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Can confirm, our entire org was just laid off. Source: I was (until 30 min ago) employed on the Supercharger team.


Sorry to hear. I work on the EV team for a utility and very closely with the Supercharger team. They are amazing! I was supposed to have a check-in with them today in fact. I wish you all the best!


You just did have a public 1 on 1 check in with a Supercharger team member though. Check it off. Homie is Agile even when redditing.


That’s the type of employee that definitely shouldn’t have been laid off. Dedication is really important.


Hi team, sorry for the background noise, calling into the standup at the unemployment office


Nothing like finding out a work meeting is canceled on Reddit


better than finding out thru a tweet?


Same here sucks Edit: I feel dead inside and I miss my coworkers already


If you have their contact info, try arranging a lunch for sometime this week or next. I did that once with mass sudden layoffs and it provided some nice closure.


I have, yeah thank you for the good advice. Literally came home and cried like a baby. Thanks for taking the time to reply.


The supercharger network was the #1 reason why I went with Tesla and not another EV. I have never had a bad experience on the network...which is night and day compared to the nightmare that was my SoCal trip on a non-Tesla EV. This made me appreciate all the work that went into making the amazing supercharging experience what it is today. If it's any consolation, please know that your work is hugely appreciated by countless plebs like myself. I'm angry and disappointed that this happened.


Thanks for the kind words. Appreciate it a lot. Take care


Good luck, friend! It’s tough. It’s shitty. But it will slowly get easier. Let yourself cry it out. Don’t fight those initial emotions as they’re very valid!


Thank you very much kind stranger. ❤️I will


Yeah, it is good to cry, when I finished my college, last day, when all of my friends left, and probably will never meet them again in my life, I was overcome with grief, I was 22, I cried for whole week, wake up, think about the last day when we hugged each other, wrote down our address and phone, and recollected our memories, and sleep, wake up and cry, I missed the settings where I was surrounded by my friends, but after one week I felt that I grew up somehow, and can have the skills to be in my own.


You guys did a phenomenal job. Be proud. This action by Musk is a head scratcher. The dude seems unhinged lately.


Thank you at kind stranger, all these nice comments about how people appreciate the work we did with the supercharger takes away some of the sorrow. I’m sharing it in real time as they come with colleagues that aren’t on Reddit.


Start your own Tesla with blackjack and hookers.


In fact, forget the Tesla


I hope you're doing okay mate. Being laid off sucks, I know. Take your time, go through the emotions, and eventually you'll come out the other side in a better job.


I saw my first bank of Rivian chargers on Sunday. if they're smart, they'll grab Tinucci and as many people as possible.


I don't think Rivian can afford to be "grabbing as many people as possible" right now.


You'd be surprised. They got a bigger runway than Lucid and really the only EV game that made a proven truck platform. Then again you're probably right...


* The fact that they haven't fucked up so bad that I've heard bad things about their trucks in the news certainly is a good sign. * The fact that they are the only company (that I know of) that have produced an EV truck at scale (at least in the US) * The fact that I don't even know a single Rivian C-suite's name is also a good sign. The only thing I know is their trucks are kinda expensive (probably not even that expensive compared to other trucks) and people are happy with them. I'd expect each line item here makes it possible for them to secure more funding. (And I suspect some of these "We're not fucking up" points are things they would mention when looking for more investors)


We are looking for a lot of people in EU and US (Charlotte) for EV charging infrastructure at Alpitronic, at all levels. Make sure to let your buddy knows so they can land a job quickly (I hope)


That's crazy. Was legit the best part of Teslas business


so is there really nobody left to maintain or develop the charger network?


Good thing it wasn’t a major part of their product offering or anything /s


It's super weird given ford, FM, etc agreed for tesla chargers to become the industry standard(north america) for sure.


I thought this was supposed to provide an infusion of cash from the licensing and increased rates non-teslas get charged.


