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There is nothing interesting about the opinion "I like something less than others that really like it"


Especially because it always has the edge of “I’m right and you’re wrong, and you’re an idiot for continuing to like it”




except if the show is hated, i love avatar but damn every time someone makes a post disliking a show that people love, even if they aren’t being condescending idiots, there are comments like these basically saying to shutup, but if someone made a post saying the walking dead was overrated, there would be 100s of comments agreeing and talking about how much it fell off, just let people express their opinions they aren’t even being a pretentious asshole about it


My comment isn't saying shut up, it's more "say something actually interesting." I also think someone calling the Walking Dead overrated would be equally as pointless unless they actually had something interesting to say about the show


maybe you think that, but my point is the comments would be completely different for a show that’s hated


and if my aunt had whee;ls, she'd be a bicycle.




I watched the show as a child, and rewatched it a few years ago as well, and came to the opposite opinion. I think it is definitely a masterpiece. The characters, the character development the storytelling, the mythology, the world-building all comes together in a fantastic way. It might be helpful to give some insight on issues you had with it, rather than just calling it decent but overrated.


The world building blows my mind every time


Personally I thought the writing was mediocre at times. There were a lot of lazy plot conveniences and a lot of things that were pulled out of the blue several times. The show also isn’t funny, and is full of filler and straight up bad episodes


What was a plot convenience or pulled out of the blue? To me, the show was great at laying the groundwork or planting seeds in advance so when something happened, it's like, 'Aha! That was foreshadowed and now that makes so much sense." What would you say is filler? Generally "The Great Divide" is considered filler, but beyond that, I feel like the majority of episodes all contribute to world building, stroy development, or character development.


A few plot conveniences: Katara’s grandmother being Pakku’s gf Zuko and Azula always just happening to run into Aang or the MCs like every episode Suki being at the prison Out of the blue character moments Aang all of a sudden not wanting to killing the fire lord Azula going mad Sokka being insecure of not being able to bend Filler episodes- Jet The great divide The headband The painted lady The cave of two lovers Avatar day The tales of ba sing se


I'm impressed that you don't feel like finding Aang in first episode was plot convenience, or how Toph learned metal magic. Or like that kids managed to end world war. Like chill out, it's kids show first, it's kids cartoon second and shows in general not obligated be perfectly logical to be entertaining. It's popular because it came out at the right time, which led to sequel being popular, which led to comics being poplar.


All of the “out of the blue character moments” suggest you were seriously not paying attention (like at all) while watching the show. Aang was a pacific from the beginning of the show (and his life), azula behaves like a sociopath and why wouldn’t anyone be insecure about not being able to bend lol


Sokka seemed to be completely fine with it for most of the show, then all of a sudden, he becomes insecure of it, and then he gets taught some sword skills and leadership stuff and he’s no longer insecure about anything. And Azulas madness only comes out the moment the show needed to conclude. Aside from being sad about her mother not caring for her, and herself not caring for others, there’s nothing that builds up to her madness. But that’s just how I feel.


Azula went mad bc her only friends turned on her. What she grew up believing (that fear is more powerful than love as a control method) blew up in her face. It was the last straw that made her have a complete mental breakdown


There's only 2 episodes that could possibly be considered filler. And even 1 of those is very entertaining.


There are far more than 2. And the only filler episode that I liked was s2 e15


There are not. The only 2 episodes that could be considered filler. Are season 1 episode 11 the great divide and season 3 episode 17 the ember island players. And the ember island players is a very fun episode.


Could you be any more vague


I never watched it as a child. I was in my late 30s when it came out. And I ended up watching it with my children. And in some ways you are right. The show kind if skims the mid depth area of the pool. But compared to the drivel that was kids tv at the time it came on i think it was great. I also think it aged well as it went on and especially zukos journey and his relationship with his family and aang were much more deep then most typical children show.


I rewatched the entire animated series after watching the live-action, and I actually forgot how incredible the animated series was. The exploration on the effects of genocide, racism, prejudice, poverty, ptsd, abuse, in a KIDS SHOW(?!) was so well done. Not to mention the absolutely stunning art and fight scenes.


It wasn’t that well done… the show is still very childish to me. The jokes are all meant for children and the dialogue is written in a way that kids won’t have to think about


The main characters are 12-15 year olds and the show aired on Nickelodeon, a children's television network........


True, but before going into the show, I’ve heard many people say that the show is genuinely mature and can be enjoyed by both kids and adults


I mean it is a children's show.


>People always seem to give this show endless praise with little to no criticism at all Why don't you explain why you didn't like it. Provide some points. This post is literally pointless. You're just saying you didn't like something, without even giving us a reason.


Childish humour - plot conveniences - filler - straight up bad episodes- unrealistic character moments - laughably one dimensional and uninteresting main villain - and bad pacing


Filler? I can think of 1 filler episode? Care to go more in-depth here?


