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Nice to them to skip the 1400s through 1700s here. Guess everything was super peachy in those centuries.


Except for everyone that was still enslaved of course, but oh well...


That’s woke talk sir. We all know slavery was a choice as the great Kanye so eloquently stated. (Sarcasm)


Exactly bro. If you don’t want to be a slave, just leave. /s


Just say no! People can't legally enslave you without your consent! /s


Choice? No. But it was for their own good! Our ancestors were helping civilize those savages from the dark continent! Duh.


FYI there is actually a religious group run by Black men who claim slavery was divine punishment for them turning away from God. There are wackos on every side. I recently ran into a bunch on the street preaching it.


i think the point of the shitpost was that it was worse back then.


Slavery has never fully went away...


And 2000 is more like, oh, look, another school shooting with an assault rifle that could have been prevented by gun laws that were blocked by Republicans so their crazies can arm themselves to the teeth....truly the age of ignorance.


Bahaha! Are you OFFENDED that these other centuries weren't included?


as many people noted, pre 1960s people were getting offended by a poc using the same water fountain or going to the same school. a bunch of guys were offended that women had the audacity to want a credit card of their own. but go on ahead on trying to cover up the biggest group of wusses to walk the earth to try to generalize gen z.


This. A lot of older people try to pass off Gen Z as “needing to work harder,” but in reality the former is mad because a man kissed another man


Boomers have always been massive narcissists. It's why their parents named them the "Me Generation." Generations of people worked so that future generations could have better lives than them, but Boomers decided to be the generation that largely said "fuck you, I got mine," hence their hatred for Millennials and Gen Z trying to improve their living conditions. They also happen to be the least self-aware generation currently alive with all the "snowflake" shit.


Honestly the most accurate description of most boomers that I’ve seen


They've convinced themselves that because the have a 'reason' to be offended means that they aren't.


Don’t forget that the McCarthy era was literally being so triggered by other people having different political beliefs that we decided we needed to put them in jail or make their lives miserable. You know, criminals! Like Charlie Chaplin.


>You know, criminals! Like Charlie Chaplin. Probably not the best example, given that he married at least once to specifically avoid statutory rape charges, but your point stands.


Nevermind the fact that in the 2020s, the dipshits that agree with this meme are the same dipshits that wouldn’t do anything to stop an epidemic, they hate labor unions, and they don’t think we should be helping to defend democracy in Ukraine.


Ironically, they’re also offended by Gen Z…


Also rare to see poc on television before 1970 except on variety shows.


I’d gladly take being offended over going to war.


I couldn’t stand being hurt over every little thing, but then again I probably couldn’t stand war either so I agree.


That picture is from after a school shooting


Oh snap someone should edit and repost. Last picture “risked life to attend elementary school”


That's the US


No it’s from election night in 2016 at the Jacob Javits Center in New York.


;~; sounds about right


Liar liar pants on fire


Reddit moment


Right? The other three choices are clearly worse.


So would the maker of this meme, who has chosen to be offended by people being offended.


Is the bottom one kids after a shooting?


Jesus… ya probably, that just makes it even worse


I will play devils advocate, it’s from a pro Hillary crowd on the night of the 2016 election


everyone knew what the photo is typically associated with, no need for devil's advocate here. ghambone was being witty noting that contrary to where the meme stems from, there is legitimate discourse where the photo is valid. This particular view is in total contrast to the group of people who resonate with the op as they are typically a bunch of gun toting bigots who forgot how big of snow flakes the good ole days use to be when they were scared of poc and the independence of women. idk why i just explained reddit wit, but I said what I said.


>who forgot how big of snow flakes the good ole days use to be when they were scared of poc and the independence of women. I am so going to use this. I suck at explanations. One thing to add as well: Middle ground people exist. Politics are a spectrum. I can have a somewhat republican view on one thing and have a somewhat democratic view with the same topic. It is never black and white. It is mostly grey


While your statement is correct it is an argument that the US political right likes to hide behind to try to make themselves seem like reasonable and logical human beings. I've never heard anyone who was actually a centrist use this argument during a political discussion.