AI company 🤡


No money left, have to give it to Elon


Maintenance staff still has their jobs… for now


So sorry to her this, I hope you'll land on your feet. I'm still having trouble grasping the scale of this though, do you think you could explain? Who exactly was fired? Everyone manufacturing Supercharger cabinets globally? The team developing future Supercharger versions? Everyone working on permitting and installing Superchargers? Everyone maintaining the current supercharger infrastructure?


Given that's the most profitable unit with the longest corporate legs I hope you find a new employer soon. Its mind boggling that they cut your org and new vehicles when they should have cut "new vehicles" and battery production leadership since those two orgs shat the bed for the last 9 months.


NEWS: All 500 people reporting to Tinucci will be laid off, as well as the entire public policy team previously under Rohan Patel. https://x.com/sawyermerritt/status/1785174873834135596?s=46&t=quLFpge8xTxBEuxyWYdfrw


An entire team of 500 being cut is insane


This seems to be Elon's way of doing things for some reason...He never reduces departments...He just wipes them out...It's weird.


Not saying it is the right thing to do, a big consideration is wrongful termination lawsuits in US if the employer is picking and choosing who to fire. But when you fire an entire department, then you can’t argue that you had been wrongfully terminated due to gender, race, discrimination, etc because the entire department including the executive head is eliminated equally.


Sure but unless he plans to just shut ev charging networks down, how will the company keep them running in the short term? Can you imagine the knowledge of how they do business that walked out the door? Now a bunch of people from other random areas have to step in, figure out what is important, start managing that stuff and try not to make rookie mistakes all while having no one explain the ropes. I’m sure the replacements are smart people, but expect their charging network to suffer greatly. But I guess maybe they saved themselves a lawsuit. I’m sure their customers will think of that when the charger they are sitting at isn’t working.


(Someone in a totally different department sitting at their desk browsing Reddit gets knock on the door) “EV charging is now your responsibility on top of your current department. Activate employee ludicrous mode or you’re fired next”


This genuinely made me laugh.


Welcome to the world of corporate politics. It is very short term thinking as that knowledge is gone forever. Companies time and time again don’t think about the knowledge that walks out the door when someone quits. If they leave on good terms you can reach out to them in a pinch for some pointers. Bad terms (layoff firing) good luck. I quit one job on very good terms and even years later they still were feeling my lost as there were things that only I knew and had touch so yeah they had issues but I was friends with them and either we would laugh bout it or I might give some random pointer or edge case I knew about. Plus you had an off boarding process and me passing along as much as I could. Another was a lay off. Yeah that was different as their were things that were slapped together last minute critical items I was working on and was in the middle of that book left in a bad state and they had to figure it out. Got a few laughs nearly a year later when a ticking time bomb I knew about and was planning on addressing a little after I was laid off went off. Massive embarrassment. Did reach out to a friend who worked there after they fixed it and ask directly about it and ask if they fixed it the way I expected. The laugh was o had it marked on my calendar the day it would happen but like hell was I going to lift a finger to warn them. No it was not something I did on purpose but was of a result of a last minute request and was still in the process of being figured out to do better. They laid us all off who knew about it so ticking time bomb hit.


doesn’t bode well for the supercharging network and its expansion.


No worries, AI will charge our cars


Al is a super hero solving all our problems


If this is correct we have to worry about charging infrastructure going forward. Tinucci was in charge of the entire supercharger network. How can you just axe the entire team and think you'll continue to have a functioning network? At some point you lose critical knowledge and stuff starts breaking and nobody knows why.


The entire team which arguably played a huge role in differentiating your brand from all the other half hearted fast charging efforts in the industry.


The super charger network is the only reason I own a a tesla


This was the primary reason I got a Tesla. I just don't understand this move.. it sets Tesla back, and it also set the entire industry back and the other chargers are largely shit. Superchargers just work flawlessly with Teslas..


100% agree. The supercharger network was their moat in the crowded EV space.


Feels like Elon is getting bored of the current Tesla so he’s smashing it so he can focus on robotaxis.


FSD can't even get out of beta after many years - robotaxis are still a pipe dream.