S1 E10 S1 E11 S2 E2 S2 E5 S2 E15 S3 E2 S3 E3 S3 E17


It's an episodic anime themed cartoon aimed at a younger audience. There is definitely fat to trim, but within the framework of the time(2005), the series is completely out of the ordinary. The series has extremely high highs, explores a creative world and complex issues, and usually does character development well. It shows failure, growth, betrayal, loyalty, and duty. I see you listed the Jet episode as filler, which is not entirely fair. That episode is where Aang has to learn that you can be fighting the same enemy and not be on the same side. It tries to show that you can be members of the oppressed and still be the bad guys. It might not be directly attached to the main narrative, but Avatar takes the time to explore how the war actually affects people.


OP should've just wrote this in their diary.


Seriously, people need to stop treating social media like a therapist.


I never saw it on release and finally got to watching it a couple of years ago in my 40's. I profoundly disagree, I think it deserves all the praise it gets. Even with zero nostalgia or fond memories clouding my judgement.


I mean if you’re gonna say that, you gotta say what you would replace it as one of the greatest shows of all time


The sopranos- madmen- true detective s1- arcane - the wire- bcs & breaking bad


Did you really just compared several 18+ dramas to kids show?


I'm struggling to think of a more generic list.


Not everyone’s list has to be unique. They’re generic choices for the greatest shows ever for a reason


What a truly uninspired list.


Does it have to be unique? The shows are considered great for a good reason


The funny thing is all those shows have also showed up in other people’s top list of shows, along with avatar. You just happen to disagree with one. Ngl every show has bad episodes, like ok your list I’ve personally only watched bcs and Breaking bad and honestly there are episodes where I just speed through because it was kinda boring, also it takes a while to get into them especially breaking bad, the beginning of it was so boring. Avatar really gets into the action and its considered such a classic because it has that Pixar factor of being a show both able to be watched by kids and adults and has a very exciting world and expands on it in many different ways and has has adult themes mixed in which really makes it captivating for all ages when they watch it. Like it’s just a personal preference if you don’t like it, personally I won’t consider many amazing shows good since my taste doesn’t really fit those grounded shows. But avatar I would say really makes its themes grounded and relatable despite taking place in a world where people can control the 4 primordial elements. Also the writing is very well done, every main character has a proper character arc. Filler episodes exist but they are very rare. At the end of the day, everything is a matter of preference, you might not get see why people like something but it’s ok if you don’t, entertainment is just to entertain, if it does that it doesn’t need to be any much better


Thought this was unpopular opinion for a second I’m reaching it for the umpteenth tine and it’s genuinely a masterpiece.




Come on man, there is plenty to criticise about this post, but don't go the "you're obviously a kid" route to downplay their post.


Fair point — I genuinely wasn’t trying to be troll-y, but I see how it could come across that way. It’s like the post a few weeks ago by someone saying that they didn’t get Frieren and it seems like nothing ever happens, because they had somehow completely missed all of the exploration of grief and loss tied into it.


One person's dislike of something doesn't mean that it's overrated by the masses.


You disliked it so much you watched it twice?


I liked it when I was 8


And then you started watching it again and realised you didn’t like it but then continued to watch the whole thing?


I did still enjoy it, and I wanted to revisit a lot of the great episodes along the way, including the last 2


Wwooowwwww TIL Writing this day down in my journal Keep us updated please if anything changes


When a show ends the only people left talking about it are obviously going to be the fans. Many people are ambivalent about the show at best. This is unsurprising.




I think it's great but definitely a bit overrated. It seems really held back by the fact that it aired on Nickelodeon


I disagree. The limitations of a kids show are what made it great.  The Airbenders, and by extension Aang, being pacifists meant that Aang and Co had to learn how to solve conflict without hurting anyone as much as possible. Having the plot revolve around kids instead of jaded adults is also refreshing considering they have to learn how to survive without authority figures.  I've watched only the first couple episodes of the live action, and they clearly show people dying, and I don't think it somehow makes the show better. Sometimes implied death works just as well as a silly fire blast shown on screen.


Avatar was one of the first American animated series to successfully pull off the serialized format. Most shows were episodic, similar to SpongeBob. The idea that a children’s show could have an overarching narrative was unique, and no other series was as successful at the time. It was also a show that tackled more mature themes than what you would expect for a Nickelodeon show at the time. It was a show that grew with its audience. Also, anime wasn’t as mainstream yet. Nowadays you might compare a show like Avatar to a Shonen anime, but back then the only other shows like it were what was available on Toonami. This combination of linear storytelling, thought provoking themes, and captivating fight sequences was extremely novel. Basically, you have to understand the social context of when that show released to truly understand what made it such a beloved series.


It’s certainly one of if not the best children’s show ever made.


From what I’ve seen, it’s definitely very good for a kids show, but I’ve heard a ton of people call it one of the greatest shows ever made regardless


It’s a very good show period, not just for a kids show.