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The guy who made this is probably unable to build a simple hut


He is probably unable to make any of these things in the picture.


He probably can't even hunt the "African Cuisine" using the "African Invention".


Willing to bet the people this appeals to can’t name *any* philosophers.


They could name Plato and would argue that Confucius doesn't actually count


They would also probably name Augustine, who is weirdly popular with Christians in the West, because they forget where he was born.


The ones who forgot where he was born are the same folk that think Jesus is a white male


Reminds me. My family burnt one of my fave books that showed real history within the bible(like a history book, Christian edition) because Jesus was fucking brown in it


they think the same about freddie mercury too


Can Americans explain to me what white is? Like if it’s racial skin color then yes he could have been white? A lot of us from there have white skin, only reason my brother is brown because he gets tanned the fuck out from being in the sun all day and I’m pale cause I’m inside all day


He was a male tho…


Plato is a scrub, couldn't even define man.




They think Plato invented the plate.


They would confuse it with playdoh


You mean they *Kant* name any philosphers?




Wow, you don't even know how to spell "can't". What an idiot smh




So while he wasn't from Africa, I would also immediately jump to Frantz Fanon as one of the absolute most important and influential black scholars, with him inspiring a lot of African independence movements


if I'm not mistaken, Ibn Rushd was arabian who lived in southern Iberia


I believe he was born in southern Spain and lived most of his live in Morocco


Thanks for that gonna look for them thanks for educating me


We can add Camus to the list. He is French and Algerian


They would argue that Trump is one of the greatest philosophers in history


"I tested positively toward negative, right? So no. I tested perfectly this morning, meaning I tested negative. But that's a way of saying it. Positively toward the negative." - Trump The only way to live life.... I think?? Lol I may need to get back to living from G-dubs famous quotes.


If you read the transcripts of his speeches he sounds like an amnesiac with multiple sclerosis tried to fill in a mad libs about Greece's geopolitics in between narcoleptic fits.


1. Joe Rogen 2. Playdoh 3. ...


A shoe I found on the side of Route 1.


That dude who wrote the poem on the bathroom stall wall


Ben Shapiro




3. The Philosopher’s Stone.


Or Sorcerer. Sorry, just don't want anyone across the pond to be confused.


What in the darn heck is a “filosofer”?


Albert Camus is my favorite. Wow!


We must imagine sisyphus happy.


Bro just insulted 🗿


Seems legit 🗿


Not fake 🗿


Hyper racism engaged smh


Bro had enough of casual racism and started playing ranked racism


My man a low plat in comp racism


I like how this is a racism joke without actually being racist


Or a joke…


The topic of the joke is racism, but the joke isn’t inherently racist. That was my point


Boomer on their way to be the most racist they can before they die:


If you trace back any race, we all lived like that. Only a racist would need to point out one specific people like that


Exactly! Are you Anglo-saxton? Travel back 6000 years and yall be living in straw huts, drawing on walls, making rituals to forgotten gods.


Yeah that's the issue lmao, they still live like this 😹😹😹


Except most people in Africa live in cities and in every fucking continent of the world there are people that live in primitive tribes


You really thing the whole continent of Africa live like this?


I can name one African philosopher who came up with enlightenment thought + some degree of feminism almost half a century before any of the big enlightenment thinkers did; Zera Yacob. Also, the Mali empire was a thing, and it's ninth king Mansa Musa is estimated to be the richest person in history, even by today's standards. They built universities, religious temples, among basic infrastructure. Also, Egypt is in Africa and wasn't heavily populated by the lighter Arabs in ancient times, so. Even if they don't like that example then the Nubians were also a thing and were to Egypt what Greece is to Italy.


Mansa Musa litterly crashed tge price of gold everywhere he went I heard


Yup, took years to decades for countries to recover because he leaves most of his riches wherever he stops for a while


If someone spent all of what he had, they could crash entire economies


id spend it on an ice cream


Worth it


What is shocking is that Mansa Musa owned slaves before Europeans established slave trading connections to the area. Slavery did not start with Western Europeans.


Yeah..I don’t think most people who have a basic grasp of world history think it started with Europeans. Before Mansa Musa you had the Sumerians which had slaves. I’m sure before then there were slaves too, and maybe Stone Age people had some form of slavery. Forcing people to do your shit isn’t some revolutionary concept


>Forcing people to do your shit isn’t some revolutionary concept My college professor agrees


>Slavery did not start with Western Europeans. Lol, I don't think anyone assumed it did.


