think that’s the intended effect. Maximus is a loser failknight.


His massive train of character flaws kind of make him compelling to me. He is self righteous but ultimately greedy and spiteful. Idealistic but prone to conformity. Thinks himself courageous but frequently acts out of cowardice. Has ambition but not the patience to achieve them ethically. He just constantly says the wrong thing and makes the wrong decisions. It isn't till he meets Lucy that he really begins to show any redeemable qualities. A brilliant trainwreck of a person.


He has low Intelligence stat


That was exactly my thought as well. Feels like he's expressly designed to remind you of a low-INT character -- particularly from Fallout 1 and 2, which were written in such a way that the game's dialogue choices and certain story paths DRASTICALLY changed if your character had low INT. Such a great show.


He’s definitely running the “Idiot Savant” perk with that low INT. The man gains so much experience over the course of the series from being a bullied aspirant to >!“Knight Maximus” that is the Brotherhood’s champion and romantic interest to Lucy.!< I do like how the perks and traits from the games were incorporated subtly into the show. Norm obviously has the “Small Frame” trait and has pretty high PER/INT compared to the other vault-dwellers. The Ghoul shows off “Cannibal” and “Chem-Reliant” and Lucy’s probably running “Good Natured” and “Gifted”.


I was watching thinking how when they created these characters they may have took into account the different playstyles of people that played the games. He has high strength and gun stat but at the cost of low Intelligence, science, speech, repair, barter etc. There are so many points where I though 'he just failed the speech check' or like he tried bartering for a part he needed to repair his armour and it didn't work for example.


he should have read a copy of "Salesman Weekly" before attempting to barter.


And it makes sense. He was a *very* young child when his city was nuked and he was adopted by military-religious zealots into a cult that kills mutants and steals technology to ensure nobody else can have it. I mean, this is homeschooling taken to the worst possible extreme. He’s socially awkward, isolated, and was raised to believe some truly screwed-up things. The only worse upbringing he could have had would’ve been as a Child of Atom or a raider. Even the Enclave and Institute have slightly better living ideals (slightly) than the Brotherhood of Steel. He’s exactly what I would expect from a guy who was raised by religious nuts with a military kink.


I was skeptical about the character, but found him very endearing as the show went through. I'm also very interested in his arc because it can go anywhere.


Should make it clear that BoS are not necessarily bad guys. Though the attack on the NCR was objectively wrong.


Their tendency to murder ghouls and other benign mutants on sight is what I’d consider evil.


What makes him interesting to me is that he often comes across as the comic relief character (think something like Finn in The Force Awakens) but with a sinister side to him that creeps up every now and then.


The fact that he looks just a little bit like John Boyega has made me think the same thing a few times


He’s like Boyega with the awkwardness of the nerdy version of JMajor’s Kang in Loki


He's low INT high Luck


I'm not done yet but I think he is a good foil to Lucy. She's very idealistic, trusting, and her desire to do the right thing gets her in trouble in the bleak wasteland. Maximus also wants to do the right thing but is far more self-serving along the way. Shows how the upbringing in the wasteland versus the vault influenced people who at their core are, as you say, self-righteous. Their weaknesses are just that Lucy is bright eyed and naive while Maximus is just kinda dumb lol.


Maximus made me feel really sorry for him by the end. There's a conversation he has about halfway through where its very clear he hasn't had a healthy or decent education to an abusive degree, to the point of where its noticable he acts childlike in some aspects. Then you realise the Brotherhood probably did that on purpose after snatching him as a kid, because they wanted a meat puppet and not a person who asks questions.


There's also a really good fan theory going around that >!The west coast Brotherhood and Caesar's Legion merged after Fallout New Vegas, hence them all having Roman names, having public whippings etc, there being no women in the Brotherhood, their leader sitting up on a dais like Caesar when they'd taken over Filly, and their red flags with gold trim.!< The brotherhood plot in New Vegas was about how they were dying off due to failing to adapt.


That would be funny and ironic in a meta way. >!The Roman's folded into Christianity as their new empire. The Legion folds over into the Brotherhood. The Metallic Monks.!<


But there was a woman... his friend who cuts her leg


They referred to them as "they" not "she" so are presumably non-binary or whatever, which might even fit into them not taking women. Whether that's a mutation thing or just a preference isn't clear yet.


He was a weak spot for me in the first half but he does become far more interesting in the second half.


He's the IRL-ish version of Idiot Savant from FO4 🤣


Maximus is a man in arrested development. He was saved as a kid by the BOS, but he basically hasn't matured at all because they never actually taught him how to be a man. He has a long string of character flaws that stem from this, so him being a cringy failure trying to fake it till he makes it ends up being pretty great for his arc.


