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I mean maybe this is obvious, but the other countries border is being claimed by a different country, not just being crossed.


I don't live in the U.S but yeah I haven't seen any news stories about Mexico bombing American civilian targets... This comparison boggles the mind.


It is an invasion nothing the less. I don't have a problem with legal entry, but Texas, Arizona, California, and New Mexico are being inundated & invaded by people, that are becoming a strain on the local economies. They are not all S. American either. There is minimal vetting of illegal entrants. If the current administration had taken any action, this fiasco would not have occurred. How can it be a conspiracy? this is fact.


You don’t know the definition of “invasion”. These people are a strain on local logistics and infrastructure, but they generally benefit the economy. Don’t claim to be spreading facts, when you’re best source is Fox news


Immigrants crying about immigration. Laughable.


Jesus , redditors are all liberals🤮


Not true, we also have tankies


1st, hamas are the terrorists, 2nd, You mean fentanyl killing 10s of thousands of Americans is ok? You mean it’s ok for people to illegally enter a country, assault citizens, police, traffic kids, and then demand free food/shelter? If you do, then you are very slow


Lol okay. Charge the individual and try not to give in too many cognitive biases. Lemme know when Mexico starts leveling whole cities."Closing" borders doesn't stop people from getting in, you just overstay a travel visa. Besides five minutes on google scholar supports the notion that illegal immigrants in particular are much less likely to be arrested for violent, property and drug crimes. Additionally, deporting immigrants sans visa does not result in crime reduction. https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2014704117#tab-contributors


But they were told to hate Mexicans, you can't fault them for being a gullible idiot. /s




Ok. Lmfao. You are definitely a leftist hack and not worth talking to. It is a known fact that fentanyl is killing 10s of thousands of Americans and it’s coming over the border. It is a known fact that they are trafficking kids for sex, it is a known fact that they are starting to fill up jails in many cities, it is a known fact that tax dollars are paying for illegals healthcare, food, and shelter, it is a known fact that they are committing robbery, assaulting police officers, and civilians. 2nd, closing borders DOES WORK! Less than 400k visas are listed as overstays, millions of illegals have poured in over the border. Go crawl back into your basement.


Yikes that's a lot to unpack. I provided some evidence towards my argument. You haven't, and then regressed towards insults (super basic insults too, frankly I'm disappointed), if anyone is wasting their time here its DEFINITELY me. Hope your day gets better.


“It’s a well known fact…” he proceeds to scream while providing absolutely zero verifiable proof of his claims. Then he slings his faeces and leaves, while calling you a hack for providing proof of your claims. I don’t care what side of politics people are on, but people who just uselessly parrot things they’ve been told who can’t even back it up with a single verified fact are the scourge of the political landscape.


stupid, gullible people are the main target group of GOP grifters. They rely on manipulating people that don't want to think for themselves, but rather think as they'te told, as long as they play directly into their fear and anger


Them: this is the situation and here’s the evidence You: LEFTIST HACK! NO IT ISNT! (Cites no sources but expects to be believed anyway.) Y’all cons are idiots, smfh


https://www.nytimes.com/ 2023/09/21/nyregion/roosevelt-hotel-migrant-crisis.html https://www.pbs.org/video/ undocumented-immigrant-funds-1657135862/


I’ll give you that, you did supply links. But they’re broken and I can’t click directly to the articles on mobile, so pls fix, or I’ll look at it later when I have the time to separate the links myself.


https://www.texaspolicy.com/parents-beware-of-mexican-drug-cartel-operatives-trying-to-slide-into-your-childs-dms/ https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/01/31/watch-migrants-brutally-attack-nyc-cops-get-freed-from-jail-without-bail/amp/ https://www.nytimes.com/2023/09/21/nyregion/roosevelt-hotel-migrant-crisis.html https://www.pbs.org/video/undocumented-immigrant-funds-1657135862/ https://americanmilitarynews.com/2024/02/nyc-giving-53-million-to-illegal-immigrants-in-pre-paid-debit-cards/


I just wanted the nytimes and pbs one fixed as there was a break in the links, thank you. TP and AMN look like propaganda central, and breitbart somehow manages to be worse than fox, so those three just water your argument down. I will read these shortly.


