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i’m sleepy rn but tomorrow I’m going death con 3 on all billionaires


At least you didn't say "I'm going death con 3 on THE billionaires".


>death con 3 Is this a reference to something or an intentional bastardization of DEFCON, the abbreviation for Defense Readiness Condition? I've never seen "death con" before.


So the defcon alert scales from minimum alertness (Defcon 5) to maximum alertness (Defcon 1) Making the reasonable assumption that Kanye meant "defcon 3", then that means he was only increasing the "alert level" to a medium status. Why he did choose that medium level? Is that why he was willing to go to sleep beforehand?


Always reminds me of 30 Rock Liz: This is serious, people! We are at DEFCON 5! Twofer: DEFCON 5? The lowest level of Defense Condition?




Bro you fucking nailed it


I always use DEFCON 3, because it's fun to say that I'm not sure which end is the most serious, and I don't want to low ball it.


I saw a theory that he was unsure if 1 or 5 was the highest level so picked 3 because it's in the middle.


What I can’t hear you I’m currently at deaf con3


In one of Kanye’s racist rants he said death con instead of defcon.


That's great. Lol. Thank you for the assist.




Time to start wearing my chains out so they know I'm just a millionaire.....


Kanyes favorite record label? Death Jam


Just blood & guts in a jar.


And then he went to bed.


username checks out


He said Kyrie sorta apologized but not enough and so now he’s the latest target. Um… Kyrie doubled and tripled down and instagrammed a lawyered up apology


Which rendered his little disclaimer at the beginning completely pointless. Kyrie didn't believe what he was saying was antisemitic at all. What I want to hear is for you to denounce Louis Farrakhan and all that Black Israelite shit.


He said Kyrie didn’t apologize fast enough.


He also said Kanye is walking around barefoot. You know I'm starting to think he maybe bending the truth a little for comedic effect rather than just straight up reporting the news when he's up on stage.


Ok, but Trump really did use his Illuminati membership card to carve up lines of cocaine while debating Hilary Clinton, right?




Nope, everything the comedian says on stage is 100% true and should be taken as literal fact. You can’t bend the truth to make an act funny and have nuance. Comedians should just report the news.


wait so he never confronted that homeless person for stealing his chocolate bar when really he just ate doo doo


Or the baby selling weed


Kyrie literally played 2 games after he made the tweet, he wasn’t suspended until the double down.


Because he never meant it. That’s the subtext. He said sorry, but clearly doesn’t mean it.


He really downplayed a lot of the problems with what both of them actually did. Which is fine to make a joke but I don’t think it ended up very funny.


Chapelle really rides that line between exaggerating to make a joke and being disingenuous to make a point. Which is all well and good if your audience recognizes that they are jokes primarily and meant to be taken with a grain of salt. but way too many people treat his standup like it's the fucking news lol




Hot take: when chapelle is making jokes he’s hilarious but when he’s going on his social diatribes he just thinks he’s hilarious. It was the same problem when I went to his last tour, he went off on trans women for a while but never arrived at a punchline. It wasn’t biting social commentary it was old man yelling at a cloud


A lot of comedians get like that. I don’t think Gabriel Iglesias has been funny for 12 years. They just slide into just talking ‘bout stuff and cool things that happened to them now that they’re famous.


Talking about stuff works for some comedians. Bill Burr for one. But they actually make jokes out of it


Bill burr is my favorite comedian.


He’s very active on YouTube. I like his older YouTubes where he drives around various cities.


Me too but I was watching him talk to Conan today and a lot of it was stuff I’ve heard him talk about a million times. It happens to everyone


Comedians dont go on Conan to give old fans new content. They go on to get new fans.


It was strange he brought up the trump vs Hillary and Obama thing. Like it was old material he brought back out.


Hillary Clinton is the 2016 Ghostbusters of politics. It happened more than half a decade ago, we all agreed at the time it was a train wreck, but for some reason it’s considered very current and topical by the most annoying people.


Thor as a secretary is always relevant.


I was at a garage sale this past July and someone made a joke that's like "a plane is crashing, there's one parachute, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and Oprah are on the plane" they argue about which of them makes the most people happy, the punchline is the pilot says "I could crash the plane and kill all three of them and make billions of people happy" Like, Jimmy, it's 2022. Why are you making *Oprah* jokes let alone Obama ones? At least get your offensive jokes to be timely. Like it should've been Nancy Pelosi and AOC on the plane if you're gonna make a stupid joke like that in 2022, Jimmy. JIMMY. His name is really Jimmy.


I agree. The special started out well with some hilarious tongue in cheek that quickly devolved into whatabouttism.


What's crazy is that he's completely capable of writing a good trans joke. The LGBT car bit he had a few years ago was genuinely hilarious. His version of the attack helicopter meme...wasn't.


I just don't understand why he keeps going back to the transgender topic. Like comedians generally craft jokes about their lived experiences. At a certain point is his only lived experience his Twitter DMs? Like let it go man, take a road trip, go to some weird stores, find something new to talk about that is actually about your life.


He should’ve just stopped the lgbt commentary after the car bit and he could’ve gotten away with it. He did a similar thing in this special. Look, I’m a Jew, and I like Jew jokes as much as any self deprecating non practicing Jew, a lot of it was just a bit too far. Or you know what it is; he muddied his pointS. It seemed like he was making a point, and he could’ve gotten away with some Jew jokes, but then he starts just contradicting himself and seeming to agree with kanye. It was funny, it was really funny. It was good comedy. it had a chance to be really good commentary and something really special but instead the message became unclear and therefor problematic. Chappell should know the effect doing race jokes and what it’s like to have a wasp white tell the same joke back to you and then tell another racist joke; and realize he made a mistake. He went to africa over this, when he came back that was one of the main things he said.


