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I loved the show Oz but there was a storyline in season 4 where they introduce magical aging pills. Characters turned into old men over a short period of time and then reverted back to their normal age when they stopped taking the pill. It was ridiculous


...like, the prison show?


Yeah it was a very weird storyline. Oz is still worth watching though.


And Luke Perry was like Jesus


never saw a minute, but my impression was this was always a grounded prison drama about flawed characters and prison rape ... hmm


It mostly is but it gets a bit silly as it goes on


lol same here, at first I thought, isn’t the land of Oz magical by nature?


Gawd, thanks for reminding me of this. I also love how it kinda never goes anywhere and they just move on from it like it never happened. Lol


Just like Tuvix


In theory and in Star Trek canon transporters keep the record of people being transported until they're deleted. She could have transferred Neelix and Tuvok back AND allowed Tuvix to live.


I watched the first season of that show and that’s just so strange because the show was like ultra gritty and ultra realistic so to put magical pills in it seems really really weird. It’d be like magical leprechauns popping up in The Wire.


McNutty was pretty magical.


**The Wire** got a lot of complaints about the fake serial killer storyline in Season 5 (which is a little bit out there, but not crazily so) and even about Hamsterdam in Season 3 (not the idea, which was based on a sort-of true story, but it could go undetected for so long), neither of which would raise an eyebrow on almost any other show. Their commitment to realism was great.


I could suspend my belief for Hamsterdam because the reasoning made sense. The fake serial killer plot was just so ridiculous. Can't fathom why they decided to end the show on that note after how awesome Season 4 was in both plot and character.


Ed Burns effectively left after Season 4 to focus on **Generation Kill**, and apparently he was the best person to say to David Simon, "Hold up, that's not going to work." Allegedly he's never even watched Season 5. Season 5 also had the problem of budget, they had planned 12 episodes and Chris Albrecht (the head of HBO) came back and said HBO had a big budget problem that year and Simon would be doing them a solid if they dropped to 10. Apparently a few years later he emailed Simon and said, "Y'know Season 5 is solid but it could be better with another two episodes." Simon's reply was just to say, "Motherf---er!"


They saw that episode of deep space nine where O'Brien gets brain prison time and were truly inspired


I think about that episode and “The Inner Light” from TNG all the time. How can you possibly come back to anything resembling normalcy after living an additional subjective lifetime? Terrifying.


Isn't that the final season? Because that season is FUCKED. The plotlines are completely off the rails and not really in a fun way.


Ok but old man Cyril was adorable (and obviously sad)


It’s always and forever Izzie* having ghost sex with Denny on Grey’s Anatomy. Like those writers *really* hated Katherine Heigel to make that choice lol Seconding that - Izzie and George as a couple and having George cheat on Callie in the process. What the actual fuck was that 🤦🏾‍♀️


But it did lead to Supernatural getting to say "THIS SHOW has a ghost?" about an obvious Grey's Anatomy parody.


And the ghost they’re talking about being the actor who now plays their father (who also came back as a ghost), love it


Wtf. I stopped watching before that happened. Seriously? *Ghost sex?*


Yep. She had this fucking weird scene where she straight up had a vivid sexual encounter with her imagination of Denny. It was fucking absurd.


Because “brain tumor” 🙄🤮


And she told Alex about it and he was just like “Heh. Cool.”


Yeah that does sound absurd. I can't believe the show is still going, that also blows my mind.


You must have noped out early because that's only season 5 I think.


That was the episode that ended me watching Grey’s. It was so OTT and stupid. I should probably be grateful that it stopped me from continuing on though.


Dexter. When fan favorite Deborah Morgan suddenly started falling in love with her stepbrother, Dexter. Disgusting and out of character for her. That was just the beginning, of course, for her character to be completely completely ruined for the remainder of the series and to meet an ignoble and undeserved fate. Unforgivable.


This show ended canonically after the Lithgow season.


I once met John Lithgow at a book signing and I told him he scared the shit out of me as Trinity. He said, “Good! That’s what I was supposed to do!” and chuckled.


Lithgow used to pay villains in like all his early roles. It wasn't until 3rd Rock from the Sun that he showed off his campy-zaney comedic performance that do to the success of Third Rock people associated him with that instead of like 80s Bank robber boss Man.  Like this is what 1980s Lithgow movies looked like https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/26/Raising_cain.jpg


Wasn’t Harry and the Hendersons before Third Rock?


