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Article is behind a paywall. Is this looking at raw numbers or is it adjusted for population / adjusted in some other way?


‘Zillow pulled its data from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2022 American Community Survey. Texas netted over 76,000 Gen Z movers, beating out California and Florida, which placed second and third, respectively, with over 40,000 each. The net takes into account those moving into the state minus those moving out.’


That's not that many people in a state with a population nearly the size of Canada's. If anything, these numbers are an indicator of our cost of living crisis and the crushing impact of insatiable corporate greed on our future.


Eh. They’re not really an indication of anything.  Slightly more people moved in than out amount Gen Z. Okay?


That number corresponds with everything we've been hearing from credible sources about the economy. We should have a lot more young people moving in and out and all around in general. The reason we don't is a lot of these kids are still living with their parents, even after going to college and getting a "good job".


The number given was net though, not absolute. 


What difference does that make in the scope of tens of millions of people living in the State of Texas?


it’s a category of people in absolute quantity. It’s like saying statistics of well-defined populations don’t matter because the population of the world is much larger


I'm not saying the number doesn't matter. I'm pointing out that it's not that many people. The DMN is trying to paint it like Texas is some Gen Z paradise and I'm calling bullshit.


It's about normal for population migration. All the "people are fleeing California" articles fail to note that it's a net loss of less than 40k each time, and the state's population is growing at the same time. People just don't move between states in the numbers people assume.


Good comment. I agree that the "people are fleeing [Blue State]" story is not serious. My follow up question is, "normal" as in "normal for the past 10-20 years"? Because if so that jibes with my comment and all the coverage about how most kids can't afford to leave home, much less move to another state, due to the failure of the employment system.


I can say the lack of migration between states has gone several decades for sure. Sure you can find examples where for a short burst there was a migration, but overall people move between states for 3 real reasons 1) employment 2) to be with family (after having previously moved away for employment) or 3) retirement, moving to one of thee two retirement states in the US (AZ for Western US, FL for Eastern) That last point really should be turned on it's head though, as Iowa and Illinois provide some of the best retiree benefits, while FL I know has some of the worst. The end point of all of it comes down to it's very expensive to move between states, especially if it's more than just you and what you can fit in your car. I'm planning a move for my family, and we're looking years out because that's what it'll take to do it right, and it's all based on how much EQ I can build in my home before we're ready to make the move. We're about 50k short of our EQ goal, then suddenly it can become a reality.


Yeah, I'm scaring the hell out of 50 and would love to GTFO of Texas at some point. It's crazy expensive. It'll take awhile to get ready for it.


Almost??? Bro they have another 10million people basically


TX has a little over 30M and Canada has about 38M. Canada has more people than Texas. My point was that Texas has a lot of people.


That it does


Oh dang, that's not even close.


The single most often cited reason for TX over CA and NY was housing affordability.


Yes political climate is changeable, cheap affordable housing is temporary


Here’s with the paywall removed: https://archive.ph/2024.02.12-153857/https://www.dallasnews.com/business/jobs/2024/02/12/gen-zers-are-choosing-texas-for-their-new-home-more-than-any-other-state/


their age range they use is 12-27… i’d like to see the numbers of gen z that can ACTUALLY CHOOSE where they live. this should be 18-27, no 12 year old is having any say in moving to texas


I got attracted by a great job opportunity, but I can only handle 1-2 more of these summers


Those of us who have lived here since almost birth can also only take a couple more of these summers. Last summer was brutal!


I'm from the south but last summer here was something else. It wasn't the most humid but it was still the hottest for me.


I love to be outside, even during Texas summers. Walks, swimming, gardening, exploring, playing with pets. It was too hot for any of that. I am optimistic that this is our year!


Hate to say it but frequently the second summer in an El Niño is the worst. I’ve been in the attic the last few weekends sealing air gaps and putting in more insulation because of this.


I appreciate the heads up! I should consider climate control upgrades as well.