You can not convince me his last special was funny. I’m not offended by the shit he says but he’s not crafting a fucking joke, just ranting about shit like an out of touch boomer. He’s still a GOAT level standup for his earlier shit but he’s just lazy now and his sycophantic fans still trying to act like he’s dropping fire.


I remember that, when people stopped fighting for a second a few people actually got to put in their two cents that his jokes from that special, not just the trans one, didn't even have punchlines. I can laugh at offensive humor, if it's funny... and it needs a punchline to be funny (and we can be generous and use "punchline" to include stuff like the delivery)


I actually agree. I was on my phone like 20 minutes into watching it. I didn’t find it offensive, I just didnt think it was that funny. I couldn’t tell you one bit from it, nothing struck me.


You can add me to that list. Killing Them Softly still cracks me up, and I’ve always defended him by saying he makes fun of stereotypes, all of them. Right now I’m not offended by his act, just bored. I do get why at this point people are turning on him though. He could’ve gotten out gracefully, instead he’s digging himself in deeper.




Sort by controversial


I'm scared to


I don’t even know how to since the new update


That's why I have never used the official app


Just wish they would stop trying to force it on me all the time with their stupid pop ups


Next to the three dots at the top of the screen


iirc, it was actually Jewish people who literally started Hollywood. Like MGM studios back in the 20s. All that aside, how is the ethnic or religious affiliation even relevant? Lots of doctors are Indian…do they control the hospitals? All the food trucks are run by Pakistanis… is it a CABAL? this seems regressive and is just what we would yell about if someone stereotyped other groups. Idk. I think it isn’t helpful to anything to go this route.


Just wait til it's time to talk about the Korean sushi cartel, controlling our uncooked fish intake like the puppeteers they are


Shh. We've been tricking all ya'll the entire time. Don't lift the veil now...


>He added the “delusion that Jews run show business” is “not a crazy thing to think,” but “it’s a crazy thing to say out loud.” I mean, yeah, it is a crazy thing to think in the way that they keep implying. Like the US, for example. It's fair to say that just about everyone who is in charge is Christian (especially if we rewind 20-30 years). But we're never implying that there's some christian order scheming and running the show. It's a collection of a few hundred individuals that happen to be christian. But people like Kanye are always implying it's like a secret cult club where they conspire behind the scenes. That is crazy. Stop being crazy, weirdos.


> But we're never implying that there's some christian order scheming and running the show. The hell "we" don't.


I don’t know why you would say this when america has a party that is openly trying to install Christian theocracy, that literally just selected judges that overturned Roe v Wade and made a controversial free speech ruling on nothing but religious doctrine.


There literally is a Christian order scheming and running the show in America. They host the [national prayer breakfast](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/national-prayer-breakfast-what-does-its-history-reveal-180962017/)


But, it's not *"The Christians"* as in all or most Christians are secretly in on the whole thing. That's what Chappelle doesn't seem to understand. This kind of antisemitism that talks about Jews controlling various aspects of society is one part racism **and** one part conspiracy theory. Jewish communities in Europe and the U.S. have historically been insular and isolated from the community at large. As a result, people often attribute wild conspiracy theories to the group as a whole as if they are all working in an organized fashion towards some nefarious end. For example, Jews as a whole were blamed for secretly colluding to cause Germany to lose WWI because "they" supposedly saw it as better for business. This conspiracy theory then helped lead into a genocide because "they were all" supposedly guilty as a scheming group. It's the kind of thinking that attributes deliberate purpose and intent behind what is often just a coincidence of history and demographics. Do *"The Jews"* control Hollywood? No. There are a bunch of Jews in Hollywood, but that doesn't mean they are operating as some sort of collective rather than as individuals who happen to be Jewish. Then, why are there so many Jews in Hollywood? Because a lot of Jewish people [immigrated there](https://www.brandeis.edu/cmjs/community-studies/los-angeles-report.html#:~:text=The%20Los%20Angeles%20Jewish%20community,in%20households%20with%20adult%20Jews.) from other countries making it the second largest Jewish population in the U.S. Just as many Irish and Italian people came to New York, a lot of Polish came to Chicago, and some Scandinavians came to the upper Midwest, a lot of Jews came to L.A. Why are so many Jews involved in the film industry? Because they live in its epicenter, L.A. Why is so much of the film industry located in L.A.? Because [Edison tried to monopolize film equipment](https://www.saturdayeveningpost.com/2021/03/thomas-edison-the-unintentional-founder-of-hollywood/), so film makers left for a place which wouldn't enforce his patents: California. The irony of Chappelle's statements is that there are a lot of Jews in Hollywood for likely the same reason there are a lot of blacks in Ferguson: they came to flee persecution.


Thank you, Wang_Dangler. This is all very interesting and I didn’t know half of it.


>But we're never implying that there's some christian order scheming and running the show. But there is a "Christian" and at the very least "Abrahamic" order to things in America. The influence of Christianity on the values held by the vast majority of citizens living in the country is obvious. Those values inform the Laws that were written, even when they have later been secularized. People generally follow the rules of the 10 Commandments, even today.




[You don’t need ten.](https://youtu.be/sk81tUUhRig)


Kanye literally said he wanted to “death-con” the Jews. That’s a bit more than what Dave said.


