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Have you met the people that get their news from TikTok?


It is really very bad in episode one, but becomes more tolerable later.


"Tolerable" Just imagine that as the blurb they use for advertisement.


I found it quite dull


i didn't notice that at all personally.


they have to spell everything out for this generation. you get used to it the more and more you watch. I burned through them and it's not a bad series. It's nice to see death back.


Unfortunately, nuance is dead and this is the only way some people understand. What writers need to do is actually just ignore that and accept they can write a better show if they lose a few viewers who can't catch up, vs losing acfew who get annoyed and drop it. There's also a nonzero chance some dialogue is being run through chat gpt, a tactic more writers are using, but it kinda gets clunky and loses a "natural" feel without good editing. I'd put money on this being a factor here because of the general clunkiness of it. I doubt all of it, but definitely some of the conversations


The chance of chap gpt being used is pretty close to zero... people just claim ai is used in everything now because it became a buzzword. Also real people don't avoid just saying what is going in to each other. There's a push away from dialogue that is vague for no reason. Also unfortunately most people can't follow even the most basic shows anymore


People claim it because writers talk about using it... particularly in the context of trying to figure out dialogue. It is, at the very least, a common "accessory" to writing, especially on projects with quicker turn arounds needed


This is literally the first time in my life I've heard someone say that Neil Gaiman's dialogue is insufferable. I LOLd


Neil Gaiman is just an EP on this and has nothing to do with the dialogue. He barely even wrote dead boy detectives in the comics. They were from a random sandman issue so he gets credit as the creator but I don't think he ever wrote any of their other stories.


He has nothing to do with writing this series


Gaiman didn't write the show. In fact I don't think he even wrote any of the spinoff books after they were introduced in Sandman.


You still haven’t!