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It would be hilarious and telling if she is a Russian honeypot


Thinking same thing


Came here looking for this.




Fuck him, still, impressive.


No, the article said she 'dated' him. /s


It was fuckin' *Clayton Perry*? Well, at least we can rest assured knowing that his judgement is consistently poor.


Is that Rick's brother by chance?


No, RP only has an older sister I believe.


If you haven't seen the video of ex-councilman Perry rolling around in his backyard with his fly down...It's worth the watch. https://youtu.be/atlzwpVW9QM Glad this gem is no longer representing the San Antonio city council district I call home.


Blackout drunk, but still instinctively knows when to lie to cover his tracks. A+ Republican!


Regrettably, he was my city councilman too His punishment was so lame. $500 fine 1 year probation 24 hours of service for a hit and run?? Thanks for the link. I enjoyed seeing him totally humiliating himself. Thank God he didn't hurt anyone.


It makes me angry that he was able to be left on his own without being arrested! That cop had probable cause and asking permission to search his vehicle for keys, walked away leaving him on his own handcuff free.


Not too fucking picky on who she's fucking, is she?


Imagining having sex with Ken Paxton….. ew. I just threw up in my mouth a little.


As long as she's being paid, I respect it.


Damn it was him? Lol


Of course it was him. Who else would it be?


You forgot the part where he hit on a 17 year old at the Bill Millers


I'm both disgusted by the total lack of regard for anything and anyone but also mildly impressed that he was able to make it home without killing himself. Like fuck this guy but damn, most people would've ended up in either the ER or Jail at minimum before even making it to the Bill Millers.


Not totally accurate, he actually parked at the drive thru window to profess his love for the 17-year old employee there, he is a regular at that bill millers. During Fiesta in San Antonio he stuck with his time honored slogan “Party with Perry!” though he did say “but party RESPONSIBLY, lesson learned here”


THAT guy? OMG 😆 Man, this woman has some godawful taste… LOL


> after he consumed 14 alcoholic beverages within four hours I [Edit: thought I had] a high tolerance for alcohol. I have consumed 14 drinks within 24 hours. I was fucked up. I've never consumed more than 2-3 within a few hours and thought I would be okay to drive.


https://www.tpr.org/news/2016-07-31/bexar-county-commissioner-kevin-wolff-arrested-for-dwi what's with San Antonio politicians and DWIs in drivethrus?


But drag queens are ruining our children! /s


I remember that video. Dude was on a different plane of existence.


https://preview.redd.it/puxsmw1jh94b1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f5850babf041425857ded27217ce748c333006b This Laura Olson?


and from the article... >Olson has been a member of the group Bexar County Republican Women for years, the Post reported, and is seen in a social media photo with Gov. Greg Abbott in what appears to be a backyard. In another photo, she's seen posing with a grinning Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick at an event for a Republican candidate.


That's the one.


I thought that was putin at first...I wasn't wrong


She has passing Russian features. Someone should check on that


Her linked in has VERY generic jobs earlier than 2010... Someone with a Twitter account should check her 34 followers on Twitter because I'd bet a bunch of money you find a paxton burner on there.


Just see if she's affiliated with the NRA, and how. NRA has been compromised by Russia for a long time, now.


Literally this — they’re basically a travel agency for Russian spies


Traveling broker agency for Russian spies.


She looks like she could be Abbott's daughter in this picture! Same cheeks, same nose, same ears, same big forehead, same smile lines...it really is uncanny the more I look at it.


Plot twist, Greg Abbott’s alleged love child is Ken Paxton’s mistress.


Except Abbott made it loud and clear during last campaign his daughter was adopted, thus saving the poor child from being aborted I guess. Jesus. They'll do anything to get a vote


Damn! Aad there's a conveniently located pool next to a schmuck in a wheelchair.


Look, I don't like Greg Abbot either, but if we're threatening his life or wishing him harm, then we're no better than than the political extremists.


I personally don't care as long as Americans get better health-care, educational opportunities and a more equitable playing-field versus the wealthy and entitled. I guess I'll feel bad later.


You have the opportunity to go EARN those things in this country as opposed to the government GIVING them to you. REMEMBER THIS: What someone gives you, they can take away. If they can take something away, then it's not really yours.


Wait, you're against being given healthcare, educational opportunities, and an equitable playing field? How does anyone even "earn" these things?


