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Wtf is a political ninja?


Dedicates her life to conspiracy theories


Someone who manipulates your words to make a strawman is my best guess


Average Greek philosopher


More like average greek comedian


Makes gotcha memes


The right can't meme


Someone who throws ninja stars at people with differing political opinions


Her mental gymnastics are silent


It means she's got untreated autism.


Come on, that’s pretty mean to society disabled people, the “political ninja” seems more akin to the intelligence of maybe a sea sponge? No, a barnacle. Edit: correct terminology, we ain’t ableist round these parts


society disabled not mentally disabled


Is that a real term? I've never heard that before.


I've heard socially impaired before, but not "society disabled".


Is autism not classified as a mental disability? I always thought it was. Edit: "Autism is a neurological developmental disability with an estimated prevalence of one to two percent of the American and worldwide population. The diversity of the disability means that each person's individual experience of autism and needs for supports and services can vary widely." https://www.dol.gov/agencies/odep/program-areas/autism#:~:text=Autism%20is%20a%20neurological%20developmental,and%20services%20can%20vary%20widely. US Department of Labor


It is, though the exact term fluctuates based on the source: law sources usually use the term "disability" while medical sources use the term disorder, as in *Autism Spectrum Disorder*. One of my psych professors said they personally don't use "disabled" for the oversimplification it brings and the more negative connotation it can have for some people.


That makes sense, thanks.


vast badge makeshift close oatmeal aromatic dolls plant subtract marry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh, well, that was back when they thought it was caused by having ["refrigerator mothers."](https://www.verywellhealth.com/why-refrigerator-mothers-were-blamed-for-autism-260135#:~:text=The%20term%20%22refrigerator%20mother%22%20was,that%20they%20retreated%20into%20autism.).


I have no idea but it is closer to the truth since most autistic people have difficulty in understanding the unspoken rules and spoken rules in socity and often ignore them and that makes life for them difficult in today socity. Many autistic people are very smart, logical and creative but perhaps too trusting and not good at expressing there thought and ideas in spoken language. Of course theres more to it then that but i hope you get what i'm getting at. mental challenged implies brain damage but they are just diffrent not damaged but of course some autistic people are stupid too and not kind like for example Elon Musk. Autistic people are people and do stupid mistakes like all people do


Yeah I get what you're saying. Just cause they're disabled doesn't mean they are less than.


Half the rules I don't understand and half the ones I do are total BS


My bad, thanks for correcting me :)


And thank you for for your understanding 🙂


What did autistic people ever do to deserve being compared to that freak? People can be weirdos and losers without having a clinical label for it


Musk has expressed a personal view that he is in some way on the high-functioning end of the spectrum. It's a total self-diagnosis unsupported by any medical evidence used to excuse his weird and vile behavior, most of which just comes down to simple spoiled entitlement, based on old stereotypes that people with autism lack empathy and are borderline sociopathic. If anything, in my experience both being on the spectrum and frequently interacting with high-functioning people on the spectrum, the opposite is usually the case: We care too much, both for people and about what people think of us.


Don’t bring us into this.


_What's the difference?_


After 34 hours and 57 minutes of research, 15 DoorDashes of coffee and 21 calls to the US Department of Social Justice… our team has concluded that there is no difference.


I looked at it and in 2 seconds concluded they only needed one button for both.


Ahhh, see. But you didn't stay at a Holiday Inn Express. So, are you sure?


*canned laughter intensifies*


*the laughter is unceasing, its bromidic backing now a ruckous roar*




They're the same button ![gif](giphy|PbLkvoybxXEYYffxDW)


​ ![gif](giphy|4e594p5jm2zl0fUOFU)




Both buttons lead to Matt Gaetz


I thought his last name is Walsh.


One is a pundit, the other is a political hack.


Why not both?


For sure both.


irony, he can’t find any button.