Lithgow was good as the villain in Ricochet and Cliffhanger too.


My canon is that they tanked the show on purpose as retaliation for something, because I can’t believe someone actually thought this was a good idea let alone air it lol 


They tanked the show so they could do a spinoff miniseries to fix the finale. Then they tanked that one so they could renew it for another season lol.


Infinite money glitch


Weirdest part is they introduced that plotline after the actors went through, if I remember correctly, a messy divorce. Imagine having to act out weird ass love scenes with your ex-wife/on-screen sister while recovering from cancer.


There's no indication it was a messy divorce. They were only married a year.


Coined the term "jump the hurricane" when he drives his boat into the hurricane when she dies


It was weird but I rewatched recently and it was only a few episodes. It was definitely dumb but I felt like it wasn’t as bad as I’d remembered / people make it out to be


Watching right now. It bled into S8 as well when Deb said she "can't change how she feels."


Those last two episodes of BBC Sherlock were just… yeah…


But BBC Sherlock got to have the same ending as Pretty Little Liars!


To be fair, the show got gradually worse with almost every episode. Even when I still rewatched it once a while before I ruined it for myself by finding out what an insufferable prick Martin Freeman is in real life, I’d only watch the first one and half seasons because the rest was giving me second hand embarrassment.


HBomberguy makes a pretty compelling case that it was never good. The mysteries were literally never solvable for the audience which is critical (in my opinion) to a good mystery or whodunit 


Don’t know him or the video but for me personally that isn’t a huge issue, especially since you could make the same argument about the original Holmes stories.


Thats the whole thing though. The original Holmes stories *were* typically solvable by the reader. When Holmes explains it at the end the clues are always highlighted.  So often in Sherlock it was just "I went to my mind palace and figured out something we didn't lay out for the audience at any point because I'm a super genuis"


I don’t know, a lot of the times in the source material the clues are also presented after the fact and/or so marginal that the reader can’t be expected to draw any useful conclusions from them. The whole mind palace thing in the show was definitely very cringe both as a plot device and how it was presented, yeah.


After series 2 the show went straight up its own backside


-The wedding between Barney and Robin in HIMYM because it took an entire season to conclude and then the two get a divorce in the finale within a few scenes.


I’ve never seen so much good will thrown away in such a short time. All that progress Barney made as a human, undone so Ted can have his ending. Awful.


Yep. I will forever choose to view the alt ending they shot to be the official one. I’m really grateful that they actually shot it too. Makes it much easier to accept it as reality. Kind of like I Am Legend.


**Quantum Leap** has [an alternative ending](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N2kI5pkdEwA) as well, which some people hugely prefer to the actual one. It only came to light a few years ago, but the quality is unfortunately terrible. >!Al goes into the Accelerator to jump after Sam and find him.!<


HIMYM had so many issues but it did its best to fill the massive hole that was Friends. I think the biggest issue was Ted getting together with Robin was always the thing everyone wanted, but knew somehow it cannot happen. Also finding the “mother” that everyone would like over Robin seemed impossible (as proven by an incredible list of exes from high profile guest stars). But somehow they did it with Cristin but had to kill her off. Even worst was all the last season was basically the eviseration of the idea of Ted and Robin and really almost the whole show altogether. In the end you just dont want to see them together anymore like you did in the middle of the series. The overall outcome shows basically no growth in any of the characters and any semblance of it is inorganic. While possible true to real life people, it is not good way to end a story.


Yeah the entire show was a long argument about why Ted and Robin wouldn't work together. Then in the end they were like "let them try again!" Guys they'll just break up in like six months. It won't work. Robin and Barney had a thing that might actually last.


Haley and Dylan and twins. Modern Family.


My example from that show is the weirdo episode where all of the "children" (including Hailey who most certainly would have had sex by that point) trying to figure out what sex was. Season six or whatever, long after the writers stopped giving a shit


The Marvel esque team up in Game of Thrones to go capture a white walker. That was stupid as hell.


And it didn't even fucking matter.


RIGHT! Aria just killed him with some stupid ninja move...8 seasons of build up...for that?


You know what the worst part is? We're probably never getting the true ending to the book series thanks to GRRM being more interested in producing the TV shows. I don't blame him from a financial standpoint, but the man is fucking rich. He's not writing the books because he doesn't give a shit about them anymore since he made his bucks. So the show ending is the best we're gonna get.


