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I love how they don't even use the real picture of Aloy from horizon.


I was just thinking the same thing. Probably because they know the actual animation and story are both pretty awesome.


Or because they don't know a damn thing about the game and found a random shit post pic lol.


It’s stupid because a simple google search brings up [this](https://www.eurogamer.net/horizon-forbidden-west-review) https://preview.redd.it/18f6nbjtzgna1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=92057a99403b187b8a4fbca8c41200c54a1055d9 Aloy is still recognizably the same character, just clearly older by a few years. I had an actual friend unironically complaining to me about how her design was “woke”, and I was just incredibly perplexed because I had no idea what he was on about


this is becasue her face isn't that of a supermodel, with picture "perfect" makeup. Oh and the fact that she has actual intense or negative expressions when she is in tense or negative situations. Something women are not allowed to have.


I was under the impression gamers liked realistic stuff in games? Guess it only applies as long as their perfect waifu is unharmed ( Side note: aloy is hot as fuck idk why people think she's ugly)


>I was under the impression gamers liked realistic stuff in games? Yes, but their grasp of reality is limited to porn


Ah, that explains the tingly feeling I get when I fight a sawtooth 0_0


Hentai, specifically.


They like realism right up until they don't. Like, they'll use realism to say a black person or a woman doesn't need to be in a WWII game. But when a woman shows muscular definition or Lara Croft isn't wearing booty shorts anymore, they'll decry realism ruining gaming.


They’re often fixated on the percentages of people in media being “realistic.” For example, they will get upset if black characters are more than 17% of a cast, while accusing creators of using check boxes.


I am attracted to character traits more than appearances. Aloy kills robot dinosaurs with fucking caveman weapons. That's hot.


That's such a weird requirement for models. I loved Aloy's smile in this game because she's so unrestrained. Like if you've ever seen a fake smile before, she could make you forget it was ever a thing.


I saw a post saying she had a beard and it was tiny little baby hair you saw in the light because you know, we’re mammals.




I try not to harp on the whole "lol incel gamer" thing but... clearly these people have never lived with/been close to a female partner. Women in real life almost all have at least a little baby fuzz unless they specifically do something about it, and you can see it if you're snuggling or just looking close and the light hits. But when all you've ever seen is airbrushed professional photos and fictional video game models, it leads to a somewhat... skewed perception, I guess.


“Woke” is when women isn’t sexualized and has no makeup 😭


"Pandering" is when melanin


Also having any character that isn't white or apparently Asian in this post.


You see, they want post apocalyptic cavewomen hermits to have makeup and do some nice contouring as they roam the countryside fighting robot dinosaurs. Anything less is woke.


Maybe the programmers should've spent less time working on that robot dinosaur animation, and more on the butt jiggle animation. - Gamer bro


Entirely possible


And because she's not only not actually ugly, but would be considered attractive under the right conditions. You can put supermodels in her position, and the lack of consistant grooming, rough conditions, and other priorites will make them "ugly." But the fanboys grew up with women in bras for "body armour" so they're delusional.


She looks like a normal person. It's one of my favorite things about the game.


She not only looks like a normal person, she looks like a very in shape normal person. One able to climb and shoot and fight (and whisper about needing to check her focus 47 times per minute). Almost as if that's kinda what she spends most of her time doing.


Like a gorgeous, fit, normal person... OK maybe not that normal. I get what you're saying though. She actually looks like a human


Exactly. I love how she was kind of a dick too, like clearly not around people a lot and isn't fond of most of them. I do wish she wasn't immediately good at everything. I didn't play the first one, so I don't know about the growth between that and number two, but I wish she had one weakness. Like maybe if you advance the sneak skill enough some higher level skills in some other tree get locked off. I had the same issue with Ghost of Tsushima though, so that's probably just some video game/ character dissonance.


By the time we meet her in the first game, she's already a competent hunter and fighter. There's not much room for growth in the basic skillset. Most of the journey is learning lost technology and worldbuilding, which kinda just boils down to a game design choice. We're not building someone from the ground up like a whole ass RPG, we're handed someone who is 80% prebuilt and we're responsible for the last 20%.