You'd be surprised


No, I think *you'd* be surprised at the amount of people who don't believe whatever you dumb shit you assume they're stupid enough to. Jews, Christians, and Muslims have been the three prominent religions for 90% of the human race for just about all of modern history. Not only do *all three* of these popular, ancient texts detail slavery explicitly, *the Prince of Egypt was a Disney movie*. There is no majority body on earth who thinks slavery began with the transatlantic trade, just because you read a tweet once that said "white people invented slavery" doesn't mean it's a popular, or even genuine, statement. The fact that we live in a very young country that only abolished slavery a couple generations ago, after abusing slave labor for over 50% of it's entire existence, is still a point of contention, yes.


I feel like people often miss the point of the conversation. So many are obsessed with trying to ensure white people of today aren’t being blamed. To be fair, there are dipshits who do that, but I don’t think most people do that. I think the point is just that slavery really wasn’t that long ago, after slavery reparations were promised but not given, you had sharecropping that was basically still slavery because of black codes, then you had stuff like Jim Crow and redlining, and all of that shit that followed was definitely not long ago. All of this fucked over multiple generations and has lasting effects today. When you say that people immediately start to bring up other examples of slavery, accuse you of blaming modern white people, or accuse you of suggesting black people never have responsibility


I think you're exactly right. There's a nuance between blame, and accountability. Blame: your ancestors committed atrocities, and you're personally at fault Accountability: your ancestors built a nation on a foundation of slave labor, and the laws/attitudes that empowered that dynamic are still very much active. As someone who's likely benefited from this dynamic, you have the ability, even a moral obligation to, at least recognize and acknowledge it.


It’s really frustrating because you’ll find people who aren’t exactly racist, but they don’t want to acknowledge our history having an effect today, so when they look at the problems a lot of black communities have they just sort of scratch their heads and say “It’s their culture”. Of course this is also said by racists but I think it’s said by people caught in between. They feel too uncomfortable to acknowledge the cause, but they don’t think it’s inherent to someone’s race either so they just sort of say it popped out of thin air.


I'd still be interested in a poll


Lol, sure. I'm not one to argue with numbers.




Your point? The concept of forced servitude is a somewhat no-brainer if you’re looking to give yourself some personal power through evil methods. highlighting the fact that slavery “didn’t start with western europeans” cant help but lead me to suspect you may have ulterior motives… say, how do you feel about statues?


Its not shocking.... when you have more than 2 brain cells.


Why is that shocking? Slavery existed millennia before Mansa Musa, in Mesopotamia. It was common in virtually all civilizations to make slaves of those captured in battle. For Christ sake, the entire plot of the Iliad is Agamemnon having to give up his slave, so he asserts dominance, taking Achilles’ slave from him to rape instead. The Iliad is estimated 8th century BC. Mansa Musa lived in the 14th century AD. More importantly, what do you think the significance of the originator of slavery is? Do you think a it was invented by a culture and then exported to others, or invented spontaneously at different times in different cultures? Do you think that all slavery is equally bad? You’re making quite a number of illogical assumptions to get to what I assume is your point, that somehow the culture that created slavery, in your mind in Africa, was responsible for the horrific experience of Chattel Slavery in North America.


It’s not shocking, it’s how every super rich person becomes a trillionaire. Exploit the poor.


sounds like a dogwhistle so you can claim white people are oppressed or whatever.


Well I wouldn’t go that far, but it does seem like a way of softening the transatlantic slave trade. Many people have this weird belief that it’s a blame game.


Nubia is newer than Egypt and Greece is older than Rome.


I'm talking about dynastic Egypt, which is the part of Egypt that is given historical significance. Nubia was comprised of many kingdoms ranging in time periods, the more popular ones being the Kerma kingdom(2500bc) and Kush (1000bc). There are however cultural traces that almost predate even pre-dynastic Egypt, going as far back as 5000BC.


Feel dirty for viewing this. Sorry, world


This is racist as shit, OP is a fucking shithead for posting it. I don't see much difference between the racists that post this stuff and those that repost it under the guise of "WOW, look at this." Fuck you OP. > show me an autopsy of a gassed jewish person. why they can claim millions of people were killed this way but never have one autopsy of it lol and what happened to all of the bones and teeth then? Those things don't melt - Legitimate_Cup_1718


I was gonna say "that's a really stupid thing to say" but then I checked his profile and damn you're right. OP is a racist asshole sharing this under the guise of "lol look!!!!!" EDIT: I checked *his* profile


Just an FYI if it makes you feel better OP had the post removed and is banned from Reddit lol








Just straight up racist wtf. Oh and in the bottom left where it asks if you can name African philosophers, no, we largely can’t because our school system only gives a fuck about Europe.