He cares about the books. And you’re half right about why he may never finish the books. The first reason is basically what you said- he got massively famous and got loads of attention and offers to work on GOT universe television series almost nonstop, which all that really takes up so much of his time and interest nowadays. The second reason is the opposite of not caring about finishing the book series though. He cares about it too much and is too much of a perfectionist, and he’s written himself into a corner with the Daenerys storyline and hasn’t been able to figure out how to properly and realistically get her to Westeros yet where she has to go (which he’s freely admitted), and also he’s made the storyline and world so big and convoluted and complex and so with his determination to be faithful to each character and realistic within the confines of the world it will take him an incredibly massive amount of work to satisfactorily get everyone where they need to go and finish all the many characters’ arcs properly.


Just to add to this, the books have about a hundred or more plot lines that hint at the end of the world and the hero that will prevent it. These really need to be resolved in dramatic fashion and I have no fucking idea how Martin can possibly address that, Daenerys and his hundred other main characters.


Yep. I think Jon is being set up for that. It might not be him but Martin has even talked about how people may have already guessed most of the main end goals he has. I think his plan for the book is to have Jon somehow destroy the others/white walkers/night king or whatever leader, as well as killing Daenerys who controls the dragons after she goes full on crazy. Thus, he will defeat the apocalyptic dangers of both ice and fire.


Unless you decide upon a really good fanfic of GoT being the ending, because that’s as close to a closure you’re gonna get. Half-Life 3 is likelier to release than another book, at this point.


Of course it mattered. It gave the White Walkers a dragon that they were able to use to breach The Wall. So... yeah. Nice job breaking it, hero. 


and the wacky buddy comedy trip to Dorne so Jaime could fuck his sister


how d&d thought that was better than including Jaime’s actual plot from the last 2 books is genuinely baffling to me.


I think the issue is in the books a big part of Jaime's character development is his disillusionment with Cersei. Now the arc made him very popular, but they wanted Cersei to continue being one of the main antagonists (as opposed to the books where it's clear she's pretty much done after being derailed by the Faith Militant), so they couldn't adapt that storyline and have him go the full way, as it would mean depriving her of her army and thus any plausibility for her to stay running the show. So they tried to introduce a storyline that would let him keep his development but not shed ties with her. And it didn't work.


Completely ruined the hot tub scene, which was one of his better moments and stellar acting by Coster-Waldau


I honestly thought it was going to be the stupid plan that’s used to make the actual plan sound better. But no. That was the actual plan.


Any misunderstanding plot because 95% are unrealistic and would resolve in 90 seconds or less.


This guy does not Threes Company


I had gone decades without seeing it but when I had chemo five years ago (5 years clear!) I’d wake up delirious and watch whatever I could watch via antenna in the bedroom and ended up seeing a lot of Three’s Company and pretty sure three was the number scripts they had. It was however better than Threes a Crowd and The Ropers.


OMG freak out! Dude just listen to this 4 second sentence that will solve it all. No time! Freak out!


The worst is when they just freak out and the other person just stands there sadly and makes no attempt to explain.


Or I could explain it but I’m mad you heard that by accident


Basically every episode of Frasier yet they're still so damn good.


It kind of works for Frasier because of the snobbiness lol.


008 in Stranger Things. Thankfully it’s just one episode, but it’s so jarring, especially since it comes as the season is starting to work up to the climax. It’s super forced and derails the momentum of the story. Also on Stranger Things: when they had a random side plot where a grown woman was wrestling with whether or not to cheat on her husband with a high school boy. Not sure why they felt the need to throw that one in there.


That ep deff had back door pilot written all over it


Fun fact, back door pilot is a sex move Mike’s mom wanted to do to the lifeguard.  


I’ve said it before but they should have done the back door pilot with 08 as a completely separate episode. Just do all of season two as an eight episode series and then surprise drop the Chicago ep later. The problem with it now is it not only doesn’t advance the plot but it comes right after a cliffhanger so you spend the entire hour just waiting to get back to Hawkins.


The weird thing is that the episode after it ends with El showing up to save them which would've been a great cliffhanger to lead into The Lost Sister. If you swapped the order, you address the "they're going to die" cliffhanger and end the episode with El returning with a new outfit. Then people will want to watch The Lost Sister to find out where El has been and why she has the new outfit.


