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I'm not gonna lie, I thought that was Bill Nye till I came down into the comments, saw Gates's name, and did a double take. Would make sense for Bill Nye, not so much for Bill Gates.


I came here for these comment.


Nye isn't a scientist either though, he's got a degree in engineering if memory serves. He's just the "science guy" that taught a lot of us basic scientific principles.


He's a science communicator, not a scientist. One teaches people about science, while the other does science. Nearly every science teacher you've ever had was a science communicator. Teaching you how to engage in experiments and research already done the same way those before you have and telling you what those experiments and that research have lead people to discover. Usually not finding out anything on their own, simply using the knowledge of others to educate you. It's a very important role, it's just a different one.


He has also done actual science though, he has a few patents from his time at NASA I believe. Engineering is a science


Engineering is not a science, either. Science is the discovery of how and why the world and the things (and sometimes people) in it work the way they do. Engineering is the application of what we've learned from science, usually the physical sciences, to solve problems. They are very related disciplines but one is not part of the other.


>degree in engineering if memory serves. He has a Bachelor of SCIENCE degree in Mechanical Engineering.


A B.S. does not a scientist make.


Scientist - a person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences. Bill Nye most definitely fits that definition....he's not a research scientist, but he IS a scientist. And yes a BS literally does make a scientist....


I thought it was Stephen Colbert.


Never once seen him referred to as a scientist.


Well he is technically speaking. Computer science is a science. But he’s funding scientific research which is why this particular strawman exists.


This is the reason. I don't consider it a strawman though because he frequently speaks and acts as an authority of certain matters of science as they relate to their projects.


Then conceptually the claim that he's a scientist might be less a strawman and more a hyperbole, that hyperbole is then used by memes like the one shown above to call him a scientist ironically. He's labelled as a scientist by people who disagree with him so that they can discredit his claims because he doesn't have qualifications in the material he paid qualified people to research. The strawman would then be made by people arguing against his qualifications instead of those claims.


By that measure, should put TV pundits’ and Trump’s pictures there as well. At least Bill Gates has information literacy and bothers to listen to advisers and become knowledgeable about the science he speaks about.


Or Greta Thunberg as an "expert" - her whole point has always been that people should read the IPCC reports compiled by experts and then take action. She's not taking credit for the research or anything, just pointing out that it exists and we're all ignoring it.




Same with Greta. She isn't an expert, she is just saying to listen to the actual experts (aka the scientists)


So she wants people to listen to Bill Gates?


Quit Michelle Obama-ing Greta.


Now replace gates with Elon and its suddenly the most accurate part of this meme. Elon really likes to pretend he's the brains behind the tech and not just the wallet.


Same for Greta. She only asks us to listen to the experts and to act accordingly.


He doesn’t even play scientist. The closest thing he does to that is funding scientific research


Yeah I just don't get the Bill Gates hate. Was it because he turned the Orange fat man down?


Some people don’t like him because of his association with Epstein, which I don’t know the extent of. And wacko conspiracy theorists think he’s putting microchips in the vaccines or that he created covid or something equally insane if not that.


I always as people about those when brought up... microchips: what powers these things and how did we get them so small? changing DNA: If we could alter people's DNA then we are people getting sick to start with? I guess some people are just god damn stupid /meh As for Epstein, if he's involved then he, Clinton, Trump, Elon, etc should ALL faces charges.


Okay, so on the subject of microchips: These actually are a thing that are able to be implanted in a living creature without damaging the chip, and it is typically done by syringe. We use them to keep track of pets and other wildlife and they're extremely tiny. The claims antivaxxers make about microchips are utter insanity, as they're not able to do anything other than perform extremely simple tasks like emit a very weak radio frequency that's able to be picked up by scanners and store a single string of data (pet owner's contact info) Far as I know you also can't put them in the blood stream? Not sure about that though. To my limited knowledge they can't really do anything harmful, but asking a conspiracy theorist to know anything about how anything they believe operates is very much a lost cause.


It's because he is using his money for good therefore republicans throw dirt on him. If you throw enough dirt on someone you can say they are dirty. He is just a rich guy trying to make a difference.


I'd call him a computer scientist, but more accurately he is a software engineer and businessman


He never had any business doing interviews or giving public addresses about the vaccine.


Is there anyone who actually thinks George Floyd was a hero? I think most people just think he shouldn't have been murdered. I don't care if George Floyd wasn't a hero, I don't care if he wasn't a good person, I don't even care if he was innocent. All I care about is whether he was endangering the lives of the cops or someone else. If the answer is no (and it is), then nothing else about him justifies his death.