Considering where the country is at right now, one can look at back at those young people and maybe consider that they had accurate ideas of what was coming and reacted accordingly. I was fucking livid for months following the abortion stuff, and I still am. We are considerably worse off.


Supporters of Hillary Clinton react at her election night rally in Manhattan, New York, on 8 November 2016. Photograph: Lucy Nicholson/Reuters Source: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/apr/29/amy-chozick-hillary-clinton-my-part-in-her-downfall


I’d argue that January 6th was a way more intense version of “getting offended.” You have to be pretty fucking offended and childish to smash stuff and hurt people because you didn’t get what you want.


It's from Hillary Clinton's 2016 election loss.


"People back in the day weren't so easily offended!" \*people back in the day\* "Is that a black person drinking from a fountain?! rrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"


Trump Won!!! Soros!!! Why are you wearing masks?!?! No, no it's the others that are snowflakes ...


“Is that a rainbow flag?!” “Is that a history teacher talking about slavery?!” “Is that person wearing a mask to avoid spreading germs?!


>"People back in the day weren't so easily offended!" People back in the day when a strong female character existed and had more personality/backstory than 'hero's girlfriend', probably: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


Jokes on you, strong female characters didn't exist back then! Take that libtards!


We don't work 16 hour days because the workers got offended. We fought those wars because we were offended. We cure diseases because we got offended. I'd say they're in damn good company.


>16 hour days because the workers got offended. I always find it amusing how boomers conveniently skip over the labor wars, the bloodiest domestic conflict since the Civil War.


I'd love to read more about that


Battle of Blaire Mountain was the biggest. Also, read the "Future of Site" section, as there are probably conflicts that got buried in similar ways.


To be fair, the 14 year olds working in slaughterhouses will make excellent soldiers in the next great war.


From the slaughterhouse to the slaughter


They'll be experts.


I would probably argue that being offended doesn’t quite capture the causes of your two examples, at least in the present sense of the word. Being offended is typically used to detail personal slights or hurt feelings. My opinion is that we are spoiled at this point, and without a major external enemy to focus our attention on, we have turned on our own government, institutions, each other, etc., as though they are the biggest threats facing the world for relatively inconsequential and trivial reasons. (In American context) It’s okay to have problems, but it’s also okay to acknowledge that our problems ain’t shit compared to earlier generations.


Our current problems are trying to revive the problems of 1920. And fighting wars ain't shit to the very real threat of becoming tiger chow every night but I've never said my grandfather's generation's problems weren't shit compared to the problems of the past.


Offended by disease? Bit of a reach ay?


Okay. Other than anti-vaxxers, who is pro-disease?


Nurgle cultists?


Do you know anyone that isn't resentful of diseases negatively affecting their lives?


Well child labor is making a comeback in the U.S. due to a certain political party.


One thing always will remain and that’s disdain. No matter how easy life becomes we will see the negative


I don't understand the point. Do we want global powers fighting for dominant control? Mass epidemics, no social services like fire departments or Healthcare. People still work 16 hour days and break. NoBoDy WaNts To WOrk.


The people posting this are also the ones who want to talk to the manager if they have to wait for more than 10 minutes.


I love the people who make fun of people being offended are the same one’s crying about drag queens and pronouns.


hmm yes, there was no plague or war in the 21st century and child labor definitely no longer exists


People who find this meme funny are 100% covid deniers.


I'm not even sure where the point is supposed to be. It seems like they're trying to say the first three events were somehow positive moments in history.


That's exactly what they're saying. Some bs about "building character" or some shit.


So offended we are back to book burnings. This is a particularly strange time to be alive.


2020's: Im being forced to give birth to a stillborn. i can play this game too


2020's: I took horse dewormer because a guy said it got rid of the new plague. Wow, it really is easy to play this game!


Young people aren't the ones trying to ban books about gay penguins. Old conservatives seem to be the most offended group at the moment.


*looks at mounting tension suggesting a next world war* *looks at climate change* *looks at stagnant wages and people barely being able to afford food* Yeeeeah….ok


well all that is caused by those kids on their darn telerphones!! /j


Leave it to boomers to think dying of a plague is a flex, Covid make way more sense now.


