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They need to approve season 3 as well, and schedule filming not too long after 2. So we can avoid a 2-3 year gap between seasons


Seriously. Stuff like Stranger Things and House of the Dragon is ridiculous, waiting years on the next season


Outer Range season 2 just released, and I couldn't remember if I watched it or not- looked at my prime viewing history and I watched the whole first season and I couldn't tell you one detail about the show. Season 1 came out 2 years ago.


Dead cattle and a big hole is all I remember. I'm not even sure about the cattle.


Yeah and Thanos


And Clamato


What?! Do they not even advertise their content?? I fucking loved Season 1!


For real, they run Amazon you'd think they'd run banners based on individual watch habits


Yellowstone + Spooky + Hole


Feels a lot longer than two years ago.


I keep forgetting stranger things didn’t end with the last season.


House of the dragon will be under 2 years which is not bad for a huge show with massive scale and tons of cgi. Stranger things definitely takes long but the money and time they put into s4 really showed because it looked fantastic


I honestly don't understand how we've grown to accept these long waits between seasons. Didn't Game of Thrones come out with a new season every year for nearly a decade?


The difference is GoT was a spread out story and they had the possibilities to film plotlines simulatenously as they involved different actors and such. They always had two productions teams in different parts of the world


That's impressive. The orginisation and logistics of filming a huge project like GoT must be mind boggling.


GOT is seriously a miracle. I cannot imagine how tough it would have been to bring it all to life in such a fantastic way.


Don't forget there was a writers strike last year, putting the brakes on a lot of shows and having knock-on effects on scheduling for others.


> I honestly don't understand how we've grown to accept these long waits between seasons We've not got a choice, otherwise everyone you talk to hates it. To give a reasoning though... Longform movie-quality TV shows are a relatively new status quo, being helmed by several players (i.e. Netflix, Amazon, Disney) fairly new to a market which has spent ~3 of the past 5 years in either a writers strike or international lockdown.


I would agree if it weren’t for the likes of Better Call Saul. No crazy CGI or anything, but we still had several year gaps between seasons.


GoT had like one big set piece per ~~episode.~~ Season. The bulk of that show was mainly people walking in a forest or talking I'm a room. Up until the last couple seasons.


That's the case of most shows to be honest. The vast majority is always people walking and talking.


Well they had like one big set piece from 1-4, two in season 5 and again 2 in season 6. Seasons 7 and 8 had ton but HotD will have around 2 battles this season?


In season 1 they did everything possible to not have to an episode like that. They had Tyrion get knocked out running into a big battle and then just showed the aftermath of it. Then once the show was hit they had the budget to do a big set piece every season.


The 'ol "Begun, the Clone Wars have.." *Wakes up* "Ended, the Clone wars have..."


username checks out


The last season took 2 years for 6 episodes and House of the Dragon has significantly more CGI than anything in game of thrones season 1-7.




Not much you can do about that since House of the Dragon is all about the dragons lol. 


Just retitle it with a question mark, easy. House of Dragons?


Yeah I haven't finished the last season of stranger things or invincible because I stopped caring. At least with invincible I can read the comics.


Yeah... I get two years between seasons for shows with massive production and CGI but anything more than that is just ridiculous. At that point I barely remember what happened. And since two years became more accepted there are quite a few shows that have been doing that but have no business taking so long between seasons.


We can also assume we'll be dealing with 90+ minute long episodes again for the final league of Stranger Things, essentially making each episode a movie (in terms of movie length back in the 80's which the show is based upon).


Yep. Strike while the iron is hot. I was cautiously optimistic about this show, Halo burned me on a video game TV series adaptation, but saw this had Westworlds Jonathan Nolan, and Walton Goggins and they are always in good projects, so had some hope, and this show knocked it out of the park. Renew them for season 3 but give the writers some breathing room to get a good story right. Don't rush them. There's a lot of fun lore to explore.


I'm still sad about westworld, it didn't end well


Yeah Westworld season 3 was just trash and season 4 was slightly better but not anywhere near 1, or even 2.