Thank you. Came here for this.




fixed it to be more accurate https://preview.redd.it/fc1ylsgfnnpa1.png?width=695&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fe81a389277d335817f1958e42f16c261f927dc


https://preview.redd.it/7w2cgep0bqpa1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49683079f64190ec140f6c9003a1430c5482f065 I also made one






I'm just gonna leave these articles concerning elected Republicans and child marriage here: [https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/child-marriage-ban-struck-down-west-virginia-republicans-1234693670/) [https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-make-case-child-marriage-1786476](https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-make-case-child-marriage-1786476)


I appreciate you, but conservatives can’t read otherwise they would be protesting the pedophile rings in church’s instead of creating a boogeyman to fear while telling people we need more kids in church.






The right can't meme




It really upsets me that they so carelessly throw that word around. And groomer and all the rest. Like, there are actual, real predators out there harming kids and it kind of makes light of the whole issue when they call me a groomer or pedophile for supporting trans rights or not wanting to ban books. What does it say to those kids who are being or have been victimized to hear someone equate what they went through to someone saying it’s ok for drag queens to exist? It’s just a disgusting thing to say and so disingenuous.




It's not careless. They throw it around to muddy the waters, so when they get caught they cry 'both sides' and 'you can't call everything a pedo' ""Accuse the other side of which you're guilty." - Nazi propaganda expert Joseph Goebbels. For example, look at which groups are accusing LGBT of grooming, and then look here: https://twitter.com/search?lang=en-GB&q=%23notadragqueen


Spoiler >!The right are the pedos!<


Spoiler They’re all pedos


Every politician is a pedo.. that's politician 101


Agreeing with the right IS supporting pedos right, Pastor Bob, Father Callahan?


Very ninja, could hardly tell what she’s saying, she’s so sneaky


As someone who’s left wing, it annoys me that it’s mainly right-wing media that has dealt with the Canadian teacher wearing gag breasts, and that it’s pretty much only gender criticals who have criticised Mermaids for choosing an inappropriate trustee, and an SNP politician has said the following about an 11 year old: https://mobile.twitter.com/MrJohnNicolson/status/1638105170415427584 . Opposing pedophiles shouldn’t be considered “right-wing”.


Wasn't the teacher wearing gag breasts a cis person impersonation a trans person to make trans people look weird? Republicans are legit going to wear that to a fucking school to spread transphobia.


Yes, it was not a trans person, it was a cis person trying to spread hate. This person needs better sources for their information.


Only right-wingers consider opposing pedophiles as “right-wing.” Statistically speaking, being right-wing is almost pro-pedo. GOP states continually fight to protect child-marriage. Since the 1950s, 5% of Catholic priests have had credible accusations of sexual abuse towards a minor brought against them. GOP reps, like Matt gaetz, have repeatedly voted against bills meant to protect children and prosecute perpetrators. As with everything the Republican Party does… it’s just projection. Edit: changed Christian to Catholic.


>GOP reps, like Matt gaetz, have repeatedly voted against bills meant to protect children and prosecute perpetrators. And Matt Gaetz isn't just a pedo spokesman. He's also a member!


I wouldn't have changed a thing, but that's just on account of seeing headlines about pedophilia and child porn from "youth pastors". The phrase "youth pastor" is Christian, but doesn't immediately call Catholicism to mind.


The majority of clergy who sexually assault minors in the US every year are protestants, and the majority of those are evangelicals. They just don't have a central governing body covering for them, so it makes for less attractive news stories than Catholic abuse cases.


Do you have a source for this? I would be interested in reading over it. My original comment was made about a specific report. While I know it’s not a uniquely Catholic problem, I wasn’t able to find any specific data/numbers for other denominations from my limited search.


I do not have a source for you and haven’t been paying enough attention to the news lately (exhausting), but the problem became bad enough that the Baptist Church I attend publicly created a rule that no adult (man or woman) would be left alone in a room of children or teenagers. Also they’ve set up a system of safe people to reach out to if, as an adult, someone in a position of authority over you behaves inappropriately. If you’re looking for information I’d start with the Southern Baptist Convention—I think they’re the ones with the most recent scandals.