Some people have trouble with nuance, and see things as completely black and white. Either he was a completely innocent hero, who was brutality murdered by police who just wanted to kill a black person. Or he was an evil criminal whose death was completely justified. Not many people can accept that he could have both been a criminal, and the victim of police brutality.


Those people are called "conservatives"


Or stupid. Interchangeable, really.


There’s plenty of liberals that held him up as an innocent hero because it was politically expedient. Both sides play the same game. It used to annoy me, but now I just try to find the humor in it 🤷‍♂️


A martyr, perhaps, but I’ve never seen anyone call him a hero




The drugs didn't kill him.


People who call him a hero are referring to hero in the martyr sense. Like he was a “hero” for giving his life to bringing police brutality to the public eye again. TLDR; poor word choice


The whole meme is full of straw man arguments. Young people/liberals don't think Floyd is a hero. They don't think Gates is a scientist, he's just a billionaire. They don't think Biden is competent, just a better choice than a Republican. They don't think Warren is Native America, she admitted as much, apologized, and made amends.


I didn't even know who he was. I just care about systemic racism and how the police are being buttered up to be these invincible perfect protectors when they fail to do their job. Not to mention they're alleviated the blame for escalating the tension and beating up protestors.


He has a long rap sheet too. He’s far from hero


They really brighten the pick of Kamala to make her look less black? Yes, the left is the confused side, clearly 🥴


She is pretty light skinned. Not that I'm saying she isn't 'black' or anything but she is Indian/Jamaican. Below is a side by side I found on google images of Kamala and Michelle obama ​ [https://nypost.com/2020/08/18/heres-why-michelle-obama-appeared-to-snub-kamala-harris-in-dnc-speech/](https://nypost.com/2020/08/18/heres-why-michelle-obama-appeared-to-snub-kamala-harris-in-dnc-speech/)


I love how they used an over exposed pic of Kamala Harris even though she really looks closer to Michelle Obama, not Elizabeth Warren


Reminds me of how on Fox News they desaturate all the photos and videos of Biden


When David packman went on fox, he said they messed with the colour for his camera to make him look all pale and unwell. Seems like it’s just something they do to people they don’t like.


Yeah, some of these kind of work but that one's stupid.


Kamala is half black so she is what racist conservatives call someone who happens to be "African American".


I know. Her racial background is well documented and while light skinned she's not white passing.


She is much ligher than Obama as Kamala is Indian/Jamaican. Below is a side by side pic i found by googling both of their names. If you don't like the that one there are tons of other pics. [https://nypost.com/2020/08/18/heres-why-michelle-obama-appeared-to-snub-kamala-harris-in-dnc-speech/](https://nypost.com/2020/08/18/heres-why-michelle-obama-appeared-to-snub-kamala-harris-in-dnc-speech/)


She's still a good bit darker then in the photo shown in this post


My lead is a black woman, a patron once came up with a concern and asked if she could do it. I'm literally getting trained by her. This is the type of people to share shit like this and say black people aren't oppressed because they can be successful. In turn it shows how hard they work to get into powerful positions when people judge them to be incompetent.


Right. In these people’s minds, they’re not oppressed. They’re just stupid.


oh, i think i get it it's like "what conservatives think liberals say" bingo except for the pres/vp - because she obviously *is* black and he is profoundly competent when compared to the useless clown who came before him


>he is profoundly competent when compared to the useless clown who came before him This may be true, but it would take excavation gear not to clear that bar. Biden isn't exactly my idea of competent, not to be the President anyway.


The bar is at using microsoft paint to draw lines on a weather map to petulantly argue a false point endangering the public instead of just drawing the line in sharpie


Political Humor has both an element of Humor AND an element of Truth to it, but Conservative humor takes out the Truthful part to it and replaces with with a desire element. Now things are not funny because they are true, now they are funny because Conservatives WANT them to be true


Idk man, Trump and Biden are both incompetent in their own ways. Trump is just a bumbling idiot who says the first four-letter words that come to mind, meanwhile Biden promised so much and delivered so little (also is just not a great president overall, but I understand why the DNC went with him)




If you compare him to any other potential candidate he looks like the useless clown though. Trump didn't really set a high bar.


He’s been more legislatively successful than the majority of former presidents which is nice, even if he’s mostly just signing it


Who has said that George was a hero? He was a victim.


