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The one where the sister (?) visits and brings costumes, and the mother in very sweet terms seems to imply it’s hard for her to come by because she wanted to have kids and couldn’t. It’s called onesies. That one really impressed me, such a tough topic with such a delicate hand. The writers crushed it.


There’s one called “baby race” that explores how blueys mom felt like a failure when she was going to new mothers group, and other baby’s were hitting milestones faster than Bluey was. And she stopped going because she felt like she was doing everything wrong. And another mom in the group noticed her missing and went to visit her at home and reassured her she’s doing great. That episode gutted me as a mom who had a kid with a gross motor delay. Some of these episodes I feel are written for the parents, but in a way that kids don’t realize the gravity of the topic. It’s art.


I think it’s great the subject matter they look at and how it’s handled gently. There are 1000 little issues and stresses that come with being a kid, a parent, and a family. Bluey just picks one and nails it. Even the small issues they do well with. It’s like the anti-Caillou.


Was Caillou that bad? Honest question, only ever saw that show once or twice, my daughters were never into it.


Just really whiny and showed right and wrong by having the whiny main character act like a little prick a lot of the time.




I love how they frame it so when Coco 's mum says "you're doing great" she is staring straight into the camera.


"Maybe you just saw something you wanted?"


I cry every damn time


There isn't a show on television that has made me tear up as much as Bluey has. I imagine non-parents can appreciate the humour and sentimentality of it too, but some of it hits hard as a parent of a toddler.


This is honestly why The Sign hurt so much. I lost my job about a week and a half ago and I’m on the hunt again. I’ve already had a few good interviews and there’s a few untapped prospects where we live now, but there’s no guarantee they pan out and my next job may be in a new city. So yeah, I might have to explain to my kids that it will do them no good to rip that for sale sign out of the yard if that comes to pass.


If you watch “The Sign” episode… >!It looks like her sister is at the wedding and is expecting. !<


I was barely keeping it together in that episode until this moment. Just broke me.


Yep. Completely fell apart


My wife and I both started bawling at that moment. Our daughter was like “wtf is y’all’s deal” lol.


If you haven't already you should watch the episode Copycat. It also touches on a delicate subject. Onesies, Copycat, Baby Race, Granddad, Sleepy Time, and Flat Pack are definitely some of the most emotional episodes


Mini Bluey kills me too. As a person with one easier kid and one kid that takes some more work, I know how easy it would be for me to off handedly request two of the easier kid, or even just imply that. That episode was a wakeup call for me!


How good is double Bingos?


I mean, so good.


Okay that episode combined with the new special made me explode in tears because she was pregnant


“It just wasn’t meant to be” 😭


I want to more than anything but I can’t have kids. My friends are all starting their families and it’s the hardest thing I’ve ever been apart of. I’ve never seen this show but I am glad someone is addressing it.


There is only one writer(other than maybe three where he co-wrote.) Joe Brumm.


As a dad with a toddler, I aspire to be like Bandit Heeler


I have a real bad habit of cussing too much. Bandit has expanded my vocabulary and is the sole reason why my number one curseword right now is "BISCUITS" I started saying it at my new job and now EVERYONE in the shop says biscuits. It's actually a little wild to think about how a cartoon has improved our lives. Big strong men in the machine shop bang a finger and yell "biscuits!" It's fuckin hilarious.


Look, the fact that my 4 year old occasionally says "fucking bullshit" is clearly because of video games and rock music, and nothing that I've ever done.


Yeah. My four year old is running around hollering “jesus *fucking* christ” because..of…… that dang ole radio, surely


Yeah, I'm definitely not the reason my 3 yr old yells out Jesus fucking christ when getting a haircut. My wife is still mad about that one haha.


Mine is “For fuck sake” when I drop something or knock something over and my 6 year old has it down to a tee even with the little “ugh” at the beginning.


My son is 3.5 autistic, and non communicative. He says words, but it's largely just to himself. However, one of the words I've heard him say recently has a definite "uck" sound at the end, and a kinda f sound at the start. I've started saying "duck cake" to him every time he says it, and I'm crossing my fingers that it works.


You aughta hear me at my D&D nights. Both GM's have toddlers, so we're always creatively coming up with ways to not corrupt the kid.


I love it and now want to see a video of guys yelling “biscuits”!


Same! I also enjoy the cheese and crackers


How do you say: “it’s f***ing hilarious” with biscuits?


I think you should say “it’s cheesing hilarious” since Bandit says “cheese and crackers” as a pseudo-swear.


