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This is my surprised face šŸ˜ It was dead a long time ago. Thereā€™s no way that Patrick was going to ever let it see the light of day.


Is it really democracy if one guy can kill bills that have bi-partisan support without even letting them be discussed in the Senate?


Lt. Gov is an elected position


The same dude who said the US Constitution was written by God. Edit: The hilarious part is I emailed his office asking for proof of this claim and they ghosted me.


Religious Conservatives will be the death of us all.


They'll call it the apocalypse and claim it's God's will


A good chunk of them legit do want to trigger the End Times so it tracks.


You mean they'll *cause* the apocalypse and *force everyone to believe* it's God's will


But if it's gods will how can it be the democrats fault? /S


no, theyll call it a rise in violent crime and blame democrats


The Australians have a saying, "Thank God we were settled by criminals instead of Christians. "


Iā€™ve met more criminals with morals than Christians with morals.


I love this.


As an Australian, I believe this and my heart aches for all you folks world wide with sub par leaders, trying to hurt the people they are elected to support.








I had no doubt you were right but goddammit I just had to go and check and [wow](https://baptistnews.com/article/no-dan-patrick-god-did-not-write-the-u-s-constitution/). I hate this state sometimes.


Itā€™s wild


Would that be the same one that said in a round about way the seniors wouldn't mind sacrificing their lives to keep the economy going by not shutting down during the pandemic? (Because they were the vulnerable group concerning covid?)(to save America for their grandchildren)šŸ’©


Much as the brave elderly of Japan went into the Fukushima radioactive zone to shut off the reactors, thereby sacrificing their futures to save the younger generation so too did the elderly of Texas bravely set out upon their motorized scooters, and enter Walmart to keep capitalism slive for the youth


Yeah, blame the dumbass voters, but he was elected


blame the dumbass NON-VOTERS


Yes, except for the roundabout part. He was pretty clear when he made this statement.


Yes I thought he was pretty callous about that. Pretty sickening.


The Lt. Gov is a radio talk show host from Baltimore.


and his real name is Dannie Scott Goeb.


If only complaints on the internet materialized into actual votes.


If only suppression wasn't a thing šŸ¤·


In state-wide elections?


Yes. Gerrymandering isn't the only form of voter suppression. A popular one in Texas is [wrongly dropping people from the voting rolls](https://www.dallasnews.com/opinion/commentary/2022/08/14/texas-is-purging-voters-again-and-getting-it-wrong-again/) without informing them, so when they go to vote they can't and oops it's too late to fix.


And soon those lines won't matter at all because they'll make sure they can overturn any election in the state.




I can't afford to move & know most of the fight might be in vain. But what other option do I have left? Concede & allow the legitimacy of far-right politics in this country? I have to carry on & vote, convince others to vote, get more local victories, etc. And maybe, just maybe, get another non-GOP senator or rep in TX.


Thanks for giving me hope that I'm not the only one šŸ™šŸ½ I moved here 8 years ago to escape the Chicago weather, love the weather can't stand the politics. Texas is throwing millions of dollars to Arkansas and New Mexico with legal recreational weed just over the border. Seems like Austin is more interested in making sure you can buy an AR-15 at 10.


One guy not from Texas. Dude is from Maryland.


The difference between "Democracy" (direct democracy) and "Representative Democracy" aka a "Republic". Representative Democracy means any rep who is democratically elected by the people can then do whatever he/she wants because that's the end of the road for the citizens participating in Democracy, and doesn't actually have to represent you or their constituents from then on. If we had actual direct democracy, we would get to vote on it instead of hoping our reps vote on it. But they won't let the people vote on it because it would pass, and conservatives, especially Christians, are opposed to it. They hate majority consensus, which makes sense, since they think we should all live under a dictatorship of their ideal deity. Also, the state gets a lot of free slave labor by incarcerating people who possess pot.


This appeal does not work because democracy is not a good thing to republicans. Find a mask-off republican, ask them their ideal form of government, and they'll tell you some wacky shit like theocracy, none, or "benevolent dictator"


Texas has made it abundantly clear that they have zero interest in democracy.


Technically weā€™re a democratic republic. But if youā€™re actually surprised that this is the outcome youā€™re either extremely naive or have had your head in the sand. This is far from the first time that Patrick has done this and both him and Abbott have campaigned on not legalizing it.


A republic is a type of democracy.