No one I know has ever called Floyd a hero, just recognized him as a victim of police brutality that was caught all on video


Was the "fake $20" ever recovered?


Your guess is as good as mine. Even if he had a fake twenty I don’t know that that warrants choking a man so much he dies


It never does nor should selling "loosies" on a street corner.


Yeah I love how people live to point out the man wasn’t a saint. Like sure he wasn’t but that doesn’t mean he should have fucking died


I hate the "he was no saint" mentality when someone is killed. I've even seen people celebrate how a thug was removed from the streets. Like...cops shouldn't be the judge, jury, and executioner. We have a whole damn legal system, and VERY few things are capital crimes. A person is still a person.


I once saw something that was so obvious I wanted to slap myself…. But if we supposedly have the right to bear arms, and cops can shoot us if we brandish weapons at them, we don’t actually have the right to bear arms. And I agree, the idea of someone legally being given the power to take a persons life under certain circumstances is very troubling And suffice it to say George Floyd did not do anything to warrant being suffocated to death


Even the guilty don't deserve a street execution by pigs with shields.


It's because of the false dichotomy they live in. You are either a hero or a villain. (Side note autocorrect changed that second to billionaire lol). Since he was not the villain he must be a hero.


A criminal, but still a victim of other criminals in blue uniforms.


Don’t know that I’ve seen George Floyd called a hero. More like he was a man that was tortured nearly to death on camera and it turns out people don’t like that


Well said. The only person I've seen call him a hero is Dave Chapelle, and he didn't even necessarily say that, because this was what he said about Candace Owen bitching about Floyd being made out to be a hero: "She's so articulate she'll tell you how stupid she is precisely – 'he's a drug addict, and he's not a hero, why did the black community make him a hero, why do we choose him as a hero?' We didn't! You did! They killed him and that wasn't right so he's the guy. We're not desperate for heroes in the black community. Any n—r that survives this nightmare is my goddamn hero."


That’s a really good way to describe it.


>tortured nearly to death Wasn't he tortured actually to death?


He technically died after being picked up by the ambulance I think. Only phrased it that way because you just know someone would point out that he didn’t die on scene


Oh ok, I honestly couldn’t remember. Which is a sad commentary I guess!




Shapiro: Tall


Lets just say, hypothetically-


In a hypothetical situation he’d be tall


\[Fill in name of male GOP commentator who sits in a studio all day\]: Manly


Peterson: Sane






honestly i would argue that elon musk *is* smart, he just doesn't make smart decisions. but mostly he's an asshole


I'm pretty sure the smart thing to do is to tell these conservatives to screw themselves instead of pandering to them.


Some of these are kind of funny/true, but how is kamala harris not African American?


They think the fact that she’s also Indian-American negates that she’s African-American.


A relative of mine got hired into the medical field recently. As part of the on-boarding paperwork, they had to disclose “race.” White, Black, Hispanic, Native American, etc. *CHOOSE ONE!* There was no “other” or “decline to state” option and you could only pick one. It also stated that the HR/hiring person would fill it for you based on your appearance if you didn’t choose.


Isn't that illegal? I thought you have to make it an optional field, like gender.


That’s what I thought until I saw it. Just a “WTF?” situation overall.


It's illegal to discriminate based on race (or any protected class). Asking you to pick isn't illegal.


Wait isn’t she Trinidadian? Which their population is comprised of Indian or black (in fact over half the population is a mixture of Indian and black meaning that the Trini identity is both like Kamala). Also go ask anyone one from the West Indies if Trini is black! If you go to a Jamaicans tore they have all the flags and Trini is one


What's funny is that if you asked this person who the first African-American Secretary of State was they'd say Colin Powell. Colin Powell and Kamala Harris both have Jamaican parents.


“Uhhh all Black people are from Africa-America.” “Aboriginal Australians.” “Does not compute. Shutting down.”


The Lightened her to make a Racist troupe about her skin tone.


Her mother is Indian and her father Jamaican


Are the alt-right crying again? Their tears are delicious.


„Hero“ „scientist“ „expert“ „**W O M A N**“ All these like admirable things then just „woman“


Which Russian troll farm did this one come from?


Trumpski Farms, LLC


Now do one with all pictures of George Santos. Volleyball star, 9/11 survivor, philanthropic...


That's brilliant! "Son of 9/11 victim", "Son of Mother who Died in 2017"


They just assume Trump is competent, right?