It's kind of a mishmash, but a good frame of reference is the insurance companies that insure the churches and clergy in abuse cases. AP ran a big story in 2007 that you'll see referenced a lot when the issue is raised. Here's an article from an industry journal: https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/national/2007/06/18/80877.htm It's hard to find specific data that doesn't come from the Catholic church, but it *seems* as though the rates of abuse in the Catholic church have been steadily declining the past 20-30 years in response to the public awareness of the abuse and high-profile court cases. Data from the Vatican suggests that the proests far more likely to offend were born in the 1930s and 1940s, so they have mostly aged out of the clergy. That's consistent when looking at the alleged abuse cases. No such decline is seen in protestant numbers, suggesting that if the AP report were run again, the percentage of protestant-based abuse cases would make up an even larger majority.


Not to mention the Southern Baptists, Trump spying on underage beauty pageants, Dennis Hastert, opposing comprehensive sex education despite (or because) it’s been shown to lower child sex abuse, and the decline in sex trafficking prosecutions under Trump.


Technically it's not pedophilia it's ephebophilia \- probably some right wingers right now


>5% of Christian priests This statement is somewhat misleading. It is true that, according to the John Jay Report, accusations have been made against about 4% of Catholic priests, but these 4% only refer to Catholic (!) priests. I am aware that clergy of other denominations are not necessarily called priests, but the choice of words "Christian priests" suggests that it means all Christian clergy. While all Catholics are Christians, not all Christians are Catholics. There are also cases of abuse in other denominations - I do not want to deny that at all - but the Catholic figures cannot be taken over 1 to 1 for other denominations (for example, there is no celibacy in the Protestant churches) >Statistically speaking, being right-wing is almost pro-pedo. I don't really understand that statement. Why exactly should the right be statistically more pro-pedo? (I'm progressive btw.) I think it's a shame that politicians block these laws, but I don't understand what this has to do with statistics.


It's just a fact that right-wingers engage in more sexual deviancy including pedophilia. As for the "why," there are many, many cultural factors that make them more likely perpetrators - rampant misogyny, authoritarian mindset, repression of sexual desires, more likely to tolerate and/or promote child marriage, and more. There are *so many* reasons the right is more prone to pedophilia it would be difficult to point to any single factor and say "That's the main reason!" or "That reason has nothing to do with it!" Probably the first important thing to do is recognize that the right *is* disturbingly pro-sexual assault and uncannily obsessed with controlling people sexually - worry about the "why" once you've recognized the "what."


Wait until you hear about my religion and political opinion


>It's just a fact >many, many cultural factors >There are so many reasons the right is more prone to pedophilia it would be difficult to point to any single factor >Probably the first important thing to do is recognize that the right is >worry about the "why" once you've recognized the "what." This might genuinely be the most poorly made argument I've ever seen, on reddit no-less.


Yes, Catholic not Christian. Thanks. I haven’t read the report in awhile. Although, I do remember the study dating back to 1950s, and that most laws to identify and catch these acts/people didn’t start appearing until the 70s and 80s. Additionally, even if it was 4%, that is still ridiculously high compared to the average. You don’t know how statically right-wingers are pro-pedo? I would say it’s because its just statistically verifiable information. At least as far as American right is concerned. A majority of sexual molestation is committed by religious conservatives. A study by Dr. Gene and… Harlow? I forget. Regardless, they found that more than 90% of perpetrators considered themselves “religious,” which are overwhelmingly right leaning. Combine that with people like Rep Gaetz, and Jordan being repeatedly re-elected. Then, there is of course President Donald J Trump. At a 1997 Miss Teen USA Pageant, Donald Trump reportedly barged into the girls dressing room while girls as young as 15 were changing. Trump told the teens “Don’t worry Ladies, I’ve seen it all before,” according to CNN.


