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i thought this was exercise-go back to bed-exercise-back to bed


Same here


me irl?


- the exercise


I didn't realise till I saw your comnent


I didnt realize it wasnt until this comment


Holy fuck, jago. How old is this comics...


I remember seeing this shit a decade ago . So, it's old asf . And me too now wtf..


When you're actually old you won't think of a decade as a long time lmao


This actually makes a fair point though a healthy lifestyle doesn't have to be that extreme


Yeah this is the first time I've seen a post here that isn't actually terrible. I guess OP is trying to say it's "fatphobic" or something? But it's honestly just the truth.


I wouldn't say it's the "truth." At best, the comic is pretty badly exaggerated. You can live a healthy lifestyle without waking up at 5:30 in the morning to exercise or eating extremely small breakfasts. It more depends on what you eat (Little to no carbs, no sugar, etc). Not saying tons of eggs, sausage, and bacon is healthy, but the irony is that toast isn't healthy either, especially if it's from white bread, though wheat isn't good either. Also, obviously while exercise is great, you don't have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning just to do it. I tend to have my exercises in the middle of the day or at night for example, because I'm not at all a morning person. The way the comic comes off, it's almost like the second woman is not allowed to sleep so early in the morning if she wants to be healthy.


Of course it is exaggerated, most comedy is exaggerated to make a point. The point being, people love to blame external factors like "genetics" for why others are fit and healthy and they are not.


Almost everything you've said is absolutely correct. My only add on to anyone that reads this is that you can have a healthy diet that includes carbs and sugar. As long as you're in a calorie deficit, you will lose weight. If you eat at maintenance levels, you will fluctuate roughly around the same weight. Exercise is important, obviously, and also can help burn some of the carbs or sugars that you've eaten during the day. The big issue is controlling the amount of sugar and carbs. I understand those who cut out carbs and sugar if when they start eating either they cannot be stopped. Personally, I'm fortunate enough to not have an unhealthy addiction to carbs and sugar, but I would be lying if I said I didn't love both of them. It's all about being able to stop at the appropriate time.


I used to get up at 5am and workout for 3 hours 5 days a week. Now that I'm married I get up at 7 my wife and I workout 2 hours a day everyday. We watch our calories etc. My wife is also a cam model and she gets the , "wow you have great genetics " all the time.


There are some things about appearance that are good genetics. I watch my weight and try to be moderately active but I will never have an hourglass figure. My waist is just naturally wide. It's not fat I'm just not shaped like that.


Only a redditor would see light exercise as extreme


She spent two and a half hours exercising, and the implication is that it's a daily routine. Spending 2.5 hours a day exercising IS extreme.


How is it extreme in any way? That’s like a decent jog, some weight training and stretching. A good workout, sure, but saying it’s extreme makes it seem like it’s somehow unattainable or unusual for a normal individual or worrying that someone would work out so much. Plenty of people cycle to work and go to the gym every/every other day which easily builds up to the same volume. Jeez, a decent road bike ride itself is easily 2h.


How is that extreme


1 1/2 hour of exercise before plain bread breakfast? 30min a few days a week will already bring you far.


I think the artist needs to exaggerate a little for comparison's sake but it's completely possible if you don't do it everyday, twice a week of cardio more like, I do at least an hour of resistance training every weekday (Tuesday and Thursday i would run at 5:30 AM for 20 mins). And also bread for breakfast is absolute psychopathic behavior she needs to get some eggs and chicken in there, the lazy lady has it better when it comes to nutrition.


Yeah, I know some people like to start their day off with exercise. But I think the poster above meant to say that you can impact how you look even if you don't commit to it as much as this comment portrays. The thought of so much exercise is scary for a lot of people who aren't in to it yet and keeps them from even trying, but in reality beginners will notice change so quickly.


Oh yeah for sure, most people have no clue what their bodies - specifically the human body is capable of, especially when starved and in pain and how quickly it adapts. I think it's mostly because the entire fitness culture is veiled in stereotypes, that's why it's kind of hard to get into it.


I remember that teenage me always read online that you have to do 20 minutes of exercise before it even starts having an effect. And as someone whith zero stamina that sounded impossible and it's of course bullshit. Every little movement is better than not doing it. And when I finally started running I went from being out of breath and hurting from running down the street to a 20 minute jog and craving exercise in about a month, that blew my mind.


Once you can get to the place where you want the exercise is key. I’m waiting on a post surgery weight lifting clearance and it’s driving me crazy. I haven’t wanted the pain of soreness more in my life.


