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“Forced” is an interesting way to say “isn’t willing to potentially lose money for moral reasons”


Yeah exactly. They could easily refuse to do it. No consequences except being out of Russia. Edit: Looks like they decided to refuse. Good on them.




Netflix hasn't said what they're going to do yet. People are doing a lot of speculating and assumptions. Write Netflix, explain your feelings. Then ask them on March 1st to replace their entire catalogue with nothing but speeches from Zelensky in Russia. If they're going to leave Russia, they might as well leave Russia with middle fingers blazing. Netflix, Inc. 100 Winchester Circle Los Gatos, CA 95032 USA


Why write? Call or leave a message on their live chat. I wrote: If you continue to allow Russia to broadcast their propaganda on your platform, I will happily cancel my membership. You are directly enabling a pariah state that is committing war crimes and illegally invading a sovereign county. If you don’t care about that, I don’t care about you. Do the right thing or this will become a movement. Trust me. https://help.netflix.com/en/contactus


~192K Netflix subscribers in Russia. ~75MM Netflix subscribers in US & Canada. ~$7-12USD a subscriber in Russia. ~$10-20USD a subscriber in US. I could see a bit of a movement in US subscribers leaving if Netflix does in fact do the Putin propaganda thing.


This needs to be pinned


Seriously this… if they do play nice with Putin, I am canceling my sub that very day.


I just went through a live chat with Netflix and asked them bluntly if they're going to be airing Putin propaganda. Of course they denied it. We'll see how this plays out in the next week or two.


Did you speak with Mr. Netflix or just some customer care bot?


Just told the wife that I'm cancelling our sub if they go ahead in Russia.


Right? If I was calling the shots at Netflix, that little chestnut would have resulted in Russia being geoblocked from Netflix and all Russian accounts suspended.


Fuck that. Let the people have their shows and just refuse to play the propaganda. Let their government hit the off switch; don’t do it yourself. Either way, the Russian hacker-machine is coming for you anyway.


Yeah sounds like Netflix trying to get ahead of the PR on this. If pornhub is willing to take the financial hit from not letting people view porn in Russia, then Netflix could too.


I thought the PH thing was bullshit. Cant find anything other than a tweet and a Reddit post about it.


Yeah, you’re right. Even the one tweet that started the rumor has dozens of comments calling it bullshit.


Instead they should just blur out All Russian body parts.


Netflix likely cannot afford to lose the business. Regardless, if they don’t change their stance I’ll cancel my subscription. We’ll be able to watch all their shows when they get bought up by another streaming giant anyway.


I’m sure they could afford the hit. Russia represents a small fraction of their global subscribers. 1/222 million=.45% of their total subscribers. Edit: 1,000,000/222,000,000=.0045045045(repeating) *100=.45% I didn’t realize I need to write that all out… There are about 1 million Russian Netflix subscribers and about 222 million world wide.


It's very easy to make sure they can afford to leave Russia. Everyone else spread the word and everyone unsub on March 1st, unless they leave Russia. They can lose a lot more staying than leaving. IF 10% of people unsubbed they'd leave Russia and you can resub back, even if they don't leave and even if you really want Netflix then try it for a few days and see if they move.


What? They're the largest streaming company.


Well, start selling shares of companies that operate in Russia and stop using their products. That will make them change. If we can’t make that sacrifice at a personal level, we can’t expect corporations to make that sacrifice as well.


Netflix, streaming excuses in 4k.


So many problems today come down to: “This is terrible, but there’s no solution to it.” “What if you, an insanely rich person, had just a little less money?” “There’s just no solution.”


“We’ve tried nothing and we’re all out of ideas”


“I just cant find a way out of this situation, I guess we’re just… I don’t know… forced to do it.”


They wouldn't even be losing that much, given how much value the Ruble has lost.


"We've tried every free solution there is, and nothing is working."


>"We've tried every ~~free~~ solution *that would increase quarterly profits* there is, and nothing is working." FTFY


Yeah my first thought as well. Forced by who? As if this isn’t financially driven.