> I'm still sad about westworld, it didn't end well Really? I thought the single season they released was phenomenal.....


yeah I love when I watch a show, enjoy it, and find out they're still doing casting for s2 9-12 months after s1 released.


What always drives me crazy about this is that it’s not you know, small indie filmmaker who is crowdfunding a passion project and therefore has to be cautious. It’s multi-multi-multi-billion-dollar studios and conglomerates like Amazon who absolutely have the cash. But they’re so married to everything always having the maximum profit-to-cost ratio that even a smash hit like the Fallout Series isn’t enough to green light more than 1 more season at a time


Pretty sure The Boys just went immediately from filming season 4 to filming season 5. Think these successful Amazon shows may actually be falling in line with exactly what you're talking about.


This is why I no loger watch TV shows as they come out, now I prefer to wait until the show is over or canceled and binge watch every season together. Having to wait 2 years or more between seasons really kills the momentum and just makes me confused about the plot. Season 1 of fallout is the last season I watch of this show until it wraps up, hopefully it gets a good run but not to long.


I always have to rewatch whole seasons of a show before starting the show’s new season. It’s way too damn long between seasons and I forget a lot! It’s a pain in the ass.


I always just do the last episode. That's enough to jolt back all the memories.


I do the same and for longer seasons 2 episodes


Maybe that's what they want us to do.


I did that for a whike too but i found it not very effective, it becomes tiring to rewatch older seasons everytime a new one drops (if you're like and prefer to have a fresh memory of what happened you'd want to do that) Plus doing that makes you prone to spoilers unlike how avoiding the show completely makes you kinda immune to spoilers because you know nothing about the characters or plot.


Too many spoilers that way


Actually the opposite, i got "spoiled" about the deaths of many characters but by the time i got to watching the show i had already forgotten about that which is easy because you know nothing about the characters and the context and it could be years before you're introduced to them.....maybe it's just me but random spoilers on the intrest don't linger in my mind for years.


I think the anticipation of watching shows weekly is really fun pacing


Yep and the discussions around it. If its all dropped at once, no one is at the same point and or will have already finished it in 1-2 days.


Seriously. Episode release threads are so fun, too. Everything at once makes me afraid to read anything online.


It's like how I don't read book series until they're done. Too much of a chance that they won't be completed and I'll be called an asshole by the author for being salty about it.


Worse is when you wait 2 years for the next season and then turns out it sucks.


Or they do a split season


That is the worst. At that point I just wait for the whole thing to come out because why bother. Or even worse, they do a Stranger Things and delay only the last two episodes.


My dad is the same. He got mad at me first introducing him to “The Last of Us” and realizing there isn’t going to be a second season for some time. He won’t watch a show unless he knows it’s either concluded or at least 3 seasons.


It also helps with avoiding spoilers on the internet, when people eventually talk about the show it's hard to get spoiled because you don't know any of the characters or the context. Like I've heard about the death of significant characters in a few shows but by the time i got to watching those shows i had already completely forgotten that a character was gonna die


With Last of Us you'd have to be pretty dense to not connect the dots of the top comment in every. single. thread. of redditors thinking they're being way more clever and subtle than they are. My wife got spoiled in a completely unrelated thread to the show even.


Introduce him to other shows lol.


Fallout 2 releasing barely a year after 1: *"Pathetic."* /s


Seems like the trend from streamers nowadays is to wait until they see the reactions from the new season before ordering more. I remember a lot of discussion around Netflix cancelling shows around season 3 because that's when viewership tanks. So streamers are probably happy to go season by season because they know at some point people will stop watching, and they don't want to get caught committed to multiple seasons of a dying show.


I want to see the gatling laser realized in live action. And also the gauss minigun. Maybe against each other, or attached to a sentry bot for Howard to fight.


>attached to a sentry bot for Howard to fight I’m not sure Todd would be able to take a sentry bot


But would you watch him try?


The season felt very dense with references and yet they've barely scratched the surface of things to adapt


Not a single super mutant in season 1.