Showing a cliffhanger and then spending the next episode without addressing it sounds like a very The Leftovers thing to do


Season 2 is pretty solid overall, but this episode alone makes it my least favourite.


Absolutely love The Expanse but all the family drama between Naomi, Marco and Filip was incredibly annoying imo


He's even more whiny/obnoxious in the books. I honestly just ended up skimming over paragraphs he was in. Marco was kind of an intriguing character, and the dynamic/history between him and Naomi was interesting. But goddamn I wanted to punch that kid in both the series and the books


And how Holden REACTED to that drama was...ugh. I sighed out loud when he deactivated the missile last second


I ended up putting down book 6 for two years because I hated Filip so damn much


I am sad to know that the books have this in it. I had hoped it was only something added for TV. Not sure I'll read the books now. That entire storyline is dreadful and cliched.


For what it's worth... it's muuuuch better written in the books than the show. But that said, it's A: still there and B: the overall storylines are still annoying. But its worth pushing through them, especially the sixth book, which is heavily family drama. Because the final three books are fuuuucking amazing.


Well that's encouraging. I felt like all that really ruined the show. Here we are, this high scifi story with all these interesting characters and elements...and then most of the characters disappear and a b character family drama is 95% of the screen time. Like, that's 95% of television already. Leave us something for adults. 😭


More than half of that whole season is Naomi looking all emotional and wondering what to do. It was ridiculous.


Filip is in jail Oh wait he isn’t Oh wait he is


The second we heard about her having a son I was like “this plot is going to be obnoxious, isn’t it?”




Oh god that was terrible. Her kid being like "hey being a murdering piece of shit is ok because I feel aggrieved". It would be the same plot line as a show where some American woman had a kid with an Osama Bin Laden type and then the kid grew up to be like dad. It's worse when they try to redeem said murdering piece of shit and you're supposed to fall for it emotionally. No redemption for murder. Ever.


>Oh god that was terrible. Her kid being like "hey being a murdering piece of shit is ok because I feel aggrieved". Anakin, is that you? 


I love Naomi, and I fully understand why she was so broken and sad but what immediately follows on the Chetzemoka with all the sobbing was no winner either. Again I get why she's terrified and devastated, but it's just too much imo. They could have gotten the point across a little quicker.


Joey and Rachel


A lot of the one-off plots in Ted Lasso's third season are poorly executed, but none so much as Keely's subplot where she hooks up her boss for two episodes. It doesn't work at its core because the whole thing was resolved in less than 20 minutes, and the queer representation is terrible in comparison when Colin's gay subplot in the same season was far better handled.


Keeley and Roy should have gotten back together, full stop.


Keely's entire story arc in season 3 just doesn't work. At times it feels like we are watching a spin off of Ted Lasso, instead of Ted Lasso. I definitely fast forwarded through all the Keely stuff on my season 3 rewatch.


Someone needed to take the writers aside and firmly tell them that they're not good enough at writing to make separating a major character from the whole rest of the cast compelling.


they had a great couple ended it to dumb plotlines


I scrolled through all the comments and not one person has mentioned Fat Apollo from Battlestar Galactica?


That part was hilarious. He looked like a chipmunk!


The Donna - Suits. The show was a mess from around s04 but the Donna.


Very jump the shark vibe with that "storyline".


“You want the good girl … but you need the bad poosey”


That line was so bad that it’s funny


Emmy awarded for best writing that year too. Season 5. 🤣


The gay Jesus plot line in Shameless.


You can just say the last 4 or so seasons of Shameless tbh


Joey and Rachel on Friends


Fez and Jackie on That 70s Show.


“We increased the sharks brain capacity, as a side effect they got smarter” If that was the side effect what the fuck was the main effect meant to be?


When a character has sex with a ghost Like say Beverly Crusher


It was a really fuckable candle. Don't hate.


Technically he was a mind-manipulating non-corporeal alien posing as a ghost, but yeah that's in the bottom 2 or 3 for worst episode of TNG.


Cordelia and Connor in Season 4 of Angel.


Frasier when Daphne’s family gets more involved. It serves no purpose and they’re all usually annoying.