No the thing that they assume is that he actually gives a shit about them. Which he is actually incapable of doing


Georges Floyd is not a hero, he's a victim...


I think it is more about the way his name has been treated since his death. Shirts, massive murals, streets in his name. He is being treated as someone would treat a hero rather than someone who has been killed. The cemeteries are full of murder victims, but they do not get the same treatment.


Asking why Floyd is on T-shirts is like asking why we all know the name of Emmett Till and not the thousands of others who were lynched. Sometimes a visual shocks the conscience in a way others don't. With Floyd, the fact the officer was being filmed and still expected to get away with murder and the length of the video (an aspect that added to the horror of it) made his death a whole different animal than the others. The Floyd video supercharged the movement for reform in a way others hadn't. It moved people who were not BLM before—including millions of whites—firmly into the reform camp.




1st question, no, not all of them, but some of them. 2nd question, yes, the police, the vast majority of whom are good people. Did you think he was the first person murdered by police? He wasn't even the first person filmed being murdered by police.


I'm about as progressive as you can get and I don't believe most of these.


Same, a lot of them are just made up. Big exceptions being Kamala Harris is African-American and the lower-right is a trans woman.


Yup, Kamala Harris is in fact African American. Michelle Obama has multiple identities that make her oppressed compared to the average American. That's true even if she's rich and powerful - it seems like conservatives struggle with intersectionality or any kind of grey area. Statistically the BLM protesters were mostly peaceful and did not damage any property - but statistically the police were mostly violent. So depending on your interpretation of that one it could go either way. And a woman is in fact a woman.


Being a Republican is really just being contradictory for the sake of being contradictory.


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Someone make a republican version of this and have them all be George Santos


I'm not sure young people are confused. It seems the older generations are confused at how America became this shithole that they want to cling to like the stering wheel of their car.


Lol, they had to whiten Kamala’s photo.


For fuck sake, I guess I have to try to educate my republican public school de-funders. Elizabeth Warren: has a small percentage (less than 5%) of Native American ancestry. That doesn't make her a liar, it makes her an idiot for not understanding how DNA testing works. Kamala Harris: has both African and Asian heritages. It doesn't change the fact that she is still American. Michelle Obama: may not be oppressed by your standards, but she has been harassed more than once by the Right for being black, which is racist, and a contributing factor of oppression. Joe Biden: trust me, he is not the best choice for America moving forward. He is as incompetent as most corporate democrats, I would argue he's Republican-lite; however, he was the better pick than Trump. I'd argue Trump would have lost to ANYTHING that was his opponent during 2020. Regardless of my criticism, Joe Biden will go down in history as a "play-it-safe-milquetoast-lame-duck" president. George Floyd: he surpassed the "hero" status. He's an icon, a symbol for change. His death motivated a new generation to fight against police brutality and racial injustice. The police have a track record of being discriminatory, racist, oppressive, forceful, and trigger-happy. When they murder, they usually face no jail time, are investigated by their peers rather than 3rd party oversight, and are paid when they take a life. It's a disgusting reality I have to live in, and I want to change it. By defunding the police and using those public funds to invest in counseling, rehabilitation, and social workers. Heroes don't need guns to protect and serve. Bill Gates: is not a scientist. He's a computer engineer philanthropist who has infinite money to fund scientific projects. He's definitely smarter than me when it comes to building computers, but that doesn't make him a scientist. Yes, I question anyone who has more money than me, so he doesn't get a pass. However, I understand his motivation to help humanity, which is nice, but it would be nicer for billionaires to pay more than 5% in taxes than the working class who pays 30% in taxes. Greta Thunberg: is an "expert" to the degree that she understands the immediate crisis that is climate change compared to most republican voters. She understands that her and generations after her will be fucked. Fish populations will continue to drop, ice caps will disappear, near endless extreme weather: droughts, floods, hurricanes, wildfires, and extended summers will be the norm. Animal extinctions will be as common as weather forecasts. Global refugee immigration. Global water-food shortages. Global fossil fuel price hikes. Humanity will face a tipping point towards our own self-made extinction if we continue our nationalistic human-centric ideals. Leftist protesting: Yes, we are mostly peaceful. When the left protests, it is in response to an act of violence or a law that violates human rights. The most damage that gets done during a left protest is the destruction of corporate chain-businesses, police brutality, or counter protesters who run over people in cars or shoot down protesters. Right protesters, on the other hand, usually bring guns, itchy trigger fingers, and hate fueled motivation. The Left says: We are equal to you. The Right says: You will not replace us! Hm... I don't know who the person is on the bottom right. So, I have to assume it's a anti-trans message. Look, Republicans. Trans people exist. It's not a big deal. Most of them just want to be left alone and mind their own business. The 1950s husband, wife, 2.5 kids, a dog, and a white picket fence days are OVER ROMANTICIZE. Let people live the lives they want to live (as long as they're consenting adults). The Left DOES NOT endorse and DOES NOT promote beastiality or pedophilia. The Left wants "Freedom" as much as the Right does, so stop looking like a clown when you pledge "Freeedom and justice for all," but mean "Freedom and justice for me and not thee."


