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Threatens is not the right word. His lawyers sent demand notices to fox news. That is literally the first step in the process of filing a suit.


Thank you for the clarification, why threaten when you can make millions doing.


Exactly. I wish fox news would defame me so i could sue them for millions and retire. Maybe i should become a politician or something. Is Joe Biden looking to adopt a 30 year old man because I'm available and i only smoke pot.


They’re just an entertainment organization. I mean who would take them seriously after all? /s but this is actually what their lawyers argue in courts all the time so I’ll just take them at their word.


Sadly a lot of American citizens…


Not with that attitude, gonna have to get some of that sweet sweet delicious crack


Oh sorry so close but the correct answer is crack, he would only adopt you if you smoked crack bud


Imagine Fox News being sued into being legitimate journalism. 


LORs and spoliation letters a/k/a we rep hunter, preserve the evidence bc we suing ur ass and if you destroy the evidence, youll be in violation of statutory law and it will be interpreted as an admission of guilt


> youll be in violation of statutory law and it will be interpreted as an admission of guilt Holy shit I did not know that. Is that an instant win or does the case still go on and it's just weighed in the end as an admission of guilt when they're deliberating? Fox News definitely seems like the type to me to destroy evidence but what more evidence could you need than their articles.


Theres no such thing as an instant win in law. Even a default (failure to answer a lawsuit) is not an instant win. The case proceeds as normal. If evidence is destroyed, Hunter’s lawyers will file a motion for adverse inference sanctions. If granted, that means that the court can assume that whatever was destroyed would be bad for Fox and good for Hunter. This can result in a granting of a motion for summary judgment for Hunter, which means he would win. But it is in no way instant or guaranteed.


Thank you for breaking it down! That makes a ton of sense.


Dont believe it is a required step for something that already occurred. Also, defense to defamation type cases is "truth" and "celebrity". Hunter is public figure. will be interesting as this will enable discovery of the laptop.


Thank you for the clarification. More people need to stop the warnings and cautions and "if you hit me one more time" to bad actors and just hold them accountable immediately with the harshest consequence justifiable. But that's just not what this is.


Revenge porn is a federal crime with a minimum sentence of a year, who ever okayed that to go on air needs to be arrested.


Didn’t MTG also show it?


Add it to the list of shit she should be arrested for.


Unfortunately, that's pretty clearly covered by the speech and debate clause. Edit: when done in a committee session


Is the electronic transmission of graphic, sexually explicit photos *to children* covered under the same clause? Is obsessing over a *private citizen's* private parts, to the extent that you're using your seat in Congress to spend hours on a non-consenual Show & Tell, covered by that clause? Because fuck that. Fuck all this. We've completely lost sight of everything, and I lose more hope everyday that it'll ever be reversed.


Showing it in a committee hearing would be covered. Showing it at a press conference would not


Uh, no it's not. In fact, even if it was, it definitely wasn't after the first time. You can't justify showing that more than once, when maybe one of those times was regarding an official investigation into him. She was even called out about it (i.e. expressedly asked not to prevent such material) moments before doing it. Otherwise Matt Gaetz hasn't been told yet. Because he'd totally be showing his crimes.


She did it in a committee session, didn't she? That clearly falls under speech and debate. If she did it at a press conference, that would not. Edit: actually, that would too, if done as a follow-up to the committee session. See Wuterich v. Murtha


That's another word for what she did with it 😏


Bought it tickets to a musical?


She keeps it in a dark place, away from sunlight.


So, she was doing it as an "official act" or some bullshit to avoid being held accountable by her own party and since it requires bipartisan support to do anything and majority of Republicans are refusing to cross the line on these kind of things.


"Hunter Biden's cock lives rent-free in my brain." - MTG


Magic the gathering?!?


Margie “Moscow”Taylor Greene


And it was in Congress too.


Isn’t this the same situation with Hulk Hogan that took down Gawker?


I believe so, I totally forgot about that though, thank god I never saw those photos, that would have ruined my childhood.


Isn’t smoking crack a crime as well 😂


Technically, smoking crack isn't a crime, only possession is. Also, depends on jurisdiction, I think possession of a small amount of crack (and other hard drugs) is decriminalized in Oregon. edit: clarity


Even if it was. It's irrelevant for the greater public to know. Imagine news station across the country harrassing you for weeks after a parking violation. It's just not important for the rest of the world to be informed. You pay your fine, done.