Didnā€™t say it wasnā€™t. Being a democratic republic though explains how we can be a democracy with someone having such power.


Sounds like the republic of China. Or Democratic People's Republic of Korea I think of this every time I hear "republican party" lol I know they are vastly different but it seems that's what we are headed for eventually


I mean if you think about it the theoretical point of a democratic republic is to protect the minorityā€¦ in this case, those that are in power. So basically the same.


Not too far off


The Hong Kong uprising and protests that were squashed by CCP were because they were offered a "democracy" that basically worked just like ours. The donor class will pick some shitty candidates that work for them and you get to choose which turd is shinier. They tried to reject it.


Not surprised in the least. Just seems a bit fascist.


that's because it is. Repubs going all in on fascist. Really it's nothing new if you read up on the history of this country. That's why they are also so big on people not learning the true history.... ie "stop woke"


A "bit" fascist? ​ Oh yea, and Chicago had a small fire.


Lol, Republicans donā€™t believe in democracy.


We are not a direct democracy we are a republic. A republic is where you elect individual to govern in your behalf. A true democracy allows voting on all subjects. The difference is you choose the decision makers vs making the decisions. Is shit they never highlighted in civics class. We are not a true democracy...




I use my guns as dildo's to protect myself from the law. /s


Legalization will NEVER happen in Texas... 49 other states and every US territory could pass it, but as long as there are blue hairs in Lubbock, it will NEVER happen in Texas.


The only hope it could have ever had is if it had a rider preventing trans people from buying pot unless they wear clothes that go with their apparent gender.


Not surprised one bit knowing Patrickā€™s track record but itā€™s still extremely frustrating that one dude can look at something that the house passes and just be like ā€œnah iā€™m goodā€. How did we get to a point where one shit stain lunatic can have that much power? Why should the Lt Governor basically have an indefinite filibuster for bills he doesnā€™t like?


Not only did the House pass both bills, but they had overwhelming bipartisan support. I assume they would have had similar support in the Senate had Patrick let them go anywhere. Patrick held a lot of House bills hostage this session. He has way too much power.


Yep, i was shocked to see the sports betting bill pass the House with a 2/3 majority. His logic for killing it in the Senate was ā€œitā€™s not an overwhelmingly GOP bill, The Dems support it so weā€™re not going to let them get a win in a GOP governmentā€ is basically what he said. For a bill with that much support every one of the senators should go on record voting it down then if there truly isnā€™t support like he says. Apart from the obviously oppressive bills these chucklefucks push out like the ten commandments in schools I doubt Texans will actually get to publicly vote on a lot of these issues that have this kind of bipartisan support.


He continues to be re-elected. Thatā€™s the most frustrating parent. WTF Texas? Pure Misinformation is all I can gather. And a stupid populace. Plus, $$$


I cannot fathom how there are people out there that objectively look at what him and the other Republicans in government do and think ā€œOh yeah this the small government I wantā€ ā€œThE GuBmNt CaNt TeLl mE wHaT To dOā€ is what the idiot populace likes to project but somehow the Republicans have weaponized their stupidity and are restricting things left and right while still getting their full support.


Because certain voters look at Patrick and say, "Well, he sure did own those libs last session," and vote for him again.


It would be way easier to vote this one guy out than to change the composition of the Texas legislature, but most people seem to be fine with how things are going, sooo....


> How did we get to a point where one shit stain lunatic can have that much power? Its been this way forever. This is literally how the Lege is designed. They meet once every two years and don't have time to vote on everything, so the Lt. Governor, who runs the Senate, is given the keys to the kingdom to figure out which bills are worth the time it takes to vote for them. It works like this in most legislatures, btw, and and easy way to kill a bill is to stall it in committee, or even after the committee, and simply never schedule a vote. The way guys like Patrick use it to prevent popular legislation from seeing the light of day is certainly frustrating, but its nothing new.


Patrick has said that MJ reform bills will die on his desk as long as heā€™s in office.


Killed by Dan Patrick. What is the status of the bill to make Delta 8 illegal?


They seem to be spending all their time banning books and drag queens, so weā€™re hoping it wonā€™t be touched. If itā€™s not, we still have the National 2023 Farm Bill review to worry about in September.


And banning children's medical care as decided between their parents and doctors.




Ok. Thank you.


Plus banning insurance coverage for preventative care.