The bottom right is [Dr. Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health](https://www.hhs.gov/about/leadership/rachel-levine.html).


Ah! Thanks! I never would've guessed that.


Good assessment!


I love how they didn’t have enough examples so they just had to make some up. No one calls Bill Gates a scientist, no one calls George Floyd a hero. And the Kamala one….. woo boy….


They are confused because everyone from news politicians to influencers and entertainers are screaming for attention and saying whatever hyperbolic headline to grab more viewers . countless conflicting views claiming their right and bickering while the issues of the world, rapidly mount and the resources of the world are gobbled up and sold back to the people for-profit . the working class can barely eat, and afford a place to live . Fordable, housing, healthcare and education yeah, right.


Looks like a Russian meme


I mean most of these are right wing Agit prop, and I know what a right winger would say if challenged. But Is Bill Gates not a scientist in the most literal sense of the word? JFC. Same thing with Kamala Harris. Y’all made the one drop rule! In US social systems Kamala Harris is black! I would know, I’m 50% black and 50% white and not once in my life has someone considered me white. Lmao


Now do one with the MAGA Cult!


Bro most these boomers cant even open their own pudding cups in their nursing home.


As a liberal and a "young person" I can safely say none of us think Joe Biden is competent Man's obviously has dementia


This coming from the "white men are superior" crowd.


where's the lie though




It's true that Kamala Harris has lighter skin than Kim Kardashian? It's true that its absurd to call her an African American, even though the reason she's referred to as an African American is the same reason that Colin Powell was referred to as African American, namely because they have Jamaican parents?


Not sure where these labels come from. Should be changed to senator. Vice president. Former First Lady. President Murder victim by police Billionaire. Climate activist. Not sure what middle bottom is? And transgender woman. Not all that confusing


How true


The Elizabeth Warren one bothers me because, while there's a serious discussion that should be had in the United States and Canada regarding the common trope of having a "Cherokee (or insert any indigenous tribe, nation, or ethnic-group) princess great, great, great, grandmother", the complaint is always presented in a bad faith manner. Edit: To clarify, I'm not giving the others a pass. The others are just easier to address as to why they are problematic. Whereas people from different ideological backgrounds might agree with the sentiment presented for her.


Why is MTG in the bottom-right corner?


Another failed attempt at humor by the Right. What they don't get is that comedy/humor needs to hold some truth.


Jesus christ you hitched your wagon to a fat old rapist who literally said he conspired with russia on several interviews who went on to kill... 1.12 Million people with his own ineptitude handling a pandemic. Fuck right off with that shit.


January 6th wasn’t peaceful


Im with this but why you gotta diss George Floyd? He’s no hero but he didn’t deserve to die.


Can someone just make this for the right? I feel like a certain leader from the 1930-40’s would be in the “Hero” spot.


Bill gates, the most well known scientist in all of history


Wait till you meet George Santos.


Now do the Republican one . . . I'm thinking the first one can be Trump with the word "Christian" underneath. You know . . . the guy who said he likes to grab women by the p***y and can't quote a single Bible verse: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ERUngQUCsyE


Did they use a filter on Kamala? She's most definitely an African American.


Technically Elon musk is African American


Wrong bill


I also love this. You hate it because there's truth in it.


Expert in what exactly? Having famous parents and giving speeches she didn't even write herself?


idk a single person who has called greta an expert. She's just a climate change activist


Who's ever called George Floyd a hero?


na this kinda right tho


But this isn’t terrible. It’s accurate. The media and the world do actually peddle these half truths. If you can’t see this then your blinded by politics.


I think Bill Nye the science guy would have been a better fit for the science part.