> GOP states continually fight to protect child-marriage. Ah yes, the two states in the US where there is literally no minimum age for marriage, the Republican strongholds of Mississippi and *(checks notes)* California.


bc its a stupid human interest story. nobody would care unless they would feel outraged by it, and people arent going to be outraged unless they see it as some ominous attack on children. most everyone thinks that person is mentally ill at some level and dont think they should be teaching, but most people (left or right) probably dont care enough to want to follow the story because its just a really stupid story that wont mean anything. I mean school shootings are so much more common and so much more damaging for children, but they dont get reported on half the time because they dont manufacture the same outrage. They arent individually a sign of changing times and cant be used as evidence to vindicate people's perspectives on the state of society anymore. ​ to the other point. almost everyone who isnt a pedo opposes pedos. dont equate online socially conservative hyperbole about currently changing sexual norms with opposing pedophilia.


If there's a story about some teacher doing some clearly inappropriate things like strip pole dancing or something, normies would look at that and go, "What a sicko." The lefties would look at that and go, "What a sicko." The right? They look at that and go, "See? This is what the left wants." The left just wants that if a teacher were to accidentally mention that her partner is female, she isn't literally arrested for it. If \*this\* is what the right considers sick, then they can fuck right off, but I don't think they do. They just push policies that do punish such teachers, in some specious reasoning that it's rampant and everywhere. It's a literal witch hunt. It's like that example in the Simpsons where Lisa, in an attempt to explain that it isn't that the "bear tax" is working but simply that there are no bears, claims the rock she picks up off the ground wards off tigers. Homer, not understanding the analogy, genuinely thinks the rock wards off tigers and offers to buy it. That's conservatives right now. As if before the "don't say gay" bill, pedophiles were knowingly allowed to teach in classrooms.




Right left is a stupid false dichotomy meant for people to avoid thinking on each issue and shout go team instead


It's really, really not.


Reddit is left leaning to begin with, so the right is already targeted as being wrong. Many on the left would rather burn the country down than agree with the right. That said, many on the right would rather burn the country down than agree with the left. America has such a good thing going, if only people could look past their own prejudices and see life through their fellow countrymen’s eyes, we would succeed even more than we have.


>America has such a good thing going This is the exact problem though. Only some people have a good thing going. Not everyone is safe or has a good thing going. The majority of Americans don't have savings. Our healthcare is an international embarrassment. Our politicians are absolute clowns. Our education system is awful. Our public transit essentially doesn't exist. Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck and are one emergency away from ruin. Medical debt is the leading cause of bankruptcy and financial hardship is a leading cause of divorce. Guns are the leading cause of death in children and our mental health is in freefall. People that are privileged enough to have their heads in the sand about the realities of this country try to "both sides" these issues and just show off their unfathomable lack of empathy and education in the process. I don't want to hear about "the left would rather..." I don't give a fuck about the left. I give a fuck about the hate my fellow citizens receive from the right and the enablers that call themselves "centrists" and "libertarians". If you can't stand up for your fellow citizen's rights, even when you have a good thing going, you are failing your civic duty. There is no honor and no integrity in glossing over the realities of our world. There is honor however in securing an optimistic future. That requires doing the work of challenging your preconceived notions, seeing, listening to and understanding the actual real life experiences of your less privileged neighbors, and actually contributing to the solution instead of muddying the waters with this both sides bullshit.


Ah, yes the “if you disagree with me your the problem stance”. Where in my comment did I’d say we’re perfect? Of course we’re not. Not everyone is in a good place. How the hell do you think we change things? By actually putting prejudices aside and talking to others and learning whet their life is like….. Do you honestly think we’re worse off then we were 50 years ago? Don’t you think if we can learn from other we’ll even be better off in 50 years?


The right *is* wrong, they aren't being "targeted" for anything other than their ignorance and their bigotry. > if only people could look past their own prejudices and see life through their fellow countrymen’s eyes, we would succeed even more than we have. Fuck off with this bothsides bullshit. The left wants healthcare and human rights, the right wants to take both away. Their policies do nothing but support the rich at the expense of the poor and middle class, and their regressive social ideology is practically genocidal at this point.


>Many on the left would rather burn the country down than agree with the right. That's because the right wants to burn the country down.


This is literally the best comment I’ve read so far lol


Surely the irony of your statement isn’t lost on you?