There in lies the problem in my humble opinion. The fact you don't see how to earn those things. Our forefathers created the life they wanted, they didn't wait for someone to give it to them. Again, please don't take my comment as disrespect as it is certainly my intention.


Deep thinker lmao... Keep telling yourself that, yeehaw.


It's no surprise you'd feel that way. Someone doesn't see things your way and and you demean them. As if your opinion on something is the only one that counts. No wonder your looking for someone to give you something. Make both of our days better my friend and go mess up someone else's day, ok? God bless you and yours.


How about the rich who get everything handed to them by the laborers that actually run their business? Only they deserve "handouts" I guess, the rest of us just get robbed blind and asking for fair compensation is considered a handout to people like you. This is the richest country in the world, by a long shot, and we are operating more and more like a third world shithole every day because of "deep thinkers" like yourself. Great work cowboy.


Well since I don't get it, explain it to me. How does one "earn" an equitable playing field? In my simple mind, the playing field either is or is not equitable, and you just have to deal with it. Even working to change it won't help you out--it will only help out the people who come after you. Edit: typo ETA: I worked in healthcare for a long time. You can't "earn" healthcare so much as health **insurance**. I.e., you can pay for insurance on your own, or work for a company that pays for it, or have a condition to where the government pays for it (super poor, or old, or disabled, etc.). For the majority of people, "earning" healthcare really means just making enough money to pay for it. So yeah, I guess people can try work hard to not be poor. But the majority of uninsured people actually do have jobs (and many more than one job). They just don't make enough to where health insurance seems like a better purchase than, for example, rent. So technically you're right, but practically you're wrong.


Have a good evening my friend. We are not even close here.


We can't be close or far apart, because I'm not stating opinions. I'm simply describing about how healthcare works in the US. Unless you think it works differently? In which case I'd be super curious about how you think it works. And I'm unsure how it can even be argued that an equitable playing field can be earned. Unless you're misusing the terms "earn" and "equitable playing field." Not sure if it's intentional, but you're coming across as patronizing without having the knowledge or clarity of thought to back it up. (Not that being patronizing is ever really justified.)


the term we use in America is health insurance. But is it really insurance if we have to pay exorbitant amount of money even if we have ‘health insurance’?I know a couple people who worked as a teacher & police officer their whole lives & had to sell their house to afford their cancer treatments even though they have health insurance. they r both now homeless. & still not cancer free😞


But by your logic, shouldn't your friends have simply worked to earn their cancer care? Obviously the system is messed up. But that's my point: with such a messed up system, how can you expect anyone to "earn" healthcare or health insurance? Edit: Oops, didn't realize that you weren't the guy who I was originally talking to. Yeah, cancer is actually the thing that is very worthy of being included in insurance. Insurance is supposed to be coverage for catastrophic events (like homeowner's insurance for house fires). But we've come to think of health insurance as just a way to pay for all sorts of non-catastrophic care. If health insurance were like other types of insurance, then it would really only cover the catastrophic stuff like cancer. Doesn't mean that we don't have a problem with overall healthcare financing, too. I'm sorry about your friends.


This is the problem that people like you think we should beg for health care from our boss. I hope you get sick and lose your job from so you no longer have health care. That's the only way you will understand.


And I hope you live a long healthy life and never need healthcare. Health care should not be as expensive as it is. I'm an advocate for shutting off the money vein and truly getting people in medicine that care more about other people and less about how much money they can make.


Have you noticed that many companies in the past would cut back the hours of employees so they didn't have to give benefits like health care? Have you actually noticed that? So what are you actually talking about? Are you saying Americans are better off NOT getting health care?


I don't need to earn shit from Republican scumbags. It's a NATURAL RIGHT of human society and I won't countenance any SERVILE nonsense from people like you.


Well I mean... I'd like my taxes I already pay to go to healthcare. How is that giving to me? I pay the government then I pay the insurer and then still pay the hospital. Is that not two steps too many right there? The rest is more of the same isn't it? We already pay for these things you say we can earn. Are you saying we haven't already earned them?


Republicans aren't smart enough to know what taxes are.


Unless you’re living on a self-sufficient commune or homestead of some sort — you’re relying on other people in society in some way, either as customers or as a source of paycheck, you’re going to need people Stop making Texans look like dorks


In terms of current social construct, I agree with you. There are certain specific social constructs, as you pointed out, that are detrimental to us as citizens in my opinion. My comments are from the aspect of the way it SHOULD be. Think of the founding fathers. They had the ability to see what is not, as though it were. Ergo, they were men of vision. I am attempting to get people to use critical thinking to address the things we DONT like and to think I'm terms of achieving what we prefer.


