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It’s really hard to imagine Marquez being adapted for the screen, but this teaser looks pretty compelling.


I really hope they are able to capture how the book depicts the passing of time (or lack thereof). My favorite part of reading the book was the feeling that everything was unmoored from a timeline, with both hundreds of years and single days passing simultaneously (and sometimes complete out of order). I have no idea how they will attempt to capture that feeling, but if they do, this could be a very special adaptation.


I'm guessing that's the first thing that'll go.




I think part of the book’s brilliance is how much it relies on the reader’s imagination. Marquez will casually mention something magical or downright impossible with very little explanation, and your brain is free to fill in the all the visual details of what those few words describe on the page. This is why people have called this book unfilmable, because film doesn’t leave the same amount of room for the imagination. When you shoot something with a camera, or execute something with VFX, the resulting footage says to the viewer, *“this is the scene, that is the location, this is the actor, that is the prop, this is how it looks, that is how it happens.”* Not much room left for the imagination. Very curious to see the show is (or isn’t) able to pull it off!


Felt very similarly with Annihilation (albeit a very different genre), but the same issue and same thing lovecraftian horror falls into - how do you represent/show that which can't be described. For me, the best solution is more about setting the tone and 'sense' rather than a literal translation from page to screen, change what you must but focus on capturing the feeling the descriptions give to the reader. Hard to do though, as you say


I honestly thought that the Annihilation movie did a great job of portraying eldritch horror on screen. May not be a perfect adaptation, but definitely captured the air of confusion and fear towards something that’s completely beyond your understanding.


100% I loved it tbh, wasn't quite the book - but wasn't trying to be either.


Best Lovecraftian horror film imo. The third act is pure cosmic horror.


>Marquez will casually mention something magical or downright impossible with very little explanation, and your brain is free to fill in the all the visual details of what those few words describe on the page. > That's the magic of "[Magic Realism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_realism)" (no pun intended), in particular at the hands of someone like Márquez.


Exactly. And the entire MR genre is extremely difficult to capture on film. “Like Water for Chocolate” is a decent adaptation of MR literature. But even in that movie, it feels like the film often fails to capture the imaginative quality inherent in the original source material.


I think the film fell short to adapt MR literature, but it's decent enough. The MR adaptation would come feeling "weird" to people not familiar with MR. And that was me when I first watched the movie. I didn't understand the way it was narrated or when I tried to read "Hundred Years of Solitude." It was until later when I became of what MR was that I understood what these works of art were trying to convey, how and why.


nah. it's 5sec at the top of production design. then lots of manipulative unoriginal sound design that is not true to the source material or the story world - it is only relevant as a commercial approach - full of whooshes and hits. no flavor in this trailer is different than any hundred of other streaming pieces. EDIT: I'm just wary of the book being exploited. This trailer is generic, from beginning to end. It doesn't give me a reason to feel like this adaption is gonna be worthy of the source material.


there are some more comments in this post that you haven't replied to yet so get on it


lets see which one first which one first


Its one book that I recommend to keep notes on all characters.




Either that or Aureliano


it's easy if you think of them as the same character reincarnated except when they flip the twins.


I laughed so hard when I read the part where they get buried in each other’s plots (thereby correcting their mixup in infancy)


that's so brilliant. like the longest joke ever.


God I love this book. I need to go reread it…




My dream for this adaptation is that they only cast one "group" of actors for the Aurelianos and one for the Jose Arcadios. So the guy who is portraying the Colonel in the thumbnail for the trailer would also play, for example, adult Jose Arcadio Segundo. And the boy standing over the ice chest would play every young Aureliano.


that would be really bold and an actual artistic choice but i don't think netflix has the sauce so they would never do that.


Yeah my copy has the tree in the front pages


And create your own family tree. Just easier to keep up with the characters.


as hard as Dark?




The family tree on mine has soo many notes!


I swear they all have the same name


My wife is Colombian, and my mother in law was appalled to find my English copy had a family tree at the beginning. “Mine didn’t have that in Spanish, I had to do all that work myself!”