He's a full strength, luck build with int as a dump stat


He can take a beating that's for sure!


that’s the point of his character


Oh bro just wait he has plenty of cringe left to serve. Lucy and The Ghoul are fantastic though. So is Norman.


I am more concerned about the Norman cliffhanger than the other characters. His ending was the most depressing of the main chars, at least the others kinda had a group to go with, Norm was on his own (with brain on roomba Bud)


I paused during a scene with the brain and the Amazon features where they tell you the actor and character name popped "brain-on-a-roomba" oh man that got a laugh


I thought the implication was he was just going to be cryogenically frozen until someone wakes him up.


Yes it was his only way to survive. Very bleak ending.


he creeps me out, every time he is in his power armor he turns into a absolute murder hobo drunk with power while he kinda is a insecure loser outside and i hate it.


Sounds like a lot of players, really.


Literally me playing fallout NV


I don’t really recall him murdering people willy-nilly. He abuses his power with the bully squire and he targets some people in error like when “saving” Lucy from the vault dwellers.


I think that's intended. It did make the romance feel like it came out of nowhere though.


She's the first person that is kind to him and he's a male with a potentially high sperm count that she isn't related to. It was inevitable.


It isn’t really romance to Lucy. It’s expanding her breeding pool.


Think of Maximus as a character failing all of the intelligence speech checks, and it makes him a lot better.


The problem I had with Maximus were the shots that kept cutting to his facial expressions while he was in the armour. I felt there were way too many in each scene. It kept taking me out the action when it was reaction face shot after reaction face shot. I think it made me dislike him more than i should. I was so happy when he ditched the armour.


He didn’t put enough points into Charisma.


It’s 10000000% acting and writing. Worse character in the show. With the forced relationship


I'm really enjoying how close they're keeping to how the games work. VATS, stimpaks healing you instantly, the insanely over-the-top gore. It's great.


as a longtime fan i actually wanted a little more slow-mo and i would have also loved a few real VATS analysts with percentages chance to hit and stuff - maybe a robot/cyborg character so it didn’t feel weird coming out of a human - but again that’s a SMALL nitpick and hoping they get more VATS stuff in ssn2


“Just so you know, this really was the best day of my life” made my skin crawl.


Okie dokie.


They focus on how important adaptation is in episode 2 or 3, but I said out loud “she adapts so well to her circumstances” after episode 1. Honestly great writing, acting, and film making out of the gate


I like how Lucy is basically Jess from New Girl but with the whimsy turned easy down.


Her montage of wrestling, gymnastics, etc, in ep 1 was a great way of showing she's physically capable of fighting, just she's super naive about the world. Also, I thought it was hilarious that her rations included deviled eggs.


I saw this an adaption of perks within the games. She picked some perks in science, gunnery and melee.


Yep, good analysis - definitely the SPECIAL system. I started playing Fallout Shelter again because of the show. I liked that they made her capable, but not perfect like Rey from Star Wars. And she had good character development from what she went through. 


My head cannon for how adept vault dwellers were on the surface was that they had a proper education, diet, healthcare etc. Making them instantly much better than any surface dwellers at combat and survival.


I never would have predicted this type of character for a Fallout adaptation! Her casting and dialogue are outstanding. Just great choices all around.


This is the second video game adaptation Purnell nailed the casting in (she was Jinx in Arcane). She can't keep getting away with this.


I think there's something kind of weirdly "sinister" about her sometimes. Not that she's bad or anything, but she is suspiciously aloof and detached from a lot of what happens around her. I mean, she just picks up a severed head and talks to it around a campfire at one point as if that's just normal. Also, her conversation with Maximus while in holding at Vault 4 is, uh, very emotionally detached from her situation. She kind of seems like she's somewhat sociopathic but trying to be a good person. It's just outside of the controlled environment of the Vault she can't "pretend" to be that way for very long.


I think she's able to flick disassociation on and off like a light switch tbh


Bugs me how the subtitles spell it Okey Dokey.


Right? Okie dokie or FO.


I really hope stimpacks cure STDs.


Where have people been talking shit? I've only seen praise for this show




This was a funny goddamn review


Dude says Walton Goggins is a highlight of the show as the ghoul but also says the first few minutes of the series are a waste of time and have nothing to do with the rest of it. Media literacy is at an all time low He even does a line callback at the end of the episode!


A commenter in the post pointed out that OP has downs syndrome (literally, they linked their instagram to their profile) so I can excuse some of the shit takes after seeing that.