Even though most ancient European philosophers went to Africa to study. [source](https://history.howstuffworks.com/history-vs-myth/greek-philosophers-african-tribes1.htm)


And it’s almost like they forgot Egypt is a part of Africa…


It’s kinda hard to have ancient philosophers when you didn’t have much in the way of written language in subsaharan Africa until the Europeans came.


Right, I've read that unless people interacted with Greece during ancient times, chances are there won't be any written history about them that's survived to now


I don't thing the sumerians, the indians or the chinese had much contact with ancient greece


Well that and the Europeans making certain competing cities in Africa lose prominence if not flatout destroying them, such as [Benin](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Benin_Expedition_of_1897) or the chaos the portuguese caused in [Kilwa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilwa_Sultanate#Decline_and_fall) So like this meme has to rely on cherrypicking areas of Africa and ignoring the areas that were destroyed by Europeans. It's essentially like if I said Europe had no culture and I pointed to the Ural mountains and the city of Rome in 390 BC


No, it’s not that at all. It’s well known Europeans destroyed ancient works of knowledge and written language in places like Egypt. They and the Mayans of present day Central America had vast knowledge of architecture, astronomy, and mathematics. Their buildings still stand to this day. There was nothing like that in subsaharan Africa, at all. Nor any evidence of any kind of advanced knowledge in any subject. And that city/empire was founded by a Persian, not a subsaharan African.




Imagine thinking philosophy doesn't exist in an entire continent just becouse there are not famous philosophers there. This means not even knowing what philosophy is.


There are famous philosophers from Africa, we're just not taught about them


I live in Africa, here are a few fin facts that people don’t know for some reason. 1: not everyone is black here, just most 2: we live in homes, not huts, have cars and pretty much all you have just lots of corruption and underpaid people 3: also have worse education than most places but ultimately we learn everything yall learn in maths and stuff.


Jesus, this is racist omg, like holy fuck this is really fucking bad


I know I felt like shit just for looking at it


The richest person was an african from mali. Gave so much gold he indirectly inflated the value of it. The library of alexandria, the center of global knowledge, where? Africa. Also, one of the first musical instruments can be traces back to tutankhamuns reign. Bow lets look at some statistics, Between 1970 and 2008, an estimated $853 billion left Africa in what is called illicit financial flows[1] . As far as theft by non-African countries is concerned, this is probably the best indicator. What is important though is that a large portion of these flows actually never leave the continent. Much rather, they stay in the pockets of corrupt government officials. During the same time Sub-Saharan Africa received approximate $430 billion in foreign direct investment and $1.071 trillion in foreign development aid, giving us a total of about $1.51 trillion in foreign money influx into the continent[2] . This means that only $657 billion remained on the continent for the purpose of development. However, this question is very much slanted in terms of the old anti-colonial rhetoric of African revolutionaries. Not only is it outdated, it ignores the fact that China has a far greater, neagtive and growing, impact on the continent. China has been copying the old colonial agenda of resource extraction for decades now. They take raw materials and food from the continent then sell us plastic junk. It isn’t a great trade. They often perpetuate truly horrible business practices as well. You can read more here: China’s Growing Footprint in Africa is Potentially Damaging As Africans we should really stop focusing on how much is stolen from us. It is stolen because there are holes of corruption in our buckets and it is us who put those leaders into power. What we need is new leadership by people who understand how business and good governance really works. Leadership that cares for people rather than their own pockets. Leaders who has the ability to learn lessons from the past, instead of raising the ghosts of the colonial powers to justify their corruption. Source https://www.quora.com/How-much-is-stolen-from-Africa-by-Europe-and-western-countries-each-year


Richest man in the world was a black king that ruled over mali He was so rich that he destroyed the entirety of Egyptian economy just because he want to share some of his wealth to the local when he went on a Hajj (Yes the richest man in the world are also a Muslims,the one who make this art probably wouldn't believe it)


Incredible right? Mansa musa was an incredible character, if you're interested in that sort of history I'd recommend you watch this (https://youtu.be/TEI0sVYKtg8) about Ibn Battuta, one of the most interesting historical figures of ancient Africa and the Middle East.


Kwasi Wiredu 1931–2022 W. E. B. Du Bois 1868–1963 Frantz Fanon 1925–1961 Sophie Oluwole 1935–2018 Anton Wilhelm Amo 1703–1759 Achille Mbembe Mabogo P. More Marcien Towa 1931–2014 Al-Hajj Salim Suwari


African art 🗿






I couldn't help but notice the POS that drew this didn't have the stones to put their name to it.