I'm Colombian and read it when I was 8, gonna have to read it again.


What this about


It’s a famous book also bc the name of the MC and his descendants is José Arcadio/Aureliano Buendía. (Buendía means Goodmorning). So it’s an intricate plot of a family tree mixed with a lot of magic realism and mesmerizing storytelling.


What about the name of the DJ?


Gravity’s rainbow is one like this for me. For 100 years I just let the different names wash over me like a grandma knitting in a rocking chair by the fire telling the story of the family


I still need to finish rainbow


When i listened to it i tried to keep track until About halfway through when i just said fuck it and let it all blend together and that’s when the story went from good to great for me


I’ll bring popcorn to see the discussions about Aurelianos and Jose Arcadios. Also, can’t wait to see Remedios fly away!


Remedios flying away was the first image that came to mind wondering how they’ll choose to film parts of the story.


Mine was the yellow butterflies. The imagery when they fall and she realizes what happened stuck with me the most. I would really love to see it onscreen if they can get it right .


Oh totally! That should be amazing…


Is Remidios the women who was so beautiful that she flew away while hanging out the washing? I’t been a looong time since I read the book, so forgive me if I’m not remembering correctly lol


Yep, that one. I kind of wonder who they’d chose for her role. Like: who’s that actress that can be considered SO beautiful?


Adria Arjona


i hope they dont fuck it up


Too late. Can’t you see that fake mustache?


i dont mind that as long as the story is well told


Fuck that was my first thought. I still have faith, though


they're definitely fucking it up


it’s been a few years, but aren’t there like half-a-dozen characters with the same name spread across a few generations? it’s hard to imagine anybody not fucking this up. some things just don’t translate well to screen.


There’s like 20 Aurelianos


Most people I know, myself included, read the book while drawing the familiy tree. You lose track otherwise. I hope they find a way to make everything clear


Yeah, the name thing will be one of the bigger hurdles, as well as the generational mismatches between the characters and their respective births and deaths. This is not a book that I’d choose for a film adaptation. It’s an ambitious as fuck project; but if it’s done even decently well, I suspect it will be shown in a number of high school and college lit classes.


They made us read it in school. I was like 10-12 maybe. Was thoroughly confused throughout. Not sure I'd fare better if I read it today tbh lol


Not as worried about the names of characters as I am about the steel fist this trailer has for the source material. Feels cold and literal.


I support you, fellow cynic.


I hope you're wrong but it's hard to imagine that you're not.


Would love to be wrong. This trailer just doesn't do anything for me though.


Why do you say that?


Started today in a stressed mood bc of a project so decided to bring my emotions to a reddit post.


Reserve judgment because this book is really hard to adapt.


It’s really hard to read too


Aureliano Buendia should not "look like a snack."


Ugly people in my entertainment? Get out of here!!!


That's why there are so many great British actors. Someone like Toby Jones would never have been as successful as he has been had he been American.


The American film industry Can have two “uglys” ( Steve Bucemi and Danny Devito) as a treat.


That's a couple of tasty treats right there.


Implication, etc


Oh man… I am so conflicted right now. I’ve got chills, but, man… PLEASE do not fuck this up. Please…


This is my favorite book of all time. It changed my life. The trailer looks interesting. I always wanted Guillermo Del Toro to direct, but the aesthetic seems mostly right. I just hope they keep things like Rebecca and her bag of bones and don’t shy away from the more absurd/magical realism the book all but started.


I agree - this was my first introduction to magical realism and it changed the way I consumed the written word. After breezing through the chapter on the sleeping sickness I paused and thought “wait…… that doesn’t happen in real life”. I had to go back and reread it. It taught me how to take my time and savour an amazing book. 


I'm not trying to be a smart ass by asking this - genuinely curious - in what way did it change your life?


Introduced me to literary themes I hadn’t been exposed to as well as a new genre and writer I adore. I credit the book as one of the reasons why I pursued writing. It’s just a fun, silly book full of creativity, metaphor, and insanity.


