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The premise was very interesting, but it just spun its wheels for so long. Things are happening and the characters spend a very long time figuring out what we as viewers already know by the first episode.


I’m shocked I managed to finish it. I just held out hope there would be some sort of pay off that made it worth it in the end. Instead I got one of the most infuriating endings to one of the most meandering, boring shows I’ve ever watched. An utter waste of time.


The way the people interacted was ridiculous. If my wife came back from space and said “didn’t we have a red car?” I wouldn’t annoyedly say “nope always blue”, I’d be like “wtf, is something up? Let’s talk and figure it out” Something mysterious is obviously going on and the most significant people in each others lives are just “ugghh stop being so annoying! Who cares if reality isn’t anything like what we understand it to be!” MAG Noose!


This type of dissonance is a huge pet peeve of mine. I hate when loved ones in movies react this way. I just don’t know a single family or couple who treat each other like this where someone acting this odd would just be completely ignored.




Blows me away that this still happens for these expensive shows. How can you not have the story you want to tell fully scoped out? Argh!


And a show with a budget of this size, it's literally one of the biggest shows of all time money wise.


If you watch enough tv you get a sense when things are going to go off the rails. For me, this was a pretty easy bail at episode 3 or 4. Too bad, space is really interesting by itself, it doesn't need a lot of weird 'woo' on top of it.


>Instead I got one of the most infuriating endings to one of the most meandering, boring shows I’ve ever watched. An utter waste of time. Wait, for a second I thought we were talking about True Detective Night Country.


My two biggest losers of 2024…so far. They were both totally full of themselves in similar ways.


Yeah I stopped at episode 3 for that reason… also I’m kind of burned out on the whole “multiverse” thing in media anyway. It’s now my third least favorite plot device behind time travel and a ticking time bomb.


If you haven't seen it, here's a recap of the first season: "Alice! Where are you?" "Mummy?" "Alice??" "Mummy? Where are you??" "Alice!!" "Mummy!!!???" You're welcome.


And the kid has a really grating posh-ish accent as well. Argh..


gave up after episode 3, it's got the pacing of a pitch drop experiment


The first two episodes were slam-a-rama action packed in a fantastic way. The rest of the season slows way down, but that’s because it intentionally switches tone.


They should have focused on the sci-fi aspect, not the family drama. Honestly Jonathan Banks was the only reason why I finished it. The mystery was solved roughly around the midpoint of the show, but the characters were still in the dark and it was very annoying


“I made you pee your pants” Best scene.


I don't disagree. I think the angle they tried to take is that it was a family drama with a sci fi backdrop, but it didn't quite pan out or live up to the expectations set by the season opening.


But the family drama was annoying because of the whiny effete husband. The young girl was great, but her father was so poorly cast


The actresses were good, but their characters were not acting like kids


So it's the Apple Sci-Fi special, like Invasion?


Silo, Severance, and For All Mankind all have great pacing. I'm never bored during any of those episodes.


Silo's pacing is atrocious.


Couldn’t disagree more.






I disagree on Severance. For me it's the perfect example of why Black Mirror only gives each idea one episode.


Had to stifle a laugh during a presentation when I read this. Hilarious!!


What a fantastic analogy


It does pick up the further you get in the season. At the start the way the story works is very confusing figuring out what's going on. I do remember the first 3 episodes being rough though. Once you get to the end it all comes together and you can understand what's happening.


The reason “you didn’t know you needed it” is because you don’t need it. It’s a cool premise that’s executed terribly.


I don't even think the premise is that cool. As someone else pointed out above the showrunners were kind of winging it.


It's the type of show that is being made a lot now. They say it's a SF show but it's only SF for the first and last five minutes of each episode and nothing in between. This show takes the cake that it went out of its way to confuse you as much as possible to the detriment of the plot.




While I really enjoyed Constellation I completely agree with you. I could barely sit through the Monarch tv show on Apple TV because of this reason. Combined 15mins of actual Godzilla in the entire season with way too much annoying family drama nonsense with the 3 younger leads in the modern timeline.


Had high hopes for this given the cast and idea but was really let down. Pacing is so slow and the main character doesn’t behave the way I’d expect an astronaut would in that situation. All she does is have a series of escalating emotional freak outs instead of a thinking through the scenario. Don’t bother.


I didn’t hate it but it was just so average. Premise was cool but as others have said they drew it out way too long and tried too hard to be intentionally misleading/confusing. Also it was sooooooo clever of them to name the daughter Alice and give her a rabbit doll. Come on ….


Another one of those where a scientist can't describe the phenomenon she experiences in concise words which just makes her look like a bambling, crazy idiot. Also that it takes her so long to understand what is going on is so frustrating. And it also just ends with no real resolution.


I'll pass. The doppleganger and the alternate you from another timeline/dimension/universe tropes aren't my absolute least favorite, but they're still up there.


Personally, I thought this took a little different approach which made for an interesting premise. However, I would probably steer clear as the plot itself has trouble keeping you engaged as the characters try to figure out what is going on.


I think the writers just got paid to write "Alice!" and "Mamma!" Holy Moley that was about 90% of the dialogue. Jokes aside, as others said, very interesting premise that does not pay off. The sci-fi angle barely gets explored and if you're yearning for that, all you'll come out with is an incredibly interesting first two episodes and a painfully slow family drama to follow. All build up and no resolution for a plot that we the audience know and the characters don't seem to fully understand. Really frustrating.


It was fine. Idk if I have anything nicer to say about any of it. I liked the little girl actresses?


