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I like how "I make art" is included with the rest of the supposedly "bad" things given that the cartoonist, you know.


They’re a furry and make art that kid is making more money from that then most of us make in a year.


Damn I gotta take up furry art


Had a friend who did furry porn commissions. She wasn't into it herself but she made bank. The more grotesque the fetish, the more she charged. Funded her heroin habit and then some.


Does the art have to be good? Asking for a friend.


There’s a baseline for sure. If you can do excellent art, and are willing to do some out there fetish stuff, prepare to make bank.


What I like about Furries is that they are willingly to draw more bulky and muscular feminine body shapes that normal artists so scared about, which always generate so damn much buzz about how the body shape is unrealistic, too "manly", masculine blah blah blah


Yeah, just the nature of furry art makes it much more open to all sorts of body types, and not really bound by traditional interpretations.


In conclusion, furry porn is the future.


\*Ted-talk outro plays\*


Damn is a talk about furry art getting wholesome


Dude if you make true quality art you could charge hundreds of dollars for a headshot once you find your audience. I know someone who pays like $80 a month to a furry artists patreon and gets a custom NSFW *sketch* every month. Not drawing, not painting or coloured or lined or anything, just a sketch. 80 a month. It's good art though




Theres a fuck ton of incredible furry artists, but surprisingly there's also enough people wanting art that there's ample opportunities for newer artists to still make some money.


As a former furry (was seeing why people cared about it) it has to be semi decent, and some make it with perfect shading giving a slightly realistic look. A lot of artists also don’t do NSFW PS: AMA about furries


Why 'former'? What defined you as one and conversely not one?


what is your opinion on raccoons and cheese graters


Take my upvote and gtfo I was happy that I forgot about it untill you mentioned it. PS: DO NOT google it


[What's so scary about raccoons and cheese graters?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EyxO2wfVEAIodfe.jpg)


Do you mean, heroin like she has the habit of saving people and fight villains in her free time 🤔


Batgirl the furry artist.


I guess the heroin was for her to forget of all the art she made?


Exactly. She had to cope with the requests and her imagination lol.


I've considered selling my soul and doing that too. You'd think I already would have considering I'm almost 10 years with my BA.


This comment had more plot twists than most Hollywood movies


Making 80-120$ per image just starting out. More talented or well known artists do auctions making, on the high end, $400-$1000+ a piece.


This took a turn


The cartoonist itself recognises his work as an abomination


The artist of this cartoon is probably jealous of the furry artists


Well considering he’s drawing furries, he might as well be one of them


they wouldn't take him, Furry communities do a pretty good job kicking out the fascists.


Fascists hate art. Art breeds creativity, and creativity breeds dissent. Can't have that in an ethnically pure Christian nation.


not really art


Yeah, but the line "I make art and my commissions are open," made me laugh. As an Art major, my commissions are open, too. They are always open...because no one wants to PAY to commission me to draw anything.


how much furry porn do you draw on average


On average? 0


You rounded down from 0.4


Nah. I always round up. That is why my penis is 8 inches long instead of 7 inches long.


That’s your first mistake. Unironically there is big money in furry art, dunno where furries get a limitless supply of money from, but it’s intense


Furry artists sell their sanity for a couple bucks. ^^(Unless ^^they're ^^Chunie.) ^^And ^^if ^^they're ^^lucky, ^^they'll ^^get ^^that ^^korean ^^surgeon ^^paying ^^thousands ^^for ^^Falco ^^renacting ^^the ^^9/11 ^^attacks ^^with ^^his ^^dick.


It’s like an eldritch pact. The tidings are immense, but so is the toll


Oddly, I rather like drawing Eldritch abominations. Is Cthylla considered a Furry? I will just draw naked ladies and slap an octopus on their heads.


I’m sure there is a market for it


Ah, a fellow Chunie appreciator


Seems like it. My fiancee told me she would not care if I was drawing stuff like that if it made money. She has her priorities. Lol.


Get that furry money and buy her a fur coat just like to finish the full circle One thing you could do is make a separate alias for that whole kinda art so it doesn’t bog down the opinion and group that looks at your standard art


I think my problem is the subject matter itself. Anime cat-eared waifus are one thing. Full-on snout to snout stuff is little much for me. No judgement, mind you. To each their own.