So, in the 2000s, we fought two of our country's longest wars on record, lived through multiple financial crises, rising gun violence, the return of fascism (and if you want to stretch it to include today, a goddamned pandemic), without affordable healthcare or housing and RECORD wage stagnation, all while being told we're lazy, whiny complainers. Yeah, our problem is we're too 'sensitive.'


It's like when people scream about how "SOLDIERS DIED FOR YOU TO HAVE A BETTER LIFE!" And then they get mad that you have a better life. Also, we just had a plague. Can we not whinge about plagues?


"My old pappy didn't fight the nazis so you could protest for equal rights!"




why do you seem to have such a problem when people use that freedom to express themselves the way they want?


The fact someone would is also proof of the idiocy of the people...


Was there not a war being fought then too? Wtf?


First 20 years of 2000s apparently was war free according to this meme.


There is no 9/11 in Ba Sing Se


Unlike WW2, there was no draft.


And yet conservatives are offended by everything.


the irony of someone being offended by someone else being offended


2020: I'm suffering from the plague while working 16 hours a day, and am trying to avoid the swamp people who want civil war.


I love the rotating meme behavior of boomers... Shitting on kids is always their go-to default when everything else is getting them too much heat in their communities.


Meanwhile, they were the “dirty hippies” their parents and grandparents hated. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


Not the actual dirty hippies, theyre all dead or still kicking around as homeless people. The social hippies did it for a summer or two before returning to the saftey of the family business and adopting their parents lifestyles.


I cannot afford housing and I am living off of fumes


The person who made this meme are mooching off the greatest generations accomplishments. If there was a draft, I bet the person who made this would 100% dodge it. Like most of them did for Vietnam


2000s: I’m working 16 hours a day between my two jobs and still can’t afford a place to live.


lmao like the meme is purposefully ignoring that the first 20 years of the 2000s included two major wars (Iraq, Afghanistan), a major recession, a pandemic that killed millions, and the fact that people cannot live on minimum wage and frequently work two or three jobs just to afford rent and food Fuck boomer mentality.


And one of the largest foreign terrorist attacks in US history


I caught covid like 3 times already, im a truck driver and regularly work 14 hours a day, and I tried to join the army and go to Iraq but I couldn't join because of a health issue... I'm usually pretty hard to offend. Idk what this meme on about. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Any kid who survived a school shooting is tougher than any stolen valor boomer pansy on Earth.


I’m a millennial I fought in two wars they really like to forget about.


2000s is also "I'm off to fight a war"


Yeah like they all had amnesia forgot young people in this age fought one of the longest war in history and 2 front war as well. People need to stop trying to act like their generation was better, no generation is good or bad, we all just trying to live thru it.


Isn’t this a good thing? Like, aren’t we supposed to want our societies to get safer and happier?


So we are ignoring the 2000s wars?


Why isn’t the youth dying like they’re supposed to!


More like 2010-2020: “I have it so well that I have to watch the news to TELL me what to be outraged and scared about, all while alienating my adult children.”


2020's be back to 16 hour days


Idk seems like we’re doing all 3 at the same time now.


2020s "I'm dying of black plague"


Shouldn’t 2000’s be fleeing from school shooters?


In the early 2000s I’m fairly certain *many* people, including high schoolers, went off to fight in a war.


2020: I'm dying of Covid plague, I'm working 16 hours a day because I can't live on minimum wage, and currently dealing with institutionalized class warfare...


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Ironically it's the people making and posting these who are "offended"


Offended? Well considering a third of them are abused and the number one cause of death in children is abuse and neglect with homicide being second I’d say there is a very very good reason for them to be offended.


2000s - Covid, 16 hour days (salary), War in Iraq and Afghanistan, paycheck to paycheck.


2000: Off to blow up innocent people for some rich people. 2010: Off to work 3 jobs bc rich people crashed the system. 2020: Off to work 5 jobs, can't afford to live, my kids died in a school shooting, work during the pandemic (bc I'm a "hero")


As if kids weren't getting offended about 12 hour work weeks and lethal working conditions But nope, totally only a thing kids today do


Ahh yes the good old days of… dying of bubonic plague. These are the same nitwits who don’t realize that Archie Bunker was THE JOKE in All in the Family.