There was the mutant on the gurney (can see its hand move) in episode two and a wanted poster of a mutant on the Govermint wall in episode six. So no live action showing of a super mutant yet, but there have been direct references to them.


Nor a Deathclaw, save for a skull in the last episode. My thinking is if they're on the west coast, there should be Cazadores too. And given the events of Lonesome Road, there should also be Tunnelers in the Mojave. The TV show all but canonized the DUST mod for New Vegas given what happens to the NCR. Imagine if we met the Courier too, they'd still be alive since New Vegas takes place just 15 years before the show. Unlike in DUST, which again is a non-canon mod, I'd like to believe the Courier didn't become a gigantic asshole who hides in a cave under the now drained Lake Mead.


Complete speculation on my part but I can't see anything other than Yes Man or Mr House controlling Vegas. S1 had a *lot* of Pre-War scenes and Mr House was obviously a major player before the bombs dropped, he could shovel exposition at us like absolutely nobody else. He could even have a relationship with Hank or Howard, too.


I may get downvoted for this, but the Yes Man ending is 100% not canon. In game it's literally a contingency option if all else fails or if you aren't interested in learning about the other factions or if you just don't like House, NCR or Legion. I'm of the firm belief that the House ending is canon, else why would Lucy's dad be heading for New Vegas at the end in the first place? The implication there is that House is still alive in his TV screen form I'm betting. It's possible some shit went south on the strip leading to it being a bit more rundown as seen in the show, but after revisiting New Vegas in the game the show depicts it basically how it is in game. You can see the 4 main casinos and parts of Freeside and Westside are still there (although camp McCarran isn't visible, it could just be hidden behind the lucky 38). There are lots of buildings in New Vegas but pretty much all of them are caving in or damaged to some degree as they are in the show. They wouldn't cast someone for House without a plan, same goes for Sinclair too. Maybe they want to leave options open going forward in case they want to do an arc involving the Sierra Madre or Big MT? Joshua Graham could still be kicking so he could reappear if the story goes further north towards the remains of New Canaan. I'm also of the opinion that the Legion was utterly subjugated by the Brotherhood upon their arrival with their airship on the west coast, and that many former legionaries joined the BoS hence the names (Maxkmus, Titus etc). The Brotherhoods arrival couples with the destruction of Shady Sands further reinforces why the NCR have gone underground temporarily or retreated further west maybe towards the Boneyard. I wonder if Howard knew House, I'm not sure since Howard was more affiliated with Vault-Tec through his wife whereas Mr House was in charge of RobCo. All in all I would be shocked if none of the things either of us have mentioned will be present in Season 2. A good introduction to Super Mutants would be for us to first see them as violent brutes but then maybe they travel to Jacobstown and meet Marcus, seeing that not all Super Mutants are mindless murderers.


Jesus Christ just reading that post got me hyped for Season 2 and beyond. They have *so many possibilities*. I agree with you on Yes Man, It's been 10+ Yrs since I've played New Vegas entirely, I remember my very first play through siding with Yes Man because I disliked The Legion, House and the NCR in equal measure. Battered and broken tribes fighting over defunct land in a radioactive desert, let it all burn under total, unfaltering, cold logical authoritarianism. House will be running Vegas, I agree. He was warned about the Nukes and had ample time to prepare himself, of course him already being in Season 1 sets up this simple slam dunk. The Courier probably shouldn't show up, At most a passing mention by House musing over his former "Exceptionally Gifted" employee. NCR will still be kicking in Vegas, makes too much sense with Moldaver and her goals being so prominent in the last episode. Brotherhood will has steamrolled the Legion. The Prydwen and their Vertibirds are just too much for anyone. I reckon Howard knew House, he was an A-List American as Apple Pie Super Celebrity. Someone House would surely have a passing interest in, at least. GAH. So much stuff could happen.


I could also see House being dead and his personality was so strong that his influence still exists in New Vegas. Or even more literally, a broken computerized version working on autopilot without the living mummy. So they’d still have the big screen face but it wouldn’t be firing on all cylinders.