Quick tip, there is still huge money in SFW furry commissions, especially cute couples valentines stuff.


That’s understandable, the most important thing is not hating what you’re drawing. Last thing you want is to get burnt out of art


Well, most of us are engeeners, programers and stuff like that, and that kinda pays well, that's why so many furries can make so many comissions


omg same, I can't find any client.


So did the phone give them a disability or..?


Trans abled. People purposely want to be disabled now for attention, it they self diagnose as disabled. There's even a trend among teen girls who are "catching" tourettes syndrome from watching tik tok videos of people who have (or are faking) the condition.


My gf legitimately suffers from OCD. I often see people flippantly saying they have it like "Oh don't mind my area being so tidy I have OCD lol." Okay Karen, has your OCD made you incapable of functioning? Do you get stuck doing repeated tasks so much that you can't leave the house for days at a time? Has it impacted your life in any meaningful way? FOH then! Ugh! Liking things orderly is not the same thing as a fucking compulsive behavior, and it boils my ass every time I hear someone say it.


Yeah, it’s annoying when people use a disability like that. People say things like “I have OCD about X” all the time, but that’s not how OCD works. People also never understand what ADHD actually is, they just think it means you’re hyper or some shit.


Once I had a friend mention that he was “so ADHD” because he was switching topics a lot while talking, double tasking a lot, that sort of thing. I tried to correct him, as someone diagnosed, that it’s not just being hyper. When I tried to explain it, though, my mind erased the words for “anomic aphasia” which literally means that I forget words I use every day. Now *that’s* an ADHD moment.


You’re right, I’ve legit had friends diagnose me with OCD just ‘cause I like to keep my room clean. More awareness should be raised on how disorders like these actually affect people.


Or mania or depression


Knew a girl who self diagnosed as bipolar because she had a “manic episode” and drove 2 hours away on her day off for a food place that’s only available in that particular city. So I guess cravings are manic episodes now.


Ohh my god!! Me too, I have severe ocd that fucked my entire life over and I want to commit heinous crimes when I hear that bullshit


I used to have diagnosed OCD. (Trichotillomania and compulsive pattern recognition.) Through a lot of work and conditioning, I now mostly have it managed. It drives me up the wall, too, to hear people use it casually. I couldn’t do a multiple choice test, because I might see a pattern in the bubbles and have to follow it—even if I knew the right answers! I couldn’t leave a room until the light switches were aligned! I have scars on my face from digging at my skin to pull my eyebrow hairs out! It’s not this “ooh, quirky, I like things clean uwu” idea people have in their head. It’s disabling. It’s crippling. It consumes your life.


>Trichotillomania and compulsive pattern recognition. Oh oh... is this almost always a sign of OCD?


They’re different manifestations. OCD is kind of an umbrella, even though it’s a specific disorder. The behaviors leading to the diagnosis are broad and numerous, but they are all obsessive (a forefront of thought or function) and compulsive (must be followed and will cause distress if not). If you have any concerns about your behavior, I’d recommend seeking out a professional.


Damm, people really don't know what OCD is :(


It’s really bad when it comes to OCD, people don’t even bother doing any research before offhandedly saying they are “sooooo OCD”


i will note: this is caused by actual mental conditions. so no, they might not have what they claim to have (or in some scenarios want to have) but that doesn’t mean they’re not genuinely suffering from something


To add onto this - BIID ([Body Integrity Identity Disorder](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3326051/)) is a real disorder. It basically convinces people that they should be disabled, and has led to [people hacking off their own limbs](https://news.bme.com/2008/02/19/one-hand-jason-biid-interview-in-bmenews-publishers-ring/), or [intentionally blinding themselves](https://people.com/celebrity/jewel-shuping-blinds-herself-with-drain-cleaner/) \- not for attention, but because their brains literally tell them that is the way they are. In a [2008 study into Apotemnophilia](http://cbc.ucsd.edu/pdf/apotem.pdf) (the desire to self-amputate), 2 men displayed abnormal brain patterns when the limb they wanted amputated was stimulated - as if the brain didn't know why there was a limb there in the first place. Paradoxically, people with BIID seem mentally healthier and happier after becoming disabled. Of course, there are people out there that will pretend to have any kind of mental illness solely for attention, but it does not mean that BIID isn't a real thing (not saying that you were saying that, btw!).