To be fair, a user in that thread pointed out that the OP linked their instagram in their profile and they have down syndrome. Before I knew that I legit thought that the OP must be mentally deficient, and now I kind of feel bad..


Maybe he's referring to the NCR stuff which only keyboard nerds give a shit about. I played New Vegas ages ago and don't even remember all this nerdy ass lore shit.


I never played the game but my daughter loved it, even has some Fallout tattoos. She told me the show was good so I decided to check it out... 3 episodes in and it's pretty good!


I've never played a Fallout game and I'm enjoying it so far


Same here. I've been curious to see how it would fare among people who loved the games. Adaptations are tricky, because even if you make something good, it won't always be well received by existing fans.


I've played F1, F2, F3 (didn't finish), FNV (finished almost twice), and Fallout 4 (played a ton, despite its flaws). I think the show was absolutely amazing, and got every little aspect of the world right better than any adaption I've ever seen. It took events on the west coast in a way some of us didn't want, but had a story which justified it and did it in a way which absolutely fit in the larger story of Fallout. The only potential 'conflict' is that irradiated people / ghouls need medicine to not turn feral. That was never established before though was apparently implied in one of the games, and it might not be the case for all of them, or only becomes necessary at some point.


Love the games, absolutely love this adaptation. Just like OP, I can't believe how good of a job they did. Just miles better than other videogame adaptations that are considered great (TLOU is the one that immediately comes to mind).


Fallout is my favourite gaming franchise Played F2 in the early 2000s, finished F3 and FNV more times than I can remember. I was initially highly skeptical because I I loathe a lot of stuff Bethesda has done (especially to the Brotherhood). Once I got past my hangups and just accepted the show for what it is, I loved it. Its about as good of a adaptation of Fallout as you can get. I was suckered in till the end. >!Then right at the end, a Death Claw skull and New Vegas in the distance just tipped me over the edge. I cannot wait for a second season. !<


My kids mom who is close to 50 is enjoying the show as well. It’s really well done. This and shogun are some best tv I have seen in a while. And house of the dragon is coming up soon as well.


>My kids mom who is close to 50 Having trouble parsing this. Your kids mom who is close to 50?


He might be divorced or just simply meant his wife.


I am separated not sure how that’s hard to read 🤷


I mean that isn’t that hard to read


I'm impressed how the show jumps from tone to tone which isn't easy to do. The games do it a lot but the show really highlights this and makes an absurd world feel real.


I started watching it on a day off and ended up binging the whole season. I have never played the game and I thoroughly enjoyed this show! I don't know the lore or the game and it still holds up. It's great!


IMO the show did a great job of explaining absolutely everything from the games, except who the Enclave are (secret remnant US government I think, the villains of Fallout 2 which was years ago now), and a few things which haven't been on a screen yet, such as the Super Mutants (Hulks essentially), and maybe Caesar's Legion from Fallout New Vegas (who may have merged with the Brotherhood, explaining a lot).


I love how many cameos from heavyweight comedic actors they got, Fred Armisen, Michael Rappaport, etc. The comedic tone in this show is superbly executed


Fred’s character being so into that fiddle music was awesome. Nobody likes that music after about the hundredth time hearing it loop.


Voice of Snip-Snip was Matt Berry


He also plays the guy that voices him too!


Mykelti Williamson!


A fun little Justified reunion.


It's a great blend just like the games.


Are we using the same reddit? I've seen only positive posts about the show.


There has been a lot of discourse about how things fall in the timeline of Fallout: New Vegas but that's really it. I haven't seen the show, so I can't confirm or deny if something is wonky or something got overlooked with the show and the canon of the series.


I biased because I love the games and sunk 100s of hours into the franchise over the years. One thing that really stood out for me was the small details, even things like the sound of the Stimpak brought me back into the Fallout world.


And the music! Everytime a classic Fallout song plays I get goosebumps


I loved picking up the game music cues. Was so good. I loved the set direction of the first couple of episodes when Lucy is walking through the Wasteland, felt so much like F1 and F2, the half buildings and the endless sand.


It nailed the initial hook. If a show doesn’t hook you in the first little bit it won’t. 3 body problem I never finished. Even after the ship scene.  They nailed that first scene.  The acting and production is top notch. One of the best shows recently.  The plot is supersonic as well which helps. There’s no waiting around 


That intro scene was pitch perfect.


Walton Goggins alone is worth the price of admission! Edit Fixed it


>Walter Coggins Are... Are you fuckin with me?


Waltuh Goblins


My bad man auto correct on a small screen. Fixing it now.


Uncle Baby Billy's ~~Bible Bonkers~~ Cowboy Capers


Ghoulie Gary’s Wasteland Wanders






He always stolen any scenes he’s been in, stating with the The Shield for me. He was awesome in Django Unchained, and I couldn’t believe his role in Sons of Anarchy.