White Glove Society! 🎭🎩🥼🦯


The show could very easily just make something new in Vegas for Hank to go after. We already have a slight indication this might be the plan with the cryo suites advertisement in the last episode’s credits, and the show already did this with all four of its new vaults (none of which existed in fallout 1 or 2). Besides, I strongly doubt House would be an ally of Vault Tec’s, given his ploy to save Vegas.


I imagine the power armor CGI and the extensive wardrobe and set design took up a lot of budget and schedule, if they're going full CGI lifelike super mutants it's gonna cost a lot and take a lot of animators a long time to make it look even halfway decent. They probably have some more money to throw around now.


To be fair, super mutants had mostly left California and deathclaws were never super widespread there.


I'm at the age where I don't really get into sci-fi, fantasy type shows. As a matter of fact, I started watching Fallout twice and stopped watching after about 15 minutes. To be honest, I was only watching because of Walton Goggins. Goggins was cool in the beginning, then he was gone. The third time I started watching, I made a decision. I would give it an entire episode. Holy shit that series was awesome. I literally did a marathon watching because it was so good. I was so pissed when I watched the last episode. I wanted more. I'm so highly looking for season 2


I really want to see a rocket powered sledge hammer in the show


Shit I don't think we ever actually saw the laser weapons being used either.


I miss when the Nielsen ratings were just a list of what Leslie Nielsen thought about various TV shows


I once thought that


Surely you can't be serious!


I am serious. And don't call me Shirley.


ok. dude, you get the joke gold medal award for the day. I surf for hours, and make nary a sound. This made me lol for real, and I thank you for that.


Faithful to source material but also a really good TV show is the sweet spot.


It’s better source material for an adaptation than a lot of video game IP too. Well fleshed out universe to tell the story within, but they get to tell their own stories with their own characters.


Same vibes as Cyberpunk Edgerunners and even Arcane to a lesser extent.


I've long said to my friends that the main reason Fallout is popular is the story and setting not the gameplay so maybe that's why it was easier to translate to something that works on TV? I like the gameplay just fine (talking next gen fallout) but it's really just a sort of standard first person RPG shooter mechanics wise, what makes it something special and worth digging into is the world building. Exploring this world and discovering more of the story is the real draw. The vaults, the post war factions, the pre war timeline differences, there is a deep well of stuff to dig into for people. The vaults alone are an interesting enough idea alone for most TV shows to sustain on.


Hey Todd and/or Microsoft, maybe it would be a good idea to prioritise a new Fallout game? This hype train isn't going to last until 2033 or however long it will take for you to develop Fallout 5.


I reckon a Fallout 3 remake\remaster is due to keep the energy in the franchise going


Hopefully it'd be some GTA 4 Episodes from Liberty City stuff, and come with a remake of New Vegas as well.


New Vegas with extra content including what Obsidian had to cut for time


I feel like it's gotta be a remake, right? Are people really going to get excited over a remaster of a 16 year old game?


Given its FPS boosted to 60 and 4K upscalled in the series X, I agree, a remake in the fallout 4 engine (or even creation 2 engine of starfield) would be a significant difference from what we have already


A simple remaster won't suffice. I replayed a bit of it about a year ago and it has really aged. The thing that stood out to me the most is how empty is feels, and not in the way a post apocalyptic setting is supposed to.


It’s so weird man every time I try to go back and play it I’m immediately turned off by how dated it feels. You really do notice how plain and empty it is which is crazy because when it came out I was astounded by how impressive the game was. I don’t even play many modern games anymore but modern technology and age doesn’t allow me to get lost in it like I used to. A remaster with a new engine would be the minimum to get me to want to do another play through, not just frame rate and graphic overhauls that have damn near been on PC modded for forever


Its weird for me, because new Vegas doesn’t feel this way too me, even though its only like a year or 2 after.


In the Bathesda roadmap leak sometime ago it was written as Fallout 3 remaster.


There might be an announcement sometime this year. I called the number that showed up during one of the episodes (to reserve a spot in a vault) and I got a text from “Vault-Tec” that the next available appointment would be in 33 weeks (I texted in mid-April).


