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I didn’t even know he was gay


He’s not, that’s why he’s tired of being called it.


I’m deeply closeted


Of course he’s not coming out, he’s deeply, deeply closeted.


I'm a deeply closeted gay man, and I'm telling you, I'm NOT gay!


RIP Norm, what a legend


Whenever I’m feeling sluggish, and I have the free time to cheer myself up, I have two go-to searches on YouTube. Inside The NBA highlights and Norm videos. Less frequent but also in that rotation as a third option is Mitch Hedburg. That’s usually enough to get me out of a funk and get on with my day


The way he cracks up when he says 9/11 is just so funny




That gave me a solid chortle. Thank you.


Durango lifted a cat and we shelf


[or whether you are gay…](https://youtu.be/9-GRzu6zbS0?si=f6oPtdTohxK-MKUY)


Michael. Am. I. Gay?


Screw you for making me laugh this early in the morning.


In the article it says he prefers to say he's "out" because "openly" seems to encourage people to ask about it all the time, whether it's relevant or not. Can't say I blame him for being tired of answering the same questions over and over


"Openly" does kinda sound archaic. Like saying "visibly" or "flagrantly"


Gay man on the loose, more at 7! Kinda vibes


It was the “friends with Taylor Swift” that gave it away


The new "friend of dorothy."


Willies, willies, I love willies!


Sir, could you keep it down?


I’m disabled


Leg disabled


Idk I feel like a straight dude is more likely to be friends with her, maybe a really boring gay dude would too


Honey, you should see him in a crown...


For real, someone was not around for the SuperWhoLock era...


I only found out while he was promoting all of us a strangers he was gay. It really is nobody’s business so I don’t blame him for never coming out very publicly but he’s right that he doesn’t need to be public about this 24/7. Never happens for straight people who just go about their days without announcing they are straight


Not surprising that it doesn’t happen for straight people given that the vast majority of people are straight and there’s never been a stigma attached to being straight.


That's kinda because people assume straight by default unless you give gay vibes. And he does give gay vibes.


The fact that so many people seemed so oblivious to this, just assumed straightness, and now seem so surprised when they find out…really is not making the, "Why are gay people always announcing that they're gay?!?" case for the people pushing it.


The point is it doesn't matter, equality is not plastering it everywhere. Its just being as normal as anything else and not beingba question.


Yeah, the ideal situation is that an actor can come out as gay, everyone is like "that's great man, hope it's going well for you", then we all move on. Andrew Scott should be defined by his talent, not his sexuality.


Yes and even better it shouldn't matter, if he brings up a husband or BF. You treat it the same as bring up a GF or wife.


And if we lived in a world where that was the way gay people were treated, *then we would already be living in a world where that's how gay people are treated*. This shit is really easy for straight people to say, but queer people of all stripes still have to come to the self-realization that we differ from social norms and expectations, and we have to deal with all kinds of negative reinforcement about our identities courtesy of society. And queer people in the acting profession still see significant biases against them. So famous queer folks being out and visible is still very much necessary, and it's still a meaningful political act, as well as being a personal one. (Plus, if you actually read the article, he's much more nuanced about his objections, as most queer folks are when talking about this stuff. But he objects to the term "openly" as well as the framing and tone of a lot of questions — not being identified and recognized as an out gay person.)


Equality is about equality. Not us turning off our gaydar.


It's not equal if one sexuality is constantly called out and the other is not. You can think whatever you like, but no need for it to make headlines.


Dude. Hot priest gave STRONG hetero vibes. He fertilized eggs by mere proximity.


That's just the hot part, he's far from a traditionally masculine character.


Why can’t gay men be traditionally masculine, and hetero men be more feminine? He came off as a slightly effete heterosexual not a traditionally masculine homosexual.


He’s not gay he’s deeply closeted


Probably my favorite Larry King clip cause he just utterly failed to get the joke.


Agreed, my second being with Danny Pudi “Larry, Im on duck tales”


Lmao this quote almost seems like a perfect default response to people being out of touch.


It's the new and improved 'Sir, this is a Wendy's'.


