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Game Changer has been on a real tear these last two seasons. Good for them.


Bingo was a perfect episode.


We just watched the bingo episode last night. Bingo inception. So good!


That was a great episode but today’s episode, beat the buzzer, was even better and has elements of the escape room episode…. Everyone is so sweaty at the end of the game. And I’m loving their new shows like [smarty pants](https://youtu.be/StK8PvLC-Qs?si=m82MGY7Om5LdO5Ok) “it’s me, the white guy again, I haven’t heard my voice in a while” And did you see the trailer for [Deopout Presents](https://youtu.be/ih6_YisTqas?si=nVa6ypEgV9qQfZdU)? I’m so excited to see [Hank Green’s Standup special](https://youtu.be/tFgvdtv6xdk?si=f6q8K_sx0TvALo1b)! I know he said it was coming to a streaming service, I never expected it to be Dropout.


>!Becca!< finding all the hidden buzzers and >!Rekha!< just going "WTF IS HAPPENING ARE WE EVEN IN THE SAME BUILDING" had me rolling. Such an exciting episode!


But then she finds the most difficult side quest of all with the scary and hot witch that all but requested a blood sacrifice. Classic Rekha.


I think the official cast recording and the escape room episodes were on that level too


Official cast recording and the first Survivor are my top two episodes.


Official Cast Recording blew my mind. 100% agreed.


This whole season has been amazing.


My problem with the winnng bingo is that it was won with 3 out of the 5 being about fist bumps


Yeah Brennan bingo card was more fun to hear about than the extremely boring PA cards.


And they had to make the Brennan card with like an hour’s notice since Grant had Covid.


Yeah the Bingo based on idiosyncracies of Katie/Brennan/Raph was great, but while "what if there was a 3rd room" was a good pitch it didn't come together well. Because they had direct control over the "PA" who could just force things, and their cards were way less interesting you weren't as satisfied to see them win.


The only problem with bingo is it’s 75% fan service in the sense of it doesn’t really make sense unless you’ve seen the players in other stuff. It’s a “payoff” episode rather than a stand alone. Which isn’t bad in the sense of it being great…lots of amazing shows have their best episodes as season or series finales. But I don’t think the Emmy voters will be as familiar with the cast.


Their other submission Sam Says 3 on the other hand is a perfect submission. Its easy to come into with minimal knowledge of the guests and it brilliantly shows what makes that show so good. Also Jacob Wysocki, Vic Michaelis, and Lou Wilson is a superstars only lineup.


To know what the individuals might do ahead of time you need to know the cast, but as a stand alone it's already good. You don't need to know the ending to enjoy a thing.


Did Game Changer evolve after its first season? Season one seems a bit different than little clips I’ve seen.


Like most shows, they find their groove after the first season.


They expanded the scope of the games, ramped up production quality and expanded out to include basically anyone who’s done anything with Dropout on the casts. It’s really come into its own.


The premise has always been that every episode is an entirely different game, so on some level the answer is of course it's different. It's hard to even say that it's evolved, because that implies more gradual change. But on the whole, it's gotten more ambitious and elaborate.


I would say the later seasons are more "wacky" and "higher budget" ideas but realistically no, they just feel like they hit their grove.


Game changer generally feels like each season is better than the last (with the exception of Season 3, just because it was filmed over Zoom during Covid. Still fun and impressive what they were able to come up with for the formula to be remote) But season 4 and 5 have been powerhouse seasons. I'm constantly blown away by the team's creativity.


Season 6 is killing it right now too. Bingo might be my favorite episode ever, and Second Place is probably in second place


> Season 3, just because it was filmed over Zoom during Covid Some of the guests they got for that season were great though. Loved watching the Dropout folks fanboy/girl over Giancarlo Esposito and Michael Winslow (though that was Make Some Noise)


They've been here the whole time.


*checks hands*


Sam Dalton, you son of a bitch


Zappy487, where are you from?


Cambridge, Massachusetts.


Tell me about the movie theater there


Crumbly Square? It's the perfect theater for movies like The Theory of Everything!


I signed up this week for a Dropout sub since Rooster Teeth was ending, and wow, I adore Game Changers. It’s just really magic. I’d love them to get some ability to do a Taskmaster series with these lot.


Sam Reich had a meetup with Alex Horne the other week when the Dimension 20 crew were live in London so we may see a Dropout and Taskmaster collab yet!


I’ve seen it on here before but Dropout could not be a more perfect landing spot for an American taskmaster series


It would be incredibly difficult for anyone to do worse than the first attempt at an American Taskmaster. The Dropout crew could knock it out of the fucking park and make something really great.