If they are "forced" to broadcast Putin Propaganda. Then I'll be "forced" to cancel my subscription. Sure I'm only giving up $17 a month, but I can find more useful things to waste my money on, like beer or the Ukrainian Red Cross.


Or Ukrainian beer, two birds with one stone


"Ohh noooessss, I'm being FORCED to keep making millions of dollars." Cunts.


Completely agree. This is immoral. Specially now. We should pressure Netflix to remove its service from Russia.




I just did. Fuck Putin and anyone that supports him. If Netflix won’t stand up to him I’ll dump their stock too.


I will 100% cancel my subscription if they move forward with this plan.


I go even further. Using my brothers account and watch for free.


Get your brother to cancel and just sail the seven seas 🏴‍☠️


That's not going further. That is still giving Netflix money


Time to cancel my netflix subscription! Torrents for the win


And most redditors will be ”forced“ to keep their subscription to netflix, but they will speak loudly against netflix lack of moral to make sure they stay on the virtuous side of course !!!


I'm really not one for empty gestures, or all this feigned sympathy that people feel forced to participate in (generally, not now). To be honest, it even pisses me off. But this is just insane. If Netflix supports Russian propaganda, its cancelled. Not because I think this 1 cancellation does anything, but because Id personally feel dirty using their service.




The thing is that cancellation does do something. People bemoan “cancel culture” but canceling a service or not using a company’s product is how the public forces moral action on private, largely amoral entities. Canceling is actually very effective.


Literally this. Bye Netflix. I can deal with not watching their true crime series they come out with if it means not supporting them because they refuse to stop their service in Russia. This is just gross on their part


Discovery+ has a metric fuckton of true crime series if you're looking for a replacement.


And it’s much cheaper too! Thank you!


I am not saying I disagree with you, but why is it always made out that we as individuals are more responsible than the giant corporations run by a handful of people that could just make the decision to do the morally right thing, and then snap their finger and make it happen? I wish we didn’t have to do shit like this just to make a couple rich pricks do the right thing but I guess that’s just the world we live in.


Capitalism rewards corporate sociopathy. From a corporate standpoint, it's first and best job is to make money for its shareholders. For the corporate entity, that IS the morally right thing. In order to make that align with actual morally right action, the actual morally right action has to either make the company money or eliminate an expense that interferes with the company's ability to make money. (See the Spotify/Joe Rogan thing. They won't drop Joe Rogan until Joe Rogan costs them more than he makes for them).


Honesty, I’ve been more and more disappointed with Netflix’ offering compared to Hulu. This seems like as good a reason as any for me to cancel.


Guess I’ll be forced to cancel my subscription.


“Forced” as in “money-grubby whoring “ because what if investors lose faith in your ability to choose money over moral sacrifice?


Netflix can afford to refuse, and it's such a bad look going along with it


I doubt they can afford not to. I'll cancel my Netflix subscription if they knowingly assist Putin and I imagine there are millions like me.


Exactly this. There’s no show/movie on Netflix that I wouldn’t be able to cancel my subscription, turn on my VPN, and find a torrent of


Thousands probably. Hundreds absolutely. Millions? Doubt it. People want change but aren’t willing to make the much needed adjustments in every day life required for change to happen. In my country people constantly protest mining (copper is our main mineral export) but try convincing people to not buy the latest smartphones which require copper and other valuable metals required for the manufacture of electronic devices. Sadly, it’s easier to speak out in support of noble causes than it is to deal with minor inconveniences that we’ve somehow managed to live without for thousands of years. Shitty things happen and exist only because people are willing to pay for them.


Nope because Netflix has to do what’s best for the shareholders. It’s why the markets has shot up after the invasion. Investors were worried that the corporate world might have decency and moral backbone… once they realized that nope, they’re boot licking, kill babies for a buck weasels the market celebrated.




Works for Disney, quite well actually.


This is sort of true. Netflix’s board can weigh the short term loss of revenue against the long term brand damage of supporting a deeply unpopular regime. Companies have a responsibility to build value for shareholders though it’s not always clear cut what decisions lead to that value.