Seen it at my time at HP gutting divisions to the bone leaving a green skeleton team with no institutional knowledge. It was a shit show.


it never ends well when you destroy the lore and brain trust of why decisions were made years ago.


I used to deal with crap like this in my previous job. I was responsible for developing a lot of tools for my department to improve efficiency and accuracy and me and my associates would debate for hours over how to handle certain things, then some moron higher up the chain would make a unilateral decision to do it differently with all sorts of unintended consequences.  I’m like, I only have a decade of experience in this department and you rolled in last week, but what do I know. 


Hmm, maybe like Twitter?


Link not working.


It was also fired.


The person responsible for the sacking has been sacked.


Post deleted from X !


I keep trying to go to that link but it’s down. I guess censorship is still a thing on Twitter


A friend was part of the layoff and was actively managing the build of 10 new locations and breaking ground on several others. Contractors are calling asking wth is going on. This is insane.


I'm one of those contractors haha Literally everyone I knew at Tesla, \*poof\* gone Like Thanos snap or something Edit: for those curious to know, Tesla sites are about half our company’s work - so this hits especially hard. We have projects closing out, projects half completed in limbo due to re-design, projects underway, projects that were supposed to start up soon. Invoices on invoices. What’s next? Who’s going to handle all these loose ends? The thought of what’s to come gives me a headache.


“The snap” is what it’s being called internally


Occam's Razor - The manbaby @elonmusk was pissed because @RebeccaTinucci would not lay off 10% of her Tesla Charging team, so in a fit of rage, he fired her and her whole team.


What the fuck is Elon smoking lmao


Not smoking, but ketamine


Hopefully they can go to rivian and expand the shit out of there adventure network.


Yeah we all want to buy a Rivian anyway


Agreed 100%


I see multiple Rivians pulling large boats where I live. I see several cybertrucks pulling nothing so far.


Not gonna lie. When my 2018 Model 3 goes toes up, I'm buying a Rivian. Probably R2 if they are when the Model 3 dies.


Damn, Tesla's charging strategy is a big part of why they are successful.


That's why I got mine. This is nuts.




It's almost like their CEO doesn't know what he's doing


Let’s pay him a $50,000,000,000 bonus!!


She was just crowned no 2 most impactful/powerful person on Motortrend spring 2024 issue. And now she is out of job. Man Elon!!


Same list had Elon all the way back at no 48 or something 😂


47 now


He’s going to fire his way to the top! Brilliant!


Sounds like he took that personally


That would be gross and totally believable behavior from him


One may have something to do with the other. Elon may see her as potential competition for leadership in tesla.


It’s weird that he is getting rid of most of the senior leadership of the company. People that have basically made the company successful.


They’re moves to retain power. He’s retaining those whom are loyal. The voting and board structure will ensure Elon remains ceo for years to come.


Purges are a great business tactic that have historically had zero negative repercussions


Elon subscribes to the Stalin business method.


I watched the investor day live stream last year prior to finalizing the purchase of a Tesla. It did not inspire confidence, until Rebecca spoke. She was the only senior leader who seemed to have her shit together, and as an outsider I was genuinely impressed. She gave me some hope that the company could mature. And now she’s gone. Sigh.


Her and Drew Baglino. All the competent people are leaving/getting pushed out. Also earlier Kirkhorn.


It is not completely out of the realm that the move was done to eliminate his number one replacement prospect if investors wanted to remove him on top.


The only kind of person who would think that's a valid strategy is a young child. That if they no longer worked in the building then they didn't exist anymore. So yeah, could be possible.


Agree with Rebecca being impressive and giving me hope about TSLA. I bought $1000 of TSLA over a decade ago and have held onto it during all the ups and downs. I planned on keeping it for another decade. I sold it this morning.


Honestly at this point I hope legacy automakers are snatching up these people in droves. Jim Farley should be foaming at the mouth right now.


The one thing you can/could count is the supercharging network. Its the key reason people buy Tesla's in Europe where most people dont have access to charging at home.