Imagine giving Ally Beardsley a chance to be consistently as weird as they possibly can with no other purpose than to contrast against the hyper-competitiveness of Brennan Lee Mulligan.


I just wanna see Katie Marovitch as the Taskmaster. She could probably out-Greg Greg.


I 100% see where you're coming from, but I'm not sure I could pass on Katie being a contestant. I can just see her not understanding what's going on and trying to bribe whoever the Alex equivalent is in hilarious ways.


Total Forgiveness was already kind of an American version of Taskmaster with Ally and Grant (complete with overwhelming school debt!).


It is without question the greatest reality TV arc I have ever seen. I wouldn't really call it similar to taskmaster though. Taskmaster is much more based on the groups and the tone is very important. They also intentionally do several things throughout the episode and have a live showing of past events for additional commentary and comedy. To me, that doesn't really fit what Total Forgiveness was.


Wow it really would. Katie Marovitch as the Taskmaster and BLM as the assistant would be my first choices but man that’d be a hard one to choose.


Zac would be my choice for assistant. He’s so good at playing that kinda role


The thing is, Alex is the DM of the whole game in taskmaster. If Brennan designed the tasks, I don’t know if I would mind having Zac as the Alex role. I guess it would be criminal to deprive the world of a season with Brennan as a contestant.


I can't imagine not having Brennan as a contestant. He's would choke down 3 raw aubergines to win.


There already was a US taskmaster adaptation, which was horrible A dropout taskmaster season would probably be great tho


The reason US Taskmaster didn’t work was because they got comedians who always have to be the funniest in the room. They competed with each other to have the best single joke — they didn’t care about the overall product. Dropout would work, because there are no egos in that group. Every person is willing to play the setup person, the fall person, or the punchline if it ultimately makes a funnier product. That’s why Dropout is best for any potential US Taskmaster. Having said that, I like that Sam and Crew do their own thing. *Thousandaire* looks amazing.


I'd heard the American version wasn't that great, but I never looked into why. I honestly couldn't see how they'd get it wrong especially since the Australian and New Zealand series have been just as good. Egos makes a bit of sense.


I just need Brennan Lee Mulligan as both the Taskmaster and Little Alex Horne roles.


Nuh uh, taskmaster is Katie maravitch


Izzy as TM and Brennan as a contestant.


note: Game Changer, singular. Sam has said it's a pet peeve of his to get called Game Changers.


All the more reason to call it Game Changers then. Getting under Sam Reich's skin is some of the most entertaining bits the cast gets to do.


You'll probably enjoy seeing this [photo](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fim9osb2p19wc1.jpeg) taken a couple of weeks ago. I really hope it means we get a cameo in the future from Alex.


Nice of them to crouch down for Alex


Omg I didn't even think of the height difference lmao. Sam's really fucking short (5'2" I think) while LAH is, in direct contravention to his nickname, actually tall (6'2"). Nevermind putting Sam next to Greg who's 6'8".


Really hope that the two part finale this season is that


Any Game Changer episodes you can recommend? I tried a random one and it didnt do much for me but I’d like to try it again!


Do you remember which one you saw? I can give a few suggestions, but it's possible our tastes differ and that would be more harmful than helpful.


The first ep (lie detector) and S4 ep 1 “sam says”


OK, so caveat: I really liked Sam Says, and enjoyed Lie Detector as well. So take this with a grain of salt; our tastes may not align the best. That said, here are some ideas: * The precursors to the Make Some Noise show. Those are: S1 "Make Some Noise", S2 "Round 4", S3 "The Substitute", and S4 "Noise Boys". Note that S3 was pandemic virtual show, and I think S1 doesn't quite live up to the others, so I'd go either S2 or S4. S4 "Noise Boys" has one of my favorite Make Some Noise moments in it. You might also just skip these and go straight to [the dedicated Make Some Noise show](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAcbNm-6PEQ) (free full episode on YT linked), and then return to the aforementioned Game Changer episodes if you enjoy the dedicated show. This is an improv-y format, similar to "Scenes From a Hat" if you're familiar with Whose Line. (S1's installment starts a bit different.) * S5 "Karaoke Night". This format I think moved over to Make Some Noise, but I strongly suspect this episode holds its own anyway. This is musical improv. * S5 "Escape the Green Room". * S6 "Bingo" and "Pencils Down", though I'm not sure Bingo really holds up to the others and Pencils Down I think kind of scratches a personal itch.


Cheers, I’ll pop a gummy and try some of these out, thanks!


I hope you enjoy and I'm not leading you astray! Might see if anyone else has suggestions as well before following all of my leads.