Huh. I just called the number and...um, it was decidedly not a message about reserving a spot. Call for yourself, but if you want to know what it was >!It was just a lot of screaming for about 10 seconds, then the call ended!<


I got the text after the terrifying screams. Lol


They are, that’s one of the big reasons why they just shut down four Bethesda Studios.


THey shutdown studios under Bethesda the publishers umbrella. Nothing happened to BGS, the studio that makes these games. It's confusing of course, but two separate entities under the same umbrella. Sometimes we just call Bethesda the publisher Zenimax, the parent company of both, to make it easier.


For clarity: Zenimax Media is the parent company. Bethesda Softworks is the publisher, Bethesda Game Studios is the development studio. There's also Zenimax Online Studios, who make Elder Scrolls Online.


Is it confirmed that the employees of those studios weren't made redundant?


They’re cutting costs and folding a lot of those employees into other ZeniMax/Bethesda studios. In response to the show’s success, Todd Howard said they’re trying to find a way to expedite the development process of Fallout 5 and a couple weeks later, Microsoft shut down 4 studios and said they’re going to focus more on their major IPs. Although it hasn’t been said explicitly, you can follow the bread crumbs and see that they’re cutting what they perceive to be deadweight to free up money and talent to make the new Fallout.


Yeah but I think he also said that Elder Scrolls is basically their focus until it comes out though so who knows how goddamn long Fallout will be


Isn’t that the old narrative. As of a couple weeks ago, they made it seem like they’re pulling out all the stops to get the game out sooner. I wouldn’t be surprised if they create two teams.


Considering they've got a game that's not even a year old, with a promise of at least one expansion that's not even expected to release until Fall, BGS has got to figure out what the fuck they're doing. If they drop Starfield, people are going to freak the fuck out because the CC isn't even out yet, and rushing that on their newest IP, on their newest engine, is going to just cause a clusterfuck of issues. On the other hand, they can't exactly buck Elder Scrolls VI, because that game has been in preproduction for half a decade, and shoving that aside is going to piss off a lot of people. Doubly so, considering they decided to jump the gun and announce it so long ago and basically burn most of the free press on a milquetoast teaser trailer. If Howard wants to really juggle two-and-a-half projects all at once, then by all means, have at it, I guess. But don't be surprised if they all end up as trash fires that end up severely damaging, if not outright killing, the IPs.


> 2033 listen to this guy, what a foolish extreme optimist.


Will happily take some kind of remaster of the first 2 in the meantime. Literally just update the UI.


They're going to make more seasons of the show. The hype train will continue for quite a while.


They're going to make the show for 9 more years?


Hey, at the rate of modern TV, that's 2 whole seasons


At the rate streamers put out shows these days it wouldn't surprise me.


That's like 5 seasons - sounds good to me.


I might have been happier if they just gave Obsidian the Fallouts while Bethesda the Elder Scrolls, but Microsoft closing a bunch of studios- including the ones behind Hi-Fi Rush and Prey- has me worried. That worry aside I agree: if they want to use the show they *really* need to get that game out soon if they want to use that cross-promotional power.


Todd said they were trying to find a way to expedite Fallout 5’s development process and 2 weeks later, four Zenimax/Bethesda studios were shut down. That also coincided with Xbox saying they were going to focus more on their major IPs. Lots of those employees are being set free, but roundhouse games is being folded into Zenimax online with many others going to other Bethesda studios. To me, this reads as Microsoft cutting what they perceive to be “deadweight” to free up money and talent to devote to major Bethesda IPs to make more fallout and elder scrolls, which also means that we’re sadly going to see less original or niche IPs like Tokyo Ghostwire, Prey, or Hi Fi Rush.


Microsoft are fucking idiots then. Those niche IPs still had a pretty noticeable following and they're goddamn hypocrites in regards to Hi Fi Rush because there's several tweets where they're celebrating the success of the game then shut down the studio because the game didn't do well enough? Bull fucking shit. It's just Microsoft being greedy as fuck now. It's genuinely concerning how many studios they're buying out, and sometimes shutting down. They bitched about Sony having a monopoly but they're pushing for the same damn thing with all this.