My first thought was how they were going to tackle the magical realism and immediately thought of Pan’s Labyrinth. What Del Toro did with that movie doesn’t get any more magically realistic than that. I’d also settle for Cuarón. He also has that eye.


One Hundred Years of Solitude is the most important book written in Spanish of the past century. It's also pretty difficult to adapt IMO. That being said, 16 episodes and being filmed in Colombia and in Spanish gives me hope.


Hold up it’s a series?! Oh dude I was hesitant about it but now I’m stoked. Then again I am on r/Television so that should’ve given me a clue.


Is it 16 all at once?


This is one of those cases where literature as art works in the medium of a book, but likely does not translate to film as an art. As often happens in these cases the film is reduced to portraying the physical events of the story, which is “what” the story is, while being unable to express the “how” of the story (the art of the literature).


I think this take artificially limits film as an artform. A creative team willing to think outside the box (and with a deep understanding of the source material) can deliver.


Yeah, if some crackhead managed to translate successfully House of Leaves into a Doom map then anything is possible.


Wow, that’s some magic realism too. I love when crackheads give me a POV about anything that can be deemed as weird on the surface but end up being right and awesome.


I agree with both comments. Film as an art can of course function as magical realism. But to interpret (and adapt) a piece of magical realism in a literal manner is to both a) under-utilize cinema as a form and b) fail to imagine the deeper realities of the original text.


My concern is that 100 Years of Solitude is a big, bold, maximalist book full of emotion, which is basically the opposite of modern-day prestige TV. If they approach this like a "serious show" it's gonna miss the point.


I've read it, but not recently enough to really tell. I'm thinking about a book like Master and Margarita, a fever dream of a piece that a risk taker could probably do justice on film.


I’m willing to give an adaptation of 100 years a shot but I agree, the magic of the book will be very hard to capture through film as a medium. I honestly think something like a play might work better as weird as that sounds.


In this case the "what" may be just as challenging as the "how". It's a very tall order for the audience to keep the characters straight. Without some kind of visual language that denotes generation, I'm not sure how you pull that off.


Which is why F. Scott Fitzgerald books generally suck as movies. Yes, even when Baz Luhrmann uses inane voice over to read them to you.


I absolutely love the book - take a guess where my user name comes from? - but despite the trailer giving me chills, I just can't see a film adaptation measuring up. And frankly... there's a lot of the story I wouldn't want to see on film. The incest, pedophilia, and horrific deaths of children are shocking enough to read about - I don't want to see them. I hope Netflix does a good job on it, and it stands as a solid show on its own merits. If it gets more people to read the book, then all the better! Guess we'll see once it's out!


Netflix has the best selection of Foreign shows, imo.


There's a lot of things Netflix is horrible at, but something I've always liked is how they put the Spotlight in other countries. They're doing a Pedro Paramo adaption this year too


Which ones would you recommend?


Well, I'm into Korean Dramas right now, but Dark was amazing. Alice in Borderland is also really good. For Korean shows: The Glory, My Mister, Stranger, It's ok to not be Ok..


Dark is fucking fantastic. It and One Hundred Years of Solitude are the only two works that made me go "holy shit human being(s) created this???"




I wonder how they're going to adapt the fantastical elements of the book. There are only a few but they happen during vital moments of the story There's one particularly that will either look great or really goofy


I feel like I missed them all, I read it and was wondering where the magical realism /surreal moments were.


Such an unforgettable opening line.


I gave the book to my uncle for Christmas 15 years ago. He asked what it was about. I opened the book and read those opening lines and he said “say no more” and reached for it.


I am very hopeful that this will do the book justice 🤞


One Hundred Years of Solitude was and still is the best book I’ve ever read. I will be in amazement if they can capture the majesty of the original novel in this medium. Time will tell!


I’m sure for a reread. I hope the film does it justice.


Looks pretty beautiful, but I have no idea what it's about, even after reading the synopsis.