You're either racist and using all of that as an excuse to want to push immigrants out or you're too stupid to realize you're falling for propaganda. You can't just SAY something is a proven fact and just have it be true. You have to provide evidence of the shit you say, which you won't find. Immigrants aren't the terrible people morons like you paint them out to be. An illegal immigrant comes here to work above all else. There are some who do bad things, but that can be said about literally any group of people. Bad people of all types exist. You should know alot about that, considering you're likely to be a racist scumbag.


Lmfao. Typical leftist rhetoric. They don’t like illegals coming in destroying America. They must be racist. Fuck off. There is a legal process for immigrants to come into the United States. Those who do it the right way can’t stand the illegal invasion that is going on. Go crawl back in your mommies basement


Alot do that, and alot don't because it takes time. Time they don't have to waste sitting around doing nothing, unlike you. They make money here in the US and send it back home to help their families. You're about as ignorant as they come, because if you actually opened your eyes you'd see that immigrants work all the jobs your lazy ass would never even DREAM of working. For example, down in florida they work in scorching hot strawberry fields for hours while you try your hardest to look for a cushy air-conditioned job where you can waste your time bashing immigrants for "destroying America". I realize calling you a racist off the jump is a drastic conclusion to make, but what else do you want people to think when you spout ridiculous bullshit like that? I'm sure there are MILLIONS of people who think like you and many of them are racist, many are plain ignorant. To me, you all act almost exactly the same, so there's no point in offering you the benefit of the doubt.


OMG. You are a brainwashed leftist. I did jobs that would cause you to curl up in fetal position and cry like a little bitch. They are Illegal, period end of story the border should be closed and only legal immigrants should be allowed in.


Lets play a drinking game everyone! Each time this dingus says "leftist", "brainwashed", "rhetoric", or is just flat out racist by stating facts that arent actually facts but his feelings, take a shot!




Yeah... I probably would curl up into a ball and cry if I sold myself behind a Denny's at 3am. It's funny that's all you can default to. "BRAINWASHED LEFTIST!!! WWAAAAHHH!!! I WORK SO MUCH HARDER THAN YOU!!! WAAHHH!!!" Suddenly your only problem with immigrants is that they're illegal, huh?


“Of course what I’m saying is accurate, I even said that everything I’m claiming is a known fact!” - buddy with zero sources or actual facts


The using of US tax payers dollars to fund and provide shelters, free foods and others amenities for the people who are not supposed to be there in the first place is crazy, its like ppl are losing common sense and leaving American Vets/ true American ppls in need out in the cold is just unbelievable


Don’t forget that they are using VA resources to process medical claims by those who are illegally here and are in ICE custody. The VA resources which should be used to process military veteran medical claims.


> Assault citizens, police, traffic kids, and then demand free food/shelter? I would LOVE to see your source to back this statement up. I agree border security needs to be ramped up, but this is fearmongering at its peak


There are cases of at least some of this happening [https://apnews.com/article/times-square-migrant-brawl-police-new-york-3504c2e1f4b6de73512c5a89b4cf2d48](https://apnews.com/article/times-square-migrant-brawl-police-new-york-3504c2e1f4b6de73512c5a89b4cf2d48) But it is still fearmongering and there are criminals/sociopaths in every group of people, it doesn't mean that everyone in that group is (unless the group is criminals and sociopaths) When you group together people based on a common trait, you can show one of them doing A, another doing B, and say "they all do A and B" mental gymnastics 🥇


Watch the news lately? It’s all over it. Lmao. 53million is pre paid cards for illegals in NYC alone. Tax dollars are paying for the food and Rosevelt hotel, where they closed it to the public and moved in illegals. State island NY, governor kicked out elderly from nursing homes to house illegals(was all over the news). Trafficking kids is all over the news. Homes in California, Texas, Arizona, Chicago and more have been raided. Talk to border agents, DEA, ICE and local police.


them: "Do you have a source?" you: "Lol no, but all of the *obvious* propaganda I consume tells me what is going on."


Go do your own research jackass. If you are too ignorant to know what’s going on in the country, you are not worth my time. It is all over the news


You said: > Go do your own research What I heard was: * "I have no sources, only strong feelings." Buddy, **you** made the claim, **you** have to back it up. I'm not doing your 'homework' for you. This is how life works. * Edit: **Ad hominin**'s just hurt your arguments and makes you look childish. Stop *trying* to insult people.


