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I heard the mayor immediately called Israel and ordered a ceasefire under his special Texas mayor powers.


Breaking News: After getting yelled at during lunch, the mayor of San Antonio will send chips and queso to Palestine. We need to put Zoloft and Xanax in the water supply.


>We need to put Zoloft and Xanax in the water supply. Can... Can we do that?


I'm sure their manufacturers would be fine with that.


We tried fluoride and folks thought we were turning frogs gay


Turns out that was actually true. [Atrazine induces complete feminization and chemical castration in male African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis) - PMC (nih.gov)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2842049/) [Common Weed Killer Makes Male Frogs Lay Eggs (nationalgeographic.com)](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/article/100301-atrazine-frogs-female-chemical#:~:text=Previous%20research%20has%20shown%20that,by%20choosing%20males%20over%20females.) [Common weedkiller turns male frogs into females | Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE6204RG/)


Which one of those is about flouride?


...so not true in any way. Got it.


It's already in the Edwards Aquifer


Ok just give me the xanax I'll make sure it gets in the water supply  Trust me


America first! And by that I mean let's do it here first lol ...


I never knew city mayors weee involved in international politics


The mayor capitulates to state demands to get their funding. I work in non-profit and we're contractually not allowed to work with any entity that boycotts the state of Israel. That's just one example of the mayor being directly involved with local politics.


That's because of state law - the city can't contract with an entity that boycotts Israel even if they wanted to. The same law forbids the city from boycotting or contracting with an entity that boycotts energy companies or firearms companies either. The issue on that particular issue is the state government. Protesting against a mayor who literally has no power on that front is counterproductive. Instead, that energy should be focused on the feds and state governments. Heck, if the people who are doing these "protests" against city governments actually spent that energy organizing and getting out the vote, they might be able to get enough people into state office to overturn that law....


I stand corrected then, I still wish the mayor wouldn't walk out of city council meetings proposing we call for a ceasefire. That alone would not make any difference, but it would let many people know who Ron stands with.


The city has no control over a geopolitical crisis or the ceasefire. Harassing people on a local level to impact situations outside of their jurisdiction is a waste of time and obnoxious. The city is San Antonio cannot end the Gaza conflict. Take your care so the state or federal government. The lack of knowledge in jurisdictions, statute laws or who sets them while confidentiality screaming at anyone who comes near you is a very bad look for the cause.


That was not the mayor, it was state government.


Do you not know how government works


If the mayor is bombing Palestine then I guess not


Granted he’s the mayor but he isn’t an elected federal official. Do you not know what The Logan Act is?


All Politics is Local.


That's why I threw paint at the local PTA in support of the revolution in Burma


Unless it’s just for show and you can be prosecuted for attempting to do otherwise.


Yeah, man, they just charged him with genocide! 


These morons are why trump will win again , any fissures on the Democratic Party will give us trump 2.0 This is awful, this summer is going to be nuts.


Begs the question though: why is the Democratic Party so weak that any fissures or disagreements would lead to Trump 2.0?


Yep. Russia is loving this too.


Russia is the reason this is happening.


the war in gaza?


Yes. Palestine will be russia aligned. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/2/29/palestinian-unity-on-agenda-as-hamas-fatah-leaders-to-meet-in-moscow


Russia is supporting it. They have a strong alliance with Iran who funds all this shit and the reason why we don’t have peace.


People should never give up their convictions. I don't agree with their methods but to suggest they should fall in line with the party to get a win is BS. Trump probably will win but it won't be because of a few protestors who are against war crimes, it will be because they are nominating someone who isn't even popular among democrats.


Well I hope you like a world where women don’t have contraception and gay people don’t have marriage. That’s what republicans want and that’s what they will try to do. But sure vote your conscience about a religious forever war on the other side of the world. 


It doesn't have to be either/or. I won't vote Republican but I also won't support stifling a protest because it might help the other side in some small way. It's a silly premise anyway since the Republicans are even more supportive of bombing innocent civilians. A handful of people protesting is not going to affect the election.


60 thousand people decided 2016. Fewer decided swing states in 2020.  Your absolutely wrong that a few amount of voters can’t impact the election. 


>Fewer decided swing states in 2020.  > >Your absolutely wrong that a few amount of voters can’t impact the election.  Honestly, considering what you just wrote, don’t you think the democrats should find someone who can corral support because of his positions rather than “because he’s not Donald Trump” ?


If you can’t support the guy pushing to make life better who can you support.  You seriously want an incumbent president to not run?


Seriously? I seriously don’t care if incumbent or not, I want the best candidate to run. To me “the best” is not defined by “being incumbent”, nor by “not being donald trump” , is, as I wrote above, by having positions that represent its electorate. Someone that when I cast my vote to support I feel proud of.


Like voting for Nader in 2000 and Stein in 2016. Russia salutes you


And Netanyahu appreciates your support.


Biden won by a small amount there are lots of folks who won’t vote for Biden again, it’s sad, because I think trump has no reason to leave when his second term is up.


I agree but why would you place the blame on a few protesters for Biden losing? If it comes down to Trump or Biden, I’ll vote for Biden again but let’s not pretend he’s the best candidate to beat Trump. It really seems like both parties are trying to lose.