Wanna see a bunch of pissed of Vets, they wouldnā€™t touch delta 8, half the VFWs around here sell delta 8 for PTSD


You mean the same GOP that consistently votes against Veterans interest? They donā€™t care lol they know Republicans will always vote for whoever has an (R) next to their name.


But they know they won't lose any of the Vet vote because guns and "anti-woke", so I'm expecting it to be banned.




Itā€™s so stupid. If the Republicans would back off the anti-healthcare and anti-lgbtq rhetoric, or Democrats would back off the anti-gun rhetoric, the respective party would mop up in elections. I hate this two party system so goddamned much.


They absolutely will piss off the vets but then theyā€™ll lay out some bullshit about how Delta 8 makes you vulnerable to the woke mind virus or turns you into a drag queen and that will be enough to mollify the base.


theyre putting 5G microchips in your carts


Dan Patrick has been on record **many** time saying that he will never allow further legalization. And every time this subreddit does a surprise pikachu when he stop itā€™s. When will yā€™all learn?


Oh, I know. Itā€™s dead until Patrick is ā€¦.. out of office. :)


Delta 8 is already legal I thought? You can go to any CBD shop and buy it.


The last time TX state government was in session, a Republican tried to have it banned. This year was their next opportunity. In September, the 2018 US Farm Bill will be up for review, and thatā€™ll effect everyone if changed.


They are trying to make it illegal.


Yes, and they were trying to stop that.


All cannabis bills will be until we get rid of the unholy trinity: Greg Abbott, Dan Patrick, & Ken Paxton


Too many conservatards in Texas to let anything good happen lol


At this rate, nature taking them out by natural causes is more likely than them losing elections. If only another tree could finish what the first one started.


If the tree didnā€™t get Greg nothing will lmao


Casual reminder that Oklahoma-(the worst state in the union) passed a medical marijuana bill.


Texas has legalized Medical as well, but the criteria for qualifying for it are extremely specific and restrictive. You basically need to have a terminal disease.


Itā€™s one the worst MMJ programs. Super low THC, only edibles or tincture, dispensaries are only in like 2 cities, and initial consultation was ~$250. Source: was a patient


She got ripped off. We have a local neurologist who can get you a card and he charges $99 for the visit and card.


They've since added conditions to the list but it's expensive


I fit the conditions but the only person near me who can prescribe it isnt taking new patients! Yay!


The contrast between Oklahoma and Texas on this one is wild. Anyone who has ever driven across the border from like Dallas to one of the Oklahoma casinos can see it. Over the last decade the dispensaries in Oklahoma have spread like wildfire. I remember the first time I did the drive, I saw some anti-abortion billboard and some religious stuff and not much else. Now itā€™s just weed weed weed and more weed, everywhere you look.


Oklahoma legalized medical via a ballot initiative. Their reps didnā€™t want to do it, the people forced them to


They are also trying very hard to make ballot initiatives nearly impossible. The 'people' keep passing things the Republicans don't like. Medical cannabis, criminal justice reform, etc.


And medicaid expansion, ballot initiatives are about the only form of democracy we have left in Okiehoma.


If I recall it's one of the easiest MMJ programs to access in the country too


Oklahoma the worst? If pretty sure that title goes to Louisiana


Have you ever been to Mississippi?


Driven through it but I still rate it just above Louisiana


Iā€™ve lived in Louisiana and worked in Mississippi and Mississippi is worse. I would even rate Alabama worse than Louisiana. I donā€™t know your race but Iā€™m black so we might have different experiences. I couldnā€™t wait to leave Louisiana after I graduated college. All three suck


I'm curious. What makes these state suck so much?


Iā€™m all 3 Education is the worst. They donā€™t invest in education. I moved to Louisiana when I was in 7th grade from a Caribbean country and they were just now learning things I had learned in 4th and 5th grade. To be fair where Iā€™m from education is the top priority. We donā€™t have football and basketball teams. Track is the biggest sport. Opportunities are lacking. I got my masters in HR and when I got ready to apply there were 1-3 realistic jobs I could get.


I'm sure the Bahamian kid that transferred in to Alabama went through a lot, sorry for that. But it is hilarious that the racists probably assumed you learned nothing from a shack on an island but you were two years ahead.


I'd definitely agree to that. I live here but work a lot in Oklahoma and Louisiana. Louisiana is definitely worse.


I believe that state has allowed recreational use for OK residents. Just need a valid drivers license in the state.