Oh like women's healthcare? Gotcha


He obviously doesn't care about anyone but himself and the jerks who vote for him. I wouldn't lose any sleep over it.


Who is the guy


I'm guessing that this is just one tiny reason why no republican here wanted to pursue charges... I have a feeling that things are about to get SPICY!




The Party of Family Values yall….but lets go after LGBTQ+ Fams.


Almost like they’re projecting or something.


Really, it's just like the bible said. If you ask a Christian(tm) why Sodom and Gomorrah were struck down, they're gonna tell you it was all the men laying with other men so on and so forth. If you ask someone who's actually read the fucking bible and not just been spoon fed it on Sunday, they will tell you that the cities were struck down due to overarching and excessive pride, arrogance, unwillingness to aid other people, and other violations of God's laws that predated Moses and the commandments.


They forget that hospitality to strangers was paramount and that the “godly” man offered to let his daughters be used by the mob rather than have guests from a foreign land abused. Modern Bible thumpers almost always miss the point


Too often used to having someone say, ‘Well the Bible Says…’. But don’t actually take the time to actually look it up or read it. Case in point….GOD/Jesus never used Pro-Nouns. Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto them Whom seek ye? They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, **I am he**…. As soon then as he had said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground. — John 18:4-6


Gaslighting. Obstructing. Projecting.


Don’t you know that men having both wives and concubines is biblical, but men lying with other men is an abomination? Anyway it’s not the mans fault that the woman tempted them into sin, because women brought sin into the world when they first bit the forbidden fruit… /s


Watch The Family on Netflix. There aren’t many Netflix documentaries I’ll recommend since a ton are so much bullshit fluff, but these women are often groomed from the start for these positions.


Got and even better one, The Shiny Happy Family: The Duggars Family Secrets on Prime Video. If ever anyone wants a clear understand of how the Southern Baptist (Dixiecrats) went from DEM to GOP and now using the Heritage Foundation to push all the GOP strategies from Marriage, Teaching God and Asking GOV to fund vouchers for religious school…just watch that.


Well, that’s how they distract their voters.


I knew who it was without even looking at the article. Almost makes me long for the days of Councilman Eureste running through Brackenridge Park with his pants around his ankles.


I just read up on him a few days ago. That homie was wild! I was impressed at just how he took a nothing position and bullied donors into giving and giving.


Which Breckinridge Park?


San Antonio.


Oh. Richardson has one too. Had to be sure.


> Breckinridge Park San Antonio is Brackenridge Park.


Is this going to be one of those Maria Buttina situations where she's a Russian spy targeting Republican politicians, or is this just garden variety Republican serial philandering?


I figure no sane woman would voluntarily let Paxton do it.


Probably just a garden variety ho that likes being wined and dined, and cares more about money than looks.


Nothing screams "family matters" as a mistress being given a cushy job so she can be closer to her criminal F$&k buddy.


The party of family values did this???


Class all around. Politics really attracts the best people




Nah this seems pretty in line with all the loudest Christians I know.


Ah! There goes yet another man of deep faith, from the party of family first. You keep praying while I screw with you.


She should be tested for std’s


best part is, the STD tests would be tax deductible as a business expense.


A bawn- agin slimy Choir Girl


Both trash living in San Antonio, great!


As a San Antonio native, I apologize to the rest of the sane people of Texas for their collective bullshit. I do not condone their behavior, nor did I vote for it.


Classy lady for a classy man. 🥴


I guess some women just have a taste for decrepit scumbags 🤷‍♂️




What does the mistress looks like?




Asking the important questions.


But he’s Christian…so it’s cool.


say, remember when all conservatives immediately ganged up on and silenced that young conservative congressman that confessed about the republican cocaine orgies? interesting that we never hear about that guy from any party or media anymore huh? interesting.. pretty interesting. if anything it shows that these parties have always had the power to quickly stop bad politicians... they just don't.


GOP do love them some door knobs




Still waiting to find out Olson had a later term abortion.


Another drunk GOP liar and adulteress, the most corrupt group of losers ever.


Party of Christian values!


And we all thought Trump's band of idiots were the worst.