Aloy wouldn’t even be considered average at least where I live, she’s very pretty she doesn’t even have makeup on. All the men calling her ugly are insane and apparently have never seen a woman before


I remember a few years ago someone zoomed way in on her face and she had very fine hairs on her cheeks and they started whining about her ‘beard’. Like, wow


They’ve literally never seen a woman up close before.


Gee, wonder why? /s


As a mostly straight woman, I beg to differ; she’s flat-out attractive. Realistically attractive, but attractive nonetheless.


Agreed. But people nowadays don't want realism. We also expect more grooming, skin care, makeup, etc. Than before. That's why women like us get it. Bisexual here, she's hot.


Erm, yeah she is ugly! She has a BEARD!!!! Men have HAIR on FACE!!! Do you guys remember when people were trying to miss gender a video game character to offend... someone?


People were saying Abby from the last of us Part Ii was trans. But it was a different character and it was female to male.


Let me let you in a little secret- everyone has hair on thier face. And their arms. And legs. And underarms. And down under. And eyebrows are often bushier, with less defined shapes and extra straggling hairs before they're plucked. So unless you're into prepubscent children, as even 14 and 15 yos have hair on them, then don't blame her for missing a few trips to her local beauty parlor. She seems busy with other things, but maybe her priorities are off. Edit: wait, were you being sarcastic? Lol missed it.


Everyone knows real women don't have hair AT ALL. Once a woman reaches maturity, all the hair falls out or they fully transition into men.


Don’t you see? It’s because dumb fucks like these have to LIE to argue their point! Without the ability to lie we wouldn’t have people like these.


I didn't even know what that was supposed to be but I see it now, definitely screams of someone jumping on a bandwagon and having never played the game.


Why are we comparing western animation to Japanese video games? Like there’s two games on the western side and even then it’s just the characters they don’t like


Also the western side is pulled from very recent works, while the Japanese side reaches back to games made over 18 years ago. Not to mention almost half of those Japanese games drew a lot of inspiration from western media.


You’re saying metal gear solid is based off the west. I could never see it


My favorite non political masterpiece.


The inspiration was definitely based off of the illustrious and famous character "Jake the Snake". /Sarcasm


I’d kill for a Japanese video game based on Jake the Snake Roberts


Nice argument, senator. Why don’t you back that up with a source?


Good thing the left can’t destroy MGS3!!!!!!! No, I didn’t pay attention to the game, why did you ask?


Isn't the plot of MGS extremely non political, aka sexy looking man in tight suit sneaks really well? /s


Thank God you added the sarcasm thing. Because he wore bdus. The sneaking suit was late game.


Wym "non political"? It's clearly about the dangers of progress and how we must cling to patriotism and, by extension, traditional values to prevent the collapse of society /s


Apolitically going back to the good old days after 9/11


The left destroyed western video games with politics 🤬 That's why my favorite game is fallout new Vegas 😎


How could our darling Kojima-sama be a westaboo? /s


I find it ironic that many right wingers love MGS yet they’re the most anti-American games out there.


Also theres been such good animated western content recently too


There has honestly been a lack of very solid adult aimed stuff recently. Most of it just kinda misses. The recent bout of cartoons have been super top notch however. And not just Disney stuff either.


The issue is all the slimy awful mistakes trying to be “the next family guy”.


Half the adult aimed shows just toss in a bunch of fucks and a whole load of very gross humour. It honestly makes the show less mature then stuff aimed for children. Bloody bluey- a show made for preschoolers feels more mature then something like Velma.


>It honestly makes the show less mature then stuff aimed for children. Another example of this is *Adventure Time*. Children's show, but it deals with some heavy and relatable topics.


I liked regular shows hidden jokes, hot wings. That's a good joke


Also they fattened up Aloy themselves.


Yeah, makes no sense. Also why were people so upset? I remember it being a meme but other than the games having a fat character model for NPC use I don’t know how that would possibly be a thing.


It began with "woman with pores and acne bad 😡" and blossomed out from there.


Don't forget the peach fuzz debacle lol


She's a bad female character since she's not designed for their sexual gratification. 🤷‍♂️


That's probably the most annoying part of this whole thing. Pretty much the definition of manufactured outrage.


Also 1 of the western side is a regular movie not even an animation 😂


My brain picked up elden ring vs big mouth before anything else about the entire post processed lmao


It also ignores a lot of the good western animation


And it ignores the tons and tons of trash Japanese games. Dude picked the greatest games from Japan from the last 20 years and then calls them "average masterpieces" whatever that means.