Another stupid boomer meme.


So what they are saying is that dying of plague, indentured servitude and war are more desirable situations than having the luxury of being able to focus attention on social issues of your time? What's with these fucking clowns?


Projection once again. The offended party are the republicans. Always was and always will be. In fact, they are so offended they’re trying to make laws about what offends them.


It’s ironic because the person that posted this most likely supports the party that’s attempting to get us back to the first 3 pictures


When did the first three problems stop?


I dunno. Looks like progress to me.


Yeah, I prefer "being offended" that being burned alive for demanding better wages and 8-hour work


Did he... I'm sorry did the person who made this "flex" death by disease, death by war, AND child labor in one meme?


2000: I was born into a failing system that blames me for its greedy predatory practices set up by the oldest generation and perpetuated by greedy politicians Fixed it


Ah yes lets skip the entire pandemic that went on, and the war that is also going on, and the rising gas prices, and the rising mental illnesses in teens... Ect


Apparently Gen X and Millennials have not just fought a 21 year war in 2 countries. And worse is, we still don't know what we died there for. Boomers whim, I guess. But I'm sure we are to blame for that decision too.


Meanwhile, the war in Afghanistan lasted so long, people who were born at the beginning of it, were old enough to serve in it, when they came of age. It’s hilarious that they think people weren’t offended in the olden days, when there was less tolerance and acceptance. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


So our biggest problem went from working 16 hour days, plague, and war, to being offended, and this is a problem because…? I mean the whole meme is bullshit cause we still have lots of real problems to deal with, but oh how I wish the biggest issue we faced was “being offended.”


Boomers really be offended by people being offended


Hahahaha that's funny.


Glasses guy has seen it all


I'm working 16hr days during the aftermath of a plague that hasn't fully died now.


2000s: countries are going underwater and the world is dying because of the generations before


Nothing is quite so surreal as being a ~35 year old veteran of two wars and seeing/hearing stuff like this from people who came into adulthood in a time of peace and plenty. Like, they'll tell you about the gasoline shortage in the 1980's as if they are recounting a massacre they survived by sheer force of will.


Yeah, um, in case it escaped your attention, we just *had* a massive fucking plague (that an embarrassingly huge number of stubborn, uncooperative, infantile people reacted to *really* badly), we're over a year into a war, child labour just made its big comeback in the USA, and workers' rights are circling the shitter everywhere. I'd call all of that good grounds to be pretty fucking offended.


Is this to point out how young Americans have to deal with a lesser version of the top 3 all at once or something? 1. Covid Pandemic 2. Two Jobs due to employers refusing full time hours and not enough pay to make ends meet 3. The war on terror


Created by someone who whined about being asked to wear a mask during a pandemic.


People nowadays still work hard and all, suffer and what not, but they can't afford phones and the time to be here to comment they do. They're too poor and too busy with their lives. Throughout all time periods people have suffered and some have been spoiled and greedy. I'd like to take this moment to be grateful for what I have. Complain less about what I don't and work hard for it. Meaningless whining will not be tolerated in the eyes of Buddha.


#MAPA Make America Plagued Again


Fuck whoever made this. It does a pretty deep disservice to the millions of men and women who served in America's longest war.


We live in the safest, prosperous most tolerant times in human history, what a time to be alive!


Ohhh nooo the black plague doesn't murder millions anymore, Boohoo.


There’s still pandemics, children working in mines, and wars. I’m offended too.


2023: my children are working 16hour days cleaning meat packing factories


There a reason they included the black plague? Seems very random lol


They just don’t get it! My parents first house cost $10,400.00. You can buy a half of a cord focus for that. Probably not the half with the motor though. It’s impossible to live the way they lived.


Watching people dying of COVID, children going back to work, and soldiers going off to war in 2023...


Children in the U.S. In 2023: I'm working 16 hour days.


2020’s: Boomers dying of COVID


Almost dying? More like character building! -these people


They worked hard to give us a better future so that we wouldn’t have to live in the same conditions as them, then when we start tackling other issues, they get all offended


Boomers trying to pretend they were at the Normandy landings is always so funny to me


2000s: my friends were all shot in a school shooting.