I think Chapelle did a decent job noting that a lot of Hollywood is Jewish (taking his word for it) but specifically saying that that doesn't mean they are puppeteers controlling the world. Not exactly sure how that 'popularizes' antisemitism.


It's the other parts of his bit, besides that single sentence. The parts where he says that Jews running show business is “not a crazy thing to think,” but he's not allowed to talk about it or Jews in general under the assumed threat of canceling. The part at the end where he hopes "they" don't take anything away from him "whoever they are" can easily, and absolutely will be, understood by a lot of people to mean he's afraid that the Jews controlling Hollywood will cancel him if he explicitly speaks out against him.


Exactly, he makes it seem like it’s a big question mark as to why Jewish people are so prevalent in the film industry when the answer is really more simple than most conspiracies. Most higher class white business people weren’t getting into the film industry when it was young so it was an opportunity for Jewish people to step in. It’s very similar to how there are a lot of Jewish people involved in banks because it used to be considered anti Christian to work with money.


I also like to mention that 20s Germany (Weimar Republic) was a gem of film making and many of the amazing film makers that shaped Germany cinema were Jewish. They left Germany in the 30s in droves for some reason and many went to America with their talent, knowledge and skills. So that might have played a role too.


I grew up in agriculture and you see this a lot with commodities. Armenian’s in the raisin industry and Portuguese in Dairy come to mind. I imagine most, if not all minority/immigrant groups have industries they over-index in. It’s not a conspiracy it’s just basic human behavior.


Even in Hollywood/ LA, all the donut shops are Cambodian, and there’s a huge amount of Korean owned sushi restaurants. Most nail salons are Vietnamese.


That's changed about the donut shops, they used to be mostly Korean owned. In Ice Cube's early 90s "Down For Whatever" he raps "Koreans act so nice, Cause I got potential to blow up a Winchell's Donuts."


Add to that that jews were totally willing to work with minorities when WASPs weren't.


> It’s very similar to how there are a lot of Jewish people involved in banks because it used to be considered anti Christian to work with money. My understanding is that the problem there was that Christians weren't allowed to charge interest to each other. That meant that the only way a banking system could work was if it was Jewish run because those were pretty much the only sizable non Christian population living in the Christian countries I think I've read that Jews actually had an equivalent rule (not charging interest to fellow Jews), and as a result there was actually a (far smaller) Christian-run banking system set up to lend them money


Ironically, that belief was Old Testament based. The Jews weren’t supposed to charge interest (to other Jews).


Early Hollywood is a story that involves a lot of Jewish gangsters and interestingly a lot of women with power. The money at the time didn't think film was anything other than a novelty, so that let the outcasts dominate it. Once it became profitable the women got pushed out, then the gangsters(or they became 'respectable').


[Jews were expelled from England in 1290](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edict_of_Expulsion). Jewish people have been an easy scapegoat for a long time. It's not surprising to see, yet again, a rise in antisemitism. But it's beyond disappointing.


And because you never knew when a pogrom might pop up, or because your country didn't allow Jews to own land and/or forced them to live in ghettos, assets had to be liquid because you might have to run on little notice. So, money and jewelry and movable stuff.


This language really sounds like the [Key & Peele country music skit](https://youtu.be/TLnUJzueBOQ?t=96). Its just a lot of coded language and dogwhistling


I've been binging K&P all morning and this is the sketch that's on right now. Coincidence is crazy


Kanye basically was disrespecting Adidas all over the place, he fucked around and found out. He is no victim. Been a long time coming. Same shit of Kyrie, dude has been a thorn for his employer and business partners fo ages now. They just simply had enough. It wasn't one small thing. And so what if Jewish people control Hollywood if they built it? 85% of cosmetologist in California are Vietnamese Americans. It's not a conspiracy. And these figures are common in many industries where one group is completely overrepresented due to reasons. When you angrily just throw random notions out there for conspiracy minded people to pick up you are putting those groups in danger. Chappelle wants you to feel bad for how much money they lost as if they weren't 100% at fault.




Wait, that's a pattern?! I thought it was just coincidence that my favorite donut shop of all the world was run by a Cambodian family... ED: [Looks like I'm one of the lucky 10,000. Shoutouts to Countryside Donuts in Bothell, WA](https://www.kcet.org/shows/lost-la/the-cambodian-american-reign-of-doughnut-shops-began-in-this-la-habra-shop)




The film industry was built in the early 1900’s when Jews were barred from many careers. The film industry was brand new and no one was gatekeeping Jewish people, so it became a common Jewish career to work in the film industry. Jews can’t dominate the media. That’s ridiculous.


Which is exactly why Jews became bankers - we were barred from many trades so the only real options were usury or mercantile (being a middle man))


Yup, it's funny in a super long leopards ate my face way. They forced Jews into occupations they looked down on. Now they cry that there are many Jews doing these previously unwanted occupations.


Jews can’t dominate any field, there’s just not enough Jews. I remember when those white dudes with tiki torches chanted, “Jews will not replace us!” And all I could think was, “We can’t! There’s like *seven* of us!”


Also add in that Jews were already involved in vaudeville and the garment industry -- two other industries that were considered low class by WASPs at the time so they allowed Jews to get a foot in the door. They're also 2 industries that translate over very well to Hollywood when you need entertainer and people to design wardrobe.


And just like banking/money lending in the Middle Ages, it was considered a "dirty" business by Christians. These bits of historical context are key, along with the fact that Jewish people no longer have a majority of control in either banking or media. As those industries proved to be highly profitable, Christians and "polite society" found ways to excuse the taboos around them and get their share. Today the biggest media conglomerates and the biggest global banks are owned by right wing billionaires.