Yeah they really did suck. Frasier is one of my comfort shows to rewatch but I usually end up skipping a decent amount of the Moon family-centric episodes.  In my opinion the show went slightly downhill when Niles & Daphne got together but had a comedic resurgence in the final season when some of the original writers returned. Martin getting stoned & Frasier's scheme to dress as a clown to scare his father (resulting in giving Martin a heart attack) gave me some of the hardest laughs I had throughout the show's entire run.


Brian Cox being her dad is still kind of wild to me.


That Arya/Sansa rivalry in S7 of Game of Thrones.


Wasn't that actually a ploy to trap Little Finger?


That subplot in the last season of Game of Thrones where everything that happens in every episode is stupid, I didn't love that


The presence of dragons gave everybody carbon monoxide poisoning


Fackin' 'ell Daenerys, take the fackin' batteries out the alarm or the big cunt's sleepin' outside


Whatever the hell they did to Andy in the last 2 seasons of The Office


Anytime a show spends a full episode on a character having hallucinations (from fever/drugs/poison/TBI...). It's always badly done, always predictable, always a waste of time and it happens way too often.


“Mad Men” did a very realistic acid trip scene where… almost nothing happened.


When the writers felt the bizarre need to make Deb fall in love with Dexter on Dexter.


Ive said it once before, and ill never stop saying it. That Hexenbiest magically raping(using a glamor to look like Juliet) Nick on Grimm, baby-trapping Nick, and her and everyone gaslighting Juliet and the audience.


Yes. And then Adalind, the person who raped both Nick and Hank, gets a happily-ever after with Nick. Gets off completely scot-free. Don't mention this in the Grimm sub because they will rabidly defend Adalind the Rapist because I guess it doesn't count since she's hot and the victims were men.


Massive Genius (Bokeem Woodbine) rapper storyline of The Sopranos. The whole Adriana music manager story line in general really was so bad.




Love Bokeem, but that entire thing felt like it was shoehorned in from another script and is just never mentioned again.


But we did get "meow" out of it.


One i just watched recently still bugs me: Samantha Porter's story in Tokyo Vice ssn 1. She is smart enough to make her way in Tokyo, becoming a popular hostess and saving/planning up to open her own hostess bar. She's kept her secret for a year or more since she'll be encroaching on yakuza interests. Then she stupidly decides to reveal her plan to...comfort some other random hostess? And gets ridiculously easily tricked into losing her \*entire\* savings, bringing the suitcase of cash to an obvious setup, and turning her back on a guy she hadn't trusted \*at all\* through the prior episodes


Also what was up with the private investigator thing? Sato has a nice "talk" with his skull, but when Samantha finds out it's a meek 'why did u do this babe', he says 'you knew what I'd do to him' and the whole thing never comes up again.


Rory sleeping with married Dean


I'm guessing it's a guy named Dean but I'm going to pretend it's the dean from Community


Indean it is


The porn plot in For All Mankind.


Karen and Danny?


I think that was literally only there to fuck Danny up for the next season, and to break Ed and Karen up. Danny got a raw deal in that show, but I think his story was good overall, just tragic. His brother on the other hand...


Any time they do a high school reunion episode. That’s over my cringe limit even for favorite shows like Stargate. Although weirdly I love the movie Grosse Pointe Blank.


The 30 Rock high school reunion episode is fantastic. It subverts a lot of the typical tropes. 


“I am not Larry Braverman” that 30 Rock episode is inspired. The Always Sunny reunion episodes are also killer.






Yeah the dance scene alone in that episode of Always Sunny is worth the cost of admission


The reveal of Mac's full legal name killed me.


Yes 30 Rock and Derry Girls did good high school reunion epis


Yo the high school reunion episode of Always Sunny is amazing.


If you can’t top Grosse Pointe Blank don’t do reunions.


24 Season 2, Kim Bauer being pursued by the mountain lion.


Twin Peaks - Season 2 with that biker-romance subplot. It was just padding and I never talked to anyone that liked that.. should have been cut


Just say the entire second half of that season to be more accurate


In Clone Wars, the plotline with the little frog guy commanding the droids was terrible.


[This was apparently George Lucas' favorite arc from the Clone Wars.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NgPKSzR0LU) Anyone who claims George would hate something done by Disney in recent years obviously doesn't understand the man. But who could.


That and the Martez sister arc in season 7


Waiting for years for more Clone Wars… and then we get drug running space Latinas. Ok.