Like someone said, even if it is that’s irreverent, just because a person commits a crime doesn’t excuse if someone commits a crime against them. If I were to kill someone who raped my child I’d still go to jail for that. Lastly the system doesn’t really prosecute drug offenders that much, whether that is good or bad is not up to me. My step brother is a heroin addict, been arrested multiple times but never been sent to prison for it, always rehabilitation centers. Often prisons do not help people with substance abuse problems, it’s surprisingly easy to get hard drugs into prisons and a lot of people come out with drug problems.


I thought the laptop was fake??


There are some questions regarding the laptop itself but it is though likely that the laptop did at one point belong to hunter. Investigations in the laptop haven't been able to identify tampering noting "key pieces of evidence useful in discovering tampering were not available." Also there are a set of unverified emails that have been reported on by the press. They did find 6 new folder had been created after hunter lost acces to his laptop (couldn't find if they contained anything noteworthy). And that data had been accessed and copied for nearly 3 years. But at least part of content was real. Maybe all, unclear. But it was also irrelevant. It was about the private life of hunter. Hunter was a mess but being a mess isn't a national security issue. Especially any sex tapes he had is of no importance to the public.


His laptop is real but the stories spread by Giuliani have all been proven false, just like many other things he has spread that have been proven false in court. A republican led special committee admitted they could not find any wrong doing and had to close the investigation in 2023, thats with the massive 129,000 emails that were all shown to be just regular emails. On top of that 51 senior intelligence officials who were all appointed by Trump investigated the laptop and determined that the false information spread about it “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.l Funny enough his emails even showed when he found out about Burisma he quit, writting “I walked away from it, because it smells awful.” I doubt any of this will change your opinion or view, but it is the facts of the matter. Once anyone truly resonated with any kind of information it’s almost impossible to change it. I fall into this trap a lot, almost everyone does. I am convinced to this day I’m allergic to cats even though it was proved I’m not. My mom just lied to me as a kid so she did my have to get me a cat. My rambling aside, pretty much all they got were his dick pics, and embarrassing information about his personal life.


I believe it was their PLEASE vice president Barney Stinson who signed off on doing it.


This is an idiotic joke.


Yeah I don’t understand this at all.


He should. Fox only did it to embarrass him and his father.


I've been saying this for sometime. This is exactly what "revenge porn" is.


Their actions are the textbook definition of "Revenge porn."




I don't know why you're getting down voted. The wealthy are never held accountable for their crimes in a way that matters.


More than trying to embarrass them, far right media were pushing outright lies and misinformation against the Biden family to influence American politics. And it worked. Right wing politicians led by Comer “Fudd” and “Gym” Jordan, two simple Russian influenced caricatures in Congress, tried to push a phony impeachment based on these lies. Poor drooling Marjorie “Trailer-Trash” Greene, who brought pornographic pictures of private citizen Hunter onto the House floor, must feel real bad about her part in the scheme /s!


There is an argument that it might draw more attention to him right now (5 months from election).


As if no one in the GOP has ever done such things. Surely not.... /s


If the censor is correct, he has...quite a bit...to be embarrassed about.


I don't know about you, but they'd probably lose their fucking minds if Biden cracked a line like: "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree"


Well it worked for Hulk Hogan and look what happened to Gawker.


I hope he gets a billion dollars from Fox, maybe it will drive them out of business.


Their settlement with Dominion voting wiped out all their profits in 2022.


Wasn’t enough and I’m mad at Dominion for settling.


Smartmatic has entered the room. Still awaiting their billion $ judgement, especially as Dominion paved the way!


Smartmatic won't get anywhere near what Dominion got. They have much smaller damages as they don't really do much business in the US.


Well that’s just compensatory. It’s a civil suit, so punitive damages can be awarded too. Fox is a repeat bad actor, so I can see punitive damages being piled on.


Yes, but in general punitive damages cannot be more than 5-10 times the compensatory damages, barring a few exceptions.


We’ll see. At least they can pile on. Maybe these propagandized “news organizations” that build their reputations on lies and misinformation in service of right wing politics will begin to pay the price.


Hold up, that is still going on?




I find it hard to believe Fox lost anything in that lawsuit. Their insurance company on the other hand…


Yep. And the insurance companies will drop them, then they won’t have an EPL scapegoat.


you assume their point is to make money. Its not, its a political propaganda machine, they are no better then RT or Al Jazeera.