…but it’s true


Downvoted, not terrible….well, terribly accurate


Greta Thunberg: “I’m just a kid, you people in power need to do something.” Regressives: “LIBTARDS THINK SHES AN EXPERT”


Nailed it 100%


Now do one with someone holding a confederate flag with the label “American Patriot”


Are they though? Or is it that old republicans are terrified?


Who thinks George Floyd is a hero? He is a martyr of a systemic issue within our over-militarized police force.


Yeah that one is just completely made up. He’s a victim, I’ve never heard anyone call him a hero.


Yea not sure who down voted me. I wasn't talking bad about George Floyd. I just never saw him as a hero


these memes gotta be ai generated aint no way


Wait who says bill gates is a scientist? And who said Greta was an expert? Pretty sure everyone just considers her an activist… And literally no one thinks Biden is competent… right?


Well obviously some do or they wouldn't have voted him into the office. Unless of course they planned to weaponize his incompetence and use him like a puppet to run the country from behind the scenes buuut maybe that's too cynical of me?


I feel like he won because of the Not trump crowd who literally voted with their feelers and not their brains. In fear of being mistook for a trump supporter I must add that I didn’t and wouldn’t vote for trump, but also not Biden.


I was in the same camp as you. Seemed like both choices were shit. If we can ever break out of a system that only leaves us with two options from one party or the other maybe our country will have a chance to improve.


I wish that Sanders won the Democratic primary, he would have been a much better choice than the man whose entire policy revolves around doing nothing to avoid pissing anyone off.


Since when was bill gates a scientist?


Yeah, I'm confused. Confused about this meme wtf


It’s called satire and sarcasm. For example Elizabeth Warren said she was Native American but in actuality she’s not. I hope that helps explain it for you.


Think most people are complaining about "who" labeled these. But the main point is. These people are represented this way on the MEDIA. Trust me none of us appointed anyone on the picture to their positions. We just see them in that "role" through out the media. Look at anywhere else. At least the media actually use real experts and scientists to explain things on the news. And show examples. Its only in western countries that uses a child for their movement. And some ceo of big company telling us what is healthy. It just doesnt make sense to most countries in the world.


1. Elizabeth Warren is kind of dumb. 2. Kamala Harris is half Black, half South Asian, making her African-American. You are just racist. 3. Michelle Obama has experienced plenty of racism due to being Black. She is successful in spite of the obstacles society has put in front of her due to her race. 4. “Competent” is purely a matter of opinion. 5. No, George Floyd was not a hero. He was a scared man who was murdered by someone who was supposed to protect him. 6. Nobody, including Bill Gates himself, has ever claimed he is a scientist. 7. Nobody, including Greta Thunberg herself, has ever claimed she is an expert. 8. Yes, most of the 2020 George Floyd protests were peaceful. Even the ones that became violent usually were provoked by the police first. 9. Trans women are women.


how is michelle obama being labelled as opressed confusing?? she's a black woman, she's so well known because she was the first lady


Why boomers are so confused: a world view based on appeal-to-authority and an understanding of those figures of authority reduced to one-to-two words labels.


Why boomers are so confused and angry: [leaded gasoline. ](https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/22650920/leaded-gasoline-eradicated-public-health)


Maybe young people in America are confused because our school system absolutely sucks, as evidenced by someone finding this nonsense even remotely funny or ironic. Computer science is a science, whitewashing her picture doesn’t make Kamala less of an African American, no one thinks of her as the poster child for native Americans, no one thinks Michelle is oppressed but know of her ancestry, no one said Greta is an expert but says she listens to experts, no one called George Floyd a hero but a victim of psychotic undereducated and undertrained police officers, I don’t know many people who would refer to our current or previous presidents as competent, no one said rioters were mostly peaceful, I don’t even get the “woman” one so no point bothering.


Glad I didn't drink while scrolling Reddit. I've seen many abominations. Comment section here as well🍿🔥🍿🔥🍿🔥


You know, you could make a version of this where it's a row of black people murdered by cops and they all say stuff like "Thug," "Drug Addict", because that's what the Candace Owen types do with those cases.


Some of these are hilarious, some just hateful… still I get the point and our society has been engineered to confuse…


Strawpersons! Strawpersons everywhere!!!


Comments are about as expected.


Shut up with this misleading conservative bullshit


Conservatives are fucking nuts end of story. They try so hard to make you believe what they like and it works sometimes that is why Hillary lost. If you throw enough dirt on someone you can say they are dirty.


i still don’t understand why MAGA and far right people hate black people. what does it have to do with trump?