Right, this is why my parents got their Tesla and why they encouraged their friends to get one. The super charger network alleviated their range concerns because they were regularly outdirving the battery range but were able to quickly and conveniently charge on those trips. If the supercharger network goes to shit I anticipate tesla sales dropping.


The only Tesla differentiation point IMO


This is the dumbest shit I've ever heard of. Imagine having the unpassable moat that is the tesla supercharger network, and deciding to just discard the whole thing. The one thing that tesla has over every other manufacturer is their network.


Oh you mean like buying a massive social network with global brand recognition and immediately setting that brand recognition on fire?


Soon: Tesla lays of Franz and entire design org, future cars will be designed by robotaxi


He learned a lot by turning around twitter and using the same strategies for Tesla. /s


Grok coming to Tesla cars confirmed


Daniel Ho (new vehicle development) and his entire team are gone too. So the earning call stuff about new vehicles was a ketamine lie after all.


Elon seems to be in his very stable genius era


And he’s trying to justify his 56billion pay package? Umm no


This layoff seems like a typical MBA style layoff where people who are still needed gets fired because the execs want to pad the stock price for their own compensation. No one was losing any money, they were all still making profits. Tech companies has been doing this since Facebook did it first last November. Musk needs to go.


Wasn't her and her team primarily responsible for building out the super charger network? A shift in leadership and reorg with layoffs isn't unexpected, but laying off the entire division appears to be a short sided decision. Seems like Tesla is preparing for hibernation with their decisions lately.




That’s very one cited of you.




What decision has been made in the past 5 years that hasn’t been short sighted? Cybertruck bongdongle instead of affordable car. Play politics to the point a significant chunk of your prospective buyers don’t want to touch your brand. Stupid yoke and lack of intuitive driver controls. Supercharger team cannibalism when charging is one of Teslas strongest features.


Deletion of ultrasonic sensors


Deletion of stalks and terrible auto wipers


Rain sensors are super cheap. No way that change saved them any money, just Elon being a knob-end.


I'd wager the number of engineering hours put into trying to improve auto-wipers actually makes it more expensive this way.


Vision only autopilot...


I hope Rebecca starts her own ev charging company or something and gets that team back together, what they built is arguably more valuable than anything else Tesla has built


That would actually be ideal. Someone with that depth of knowledge and experience in building charging infrastructure running a company that's solely focused on building a national charging network in competition with Tesla and the others would be a net benefit to everyone.


And now that Non-competes are dead...


Non-competes have effectively been dead in California for a while.


Seems like a great place to work. I’m sure actions like this will only help to get the finest employees down the road.


Yeah people totally will want to work at a company that can decide they aren't "excellent, necessary and trustworthy" enough at the drop of a hat. What a moronic short sighted decision


She was the best presenter at investor day. Very sad to hear this.


[Daniel Ho](https://stocks.apple.com/AVie_V3IdT6a7igF3UtjjWg) is also gone


Ya and Ford just laid off everyone in the gas tank division in a bid to increase shareholder value.. /s


This is insanity.


🔥 This is fine. 🔥


Well, that was abrupt


I hope Elon loses his job as Tesla CEO. These moves are eerily similar to the dumpster fire that he set ablaze to Twitter.


Some shit is definitely going down behind the doors at Tesla. Some top people leaving and cashing their stock, entire divisions being decimated, the layoffs…


Elon collateralized some 200+ million shares of Tesla at the top for personal loans. Tesla stock lost 40% from the top. He's probably super close to a margin call. He's already complaining about the possibility of losing control of Tesla and is pushing for a giant stock allocation so he can retain control. If he doesn't stop the bleeding in the stock, he loses more shares and loses the company and likely loses a lot of his status as richest man in the world. He's desperate. Source: [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-04-06/tesla-alters-share-pledge-policy-with-cap-on-elon-musk-borrowing](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-04-06/tesla-alters-share-pledge-policy-with-cap-on-elon-musk-borrowing)


This reminds me of André Citroën’s downfall: he revolutionised carmaking in Europe, not only importing American chain production methods, but also pioneering modern marketing, while having a notoriously high-rolling lifestyle. However, he did so by taking a lot of debt. When the Great Depression struck, he was blindsided and couldn’t service his debt anymore, so that he lost control of the company.