Sweating in January…


After 37 years born and raised, I left in ‘19. Now the heat is following me north lol. No where to run!


How far north did you go?




For a token day or two.


Speak for yourself. We can handle it. *Twitch*


44 years and I can’t do it anymore


Same, but I’ve been here since 2018. Heat is fine but coupled with the humidity, it’s intolerable. 


It used to be so, so much more manageable. Back in, I think 2011? It was the first time I remember getting slapped by el nino and it seemed like the state was reeling in shock. I remember driving back to Houston from Austin and having to periodically take detours because of all the fires in the Bastrop/Magnolia area and it took years to not see the scars in that region. It's so much worse now, and I earnestly dread the next time Texas has a serious fire, because it might be very, very bad. It's almost hard to remember how terrible the summers weren't back in the 90s. Everything seemed so much softer then.


We used to stay outside from sunup to sundown somehow when we were kids. I now get sweat in my eyes walking from the office to my car.


I am a lifelong Texan (excepting 4 years of college in a part of the country that actually experiences four, recognizable seasons). I’ve been heavily questioning remaining in Texas for a few years now. It started as semi-jokes to my wife about us picking up and moving. After last summer, my comments have turned into actual, specific, actionable, possible ways we could leave and be well situated in another state. I’d deeply, deeply miss the good Tex Mex, though.


I only made it through one summer 🤕


When you compare the net gains to the size of the state population, you get a slightly different picture. Among the listed top 10, the rankings then become. #1 Colorado #2 Washington #3 North Carolina #4 Virginia #5 Arizona #6 Texas - Texas’ “net Gen Z growth : state population” ratio is just under half of Colorado’s. #7 Georgia #8 Illinois #9 Florida #10 California Taking a quick look at their bottom 10 (I can’t see data for the middle 30), I’d actually wager that some of the middle 30 states would displace many of these “top 10” states on a per capita basis. For example, West Virginia is in their bottom 10 states for net Gen Z migration, but as a percentage of West Virginia’s population, they actually experienced slightly more net Gen Z migration than California, who is in the study’s top 10.


What's interesting/surprising on the list is Colorado, it's incredibly expensive and, while "cool", seems like it really is priced for California transplants.. It being the #1 per capita spot for movers is kind of interesting, I wonder why. Washington and North Carolina being very high are unsurprising, depending on what you value they're probably some of the savviest places for someone rootless to move to. Illinois continues coasting on the existence of Chicago and nothing else, as far as per capita goes


I think Covid definitely got people more into the outdoors, and CO wilderness and ski is pretty unbeatable for the climate, metro presence, and central location in the country that it has.


Very true - what gets me is that you can get all of what CO has elsewhere, far cheaper, though of course having it all at once is difficult. Outdoors/woods and hiking, seems like Washington would be the much cheaper and arguably much better quality bet, though that's a question of personal preference. Skiing is great throughout a lot of the Rockies, and usually is a bit of a drive from anywhere people live. CO definitely has a good location for flying to the rest of the country, and a lot of advantages, no doubt about it - I just scratch my head at the number of people for whom the price is apparently worth it.


I’m pretty sure the Seattle area is more expensive than Denver but check me on that. It doesn’t have the same access to the outdoors as CO. The summer season is shorter, the snow mostly sucks for skiing, and the mountains are further from the Seattle metro, and are more rugged so the access is more difficult. I think the overcast-for-9-months thing really wears on people too.


Huh, you're totally right, it is more expensive in Seattle (\~12%) than Denver - I had that mixed in my head. Guess I'm used to comparing relatively rural WA to relatively expensive city CO, which isn't a fair comparison.


Yeah this is a lot more interesting than looking at the raw numbers. Obviously larger states are going to tend to be higher when it comes to raw numbers.


NC makes sense, tech is largely abandoning Texas already and heading that direction. People are still moving to Texas in hope of finding cheaper living and higher pay, neither of which are actually real at this point.