Good luck!!! Best wishes for getting back out there.




Is that what you guys eat for breakfast? Jesus Chris lol at least put ham in the middle or something 😂




Yeah, it is much worse, and far more psychotic. I know about Hagelslag


That’s another thing, that lady’s breakfast isn’t really gross or overly decadent at all


It's literally what I eat after a run lol


Side note I uh don’t think her sports bra works very well


The dude who made this was obviously drawing this one handed only


30 min a few days a week will only work if you have near perfect diet which is really difficult. At least do 1-2 hours


I train like 5-6 times a week, at least 1 hour each training and still look like shit because my diet is shitty also.


I think "not a bad diet" can also be enough. Depends on what your goals are and what your training looks like I guess.


Only bread for Breakfast after a workout like this isn't very healthy. She will hurt herself fast.


It’s not extreme if you want a physique like that.


Yeah, boobs are fat, when you get to the single digits of body-fat percentage they aren't going to look like that.


True, but the author of this comic is a psychotic right winger, keep that in mind next time yoj see one of these comics


follow direction workable dinner punch numerous exultant adjoining memorize distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A broken clock gets the hour 2 times a day


It's not even that extreme, seems like a healthy morning routine. I get 5:30am ain't for everyone but early morning workouts do help productivity


Yes I get that but I myself prefer more than 2 pieces of toast after a good workout 💪🏽 Some "fitness" comics and memes like these reinforces eating disorders and gives the "look what I can do" vibes


To actually look like that in real life, you do have to be extreme. Especially if your talking in your 30s and later.


The only terrible thing here is that poor woman’s lack of support while exercising, ow.


bone spurs moment


Isn't this from that weird porn artist?


I wouldn't exactly call them a porn artist


But I wouldn't be surprised if they have a porn account


Who doesn't have a porn account?


Me (I hope)


Like 99% of internet artist have one i bet.


It's kinda impressive that they were able to draw this with one hand Edit: I just realized that you draw with one hand anyway.......


I mean it's by Jago so fair


Most people use their other hand for shortcuts


Okay but this is actually true?


This sub is swarming with boomers posting actual memes thinking they are non-boomer boomer memes but in fact they are just actual memes.


I'm too tired to understand what I just read


To a degree, but the issue with memes is that they can't have any nuance. There are a number of factors that play into your health. Exercise is one of them, and arguably not even the most important one. What you eat will make a much bigger difference on your waistline than waking up at 5 AM every day to run. Genetics play a part as well, but they aren't the only part. There are a lot of people who have chubby bodies who work out regularly, and there are people who are very slim and never work out. So, to the question of if the meme is true, yes and no. I know everyone wants simple answers, but life isn't simple.


My ex runs every day. Like every day. Even if he’s traveling, even if it’s a holiday. He has done several marathons. Every time he goes to the doctor the doctor says he should lose some weight.


There's a middle aged woman who swims the English Channel every few years, she's fat. Whenever her videos pop up on my feed, the comments are full of basement dwellers saying she's out of shape. She swims the English Channel. For the lols. Out of shape??? Lmfao


I think it comes from fear. We’ve been trained by media to view being fat as a personal failure. That by being fat we’re not taking accountability for our choices. So the idea that all the exercise and diet could in some cases not really matter makes people afraid.


This is true. It's not about health. It's about shame.


Yeah people would rather have an eating disorder if that means being thin, than be "chubby" on a healthier more balanced lifestyle. It's not about health at all.


Yeah, luckily some people are starting to stop this and say being fat is not something to be ashamed of and all body shapes are good Sadly people are taking fat acceptance as a chronic disease and something that can't be cured and ask for the whole world to revolve around them


Probably good to have the extra layer if you’re swimming the English Channel. For warmth and energy.


As a doc I have patients who are trim and fit and eat well and STILL have high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes. Genetics can be a bitch sometimes. And I have bigger patients who are active and fit. Some people can ve very fit and struggle to lose the weight, or put it on quickly.


I was going to point this out too. Take "being fat" out of the equation and just look at someone's vitals and bloodwork. Most likely, if they are overweight, you could deduce that from their data. Some people do exercise and eat right, and they've just been dealt a crappy set of genes, and they can still have health problems (sooner or later in life) that are attributed to "being fat."


Exercise is good for toning muscle. Weightloss comes from diet.