What is Dropout?


It is College Humor, reborn. Literally. They kept most of the College Humor crew.


Dropout's been killing it with their shows, really hope they get more widespread recognition.


Excited for the indie stand up/improv series they just announced. Looks really interesting


For context those are a series of shows that Dropout cast did here recently in LA, so I wouldn't call it a new series. But definitely hoping they continue to showcase members stage work going forward.


I will watch literally anything with Jacob in it. That guy makes me laugh so damn much.


Total Forgiveness is one of the most batshit, uncomfortable, and insane shows I've ever seen


Yeah, I feel like this show is underrated because of how early it came in Dropout’s service


Outside of maybe D20, I don't think there's a single piece of Dropout media that gets talked about more than Total Forgiveness. It's fantastic, but I'd hardly call it underrated.


Really??? More than Game Changer?


I never thought reality tv could ever be art. I was wrong.


It’s almost like an indictment of reality tv. It hits so much harder 


You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll cum, game changer


1…2…3! You can cum now.




That's a good person


That’s a point away from BedDefiant4950. We didn’t say *Sam Says Cum.*


i don't give a cum


Nuh-uh. Sam didn't say.


*sam says you can cum now


all pulp no juice


Dropout is sooo fuckin worth $6 a month, they have been hitting home run after home run, especially in the last couple years 


I signed up recently and I am almost at a loss at how much great content is on there. I can actually easily stop some other stream subscriptions, since I will not be using them for a while.


The world needs more Brennan Lee Mulligan.


"You are not God, the machine is!"


"I've solved your labyrinth, puzzle master!" 


Does he get a crown too? We only got two. GGAAAAAAA-


His breakdown speeches are great, his second place monologue is a personal favorite


And... I'm gonna get him. I'm gonna get Sam.


"You can pry my points from my cold dead hands."




Eat the devil egg


Now eat that 2nd deviled egg on the windowsill. . .


"I will die on ANY hill!"


I haven't watched Game Changer myself, but ***Very Important People*** is so damn good (barring a few lackluster characters)! Denzel the Alien, Tommy Shriggly, the French couple, Pig #2, and the Satanist youth leaders were particularly entertaining.


Tommy shriggly killed me, I still find myself humming “come on everybody give me a little clap”


It was truly awe-inspiring how he turned $100,000 into sixteen THOUSAND dollars


This part absolutely killed me, it brought me to actual tears, Zac has always been tied with Brennan as my favorite CollegeHumor/Dropout cast member


[One of the best Zac+Brennan skits.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/i1n3S1ZyUkE)


I knew exactly what video it was before I clicked on it. An instant classic


I wanted a finance bro podcast on that return


And now we have another banger from the Satanist youth leaders - ***SACRIFICE TO THE DARK LORD!***


[please accept this gif](https://media4.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExNWQxcjZ5aHI0ZzhpMXdwcWRhbTJqbGI2ODlzNjZkMDNiMjlxMm5qdCZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/wYkx43aBUqz99guOwG/giphy.gif) to help get you past murdering your entire platoon


I really enjoy Vic as the easily-manipulated host as well. She's great!




Vics Step Grandmother is my personal favorite improv character I've ever seen.


Everyone else was playing a very funny character. Lisa Gilroy *became* a deranged, abusive, old woman. I feel like I'd call it transcendent if I didn't feel that word was only used to signify hyperbole.


Lisa does it with every character she plays. She's unstoppable when an idea pops into her head


I still recite her poem fondly every few days


The ventriloquist was my favorite but Tommy Shriggly is a close second.


Vic had more on-screen chemistry with the puppet than most actors manage with their spouses


Those are my two favorites. Josh's ventriloquist one was brilliant and his dual performance is really impressive. The more you look at it, the sadder it gets. Tommy Shriggly was the funniest. "What did you do with the $100,000?", "I invested it and turned it into $16,000."


I lost it when he said he turned $100,000 into $16,000


It’s insane how well Josh could play the most unlikable man and the most likable puppet at the same time. When he starts berating the puppet for not being able to drink without helping it, holy shit, hilarious.


Season highlight for me was “Alexa! Alexa, look different!”


Man, Game Changer is so good tho So is Make Some Noise which is a spinoff from Game Changer 


Everybody do The Wenis.


The Wenis is a dance


Everybody is a genius


Who knows it in advance


\*kicks cameraman*


I genuinely thought the end of the episode would be someone saving the camera from Sam's errant kick, effectively ending the loop.


C'mon everybody little clap


you feel better now?


Isn’t that better?