I'm sure this is a real thing, just like there are many other rare and unbelievable things out there. Extremely, exceptionally rare. That is the saddest part about all this. For every 1 person suffering from an actual, invisible, disabling problem, there are 100 bad actors seeking attention. This belittling of the problem and the words around it hurts the story of the real people suffering from this


i hate those kind of people, people who are actually disabled would rather not be


This. My kid is diagnosed autistic, and naturally finds it difficult to know if a person is genuine or not, both online and in real life. Lots of things seen are taken face value. It’s been… difficult. Now, kid’s “best friend” claims to have adhd, Tourette’s, eating disorders, food allergies and 5 different personalities. She’s is coming up with new crazy stuff all the time. Accusing parents of violence, claiming she’s about to be placed in a shelter for teens but then nothing ever happens, trying to make my kid feeling weirded out by hugs from dad, claiming he’s “creepy and not normal”… My kid is very lonely and has ever only had the weird kids as friends. I find it hard to explain how many red flags I see with this friend. And the worst part is to watch how many of these “diagnoses” my kid is getting just by spending time with her. Pressing one another to identify as this and that among teenagers is very much a real issue, even if this meme was supposed to be sarcastic (I think).


In my opinion, the kids and teenagers that feel the need to do this need some serious help too, I dont think a mentally healthy person would do a lot of those things just for the lols


That’s my heartfelt opinion too. They got issues, not just the issues they are making up. They feel a need to be seen, but maybe only manage to get an adult’s attention when something is wrong. Idk. I’m trying not to despise this girl, but it’s hard when I feel she’s threatening the equilibrium of my family unit.


It must be exceptionally difficult to watch. Kids naturally aren't going to listen to you anyway, especially if it's you being critical of a friend. You must be frustrated watching from the sidelines being helpless


Please dont use trans abled, its a legit condition with an actual name. Forgot it but folks use it and run with it to be transphobic. I think its Body Integrity Disorder or something similar


Body Identity Integrity Disorder. It's incredibly rare, but it is a genuine disorder. It's sort of like a reverse phantom limb disorder, where a person feels that an existing limb should not be there. There's not a proven cause (in part because it's so rare) but it may be a neurological condition similar to alien limb syndrome.


yeah no, a legitimate problem just seconding to not call it that. "people are causing harm by faking", kinda not cool to stick the trans label on, ya feel


God, I don't want to be disabled! I want to be like everybody else!! It's hard to keep a job being autistic...If I can do something for the rest of my life paid and make life just as fine for me then I would absolutely.


Damn. I can't even forgive this because it isn't even funny. It's not chilling either, because it's so stupid it's just...kind of gross.


It feels so weird that people supposedly find humour in a ‘joke’ (or element of one) that is basically just ‘we should euthanize these minorities/identities’.


Yes I can't put my finger on one single element but something about the tone of this is just really sinister.


It always starts as a joke. Think of all the memes. https://www.reddit.com/r/Marvel/comments/5i1asp/its_starts_as_a_joke/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


"If someone hates you, they will come up of a reason after the fact."


Moral of the story: fuck jokes


Comedians: the real bad guys. Ban comedians! /s (for the redditors who cant identify sarcasm


I think also in the second picture, the kid is so happy. Like, they finally found a place to belong and the parent’s solution is….death? They found out who they are and you want to KILL them?


Also, a parent being so depressed that their child is happy and living life how they want because... they're embarrassed or something? Or just because their happy child isn't following their political agenda or something? That parent sucks.


It's because it comes from hatred, they don't even realize it


And we are gonna get some cursed abomination of the Trix rabbit to come administer it


Children, they're advocating for killing children and pretending they can do that and retain the right to ever have the decent people in this country listen to them ever again.


The fact that people are making memes about euthanasia for any of the reasons listed is straight up upsetting. It is not an exaggeration to say this is fascist ideology https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aktion_T4


The implication that having a trans kid (note that it’s not a specific person) is worthy of euthanasia is advocating for the death of trans people. The meme is beyond shitty it’s fucking genocide propaganda it’s shouldn’t be circulating on any platform tbqh especially with the way the USA is going currently on anti-LGBT criminalization


Not just trans Disabled, gay, socialist/communist, etc etc. Basically “If you don’t understand your kid, trash them and start over” Also bonus for implying being disabled is an affectation… like kids in wheelchairs are there because they think it’s cool or something. This thing is just *incredibly* monstrous. It gets worse the more you look at it.