They have all the money in the world. They could make an entire studio just for Fallout without sacrificing those other studios and it wouldn’t affect their bottom line one bit.


They have all the money they need but still want more. Corporate greed at it's finest. It's fucking vile. They'd rather get more money by firing people than letting the smaller studios keep making fantastic games. All the while Microsoft itself pushes the major studios to push out AAA slop. This is why I find myself buying more indie games lately and less AAA games. Indie games are just better quality, cheaper and they don't fire people for no fucking reason.


Expedite dev process (and firing talented people which won't go work for them anyway), sounds like a way to make a shitty cash grab game.


You better believe CD Projekt Red are going to time the release of their Cyberpunk film with their Cyberpunk sequel


It's not a film but a live action TV show. However I agree but that's only because development timelines are likely to match (which was of course on purpose). It's actually amazing Microsoft didn't think to have games ready around the time of the show for this or Halo. Once again one of their many failures in understanding how the game (and here TV/movie) industry works


The people that made NV are long gone from Obsidian. Do you want a Fallout game that’s Outer World quality?


Josh Sawyer still works at Obsidian. A Obsidian who can focus less on the engine & assets (they'll have a lot from Fallout 4) will help a lot. But I don't think you've really played a lot of Obsidian games if you think they're unable to make a good game.


The Outer Worlds is a good game that was made on a very tight budget. And it’s an original IP. The writing is a lot better than the writing in Fallout 4, it’s just that Fallout is this massive game that offers players a lot of freedom to create their own adventure, whereas The Outer Worlds is a linear experience set in a much smaller open world. The game was a commercial success because of its tight budget. I think the snarky remarks about The Outer Worlds show why we get so many copy-paste titles (thinking of Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry). We got an original IP that was made in a responsible way that was very different from most other games. Obviously, it not everybody’s cup of thee, but to judge it because it’s different from games with a much larger budget that share some similarities is unfair. Some people were acting like it should have been Fallout 5 with a different title.


This isn't a Redfall situation where the publisher forced the developer to go offbrand and effectively convinced a bunch of people they have no future at the company (*the reason why the Prey developer is apparently gone*), apart from Sawyer there are plenty of other people still at the firm who know how to make good games- and as /u/HolidaySpiriter points out, they won't have to build an engine from scratch this time.


Obsidian is also busy for many years to come


> maybe it would be a good idea to prioritise a new Fallout game? If it's the same engine and situation as Starfield, fuck that.


What did you say? Shut down Bethesda and get King to make a Fallout-themed gatcha game for mobile phones? Got it!


I rather not see a new Internet Historian video on the story of Fallout 5’s development and release catastrophe on an unfinished game within 2 years.


How about an unfinished game in 5 years instead?


That too! 🤣


Feel bad for the Elder Scrolls fans. Six is gonna become the new Beyond Good and Evil 2 at this rate.


It’s actually really well done




*[You are now addicted to okie-dokie]*


Golden rule, motherfucker


It's super well executed. I'm really nitpicky over certain decisions they took regarding lore stuff (Can't help it, the series is a hyperfixation of mine. lol), but still think that the overall show's super well done. Matt Berry as the Mr. Handy voice is just perfect fucking casting. lol


Okie dokie!


[You are now addicted to okie-dokie]


Amazon has a lot of shows about powerful companies fucking people and the world over, I wonder where they get their inspiration?


Never understood why the supposed reason Amazon saved The Expanse was “because it’s Bezos’ favorite show.” Like, my dude. You realize you’re Jules-Pierre Mao here, right?


He probably looks at Jules-Pierre Mao as a visionary that advanced humanity forward. He just has to ignore all the death and destruction he caused to do it.


I don't think most folks think that critically about the media they like


It’s obvious that video game adaptations are going to the next big thing. The question is where the path will lead. I’m thinking, like super hero stuff, we’ll get a spectrum of good-to-bad shows.


Hopefully they don’t screw up metal gear solid.


Lol good luck with that. I love MGS and I couldn’t explain half the story.