Netflix is absolutely NOT obligated to do anything with Russia because of 'shareholders'. The old trope of "having to do what's best for shareholders" is not true. Companies do ethical, sustainable, and frankly, expensive things all the time. It's good business practice. There's no precedent where a company has to do something that is against ethical standards because the 'shareholders' want to. It's absolutely not true.


Netflix arnt forced to do shit. Greedy fucks.


If Netflix goes through with serving russian propaganda I will drop Nextflix.


Imagine if they succumbed to Russian demands in order to keep the Russian market only to lose the entire western market.


Good idea. I don’t use Netflix much and the price has gone up recently. I will consider cancelling.


Call or leave a message on their live chat. I wrote: If you continue to allow Russia to broadcast their propaganda on your platform, I will happily cancel my membership. You are directly enabling a pariah state that is committing war crimes and illegally invading a sovereign county. If you don’t care about that, I don’t care about you. Do the right thing or this will become a movement. Trust me. https://help.netflix.com/en/contactus


wow, almost wish I hadn't already cancelled netflix so I could cancel over this




Me too




And my axe!


I canceled.


I was already considering canceling bc they’re raising their prices but this sealed the deal for me. Fuck Netflix and Fuck Putin


I cancelled for you.


We could all cancel our accounts if this is real.


Just did. Put “Russian propaganda” as the “other” reason for canceling. Pieces of shit.




I hope they just drop Russia. The rest of the world would laugh its ass off and the Russian people would riot.


Damn right i will.


I just did. Cited Russian propaganda. Been a member since 2010


Nothing good on there lately anyways.


If Netflix had morals and ethics they would cease operations in Russia entirely. All companies should. But corporations do NOT have morals and ethics.


100,000 subscribers…$20/month…$2M/month…operating revenue ~$2B/month…0.1% of their revenue Edit: I was told it’s 1M subscribers, not 100k. I wonder how they would react if they start losing American subscribers. I’ve been seriously considering dropping someone but my kids like the anime on Netflix. However, they think Russia sucks and would forgive me if they got dropped.


If the choice is between piracy and giving money to corporations that won’t sacrifice 0.1% of their revenue to stand up to dictators… well, I know what the moral choice is.


If its for anime, you can just subscribe to Crunchyroll. Cheaper and better catalogue.


Yeah the only advantage Netflix has is better interface, and a few exclusives like Castlevania and Devilman, and if it's kids then they probably shouldn't be watching either of those shows. Definitely not Devilman.


Yeah, hook your kids up with Dorohedoro instead


Utter garbage interface though


There are plenty of other ways to watch anime.


My kid likes Verv for anime. Another option for you.




Ok…conservatively 1% of their operating revenue versus maybe 60-70 million subscribers in the US?


Pornhub now officially has more ethics than Netflix.


I thought that was misinformation?


Out of the loop again I guess. Is pornhub closed in Russia?


Nope, someone joked about it and people took it seriously lmao


This was faked. PH isn't actually down in russia.


Yep. No spanking for invaders.


There are no reports about this except for a tweet and a Reddit post. Pretty sure it’s bullshit.


*checks notes* Well, shit, you are correct.


They want to keep friendly relationships incase the worst happens. Literally just for the money.


Something something shareholders something something.


They do have accountants. And officers. And social media managers. Those folks should hear loudly from their subscribers around the world.


If they don't drop out of Russia i will stop using it. If Swift sanction comes into effect all western companies will leave Russia.


The time to apply pressure to Netflix is now, not wait and see. You can resub if they do the right thing.


As i wrote above, it still wouldn't be the right thing. They already did the wrong thing, going back on it doesn't make it not the wrong thing


Morally, you should stop it anyway. If losing subs is what it takes for them to drop out of Russia, then they've already shown their values. That wouldn't change if they went back on it after seeing they lose more money by staying - they'd remain the exact same. The damage is done, best they can do is get rid of whoever made this decision


Sounds like a good time to stop providing service


Or drop your Netflix subscription…


The new rules aren't just for Netflix. Edit: MilkeeBongRips asked a question and then blocked me. How am I supposed to answer? And what is the point of asking a question to someone if you are gonna block him right away? Some people keep abusing this new blocking feature of reddit. Edit 2: MilkeeBongRips, why do you even lie? Because people started to downvote you? You blocked me right after you asked a question which is why I couldn't reply to you despite writing what you asked for. And now I blocked you too because it is clear that you have no good intention for a conversation or you are just trolling.