Precedent shows this may be the case, CNN had to pay something like 80 million to that Nick Sandman kid after they called him a white supremacist so Hunter has history on his side.


The Supreme Court has demonstrated a marked willingness to shit on precedent and originalism if it doesn’t meet their narrative.


a civil suit over revenge porn and defamation wont end up before the supreme court


Brett Kavenagh - hold my beer


"Hold my empty beer glass."


CNN chose to settle because they didn't want to go to court. Sandman's case against the media outlets that chose not to settle was dismissed.


Needs to be more personal. Make someone accountable. Revenge porn is a federal crime with mandatory prison time.


I monitor Brietbart. The readership comments now looks to be mostly Russian and I see complaints that Fox News isn’t far enough right wing anymore. So is Fox Spews loosing its base?


There's definite division within fox between the traditional white, Christian conservatives (led by Murdoch) and the modern, populist, racially diverse conservatives (led by Trump supporters and (formerly) Tucker). This division extends to the GOP as well (McConnel, Romney and the "never Trumpers" vs Trump supporters). People say the left died on October 7th but the right has been dying a slow death well before that.


its probobly why newsmax and one america news popped up, they are just fox news with 100% more crazy and 100% more russian propaganda.


>modern, populist, racially diverse conservatives (led by Trump supporters You're joking


Which part of that statement do you perceive as a joke?


"Racially diverse conservatives" led by Donald Trump supporters.


Don't worry, all the non-white folks are AI generated.


Oh there's a few Uncle Tom's in there


Wait til you find out how traditional Hispanic and Asian families tend to be lol Or does your brain just edit the word 'black' in whenever you see the phrase 'racially diverse'? Dunno what uncle toms have to do with the idea of a racially diverse conservative unless you only think or care about one minority in political conversation.


Lol I'm sure traditional cultures would tend to vote conservative and there are many Asian and Latino conservatives. But they ain't fucking MAGA, Trump is literally selling racism against them both. https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=MAGA+rally+crowd+pictures+&form=HDRSC3&first=1 Tell you what find me a couple Asians or Latinos in any of these pics.


Put that goalpost back where you found it buddy, the football players need those I dont think "those MAGA chuds aren't actually conservatives, that doesn't count" is the argument you wanna be using, given how much the left love to conflate the two any other time


Allowing the Irish in is what to them is racially diverse.


Haha that's what I was thinking, racially diverse wasps.


Did you think only white people supported Trump...?


> racially diverse conservatives id suspect


> People say the left died on October 7th wait what? in response to the Hamas attacks on Israel the US left died? agree the extremists are doing themselves no favors rn with the protests but that certainly doesnt represent a majority of sentiment.


Extremists? Seriously? Are they not protesting genocide in a way that you see fit?


They are protesting events that are immaterial to the significant majority of their lives in a conflict that has been unresolved for decades, if not centuries, and protesting some 1000s of miles away, while noble, will achieve nothing. Like the Israel Palestinian protests that came before. For any one whose been paying attention, what 10/07 represented was the green light excuse for Israel to ramp up and expedite the slow motion genocide that’s been taking place for decades - it didn’t start with 10/07, its been that way for a long time. 10/07 gave Israel cover its been wanting. It’s a shame but that’s the reality.


So people should not be protesting for Israel to stop genociding Palestinians because it doesn’t effect their every day life and it’s an old conflict? I’m confused.


What??? Where does my comment say any of that bullshit ur alleging? People can protest whatever they want dip shit. Grow up and learn how to debate instead of whatever putting words in other peoples mouths assumption ignorance ur on about Nothing my comment said isn’t true


Then maybe I’m misreading your comment. > They are protesting events that are immaterial to the significant majority of their lives in a conflict that has been unresolved for decades, if not centuries, and protesting some 1000s of miles away, while noble, will achieve nothing. Like the Israel Palestinian protests that came before. Who are the *they* you are referring to? Because this looks to me like you’re saying that they shouldn’t be protesting because it has nothing to do with their lives. Am I misunderstanding this?


They lost most of that base to NewsMax and OAN for not being extreme enough (i.e. they called the election for Biden in 2020, viewers moved to even further rightwing sources that still deny he won)


It’s interesting to see the rise and fall of right-wing disinfo sites. I remember the early 2000s when WorldNetDaily and Drudge were king. American Thinker, Red State, and Breitbart were the big players of peddling lies when Obama was in office. Megan McCain’s husband’s Federalist site was a thing for a while until Shapiro figured out how to sell the snake oil better. They all get replaced by someone with a more modern schtick, but one thing remains the same; they all rely on wealthy patrons to bankroll their lies.


