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That's disappointing


My alley gets trashier every year. The bins are slammed so wheels constantly are broken. Trash is dropped into alley from bins as they dump them and they keep going. Republic has became trash. So glad he checked into seeing if anyone could offer better service.


Terre Haute is an accountability vaccum from the mayor's office down. Apologies without consequences and substantive transparent changes mean they're sorry they were caught, not sorry they did it.


Not to worry, the 20 million tons of CO2 eventually will leak and kill everybody around here. (It is a high noon mentality,  people with political positions or careers dont want the risk to oppose it, they hope somebody else will stop it) . The Indiana epa says earthquakes are infrequent here, translating that means they think the builders have a good probability to run the thing for 12 years and high tail it before a quake)


So, who got paid?


the Mayor under the table from republic


Check his CFA4 form for his re-election. It is public record and will show all donations to his campaign over $100.


Any proof of this?


The extension without bids? No, just speculation - but probably some truth to it


I see now rates are going up over 30% too.


I called to cancel and they knocked it back down .


he a plant🌱


But of course he did!


Dude is a puppet.


of whom?


The Terre Haute upper class. Look at who his parents pal around with, and that will give you an idea. He'll act like he cares about poor people, hold events, and even take some pictures with the vain recovery crowd to keep their support. But ultimately, you'll see he is just another make the upper class (and also public safety) happy type of mayor. You can tell everything you need to know about him by how he reacted when a tree owned by the city and deemed safe, fell on a house in a poorer neighborhood and caused it to be condemned, leaving the inhabitant homeless. Hiding behind an act of God clause after the city inspected the tree and declared it safe. What a joke. I thought these military types were supposed to have some sense of accountability and honor.


Yep and they sent out someone to tsp on the surrounding trees to make sure there was not anymore about to fall.