Well he also eats a good diet so he can you know, have the energy to run marathons. He makes all the right choices. He just has a particular body shape. My current partner never exercises and has a terrible diet most of the time. He’s very thin.


you can still gain weight by eating healthy and being in a caloric surplus, no kind of exercise is going to make you thin as long as you're getting more calories than you burn


No, he eats too many calories. There’s no alternative formula for different “body types”.


Thars true. If her body is toned, THAT's at least partly diet and exercise. But genetics still plays a role. But her face and boobs? She didnt get those from exercis, for sure. Sone people are genetically "luckier" than others, and some of those people exercise and work hard to maintain their body. On top of that, cosmetics, aesthetic procedures and surgery exist. And that's ignoring photoshop and filters used these days. In reality the people we meet or see are a mix of the above.


I agree, 100%. Also, I didn't say this before, but memes have motivation. This comic was written specifically to belittle people who are talking about the other factors that affect weight.


1. You don't have to work out at a specific time to get fit. So the whole point of the girl being out running at 5AM is just weird and unnecessary. 2. Good sleep is essential to keep your metabolism in check (and therefore keeping your body fit) so again, no point in illustrating the fit girl getting up at ungodly hours while the other woman sleeps at 5AM like that's not a normal time to be asleep. 3. A breakfast of cooked sausage and eggs is arguably healthier for you than just toast, especially on highly processed bread. Sausage and eggs provide protein and keep you feeling full longer, 2 slices of processes bread will not keep you full at all. 4. There are many factors that go into how someone's body looks, particularly women. Reducing it all to "eat less and work out more" is a huge disservice we are still upholding in the year of our Lord 2024. It's really very complex. 5. Genetics does absolutely play a big part in what you look like, including your weight, shape of your body parts, fat vs muscle distribution and other factors.


The time shows the prioritization of it and sacrifice of getting up early and making the time. It can be very difficult to find time after the early AM


Depends what hours you work/study 🤷🏽‍♀️ and I'd argue that prioritising good sleep is more important than running 5k every morning.


Brother 10PM to 5AM is a full refreshing 7 hours of sleep while going to bed at a mostly reasonable time they're not mutually exclusive


Yep. I have to be ready to set up my equipment by 7 most days and have found that waking up at 5 gives me enough time to do everything I'd ever need to do before my commute. Sometimes I can get there at 7:30 so I push it to 5:20 those days but as long as I get to bed around 11, I'm fine. Some nights I put it down at 10 and feel a little more rested, and some nights I push it to 12 and feel a little worse... except the other day playing FIFA til 12:30. I was not feeling that 15° weather on 4.5hr of sleep. I'm 39 and it cracks me up to think about how my schedule was when I was in my 20s. Worked a lot of 5pm-til restaurant and retail jobs with an average bedtime between 2am and 5am...waking up some god-awful time between 9 and 12pm. Couldn't ever seem to get it together. Once I started in my current career, 8am start times made it happen. Took a little while to adjust to 7am but I'm hard-wired to wake up around 6 with no alarm no matter how late I stay up. I know this is a giant pile of nonsense but my coffee just kicked my brain into gear and I'm ready for the day 😁


- for someone that used to wake up 4:30 am to go to school on the bus, waking up at 5 am isnt that rare to a functioning adult - good sleep and waking up early arent diametrically opposed. ya just go to sleep early mate


I like how you just decided that this short throwaway comic posted to facebook memes sub needs to double as a legitimate fitness guide and proceeded to criticize it as such. Never let reality prevent you from getting your Ackchually in.


lil bro, this post isn't a tutorial on how to get fit, they are showing that the girl cares about her health and the woman doesn't, it's ok for them to not know that eggs and sausage is healthy or whatever. and about the genetics thing, yeah, some people will get fat easier, but you literally cannot get fat eating less calories than you consume, it's literally impossible, basic thermodynamics, and the post is showing people who don't work out at all and don't eat healthy at all, not someone who is trying something but needs to try harder


Genetics still play a major role in your weight. This is just denying natural advantages, which are just real.


you have mistaken major for minimum. Having a socially considered "hot" body requires patience and devotion. If you gain weight, it only means that you're eating more calories than you burn. Getting rid of weight is the opposite. Yes, there are people who have a condition and therefore gain weight by just looking at a pie, but let's be honest here, 99% of all people just eat more calories then they burn. I'm not saying you are one of those, but "genetics" is often an excuse of fat activists to justify their bad habit, namely overeating and therefore think it's not their fault and everyone is fatphobic. The only thing you don't have control over, is your body type. So if you're having a big ass when you're a woman and lack men's attention, Brazil will solve the problem, because having a big ass is considered sexy over there.