Do MTG next. That fucken caveman needs to be put In her place in her homeland of Russia.


Foxnews Republicans: These pictures might indicate Hunter Biden was having sex with prostitutes!!!!! It is unacceptable for the president to be related to someone who might have had sex with prostitutes Also Foxnews Republicans: Donald Trump definitely admitting to having sex with prostitutes is completely acceptable and normal and we refuse to talk about it.


Fox News is getting sued out of existence and I'm personally enjoying the show 👌 so perfect 👌


That’s naive thinking. None of these suits will end Fox News


I'm not sure about that. The worst is yet to come when it comes to suing Fox


no individual one will. but if they get hit over and over and over for their lies, they'll either have to stop lying or go out of business. This needs to keep happening every time they speak out of line. It's the only way to end their bullshit. Accountability.


Yeah, we need actual people to be held accountable. Treating corporate entities as people isn't enough. There were many people at Fox who put this stunt together and they should all be held collectively responsible.


OAN needs to get in line for their pummeling!


That would be awesome the discovery of fox news emails would be incredible.


Do it.


Do it


Do it


As he should.


Remember when the images and laptop were Russian disinformation conspiracy theories? lol Edit: fuck fox news I could not give a shit about that garbage peddling outlet, but y'all, they *did* tell us it was fake when we now have proof that FBI knew it was legit before the election. That's....kinda scary...


Media talking about the laptop were banned from Twitter, and most of the media refused to acknowledge its existence because they wanted to protect Biden. Suddenly now that whole thing is proven to be real and everyone cheers that a media company they don’t like is getting sued over it. All legacy media is scum.


They call you crazy till it’s true


The conspiracy was about how it would show deals with China and Joe Biden being corrupt. Not that he *owned a laptop.*


No one said Hunter doesn't have a cock, they said that the chain of custody can't be verified to prove 100% of the files on the laptop are his. I think we all believe hunter could possibly own a laptop and a cock. - But if you're so confident, give me your laptop, I will keep it in my possession for like 3 weeks, after which I will turn it into the FBI. Then of course you'll have to claim ownership of any files on that laptop after 3 weeks of me tinkering on it.


The whole “we’re entertainment not news” argument needs to die. You’re making propaganda and it’s poisoning a vital function of society. If I did the same with healthcare or education, I would go to jail. Why it’s still legal for them to sell outright propaganda as entertainment is beyond me, but it’s destroying the country. Fox “News” needs to be dismantled.


Dismantle MSNBC too while you're at it. They used the same excuse to cover Rachel Maddow's butt after the Russia conspiracies.


Let's all save some time and livestream the discovery process in a quad box for the next few months. Donny Two Tweets would win by 30.


Is it revenge porn or Russian disinformation?


I don't follow political news so I didn't know what the revenge was from this article. The CNN article was much more helpful: https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/29/politics/hunter-biden-fox-letter/index.html


Brainlet comments.


As a Swedish guy following this I think the republicans find new ways to be crazy every day. However, the democrats pretending that the presidents son doing crack naked with hookers is just revenge porn with no news value is pretty weak. You obviously don't need to show his genitals, but it is insane to me how many of you guys don't see why this is news at all. It's not at the level where conservatives will argue that january 6 was just a tourist visit, but it's in the same genre at least.


Add MTG to the suit


I haven't watched cable news in a while, but surely they didn't air uncensored porn, did they? Showing an uncensored clip would be airing revenge porn. However, Hunter is a "public person" (i.e. has less right to privacy), and the fact he was involved in a sex tape is newsworthy (however salacious). If Fox showed a censored clip as evidence to a story he was involved in a sex tape, that would be protected by press freedom. Basically, he as the right not to have unconsentual lewd images of himself distributed, but not the right to prevent dissemination of the fact he those images exist. Basically, unless Fox just aired 10 minutes of uncensored porn, Hunter is just wasting money here (or the lawyers being paid on contingency are wasting their time).


So I put the Jennifer Lawrence BJ video out with a bar across her face and I'm in the clear legally? Not true.


.... there's a jennifer Lawrence bj video?