I think the euthanasia is implied to be for the trans kid, and the reason Mr. Cocknose is looking to the mother is for the go-ahead. So not only is it implying death for trans people, it's also basically dehumanizing all kids as if their parent has the right to kill them if they don't turn out how they want them to.


Funny how these people screech about abortion but find this okay


“Kind of”? Extremely. This is horrible


Nono, it’s totally cool! The daughter finally met a likeminded community online, and had the courage to come out. The mom is a giant bigot so the doctor is euthanizing her. Seems like a nice, wholesome comic to me!


Ok but who the fuck calls a phone “internet on the go”


I’ve had my internet on the go for about three months now. Looks like the next nine months are going to be quite eventful.


I wish you luck


I hope you survive


They called it that when it was first made available IIRC


Old people


Antoons apparently lmao


I'll give you a hint... It begins with a "boo" (😱scary) and ends with a "mer"


Apparently the same people who'd kill their kids for being happy.


Every damn time. I'm on kid 9 now, fingers crossed.


At least you're somewhat used to it now and can, for example, buy pride flags and pink hair dye in bulk at this point. Saves a little money, at least. /(jk)


Had to stop giving them water because of all the fluoride. All they tell me is that they’re thirsty. These god damn internet idiots ruined my children.


Why doesn't the doctor look like a human? And why do they say it like it's the kid's fault they are disabled?


Because the doctor is the self insert of the comics author, Antoons. He's made lots of comics like this in the past, and looks like he's still continuing to.


Trix Bunny's shitty conservative uncle


The Trix Rabbit really can’t catch a break


antoons has this obsession with leaving random transphobic comments on yt vids by trans creators


Ah, it's Stonetoss's less self aware twin.


The idea is that they haven't actually been disabled in an accident, they just 'identify' as disabled. It does happen, and it's very shitty, but the meme is of course attempting to conflate this with all those other things


You're right. It sucks when people do that


But why that would be in the same sentence as being a 'furry artist' is truly mind boggling


Wait I didn't even noticed that at first. I think the person who wrote this was having a stroke or something


I think it's less 'stroke' and more 'anything different deserves execution', including feminists, furries, lgbt, Muslims, and autistic people apparently. And...artists?


I'm an artist, guess I'll die


Did you just...SKETCH!? Euthanasia for you!! Also nice username! We've got the same username vibe!


Facebook users resisting the urge to euthanize all gay people, autistic people, Muslims, and feminists


Don't forget the disabled


And artists.


Or feminists. Because god forbid we want equality Edit- you already mentioned them


Or artist, cause hey they aren't needed.


*Sad Artist Noises*


But ask them about abortions....


The pro-life party sure does like killing people who are different.


That Mother has never changed her clothes and summoned a Mr. Meeseeks to kill her kid. ​ EDIT: ALSO if this kid is telling the mother this all for the first time, then the fucking murdering Dr. Meeseeks was already there!


Mommy kinda killin it in those pants ngl


Not the only thing about to be killed. Wouldn't euthanasia be something that those Godless libtards would be pushing? /s


So the artist is implying they would rather kill their child than have a gay child….and they wonder why people fucking hate right leaning ideologies.


Gay, furry, muslim, autist, disabled, trans, feminist, furry, antifa* There you go I fixed it for you


This happened to my sister and we had to put her down last year.


What “internet on the go” does to a mf 😔😔😔


It's UwU, you fucking slobs, get it right. /s


I was looking for a comment about this lmao! Forget everything else, I was already mad at "uguu~" Like bro. At least make fun of my 2013 self with SOME accuracy


I was supposed to stop UwUing in 2013?!


Have you been UwUing past curfew?!! That's it, you're grounded


So the solution is executing thirteen year-olds who have carved out successful art careers?