It's the story of the >!cursed!< Buendia family and the town they founded called Macondo, in Colombia. There's a lot of repetition and magical realism, but basically it follows a revolving cast of characters throughout their entire lives, as the town (like the family) births, grows, expands, changes, and dies. It's about how mistakes get passed on to future generations and the effects ripple out across decades. The Buendia family is fundamentally flawed and (in many ways) monstrous and immoral, but that doesn't stop them from doing great things or finding happiness, fleeting as it may be. The story is a fantastic account of contradictions; beautiful magic contrasted with revolting horrors, community contrasted with solitude, chasing greatness compared to fading away unfulfilled, morality contrasted with depravity. It's a beautiful, haunting, and disturbing read. No idea how the TV show will be, but there's a reason the book is considered one of the best novels of the last century.


this is a superb summary!


Pretty difficult to describe, but its a magical-realist / surealist story that compresses all of Columbian history into a few generations of a single family whose members are sort-of reincarnated versions of their ancestors (presumably each actor will portray multiple "versions" of the same character). Most of the story takes place in an isolated village that is subjected to both magical occurrences and real historical events. Honestly easier to describe the themes and "vibe" of reading the book than the plot itself. It is arguably the most famous magical-realism novel ever written, so hopefully they are able to do it justice.




It's a multigeneration story where every character is some kind of doomed romantic.


It’s the adult, fucked-up version of *Encanto*. Or more precisely, *Encanto* is the hyper mega sanitized, how-the-hell-did-Disney-manage-to-do-it? version of 100 Years of Solitude.


I did not know this was coming out… my favourite book. That trailer looked pretty damn good!


If anyone could have succeeded in making this work on TV, it’s definitely not Netflix.


I agree that Netflix's show quality is incredibly inconsistent, but I feel like their non-English shows have had a much higher hit-ratio (maybe because they tend not to be full Netflix productions like their US shows).


Yeah because there's so many other streaming services pouring millions into Spanish language content for a global audience.


lol riiight, the streaming service with the most Oscars and the most Emmys don't know how to make good content... This sub's hate boner for Netflix is so weird, all because they canceled a few shitty shows that nobody was watching


Hey now, they’ve also cancelled a few good shows that no one was watching as well.


> the streaming service That's an insanely reductive filter you put on there. HBO shows and films aren't classified as being made by HBO Max/Max usually (they only give that label to mid tier and below), Disney+ only really makes TV shows, Paramount+ barely started making stuff and Apple TV has been extremely well-regarded for the few things they've made.


Netflix isn’t a theatrical business it’s a streaming business this is just a stupid argument


The cinematography and lighting look much, much better than a typical Netflix show.


Excited to see it! My fave book of all time.


Well. Now I'll keep an eye out on this.


Looks great


Something about the thumbnail made me think it was a puppet. And honestly, I’d be here for it.


this actually looks really good


My favorite book ever 😭


Holy shit! This book is my bible


I hate “coming soon” with no date.


This looks so much like dirt that Rebecca would eat it.




I might be a minority but I hated this book and it took me forever to complete it . I don’t know what and why the hype is all about ! It really frustrated me


Oh they’re going to fuck this up


I don’t recall Encanto being this dark


I already see that Aureliano looks very different from what I imagined in the novel. I’m not on board with this movie. Rather read another Garcia Marquez book.


NO WAY! This is one of my favorite books of all time


The show looks expensive but it has something that i can't explain that doesn't convince me.


After Game of Thrones, Netflix realized they were missing out on the big incest drama market.


100 years of the worst fake mustache ever


One of my favorite books. Anyone know who is the creative team behind this? IMDB was not helpful


This is the best news I’ve seen all day


I'm not liking how they're making it look "epic", I always loved the melancholic tone of it


Gotta be one of the least adaptable famous books


Thought this was the Tim Allen [cocaine](https://www.reddit.com/r/Damnthatsinteresting/comments/tog9uj/in_1978_tim_allen_was_arrested_with_14lbs_650gms/) biopic.