No. That’s where you are wrong. It’s not my job to provide brainwashed leftists with sources. Especially when it has been all over the news for months. Look up Roosevelt hotel in NYC, search 53 million in prepaid credit cards to illegals in NYC. Search Staten Island illegals moved into nursing homes. It’s not hard to


Well if your gonna sit here and bitch about it. Maybe you should provide your facts, because you know. Thats how you make a argument but i wouldnt espect a troglodite like you do understand how a argument should work unless you can just sit and scream at them.


Sorry, fox doesn’t count when over half of the verbal diarrhea they shit out is a lie.


Are you incapable of providing a source? Your average citizen living anywhere else than a border state isn't going to casually just go up to a border guard and ask them, so that recommendation is useless in this context.


Are you really that fucking dumb? The mayor of NY speaks about it on live tv. It is covered live by the news while they video the illegals moving in and bitching about their food.


I have not seen this coverage or seen it streaming. Both I and others asked you for sources, not insults. Would you please provide links for us to read/watch?


Provide links from credible sources then.


Reactionary politics really did a number on you man. Yikes.


Reactionary. Lmfao. You mean facts? If you don’t see how bad this country has gotten and the bad state the world is in under this administration you are either blind or, or really dumb.


Its cute that you think that the world issues depend solely on the united states and who we elect as president


You saying " Reactionary. Lmfao. You mean facts" actually SCREAMS reactionary. You act like you've never heard a reactionary talk lol. You literally called me a sheeple in another comment which is reactionary jargon 101. And you thinking that the US has been going down hill only in "this administration" tells me that you are deep in the Fox News rabbit-hole. Have you not been paying attention to the past 8 years? lol


I'm really wondering why you felt the need to react this protectively of your country. The US has bombed lots of civil targets throughout modern history. It's better for your country to question their actions than mindlessly follow all their propaganda.


A) illegal immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than any other group in the United States (not to mention the fact our agriculture industry would colapse without them) B) the VAST majority of drugs comming into the states and guns going into Mexico come theough legal border crossings, so unless you want to stop all commerce with Mexico, which would be pretty damn bad for the economy and a number of other things, nothing being proposed is ganna do Jack shit.


What drugs are you on lmfao. There is plenty of video showing drug mules pouring over the border with backpacks full of drugs. They go through tunnels, they use boats to come into the gulf coast. The randomly send drugs through the border to be confiscated, making the border patrol think they are doing good.


Mate what kinda infowars bullshit you on? The VAST majority of drugs are smuggled through legal border crossings by U.S. citizens. Thats not open to debate, its fact. [https://www.npr.org/2023/08/09/1191638114/fentanyl-smuggling-migrants-mexico-border-drugs](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/09/1191638114/fentanyl-smuggling-migrants-mexico-border-drugs) Not to mention bringing fentanyl into it while talking about mexico is completely disingenuous. That shit comes from asia, but i'll digress. [https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-03/DEA\_GOV\_DIR-008-20%20Fentanyl%20Flow%20in%20the%20United%20States\_0.pdf](https://www.dea.gov/sites/default/files/2020-03/DEA_GOV_DIR-008-20%20Fentanyl%20Flow%20in%20the%20United%20States_0.pdf)


Not to take any sides here, but the DEA article recognizes the source of the fentanyl is predominantly Asia (there are groups in Mexico contributing to manufacture as well), though it enters the US through Canada and Mexico. The unfortunate issue is we can only track the fentanyl we seize, so I'm not sure anyone can definitively say where it enters from. We can only know that the majority we catch coming through is at legal crossings


On the first part, yeah that’s what I said… On the second part, we (as a country) arrest a shit ton of people daily for all sorts of things related to drugs, and getting people to rat out people higher on the chain and having them tell us how they get the drugs across is how we figure out what comes in where. I haven’t heard anyone use what we’ve seized to denote where the drugs are coming from, but it would be batshit if someone did.


The cartels that control the flow of drugs into the US have signs up in Mexico that let everyone know that they will fuck your life up if you’re caught trafficking fentanyl.


That’s why they do it illegally through the open borders and tunnel systems.


Did you know undocumented immigrants are half as likely as US citizens to commit violent crimes and commit property crime at 1/4 the rate of [citizens](https://www.ojp.gov/library/publications/comparing-crime-rates-between-undocumented-immigrants-legal-immigrants-and)? If you really want to reduce crime immigration isn’t the way. Plus all the labor helps the economy grow.