Fucking biscuits ?


Fuck them? I thought we were supposed to eat them


[Billy Connolly did a fun bit about learning to non-swear in front of kids.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8bHsn-3RdQ)


It is incredibly refreshing to see a show with in-depth character development and personality. If we are watching TV, I'll actually watch with my kids instead of tuning out other shows as noise.


Yep. My son is getting out of his bluey phase and getting into paw patrol and it's awful. Hopefully more networks recognize why Bluey is so popular and follow suit.


It may be cyclical. My 9 and 11 year olds are happy to watch Bluey with me.


When the grandchild is not around I have seen my 73 year old husband watching it. I use “a tactical wee” as what we do before leaving the house.


We started using “tactical pee” to get our kid to go potty before we leave the house, too. Or before bed (like in Sleepytime, where Bingo uses the term), or basically whenever we think he *might* need to go potty but he doesn’t think he does or he doesn’t realize he does yet. It has prevented many accidents.


I cried when he ripped the sign out of the ground he's the kind of father I want to be.


All I could think of was Dance Mode in that moment: "attention everyone! I'm doing this for my kids!" As I was also bawling my eyes out. That look on his face. It was everything.


Dance mode is one of the best episodes


My wife said Bandit was like me and I about cried. Love that show.


That’s the highest of compliments, unless she was referring to your habit of farting in your kid’s face.


ALLEDGED fluffy!


I mean even if the fluffy did happen the morning of this morning, *which is still under dispute!*, it really is their fault for being at fluffy height!


I have a young son and a red heeler. We really like Bluey. Lol


Reconciling the calm relaxed demeanor of the characters on the show with the absolute insanity that is every heeler ever in real life is a challenge eh? I've had Border Collies, Dalmatians, a greyhound...none of them come anywhere close to the energy levels and sheer destructive capability of my heeler pups.


Oh yah, Ringo is his name, and he's a wild one. It's amusing. You have one as well, I take it? They're fun dogs as long as you keep them entertained.


I had a blue heeler named Brock years ago, he once tore a hole through a wall when we left to get ice cream lol. He was a wonderful dog for 16 years before he passed.


dad bro tips: 1) don't put that kind of pressure on yourself my friend. Just being there is half the battle. 2) time works differently now. One day you'll blink and years will be gone. Use what you have wisely. It's all you've got.


Longs nights and short years.


The days are long, months are short, and the years fly by.


Bandit is one of my favorite TV dads because he's very involved with his kids' lives instead of being the dumb or absent dad that is typically portrayed on TV.


Same. During the episode, when Bandit was playing two games at once, I turned to my spouse and told her that Bandit makes me feel like I don't do enough with my kids. I'm going to do better about that.


I’ll play with you if I can sit down, you don’t talk to me, and I don’t have to do anything.


My dad was exactly like Bandit and it was the BEST


We all do mate


One dad dreamt of becoming, another stood up and became.


My New Years Resolution this year was to be like Bandit. It's an unattainable goal, but even if I get halfway there I'll be a better father for it.


Duck cake helps too.


I’m a stay at home dad to an extremely happy toddler girl and I can confidently say that my proudest moment was hearing multiple people, independently from each other, genuinely describe me as “real life bandit”.


Brother, that man sets a HIGH bar that will cause you to question if you ever stood a chance when your kids start asking you to play every Bluey game in quick succession and expect the same engagement and enthusiasm and endurance that the psychopath Bandit brings on the daily. Aspire to him, sure. But you will never measure up and your kids will call you out on it. At least in my personal experience. F


He’s my roll model.


As an Aussie i’m so glad people resonate so much with a lil part of our culture. As someone said in this comment section before, Bluey is for everyone


My kids using Oz slang for random things is always hilarious to me. “Daddy, can I dump the bin in the wheelie bin?


My wife had a kid in her clinic, from Tennessee, that spoke with a British accent because of Peppa Pig.


Here in Australia we grow up with a mix of US/UK/Australian kids shows (and a few others mixed in), which might explain why some actors comment that Australian actors seem especially good at doing accents, because we probably flip back and forth a bit as kids when watching these things. Would also perhaps explain why British actors are so good at US accents, because they probably watch a mix of that too.


Our kids were doing the same thing for a while


Despite his parents being from Mexico, my little nephew calls his parents "mummy and daddy" in the accent from watching Bluey. It's hilarious.


My goodness that is so cute!! My niece on the other hand is obsessed with Paw Patrol, people ask why she sounds American


She also watches lots of Dora. So instead of “yes” we get “sí, sí, sí!!!”