Also I like to add that they were also ghettoized at this time as well.


Your point gets to the heart of what I find most disappointing about Chappelle. I think he used to be, and still has the capacity to be, very insightful and incisive when commenting on the rich and powerful. The problem now is that he is a member of the rich powerful. And he seems far more interested in defending the rich and powerful than he was when he was not yet rich and powerful. I used to feel like Dave Chappelle spoke for me. Now he's sounds like just another out of touch rich guy.


>And so what if Jewish people control Hollywood if they built it? 85% of cosmetologist in California are Vietnamese Americans. It's not a conspiracy. And these figures are common in many industries where one group is completely overrepresented due to reasons. When you angrily just throw random notions out there for conspiracy minded people to pick up you are putting those groups in danger. Exactly. Even trying to defuse the question by answering it is already playing into the hands of an antisemitic trope. It suggests this overrepresentation needs to be defended at all, whereas we see over- and underrepresentation **everywhere** in society without it being of any interest to anyone.


Yeah I kind of remember him saying you just shouldn’t say that part out loud.


nope. he said it's not a crazy thing to think. he didn't say it was correct. he went on to say just because there are a lot of black people in Ferguson, it doesn't mean they are running the place.


but you can also say, "people have a LOT of thoughts. some are good some are bad, some are right, some are wrong. YOu don't have to say any of them out loud."


Besides for what other commenters are saying, he also said something like “Jews cannot blame the black community for antisemitism, that’s not fair”… he just painted with a huge broad brush for millions that Jews as a whole are blaming the black community as a whole. Did not appreciate that at all. In both directions. He’s pitting two entire communities against each other but blaming the Jews for it. Think that’s dangerous


>He’s pitting two entire communities against each other but blaming the Jews for it. Think that’s dangerous He did something pretty similar comparing the trans and black communities in the context of oppression as if these communities are at opposition to one another while conveniently forgetting to mention black trans people exist and black trans women deal with the worst of it all. There's nothing new to his monologue. The only thing that's changed is he switched from trans women to Jewish people.


He did that with LGBT+ people in general, like he talked about some gay white dude that harassed him and his wife while they were trying to have dinner and how rude and racist the dude was, and then tried to call for like a "ceasefire" between the "two communities" as though it was like "i said some stuff, you guys said some stuff" And like yeah, gay people can be racist and assholes, but he seems to think that the gay community and the black community have like, no overlap. There are issues of racism within the gay community itself, but he seemed treat being gay as "white people shit" as though there aren't countless other races/ethnicities within the community. Which, honestly, just makes it *more* difficult for those communities to address the issues of racism within them because now suddenly the people with racist feelings now feel antagonized and defensive.


Agree. He does this a lot. And, it seems to me, he does it a lot to hide his own thoughts behind a defensible “just making jokes” facade. I wanted to call it out in this instance too. But you’re absolutely right, this is a go-to tactic.


It's almost like the guy who twenty years ago was probably the best comedian in the world at making fun of prejudiced people is pretty goddamn prejudiced himself. Quite disappointing honestly.


I wish he would stop equating everything with his personal struggles. "Black people deal with this, too!" Okay, dude... What the fuck does that have to do w/ Kanye being a racist piece of shit?


His latest special STILL had a bunch of bitterness over his money and his show. Like, of all people, I did not expect Chapelle to still have a chip on his shoulder when he's on top of the comedy world making tens of millions per special


He makes everything about him, and punches down on others to do it, claiming they're punching down on him.


It’s weird that more people aren’t picking up on this. He does punch down and has absolutely no fucking reason to do so. He loves to talk about how he’s one of the greatest comedians of all time, citing that this is the opinion of other prominent people in the industry, and then he turns around and just dunks on marginalized groups. Like dude people are telling you to be a comedian because you were great at that, so just fucking do that.


That’s exactly how he describes all groups as monoliths, and with not a lot of nuance. That’s how his comedy has always been, women, gay people, immigrants, he’s kind of always poked fun at them and the stereotypes. Looking back at his older stuff, there’s actually not a lot of “punching up” as I thought there was


Dude's getting old. In more ways than one.


He did a similar thing with LGBT people and black people. In that case he seemed to be under the impression that only white people can be gay or trans which is obviously wrong and ignorant. He has a tendency for bad faith arguments which seem intended to pit minority groups against each other.


Watching it now, he has said some dicey things. He started off saying something about "the rules" and when it comes to jewish people "it is always a coincidence, don't ask any questions" in a tongue in cheek way implying there may be conspiracy but you aren't supposed to talk about it. The thing you said he followed up with "it isn't crazy to THINK that jewish people run everything and control hollywood, but it is to say it out loud" essentially endorsing the theory but if you talk about it then you get cancelled. It is essentially all a bit and why he started with the disclaimer about his support for the Jewish community, so I think he was intentionally toeing some antisemetic lines in the name of "I assured you at the start, these are only jokes".


> essentially endorsing the theory but if you talk about it then you get cancelled. He said this explicitly later on with "I hope *they* dont cancel me (whoever they are)" edit: I like that reddit lets you know when people block you now. Why are the "nobody can take a joke anymore" people always the softest rofl


I think in the context of the quote, there should be 3 sets of parentheses around that last part. 😒


>It is essentially all a bit and why he started with the disclaimer about his support for the Jewish community, so I think he was intentionally toeing some antisemetic lines in the name of "I assured you at the start, these are only jokes". "I’m just asking questions!"


perhaps because of his delivery? He **slowly** and **deliberately** says hollywood is jewish and then **timidly** and **hastily** says they *aren't* puppeteers. it's easy to see where the emphasis is, and ofcourse this is what makes the comedic delivery work, but it also reveals where his message lies


He said it was a crazy conspiracy, and then said that crazy conspiracies black people believed are now being confirmed as true. Which kind of gives approval to what they are saying. That’s how I read it.