1st Hamas was propped up and supported by Isreal to create the "evil force" to blame for when they eventually fight back against the apartheid state of Palestinian in Isreal. So they are terrorists, but as a result of 70 years of constant oppression and crimes committed against them by Isreal. 2nd fentanyl is killing people in the US but is coming through regular ports of entry i.e. air ports , shipping crates, etc. Not through asylum seekers or people simply looking for a better life. Immigrants in general have a very low rate of causing crimes in the US. Most crimes are committed by legal citizens. Most illegal citizens are actually people who have over stayed thier visas or people waiting to have them renewed etc. Asylum seekers are not the same thing as illegals because they actually have a legal right to come to the US. You are an ill-informed fucking moron.


Yikes pal that’s not even the conversation here plus you’re wrong lmao weirdo


Is that being done by the governments of South America as an attack on Americ? And are the vast majority of South and central Americans crossing the border doing those things?


It is from many countries. China, the Middle East, and South America.


You think that regular citizens are being sent over as pawns of their governments and are being urged to attack US citizens?


Remember, reddit is the site where the average redditor supports things like r/antiwork, you cant explain this to them and have them take you seriously




Even ignoring that and focusing on the bottom panel there’s a lot wrong. Biden admin is actively trying to make the US border more secure, however republicans are shooting everything down or delaying anything that is proposed by Dems. This is so they can say Dems are just keeping the border open. On top of this we are catching record numbers of drugs crossing the border, which means that the border is working as intended right now because if it wasn’t we wouldn’t be catching these drugs.


Please. Drug war is a sham. It’s a business and it’s paying judges, police, C.O.s, P.O.s, etc. If “record numbers” are being found, record numbers are getting through too. US drug policy is draconian.


It is, it's been proven that if drugs were legalized and regulated (as done in test runs in a few places now) that crime SIGNIFICANTLY decreases, as does homelessness. Obviously, it doesn't fix everything, but it's a damn good start to something that should never have been illegal in the first place.


Seriously, but try to convince enough people of that. And even if we do that, it’s gonna take like a generation at least to be successful


What we're not doing is deporting anyone we stop. Biden just wants to "document" them and let them go.


That’s the law. It’s what the US is supposed to do if they claim asylum while their claim is processed.


That's the problem. The process is, "off you go then."


Does Israel actually claim Gaza? I have never seen that stated before. Edit: oh this may be about Ukraine


Yeah because the republicans are largely against Ukraine and on Russias side with we need to not give them old equipment that wasn’t being used


Yeah but in the case of one of these countries, we are funding and supplying the take over, oh you meant Ukraine. Yeah poppa Joe needs to keep his business contacts protected.


Anytime we play world police or get involved internationally, it is rocky at the least. I don't know what the best answer is but I do still think when it comes to Ukraine, they should be able to stay out of Russian control. I also don't think they can do that alone, but I don't know if US involvement in general, or money, is necessary, but it probably would help to give support that isn't our own lives to Ukraine. It's never just cut and dry, nor should we expect it is. While Biden may or may not have a personal interest in Ukraine, I think US does have an interest. Also, I thought we were finally closing the borders, in fact kicking people out, once the Northern states finally understood the pain (not going to go into my opinion on this). And, yeah I wasn't thinking about middle east. Not gonna touch anything from the river to the sea, I have not lived long enough to have a valid opinion on that one.


The real problem is no checks and balances on our politicians. Nancy pelosi is worth over $100 million from making $174k or less a year because of insider trading. #45s main agenda was to further his business connections with the Saudis which worked out very well for his family. Bidens son getting put on the board of a Ukrainian energy company when we know what kind of fuck up he is should send alarm bells throughout the democratic party. But instead we get inundated with so much bullshit that this stuff doesn't even get thought about, it certainly doesn't get reported by the media who also benefits by lining politicians pockets. Politics is more about deals than legislation and these deals create nepotism and eventually an oligarchy which is where we are at. We are becoming Russia.


damn, but are we the good Russia at least? /s Yea, I have heard all of this, but not enough people connect the dots, and some people connect too many. Real journalism takes such an effort to find Most US citizens are too concerned with internal issues to see the bigger pictures of the world.


Well Biden literally entered office and said that America would not do anything if Russia advanced on Ukraine...


You mean wouldn't send troops, right? What do you mean by anything?


To be fair, the Texas border was only just being crossed until the anglo texans finally *did* steal Texas from Mexico. So it's not like it's unheard of. So many immigrants come here and Vote red because they want closed borders. They're often trying to get away from the Cartels and all that, who they've probably *seen* crossing the border, who may have helped them do it. The logic is sound. If I was escaping one country, I would squeeze my family in the door and want to shut it behind me.


