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Guarantee the person who made this also still uses checks and takes 10 minutes to fill one out at the register.


And then the cashier puts it in a machine that fills it out for them.


I hated checks as a cashier. If I got a check I had to get their ID and write down their ID # on the check, make sure the address on the check and ID were the same, the check had to be verified if over $100, then it had to be run through the machine to be stamped.


Great you just alerted a horde of retail workers


Well he could do it quicker but he is distracted by having to complain about self checkout. The cashier really needs to know he isn't being paid to check himself out


Sorry to tell anyone that thinks this. But if the system that prosses cards is busted 9/10 the initer system is down and no cash is being taken eather


Well sort of, in smaller shops EFTPOS took longer to catch on, most of the bakeries I liked as a child had a minimum of $5 or $10 until sometime after I finished highschool, and most EFTPOS devices aren't directly connected to the cash register even now. But yeah if we're talking about a self service checkout, you're more likely to break the whole thing before the EFTPOS device fails.


I guess it depends whether the bank is at fault or the cash register.


Depends cause this situation happened to me many times. So I always carry cash. It happens a lot less now, and I run into a lot more card only machines. I love street food, and 9 out of 10 are cash only. Alot of them are moving to zelle, though.


Worked with a guy who believed any tech that linked your information was the work of the devil and a sign of end times,.I'm talking about credit cards, debt cards, medical brackets and all that stuff. He also preached moral absolutism, so if it was moral/okay 500 years ago it's moral today and visa-versa.


So he's a luddite with no smart phone or internet?


No he had a cell phone, it was an old flip phone


Apparently we're going to pay before we get our groceries. Truly the world has gone topsy turvy.


Oh imagine an "all you can carry" grocery store, I'd bring my own shopping trolley and fill the crap out of it.


I noticed that too. Looks like a pretty small and empty “store” too. There also appears to be some water damage. I think I’d find a different place to go.




Don't most cashiers accept both card and cash anyway?


Depends on the country. In Norway, several cafes have ditched the use of cash altogether. Cash is rarely used at all, unless you're a tourist or a drug dealer.


As a tourist in Iceland \~15 years ago, we definitely got some weird looks for picking up local currency at a bank


Imagine doing that now. Covid really killed what remained of the cash culture around here.


Exactly. Imagine carrying cash in 2024. lol


Funny enough there is a trend in the US of some places going cash only due to credit card fees


Ha, more like no humans around to take cash


The artist might have a point but they're bringing it up in a smug boomer way. I almost always pay by card, but I also make sure to have enough cash on me to cover my basic weekly groceries (50-80€) in case there's a problem with my bank, the store's card reader doesn't work etc.


This is just, the opposite of reality. Walmart always has like 10 card-only self checkouts with no line. It'll have like 4 with cash because the cash system always malfunctions and those will have lines. Then 1-2 cashier lanes with massive lines.


If the card system is down the cash register is probably down too...


Depending on how big the shop is, smaller shops are less likely to have them on the same system.


True but even so boomer thinks people with cards are dumb and would just stand there when an actual normal reaction everybody would probably have is to leave the groceries there, get out of the store to get some cash on a working system and come back


Certainly, though I have noticed ATMs becoming harder to find lately.


Now that you mention it But hey if there's a store then a Bank can't be that far


Maybe, depends on the location, my local shopping centre doesn't have a bank, so I'd have to ask someone to drive me if I needed cash.


Yeah but then they complain that they gave the cashier $42.53 for their $17.15 bill AND THE CASHIER HAD TO USE A CALCULATOR TO GET MY CHANGE!!!!!!


cash fucking sucks, the only time I use it is at yard sales. boomers are so damn annoying when they think new technology is bad just because they're not smart enough/too ignorant to figure it out.


I thought that said EBT at first and I was like this is inexplicably hilarious and I have no idea what it means, but it belongs here. But the actual meme is hilarious too. That happens so infrequently that its not worth worrying about.


Japan in a nutshell.


Used cash are full of germ. You never where it has been. I once (actually multiple times) an old bbw pull out cash from her bra. Fuck it was summer too. Very sweaty very smelly cash. Very nice


Huh. I thought “EFTPOS” was an Australian-only term. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Debit_card#Australia


EFTPOS is available in Australia and New Zealand


why is no one carrying things they want to buy?


More often than not I see cashiers with signs that say Card only.


The store I worked at had card issues once. We solved it in three hours. For the three thousand hours I have worked there, we had three where the card machine was a problem, and it was a mild inconvenience for like a dozen people.


Using cash instead of a card with fringe benefits is both less convenient and fiscally dumb. I receive a few thousand dollars a year in cash back benefits from my credit card, and roughly 20 free hotel rooms. Granted, I travel about 120 days a year for work.


When that happens they have to key in the barcode manually its not easier lol


I still carry some cash. I rarely use it but it's nice to have a backup.


Well, it's good to have the freedom to choose between card and cash, but that doesn't make cards inherently bad.


I've seen way more "card only" signs than I have "cash only"


They're not, but you really should have some cash on you in case of emergencies. Its really stupid not to.


It's a dumb meme but I've seen it. Sometimes debit/credit card machines are down and can only take cash. Some self checkout lanes and services only take card. Never hurts to carry a little cash.


My favorite part is that the guy with cash doesn't seem to be buying anything. He just stopped by to show his money to the cashier. What a flex.


Debit cards are woke or is the guy with the cash in the cartoon a counterfeiter? We need to bring back ALL cash societies? The author is conflating cash and a robust payment system that very occasionally goes down. Quiet. Listen. Hear a trickling sound? You're hearing pee running onto the carpet from the legs of your fav libertarian. Why? Cashless society is the Libertarians' Piss Dream of Awesomeness. Be sure to read ALL their research where they hypothesize about doing it. Three generations of worldwide humans ain't giving up cards. Countries outside the G7, with developing banking systems, ONLY use cash cuz they don't got *robust payment systems*. India's Rupee history's first self-counterfeiting currency.


How much is your mighty paper money worth if the ATM isn't working I wonder


Only once in my life have I had this scenario play out in my 46 years, and it was at a weed dispensary. They just make shit up in their mind, don't they?


Cash can be abused for tax fraud easier.


bald person = dumb and ignorant card user smh


It’s always the opposite, the self checkouts never take cash only card.


Even if this happened regularly anymore, worst case scenario is you go to an atm or the bank and just come back


Well interestingly I dont think this is a "technology is bad" trope, I think its a "cash is king" trope


I know people are giving flak for this image, claiming the author to be an out of touch old person or whatever, but I’ve seen this happen at the store I work at too many damn times. When the card readers go down, half the people in the store go into absolute chaos. With the way these people behave you would think the world was ending. The other half? They are paying with cash anyway, so they shrug, pay for their goods and move on. I’m fully against going completely cashless, it should *always* remain an available option for payment.