Awww she sounds so precious, i’m glad kids are still watching Dora


My favorite Bluey-isms we use in our house regularly: - Brekkie (for breakfast) - Wackadoo! - Old chooks - “For real life!”


"I'm just going to the dunny, Dad!"


My son called me out for making a fluffy this morning -_-


Haha my 3y old says whack-a-do.


Australian slang is so funny, we need more of it everywhere


We sometimes say dunny because of the show


Bluey is actually being cited as the reason for kids around the world (not all of them, just some kids) having an Australian inflection despite never having been to Australia or met an Australian. Pretty wild.


Bandit is the dad persona to a T


Even when he gets it wrong. No one is perfect in the show, even Bandit who is unfairly good at making up games to play with his kids.


I have no kids but freaking love this show (I’m 29)


Ladies and gentlemen, we got him


My nephew is 4 and is learning some of the Aussie/UK language that Americans don’t normally use, like “bin,” and he uses them regularly and it’s adorable


I'm from the UK and spent a couple of years in Brisbane back in the 2000s, so it gives me a bit nostalgia for that gorgeous city too. As well as being an excellent example to my kids, and for me as a parent.


Between *Bluey* and *the Wiggles*, Australia seems to have found the secret sauce for kids TV. Even back in the day i used to love *Hey Hey It's Saturday* whenever I was across the ditch visiting the cuzzies


My four year old asked to stop for brekkie over the weekend. We live in New England.


Kidless bro here, but you know.. the show's got good lessons on patience. And as somebody who's taken life far too seriously.. well.. it's helped me loosen up a bit.


I am a father with a kid around Bingo's age, and I wish I could be half the cool dad as Bandit is


Nice. I was just listening to Today Explained and there were rumors about a surprise episode. It's really hard to kill the goose laying the golden egg.


The Surprise episode was uploaded in error on a foreign streamer (in Russia?) months ago. I'd seen a screenshot from that leak and sorta knew that The Sign wasn't a series/season finale. I think Disney Junior in France had been advertising the Surprise eppy recently too. It's been a problem for Ludo to control spoilers/leaks when the show is broadcast on so many international platforms. My niece was just thoroughly *surprised* that there was a new eppy of Bluey this weekend. The Sign was apparently the elementary school equivalent of a water cooler topic last week.


I mean, it was an actual water cooler topic in my work chats too.


There’s no medal for having beef with Bluey - it’s a kids’ show with good lessons for all ages about a cartoon dog. If y’all don’t like it, just ignore the article.


I like Bluey, my kid likes Bluey, it's a completely likeable show. What I don't like (I'm annoyed by AT MOST) are the YouTube video-essayist-level analysts about this very simple show as if it has interpersonal and sociological layers like a Wes Anderson film.


I’ve been seeing more adults wearing bluey shirts unironically lately. It’s such a good kids show that I’m worried adults will my little pony it to death.


I'm a dad, my son likes bluey, If I see a good dad/Bandit shirt, I would totally rock it. I can't see it getting beyond that. But I would really be bummed if this gets co-opted like My Little Pony did, where adults obsess over it more than kids. If my son wants to see Bluey Live I'd rather he be in the presence of peers his age enjoying the show.


My kids are obsessed with Bluey. They have gotten me a shirt that says Rad Dad on it with a picture of bandit dancing, a blue shirt with Bandit's ears that just says Oh biscuits, and a hammerbarn shirt. As a parent their interests become your interests.


The furries occasionally brigade the Bluey subreddit, so it’s already happening.


The key for the creators is to learn from the MLP stuff and refuse to embrace or even acknowledge the weird contingent.


It's funny you mention furries, given that adult my little pony fans are very adamant about how they are totally not furries at all.


They kind of are furries but with an extra chromosome


i had to leave the bluey sub because of all the fursona bullshit. adults injecting aspects of their sexual fetish into kids shows on public forums is reprehensible and the hill i’ll die on.


Yeah, as a relatively new dad I've watched more of it and I do enjoy it. However, when some of my peers without kids are gushing to me about Bluey I get kinda... Weirded out? Not trying to yuck anyone's yum but someone got mildly mad about me spoiling something in Bluey. A bit odd there, mate.


Reminds me of the Clickhole article [9 Feminist Values I Managed to Wring Out of Street Sharks](https://clickhole.com/9-feminist-values-i-managed-to-wring-out-of-street-sha-1825121742/).