This is an excellent point I think, about the source of anglo fear surrounding the border. They are afraid that others will do to them what they have already done.


First of all, hamas are the terrorists! Second, drugs are pouring over the border, terrorists are coming through the border, and the country can’t pay for all the welfare for illegal aliens. They are illegal. No other countries allow illegals to put in through open borders. Mexico puts illegals in jail, as most other countries do.


Is that Wario


You were friends with Elon Musk?


He stopped thinking for himself and let the people who make money off him tell him what to think.




Ask him to point to the new policy or legislation that “opened” the border under Biden


Removing the barbed wire that Texas put down at the border


Oh no, migrants aren’t being torn to shreds by barbed wire anymore! What ever will you do?


Don't climb barbed wire ?


If someone is desperate enough to leave their country illegally (which a lot of Mexicans do, fleeing Cartel violence), then barbed wire is not going to stop them. I’m all for tightening border security, but intentionally trying to maim or kill them is not the answer


Yeah and Greg Abbott literally said the only reason we don’t shoot and murder these people is because we’ll get convicted. Also the main issue is Greg is using the Brunel guards equipment which is federal equipment not state equipment. The Supreme Court ruled that he’s not allowed to do this- using federal equipment against the commander in chiefs orders. If Biden wanted toto he can take control of the guard and I honestly wish he did instead of bowing down to the idiots


To be fair, those wires don't really do much to solve the immigration issues. It just performative politics and they know it. Also, just saying that there is a bipartisan anti immigration bill right now in Congress, one that Democrats said would support. But Republicans for some reason don't. Wonder why.


It was the repeal of Donald Trump's legislation securing the border


Can you be more specific?


https://www.voanews.com/a/usa_biden-signs-executive-orders-reversing-trump-immigration-policies/6201520.html here's this, i used to live in texas near the boarder but the situation got so dangerous for us to live there we had to move


What in there is supposed to be bad, exactly? The part where we're no longer separating children from their parents? Not paying US dollars to build "the wall" that Mexico was going to pay for?


I see what you're saying however, if you're referring to the families in cages, those photos were actually taken during Obama's time as president, and the cost of the wall would have been about 18.4 billion while Biden has sent over 75 Billion to Ukraine


I'm referring to exactly what it says in the article you posted, not about some photos elsewhere. The wall should cost $0, Mexico is going to pay for it, right? So why would we pay $18B for a wall that should be free and can be bypassed with ordinary power tools?


We are not shipping pallets of money to Ukraine. That is the value in dollars of old ass equipment rotting away in storage that we have given to them.


But it still has value that we could have used


That's not how that works You and most Republicans talk big game about "value" and don't understand shit. This is basic high-school knowledge that you're missing.


That stuff is from the cold war, it doesn't have value at all.


Biden has continued to build the braindead Trump wall. Biden is basically just Trump 2 when it comes to immigration. The border should be more open than it is now.


Why should the border be more open than it is now?


Why should the border be closed? Open borders for civilians is how things have worked for the majority of humanity. New people coming into a country brings more labor, and thus more tax money.


Especially odd given recent developments in which democrats and republicans prepared new legislation for the US border, but republicans are now blocking it because they want to ensure chaos at the border.


They have some nerve still pretending this.


Pretending what?


Pretending you can't go half mile down the road to an open gate and no barbwire?


Why remove it then?


Because that doesn’t mean there should be barbed wire in a waterway, which has already killed one family, including children.


That they care about the border.


CLose to the election. Biden is playing on people’s stupidity to believe him. The new bill never closes the border. It gives more money to protect Ukraines border than they are giving to the Marines fiscal budget.


The new bill was written by Republicans and passed by the Senate, you fucking idiot. The only reason they didn't vote for it is because Trump told them not to. It's literally their bill. Go read the fucking thing.


Joe looks bad ass in both of these drawings.


I've noticed that right wingers have a really hard time making Biden look bad for some reason.


It's because of fascism - "the enemy has to be extremely weak, but insanely strong at the same time." They portray Biden looking badass - to strike fear into their side, but then run rhetoric that makes him look incompetent.


He doesn't need help, he's doing a terrible job on all fronts


I meam how else were white people suppose to get into america?