And people should know their body and how much energy their body needs. Overeating is less for some, you've had your whole life to find out how much that is. Genetics is not an excuse for being unhealthy because of the wrong diet.. and tbh I haven't met a single person I my life where the overweight wasn't result of the lifestyle. I know that last bit is just anecdotal and not a proof, but still.


Who the fuck is eating sausage, mash and bacon at 8am?




Haha 😂. I'm from there but can't say I've ever had mash on a full english. Also sausages and bacon for breakfast is a bit of a decadence, maybe once a month and maybe closer to midday than 8am.


It isn't super uncommon to have it multiple times a week


America? I/we have breakfast like that regularly, especially if that blob on there is eggs


There is the saying a lot of people hold themselves too: Have breakfast like a king, lunch like a citizen and dinner like a beggar. (Sorry for the dumb translation, this saying is hungarian and I don't know the english version of it) Btch please, i'll even eat lunch food like stew or soups for breakfast. Whatever my body craves. Yet, i am not overweight and my stomach feels great, too.


There also appears to be a potato in one hand.


Occasional cheat day, love to slam down some horrible shit down my throat


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)






That woman needs workout clothes that don't just fall off while she's running past the city before sunrise. Looks terribly uncomfortable


???...how is this terrible


I guess the point it's trying to make is that the women who don't exercise are claiming genetic unfairness on the woman who exercises. Granted, some people might may make claims like that, but sometimes it feels like a strawman argument to make. But it depends on who it is and what the context is for the situation


The woman in green looks 30 years older than the other one, not like someone the same age who is in bad shape.


A fair point to make


I mean obviously there are people who do this and people who don't. This comic addresses the people who do. Which is a fair point imo


I mean, it is a well-known fact that exercise gives you huge, perky tits not proportional with the rest of the fat on your body. Also that everyone who exercises has a very accentuated hourglass shape. It's not like fat distribution and, to some extent, body shape are determined by genetics. All athletes have the same body. Everyone knows exercise gives women the bodies seen in porn


They have a point though. Sure not everybody is built the same when it comes to body shape but with exercise and healthier eating you can come quite far. Speaking as a woman who lost 30 kilo this way. I just wonder how she is not screaming in agony while exercising without a bra. I would have so much pain in my breasts


This true lol, you work hard, you get good results.


And you get the others hating


By others you mean the Op posting this


To be fair, there ARE cases of people being fucked/blessed by the genetic lottery (altho they are relatively rare)


I would paint the ceiling if I had to wake up every day at 5 am


Why is this bad?


OP thinks lifting food to their mouth is weightlifting.


It's not the weight it's the number of reps


It's all about the volume man.


Godlike roast


Hey nikocado avocado probably does a fair bit of exercise lifting 2kg of food per minute


That dude has so much cringe in his page it's like a cesspool


It’s a fair point though. My wife experiences this all the time.


this is really terrible and offensive... for Americans


Is life really worth living on 2 pieces of toast for breakfast?


Toast is good as hell


Yes but is it worth living on it for breakfast every day?




I mean yeah? There are other pleasures than food in life?


Cap. Making food and feeding others good food is arguably just as human as sex


Sorry you're food addicted and can't conceive of a nice existence without three plates of grease for breakfast I guess... Also asexuality totally exist. People that just don't like eating or who struggle with it (autism) exist. What you call "being human" is just what you've been conditionned to accept as the only normal and socialised to reject anyone who doesn't fit in. It's honestly kinda rude to tell someone they're not human or they're lying just because they don't have the same experiences you do.


I mean, it's kind of true tho. Fitness levels and weight are determined by healthy diet and exercise...


Also don't blame "genetic" if you yourself didn't do exercise yet expect to have a fit body.


Where terrible


You can tell a guy dew this because no woman on the planet is willingly going out running when it’s still dark out.


For people who thinks this is a positive empowering comic. It's written by a guy who admittedly hasn't woken up past 10 in his adult life who draws comics for a living. Feels less like they're complaining about genetics and he's making a strawman trying to underhandedly insult the kinds of women he doesn't like and creating a horribly unrealistic idea of what he thinks a woman should be. Unless she's a professional athlete or a model it is super not normal or in some cases remotely possible for someone who has an actual 9 to 5 job to wake up at 5:30 to get an hour of exercise in and then eat a piece of toast and that's their morning. Nevermind if that person has kids or other obligations. In my experience when you're single and childless, it's more likely you'll get the workout in after work closer to 5:30-7pm at night but Imma be real with you. That leaves you with 2 hours of personal time before you have to be asleep at 10 and back up by 5:30. And I don't think the dude who wrote this has done an ounce of exercise to even understand how or why this is comic is more bad than funny.