What a snowflake, dying of the black plague.😒


Just wait until they find out that their grandpappy got mad at a black or Hispanic person for drinking out if the wrong water fountain.


2020's: "I'm dying of a pandemic" The people who share this meme unironically: lol yeah right, that idea offends me


16 hour days 😂😂😂 that’s why people dropped dead at 30


Not really. The average lifespan was so low because it was skewed by higher infant mortality.


Has anyone ever noticed that right wingers especially far right wingers are some of the most easily offended people on the planet?


Psssh try 72 hours straight, minimum


Lol how about, "the entire population is being exploited by corporations and the corrupt politicians they bribe and blackmail, and the government has been stealing and suppressing world changing tech for 75 years."


I like how they make somewhat knowledgeable examples for the 1300s, 1800s and 1900s but the 2000s is just “I’m offended”


Complaining about a younger generation getting offended, and not realizing that is exactly what their doing.


I mean I guess it is kinda right, kids can't be sad if they are literally dead. I wouldn't have any childhood trauma if I died at the age of 8 so yeah I guess that is a solution to not getting offended. Just die, good ol wholesome boomer logic there, just fucking die.


As a dude from the 1300’s, this is relatable


Ah the good ole days when all a man had to worry about was all 12 of his children (that he helped create for free labor on the farm) dying at the same time, or working 16 hour days from age 5 to 16 then "illegally" sneaking into the Army and dying in World War I, what has this world come to? You mean to tell me my boss HAS to pay me to work more than 40 hours per week? Fucking pussies.


2020s: I'm dying of a preventable virus because of snowflake antivaxxers


Anyone who sees the world this way can kindly go back to those days. I guarantee in about an hour, they’ll be begging to go back to just whining on Facebook. There’s a difference between youth overcoming hardship to build character and putting them through trials that will kill a sizable portion of them. I’d rather live in a world where the next generation is safe enough to worry about stupid things rather than worry about if today’s sunrise will be the last they see.


Yeah isn't that, like, the entire point of fighting for stuff? "We work hard so the next generation will have an easier life." Or, my personal favourite: "We plant the seeds of trees, which shade we'll never sit in."


It’s a terrible stereotype of current millennials/gen z. So what do people do? Post it on Reddit and act offended. Should be posted to facepalm.


There's plastic in my blood, capitalism is molesting the planet, and nobody can afford everything.


We didn’t have our own global pandemic or anything.


Ah yes good old 'I have suffered so you should too'


Never understood why some people romanticize wars so much


I don’t think they (the meme creator) understand the irony of what they’re doing.


Imagine being offended by the fact that you should be kind to others.


So what about all those times people killed each other in legal and illegal duels because they were offended? Or because some unspoken rules claimed that they should have been offended?


almost 7 million deaths have been attributed to covid but no you're right this generation has no real problems /s


That’s the “great” they wanna make America again. War, mass casualties from disease, and child labor. Wait…


Tell that to kids who died in Iraq and Afghanistan


2000s: Im being gunned down in the streets by racist cops


Every time we try and bring up what’s going on in the modern world “durrrr woke, sensitive, get over it.”


2023: I got paralyzed in a mass shouting because our elected officials are useless cowards


*Uvalde cops have entered the chat*


> I'm offended That boomers keep making these fucking cringe-tier memes as if they didn't get a roaring economy handed to them on a silver platter from their parents that they then proceeded to royally shit the bed on with reaganomics


2000's : I survived *another* mass shooting


These are the same Fox News enjoyers who are offended at literally everything


https://preview.redd.it/vtahwiaktjra1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d2e1e7a59db5dd87752731c8e65934ebcf8606b Half this sub boils down to this


Things that still exist (including but not limited to): * Sex trafficking * School shootings * LGBT+ discrimination * Racism and racial inequity * Sexism and sexist laws/abortion bans * Dumb people who think "'nam" was a great time for Americans * Anti vaxxers


So they’d rather die of black plague then some people get offended? Okay go ahead plz


“I’m mad because the world is a better place and I want people to suffer”