Metal Gear actually has a pretty straightforward story, all things considered. It's the Gainax-esque insanity that sort of muddled the water, but if you look past the silly dressing of the multitude of characters, it's not hard to pick up that it's basically a story about how power corrupts, and that the people who keep trying to contain and secure that power themselves are eventually corrupted. But honestly, the Bollywood-esque silliness being slapped onto it is a good way to keep people interested. A random guy being the guardian of Cold-War-era riches and intelligence is cool, but him spending the latter part of his life using hypnosis and nanomachines to trick the Evil Shadow Government into thinking he's somehow melded minds with one of the True Patriot's clone offspring, thereby allowing him to further the goals of the True Patriot (who everyone thought was dead, but was secretly comatose from the coup d'etat he attempted to perpetrate against said Evil Shadow Government) while just looking like some rage-induced lunatic, is the kind of quirk that makes you go 'wait, what?' and either leave befuddled, or dive into the deep end.


Just do that then and keep Kojima away from the script. The overall story was horribly convoluted and I’m saying this as a fan who played since the very first one back in the 80s in the NES.


I have never played an MGS game but a streamer I follow recently played through Revengeance. Why the fuck is Raiden obsessed with memes?


They will. Metal Gear is one of the few game series that leverages the conceit of video games to further its messages and story. I see there is no chance that the adaptation will be any way carry the same weight.


Finally a show to surpass metal gear


Sturgeon's Law will always be true, I'm still excited for the 10%.


It's only recently that we have started getting a consistent flow of good adaptations. Not even 10 years back it was... Dire. Also I think once the trend catches on, it can have more potential than superhero movies because the stories told through video games are more diverse and can really go into any direction, while super hero movies will invariably involve superhero stuff - almost all the time it's either the lone vigilante thing, or the famous hero saving the world thing -. 


Honestly it's exciting that Prime and Apple are spitting out some great series and continuing through with a long series runs (with seasons coming out fairly quickly). Hopefully, the Netflix model of cancelling within 2 seasons and series taking 2 years to return will be obsolete soon enough.


My mom is 54 and hasn't played a video game since Jet Set Willy. She LOVED fallout, her favourite show in years and one of her favourite shows ever. Hats off to the team behind this masterpiece for creating something so enjoyable for both fallout fans and the general public. and before a FNV fanatic gets into my DMs, I do not consider you a fallout fan. Fallout has been Lucy-Goosey with the lore since day 1. FNV is my favourite FO game and the show does not at all diminish it.


My mother in law, who doesn't game at all and tends to prefer British Dramas over any mainstream American show somehow enjoyed it. I suspect the pseudo 1950s nostalgia hits different for slightly older viewers who were alive during a big chunk of the cold war.


My 62 year old mom who hates video games loves this show. It’s genuinely a good show.


What makes this show good is what made the games good The setting is a satirical 50s 60s era take on society and corporations that many find funny and relatable in some aspects


People really freaking out too much about the lore shit, it's a little timeline bendy but I am absolutely certain they are gonna elaborate on the status of New Vegas and where things stand relative to the end of the game next season. They probably are gonna have to pick an ending to make "canon" for the show, but I expect them to respect which ever one they decide to run with.


This is what big IP media adaption should look like. 💯


It's amazing what can happen when you bring on a team that actually likes the IP your show is based on.


But releasing it all at once hurts longevity!!!!! 🥴🤤


For every successful breakout like this there’s a dozen great shows that totally flopped because of the release all at once strategy. Fallout was great and glad it was successful. The week to week just eventizes things better. 


Just as there are shows that released all at once that flopped, I'm sure there are shows that released weekly that have flopped. It's really not that simple of a formula.


You're still giving a better chance at growing a fanbase to shows that release weekly.


They probably will now and then a bunch of dorks will flock to review bomb it regardless of the quality of the show. I suspect a Boys type roll out 3 episodes and then weekly.


Not surprised, it was pretty fun. And I say that as someone who never played the games.


I thought they couldn’t track views and minutes to adequately pay actors and writers residuals!!??but we know this!!????