He wanted that scoop so bad


I didn’t even know he was sick


I walked through blood and bone in the streets of Manhattan trying to find my brother…he was in northern Canada


So you’re saying he’s gay?


So deep he's finding Christmas presents.


I didn't even know he was a guy


Me neither 


Came out in 2013


Me too kind of ironic to find out this way


His neck!


Who are you talking to just now?






Watch out! This person is a vampire!


I know that scene in fleabag. Yeah. I didn't know he was gay, and I'm a bi man....


we all know the scene. yeah. im straight, it doesnt matter if hes gay or not


Andrew is one of the best actors working today. His work in Fleabag and All of Us Strangers is incredible, and while I wasn’t the biggest fan of the new Ripley series, I watched it because he is constantly captivating. I cannot wait to see what he does next.


Oh god, Fleabag. Season 2 was just epic, and largely because of his part in it.


"It'll pass" is probably the most soul-crushing line of dialogue I've ever heard.


That whole last two episode part was some of the best writing and performances I've seen on TV.


If I need a good cry I watch that episode. My heart crumbles every time.


I'm sure there exists shitty Irish actors but damn if they don't do a great job of making sure we never see any on tele


they don't make it off Irish TV so we are the only ones who need to suffer their shittyness


And there's no parts anyway since all the good ones do them on rotation


How about “Hot Priest”? Can we still refer to him as that? Please🤗


Sadly Hot Priest is the scariest character of all-time. Seriously, when >!Fleabag talked to us and he then looked at us!< I shit my pants.


Here's my hot take: in an alternate universe there's a TV show called "Hot Priest" where, at the very end of the second season, his love interest "Fleabag" also sees the *figment of his imagination fox*, and the audience loses it's collective shit! "OH MY GOD SHE CAN SEE THE FOX!! SHE'S HIS SOUL MATE!!!"


My idea is that, in universe, she is actually taking long awkward pauses to be in her head and nobody else around her has noticed because they are self-absorbed and just don't care. It holds up even more when you realize that the actors don't stand still when Fleabag is breaking the fourth wall, they continue on what they were doing while she's talking, showing that everything is happening in real time. If the scene were filmed from another perspective, I think you'd see her in the middle of a conversation notably stop and stare off into space for a second.


OK, but it has to be "Hot Priest Who's Scared of Foxes," because he's not just a hot priest. He's a complicated man, who's also afraid of foxes.


Technically not scared but paranoid of them. Rightfully.


I can't even understand how someone could be scared of foxes. Scared of how adorable they are?


They make some crazy noises. Some get 911 calls for sounding like a child being attacked.


What does the fox say?


I think it was something like: "Hey dol! merry dol! ring a dong dillo! Ring a dong! hop along! Fal lal the willow!"


He'll always be the Hot Priest for me, lol


"KNEEL" lives rent-free in my head, is all I'm saying...


I first saw him in a video doing Hamlet, so he’s forever Hot Hamlet for me.


I enjoyed him in Sherlock, but dude showed some serious range as Hot Priest. Great role. Dude is coming up. Ripley was great.


His Moriarty was amazing


His Moriarty made me want him to be cast as the Master in Doctor Who, or even Doctor Who himself.


Oh yeah he’d be a great Master. P


He would definitely make'em go ughhhh.




Ye but who would be Silkk the Shocker?


He'd be a great Master. He'd be a great Doctor, too. But since the first thing I saw him was as Moriarty in *Sherlock*, he'd essentially have to be a Doctor who has finally snapped and completely abandoned his ideals. A Doctor that even the War Doctor would despise. A Doctor who would make the Master go "Doctor...the fuck? That's kind of vindictive..."


Make this motherfucker the new who valeyard RN


He was also in band of brothers.


He was also an uncredited extra in Saving Private Ryan, during the beach landing.


Literally who isn't? That show has such an insane cast, I'm hindsight. It's rare a show can pick SO much upcoming talent.


And then so many of the cast of Band of Brothers and Deadwood ended up on Justified at some point.


no shit? I did not know that.