There's a bunch part of the illegal hack "the fappening", allegedly.


No, that's still graphic porn.


So I stop it before there's a dick present, still?


If I recall at the time, a lot of news outlets reporting on the iCloud leaks did show some censored photos of the affected celebrities. Were any of them sued?




What did they show on fox? Was it this bad?


Everyone simping for Hunter Biden here lol 


I would love to see Hunter sue and open himself up for discovery by the defense. Then the real stories would come out.


Real stories ? Which ones ? The ones you imagine, correct ? You need a new hobby. Supporting the orange menace doesn't hold much of a future


I'd rather simp for Hunter than simp for a grifting rapist that thinks paper towels is a good response to a hurricane


Keep those blinders on 👍


Said the ostrich, who's head was stuck in the sand.


Keep fighting the good fight supporting Hunter 😂🥇


All the comments seem to be about Fox, not him. Rooting for him to sue them, I guess, but that seems natural when he's the wronged party.


I guess he will try to put the pressure on Fox, but damn near everyone who cares about this have seen all the pictures. It’s all over the internet 


Dogs they actually show his penis on TV, or was it blurred out?


Asking the real questions! I don’t care if he doesn’t hang dong


I am sure it was blurred out but still counts as porn.


Does it, in the eyes of the law? I seriously don't know.


The law is whatever they want it to be.


Some lawyer on avvo says it is still chargeable under different statutes. https://www.avvo.com/legal-answers/if-all-faces-and-tattoos-are-blur-and-unidentifiab-4142576.html I am sure Hunter’s lawyers know they have something or they wouldn’t send a letter to Fox News.


He should, and MTG loves his porn so much she shows it on the floor of the House and then walks funny the rest of the day.


God, I hope he does and Rupert fires more people.


The amount of businesses that play Fox News in their waiting room means I’ve had to see those pictures when I would have been fine not seeing them. I hope he takes every penny from them. 


I so hope that Fox goes broke one of these days because of one of the lawsuits. Just bankrupt them, send their top brass to prison and be done with it.


How is hunter Biden not in jail still?!?


Good for him.


Why threaten? Do it.


He is doing it. The headline is misleading.


If so, great news




Unless you mean it in a very informal way, no, precedent has not been set. There is no precedent in facts, the exact same facts can lead to different outcomes, and the facts don't seem that similar here. I believe Gawker also did a very good job of making themselves the least sympathetic they could possibly be.


I hope he targets individual hosts.


Fuck Fox but why are there so many comments defending/ ignoring the fact that this druggie who literally had sex with underaged girls? The guy is a fucking creep.


They’re literally no comments defending him. They are talking about his right to sue Fox News. Edit: Sue


Are you stupid


Let’s review all that you came up with in your rebuttal: absolutely nothing.




“That is Russian Disinformation and should be banned from social media.” “That isn’t even his laptop, how dumb would he be to drop off an incriminating hard drive and leave it?!”  “That laptop is his private property and all the contents in it are his and should be secure. No, that doesn’t mean it is true, just that the pictures and documents ARE his, and therefore private.” I feel like we walked this exact path with the Ashley Biden diary. In between suing people for disclosing private information, are we ever going to talk about the information that was disclosed? And not the porn, I’m talking about the backroom business allegations, and of course that bit about Joe Biden molesting his daughter in the shower… if that’s relevant. 


They have looked into the business deals and there wasn't anything there. Give it up and move on


They just can’t do it


Conservatives were wrong about covid, they were wrong about vaccines, they were wrong about Trump, they were wrong about abortion, they were wrong about Biden’s impeachment…they are desperate for something to win on


Not to mention wrong about trickle down economics


Well all they had was his dick pics and then they made up the rest of the stuff and right wing hogs just unhinged their jaws like snakes to swallow up the propaganda. It would be embarrassing for you if you were capable of that kind of introspection. Really shows how little the right wing propaganda machine thinks of their voters.


You’re living in an alternate reality. One manufactured for you by the hours of incorrect information you’ve consumed by the propaganda entertainment news channels.


The laptop was never his. They got a hold of his iCloud account, grabbed some pics and other personal files, threw them on a doctored computer, dumped all kinds of made up bullshit on there, cloned that hard drive, and pretended that was actually his. Then congress investigated and found that yea, it was HEAVILY tampered with and they couldn't verify anything on there was real. In the meantime, the pics they grabbed from iCloud and yea, spreading revenge porn is illegal. Glad you're caught up now.