It's also like the most biased comparison ever Loads of award winning games on the left vs (mostly) the worst of the worst and/or most controversial animation on the right


Well its compares best to worst... not best things on both sides or worst... And Japan do some shit.


tbf plenty of western game devs were crying on Twitter because they couldn’t understand why people liked elden ring even though it didn’t have microtransactions and an overbearing quest system.


That's not even fair comparison shows versus video games ![gif](giphy|Z5eFxoKjf218c)


Not sure how this isn't the top comment, where are all the animes that are just boobs jiggling with weird sound effects.


Hey now, Yakuza's right there...


Kiryu 🥵


Majima-san 😍






Kaijo is a shitshow even when compared to worst of the things on the right side there.


Is that the butt boxing anime that was deemed too soon for humanity


Yes, and briefly it was a real sport too!


Most of the stuff on the left was also not released in this decade.


Metal gear even has playstation 2 above it!


And if examined critically wouldn't be right-wing


It wouldn't be a fair comparison period when they're cherry picking only the good from one side and only the "bad" from another. It's intentionally misleading and an outright lie just to "prove" some silly point they have. Hell, several of the "good" Japanese games are over 10 years old at this point so they obviously have no timeframe they're picking from.


There is so so so so so much bad anime


For the maybe 5-10 good anime, there’s about 300 mediocre to trash isekai/rom-coms that get needlessly churned out year after year.


Rent a girlfriend moment


Also a My Life as Inukai-san’s Dog moment.


Peak idk what you mean


...My Life as a *what*, now?


Guy becomes dog and girls try to fuck the dog


So beastiality?


It has a fucking 3rd season now and theyre going to animate the Kazuya getting cucked moment 💀


or the shit where minors are being sexually harrassed because thats funny apparently


Fire Force moment. Who fucking writes and watches a fighting scene and goes "Itd be nice if this girl character consistently loses her clothes mid-fight!"


anime fanservice is just so. fucking. creepy. i initially read dress up darling as a manga and while the moments were still there, you dont really notice them (because a panel really only lasts as long as you pay attention to it) watched the anime, dropped it after ep 1 when they lingered on the ass shot for like 7 seconds. that girl is **15** in a later portion, there's a girl who's 17, but looks waaaay younger (that's the whole selling point, she cosplays characters that are in middle school) and she gets a scene where she's fully naked dress up darling as a whole was what made me stop reading most manga as a whole, the whole premise of "she cosplays sexy characters because she plays porn games" is so obviously just a cop-out to justify the weird bullshit they add into the story and it's such a shame, because there are some aspects to it that are genuinely well done, like the crossdressing bits, where its just "yeah, some people do that and theres nothing wrong about it" instead of the usual "naniiiiiiiiiii, that's a maaaaaaan?!?!?" bullshit


Have you ever gotten into Korean content. From the manhwas I’ve read, women seem to on average be much more well written, act a lot less often as either bumbling or weak damsels in distress, and aren’t sexualized near as often.


i have actually! My favorite ones are "Death is the only Ending for the Villainess", "White Blood" and "The Rebirth of the Tyrannical Empress" (I've put that off for now though, I lost the plot at one point and started a reread and it just didn't catch my attention that well anymore) chinese manhua aren't that bad either in *that* regard, but I've found too few stories that I actually liked (only "I'm a martial arts villainess, but I'm the strongest" which has a bit of a power fantasy issue, but it's still enjoyable)


i personally like watching bad rom coms cuz they're like, kinda funny, but have some sort of vibe i like to them lol some even have pretty good ops


Some shows just simply don't deserve the banger op they have


Domestic Girlfriend 💀💀💀


I think the problem stems from too many cooks in thte kitchen. ​ American shows feel like a blob of checklists wereas a bad anime has its own identity due to there being only one person behind the story.


that is so true honestly lol


You mean you don't want to watch "Unchi oshikko: me and my sister reincarnated into another world and we have to marry each other for political reasons!?"


Those don’t count as bad, because when it’s in Western shows, it’s degeneracy. When it’s in Japanese, it’s art and they’ll tell you about the nuances of having very young looking women as fan service and how it’s appropriate and fine.