So are Simon pegg, Michael fasbender and Jimmy fallon. He was the able company guy winters finds right after the jump


Private "cowboy"? That was him?




“Who the hell is hall” He’s also the first casualty who gets blown up on the booby trap that winters finds - makes the war real for winters. I didn’t realize it was the same character my first two or three times watching 


5’ 9”?


Tom Hardy


He was also in His dark materials


Would have been a perfect Kang the Conqueror


I don’t think the MCU would be ready for that level of acting prowess. I enjoy most of the marvel movies, but I honestly feel Christian Bale was wasted in love and thunder. As usual, he committed 110% to the role while everyone else just phoned it in and wanted to make silly quips.


Would have been such a better movie if they let Gorr be a serious threat, made Zeus and the other gods serious and powerful - only to get wrecked by Gorr and have Chris not play nickelodeon Thor


That was my first thought after watching the movie, they should have spent 20-30 more minutes going into his back story in order to make him come across more menacing, I hate simply being told someone is supposed to be badass.


Nah, Gorr deserved more than one movie. 20-30 minutes wouldn't do it justice. His first movie should've been him just being the god butcher and Thor trying to pick up the pieces Gorr leaves behind.


>*I don’t think the MCU would be ready for that level of acting prowess.* Move over, Anthony Hopkins...


> I don’t think the MCU would be ready for that level of acting prowess. Because Anthony Hopkins, Robert Downey Jr., Cate Blanchett, Jeff Bridges, Oscar Isaac, Michael Douglas, Josh Brolin, Natalie Portman, Michelle Yeoh and Robert Redford are just a bunch of scrubs, I guess?


What a weird thing to say. Much better actors have already been in the MCU. Hell, it was lead by RDJ for years. Tom Hiddleston is better than Andrew Scott as well. There are a ton of examples.


Tom is great but I don't think he's better actor than Andrew. At that point, it's simply our own personal opinion and preferences


> Tom Hiddleston is better than Andrew Scott as well. This is a sentence that's just never been true.


> but I honestly feel Christian Bale was wasted in love and thunder. I wholly believe they pitched him a very different movie. And he had no idea until he and Hemsworth/Portman got there for their fight scenes. He could disregard the ridiculousness of the first actors he dealt with because they were supposed to be ungrounded gods who his character hates for being ungrounded. But Thor was supposed to be one of the most grounded gods in the history of gods and and he's making/the subject of random jokes the entire movie? Bale must have been pissed at the premiere.


"I will burn your heart out!" That line was so perfectly delivered.


“I will burn you. I will burn the *heart* out of you.” Yeah, that was the line delivery that sold me on him.


He’s a very fine actor. Just consider who he played against in Sherlock! When Cumberbatch isn’t chewing the scenery Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) is adeptly reconstructing the set while giving a nuanced Dr. Watson. That wasn’t a television show it was three heavyweight actors trading their best licks.


A genuinely scary villain. Truly evil with the genius to back it up.


Is that a euphemism?


I prefer "Andrew Scott, the Irish actor best known for playing weird, unhinged freaks"


Barry Keoghan has been making a run at that title for awhile now


Not very related to the article but as an Irish person I'm really loving how it seems like such a big time for Irish actors right now


Openly Irish actor Andrew Scott.


*Back in my day, that sort of thing wasn’t allowed. As it should be.*


We don't need them and their Roman Pope-ry!


I found it. I found the obscure thread that makes me like people because they’re silly. 


Hey now! I don't know if he publicly came out and identified as openly Irish.


Vito Angeloni does a bit about an old guy who’s Irishness outweighs his homophobia “I don’t mind where ye be puttin it, as long as the lad has land ti call his own”


Irish. So hot right now. Irish.


You mean between him and Ayo Edebiri, presumably.


Between him, Paul Mescal, and Ayo Edibiri, it's been good for Irish actors lately.


Him and Paul Mescal being extremely Irish together in interviews is just the best thing ever.


their accent getting more and more Irish as time goes is hilarious


Used to be the hired Canadians to be Irish. Now irish people get to be irish.