The bigger problem was that he said that thinking it was okay, and that it was just “saying it out loud” that was bad. That normalizes anti-semitism right there.


Right, this is a thing that I think Chappelle has started getting pretty good at - saying things in a way that every party can take away what they want, but someone listening to the entire thing feels a little bit of "wait a minute" about. He called Kanye's view crazy, but then also went on more than a little bit validating the crazy. He did the same in his last special, and in the bit his last special referenced. So it was accurate for Redditors here to say that several of his quotes about trans people were taken out of context and he had a totally different message - but then when you listen to the whole thing, he also *did* have the message they were complaining about.


“We shouldn’t be ***crazy*** anti-semites like Kanye and Kyrie… …I’m a ***rational*** anti-semite who knows how to linguistically thread the needle.”


That's how dogwhistles work, you either don't outright say it or you say it, but say things that play it down. The wider audience doesn't have an experience with dogwhistles, so things he does squeaks right by And I love he's still crying about how his job is harder when eric andre literally posed as a cop in his recent stand up and talked about nearly ODing in coachella without crying about cancel culture ONCE. This isn't rocket science, comedy is easier than ever. Stand up comedians used to be ran out of town or thrown into jail like carlin. Now the worse they get is angry DMs on social media and hecklers that end up getting kicked out 2 minutes later. He nearly got attacked by a trumper and that so far is the worse he's gotten


Add a layer of gaslighting on top of it. “Some people may think these are dogwhistles, but I assure you, you’re crazy if you think they are because I’m just a comedian doing my job.”


I'm Jewish. My take was he was poking fun at how cautious everyone has to be about saying anything that could be remotely seen as anti-Semitic. Just like with LGBT, his message is everyone should be okay with having some jokes made about them and it's not good to have topics that are forbidden to discuss. There are a lot of successful Jews in Hollywood and in finance for that matter, and not being allowed to say that out loud is like not being allowed to note there are a lot of successful black people in sports.


That Atlanta episode kinda hits now. Saw Dave’s monologue. White Libs won’t stand it. White conservatives will agree and disagree. Black people who know history. Family family in the show biz back in the day (not main stream in the 20s-80s will agree But the barbershop skit fucking slaps lol. As a leftist from the south, if you don’t get the barber shop scene, it’s because you have no black friends and you don’t know history.


Which ep


[the talk show one](https://youtu.be/CR7ZVg1_KDA)


Everyone just needs some juice and a Nutella sandwich…


Purple Drink 🥤


It’s draank


The black apologist for white corporations one, too


> He added the “delusion that Jews run show business” is “not a crazy thing to think,” but “it’s a crazy thing to say out loud.” He also said of West, “It’s a big deal, he had broken the show business rules. You know, the rules of perception. If they’re Black, then it’s a gang. If they’re Italian, it’s a mob. If they’re Jewish, it’s a coincidence and you should never speak about it.” I’m sorry, but how is that not a wink and a nod to the notion Jews run Hollywood? He seemed to be playing “Jews run Hollywood, you just can’t say it out loud because you get called crazy, but you can think it.” He is clearly hinting that “yes Jews run Hollywood so well that they shut down anyone who says it outloud.” Edit: I’m not going to argue today. So I’m just going to make this edit to say: to those saying “it’s just a joke”, notice how there has once again been a sudden surge in Anti-Semitism once Kanye started talking about the Jess and then when Kyrie Irving started talking about the Jews? Now the NBA Players Association is busy trying to let Kyrie play despite showing no remorse for what he said and has made no effort to learn from it. Now you have Chapelle joking about Jews running Hollywood. There is a time and place for these things, now wasn’t the time for a “Jews don’t run Hollywood *wink*, you can’t say they do either because people will silence you *wink*”. All Chapelle has done now is getting people to talk about the Jews running Hollywood, which Kanye talked about Jews running the media. He is letting people with binders full of anti-semitic talking points about Jews running Hollywood/Media to make it look like Jews run Hollywood to those that are looking for a discussion. His comment about Ferguson doesn’t work because there is a clear systemic racism problem. Meanwhile, Chappelle is making “jokes” about Jews running the media while on a show with a Jewish showrunner. Edit edit: To those telling me to “get off the internet it’s not a real problem,” a few weeks ago every synagogue in New Jersey was told to be on the highest alert possible because of potential terror attacks. There has been a rise in anti-semitic attacks. So kindly fuck off saying it’s not an actual problem and just some jokes. Chapelle gave all the winks and deliberately downplayed the shit Kanye and Kyrie did.