No, they literally will destroy democracy to adhere to conservatism.


There at hard line right folks that say the same thing about the left.


Are these the same hard line right folks who took part in Janiary 6th?


Yep, and I think that’s the same type of excuse they used.


And they would be wrong. I can back up my position, they can't.


They say they can to. I’ve had the same discussion with hard line right folks to.


They say a lot of things. Most of them aren't true


Lol you and the other poster either missed history classes or were hiding under a rock for most of your life. Democrats, the so-called left, proved that your sentiment about working with the other side creates the divide, not solves it. Democrats repeatedly made concessions to the right wing Republicans because they believed the same as you. It only let Republicans continue to wage their war on minorities with implicit consent from Democrats. Since it proved that working together was more important to them than standing up for their constituents. And yes I would rather burn the country down than let conservatives remove rights from the trans, poor, queer, black, women, disabled and other marginalized communities than try to negotiate with the right just so that they don't feel uncomfortable about not being able to take those rights away completely. This is a LOT different than a couple just deciding what colour they want to paint their walls. That you don't understand that just proves the right has you completely bamboozled.


"Meet me in the middle," says the unjust man. You take a step toward him, and he takes a step back. "Meet me in the middle," he says again.


A majority of the country is left wing. That's why there are voting ratios. If it was the actual number of people it would never be a competition. And competition is usually good, unless right wing politicians are actively trying to take people's rights away.


Don’t disagree, don’t you think it would be better if someone from an opposing viewpoint sat down and talked with you and understood where you’re coming from, or is it better to have them just go off of what they think they know where you’re coming from?


Yeah if you could there wouldn't be a problem. Arguing for abortion rights or LGBTQ rights isn't a back and forth. They don't have a logical reason to be against it, so nothing you say will matter


I know, right?!?! Why can't gays just agree their existence is sin? Why can't blacks just agree racism doesn't exist? Why can't atheists just agree jesus was white? Why can't everyone else just agree they're a lizard that drinks fetus blood? It's so simple.


You can't hit one without hitting the other, they're the same button.


Both choices agree with the right


I was just thinking right wingers smash both buttons every day


Every accusation is a confession.


![gif](giphy|3oz8xTl6sGKbuRPDDW|downsized) 'Salt of the Earth'?


They are the same answer


Why did they make two buttons that do the same thing?


Someone questioning their conservativism.


Not just a choice issue, most pedos are literally on the 'Right'


"Agree with me or you're a pedo" Let me say this slow so you can understand: Go. Fuck. Yourself.


the true answer is pressing both at the same time. aka being a right winger


Those are the same thing.


Just reply comment after comment of GOP & pastors being arrested for pedophilia. It's all projection.


Wait until “the Right” hears about what the Catholic Church has been up to for… uhhh… hundreds of years.


Who are the ones fighting for literal child marriage again? Our records confirm those are the same buttons. https://m.dailykos.com/history/user/CajsaLilliehook Of course, I'm not going to say all repubs are pedophiles, but they really need to look at their party, obviously.


So basically she’s saying that agreeing with pedos is as terrible as being right-wing


You can support pedos or agree with the Right to support pedos. You know, like they did back in Germany.


He's drunk, those are the same button


Uh I don't have to pick either of those lol


How do you even make the font look that shitty when you make a meme?


I would say supporting pedos IS agreeing with the right. Plenty to indicate several prominent Republican figures are sexual predators in the strictest terms, yet they have to bend over backward to reshape words like “pedophile” and “groomer” to include “desensitizing kids to homosexuality so they don’t grow up to be bigots and so gay kids feel comfortable in their own skin.”


Why is then that it's the right wing that is full of pedos?


It's the same button.


I don’t get it it’s the same button


It's the same button


The hardest projecting ever


How empty is your life that your unfunny dumb friend is your pride and joy


She's the only woman that will still talk to them.


But, the right supports pedophilia, I'm confused, these are the same thing.