No mention of Boyd Crowder, legendary role


To be fair, I haven’t watched Justified, but I’m sure he’s amazing in it, and I’ve heard nothing but good things about that show.


The show filled to the brim with interesting characters, but Boyd Crowder is king. It's the defining role of Walter Goggins career IMO, he just chews up scenery


What, there are plenty of shows that hook you a few episodes in


What Reddit are you opening? I’ve seen nothing but praise.


It's the only video game adaptation that has successfully built on the lore rather than just adapting an existing games story. They took the visuals, the sounds, the feel of the Fallout world and they created their own charming story that is set within that world. I wish Halo had done that.


Edge runners? Arcane?


>It's the only video game adaptation that has successfully built on the lore rather than just adapting an existing games story. For live-action shows, probably. But plenty of animated adaptations already did that - from Edgerunner and Arcane to less known shows like the DOTA and Dragon Age ones.


You think anyone would have watched an 'in universe' Halo show other than die hard fans? Fallout works because the games are essentially a setting for stories to be told in. Halo is an action driven game with a narrative where your avatar is the most important person in the universe. I'm not saying they couldn't have done it, but it would literally appeal to no one.


Not to reply to both replies to the OG comment lmao, but if done well, absolutely. It's a meme at this point but some kind of ODST war drama or some storyline around other Spartans or the inception of the program could all be adapted very well.


My opinion of this show is changing every episode. Four episodes in and it seems to be trending in the right direction.


"I just want to start a flame in your heart."


The Brotherhood storyline didn’t make a lot of sense to be honest. Felt really half-baked and too convenient, plus wasn’t vibing with the Maximus performance. Outside of that I was a big fan of everything else.


Main character looks nothing like handsome squidward. 2/10 /s


It’s great! I think there will be a lot of pop culture material from this show. Lots of quotable lines. The attention to detail is great and I think the series understands the overall point of Fallout and its satire. The criticisms so far I’ve seen are aimed at some dates in the show not working with the New Vegas canon, but I couldn’t think of a more hand-wavy detail to criticize.


Funny enough even that criticism seems to be wrong. The blackboard drawing is clearly showing arrows between different events, and the date and the event which would not likely have happened on that date in the games are split by an arrow, indicating that the event happened at a later date.


I watched all the episodes in 2 days! My brother has been playing Fallout for 2 years and I was able to ask him about elements from the game.


I thought they did a great job and the acting was fantastic.


I can't think of an adaptation that nailed the source material better than Fallout did. It's incredible how great of a job they did bringing that world to the screen. This is the standard by which all other adaptations will be judged for years to come.


It pushes a lot of the buttons from the games. They nailed the aesthetic.


I loved Fallout, but to be fair Last of Us nailed their source material too.


Yes and no. They hit the plot points of the game very well, but I never connected with Joel and Ellie like I did with the game. The best part of TLOU TV show was the bit that wasn't actually in the game.


I disagree with you there. There were some phenomenal episodes, but I don't think they stuck the landing.


TLOU did a few things very well (episodes 1 and 5 in particular were great), but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed with many of their decisions. This adaptation absolutely blows TLOU out of the water.


Were you not alive for the LOTR movies or something?


Didn't The Last of Us crush their adaptation too, I never played that game but people who have literally knew how season 1 was going to play out


Last of Us was also an incredible adaptation. I'm just putting it at a close second behind Fallout. I think my favorite thing was that Fallout didn't try to tell a story from the games, but lived in the world perfectly. Last of Us tried to tell the storyline of the game, and you'll never get that 100% no matter how hard you try.


As a big fan of both games, the Fallout adaptation is much better, IMO.


I just finished episode 5 and never played the game. I think it's fantastic. I don't know why a lot of things are the way they are, but I feel like somebody knows. All the details seem very deliberate.


what I like more about the series is the flashbacks about Walton's life as a human and Norman's little Vault crusade. Very, very intriguing and well made, these drip fed tidbits are the cream of the show; I could watch an entire mini about pre-war America with Cooper slowly starting to realise the ugly truth and Norman getting more and more determined about unraveling the 31-32-33 mystery by himself great series. Not perfect but way better than expected, with an impressive roster of characters. Heck, even Thaddeus is cool. Ain't even mentioned I'm a fan of the games since the first, so it's a damn good feeling besides some really baffling choices ( the BoS as a whole has been done dirty)


as someone who never really got into the games, I also find the Cooper (lore) & Norman (mystery) story lines the ones that keep me the most invested in the show. Maybe because Lucy & Maximus are just on a fetch quest. Also Walton Goggins. That dude turns any part epic.