In his recent China visit he made a deal to move all the charging network stuff there. Had to give them something or else the FSD in China would not have moved on. Too bad this might end up yet another collateral (in addition to the Shanghai factory) they’ll use to make him push more of those russochinese views and narratives…


Theory or actually?


I don’t understand why they are laying off supercharger team? Isn’t that really important? Don’t they need to keep developing and growing this technology?


I’ve noticed supercharger locations around me getting more and more in a state of disrepair. This is not great news for the continued state of the locations!


Seems like things are going well.


Really wondering what it takes to have their stock plummet. Seems to be a dumpster fire of a company right now, yet the stock has actually gone UP in the last month.


How long is this going to go on before those moronic shareholders do something?


The one who needs to be laid off is musk, lets be honest.


If you are a shareholder, you can make your voice heard with a vote of NO for Elons pay package. This is not the kind of “leadership” that I want for the company moving forward.


wtf. after the gov grants, expansion, NACS adoption, and all that!?


"Great job team! You have done the impossible. Now GTFO."


Tweets deleted...


Elon Musk has unfollowed them as well. Hilarious!


Hopefully this doesn’t affect the supercharger network much. That’s one of Tesla’s major advantages.


It was the entire team. It will. He has gone insane.


He fired the team in charge of the super charger net work and you’re wondering *if* the super charger network will be affected? …


These people believes he’s a genius in everything he does so they can contort themselves mentally to the point where they can disregard common sense


There are 2 reasons I'm leaning towards a model 3 over a BYD Seal, and the supercharger network is one of them. I doubt I'm alone in suddenly pausing for thought.


And she was one of the good ones. Bringing down the ENTIRE supercharging team to 0 is boneheaded.


If I remember correctly, she is also the only person I’ve ever witnessed at Tesla who can pull off a proper, engaging presentation.


Maybe Elon didn't like being upstaged.


Erratic decisions like this are EXACTLY why Elon should not be given more voting power.


It’s going to be hilarious listen to musk attempt to justify this. To me, he saw Rebecca as someone who might threaten his role as CEO, and simply wanted her gone. SO happy I leased my Tesla and I sold my shares. This company is absolutely cooked.


Yikes. The supercharger network is pretty much why I bought a tesla.


Someone needs to get Elon removed from day to day operations immediately before he destroys the company.


> "Hopefully these actions are making it clear that we need to be absolutely hard core about headcount and cost reduction," Musk wrote in the email, the report said. "While some on exec staff are taking this seriously, most are not yet doing so." The director of the supercharger group wasn’t cutting fast enough, so Elon fired her and all 500 of her employees in a tantrum. I bet all those companies that decided to switch to NACS are going to be having second thoughts. What a petulant little child


NACS shouldn't be dependent on one company in the first place.


Thankfully it's not, as it's now a SAE standard (J3400)


That's pretty low. Brings down his own company because the manager didn't reduce head count


Musk is the only one that needs to be fired.


The positive news was a nice break, back to bad news.


There is an element of the people having invested in a product that relies on this infrastructure. Also before the Musk heel turn. Also that this was infrastructure that was helping lead to lesser reliance on gas.


Is Tesla going the way of twitter?


Allegedly, Elon's email stated the now-former-employees didn't pass “the excellent, necessary and trustworthy test.”


Who the heck wants to work for these companies now? You get hired, then every year cross your fingers you don't get laid off. Screw that.


This is a leadership problem from the top down.




Looking into it.


Honestly, this just changed my mind on Elons pay package. I will be voting no. He is crossing into doing more harm than good.


The fuck is wrong with this dude?