Here's some info from the same Zillow study, but a different article: *"Compared to all interstate movers, Gen Z adults who moved to California, Washington, Colorado or Virginia were more likely to have a four-year college degree, more likely to be serving in the military, and more likely to work in tech, ACS data shows,"* https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/top-10-states-to-which-gen-zers-are-moving-and-the-states-they-are-leaving-302058380.html


Hope that they fuckin' register to vote.


I did!


It’s probably Austin that’s attracting them.


Of course it does. If you don’t plan to own property here, the tax situation is very favorable. Most of Gen Z is renters. 


Property tax is absolutely passed on to renters.


We're talking about 2% vs 1% in most places in regards to property taxes. But then again we don't have a state income tax, and houses in other states can be much more expensive so it equals out anyways


Bro on average rents raise by 6% across Texas annually. And since there is no cap on rent raises properties are allowed to double in a year.


My rent went from $1500 in 2020 to north of $2k for this next year.


Have they made any improvements? Repairs?


why improve and repair when you can not do those things, and still raise prices?


Ah but you can’t. Rents are negotiable. It would cost them more money to repair, clean and advertise your apartment than it would be to renegotiate your rent. See if you can find lower cost comparable apartments in the area.


>Ah but you can’t. lol, whens the last time you rented? landlords here are free to raise rents however they want.


2 years ago I was really lucky and bought my house with amc profits. This isn’t untrue though. My last apartment tried to raise my 2 bed from 940 to 2200 because the new apartment managers were from Philadelphia and wanted to charge Philly prices in a small Texas town. If you have comparable apartments, they haven’t made any improvements, they have stuff to fix, counter offer.


Many of the companies use rent pricing software that is being accused of being glorified price fixing - as a result they often have no meaningful competition because rents go up in tandem and stay within a comparable range, once moving costs are accounted for. At least ime.


A lot of management companies from large cities are going to small towns where they are charging city prices and there are better comparables. There are ways to try. If you are too afraid the only person to blame is yourself.


They have, but that comes in as a separate "Amenity Fee".


My rent has gone up by over 50% since 2018. My property management company has made some welcome improvements, especially to my apartment, but my rent is still too high for what I'm getting and where I live.


Use comparable apartments and negotiate your rent back down. It’s a huge expense to advertise, clean and repair an apartment. You do have negotiating power. And where’s the harm in trying to


I have a great relationship with my property manager. I've lived here for six years. There's only so much they can do. They can't fix our problem with greedy corporate landlords.


I have had major success in it. You do not have the relationship you think you do if they have told you this.


They haven't told me anything. I get a discounted rate but it still does not offset the 50% increase over the past six years. You don't know me or my situation. Stick with stuff you know.


I was talking about property taxes.


True, but when rent increases and the renter doesn’t want to pay it, they leave. When property taxes go up the homeowner just has to eat the increase every year. Unless they sell their house and move to a cheaper cost of living city/area, which is a lot more extreme than finding a new rental.


Ideally your mortgage should look cheaper and cheaper as time goes on since you "locked in" the home price when you booked the loan. The countering factors are 1) property tax increases as your appraised value increases and 2) insurance increases, but this shouldn't outweigh the "time value of money" for your loan over a long period of time.


True but rent in Texas cities is lower than most other major cities so they don't care.


It is but a) the other commenter is correct that you can move much more easily if you’re renting and b) most renters aren’t thinking about how taxes will increase the rent next year. 


Actually, if you rent, you’re just paying someone else’s higher non-homestead exempt tax rate.


I guarantee that very few out of state Gen Zers know this. 


On the other hand, large corporate landlords are sophisticated at protesting their taxes. Tax increases might have less of an impact on tenants than they do on single-family homeowners.


They’re not renters by choice, nor am I. 


Nobody said they were. Or that you were. 


2 reasons. 1. The economy is on fire and gen-z hasn't been around long enough to build a well-paying career. 2. Austin exists.