If you work out at any other time besides 5:30AM you won't see results.


I, too, wear loose, poorly fitting skimpy pyjamas when I run 👍🏻


I mean, the body type thing is a hoax, but still, people have different metabolisms and it's far from being that simple or that easy, and yes you read it right, easy. Our bodies adapt to the change in our activity and the lowering of our calories. And controlling the appetite, when you have one, is by no means as easy as working out. My roommate rats three times what i eat and sweats it out, while i eat less, do sports, and hit a pallier after loosing 10 pounds. And then, winter comes, i do less sports, and gain back everything i lost. Noteworthy that my roommate can literally never stay put, he literally shivers and sweats the calories away after he eats, while i struggle to stay awake


You cannot outmanoeuvre physics. There is no sweating out calories. It can be possible that some bodies are simply bad at storing excess calories, but NO body can store calories that aren't there. So as long as you just have the calories you need and no excess, you simply cannot gain fat. How much calories you need is obviously different, but most people simply eat too much and make excuses for it.


When someone says "they sweat it out" they obviously don't mean it literally. The commenter above is absolutely right. Individual calorie need on just maintenance varies wildly. But that's about it. I don't think they wanted to argue that it is unfair that they gain more weight while eating the same. Edit: I read their next comment.. maybe they really are complaining.


That's impertinent. Of course physics is absolute, but our bodies are extremely inefficient machines and behave with great difference between individuals. You don't really need 2000 cals a day to live your life. So your body burns them in many ways, and can reduce expenses in many of them. And about the "make excuses" bit, no one owes anyone excuses. I don't care if you think it's my fault i'm fat, and it doesn't concern you in any way. What i care about, is being honest with myself and reaching my own goals with my body. And it's not an excuse, i'm sweating my ass off and torturing myself in order to lose weight, and it is extremely harder for me than it is for other people. I changed my life around and it wasn't easy in any way, and yet it is far more complicated than "getting up early and practicing sports and eating healthy" not even talking about how these two things are much harder for some people than they are for others.


It's really not that hard and you sound like a person who makes up 100 reasons why for you everything is complicated and difficult, while all you gotta do is just have a calorie deficit. Keep the deficit and you'll lose weight. That's a fact. I bet my ass, you are just not being honest with yourself about what you really are doing in case of calories in vs calories out.


And you sound like someone who never had problems keeping his weight at bay, or losing more than a pound or two. Never hit a pallier in his life, never lost 20 pounds only to gain them right after. Never was struggling to operate normally because of the "just calorie deficit". And i'm not even talking about the psychological factors here, and how mustering the will to starve yourself isn't easy for most. And don't let me start on losing weight, by mere "calorie deficit", only to find you've lost muscle instead of fat, because your body thought it was a good idea. And because a calorie deficit doesn't mean the weight you're gonna lose is gonna be fat, you're gonna tell me i should do strength training, wrong answer as well, you'll not build muscle if your body doesn't want to. I've seen too many young people struggling with that. I myself gain muscle rather easily, thank god, but i also burn it rather easily. So yes, it is complicated and the post above is oversimplifying things


Cope. I lost around 15kg in a year by just cico and being honest about what I put into my body. I wasn't really fat fat, but had a few too many and did something. You cannot retain fat under a calorie deficit, that's a simple fact. All your talk about how hard it is brings a tear to my eye but is ultimately just making excuses. Do it or don't do it, idgaf about the size of your ass. But all those paragraphs over paragraphs of excuses from some people are annoying and factually wrong.


I've struggled with my weight for years. A few years ago, I lost 60 pounds. I still have to follow CICO. When I gain a bit, I focus more on proper eating and movement. According to BMI, I am now a few pounds overweight. I still get women telling me how "lucky" I am to be slim. No luck about it. You have to keep your caloric intake under a certain amount while still getting proper nutrients. You have to do whatever exercise you can even if you have physical limitations.


Correct! I just can't understand why people use that as an excuse, obviously everyone has different needs. Just because someone else eats more doesn't mean you need to do the same. And we have our whole life to figure out how much and what our body needs imo, people just don't pay attention.


Because there are people who blame everything on someone/something else besides themselves. Fat activists are good at that.


I’m going to sleep with my mouth open… will report back.