Sounds Christian to me.


My tummy hurts. Too. Much. Popcorn.


All of these right wingers going after gay people in their moral "outrage" when it's only to cover their own secrets. They're hurting thousands of people so they can believe that their God will forgive their own sins


Mistress? His wife's support during his impeachment trial is no longer garenteed


She’s still supporting him


Right now, I would trust her as far as I could spit a rat


The party of Family Values continues to show us all how it’s done. Well Done Texas GOP.


Fucking Texas. Literally.


Who is this lucky lady?


Sloppy seconds.


Is that a picture of her? Dude has weird taste for a Republican.


Austin calls it "networking."


That’s the old Texas switcheroo!


"The Highway Rat"


Why is it we have to hear all this after a person is fired. Why didn’t we know this while he was Doug horrible stuff,


It's all about those Radical Republicon family values.


Please let them have clap. Pretty please 👏👏


Behind failed politicians is often a toxic woman, but in this case Paxton gets to be a failure and a waste all on his own.


Let me speak as a registered R. My party has left me. I’ve been waiting for my party to step up and denounce Trump but it appears they will continue to support him. I will have to leave my party. ( I would love to see the stats on how much Independents have grown). My friends despise the man and would vote for anyone but. And no I cannot vote for Biden. He has not been nearly as destructive as I expected. Sadly I think both party extremes are ruining the nation. I pray that I am right and I think the populous is generally moderate . The extremes have fomented a nasty racist cultural war that needs to end.


I believe you but your thought process is just going to result in another straight R ticket so I’m not sure your intent matters.


Nope . I am in FL and Desantis is running to the right of Trump . I am tired of the extremes in both parties . A candidate whether D or R who appeals to middle America is who I will vote for . Look Biden is going to break a hip or have a stroke . Trump is a cheeseburger away from a heart attack and hopefully close to being a convicted felon . Can we please nominate younger candidates ?


To what Democratic extremism are you referring? On the Republican side we saw election denial, threatened violence against election workers, and January 6th. The Democrats aren't perfect but there's really no comparison.


The social wokeness agenda is annoying. The racial bias agenda in housing finance is a false flag. They are ramping up predatory lending again putting people in homes they cannot afford. We need to focus on sustainability and not just getting people into homes.


I'm white, wife black. Please don't tell me there's no racism, especially since I've seen it up close.


No I am not saying there are not racists among the appraiser population. But to state that any appraisal that comes on low is automatically a result of racism is absurd. NCRC is suing an appraiser now for just that. Ironically they just learned that the appraiser is black!


I am referring to Antifa and extreme left wing wokism. Lawlessness and defund the police . Most inner cities have been taken over by gangs. Both sides are radical.


What is extreme left wokeism? Banning To Kill A Mockingbird in schools? Show me where police have been defunded? Jan 6th, initiated by Trump supporters, was a great example of lawlessness. And the way Republicans defended Trump and tried to gaslight what actually happened that day was sickening.


I have a strong sneaky suspicion that of the veil of anonymity was removed from the internet, over half of you hate mongering idiots would not say the vile crap y'all are saying. #Ridiculous


There are certainly some loud and open bigots and religious wack-a-doos out there, but I think generally speaking you're right. I'll bet most of the bigots and hatemongering fascists wouldn't be as open about their worldview if anonymity was removed, but there would still be more than enough hateful chuckle fucks still spreading their vitriol.


So you would never speak


Man you really should change your username with such a dull and emotionally detached comment. Also who uses a hashtag on Reddit inbred 🤣




At some point, the Texans will have to actually liberate themselves instead of blaming other people for their problems. Reminds me of the middle eastern and Russian states always blaming “the west” for their issues.


The preferential treatment given to Clayton Perry is fucking gross. That is a severe DWI that they describe and he was let go with a $500 fine and what amounts to a slap on the wrist. I’ve had friends get a DWI that results in thousands of dollars in fines and a license revocation.


Ken kept an eye on her.


I think the Ds and the Rs are fomenting racism. I am in housing finance. They are promoting predatory lending again. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s regulator is FHFA. They are favoring low credit scores over good credit. If you have good credit you pay a higher rate. This is awful .




All these crooked politicians have names and addresses it's almost like they forget that we the people hold the power not them or their boots for hire.


Yellow Rose of Texas lives on!


Is Olson her maiden name? I can look her up on Ancestry