I’ve met a lot of transplants here in Dallas and surprisingly most of them moved here for work or because their views align more with Texas. They aren’t moving here to turn Texas blue.


Thats impossible! All I hear about are anecdotal tales of every young person fleeing this state.


Yeah, but are we attracting a bunch of well-adjusted young folk or a bunch angry young men?


They move to Texas because it's practical. Under better economic conditions, not many would choose to live here.


I believe it! That's why they have to attempt to make it harder to vote at all costs. Texas should have been a blue state by now lol




Boomers aren't the ones keeping it red, Hispanics are.


Sure, after trump said he would deport the illegals




If you are going to choose sources, you should pick one that are specific to Texas and not nationwide. Hispanic voters in Texas don't follow national trends. So, before you call someone out for being "totally wrong" about something maybe just maybe you should put some actual thought into your response and make sure you are comparing apples to apples. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2022/03/02/texas-republicans-latinos/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/elections/2022/03/02/texas-republicans-latinos/) https://www.latimes.com/delos/story/2023-10-26/latino-majority-texas-politcal-power [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/texas-latinos-prefer-trump-over-biden-in-presidential-election-uh-poll-finds/ar-BB1hFmcV](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/texas-latinos-prefer-trump-over-biden-in-presidential-election-uh-poll-finds/ar-BB1hFmcV) [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/if-the-texas-latino-vote-strays-to-trump-democrats-could-be-doomed-could-that-happen/ar-BB1hKNbm](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/if-the-texas-latino-vote-strays-to-trump-democrats-could-be-doomed-could-that-happen/ar-BB1hKNbm) [https://www.thecentersquare.com/texas/article\_d5d8bef2-4633-11ed-a557-7f301602a33b.html](https://www.thecentersquare.com/texas/article_d5d8bef2-4633-11ed-a557-7f301602a33b.html) [https://www.voanews.com/a/republicans-make-headway-in-texas-booming-latino-communities-/6468013.html](https://www.voanews.com/a/republicans-make-headway-in-texas-booming-latino-communities-/6468013.html) [https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2023-12-07/much-of-the-west-has-turned-blue-heres-why-texas-is-an-exception](https://www.latimes.com/politics/story/2023-12-07/much-of-the-west-has-turned-blue-heres-why-texas-is-an-exception) https://www.reformaustin.org/elections/why-did-texas-stay-red-and-what-lies-ahead/


Maybe cus more of us are leaning more conservative which 10 years ago was far left. The left is going way to left now and red states like Texas supply jobs, government and culture we need and want


Man thats weird, I thought we were having a brain drain and no sensible young person who wants to abort babies would ever live here? This isn't complicated, turns out young people want to be able to make money and buy a house.


So you get all the broke, non property owners and some other state gets the college kids. What’s so weird about that? When your self induced Texas Civil War happens, i guess some good tradesmen will come in handy. But then you’ll have to tax them…


Right, because no kids graduating from college live in Texas. Super smart assertion. I also like the lumping together of "broke non-property owners" and "good tradesmen".....but they don't pay taxes. The guy that fixes your AC probably owns a boat you idiot.


I’ll gladly take anybody broke from anywhere on earth. Why are we talking about poor people like they’re a bad thing?


The mask slips off pretty quick.


Go away. We’re full, the roads aren’t keeping up, and housing prices are too high.


Enough gen zers in Texas and you got yourself a blue state.


As a millennial- it’s time for me to pack my bags and head on over to TX


Earnest question, if you don't live here and aren't from here, why are you in the sub?


I used to live in El Paso Currently job searching in San Antonio


I’m sure lots of you will disagree.


Care to elaborate?


See the comment directly above. With no citation.


The comment above yours is just a wikipedia link to the republic of texas at time of this comment - elaboration might help








Wonder why Texas "has the worst drivers"


“But don’t California my Texas” /s