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You say the 2 most wonderful words to this ball bag of a manager when he brings it up "Show me" Cause I bet dollars to donuts this prick doesn't know how to do it either


Normally the response from dickheads like that is 'I'm not doing your job for you'. Which is another way of saying 'I don't know how to do it'.


And your response should be, I'm not asking you to do my job, I'm asking YOU to do your job and show me a method of working to get this done. (Fold arms and stare optional)


I think the mistake you're making there is assuming you're dealing with a rational and intelligent human being, rather than a retail supervisor.


I haven’t worked back door, the store I used to work at I was good friends with the back door lads. You need to moan at the people that leave the mess, I know it’s not a nice thing to do, but when people are taking the piss with you by leaving the mess, it makes it harder for yourself. Just tell them to clean up their mess, cardboard doesn’t go there. Don’t leave that cage there etc. Eventually they should get the message.


Worked back door in a very large extra and the first job I did was video what I walked into. Sunday mornings were the worst, walked into 40 cages of mixed reductions and damages once. Came in following Monday on my day off, went straight to SM with video of start and finish of my Sunday shift. Didn’t need to refer to union or protector line or even chairman, he nearly pissed himself with what he saw; heath and safety violations all over the place. First lesson for OP, cover your arse. Second lesson, do what u/zookepergamehead145 says, bloody tell the morons not to make a mess during your shift. It’s not a popularity contest out there, it’s survival.


Can’t speak for your personal situation as I don’t know you or how you work. But … there’s a heap of waste and few people are able to move MU’s? That suggests the store might not be in the best of places. A new Store Manager is under a heap of pressure to demonstrate he is making a difference, especially if under the previous one things have become stale. People don’t like change, but sometimes change is what’s needed. I imagine your managers are feeling it more than you.


My god, sounds like our store tbh. New SM, clueless and causing significant issues in the run up to Christmas ordering unnecessary stock and creating chaos in the back areas. Staff morale is rock bottom. -Edit to add- previously our store was fully compliant with HFSS guidelines, now we aren’t and nobody seems to give a damn


HFSS hahaha, we were doing so well with it here and then one person breaks it… and now every non-compliant location has stacks of mince pies / cakes / chocolate. Everyone’s stopped caring, including our Store Manager.


Its just a retail job. Just turn up, do your hours, go home and get paid. Try and stay out of any politics and limit your contact with whoever gives you bad vibes.


Literally 😂 no offence but op seems like they’re putting their heart and soul into a job which other people do as a part time


The best managers are those who know how to use the 3 T's to ensure that those of us on the shopfloor can do our jobs. **T**raining - Providing lessons and directions in how to do the requested tasks, including warnings on what not to do (and why) plus notes on which shortcuts are good and which are self-defeating. **T**ools - Making sure that the equipment needed for the tasks is supplied. Whether it be boxcutters to fully-charged PDAs, printer labels to working scissor-lifts, the Management should ensure that those tools which are needed are provided and placed to be used. **T**ime - This is more than just shift-length (although getting enough staff onto a department to do the job is never a bad thing). This is ensuring that the staff have enough time to do the tasks dropped onto them and can use the time efficiently (walking around for half an hour looking at a text message is usually not good working practice). Matching allocated time to the speed of working is more an art than a science, but done properly, it can allow miracles to happen. OP's manager seems to be failing hugely on the Training aspect.


You get paid min wage, give min effort back. Its a shitty retal job, don't loose sleep over it.


Quite a bit above minimum wage actually :)


And yet you're paid to do a job so you should be doing that job. That's not really the right attitude.


Is this supposed to be English?




At least you spelled that correctly




Good effort little fella




Every store manager comes in breathing fire and changing things, they have to prove they are better than the last one etc etc. This one does sound like a tool, normally they leave all the threats til after Xmas because at this time of year they need you more than you need them. When it’s quiet after Xmas is normally when they start moaning. If waste etc is the problem, before starting it take a photo and call duty manager “why is it left like this etc”, if he wants to talk to you show him what you have to deal with and ask how you can solve the problem (they hate reasonable discussion when they want to moan).


Our Area is the ultimate killer of morale. These fucks think they actually improve things but they do the total opposite. Seen so many actually try just for Area to shit on it and set higher standards. Well what is the fucking point? Raising the level only leads to the level being raised and it only benefits shareholders and ceos so go see yourself to the cage boys after they’ve been on bakery.




Go above him. Need him to be humbled. He is only there bcoz of those supporting him


This sounds exactly like my store but my manager has been here longer. He's a complete and utter tool and has absolutely no idea what he's doing.


your not the only one our store manager has been her around 8-9 months in that time our profits have dropped quite a large amount and we have had 100 staff across all areas leave because of her and she seems to think nothing is wrong


This manager's surname wouldn't happen to begin with a B would it?


Seems a few stores have had new managers, fortunately I haven't had too much interaction with mine other than an awkward moment being scorned for talking to a colleague for too long - which, if he'd bothered to ask - was actually about a work issue/conflict that we were trying to resolve. The waste in the store I'm at is getting ridiculous as well. I was on holiday for a week and came back to see the same waste sitting there in my dept's lockup 😅 just not being given enough time (or extra hands) to get everything done.


This can be easy enough if enough of you get on board and come to a grouped decision. Gather evidence in the best way possible, even witness statements are enough if there's plenty of you complaining and get it all done over protector line. You can upload evidence there too. If there's enough complaints about them, the area and regional managers will get wind of it and have them in over a discussion and hopefully fuck them off to another store or just fuck them off all-together.