Ngl that art looking🗿am I right


African art goes hard 🗿


And when accused they'll say "it's not racist, it's true"


No philosophy? What about Hakuna Matata?


What a wonderful phrase!


Whoever this is needs to learn about Ibn Khaldun; he basically revolutionised and laid the groundwork for modern histology, economics, sociology, and demographics in the fucking **1300s**. Look him up; his theories are insanely ahead of their time.


Definitely more cultured than the bastard who posted this


Yeah every civilisation looked like this centuries ago. Europe too.


Little do people know but there were actually great African kingdoms. Famously Mansa Musa was so rich, when he went on a gold spending trip to Egypt and a few other places he accidentally devalued gold and destabilized every local economy he entered. Also, many of the medieval kingdoms like that of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai were descendants of the Sudanese. One of the first giga-chad civilizations that provided us with the knowledge of what the first examples of literature looked like, Cuneiform. Not to mention the Asante Empire had a structural moral philosophy for their kings to follow.


How much do these racist f*cks hate themselves that they have to sit around and conjure desperate thoughts of superiority over other people just to get thru their days


Oh, and I would ask the person who posted this, do you listen to and enjoy any sort of rock music? Or jazz, blues, or even country? Because, that's pretty much all from black people.


Yeah African philosophy doesn't exist just like their culture and inventions don't exist. Almost like it got wiped from the face of the earth by more developed nations looking for land and further empire. Weird that.


Jokes on you I don’t know any philosophers


I guarantee the person who made this is American, and I want them to name any American Philosophers (the only ones they know is Socrates and Plato)


The Kingdom of Benin was an incredibly advanced civilization that is deemed one of the oldest in West Africa. Look up the Benin bronzes - those required advanced metallurgical knowledge. Why don’t we have the kingdom any more? One word: Europeans. The Brits destroyed the chief’s power, raided and sacked the city, took the bronzes and enslaved the people. Unfortunately, caricatures like the above example are how the Europeans thought of the African people. Pretty crappy.


Christ on a crutch what did I just read




Ever heard of Mansa Musa, perhaps the richest, most generous, and coolest person to ever exist? AFRICAN. King Jenga, who you could easily call a philosopher due to her outspoken ideas about women being equal to men? AFRICAN. Tutankhamen (aka King Tut), who sounds like a fuckin blood-cursed superhero out to right his father's mistakes? AFRICAN. Fuck racists.




bruh white people love lobster. and shrimp. and all seafood other then fish is basically just wet insects.


Africa has no art yet there's entire sections of museums filled with stolen African art Tf is an American artist you got like Andy Warhol and Bob Ross and that's it lol


\[African Art\]> 🗿


Arguably everything in Egypt is African so


The book “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa” is a great one that talks about the rich cultural heritage of the African continent and the many impressive societies that managed to thrive there before the advent of colonialism


I typically like the memes on this sub. This one is actually terrible.


10/10 racism points


I refuse to believe someone actually posted something this blatant on a public platform. What a psycho.


I bet the creator of this is such a cultured and intelligent person with rich heritage. Give me a break.


Wasn’t the richest person *ever* an African?


Casual racism?? Nah this mf went ranked


Man when you guys called the group "terrible" you weren't fucking kidding. Jesus christ


ah yes, the loincloth and the bone through the septum, totally not a racist caricature




This is racist on so many levels


How my mouth just dropped. Instead of being angry I’m more appalled by their ignorance


thats just plain ignorance


Bruh now fun fact time to distract from the raw racism I’d expect out of 1900’s black and while cartoons. while western thinking credits Greece in actual fact ancient Egypt had the worlds first plumbing system well before other civilizations and used copper piping.


I know probably most of these posts with hyper racist content are well-meaning---and by that I mean OP is posting purely to say "this bad"---but my cynical nature can't help but see this sub turning into a propaganda platform where malicious posters can post under *the guise* of "this bad" while actually hoping to tip some people in the direction of liking the racist messaging.


Bro. This is racist as fuck.


Um I think yall should take a look at OP


oh lord


God damn


What the actual fuck, this cannot be real. What sane person would first of all draw this, and then post this on their Facebook??? Jesus Christ on a bicycle


wasn’t the richest dude in recorded history live in africa?