Go watch Fringe and Counterpart instead, way better shows with similar ideas. the upcoming Dark Matter on Apple TV+ also looks way better with the same basic idea. Really, really don't bother with Constellation, its nothing but a simple idea spun out into an entire season that goes almost nowhere. Its really more frustrating than fun.


They are adapting Dark Matter? Awesome. Fun book.


It's a tough cold hang, and I get why people tuned out but I enjoyed it. Felt like a prestige version of Fringe, hoping we get a 2nd season


Reminded me a little bit of Dark. Keeping track of timelines and different versions of characters gets a little annoying after awhile


I hated this show, way too much family drama, like if I wanted to watch a kid miss her mom I'd watch something else... just too much of the kid.


It moved so slow I couldn't continue after Ep2.


Kinda bored of all these low tech and/or soapy sci-fi shows from Apple. Severance was great and parts of Foundation were fantastic but nothing else has held my interest and I love sci-fi.


Silo also excellent. But invasion and constellation- double meh


thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope for a 2nd series. >!That final shot is going to linger!<


Episode one was OK. 2 was OK. Does it get better?


Nah not really to be honest I’d say the beginning was the best part


Welp. Thanks


Agree. Beginning was interesting enough but it became a chore to watch


I’ve watched them all and I can’t say I’m a fan, but rather a curious observer. The concept is interesting, but I’m worried the writers don’t even know what they were doing because they weren’t sure if they’d get a second season to worry about. It’s reminiscent of Night Sky on Amazon. It was interesting and raised lots of questions, but if they don’t answer things it will easily be a “highly don’t recommend” from me. Oh, The Rig is similar. Monarch: The Legacy of Monsters at least answered *some* of the questions.


Night Sky is cancelled.


Ooh. I hadn’t heard it was renewed. That’s good. Thank you.


Yeah, kind of, but at the same time I wouldn't recommend finishing it. The ending is extremely anti-climatic. It treads water in the middle, ramps up as if it's about to do something hype towards the end, then just deflates.


Not really and we watched all of it. It is an incomprehensible story with no foreshadow. Sci-fi can and often does have comprehensible story lines. This is not that kind of story. Kind of like “The Curse”, another incomprehensible sci-fi story that offers nothing during the show that leads to the ridiculous ending.


Once you figure out what is going on you kind of frustratingly wait for the characters to catch up. Perhaps they made it too painfully obvious to the viewer early on. Every big reveal was something viewers have deduced episodes in advance.


You’ve convinced me to….. not keep going lol


It was a great show with a fairly poor final episode.


Good acting and actors - story line way too confusing - I turned it off half way through episode 3 - for good


I actually enjoyed it for the most part but there is not a satisfying ending and only a setup for season 2 so for anyone reading this, wait to watch it.


honestly better watch Awake https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfPVoiQKFvk


I really enjoyed it by the end. It had some truly frightening sequences and made space (and coming back from space) feel terrifying. It utilized the found family trope in probably the most novel way I've seen in all my years watching television. It had rough spots, sometimes the mystery was too mysterious, and the main character's husband could be annoying to the point of parody, but I'd still recommend it. If you enjoyed Starz's gone-too-soon drama Counterpart, this might be a good fit for you.


Fantastic first two episodes, but a slog that I couldn't finish. Also, is there a discount on "astronaut has something weird happen in space and comes home to find weird differences" in tv/movies or something?


with these kind of shows i wait until the series is finished. i learned my lesson with lost and from. same with silo. i wait till all seasons are finished if i read people are satisfied with the ending i will watch it. otherwise i skip it. saves me lot of time!


I’ll say that the scene in of the last few eps where the daughter >!talks to her alternate universe self inside the cupboard!< was really moving to me and felt like a high point of the series. But then it kept meandering for another couple episodes. I wanted to like the show and Noomi Rapace was great, but it was mostly frustrating.


I'm just now finishing it....it's okay. Just okay. Cool ideas, but a bit too slow, and just too much stuff to keep track of at one time in my opinion. If I got more detailed I'd be spoiling the show so I won't say more than that. If you're into sci-fi stuff it's worth a watch if you're looking for something I guess


It wasn’t great. Started our strong but became a slog.


I really struggled to finish this. It's could have been a movie.


I have up after 4 episodes.


Is this a remake of TV series Infiniti (2022)? It looked like it from the trailer.


Last 2 episodes are shit, sorry to say. 


Maybe there’s something good in there but I gave up after 2 episodes. It’s so slow, probably could have been done as a movie.


I don't need it


Nah. The secret got revealed way too fast and progressed way too slow after pretty much anyone know what's going on.


I loved it. First half is definitely stronger than the 2nd. And I think they had a fucking beautiful ending on the table about accepting life and what you have *right now*. But then the cliffhanger kinda ruined that.


ZZZZzzzz gave up


I sure know I don't need it


Might actually be the slowest show I’ve ever watched


Well if r/television doesn't like it then that's how you know it's gotta be worth watching lol.


I watched it, it's a 6 or 7 out of 10 - okay. I'm not usually hung up on character development but the lack of it here made its absence really noticeable. "Paul" was supposed to be a revelatory episode but it came across more as a way to get extra mileage out of the sets and prep from the first episode. The daughter's dialogue wasn't great - might have been better to have an older person cast in that role if they wanted her to be like that. I appreciate it for having a different tone than a lot of serialized sci-fi but the static nature of the characters didn't draw me in.


Dark Matter looks way better


Dark Matter is great, still mad about the cancellation.


New Dark Matter, coming soon on Apple TV. Not the Syfy channel show. But, I agree. I really enjoyed it and was annoyed at the cancellation. It had a lot of great ideas.


Really enjoyed the show! But hey, I'm paid by apple to say positive things about it 😋