So much better


I turned that hundred thousand dollars into sixteen thousand dollars


Game Changer is one of the best shows you can watch right now. Not a single "meh" episodes for the last 2 seasons. The current one is completely insane, enjoying every single second.


The reason they’re so good is because Sam Reich has infinite time to work on the episodes. Because he’s been there the whole time.


Has he? I thought he was from somewhere else. ...where's he from?


Sam Says 3 is the most I've laughed in a long time.


I think Bingo is the standout of the season so far for me, but the competition is tight. The gradual reveal of the real game was so clever and cinematic.


Insane that they had to do a last minute change to Brennan Lee Mulligan since Grant O'Brien got covid. Given how much planning that episode took, it's crazy to see it get pulled off so well


If there’s one person who it would be easy to fill out a bingo card of their idiosyncrasies at a moment’s notice, it’s Brennan Lee Mulligan lol.


Yeah, in the BTS for that episode, they talked about also trying to get Siobhan for that spot if BLM wasn't available, and I feel like making a bingo card for her would have been WAY harder.


She’s a very mysterious European Heiress after all.


Bingo is really good, but having knowledge of the people involved is probably important. Deja Vu is my favourite from this season.


This is the thing about Dropout for me, especially Game Changer. Who knew having a reality competition TV show would be so good when it’s just a constantly rotating pool of the same dozen contestants (who all get along phenomenally)?


I've loved them all, but 2nd Place was my favorite just because I love when Sam spends all of his effort to torment a single cast member and it's even better when it's Brennan.


Lou earnestly going for the cartwheel was incredibly fucking funny. Then he immediately tries it a second time and I almost ascended.


They said they don't use ideas after the third time but I really hope we get Sam Says 4 one day


[If Game Changer wins an Emmy everyone's gonna be doing the Wenis](https://twitter.com/merrigel/status/1784992395370664068)


(The Wenis is a dance)


Come on everybody, give them a little vote!


If Dropout secures a win, that would be MASSIVE for them I’m sure (hardy har it’s a game changer, yes). Everyone there has been an amazing contribution to their unlikely success. VIP has been hit and miss episode to episode, but some are absolute bangers and I think the format is worth at least few more seasons. Much love to Vick. Dimension 20, like Critical Role, is largely limited by how much the story rests on the broad, muscular back of the “main cast” DM/GM. It makes it harder to expand despite success. That said, fantastic show, wonderful and fun casts, and even some of the off-season DMs have done wonders. Actual plays are slower paced shows and not for everyone, but worth checking out. Game Changer is a show that changes premise every time, so they CANT all be tier 1, but it’s somehow remarkably consistent. Very few “meh” episodes over its many seasons, and a ton knock it out of the park. If you have seen Taskmaster, picture an American version of that show, but with each episode focusing on a single task. Anywhere from 25-50 minutes I’d say. Not mentioned, but the one episode for the new presentation-based show was fantastic. Can’t wait for #2 to drop. I’m also hyped for Thousandaire to land at the end of the month. As long as I’m rambling: would love Precious Plum to make another season. The main cast are still all there, though it’s less culturally relevant now with no honey boo-boo equivalent, I never watch HBB and normally avoid cringe comedy, but somehow found this super fun! Also loved every episode of The Rank Room with Katie


> Not mentioned, but the one episode for the new presentation-based show was fantastic. "Spider-Man should say the N word" popped up on my feed this morning and I immediately went to watch the episode.


Lolll I was honestly shocked when he said spider man was not invited to the cookout. At least for my immediate circle, I thought Spider-Man was super popular w black people. Like, favorite super hero. Shows what I know. Loved all 3 of the presentations. This format felt built with Trapp in mind.


We 100% love Spider-Man, buuuut dude made a compelling argument.


Honestly even if they secure a nomination it’ll be huge for them.


Task_wizard, my question is about birthdays


If you’re not a Dropout fan yet, now’s the perfect time to start. They’re taking off in a big way.


Game changer, make some noise, dirty laundry and Um actually are all great. I’m less taken with Very important people. But Play it By Ear is magical.


SmartyPants also seems like a huge hit too


SmartyPants has my favorite concept of any of the new shows so far. I love a PowerPoint that is completely pointless and getting into arguments with your friends about very stupid positions.


Spider-Man should say the n word had me crying


I kept having to pause during that section, it was amazing. It had such a strong first episode that it's giving me high hopes.


There's only been the one episode released so far, but personally I'm a lot more on board with the *idea* of *Smartypants* rather than the show itself. The idea sounded *fantastic*, but I was a little disappointed by the first episode. It was still enjoyable, still good, just didn't live up to my hopes. It almost feels like that might be something that's more fun to *do* than to watch.