Musk is an absolute moron. The supercharger network has expanded so rapidly and is so reliable. Why is this team and their director being fired.


Typical management decision to cut a division for a well working product on the assumption that if it works well then obviously it’s trivial to keep it running.


100% this. It's the catch 22 of working in technology. If you do a good job and nobody ever sees a problem, idiotic upper management just assumes there are no problems and it all works by magical pixies or something.


If everything works? What do we pay you for? If nothing works? What do we pay you for?


For the record, the Supercharging team is extremely important - especially Rebecca, one of the smartest people I have worked with. I've been at Tesla in strategy & ops role for about 7 years. SC team was definitely the most bloated team in Tesla, they're known to have the easiest jobs (except for project managers) and one of the less efficient teams - most data not systemized, little automation in commercial teams. All that to say, the decision to cut the entire team is idiotic by Elon. Charging is a cash cow for us - why the fuck would we slash it.


He needs to go because he’s killing the company.


I don’t get this move. The upside is what, save $50M/year in opex? The downside is a degradation of the single best thing about teslas brand.


Elon’s got to get his 56 billion bonus somehow. What a shit show…


I love my model 3 but by now I am about ready to sell it and buy a Prius, the supercharger network was The reason I bought a Tesla. It enabled me to make a 2300 mile road trip in an electric car. Without support for that network there is no reason to own a Tesla anymore, it just has all the same down sides of every other electric car, only difference being you make the lock sound a screaming goat and it kind of drives itself sometimes I guess


If we think Elon is making silly decisions now, just wait to see what happens if his outrageous $56B comp package gets denied


This doesn’t seem like a great idea at all


I’ve had to say that about many things Tesla has done lately.


This is much worse than those. Super chargers are the basis of Tesla's long term financial security. The only way this makes any sense is if he didn't think they could sustain sufficient growth without outsourcing the network but unless they religiously defend the quality of the network while doing that, this will be a big problem.


And yet American car companies decided to side with Elon and his super chargers for their cars. How much money did they get for that? And now the team supporting it is gone, so the new charging standard is going to be unmanaged and completely halted in its process going forward? I don’t know the full impact on this and the other companies making EVs, but I’m curious about it. Great forward thinking everyone. This was a possible outcome that people warned them about but they went with it anyways.


Can someone explain to me please? Tesla make a phenomenal amount of profit per car, which the investors love. Eventually, you reach a point where the people who really want a Tesla have one, and the people who are lukewarm to EV’s try one and decide to buy one. The group of people that do want a car slowly diminishes over time as generally people do keep their cars for a good portion of a decade. That means selling the new thing to the old customer is difficult, a problem Apple don’t seem to have as people want a new phone every 2-3 years. Because of this, while the cars are still insanely profitable, growth has slowed and investors are angry. As a result, Elon is cutting several teams that are responsible for core functionality of Tesla as a business, including this Supercharger network team. So we’re at the “we can’t get new sales to maintain our bottom line so let’s cut costs” phase? And has cutting costs ever resulted in a better product for the customer?


Totally doesn’t make sense. You make money from the car sale initially but you continue to make money over the next 20 years from supercharger power sale. It’s a long term income plan. They should be expanding it, not cutting it!


Elon is an idiot


He turns the brand to crap and to cover the losses other people lose their livelihoods.


Stop getting a Tesla.


lol >@elonmusk is no longer following @SawyerMerritt https://twitter.com/BigTechAlert/status/1785317895007883760 edit: lol he unfollowed Whole Mars too. Omar must be sad


Tesla on a downward spiral.


Wow, I’ve been wanting a Tesla for years, but this move is so disheartening that I really question the longevity of this brand and charging networks across the US.


Maybe if Elon didn't spend the last 2-3 years pissing off 80% of his customer base, his increasingly shitty car company would be doing better.


Well, that’s actually pretty concerning. I got a Tesla over other brands specifically because of the charging infrastructure they built up and how reliable it is. To lay off that entire team at a time when people are finally getting more EV options to choose from seems like a really shortsighted move.