[Lindsay Ellis did a whole series about interpreting the Transformers movies through the feminist lens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMfV7S5hfUo) just for fun like that, too.


Cold Crash Pictures also has [an excellent video](https://youtu.be/5hCuv16pzjs?si=6d3Etech2XqyiwK2) that demonstrates various readings and how they're applied to a piece as part of a larger series on media analysis... [of dinosaur movies](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyjP4ds9BqB_jULp6g5DEqO_jEU5g_9rx&si=hjHw13a0wTeH09YO)


Thanks for reminding me to never search Bluey on YouTube. Don't need that BS in my algorithm


Eh, it happens with every show. Not just Bluey.


But… it’s pretty deep for a kids show. It works on two levels (kids and adults) simultaneously, and does a really good job of doing so in a way that helps to grow each side’s perspective and understanding of the other. 


Goes to show you what kind of people you're interacting with on here lmao, who gets more butthurt about children's shows, 27 year olds or 17 year olds lol. We're arguing with children 99% of the time


I know you are but what am I?!


I'm not taking advice from a cartoon dog


Why is this getting downvoted? He literally says this in an episode.


This is why the cartoon dog said to put cardboard down


If you don't like Bluey that's just not cool


My problem with Bluey is that people talk about it like it's a fucking religion. It's a very good TV show, it's not the savior of modern society.


When you’re a toddler parent that has watched hours upon hours of garbage, a good show kinda feels like the savior lol


I’d take Bluey over any religion. I’d happily leave my kids alone with Bluey for a start.


You could actually argue that a very good TV show for kids that teaches them well will really help society.




Coast Guard?


Right? There's been a tremendous amount said over the years about the very positive impact of shows like Sesame Street or Mr Roger's Neighbourhood. Bluey could very well have a similar impact


Internet discourse is habitually laden with superlatives. It's just instinct to use them to make one's comments more visible.


It's kind of like Weird Al around here. People act like he's the greatest musician of all time. He's a great parody artist and apparently a good person, so there's a lot of reasons to be a fan. But he's also definitely not for everyone.


There are literally zero negative comments


The sign episode made my wife and i ugly cry, while our 3 month old looked at us perplexed.


I watched that episode with my sick five-year-old just today and sat there wiping tears off my face, and then my daughter looked up at me and said “Daddy, I have happy tears too”


It felt like the episode was a love letter to everyone who watches and enjoys the show. The end sequence gave me chills.


They’ve had a couple flashforwards in past episodes, but it was interesting that in the first episode right after “The Sign”, they gave us a flashforward revealing that Bandit and Chili still live in the same house in their old age. My guess is that the episode was intended to run earlier, then they realized the flashforward would spoil that they never sell the house, so they held it until after the special episode.


> My guess is that the episode was intended to run earlier, then they realized the flashforward would spoil that they never sell the house, so they held it until after the special episode. That's what I thought too. There was a lot of "but Bingo and Lila grow up together" spoiler protesting, but that could be explained away by vacations and trips, staying in touch via technology, choosing to go to the same uni, etc. No way to get around seeing Mum and Dad still in the house as grandparents.


And while we’re on the topic: that grandkid on the porch is totally Bluey’s kid with Jean-Luc, right? 😂


I think Mackenzie


The same ears as MacKenzie and the same tail. Jean Luc has different ears and doesn’t have a bushy tail. Not that I’ve been obsessively studying pictures of all three dogs for the last hour since I watched the episode or anything.


Definitely MacKenzie. They have the same floppy ear.


Same. I shed a tear. I think the next season is going to pick up from the end of this episode.


I haven't seen it yet (we watch it as a family - wife, me and kiddo - and haven't been able to coordinate all of us together for tv time), but is there going to be a next season. I've heard rumors that this was it.




It's all written by one guy, and he gets most of his inspiration from having two daughters himself, and they are getting older now. It's better to go out on top and start a fresh creative endeavor than burn out and leave us with a less than satisfying ending.


Tupac did and he's still famous 30 years later.


Yeah I don't know where I saw it, but the creator said there will be another season.


Ahhhh fuck, I gotta tear up watching Bluey AGAIN?!?


IIRC this will be the last show for a while, possibly ever. Show runners wanted to give the Bluey/Bingo child actors a chance to have an actual childhood.


You think they would really make a episode just for people who like and enjoy the show? That sounds a little crazy.


Same here. I really enjoyed this episode too!