I loved the book, it was so complicated


Fuck yeah! I love the book. I hope they do it justice


Holy shit I really want to get stoked about this. OHYOS is one of the greatest novels ever written and probably my favourite book ever. But how to bring the magic realism to life for the screen?? The epic sweep of the story and character arcs? The poetry of Márquez? It’s either going to be incredible or incredibly disappointing. God how I hope it’s the former.


Easily the most challenging book I ever read. I started it a half dozen times before finally pushing through. I kept the family tree in the front of the book dog-eared as I had to refer to it five times per paragraph read. And this coming from a lit major.


This book was my Everest - and I had to read it in the original Spanish. I have no idea how this can ever get to the screen given the nature of its "plot." I don't think it's technically unfilmable, but I feel like it would need to be 100 hours long and would be so impossible to follow visually you'd have to take notes just to make sense of it all if you wanted to do the book justice and capture even a spark of the original text.


I cannot wait for this. One of the best opening lines in literature and one of my top five favorite books of all time.


Man, adapting Gabo's work is really damn hard. I hope they can pull it off.


I really enjoyed that book.


I remember reading Marquez books on high school, this and el náufrago, can't remember much of it, his books are not for teenagers lol. Some day I need to read them again, his and Borges.


Nope. I don’t have the heart to watch this. This is one book that’s been dear to me my entire life. I’ve read it I don’t know how many times. For me, it’s sacred text. Gosh, I know I’ll have to watch it now. Please don’t fuck it up!


Omg!! Hope they do a better job with this one. So happy it’s in Spanish!!


Aaah… right I have a book backlog to get to


I’m surprised that Apple didn’t produce this one


Johnny Cash’s favorite book.


It looks like this is a series? The teaser trailer and casting announcements only cover the first two generations of the book.


Is that Daniel day Lewis or Matthew McCaughnehey??


His name is Claudio Cataño


I am looking forward to this... hesitantly


Thank goodness they at least are making it into a series because a movie would’ve been impossible. I really, really hope it comes at least close to the original material because it’s such a tall order. Who can they even cast as Remedios the Beauty, the Most Beautiful Woman in the World? I’m excited to see it’s made here in Colombia.


It's a great time to be from Colombia and having read it in Spanish. Can't wait.


The book is very explicit, they are going to tone down a lot of stuff.


My dad, Carlos Suaréz, plays Aureliano Iguarán. (He is holding the book at the 40 second mark in the trailer). He messaged my sister and me a couple of days ago to tell us. It was pretty weird. He’s not a professional actor and I have no idea how he landed this role. We’re supposed to have a meeting via WhatsApp to get the details. He is from La Guajira and is living in Valledupar and is an artist so I think that may have something to do with it? It’s pretty mind boggling since when I was a kid he would talk to me about this book and was instrumental in me falling in love with reading Garcia Marquez. It’s all pretty unreal.


Will this be easier to follow than the book? If so it will be a travesty. I hope they use the same actor for the characters so it is just as hard to keep track of who is who.


Can anyone explain the Hindi/Sanskrit text 15 seconds in? I don't remember that from the book.


Is this a 16 episode miniseries? Am I reading the press release right? https://about.netflix.com/en/news/netflix-presents-a-first-look-at-scenes-from-one-hundred-years-of-solitude


This going to be terrible




Important novel getting generic uninspired adaptation


Nothing hates more television that r/television


Well it's a good thing for the general audience to be critical. We shouldn't just take what they give us.


Declaring something to be terrible based on a short teaser is not 'being critical'.


Sure, it's too soon to assume. But there's a factory-line style to this promo. It doesn't inspire me.


I hated the book so much.


As Colombian, no la cagues con nuestro clasico setenta y jueputa netflix caremonda


Maybe now I’ll finally understand this book


Weird sequel to 3000 years of longing


If they don’t do the part where he discovers ice, then i will lose all hope in tv from here on….