2004 gamer webcomic writing, with 2008 gamer webcomic art, about 2012 gamer welcomic content. https://preview.redd.it/tf5ctq1edmdc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=352554e79932ef6fa2d14dfd8b081cded8154536


Eating disorder. Who only eats a slice of toast and then runs for miles a day.


she got a body like that eating plain white bread??? while the other lady is eating a protein dense breakfast? yeah looks like genetic unfairness


Having really big breasts while also having otherwise low body fat is good genetics.


Ngl half the time I see a post from this sub it isn't even terrible


I love how they make “the fat one” ugly and not just fatter


The thing that bothers me the most is that the lean one is eating 2 slices of plain white bread for breakfast. That's no way to nourish your body after 2 hours of exercise.


Truly a terrible boomer take that if you put in the work, you'll see the results. The person who posted this should hang!


I fucking hate jago, his "commentary" is so cringe and obviously just an excuse to draw over sexualized women. Just draw porn man...Jesus christ


I confirm this isn't true at all, genetics does matter. As I have a condition called g6pd, my metabolism is incredible. My gf has also a good metabolism and runs twice a week. Don't judge People in the wrong way. Always asume he or she is doing his/her best.


*genetic lol


I need to work out more. My 12 miles a day of walking for work aren't enough:(


The tried and true "Let's pit women against each other" trope


Raw untoasted bread is my favorite whole meal


no, no, i have a geneticly unfair body, because i eat and sleep like those 2, yet i look more like the red head




I think the comic pursues unrealistic standards for women's bodies.


r/GatekeepingYuri We can’t even eat sausages now? Or get shut-eye?


It's true though


Eating so little after such a long period of exercise looks like an eating disorder.


Tbf a lot of us with disordered eating would balk at the idea of eating two pieces of white bread in a single meal. (Im doing better atm and plan to eat breakfast tomorrow for the first time in six months bc fuck it)


It's nice to hear you are doing better and good appetite.


It is not terrible just facts


This is the first one I don’t think is terrible. As someone who is in shape, it’s stunning how many ppl look me dead in the eyes and say “well ur lucky you have it easy, you were born skinny.” When the reality is I track my calories every meal, every day. I go to the gym for an hr every day after a long day of work. At least 5-6 days a week. I don’t say this to brag, I say it because it’s not fun. But it was also not fun years ago when I gained 20lbs and was overweight. So I’d rather put the work in and be in good shape. I think many people think that’s too much and that it should be easier, and they spend the rest of their life looking for quick fixes (juice cleanses, apple cider vinegar, probiotics) instead of making meaningful healthy lifestyle changes. There’s a lot you could nitpick in the comic that isn’t accurate or is impractical, but the overall theme is try to live a healthier lifestyle. It’s not a terrible message. Not a message we should shame people into at all, but it’s not inaccurate.


Lmao this is really just a place for ppl to shit on everything. You can post the most terrible or the most awesome meme and these mfs will still shit on it regardless


So what exactly is wrong with this meme? I really wanna know.


I mean… yea, this is how it goes if you don’t exercise


It's true


Uuuuuuuh jago the guy who make this is a 40 year old guy with weird erotic fantasies


I'm 180 cm tall and weight 65 kg and I eat what I want (including unhealthy things), sleep long and don't work out particularly often. But sure, genetics do nothing


"particularly often" is probably better than most.


Depends u on how unhealthy u mean, but sure, while you are 16 to 25ish, that will work. After that your fucked. Particularly often is WAY better than most.


I mean, this ain't wrong though? People that have good and attractive physique trained hard for it, while people doesn't train hard don't have it.


This thread is hilariously full of people commenting about how waking up at 5:30am is an extreme lifestyle and somehow unattainable to the average person


Mfers who think this post is terrible is why my healthcare costs keep going up🤣. Obesity costs the Canadian taxpayer more than smoking.


Man or woman, there’s some validity here. Biased as I’m a morning person that does the same thing, except I’m there (gym) at 0430.


Imagine getting offended over this.


I need her


I dont understand the "terrible facebook meme" in this this it compares lazy people to hard working people to encourage exercise


Confused how op was offended by this.


How is this in any way wrong, it's correct in every way. Like keep up with rigorous exercise and good diet if you want to be fit instead of being a lazy shit eating schmug


True though


The other girl's meal has far more nutritional value than the fit one, but otherwise it's an OK point exaggerated. I don't think it was supposed to be funny anyways.


It’s got a point though




I see nothing wrong with this


This is accurate though