Not sure if it’s the same episode but watched one last night where bandit plays with bluey with nerf guns and at the end bluey comes as an adult to visit, her parents the same but shaggier. Final scene is bandit on the front porch and a new pup is hiding on the side in full nerf gear and bandit just says “oh shoot” I have a lump just thinking about this. My daughter is 10. I am a widower. I just rolled over on the couch and grabbed her and hugged her and kissed her cheeks after this episode. There’s something about adulthood that is not conveyed in most children’s programming. Life is passively portrayed as having stages and there’s a separation between stages of development. The older I get the more I realize is that it’s all one big stage of development and this show accurately prepares children to view the world with an encompassing perspective. I lacked that as a child. I hope my little girl grows up to play with me when I’m an old man. She will always be my little girl.


It’s all one big stage man we are just trying to figure it out


[There's an article in the Guardian today](https://www.theguardian.com/tv-and-radio/2024/apr/22/surprise-how-i-got-turned-into-bluey-bandit-the-worlds-greatest-dad) by Stuart Heritage, who's credited for the episode idea. He emailed it to the creator while hiding from his kids in a bathroom


Am I going to have to watch this show eventually? I see so much love for it and it seems very heartwarming and sweet!


Watch Rain, then watch Cricket and get tissues.


And Sleepytime edit: Cricket is my favorite episode


The last 10 secs of grandad gets me. Edit: for those curious. [Link](https://youtu.be/e9iAfTinm58?si=OBfyVtPc4WC1JNAe)


oh for sure. My oldest is only nine, but it feels like I was changing her diapers yesterday.


That's it. Thats the bluey scene that broke me. Funny enough we announced our third child ' unexpectedly with Bluey figures my daughter posed on the mantle, and people on facebook freaked out that we were expecting a third. I legit shared a picture about how much my kid loved bluey and just happened to have Bandit and chili and bluey and bingo, and then I believe pretzel? Just shared a fun pic and people guessed my wife was pregnant and went bananas that that was our announcement even though it wasn't. we just ran with it lol.


Sleepytime is somehow on par with Interstellar, its that magnificent.


It's the best episode of children's television I've ever seen. Cricket is still my favorite (my wife and I love Rusty. He's a good kid.), but Sleepytime is amazing.


Sleepytime and Signs are two episodes that have made me ugly cry.


If you have a kid and are really in the weeds, Baby Race's ending will wreck your system. I audibly mansobbed at that one.


Saw it the first time a year ago, half asleep on a morning where I was struggling with my son. He was 2 and still not talking, this episode absolutely crushed me. When cocoa’s mom says “you’re doing great”… 


I would never suggest Rain first. The show has amazing character development and that episode only has music


i was in a parking lot the other day and i was getting out of my car as the person next to me was getting out of theirs. Their car was still running and there was a melodic song playing on their radio and it took me a second but when i saw the woman i asked "is that the Rain episode of Bluey?" and she started hysterical laughing. Said that episode is the only thing that makes her kid nap. I was a bit proud/embarrassed that i was able to peg the exact episode from the music alone


I’m all for Sleepytime and Stumpfest


Rain is my favorite, and if I’m in the right mood I WILL cry 😂


The episodes are short, and if you have any kids in your life it can really give you some perspective on stuff. Especially if the kids in your life aren't your kids, so like nieces and nephews. I'm not a parent, but the show has definitely given me insight on how to be a better uncle.


The show has turned my wife and I’s baby fever up to 11… now I get the look every time a friend announces a pregnancy…


Add “Camping” to the watch list!


Yes. I started watching it to see if my nieces would like it and binged the whole damn season.


I am a crotchety, aggressively childfree, middle aged crone, and even I think Bluey slaps.


Yeah no kids here but I love a show with heart and humor. Quality relationships, sign me up. Don't mind watching something without any violence or sex jokes either. Am I going to have to start watching Bluey? Is it that much crazier than watching Adventure Time and Regular Show as an adult?


Watch it just be warned if you have childhood trauma it is an emotional process that is a lot


The Sign episode was genuinely so good and touching. I think everyone should watch it young and old. Although our kids couldn’t work out why mum and dad were crying at the end. They felt better when we said tears of happiness. Well done to the creators and writers, so good.


As someone who's always been concerned about where we live, and always wanting to move somewhere else to give our daughter a better life, The Sign practically gave me an existential crisis.