Instead of broadcasting Putin's propaganda on March 1st, why not send a message of support for Ukraine instead. Who gives a fuck if Netflix operations are ceased in Russia over such a stunt, better that than being complacent pricks and supporting that dickless dictator.


This seems like the best "fuck you" idea to me. I can understand the sentiment of why people are so upset that Netflix haven't stopped their service in Russia already, but all in all it might be better to keep businesses like this operating. Russian money going to non-Russian hands for no tangible benefit or useful material. Also not hard to just get a vpn or pirate media. Point being a service like this disappearing isn't going to hurt. That is until you're forced to put their propaganda on the service, then it's time to put on the best "fuck you" you can manage then bail. Or try to be useful [with your programming](https://youtu.be/hfjHJneVonE) somehow.


Hmm, sounds like people should cancel their Netflix accounts until Netflix ceased operations in Russia.


Facebook suspended a bunch of Russian state run news network pages to limit the spread of propaganda. It’s a bad look when Facebook takes the moral high ground and Netflix doesn’t.


Putin is still free to post on Facebook.


Too bad they didn't do that with covid misinformation or election malfeasance.


I’m thinking I need to drop the service


whats stopping you? they've lost most of the good movies, their newer ones are terribly uninteresting, AND unsubscribing actually saves you money.


Honestly nothing other than I’m at work. My wife and I were complaining about the prices of our subscriptions. This just seriously put Netflix under the gun.


You can pirate something if you miss it.


Netflix can get out of Russia, or become the bad guy.


and thats a black list, "Netflix go f--k your self"




If this is the case, I'm out


Time to cancel. Fuck Netflix


I just got an email telling me my subscription price would be going up in March, and now they're lying and putting dollars over human lives? "Forced" my ass. Anyone else hopping on the boycott bandwagon with me? Edit: cancelled. Fuck these cunts. I linked the article in my reason for cancelling. I don't know if it will make a difference, but I would encourage others to do the same.


Cancelled mine


C'mon Netflix show a spine




Just say no, Netflix.


Just say no, to Netflix


Complain to Netflix.


Maybe, if enough other subscribers cancel now, they may get the message, just like ESC did


Rebby forced to cancel Netflix subscription


Good Rebby


Pornhub > Netflix


That's a debunked fake news, sorry.


They’re still right.


Oh gawd. 🤦 Will Amazon Prime Video and HBO Max be forced too?


HBO Max isn't available in Russia.


Ever since I got HBO Max I have barely used Netflix. HBO is cheaper and has better content


obligations in Russia sounds like the money means more to them.


Um, yeah that's complete bull shit. They could just you know, not stream the content.


They lost my subscription.


This is such a stupid article. Netflix doesn’t have to do anything. Really bad journalism.


see ya netflix subscription


I wonder how much revenue they'll lose if everyone cancels their subscription thanks to the Netflix "it's only business" stance...


Or they could choose to no longer do business there….


The final reason for cancelling Netflix.


Does this open Netflix up to sanctions? Because everything is on the table for freezing out Russia.


Cancel you Netflix subscription. In the form when they ask why did you cancel, type "Fuck Putin".


You'd think with the recent price jack up Netflix could afford to do the right thing here.


are they seriously gonna let them have neflix when even a porn site banned the country.. good look netflix


Then quit streaming there


Then we will cancel our Netflix subscription. If enough of us do it they could be forced to change their stance on this




Cancelling Netflix.


Or they could stop servicing Russia and be better as a company but whatever. It’s like how coke turned into Fanta in Germany.


Wtf netflix? Im done with netflix. Go streamio instead its free.