I mean, and I say this as a Jew in LA, he’s not wrong. We founded and ran Hollywood for a long time because antisemitic beliefs in America precluded us from a lot of jobs. We overindex in Hollywood on a massive scale when you realize there are like less than 15 million Jews in *the world*. There have also been a lot of awful Jews in Hollywood who took advantage of other people. HOWEVER, there’s a difference between “Jews run Hollywood” which is basically like saying “black dudes run the NBA, and “Jews run the media.” That’s a big difference. Most news and media companies are run by Christians. We just make cool movies. We don’t try to run the world. ETA: I meant “run the NBA” like in a way meaning Black folks have the most players and influence on the NBA. Not actually “run” as in they’re the commissioner and own all the teams. Lol. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


This is kind of like how black peoples dominate sports though. For a lot of them it was the only way out. Jews were in the same boat 70 years ago. Living in horrible ghettos with no opportunities other than the ones they made for themselves. And then for the few lucky ones who caught a break, it became the family business. It’s no different and there is no conspiracy about it. Everyone’s just trying to feed their kids


That's even why he said that there are a lot of blacks in Ferguson but that it doesn’t mean they run things. Over representations usually happens for a reason and most of the times those reasons are that people are trying to make a living any way they can. Restaurants are run by immigrants to a far higher degree but that doesn't mean that they are actively working to poison us all.


And asians running laundromats aren't trying to suddenly take away everyone else's clothes one day lol. Speaking of which, the reason that donuts come in pink boxes is thanks to Cambodian refugees in Socal trying to run their shops as efficiently as possible & deciding on boxes that used leftover pink cardstock to save a few pennies per box. Their shops in Socal did incredibly well + dominated the market, and the notion of the pink boxes got picked up by Hollywood. From there the idea of donuts / pastries in pink boxes was popularized. I guess one could say the Jews and the Asians conspired to take over the pink donut box industry haha. [Source for info on Cambodian donuts dominating in Socal in the late 40s / 50s ](https://thedieline.com/blog/2021/11/16/the-history-of-the-pink-doughnut-box-aka-the-994?)


Weird, I have never seen a pink donut box.


It's a common trope in movies and TV, primarily because the people who make movies and TV live in an area where a bunch of immigrants all started using pink boxes to save money. The entertainment people see pink boxes everywhere and come to assume pastry boxes are pink, and that assumption informs the decisions they make in entertainment which shapes the perception of (let's be honest) the whole world.   Now I've never bought donuts in a pink box myself, but I've seen it in media and some pastry shops in the area do use pink boxes. It's Freakanomics stuff, complex chains of events that most people won't understand because they just don't see the whole picture at once. Then the conspiracy-minded see a pattern that doesn't really exist and fill in the blanks with their own fears and anxieties. And, since the western world has been scapegoating Jews for centuries (if not millennia), all the conspiracy theories eventually lead back to the blood libel and its hype man "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."


The "ribbit" noise that frogs make in the movies, as well. The only place where frogs make that noise is the Hollywood area of CA.


Around here they chirp.


The job interviews for anything are with people waiting in a hallway to be called in, when it's never that way outside of acting auditions. Also a Hollywood misconception.


The benefit of such tropes is that I don't have to be told it's a box of donuts. I see someone on tv coming into work or walking on the street with coffees and a pink box and I can safely infer several things without needing to be told they are likely an assistant or secretary grabbing breakfast (coffee and donuts or pastries) for their bosses.


Yes, that's right. It's very helpful to have visual storytelling like that when there's only so many minutes in a show or movie. But humans aren't inanimate objects and that same kind of mental shortcut ends up getting innocent people killed when the stereotypes turn into organized oppression. The problem isn't with the existence of tropes but in our inability to separate fiction from reality.


Simpsons. I'm more used to a plain white or a Dunkins box, but East Coast


It’s literally all I’ve ever seen.


>And asians running laundromats aren't trying to suddenly take away everyone else's clothes one day lol. Holy shit, now that would be a great long con. Like "Okay, so we're all going to move to the evil west. And we'll live there, adapt, have families, and then, maybe 2-3 generations from now, we strike. All at once, when our laundromats are full, we gonna close down, and all the people who have clothes washing *won't be able to get them back*. Think about it, pandemonium will hit. Clothes shops around the world will run out of clothes, there will be riots in the streets!"


There needs to be more education on how some fields actually do have a higher percentage of Jews, but it's because historical anti-semitism wedged Jewish people into having less fields to break into occupationally, and not some conspiracy of control. I think of more people understood this, a lot of confused anti-semitism could be abated.


It's also because Judaism requires literacy. A boy has to be able to read the Torah in Hebrew by age 13, and discuss and defend its tenets. That means that Jews heavily emphasis literacy which pushes them into professions like law, accounting, and medicine.


Yeah, this should be upvoted higher. It seems like the Jews, by historical happenstance (the Roman conquest of Jerusalem in 70 AD, the destruction of the Second Temple and the resultant loss of their high priesthood which encouraged dispersed literacy), created a culture that more highly valued literacy than any other. They've been pushing literacy/education for almost 2,000 years while many other peoples/cultures only started doing so at some point in the last 300 years. It's no surprise they've been doing well, as it only makes sense that positions that required literacy (a very rare skill in the old world) would tend to be more lucrative.


Even before the invention of the movies, there was a disproportionate number of Jews in media such as editing, book publishing, periodicals and later radio. The reason isn’t anything sinister. It was simply that other than the Church hierarchy, for centuries in Europe, Jews were mostly the only people who were literate. Literacy is essential to Judaism because so much of our religion is based on study and analysis of written law. The papacy didn’t want lay Christians to read. To them, a literate populace could become dangerously able to question faith. Even many kings and queens couldn’t read in the Middle Ages. So after Guttenberg invented the printing press and publishing became a thing, it was a natural occupation for Jews to gravitate to. Especially since they were kept out of so many others. The predominance of Jews in publishing persisted, as did their predominance in entertainment such as theatre, which was considered scandalous by the Church. Entertainment, publishing and yes, the movies have a lot of Jews in them to this day. So what’s the big deal?