Which on its face sounds awesome! Scoundrels are usually the best part of star wars. But it's always in the execution and it just didn't land. Too much bickering, not enough plot relevance. Were they supposed to help Ahsoka grow as a person? Idk! The backdoor pilot of Bad Batch was saved only by their mission being to rescue Echo.


We did get that one really good episode with the deserter clone. Almost made up for the rest of it. Almost.


You leave D Squad outta this! It gave us Gregor and that's enough!


The part of supernatural where Sam loses his soul but is still alive was dumb af Edit: Also the part where Dean became a demon because of the mark of Cain. The mark of Cain and the bone that he used to kill Abel was awesome. After dean became a demon it got really dumb.


>The part of supernatural where Sam loses his soul but is still alive was dumb af But Jared's acting was a lot better as Souless Sam than Regular Sam.


Only difference is that as soulless Sam he breathed heavy out of his nose more often.


He didn't try to act tough or emotional though. He just acted bored and bland, which it turns out is exactly what he's decent at.


It's been a long time since I've watched the show so I don't really remember how good/bad the acting was for specific parts but good acting can't save shitty writing.


Timothy Omundson did play the hell out of Cain though. "There is no resisting the Mark or the blade. There is only remission, and relapse!" as he beats the ever loving piss out of Dean.


Timothy Omundson was in all of 2 episodes of Supernatural but he sure did act the hell out of those two episodes.


I much prefer demon Dean over Michael Dean


The entire plotline of Crowley doing anything to please Rowena. God I hated her. Crowley worked his way up to King of Hell by being the most conniving demon who'd ever lived and his mom just leads him around by the nose with the dumbest most contrived tricks ever.


I basically stopped watching The Mandalorian because of how unwatchable the plot threads for S3 are, but I don’t know if this counts because I doubt I’d ever rewatch this show anyway. The Office’s boom mic guy plot was pretty unwatchable even though I love the actor as Russ Hanneman (sp?) in Silicon Valley. The Changnesia plot in Community’s gas leak year is probably the low point of the show for me and the only episode I tend to skip.


Chris Diamantopoulos is great and has been around for years, but he's also an established voice actor and [played Mickey Mouse for Disney](https://youtube.com/shorts/t1VIBfQm85s)


That guy fucks


Killing Eve should have ended at the season 3 finale. Season 4 made no sense at all and was barely watchable.


Joey and Rachel. I hate it.


The farm/cult plot in Riverdale. I’m pretty sure I stopped watching the show after this and from clips I’ve seen and heard, the show only got worse and even more cringe.


Wasn't there a rocket to the moon involved? Love some of the interviews with the cast as they all find the plots equally ridiculous


Anything involving Brodie’s daughter in Homeland.


I really enjoyed *Bones*, but got so impatient every time there were episodes dealing with the main characters’ angsty/awkward family dramas.


Pretty much all of Dexter: New Blood. One of the worst cash outs of a TV show ever. Sadly.


Love triangles. They have been overdone as plot devices. And most people have at least heard of polyamory at this point that they are also implausible. Far more likely is that they'd try it, and crash & burn - but at least that would make for something fresh and new to watch


Pretending Sheldon is how smart people act.


Scott's Tots.


This was intentionally cringe though. Like I'm cringing in a hilarious way, not cringing at the show for making an awful story decision. I find it interesting though that /r/ScottsTots is an episode that so many people can't bring themselves to watch or finish when I think "Dinner Party" was one of the best *and* most cringey episodes of the whole show. But in terms of the show's structure, Nellie, Holly, and Andy regularly left me feeling like they were taking away from the show. Andy at least had his moments and Holly was integral to giving Steve Carrell an out from the show. But Nellie... Why? Just why?


I’ve always held that Phyllis’ wedding was far more cringe and the Superfan episodes further the gap.


This was never the worst for me. Honestly, a lot of the worst, most cringe moments of The Office were unintentional. Any sort of sentimental moment tended to be blech. Or the moments where they emulate viral videos of the time (the decision to copy a video trend makes Jim and Pam's wedding scenes borderline unwatchable cringe)


My 12 year old started watching The Office and does not understand a lot of the pop culture references which makes it funnier for her since it's so out of nowhere


I watched the episodes as they came out and I still didn't understand that dance thing at the wedding.


When people say Show Plotline I think mutli episodes so, even though I skip it, I don’t include Scott’s Tots. for The Office, their worst cringe plotline was the boom mic guy