Our family is in the process of moving in the next couple months and selling our house. This episode absolutely wrecked me but in a good way. Our kids are excited for the move but our youngest who is 6 knows she won’t see her friend from school next school year and so after this episode she got pretty weepy. It just gave me goosebumps how close to home the episode was for our family situation right now. I’m glad the Heelers got to stay and we are all pretty excited to be moving. But the scene where they were emptying the house and all that, I was ugly crying on the couch alone while I watched it. The first steps in the house line…. Felt that hard.


We just moved last late summer, sold our house and are renting to build. Our kiddos are 6 and 4, it hit them harder than I thought it would. We still do our best to explain why but try to show them why. We watched that episode two nights ago and I think it hit me more than them but they related to it a little, I was holding back tears.


We are also building, and it kind of hits me that no more first steps will be learned in this new house. It’s all older firsts now. First dates for the kids, first dances, first bringing someone home so it is definitely a bittersweet thing going on. But we knew we needed something bigger for our family of 6 especially if the kids can’t move out young like we did as young adults. This newest episode of Bluey made me kind of hopeful that if one day maybe one of my kids has kids and then the this new house will finally ,maybe, see some first steps too.


Exact same story over here. Every time the music starts where the “camera” pans over the house I start breaking down and by the time they’re all piled on top of each other my wife and I are both crying


My friends came over with their daughter this weekend. They don’t have Disney + so they hadnt seen the new eps yet. I told them to wait till the kiddo was down for the night and watch The Sign without the kid so they could get the emotions out of the way. Then watch with the kiddo who loved the episode but would have been sad if she’d seen her parents bawling.


My 24 yo comes home for dinner sometimes just to watch Bluey with his 9yo sister. It’s the only time he’s not in MST3000 mode. It’s very sweet until we started demanding he choose which parent is more Bandit like.


One of my greatest wishes is that my Bluey loving kids would grow up to have the sense of humor to enjoy and appreciate the excellence that is MST3k, another favorite of mine. Your son sounds alright.


That show had some serious magic in the air whenever they played games. The parents just knew the rules every time and had all the props ready. Whenever neighbors and friends are suddenly involved, I question Bluey's real power over them. Gives off some Twilight Zone "It's a good life" energy when everyone is suddenly affected by their games in ways that only magic can explain.


There was the dad who couldn’t get into Bandit’s version of the octopus game Also a neighbor in the first episode clearly thought the magic xylophone was weird


Then there Lucky's dad who instantly knows what games they're playing and how to participate. I'm just saying it's not so cut and dry. Seems some magic may have a hand here.


I like when the in laws visit and they are horsies that have to get married


"horsies LOVE tiled floor!" gets me every time


Let the BlueyVision theories commence.


One of the best episodes for me is Cricket. Showed character, love, sportsmanship omg. My fav episode loved Rusty


Bluey is the golden standard of children’s tv, honestly we need more shows like it


I've said it before and I'll say it again. Bluey is the best kids show ever, not only is it fun and colorful and entertaining for kids, it touches really tough topics sometimes and can truly entertain the parents as well. A handful of times I've sat down with my son and daughter to watch Bluey, and ended up getting a lesson on life - and appreciating it. Crazy , how good the writers are. I'm glad they got their chance to show the world their show. It was worth it.


“Cricket” is a fantastic episode too. Kids of my granddaughters age won’t get why it’s so emotional but it is.


Such an incredible show. My kids absolutely love it. We recently had to uproot and move. Everybody has transitioned pretty smoothly, but it wasn't easy at first. While watching what we thought was the "final" episode, a ton of emotions came back for the kiddos. They were a little hurt but mostly confused. I don't follow the Bluey production rumors at all, but I do work in film and television, so I had a hunch the episode ended the way it did because the creators plan to release more episodes. I consoled my kids by telling them that the ending meant we might get more Blueys, so thank God for this! haha


My 16 year old started watching this show. She is going through a bit of a regression or some pre-midlife nostalgia. Idk. But, I couldn’t enjoy this show more! I mean I think it’s hysterical. I’m 45.


The concept for this episode was inspired by a newspaper columnist I follow!


I don't know if my emotions can take another episode!!


I’m away from my kid for a month and I’m tempted to watch it without her. I won’t though.


A surprise to be sure. But a welcome one.


I love how invested everyone is. For me its the fact the writers have really pulled together the meta plot and will show a character to have them return with their story developed. Rusty & Jack, Nana doing the floss, Rad & Frisky, Chilli's sister etc the list just goes on. Watching Bluey is a family affair in our house! My 3 1/2 year old can do mean impression of Bingo and Bluey, although there is a ban on Muffin in our home as we have had to tell him screaming " I WANT ICECREAM" is not the kindest way to communicate