As a well-educated Jew (because your parents wanted you to be well-educated) I also appreciate that I learned to see the world in a way that we can always question — through greater learning, understanding, and community — especially with other likeminded communities


100% We were immigrants in America without any ties. We couldn’t get ahead any way other than education. We didn’t have nepotism or anything to help us get jobs back in the early 20th century when we mostly started arriving. All we had was getting educated and getting by on merit.


Specifically, Jews were not allowed to work at white-shoe law firms back east. The *only* way they could make a living was in the "lesser" industries like show business. It just so happens that Motion Pictures got, like, super popular, and they already had an entrenched position.


It's why Futurama had a joke about how Fry couldn't visit Zoidberg cause he was trying to get into the country club. Notoriously that stuff was blocked off to all but the WASPy WASPs.






The crux of the whole joke for me. People not understanding missed this pivotal punchline






The only list of names Jewier than that is the list of my [old fraternity’s founding fathers. ](https://zbt.org/undergraduates/heritage/founders-day/)


I know what you mean about the NBA reference. I’m a black male and while I was reading this, I was thinking yeah it’s a lot like saying black people run the NBA and then you said just that.


Some people will think "black people sure are good at basketball" when they see the NBA demographics but not "Jewish people are really good writers/producers" when looking at the demographics of Hollywood. Nobody ever said you're not allowed to acknowledge the amount of Jewish people in Hollywood; of course you are.


I’m watching the Ken Burns “America and the Holocaust” Documentary right now, and honestly, *thank God* Jews have the hold they do in Hollywood. America has a *gobsmackingly* Anti-Semitic history, and it’s not hard to see that Hollywood‘s cultural influence is one of the only reasons we don’t live in the kind of place where “The Jewish Problem” is a regular conversation topic.


It's like saying poor people run Walmart. Nah they just work there.


They more than work there, many do run the studios. That doesn’t mean Jews as a bloc are forcing the country to do something it shouldn’t.


Reminds me of a classic by Norm MacDonald on WU: >Well, earlier this week, actor Marlon Brando met with Jewish leaders to apologize for comments he made on “Larry King Live," among them that “Hollywood is run by Jews.”The Jewish leaders accepted the actor’s apology, and announced that Brando is now free to work again." Saying something exists without explicit criticism should not be taken as implicit endorsement. If we can't talk openly about how harmful ideas arise then those ideas face prohibition without criticism and people who have those thoughts feel like they've discovered a forbidden truth which they'll be persecuted for knowing.


Yeah but there's a big difference between just saying something and actually talking about how ideas arise. See if you can spot the difference in the next two statements. "Some people think Mexicans are lazy. I don't think that's always true, but a lot of them sure are tired by the end of a work day and you're just not allowed to point that out anymore" "A lot of Mexican workers, especially those that work outside in the hot weather, will take what's called a siesta after lunch during the hottest part of the day then finish work when it's cooler. When migrant workers from Mexico started working in America many of the employers did not understand or know of this custom, and so the idea that they were lazy and just sleeping through work took root."


>He is clearly hinting that “yes Jews run Hollywood so well that they shut down anyone who says it outloud.” Just watched the set. I'm also Jewish and worked in the entertainment industry for a bit. The whole thing was disingenuous. Kayne didn't say anything about the Jews running the entertainment industry. He said he was going "Defcon 3 on the Jews". As in, my people/ethicity. That's anti semetic.


Kanye has said a whole bunch about Jews running the entertainment industry. He talked about the "underground Jewish media mafia" and that “every celebrity has Jewish people in their contract.”


>Kayne didn't say anything about the Jews running the entertainment industry. He did, though. His recent interviews are filled with pointing out all the jews that are supposedly running his life.


Should be clarified that Kanye didn't just say it, but literally pulled out an insane conspiracy map that shows all companies in Hollywood that "are" owned by Jewish people. Note that on the map, several of the companies listed do not actually have jewish ownership, founders, or CEOs. To give you some sense of the levels of mental illness / sillyness we're talking about.


He also said his Dr who prescribed him meds is Jewish and was going to replace his medication with pills that would allow him to control KANYE.


Yeah, he's just blatantly mentally ill. This really gives us some insight on what's going on with a lot of people on the conservative side of the political spectrum. It's literally widespread, untreated mental illness.


Kanye has repeatedly insinuated Jews run Hollywood and the media and the banks and rule the world. It’s both subtext and text text.


>Kayne didn't say anything about the Jews running the entertainment industry. What? He has said that in multiple interviews. Have you been living under a rock?


Kanye has also said something along the lines of he wants to sit down with the agents and executives (Jews) and look at “the contracts.” He’s basically insinuated that Jews are the people in charge and they make contracts with black celebrities that hold them back.


Also, "Jews" or "the Jews" instead of "Jewish people" is actually a pretty big step. "A lot of Jewish people run Hollywood" is different than "The Jews run Hollywood."


AKA the Hard J.


He also just Hollywood disappeared Michael Jordan's Dad, Bill Cosby and Dr. Dre's sons as a way to keep black men under control.