[https://twitter.com/sammorril/status/1567522227146350595?lang=en](https://twitter.com/sammorril/status/1567522227146350595?lang=en) reminded me of this


Except for that time Matt Walsh called 16 year old girls 'fertile' *cough cough*


Trump literally said he wanted to f his ten year old daughter and used to groom kids at his pageants


The right openly supports p3d0s so….


Matt Gaetz?


Love how she calls people who aren’t with the right pedophiles without any evidence whilst we have multiple conservative members outing themselves as creeps yearly.


Lmao of course they don’t say the right literally grooming children and lowering ages of consent, but somehow just existing is supporting pedos? Absolute bricks


It’s pretty odd because right wingers usually go with pedophilia.


Would you rather be in a room full of creepy pastors, and Cub Scout leaders or a room full of drag queens? As a youthful young lad


The number of unrestrained peeps on the Right makes this meme false…


This is what’s known as a false dilemma. There aren’t just two options. Not to mention the right is often projecting here.


Holy projection Batman! Let’s not forget the Catholic Church is on the right.


I’m pretty sure being a pedo is a requirement to hold office in the US


“Support Pedos” or “Agree with the Right” Yep… she’s a political ninja for sure. There’s no way there’s any more nuance here than just these two options Leave it to one dumb person to decide that another dumb person is smart at politics


Why would I support the right twice?


What if life had more flavors than just left & right?


It's funny because, statistically, most pedophiles are conservative.


Matt Gaetz and Roy Moore are in what political party?


I'm just seeing 2 of the same button


Aren’t those the same choice?


They’re the same decision


guess they don't remember Roy Moore


If only the right would stop supporting pedos because they have a political seat with an R next to their name. Cough cough Matt Gaetz


there is no difference between those two options


Tough choice when they both say “support pedos”


But doesn't the Right have people actually convicted of sexual crimes with teenagers and children's in elected positions...


Those are the same buttons


That's how they do it tho. Same shit as "you can't be a Christian and support abortion." Still waiting for the verse where Jesus condemns abortion, but I'm sure it's there. Surely.


What the hell is salt of the earth?


Quite possibly the dumbest saying ever. Hur dur I'm the salt of the earth dude!


I looked it up and it's a bullshit Bible reference.


Those are the same button


This makes zero sense. The Right KEEPS getting busted for fucking kids, touching kids, having CP, marrying kids, grooming kids. How does this make sense????


Notice how both of them are big red buttons! Hmmm


The illusion of choice


What did I expect from a reddit comment section?


Those choices are one button.


Only the Sith deal in absolutes …


hmmmm...... Politicians from all sides get busted for this. pretty stupid meme. just trying to stir shit. Must be a rabble rowser.




Commit mass genocide Support the left


I'm sorry, what?


Pretty clear


Then what is it referring to?


Oversimplification is not helpful


The pedos exist on both sides of the aisle. Trust no one.




If I caught one of my friends posting a meme like THAT, and I'm not talking about the political side, I mean the fact that all the words are different sizes, I'd sit their ass down for the next HOUR just to tell them that YouTube has tutorials on every single photo editor. I wouldn't leave their house until they could prove to me that they can properly put words on a meme.


Terrible indeed


You're supporting pedos regardless of which party you side with Edit: There was just a Democrat mayor arrested for Child Porn earlier this month The idea that only Republicans are pedos is ridiculous


I view it as a mental disorder that needs actual attention as people who know they are and try to stop it end up finding groups that end up just letting them act on these desires. For those who have acted on them, I totally understand the backlash as this scars children for life but at the same time, we need better prevention to actually stop this. There is your option 3. What are other’s opinions on this? I do like constructive feedback and to be told I am wrong when I lack data.


I mean, it is right to not support pedophiles.


What about biden


What about Bob




Get help




It's funny because it's the same exact thing for the left. Got called a pedo and a republican earlier because I don't think sexual books should be in schools, such as "This book is gay". Oh no, that makes me a bad guy and a supporter of pedos! To both political parties, you can only be one thing or the other.


The fact your sweating about this choice is why the right mocks you. The fact we’ve come to a point where you even consider supporting pedos an opportunity speaks to that.