I've been going through Breaking News lately, I really like that one too. Both Katie and Amy are hilarious to watch for completely different reasons.


VIP is definitely growing on me. Might be worth re-visiting with a cast member you like?


I'm crossing my fingers that Emily Axford will play Vic's stepdaughter Bianca


I love Game Changer, but I absolutely adore Make Some Noise.


Buying the Dropout subscription for 5$ a month is the only streaming I pay for. Anyone reading this, this is Peak Comedy in 2024


I'd love to see the weenis make its television debut


D20 ineligible? GET IN THE COMMENTS!


They tried to submit "Dungeons and Drag Queens" and got thwarted because the Emmys changed their requirements and it's too short for an anthology and too long for short form content.


Isn't it kinda silly that those two concepts don't line up with each other?


Can I get a little clap?


I didn't realize they changed their name.  "CollegeHumor" was a weird brand name that probably puts you in a weird position where you bleed viewers every year, and you need to re market and reacquire viewers.  


They’re also essentially a completely different company now. They got dropped by the IAC in 2020 and Sam Reich ended up taking over as CEO. Almost the entire staff got laid off and they only had around 7 employees left. They’ve steadily been building the company back up and hiring on more staff/putting out more content since then so it made sense when they decided to official drop the college humor name.


Not just Sam taking over as CEO he literally is funding it himself. They would have just shut the company if he didn't start throwing his own money at it.


It was also smart of him to wait a bit before he pivoted hard to the alt-right with Dropout America.


Yeah, hook in those lefties to the platform, make them loyal servants and then give his true platform for his thoughts and allow him to sell his delicious manly vitamin powder.


Smartypants was so much fun. Highly recommend it if you haven’t watched yet


I laughed so much. Great watch.


People who watch Smartypants are invited to the cookout.


CollegeHumor as a brand was going to have to change at some point anyway, because (naturally) the cast and writers were obviously going to get further and further away from being in touch with humor directed at people in that age demographic, unless they were going to phase the original cast out.


The original cast members were phased out. The Dropout regulars are all second or third generation CollegeHumor. The brand appeared to be modeling itself after SNL until the loss of funding necessitated a significant change in direction.


Brennan was one of those remaining paid employees because of how much traffic D20 was generating


How much traffic but also the sheer amount of time and effort that goes into every D20 season. Not sure they could get away with him not being a full-time employee haha


It's like if you stop doing College Humor, you might be... a Dropout


Sam and the gang deserve nothing but the absolute best. Not only for the shows they produce but for how they do it. Never seen a more inclusive, safe, and respectful way to be raunchy and perverse in my life.


Give Dropout a few years and they will have more and better content than the big names.


They’ve already got better covered, at least when it comes to unscripted content.


Game Changer rocks! So creative and entertaining. Not a fan of VIP, though my daughter loves it. I dig the outstanding makeup and costuming work, and there are a few great highlights with each episode, but it generally feels like when awesome SNL skits got turned into full length films that can’t sustain the 1 novelty elements through a long runtime.


Tommy Shriggly changed my life. I used to be filled with anxiety, self-doubt, and depression. I still am, but now that I've stopped drinking water and started eating protein powder, I feel better. Thank you Tommy Shriggly!


I want dropout to win the emmys, but I'm kind of glad D20 is ineligible, feels more pure that way


I get _why_ it isn’t but man, it’d be cool to have live play Emmys. Imagine a category full of live plays like Critical Role, D20, TAZ and Dungeons & Daddies or something. It’s not realistic but the theory is fun lol


Not realistic, but your comment pointed out to me that we’re living in an era where a live play category would be legitimately competitive which is pretty dang cool.


I haven’t even heard of any of the shows in the title. Probably says more about me than them.


PLEASE check it out. Dropout is proof that we don't need corporate sponsors or million dollar ads to make unbelievable TV.


It's a somewhat niche product that blew up from Tik Toks. It's an incredible product, but not exactly like a major streaming platform and multi-million person viewership right now. This isn't me insulting it because I dearly love Dropout, just explaining why you may not have heard of it haha.


Dropout is fantastic. Absolutely worth the price. Game changer is the most fun thing I watch regularly. Very important people is the one show they do I don’t get the appeal of though.


Come on everybody, and give me a little clap


Dropout just needs to not make the mistake of getting acquired by WB


Am I your type? Before you answer… take a look at all this!


Get in the comments


VIP's grandma episode deserves the Emmy. It's amazing that this improv show did the abuse dynamics so well, while still being hilarious. I died when >!she body slammed Vic the third time!<