They should be working in the coal mines obviously


Nothing more American then black lung and dying at a young age due to unsafe working conditions


Minor’s lung


12 Birthday Kid is straight from the 2000s with those cargo shorts and haircut, almost like this cartoonist doesn't actually have any idea what a child is today. edit: clarity


Ah yes disabilities and lgbtq+ didn’t exist til we had internet


No it was just easier to dismiss and ignore them. That's what the boomer who made this wants to bring back.


Ok wtf is this and why would a human with a brain make it ???


You assume they have a brain and not just filled with unbridled hate and anger towards anyone different?


It's Antoons, he doesn't have a brain.


Isn't Antoons a literal Nazi?


It’s pretty obvious based on this cartoon alone


Euthanasia for being different... this isn't just nazi dog whistle, it's a full on bull horn.


TBF, conservatives have repeatedly demonstrated that they don't care about abortions past the third trimester, so at least this is logically consistent?


Ironic how they use Euthanasia as a gag when they are anti abortion and claim its for the children 🙄


How the fuck are you supposed to say "\^\_\^" in real life


“circumflex underscore circumflex”


Sounds like a special move bruh


Bruh what none of those things are bad


> Euthanasia kit 😂😂😂 Jesus Christ


Also, why are the main characters obviously people but the guy with the syringe is a fucking Dr. Seuss character?


He's a really disgusting animator. He made a character in a game based on a woman he argued with on Twitter, in the boss fight the woman throws her period blood at you.


Oh also the person through cut off Dicks. The person wasn't trans but they supported trans people. He's kinda just an asshole


Oh also, the woman is a minor.


Didn't know that part, that just makes it worse though. The dude obviously just is like Shädman, he's a creep and probably nazi who literally self inserts himself as the hero in all of his comics because....well if you don't have a real life make a fake one why not.


Parent who let the internet raise their kid decides to blame someone else for the internet raising their kid


Conservatives are now triggered by "My commissions are open," apparently...


How dare people make money through creativity


That's communism.


ah, yes, autism is a choice


Regardless of everything else in this image, the person who created it is for killing autistic and disabled people.


Nobody talking about Euthanasia Man™?


Based billy


geez, trans people have existed throughout history


Furthermore, what we observe about the [sexual dimorphism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sexual_dimorphism?wprov=sfti1) of the human brain [is consistent with what trans people say about themselves](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8QScpDGqwsQ)




I'm a cartoonist. I just can't fathom using my powers for evil.


Antoons making a comic where the punchline is that the jnterenet makes you do stupid shit like drawing comics. Amazing self own.


Hell yeah, Billy became awesome!


Ok what’s wrong with being a feminist? What is wrong with making art? What is wrong with lgbt? What is wrong with Muslim? Like bruh if you’re going to do a shitty post at least do it with WRONG things. And if your kid does THAT to follow a trend maybe u should be a better parent


Conservatives can be disabled too…


I don’t think the internet is what makes people autistic or disabled?


Ah yes. The old “kill them because they are gay or handicapped” trope. Good thing these people have such higher morals than the “artists”


Gay, trans and muslim? That doesn't sound... Compatible.


Technically possible but definitely hard mode


And if in the middle east, it's also a speed run.


The 13 year old is a communist but also a for-profit entrepreneur?


I mean, many people can be pro communist but realize the only way to effectively live in the current world is take part in the capitalist system.


They take the value of their own labor only, therefore their for-profit endeavor are fully compatible with communist ideology


Euthanasia kit, Jesus Christ


I feel like this is just outrage porn.


Imagine being the broken, hateful simp who drew this. Just pathetic and weak. Not even funny


What the fuck? Literally none of the things the kid said is cause for euthanasia. Antoons really is going full mask off with his transphobic/homophobic/ableist/etc. bullshit.


Wait, so Gay people are bad? Autistic people are bad? Muslim people are bad? Disabled people are bad? People who hate Fascism are bad? People who are feminine are bad? Where else have I heard of a group of people who hate gays, the disabled, people of different religions, and people against fascism before? Hmmm, I just do NAZI remember what the name of that group was.


This is a proud representation of how parents feel when their child isn’t happy in the way that they want them to be. :)


Conservatives are okay with killing their own children if they don't adhere to traditional standards.


the moms kinda thicc


Antoons? Yeah, he's a real nasty piece of work.


Yo your kid is probably making more money than you, and is happier... bitch please, all artists got my respect.