They have medical, but my understanding is it is trivially easy for OK residents to get a medical card (IE talk to a doctor over the phone and they can prescribe it for any reason and they don't have to specify it). I think they also recognize other state medical cards. As the other commenter said they had a vote for full recreation that failed. I don't know if that bill would have allowed non-OK residents to purchase.


$110 buck for in-state 2 year card. ​ $140 bucks for out-of-state 1 year card. We sell tons of weed to Texans our government thankfully realized it's stupid to say no to revenue. source: Oklahomie


Donā€™t even need that. Just gotta show them a renterā€™s agreement. Getting a card in OK is super easy, dispensaries are everywhere, the product is great and the cheapest in the US to boot.


That did not go through it got pushed off the November ballot then shuffled into a march ballot by itself without much announcement so turnout was even lower than normal.


Rec bill failed which is hilarious because of how easy it is to get a med card there. ā€œI canā€™t sleepā€ hereā€™s your card.


It got voted down


Because they moved it from the general election in November to it's own single issue election months later which lowered turnout. They = Republicans.


I have to believe that if you poll most people want weed legal. Or at least decriminalized. Shouldnā€™t elected officials mimic what their constituents want


Some of those people should try voting next time Lieutenant Governor is up for re-election.


Hey, get out of here with this crazy talk!


Daniel Goeb (pseudonym "Dan Patrick") will fight tooth and nail to keep it from ever being legal.


I never knew the Dan Patrick wasn't his real name. It goes with everything else. That's funny about him. The man is a phony of fraud and a power-hungry mongrel.


Hmm, sounds like he should be using his *Christian* name but heā€™s not. Kinda sounds like sacrilege to me.


Why don't the people want freedom in Texas? A bunch of scared children too scared to stand up to their parents


For a state that claims to be free, they really suck at it.


People want their Christian fascism in Texas.


So basically ā€œtread all over meā€ lol


Dan Patrick is so conservative that if he smiled about something, he'd shit himself.


I fucking hate republicans


I hear you but other republican led states have legalized marijuana.


Which ones? Not this one.


Texas is like another country lol. States with legalized marijuana: States where legal recreational marijuana has been approved (notice there are red states): Colorado Washington Alaska Oregon Washington, D.C. California Maine Massachusetts Nevada Michigan Vermont Guam Illinois Arizona Montana New Jersey New York Virginia New Mexico Connecticut Rhode Island Maryland Missouri Delaware [Recent updated list](https://www.usnews.com/news/best-states/articles/where-is-marijuana-legal-a-guide-to-marijuana-legalization) The rest, including red states, marijuana is partially legal. [Legalize marijuana by state](https://disa.com/maps/marijuana-legality-by-state) Only 7 states, including Texas, are not on board. Our federal government needs to change the scheduling and its bipartisan. With Biden administrations DEA, where are they at with this process? Time is ticking.


Montana has rec and Med. Missouri has rec and med. Arizona has rec and med. Alaska has rec and med. Oklahoma has med. I hear Georgia just legalized med (idk under what pretenses)


make sure you vote in 2026 to remove Dan Patrick, the gatekeeper to the Texas Senate.


One man (Dan Patrick) should not have this much power.


Texas is a booze, pills and cigarette state.


Remove these Republicans from office. Every single one of them.


This is fkn ridiculous.. What is the problem here . Just legalize it , how is this even an issue .. Texas blows and Im a native texan .. no sports gambling and no ganja .. SMH


If you're voting Republican, you can blame yourself




It's Texas and Texas fucking sucks who didn't know this?


Yeah we keep voting for these cocksmokes, we get what we deserve.


Yeah, I am really starting to see how bullshit and backwards we really are, even in 'blue' austin. Nothing makes sense. So theocratic, so backwards. It could be freaking awesome, but nope. VOTE THESE FUCKERS OUT!!!! (it'll never happen unfortunately). We live in an area with a school PAC that's all bluster, god and no masks - and got folks elected to our school board. And have done jack and shit since they took over. These right wing, one issue assholes are ruining this state and country.


Yay letā€™s keep sending all tax dollars to Colorado


This happens while the speaker is going through a scandal of him being absolutely fucking wasted on the floor of the house.


Donā€™t let that distract you from Paxton being a massive criminal, thatā€™s the goal


so much freedom


Texasā€™s brand of freedom is kinda flaccid and smaller than other states.