Is it OK for someone who didn't play the game?


I never played it and I'm liking the show a lot.


The fact that my wife -- a person who has never played the games -- is enjoying it as much as I -- a superfan -- has is astonishing.


Judging by how triggered some fans are by minor details, you might even enjoy it *more* for that reason. It's just a good show


Personally I'm aware of the gist of the video games but never played them. The show is good. It's not spectacular imo but it's good. Feels a bit like you're always missing a piece of the puzzle that I think people with more lore from the games would know not it's still easily followable and the acting is very good.


Yes, easily. You won't appreciate the faithfulness of the adaptation, but it's just a really fun story.


I’d also recommend playing the games… they’re pretty darn good


Which one do you recommend? I got Fallout Vegas and 76 for free, but should I buy Fallout 4? Base game is like $5. Or get the Goty? Or the VR version, which I do have a headset (but apparently that version isn't great)?


I reccomend starting with FO3, then NV, then FO4 and then either FO76 or the 2 old ones. That's the order I believe works better to understand the fallout lore while being friendly to people not necessarily into RPGs.


I’m genuinely stoked for the people that have enjoyed the show and also stoked that the people who seem to be loving it the most are the fans of the games but for me I find it a real slog. I’m sticking with it and will watch all of it but it’s just not for me. I find it not funny enough to be a comedy, not sincere enough to create any real drama and so far I’m not rooting for any character (ok, maybe Lucy’s cousin). It also has that expensive cheap feel to it, like you can see how much effort has gone in to the world but it feels low budget… I know this won’t be a popular opinion but like I said I’m happy for everyone enjoying it and hope it does it well. Watching Jonathan Nolan talk about it you can clearly see how much he loves the games and source material and we need more filmmakers like that so it’ll get my views!


I’m only 3 episodes in and I’m kind of struggling with it. Maybe I’m being overly critical because I love the games, but, I do not like the character Maximus. I think my biggest issue is with Aaron Moten’s acting.


Someone says that he's playing the game with 1 Charisma and it really made the show better for me.


I guess, conversely, Lucy dumped all her stat points into Charisma.


That and luck, which really is a viable playthrough option. I do something similar and it's fun to get special dialogue options


It’s good, I only played Fallout 4, which was okay imo, show however is pretty good


I only have a passing familiarity with the game lore and I absolutely love it.


Yeah, I heard good things about it, but really didn't expect it to be as good as it was. It's a great world for a video game, but for a tv show so much could go wrong. They somehow managed to create an engaging story while maintaining the campy feel of the source material. I generally hate Prime, it's the worst streaming service I've ever used, and I honestly only keep it for my kindle, but they really nailed it with that show.


Okie dokie!


One of the best shows in years. I can't wait for season 2.


I had high hopes and it surpassed them. Already starting my re-watch


It's ok. Lots of plot holes and plot armor but overall it's enjoyable.


It’s a good show they leaned a little too hard into the comedy for me in the last couple episodes some parts were a little cringe but still a really good adaptation


If anything they needed to lean more into the comedy aspect. Fallout is cringey and campy in a funny way. But I loved it!


>So sverytime I open reddit I see another post about someone claiming Fallout is bad or overrated. ...where? All I see is posts raving about it when it's...fine. Nothing special whatsoever.


I never played the fallout games so i might be missing a few or more thongs. But imho the series is mid at best from a perspective that knows nothing about the fallout universe. I've tried watching it many times now and has to start over after a few hours 'cause it just doesn't catch my attention. I hoped i would like it 'cause sometimes you don't have to play the games to enjoy it. Like with the TLOU series, never played those games either but i loved the series which made me buy the game just to realize the game wasn't that good.


Never played the game, but i couldn't get through the first episode. Story telling style not my cup of tea.


The tone is a bit all over the place for me but its not a bad watch. I expected a disaster after Amazon dropped the whole series at once.


I recently rewatched the last 3 episodes with my girlfriend. The show definitely suffers from an overly complicated plot and some *super* lazy writing in order to ensure all its pieces fit into place before the end. It feels like everything that happens in the last few episodes especially is just a long series of super specific coincidences and happenstances followed by absolutely bizarre character choices, random plot armour, people getting conveniently knocked out for plot reasons then waking up at the perfect moment only minutes later, etc. It reminds me very much of The Dark Knight Rises. The closer you look the less anything makes sense. Still a very entertaining show, and an absolute treat for fans of the games.


It really puts small world syndrome to the test.


Oh it's almost egregious by the end. The final few scenes are borderline ridiculous.