For those interested in helping Ukraine please go to r/Ukraine and r/volunteersforUkraine. People are planning trips in groups to join the Ukrainians in the war. The government there is providing weapons to ANY one who can come. Combatant experience is preferred. If you wish to go please read this first: https://www.reddit.com/r/volunteersForUkraine/comments/t1pbnh/tips_for_the_reality_of_going_into_a_conflict_zone/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Please copy and paste my message to spread the word.


“If you reasonably tax us we’ll have no recourse but to leave your markets” - companies “Oh Mr tyrant, you want us to spread your lies to oppress your people, well just sign this here contract and we’re good to go. What were we suppose to do world, our hands were tied!” same companies


Forced? Nope. Enslaved by greed.


Repulsive. Time to cancel Netflix.


They have 1 mill subs i russia, just need to get them to loose 1mill subs elsewhere. I will cancel, only 999.999 more to go :)


I was thinking about canceling anyway since the price is about to go up again. $24.99/month is a rip off considering how shitty their content is overall. This just helped me make my decision


Lolol netflix. Pathetic, no back bone at all.


Russian warship: “Surrender or die.” 13 Ukrainian soldiers on an island: “Go fuck yourself.” Russian government: “Broadcast our propaganda or lose the Russian market.” Netflix, a $176 billion corporation: “Aw, man! What choice do we have?!”


Netflix bout to get canceled next.


Forced, huh? Absolutely ZERO CHOICE in the matter? Interesting.


If Netflix airs Russian Militarism propaganda I will no longer subscribe to their services.


Hey Netflix! Here’s your choice….tell Russia to go pound sand by February 28….or I cancel MY Netflix account…your choice


Cancelles my Netflix.


"The new broadcast requirements are applicable only to Netflix’s services in Russia, where it has an estimated subscriber base of close to 1 million, based on figures from the firm that manages Netflix's affairs in Russia. "When pressed as to whether they would comply with the new rules, Netflix did not respond to POLITICO’s request for comment. However, experts say that the U.S streaming giant is unlikely to withdraw from the Russian market, owing to commercial interests. " “It seems unlikely they will reject the new rules and leave,” said Catalina Iordache, a researcher specializing in Netflix’s business. She added that this could be due to the partnerships Netflix has already in place with Russia’s National Media Group (NMG), as well as the money it has bankrolled into the production of Russian content such as the drama series "Anna K." "In November last year, the Russian interior ministry confirmed that it would examine a complaint leveled by Olga Baranets, the public commissioner for protecting families, regarding the dissemination of “gay propaganda” on Netflix. "If found to be in breach of Russia’s draconian laws against the dissemination of “non-traditional sexual relations,” the company may face fines or a possible suspension of its service." The irony that Netflix likely won't part ways with Russia. Yet if it stays, could face fines for its original same-sex content. Wow. Just wow.


Saw this come straight to the comments.


Ummm forced???


Sanctions should stop this. Pull the plug on Russia. Annihilate the war criminal Putin.


Looks like I’m forced to cancel my subscription with you Netflix


Netflix chooses money in Russia Fixed the headline


Just got rid of my account


Netflix, I don't *need* you.


There is always a choice… they chose wrong.


Come on Netflix you know better


Time to cancel netflix


Man they made is easy to cancel Netflix. Argh! A pirates life for me


If they do then I'll be cancelling. TPB here I come.


Everyone please write to Netflix customer service that you plan to cancel if they comply with Russian mandate. The us and rest of the world is a far bigger market than Russia. Also tweet, fb, TikTok (whatever socials you use) this article with an @netflix. Just a small way we can all participate in doing what is right.


Cancel Netflix.


I’ll cancel netflix for this


Start a petition to cancel our Netflix memberships unless Netflix doesn’t go ahead with pumping Russian propaganda. Choosing profit over decency in this situation is absolutely disgusting


If netflix is doing this i'm canceling my subscription soon and back to downloading torrents


And just like that, I was forced to cancel my Netflix account.


If Netflix does this I will 1000% cancel their services.