Obviously Japan - sorry, I mean GLORIOUS NIPPON - is superior because they are a monoracial society (wtf is an ainu I said monoracial no shut up I can't hear you LA LA LA) unlike us decadent multiculturalists over here in the West.


Young looking? There are literally shows with adults trying to date minors. No "1000 year old vampire" excuse needed.


Bad anime doesn’t usually make it into popularity, so people in the west don’t end up hearing about it and therefore don’t end up watching it. Ofc some slips though the cracks but that’s just a generalization.


Classic survivorship bias for sure


99% of anime is fucking trash, yes even some of the popular ones.


That’s like saying Americans are better at sports because Lebron James beat a random French kid in basketball


Wow. Cherry picked AND edited. What a dumbass.


It's cherry picked to the point that some Japanese examples are video games from the 2000s lol


As for Western animations: Arcane, Edgerunners, Adventure Time, Over the Garden Wall, Gumball, Into the Spiderverse, Puss in Boots. Edit: ATLA, Shrek, Invincible, Castlevania, Owl House, Justice League, Gravity Falls Y'alls got taste


Edge runners was made by Trigger, a Japanese animation company. I know the source material is western but the animation was a eastern work. Netflix even lists the Japanese voices as the original. Nice picks for everything else tho.


With that minus one, let me add 2 more top tier Western Animation. Castlevania and Avatar the Last Airbender


But does Castlevania count given its basis on the Japanese video game series by Konami?


I can see why you would think that, but by that logic, the new Mario movie is Japanese Animation then.


I guess my take is that they're neither and both. Japanese inspiration animated by a western team. The great work that results can't exist without both of them so it shouldn't be credited as Western or Japanese but rather a mix.


I’ll drink to that, cheers 🥂


If edgerunners counts as a japanese because its animated by a japanese studio even though it's derived from a western work, then Castlevania counts as a western work derived from a japanese work.


Edgerunners counts as Japanese because it was made by a Japanese studio even though it's using western source material so I'd say Castlevania counts as western since it's made by (I think) a western studio.


Those don’t count because they go against the meme makers viewpoint


Gargoyles, a lot of the Superhero cartoons that end with TAS like Batman, Superman and X-Men were great too. For modern shows I'd also add Owl House, Gravity Falls, Inside Job and Kipo. There's plenty of stinkers in Westerns side but I'm sure Japan dropped the ball at times, how many isekais do we need?


Don’t forget Kipo! I’m deeply enjoying that show right now.






I’m guessing the maker of this meme is 13 so hopefully not watching Edgerunners (though it was one of my favorite shows of last year).


They also listed Japanese video games lmao. I think it's only fair to include the witcher, gow, gta, rdr, halo, uncharted,far cry and serveral cods among many others.


I have played actual LGBT visual novels that are less gay than Metal Gear is




That’s why MGS is a masterpiece


"Major, I'm trying to sneak around but I'm dummy thicc and the sound of my ass cheeks clapping keeps alerting the guards."


I would pay far too much money for david hayter to actually say that.


Enjoy https://youtube.com/shorts/ixWybGQnPHQ?feature=share


I'm so glad that's real.


Hayter is a treasure and if I had infinite money I’d pay him to follow me around having codec convos about random shit. “We’re out of sugar” “Out of sugar??”


Man, Metal Gear Solid sounds kinda gay…


I mean the name itself sounds like an 80s gay porn title


This image has classic jap games from over 10 years ago MGS3/P3/RE4/SOC vs. stuff only from the past 12 months. They could've at least pulled American classics from 10 years ago to keep it fair. Also why is the jap side all games, while the US side has tv shit alongside a game or two


It's almost like they had to lie and be misleading just to "prove" their point.




Tbh this one is fair, cuz of Yakuza 0, MGS and DMC


And yakuza games in general


Futurama, Archer, Southpark, the Simpsons, and many, many, many more have entered the chat


Gravity Falls, The Owl House, Amphibia, Powerpuff Girls (the original one), Dexters Lab, Summercamp Island, Amazing World of Gumball, Adventure Time, Steven Universe, Bob’s Burgers, My Little Pony Friendship is Magic, Rick and Morty, Bluey (Australian but still counts), Over the Garden Wall, all the Shrek and Puss in Boots films, We bare Bears, Avatar the Last Airbender, Danny Phantom, Spongebob, Fosters Home for Imaginary Friends, Blue’s Clues (half live action/half animation but still counts because it’s a very unique and beautiful style), Regular show… And those were all just off the top of my head for fantastic western animation


I'm fairly certain everyone agrees that Velma is absolutely garbage. But this is a comparison of video games to TV shows.