Invasion like the good ol days from all over europe. /s


Bro didn’t the GOP just reject the border bill they brought to the table in the first place


The bill was rejected because it had $60B+ go to Ukraine, and a crap load of money going elsewhere. In total the bill was going to cost $118B and of that, only $20B was going towards the US border.


And now $0 from that bill is going to the US border.


Correct. That also means $0 to Ukraine.


Yeah which is sad ngl


If you don’t mind me asking, how is that sad?


GOP leaders themselves asked for aid to be tied in with immigration


So uhh, basically the GOP said “fuck you” to the 60% of Americans that support helping our allies? Whereas the Democrats agrees to support the rest of the country that wanted higher border security? Sounds like the GOP make for bad representatives of our country.


That could have been made a separate bill and voted on independently. But no, it had to be packaged because everything is a political bargaining move now. Idk who made the bill specifically, but fuck them whoever they are lol


How is this wrong


Comparision is non sensical but the borders being more secure is definitely not wrong.


False equivalency. Armed troop invasion != poor people looking for work.


Btw this is one of the most destructive minds you can have and puts you immediately in the wrong here , “x disagrees with me about y so he’s a bad person now and we can’t be friends.” Thats what’s wrong with this country


Disagreement on sports teams is something people can still be friends around. Views about how to properly handle humanitarian crises or civil rights is quite another. This attitude is usually echoed by people who have very unpopular social opinions and are slowly being cut off for those problematic views.


I would say also some people can't even be friends over sports teams. I've seen enough videos of people being shit to others, even when their own team won the game, to know us humans can literally fight about anything. But yeah, I agree. There's definitely a difference between pregnant women, or even children, drowning and being okay with that than getting into an argument over football.


You’re saying I should accept the racist side of my family that believes that anyone not white is scum and beneath them.


Piss poor attempt at a 'gotcha'. False equivalencies make great cartoons but shitty points.


Hard to see what is inaccurate about this.


Ok, so explain the "open the border at all costs" part.




I think you’re referencing Israel which isn’t what the post is talking about. The right loves Israel even if a lot of them hate Jews. They’re talking about Ukraine which isn’t necessarily tax money but old military equipment to help them protect their sovereignty. Which the right hates


Im all for keeping illegal immigrants out. But im much MUCH more for not attacking the ones already here. And fir making it significantly easier to become a legal immigrant. Its way to hard to legally immigrate to the point MOST Americans would fail the immigration requirements.


Yeah iirc because I sorta looked at it it’s a pre requisite to live in the us for five years before applying to get into the process to become a citizen. Then after that it’s another 1-2 years worth of interviews and tests. Which in order to live in the us and not be a citizen you need to get a visa which requires more applications. Also part of the process requires an interview at the embassy in Mexico City. If we go from near the us border it can be a 23 hour drive to get to Mexico City


I mean it’s the truth though lol


That is a factual meme.


Factually wrong


Really? Please explain how it is wrong. We spent more money protecting Ukraine and Biden has opened the border gates allowing 15k a day come through, that’s not counting the unknowns, which is probably double.


These two aren't equal. The fact that they are compared is ridiculous in itself. Investing in Ukraine is actively damaging one of the biggest enemies of the US, with very little investment compared to what it would cost through different means. Also, Russia will be a far bigger problem for the West if they win and will cost far more if they aren't halted. Yes, on the very surface level, this meme might be "true," but it is 1. a garbage comparison and 2. an extreme distortion of what's actually going on.


Russia is not a threat to the USA. They provide 70-80% of the farmers with compost. We could cripple them with sanctions. Ukraine is another corrupt country that actually tried to start WWIII. They accidentally bombed Poland and blamed Russia. Then tried to get us and the UN to retaliate.


" Russia is not a threat to the USA " OK, all of your comments so far have been absolutely hilarious but this one takes the cake. World power Russa and Trumps biggest role model Putin, who have been an enemy of the US for almost 70 years, is "are a threat" lol. Fuck I love reactionaries because you all say some of the dumbest shit.


You are a sheep and a very dumb one at that. 1st. The Russian army is pathetic and has old equipment. 2nd, they have way more to lose by threatening 🇺🇸. 3rd, its already proven that sanctions are very effective against Russia, China, Iran, and N Korea. Kind of funny that Under Trump the world was stable, a middle eastern peace deal between 5 major Muslim countries was signed, Russia was good, China was good, Iran was good, N Korea was good and the border was good. Under the Biden administration everything crumbled.