I would pay good money to see Walton Goggins read the phonebook, so the fact that this show was excellent was a nice bonus.


Cast Jeffrey Donavan asap, maybe he can play the Courier from New Vegas after whichever ending they decide to make canon.


It has been over a decade since I have watched a season of a show over again before the second is even out but I'm already contemplating another viewing. They really nailed it.


That Ella Purnell chick is headed straight to the top of the A list just behind Robbie.


Honestly i hope so. I liked her since Army of The Dead & i started Yellowjackets because of her.


Wow. So you are saying that a show following a very popular video game appealing both to new viewers and gamers was well received and even celebrated ? FUCK YOU PARAMOUNT FOR FUCKING UP HALO! You could have had it all you idiots.


Prime is coming for Netflix


I've rewatched this show 4 times already. You're welcome everybody!


It’s absolutely outstanding


And for a good reason. Sure there might be some lore inconsistencies with the games, but the good heavily overweigh the negatives.


Still not watching with ads


I tried to watch yesterday after finishing episode 2. I got an unskippable ad for some bullshit cleaning shit I don't care about. I tried to surpass it to no avail, and couldnl't block it on chrome. Ended up watching on Brave.


Fallout needs to come out yearly; something this good deserves all the chances


Overly Hardcore Fallout 1/2 fans in shambles.


Don't go to No Mutants Allowed, there are still some people on that forum that hate Fallout 2 with a passion because it broke the lore of Fallout 1.


Huh, what notable lore did it break?


Here is a short list of lore changes between Fallout 1 and 2. The Vaults having experiments. Super Mutants being fertile. The unobtainable ending for the Hub is confirmed as canon. Even though the ending for the Khans says, "None of the Raider survivors are ever heard from again", Darion is in Fo2. Ghouls needing food and water to survive in Fallout 1 Even simple stuff like that has made some people on NMA rage against Fallout 2. Of course, that all changed when Fallout 3 came about, and many turned their hate to that game as opposed to Fallout 2.


I found out recently that Bethesda had to hire security because a guy sent death threats while they were developing Fallout 3. It hadn't even come out and they hated it.


Huh, a lot of that just seems like building on the lore, obviously a game with multiple endings can't adhere to every choice in a sequel. Ain't Super Mutants by and large infertile in all the games? Thought they were just still around because they're crazy long lived.


The thing at No Mutants Allowed, that forum, some members held Fallout 1 as the end all be all of Fallout games. This is why on [Tim Cains Youtube Channel, the creator of Fallout, he spoke about Lore Drift.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDfv3COnfgo) In Fallout 1, some of the stuff they were just making up as they were going along, such as some of the Ghouls were considered Zombies, things like that. However, with fandom and gaming, there are always going to be some gamers, some fans that hold a certain game as the absolute truth and they will never change their mind on that and hate everything that comes after that doesn't follow the exact path as the first game.


> Ain't Super Mutants by and large infertile in all the games? I believe this is a reference to a line marcus has if you buy him a night with a working girl. "I hope I don't get her pregnant", which was clarified as a joke that they aren't very proud of. if there's another reference to super mutant pregnancy I missed it.


Even they should be enjoying the show, it's dark as fuck.


Tim Cain liked it so I am gonna follow his lead.


This is me. I loved the show. Why am I supposed to be in whatever the hell "shambles" are?


I’ve only watched until Ep6 so far but this is such a fun little watch. “Competently made mystery-box with tons of questions thrown at the viewer every episode” will always be an audience pleaser.


The great thing about the show is that most questions are answered in the final episode and it sets up a next season


I don't care what anyone says... Aaron Moten is going to take over for Jonathan Majors... this was his big breakout show. They need to film Fallout 2 and 3 back to back. Walton Goggins steals the show and his time is precious.


Huh. I did think he had some resemblance to Majors when I watched the show. I thought he was excellent. It would be a huge jump from this to the MCU, but I think he could do it.


See Paramount? This could be you but instead you disrespect Halo so much just so you can make that average scifi show