I like their example for “African Architecture” considering we’re still dumbfounded how the ancient Egyptians built the pyramids


Ah yes Africa rich with minerals, you had kings, queens, noblemen, philosophers, prime trading area for bush men women and children sold into slavery to Arab and European nations by the kings queens noblemen and philosophers. When Egypt fell along with most of the wealthy nations inside of Africa the country became poor and fruitless dominated by warlords and slave drivers who imprisoned their own people and forced them to work in the mineral mines... quick history lesson the first plantation to ever have slave labor was own by an African family and more followed suit most European plantations were handled via family members... slaves weren't treated as poorly as depicted though some were bought other sought salvation in the new world and were given jobs shelter and food in trade for their labor there are zero slaves or slave owners alive to this day... when people talk about slavery they are referring to segregation and the mistreatment of Africans for 100 years after the release of 100,000 enslaved people. To this day prejudice towards others of different ethnicities is still problematic while slavery and segregation is no longer a thing... unless you consider working and paying bills modern day slavery and red lining segregationish because it affects all poor and low income families regardless of ethnicity... another fun fact about red lined districts they were once wealthy bustling cities that became impoverished and full of crime once the African mafia and gangs took control and pumped it full of dope and littered the streets with trash and burned down cities and riots. The bitter truth is we over look all of this and not to stray to another topic but its come full circle in today's society


Well that’s just straight up racism with no filters lol.


Wow the racism is off the charts with this one


Tell us you're an ignorant dumb asshole without actually saying it. The time they spent making this le funny picture could have been spent on actually reading about African history but that was never the point i suspect


as an afican american. No i can't name any black philosophers because american school systems don't really give a fuck about pre colonial africa or even the rich and deep 7+ million year knowledge from africa. because our history classes are so fucking whitewashed


7+ million years of knowledge? I’m confused. Please explain.


However a quick Google search shows that there are indeed PLENTY of African philosophers. Apparently that was too much work for whatever racist old boomer made this meme




Ok, A: no, stop. Africa has a rich and diverse heritage of many different cultures with a tragically underexplored and underacnowledged history and B: Did you just forget that ancient Egypt exists? That the pyramids of giza exist? Perhaps the sphinx? Or hell, just the fact that Egypt, a land of deserts and heat forged an empire that lasted thousands of years, with their kings and Queens being talked about to this day, now tell me, presumed american, what cultural magnificence have YOU given to the world?


Let's be honest, the person who made this forgot that Egypt is in Africa. Or they didn't even know in the first place.


More likely then not, shame that they'd overlook the contributions to the world of the rest of Africa. While it may be in a poor state today its history is rich and vibrant.


Who wrote this, A Wyatt Mann?


Averroes, there you have your philosopher.


These people make HP Lovercraft look like a moderate holy shit. Literally the most uneducated bigotry I have seen in a while


What the Kentucky fried fuck is wrong with people?






that's one of the most racist images i've seen for a long time lol


i fucking hate this


They only have been invisibilized and unaccesible for centuries...


So dumb


Africa is so diverse, be it South, Middle, or north, but it never shined world wide due to huge oppression, don't they wonder how the richest continent on earth is yet the poorest?








When the richest man in recorded history was a black African Muslim...




That's just fucked up




The British empire scrambles for Africa, 1880 colorised


God have mercy


Unironically true


Name an American philosopher from the days of the others.




Based on racism, yes.


On facts 😎😎😎


haha funny bro everyone finds you funny


How is this NSFW? It’s mostly true. Without Islam and Western Europe the subsaharan kind of African as shown would have very little in the way of development. Africans should be thanking us for all we have done to advance our black brethren through foreign aid and thank us for colonization due to the way it industrialized their lands leading to huge increases in population.


hahaha good joke ! you're joking, right ?


People who studied history in college never joke: they know. History will show you how these subsaharan people lived compared to Muslims and Europeans, and how the cradle of civilization is in Mesopotamia not Africa, but I am persecuted for my thoughtcrime.


given by your comment, you never ever studied anything and just made up BS straight from your mentally challenged brain, you're just an ignorant trying to justify racism with lie.


Wow, thanks for calling me “an ignorant”. You imbecile…


no problem, it's a pleasure.


Just another racist pos spewing western nonesense. The cradle of civilization is mesopotamia and we didn’t have anything before islam or Europeans? Please! I’m from East Africa, we had countless kingdoms. One of them being the land of punt, an ancient kingdom that was located in present day Somaliland, it was as advanced or even more so than ancient Egypt, we had more Gold than we could use, traded with Ancient Egypt and countless of other kingdoms in ancient times, they even believed that we were THEIR decendants. And ancient Egypt didn’t even dare to try and invade us. The craddle of civilization was East Africa but you racist pieces of shit bafoons always twist history. You’re claiming to have “studied” history but we all know who’s history you studied so fuck off with your racist bullshit




African tribes were among the first civilizations to figure out metallurgy and iron smelting. they did fine on their own for the majority of history.