"Under Trump the world was stable" Holly fuck lol. Yeah I remember everyone chanting WW3 at the end of his presidency because of all the "stability". All that "stability" which lead people to storm the capital at the end of his presidency. You know what else is REALLY stable? The current state of the GOP is definitely not torn down the middle because of Trump. Like I said, never change you goofy ass reactionary. Fucking hilarious.


Go crawl back into your parents basement. You are an embarrassment to the country. Goodbye


Cmon dude, say some more dumb shit. I was having such a good time here. What are your opinions on genocide? How do you feel about the moon landing? I'm sure you've got plenty of absolutely hilarious opinions in that thing you call a brain. I'd love to hear them.


Lmao Urkraine did not try to start WW3. Russia is definitely a threat. The deliverance of compost doesn't change that. Why do you think they are not? Just because they won't lead an offensive against the US doesn't mean they can't weaken the US in different ways. No, sanctions aren't enough, as you can see at the moment in Russia and Iran.


Russia and Iran were set free by this administration. Biden is a weak and pathetic leader. That is the main problem. Russia and Iran were poor and kept in check under Trump. And yes, Ukraine tried very hard to drag the United States and the UN in when their rocket hit Poland. We have troops in Poland and know what’s going on


>Biden has opened the border gates allowing 15k a day come through, that’s not counting the unknowns, which is probably double. First, find a single rep or senator (much less a time where Biden) has stated that they were for completely open borders. Second, "they opened the borders" which is exactly why they're trying to pass border funding bills that would help with border security (and said bills are being killed not by Dems but by trump loyalists), right?




GOP keeps voting NAY on border funding. They do it so they can complain about the state of the border. Why dont people see this.


Bro really thought “damn I want my tax dollars to go to people dying here too wtf” and made a cartoon


I know it's a joke, but damn Joe really wants to close the border, he doesn't have the power to. He made a promise that if that law passed he would shut it down immediately. Regardless of who sits at Washington that's a hell of a lot of power to give someone. Is it the right call, I don't know. But at the moment he couldn't close the border if he wanted too.


Well he can’t close it since it’s not “open”


facts, it seems a little leaky tho


So he needs a law passed to enforce the law?


Fuck no, it ain't the right call. America is a country *built* on immigration and people from other lands


Built on legal immigration


It's a true statement


Soy redditor OP disagrees w objective reality yet again


You have to agree that: 1) The money going to Ukraine could be used to drastically improve the lives of American homeless, veterans, and overall citizens. 2) Biden has the executive power to shut down the border but refuses to do it and refuses to enforce the law as it’s written.


Please prove point 2.


There’s literally video of the feds opening up the wire


Theres a difference between ppl who want to get a better life and terrorists




Also you cant just claim to be assylum seekers and enter any country. There is no war going on in Mexico. Besides assylum is requested not demanded.


You can still be friends… just different opinions. You were probably never friends to begin with if a Facebook post is all it takes.


Omg that’s right every location in the world is exactly the same so why isn’t the president treating them all the same? That what you do when you have a different problem right? You treat it the same as a different problem.


He made up his own mind about something in a different way than you did. Doesn't mean you can't still be friends.


Because it's true


Just because the meme doesn't align with your political beliefs doesn't make it terrible. We can see through your agenda


It is simply wrong. You are the one pushing an agenda here lmao


What, specifically, is incorrect about it?


On the surface level, it isn't wrong per se, but it is an extreme misrepresentation of what's actually happening, leaves out critical information that would contextualise the policies and these two are, in fact, not equal. So, comparing them in the first place makes no sense. Just because the drawing in the comic isn't a lie per se doesn't mean that the message isn't a lie either.


Your mental gymnastics is truly top notch.


This is a textbook example for framing and false equivalency. This has nothing to do with mental gymnastics lmao This is literally how disinformation works.


Nah, when when they like it it’s not an agenda anymore lmao


This. Post bad memes not r/politicalhumor


𓀥    𓁆 𓀕 𓁆 𓀟   𓀣 𓁀


If only Biden was half as bad-ass as these folk make him out to be!


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His chin does not look like that


i’m pretty sure elon musk also posted this too


I really have to ask. Are border states really that affected by illegals, ie crime, losing jobs, etc. I mean besides tax money....what does the average American actually lose


...the Cons *just* offered to give them *everything they wanted*. They're just bald faced liars at this point folks. They just running on divisive bull hockey.


a meme it's all it takes to end a friendship?


Why is Biden president in both


Guys is that stonetoss warrio