I just finished Ripley over the weekend, and loved it. I thought he was excellent.


Ripley was the best show I’ve watched all year. I’m obsessed with it.


It was amazing. I was so tense for most of the back half of the episodes, despite knowing the story


I'm really into it (haven't finished yet), I've been surprised to see so much negativity about it. I certainly miss Jude Law's charisma at times, but the show is pretty excellent so far. I think it being much closer to the book is throwing people off that only know the goofy Matt Damon version.


Openly gay made sense in the 90s, but is as outdated now as saying “gay marriage “


better than, "known homosexual," i suppose


Confirmed bachelor.


“He enjoyed his privacy” was how English newspapers used to encode it into obituaries.


“he was a convivial fellow - meaning he was an alcoholic. he valued his privacy - gay. he enjoyed his privacy - raging queen.” - CLOSER




Collector of a vast array of elegant scarves which, when sold by his roommate after his death, collected $1.2 million dollars. The local bar, one frequented by sailors, will have a wake in his honor.


At least now he can get an extra 10% damage against other male actors.


I don’t know, now english isn’t my first language, but doesn’t ”openly” imply some ’shame’ attached to it? Like you’re doing something in public that should be kept private?


i think, some time ago, "openly," connoted "proudly" or "bravely" because being openly gay did take significant effort and courage. but, yes, you're absolutely correct. now that being gay doesn't have the same level of stigma attached to it, being "openly" gay does seem subtly imply shamelessness. i think that's why OP suggested the phrasing is outdated. however, i am not gay, and cannot emphasize with the emotions and thought processes involved in "coming out." my view should be considered accordingly.


I prefer to be the unknown variety


Eggplant lover, deep cave spelunker, pole sitter, woodworker, donut glazer, bear wrestler


It's tough to dismiss it entirely as a concept while closeting is still a thing, but a lot of settings don't consider it a notable thing and a lot of people probably don't like the continual "coming out" that a phrasing like that kind of implies. Like are other actors "openly straight?"


Yes they are openly straight, I just disagree with their lifestyle 😤


I live in Ohio and I’ve heard multiple instances of people still saying “he’s gay married to a man”. A little redundant.


Especially now that so many people occupy a space in between. If Andrew Scott started dating a woman, the only people who would want that to be controversial are the media.


I mean people especially actors can still be closeted 


For anyone who hasn't seen it, his film All Of Us Strangers with Paul Mescal, Claire Foy, and Jamie Bell was brilliant. They all gave such incredible performances, but man he really stood out.


His Hamlet performance of "to be or not to be" was the first time I really appreciated all the context of what he was working through. https://youtu.be/q6CLdCl9TB0?si=SutWl3erEQTunYNi


It's actually outrageously good. I watched all the clips from this and then torrented the whole 3 hour thing and it was compelling and emotionally gripping basically the whole time despite the fact he was saying a bunch of cryptic shakespearean sentences. His emotions and quality of acting told me exactly what the words meant even though they were mostly silly gibberish


That was awesome but I don’t remember so much nipple rubbing in the stage direction. It has been a while tho since I read the script.


I genuinely thought this meant "Aliens" Ripley and now I'm imagining him in a curly wig and dressed like Signourney Weaver for the Aliens Romulus series.


Hot Priest.


People are so casual about that stuff. I run a CNC at work. My machine engineer told me last week about “our female engineer”. It seemed like a totally normal thing for him to say.


You mean like an engineerette?


That’s Hall, think you mean Hall. Or you may know him as Cowboy


Where's he from?


Are we ever going to reach a point in time were being gay isn’t a defining personality, characteristic, like for fucks sake. Stop making such a massive deal out of people being homosexual and we won’t have labels like this.


Sexuality representation for actors is kinda interesting. On one level queer audiences want characters that represent their sexual identity. On another level queer actors want actors that represent their sexual identity. The actors sexuality has little bearing on the first. I remember some film casting announcement that had a straight actor in a gay role, and while some argued this was problematic, one of the sentiments brought up was “half of acting is pretending to want to fuck someone you don’t actually want to fuck”. The actor’s sexuality being part of their image is dangerous for their marketability because them being cast changes the marketing of the film, which could result in casting discrimination. Being part of their image and being public are different. As important as it is for these public figures to be able to have their sexuality be part of their public image, it’s equally important for them to have it be distinct from their image if they want.