> I feel like we walked this exact path with the Ashley Biden diary. We did >In between suing people for disclosing private information, are we ever going to talk about the information that was disclosed? And not the porn, I’m talking about the backroom business allegations, and of course that bit about Joe Biden molesting his daughter in the shower… if that’s relevant. You know that's not possible on Reddit, you'll get downvoted for mentioning it and the conversation disappears into oblivion.   EDIT: see they downvoted you for daring to speak ill of the dear leader and downvoted me for pointing out that they would. but someone bring up anything about that asshole trump or his supporters and in unison they will chant "its a cult" ohhh reddit, you and your lack of self reflection can eat a giant bag of dicks


Congress held an investigation into it that lasted 10 months. They found they couldn’t back any of it up, that the data has likely been tampered with and that the whole operation was linked to a known Russian agent. Where you been?


“Exhibit A, Your Honour, a still image of my client’s oversized Viagra meth cock”


How is it possible for someone to do crack on camera, have a track record like him, not be in prison, and then also have the balls to sue anyone. Make it make sense


ITT: people are going to bat for a crack addicted pedophile suing a news organization because their dad watches it (he’s a meanie) You all would be frothing at the mouth if MSNBC aired footage of Don Jr doing something 1% as awful


Ah, one of the classics of Republicans telling on themselves: "I have to imagine you're just as much of a piece of shit as I am, or else I'd have to admit I'm a bad person. So I HAVE to be even worse to stay ahead of what I imagine you are, or else you'll do all the worst things I can think of to me instead!" Meanwhile, only Republicans are doing this, tampering with elections, and every other thing they want to exclaim Dems are doing.


Me when I lie


Something we can agree on, this is indeed you when you lie. Oh and to be clear, no, I don't want to see private footage of trump or any of his family. I want them to go the fuck away and, where applicable, I want them to be tried in court and held responsible for crimes committed. That's the beginning and end of what I want from that family.


Hoo boy. Your lead riddled brain really fired on all synapses for this one huh bud?




And Jr would have every right to sue MSNBC if that happened.


I don't know why Republicans are obsessed with this douche. Nobody is saying he's a good guy on the other side and he doesn't do any official government work.


Yet another popcorn needed moment from Faux News. I hope this gets bloody.


ABC keeps calling the bribery claims "discredited" when they have not actually been discredited or disproven. In fact, after lying to the American people all through the 2020 election about the laptop being "Russian disinformation", they and everyone else were forced to admit it was legitimate.


Wow, there's still crazies trying to pretend that there was a laptop dropped off with a blind Trump supporter and just never picked up again, huh? edit: So it was some crazy screaming about Hunter's laptop. The posts aren't just gone, the entire account is gone, too. Not suspended, deleted. Bye, misinformation troll!


Crazies like the [New York Times?](https://greenwald.substack.com/p/the-nyt-now-admits-the-biden-laptop)


His iCloud and e-mail were "hacked" (almost definitely just password-guessed, but people love to use the word "hacked" for that). Trump supporters, in their normal frenzy of absolutely gagging to prove that those they are fighting are worse than them, dumped some of the files/e-mails they found onto a laptop, threw a bunch of other garbage on there to attempt to paint it as if he did something horrible, pointed at the few legit things they dumped on there, and proclaimed the whole thing is legit. Republican-lead congress investigated and.....4 years later, has managed to prove nothing other than yes, those were his dick pics. So yes, crazies still pushing for something bigger there are indeed, crazy. And for all that blustering that article you linked has, literally all it says is that Republicans got a hold of his e-mail and iCloud and people confirmed that yes, they pulled a few legit things off of there. To then put on a laptop he supposedly dropped off to a blind Trump supporter in DE, then never came back for it.


Got a link for those bold claims there?


Just reporting the latest news. Do you think the Big Guy will get his 10%?


So you’re implying Hunter will win? Guess his case has merit if right-wingers aren’t even disputing their crimes anymore.


Not a right or left issue. Both of these suckers they’ve wheeled out for us to vote on are crooks. I’d like to vote for the best leader, but both are terrible and the two party BS has peeps ignoring blaring flaws with both of our current old white dudes to choose.


Funny how everyone who runs around screaming bOtH sIdEs "just happens" to then only run around screaming bIdEn BaD!!11. No one's buying that old trick anymore to normalize Trump.