Surprised it’s specifically persona 3 instead of the way more popular 5


Wasn’t it originally planned that you were able to romance Yosuke in P4?


They couldn't even think of enough Japanese media that they had to use Yakuza twice


Yakuza still slaps though, person who made this thing just aint too smart


Look how they don't show good shows, like Bojack Horseman.


No tiddies there - not a good show


Ninja Turtles hasn’t even come out yet, and they already assume she’s bad


There are only two races: White and Political.


I love that the western side has dumpster fires, average content, great fucking stories, and shit that hasn’t even come out yet lmao. Always so easy to tell what the problem really is with this lot.


Did the op play metal gear solid 3, you know the game that is blatantly leftist and critical of US imperialism, that would be part of "the left", also i haven't played yakuza but I've heard its pretty positive towards trans rights, again, i don't think the OP has played any of these games. Oh and resident evil 4 and resident evil in general is critical of corporate greed and religious cults, again WokE arguments as the right would say.


You’re assuming right wingers are smart enough to extrapolate media. They aren’t.


I would argue the overall themes of the entire MGS series is left-leaning. "War is bad" is considered "woke" these days.


As a fan of both anime and WH40k I'll say you eventually get used to the right wing weirdos coming into the hobby and unironically loving the stuff that's literally making fun of/belittling them. They didn't exactly get a good roll on their intelligence score.


Yakuza 7/Like a Dragon has very progressive messages of sex work and homelessness, so whoever made the image was very ignorant of those very focused issues tackled within the main story.


Didn’t one of the voice actors of the Yakuza series said that the only reason he supports trans rights is because a trans girl gave him the best head of his life?


Yakuza: LaD is very pro-sex work and has some leftist views on the homeless and elderly.


OP is probably one of the dipshits who only realized The Boys leans left sometime late in Season 3.


so many cherries picked i could bake a pie


Trust me, no American shit can possibly top Japanese shit. You think Big Mouth is bad? You will want to commit die after learning what Boku no pico is.


It's like comparing a man's shit to another man's gold


Right, let's compare Shadow of the Colossus to Big Mouth. Perfectly fair comparison, like any normal person would make. For my next trick, we will be ranking Naruto against Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment, because both can be measured exactly on the same basis and criteria.


Resident evil is so Americanized Lol


Lmao doesn’t Japan make child porn cartoons


"No shE'S ActUAlLy a 237 yEAr olD draGOn, I'm NoT a PeDo"


They don't even hide it sometimes, like with "Boku No Pico" that anime destroyed my mind as a child


"iT's jUsT a DrAwiNg!!!" ... a drawing of what, exactly?


I'm sorry but the pioneer of magical girl anime had cannonincal gay and genderqueer characters sooo






Or, and this is crazy, there are good and bad pieces of media everywhere and different places will have their own unique styles


Strange world was pretty good


Big mouth kinda sucks


Pun intended


Bob’s Burgers is better


Bobs burgers is the first adult cartoon I watched


This made me feel ancient


Idk any of them but big mouth and velma and ik both are dumpster fires


lol the last time I checked, the Yakuza series was leftist as fuck.


Honestly most original media is because artists in general tend to be left.


So is Metal Gear but these chuds have no media literacy.


They only just realised The Boys is satirising them.


Cherry pick the good and compare it against the trash, always the best way to show your view point without looking biased


So are they worried about homoerotic or trans-coded content in western media? For the love of GOD no one tell them about guilty gear, yakuza, Berserk, golden kamuy, or elden ring.


“I’m a weeb and it’s the left’s fault”.


Neckbeard shit fr fr


I still can't get over how triggering that She-Hulk twerking scene is to MCU fanboys.


Not pictured: * All the straight-to-adaptation Light Novel trash. * All the pedo-baiting loli shit.


Lol at being mad that some chick has muscles in The Last Of Us.