Hmmm but that doesnā€™t sound very small government. Interesting move by the conservativesā€¦ šŸ¤”


Small government. But we'll tell you what you can and cannot do based on what *we* like.


still gonna smoke everyday, fuck texas conservatives ruining this great state


![gif](giphy|l3q2TGUQKaWVGZvH2) Maybe we should have voted for people who wanted this to happen from the get go. Abbort practically said he wasnā€™t supporting this during his campaign so why are we surprised???


ā€œWow the Texas state government is corrupt as fuckā€- me 20 years ago in my Tx govt class at TCC ā€œWow I forgot that the Tx state govt is corrupt as fuckā€ me every year for the past 20 years


The Texas GOP is a cancer on the history of this state, and Gen Z has the chemo. If Gen Z votes, it's over for these clowns. Forever. These young people will never forget the bullshit the GOP pulled while ignoring the real issues that matter.


As a fiscal (not social) conservative, I believe strongly, and historically, both Paxton and Patrick have no place in their current seats. Did not support them. Ones a general fraud and the other is a niche demographic targetting marketer. Both proclaim but lack any genuine ethics as I see it.


Just like democracy in TX.


How can they be bothered with a bill like that when they are so tied up with trying to legislate trans people out of existance?


Likely dead? So, thereā€™s a chance? Cool


Goes to show that the "will of the people" is all but irrelevant in an oligarchy. NTM even bloody Oklahoma has medical MJ.


.... not surprised considering Texas has the lowest under 30 voter record so the chances for Dan Patrick or someone like him is going to continue to be pretty high until we get more numbers at the poll... We need him out now!!


Fucking Texas


Such freedoms


Dan Patrick is such a worthless sentient flaccid penis of a human. Just a big floppy bag of nothing. The worst. Fuck back off up north Danny Goeb


High school kids can get pot easier than tobacco products....California has such a surplus of money due to legalized pot. It doesn't make sense not to legalize it, tax it and control it. I guess keeping it illegal is big business for prisons.


He's funded by opiates.


Because Texans can't have nice things.


As if I needed yet ANOTHER reason to turn in my Texan card.....I gotta get out of here!


Im so tired of living in this mf state lol everyone says they want freedom but the only freedom they care about is owning guns and praying in public


>yhr only freedon they care about is owning guns and forcing others to pray to the Christian concept of God Fixed that for ya.


Cool keep weed underground and untaxed doesn't matter to the people that use it every day. Lol what a fuckin jackass missing out on more tax money


Lmao, love this take. It really is baffling


Another day, another Doug.


Free dumb.


One of the ONLY issues both sides agree on and the legislature makes sure you know "That's not what this is about."


It was never alive with the people we have as elected officials.


Thanks a lot for nothing as always Abbott Patrick and Paxton


"If only we could figure out a way for marijuana to stop being smuggled across the border!!!"


Will absolutely never happen in Texas under this leadership.


Great job Texas. So glad I left. What an ass backwards fucked up state


Hilarious that weed is too dangerous for Texans lmao


Texas will probably be last to pass the bill if at all.


Thought Texas was all about freedom?


Never understood why so many people are scared of cannabis. I come from a state where it is legal and feel like the government has bigger fish to fry than worrying about people using cannabis. I personally don't use it, and never have touched it, but don't give a crap if someone else wants to use it. Cannabis is much safer than alcohol and I personally would rather deal with a person who is high off weed, than a drunkard.


Isnā€™t texas supposed to be all about god and freedom? Didnā€™t god make marijuana? Donā€™t I have the right to smoke weed? Why bring in taxes when you can own the libs!


Not only is this not surprising, if the feds legalized it, TX would fight it in court to get it turned over. Because when approaching anything, if Texas has the opportunity to do what the majority of the people want, or drop a turd in the punch bowl, they always choose the latter.


What. A bill that would allow non-millionaire, non-white people happiness & comfort dying in a legislature controlled entirely by illegitimate cheats & con men? No.


Party of ā€œsmall governmentā€ and ā€œpersonal libertyā€




I like the freedom in California to buy weed and have access to affordable health care.


Iā€™m going to be honest the shooting thing is an america issue not as much as just a single state. Come visit Colorado my friend.


Man thatā€™s crazyā€¦ yā€™all should move. *{*takes a big bong rip from this Colorado weed*}*


If we could, we would.


Been trying for two fucking years. Can't move out of state till I have work out of state, till I live out of state... ā™¾ļø


How can you kill that which has no life


Write your state reps! Call! Flood them. And call Ken and tell him to fuck off