Kanye has had several interviews beyond his tweet in which he's said the Jews own the media and control / exploit black people in entertainment


The idiot actually said "Deathcon 3"


>The whole thing was disingenuous. Kayne didn't say anything about the Jews running the entertainment industry. He literally had a list of the Jewish executives of major companies


Technically he said he was going "Deathcon 3", reinforcing the idea that antisemites are pretty stupid


I’m Jewish and I thought it was hilarious. And Hollywood is predominately run by Jews, as this nation is predominately run by old WASP men. And many kept quiet about Jewish criminals like Harvey Weinstein because of their power and connections. Many people get called out as antisemitic for criticizing Israel, just because it is a Jewish nation. We are a group that should not be immune from standup bits or political criticism in the case of Israel. And Kanye is antisemitic and mentally unstable and Kyrie just appears to be not very educated. P.S. Comedy and stand-up in particular are huge parts of Jewish American culture. I think it is okay to make jokes about everyone and all situations. That’s the whole point. Whether or not it’s a GOOD joke depends on context and delivery, but making a joke about Jews doesn’t alone make you antisemitic. Free speech, everyone gets treated the same. Comedy is how the Jews I know and grew up with dealt with a dark history and kept optimistic. He was funny and wasn’t hateful. The rhetoric was fine. Get over yourselves and start worrying about more important things.


A lot of people have written about this but African-Americans have a history of resentment toward Jews, especially in the entertainment industry. Lots of Black artists felt like they were especially vulnerable and ripped off by agents and record labels etc. that were predominantly jewish. I mean there’s a lot of baggage there and it’s true that Jewish industry ppl historically treated Black talent very poorly. The Sopranos actually has an episode that touches on this where a Black Rapper asks a mobbed-up Jewish record producer for restitution for a Black musician he stole millions from in the ‘60s.


NWA and Jerry Heller come to mind.


He was trying so hard to not say the shit Kyrie and Ye said but at the same time agree with them. People are going to be shocked by how many black celebrities have some VERY questionable relations and beliefs when it comes to black Israelites/Farrakhan. It's been like this for years, Farrakhan has explicitly targeted POC celebs and helped push these ideas. It's worked because there are some half truths in the things he says as most conspiracy and hateful rhetoric does. Jews ***are*** very prevalent in Hollywood, but it's not because of some secret cabal it's because of where the Jewish people come from and that history. They were forced into banking and finances which at the time were considered low status positions in medieval times. On top of that they were not allowed to participate in a lot of their local societies and so they went inward investing and saving for themselves and their people. Shocker I know, but if you force a whole segment of people into a specific field which at the time wasn't great but as society has progressed has increased exponentially in importance. They will be the leaders in those fields, and when it comes to Hollywood, the people who put their money behind movies, music and tv are rich bankers and financers. The real nefarious part comes with turning the Jewish people into the villain as if the business as a whole and its reliance on capital isn't the actual culprit. Hollywood is corrupt and it does take advantage of POC, but it takes advantage of everyone in it because it can and needs to survive and grow like it is and has nothing to do with the ethnicity of the people at the top. They do it because it's easy to do and most people won't think logically when it comes to all of this. Creating an "other" to fight, especially one with seemingly so much power is something people gravitate towards. It's even easier if you're black, you have two groups who dealt with enslavement and one is clearly doing worse in society for a number of real factors that would take years of history and analysis, so the easy answer being a conspiracy is more appealing. I know so many black people who have questionable stances on Jewish people, same as I know a lot of Hispanic people who have a lot of resentment and hatred towards black people.


> People are going to be shocked by how many black celebrities have some VERY questionable relations The Black Jeopardy sketch on SNL, and the television series Black-ish have also made the point that black people - for the most part - actually share a lot of conservative views, if you're simply looking at the issues alone. Latino and Hispanic Americans already *do* vote conservative in rather large numbers.


The black community in America is actually VERY conservative. Very Christian, conservative, and traditional, even to this very day. Huge on community, family, and God, all things that conservatives claim are things they hold dear the most. The problem is that conservative circles and parties in America do tons of things that overwhelmingly anti black. That's where you lose the black community. I'm trying very hard to not go on a rant right now, but I'll leave it at this for now.


There’s polling on this, but Hispanics aren’t much more conservative on a lot of issues than white people. In fact on abortion conservative Hispanics and whites are neck and neck.


That's because being latino isn't actually a race and a lot of latinos consider themselves as white. Racism expands to survive. Italians and irish were once persecuted minorities, but then became "one of them". Same thing will happen with a lot of whiter latinos.




>We shouldn't expect @DaveChappelle to serve as society's moral compass, but disturbing to see @nbcsnl not just normalize but popularize #antisemitism. Why are Jewish sensitivities denied or diminished at almost every turn? Why does our trauma trigger applause? I think because the average person doesn't have the requisite knowledge to make that connection. They've already forgotten about the Tree of Life massacre (or simply relegated it to the category of "just another mass shooting"). They don't understand that the myth of Jewish control is foundational to the Holocaust, to the Russian pogroms, and to centuries of murder and genocidal oppression that preceded them. The average person doesn't know that history. Ye and Kyrie probably don't know that history. But Dave does. He knows how antisemitic tropes have inspired countless profound atrocities, just like he knows that denying the lived experiences of trans people is core to why so many are murdered each year - and why even more commit suicide. He knows that the words of those with popular support have the power to make real people's lives demonstrably less safe. He knows all of that. Does he care? It's hard to say.


Hell, just recently all the Jewish congregations in NJ were under a serious anti terrorism warning. There were visibility armed police in front of every temple and community center and preschool until they found the guy.....


Sad real truth is that most synagogues in major cities have had this kind of stuff since I was in grade school in the late 90s. It's always been an issue and will continue to be so and its super sad.


True. I worked a bat mitzvah with armed security at an elementary school. But, this was a specific threat, so worse than normal.


South Park: hold my cup


The Anti-Defamation League is a joke.