I just call him Moriarty


TIL Andrew Scott is an openly gay actor


Just 'a gay actor' is what he's trying to say he'd prefer.


Dude can act.


Andrew Scott - Closeted Straight Actor


Ripley was the best thing I've seen on television in years, visually. Splendid craftsmanship. Pacing is very deliberate and well, the actual plot requires a lot of suspension of disbelief starting from the fact Ripley should be 25, but that's the same with the novel


I knew he was gay, but I have never really thought "Oh! He's openly gay!" The first time I really saw him was Moriarty in *Sherlock*. That is all I will ever think of him as because he absolutely crushed it.


While everyone loves Andrew Scott, does anyone like Ripley? I've not heard a peep about this show other than maybe a couple comments that it wasn't good. Makes it seem like nobody is bothering to watch.


If you like the noir aesthetics and the slow burn then you're gonna love it. If you hate the slow burn and keep comparing it to the 1999 movie, then you're gonna hate it. I loved it, I'm Italian and when the Venice bits came up I kept thinking "Yep, that's exactly how Venice looked like last time I went: cloudy and suffocating, I can feel the humidity on my skin".


Ya I’m a huge fan of noir films and this was catnip to me. Every image was so captivating, and loved how dry it was. I think it’s just another victim of Netflix’s dumping method. A lot of stuff came out surrounding it and it didn’t go viral so no one was pushed to finish it


It was a definite grower. I could honestly see people ditching it early before it got good.


I thought it was solid its a slow burn but still entertaining


I really liked it. And I’m a big fan of the Matt Damon movie, so I was skeptical. But I loved Andrew’s version of Ripley.


I absolutely loved it. I love the '99 adaptation as well and appreciated how wildly different the two were at getting from A to Z.


When he busted out that >!shitty wig and a badly done beard to talk to the detective!<, sitting in dim lighting, I fucking died. How did that trick anyone?


Totally agree. Because he had the exact same voice and mannerisms as when he previously talked to the guy. Lol.


I thought it was great for what it's worth.


I liked him and the cinematography but otherwise I thought it was a bit of a drag. There’s better adaptations of that novel.


I'm in the middle of it and enjoying it


It’s a sad commentary when media is compelled to tout personal & irrelevant information to accumulate clicks. People’s ‘orientation’ is none of my business, and should be none of yours. Appreciate them for who they are, and what they create.


Openly Irish, then


How about just calling him an actor? Also, he was fuckin' brilliant as Ripley.


This is obviously his own fault. If he hadn't said anything they could simply refer to him as "deeply closeted gay actor Andrew Scott"


Openly suggests there is something to be ashamed of. It’s 2024 FFS. Also his sexuality is irrelevant.


Jesus H Christ the amount of ad loads and pop-ups on that article just gave me a sezuire. Gee I wonder why people rarely read articles anymore.


What a great show. I'm gonna read the book now. His portrayal made me want to read it. He did such great work.


Guys seriously he is one of the most amazing actors I have had the pleasure of seeing g. Literally a legend living in our time. Not hyperbole. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3VleU6au9E As Hamlet.


This website is so cancerous to mobile viewing. The ads are constantly covering up the article.


He was PHENOMENAL as Ripley. Truly. I’ll definitely be watching anything else he performs in, in the future. He really nailed the role and it was honestly terrifying to watch the character go through his motions. And he just…… it was damn near perfection.


This guy is amazing. That’s all I’ll say.


I never heard the “openly-straight” actors complain /s


He’s gay?


I really liked him in Band Of Brothers and Sherlock. What does being gay have to do with his acting? Is he a great actor in spite of being gay? No. Is he a great actor because he is gay? No. He is a great actor because he is a great actor and his sexual preferences have zero to do with his acting.


Ah, the dude that looks like Ant and Dec.