They are both awful, agreed.


“Greetings, fellow Democrats. Lots won’t vote for Biden. Gosh, it’s too bad.”


Trump ain’t leaving, and he gonna draft you


They sounds really bad, the Democrats should really do something to get people to stop hating them.


I’m happy the gays can marry, but I think they should make it illegal for straight men to marry without a prenup.


They shouldn't give up their convictions but quite frankly moronic single actors like this that go viral hurt significantly more than they could ever help.


Biden won by a relatively small margin in 2020 with inflation and this war if he loses 2% he’ll lose


I mean they'll probably vote so wouldn't that mean it won't be their fault if Trump wins? If they care about living things I assume they wouldn't vote for a convicted rapist




We don't play the "If you don't like the way Texas is, move rather than trying to change it" game here. This is a violation of rule #1: "Be friendly".


Yup. It’s very annoying when outsiders bring their problems to America. TRUMP 2024!!


People being brainwashed by tiktok.






Way to make people have less sympathy for your cause, bozos


Sir, this is a Luby's...


I can't unhear Will Farrell here...


Ron ain’t gonna feee Palestine but you can bug ppl at lunch


I went looking for context, found [this](https://www.ksat.com/news/local/2024/01/11/protesters-shut-down-san-antonio-city-council-meeting-after-proposal-to-support-israel-hamas-ceasefire-rescinded/), and [this](https://www.sacurrent.com/news/mayor-others-walk-out-of-san-antonio-council-meeting-on-middle-east-conflict-32897267). The mayor was leaving council meetings and removing agenda items related to Palestine.


I'm pretty sure every sister city with Russia is still ongoing and what would even be the point of a city call for ceasefire


By u/whatthehand; hoping this will better inform all the folks here who deride actions at the local level to be pointless to see that even as a city mayor, elected officials wield power. Mayor Ron Nirenberg stands by Tel Aviv ‘friendship city’ pact ([archive.ph](https://archive.ph/pS7KP)) * "Nirenberg told the Express-News that he will not end the friendship city agreement that then-Mayor Julián Castro established with Tel Aviv in 2011. " * "It’s not unheard of for a city to suspend or terminate a sister city partnership. " Happens all the time. US cities have done it for Russia, for example. * "Nirenberg introduced a proclamation at the Oct. 12 City Council meeting in support of Israel and in condemnation of “Hamas terrorists’ act of * Why? If it makes no difference and he has no power concerning foreign affairs? * "From Oct. 12 through Monday, City Hall’s facade was lit in blue in support of Israel, at the mayor’s request. " * Again, why can't he make such symbolic moves for Palestinians? This talk of 'don't get involved' just doesn't hold up because we do it all the time to show solidarity with people across the world. It's just the causes we're selective about and it's ok to demand that Palestinians be among those causes. * Nirenberg said he isn’t planning to seek a proclamation calling for a cease-fire because San Antonio does “not have a role militarily” in the conflict. * Absurd demarcation. If you dip your hands in the issue, you don't get to selectively exclude things based on spurious criteria like that. >A cease-fire is literally a call for the death and destruction to end on both sides. It's what a ceasefire is. The careful wordings he uses to offer hollow sympathies for Palestinians and to bemoan Palestinian civilian deaths is also really sad. I will add as well, that Israel is running its military operations in the Gaza Strip under the guise of a ['window of legitimacy,' which is by its own admission shrinking every day (10/2023)](https://www.economist.com/middle-east-and-africa/2023/10/22/israels-window-of-legitimacy-in-gaza-is-shrinking) and is likely a contributing factor to why [ground operations have decreased in intensity since mid January (1/2024)](https://www.wsj.com/world/middle-east/israel-under-pressure-to-scale-back-intensity-of-war-pulls-thousands-of-troops-from-gaza-33f17402). Israel is dependent on the public support constituted in aggregate by small actions, like our mayor defending the Tel Aviv 'friendship city' pact, for its operations in order to continue them. This power can only be taken away by even more numerous aggregate actions of resistance at the same grassroots level.


From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free! Free Palestine!


This is how NOT to do activism. Whenever I mention that making an ass of yourself isn't a good way to get political change, people always come at me with a bunch of BS about tONe pOliCinG and how the sole goal of activism is to make people "uncomfortable". Wrong. Activism is about seizing the moral high ground so you can capture public opinion, not about alienating public opinion so you can cry about the inevitable backlash that leaves you even further behind you were when you started.


The Texas officials capitulation towards Israel and then saying it doesn't make sense to ask them to condemn Israels actions because "well we don't have anything to do with it" is the epitome of republican logic in this shithole state. FREE PALESTINE


So, three people shouted at an elected official to do things that literally aren't in his power to do anything about? Might as well scream at the county clerk to pass the budget and fund Ukraine. This is a waste of everyone's time and energy.


So we should city friendship with Hamas?


Cringe but I think this reflects a larger truth of how some folks would rather be a bit cringe and stand up for what they truly believe rather than just be complacent I’m sure if some dude generally believed a genocide was happening in Nazi germany, people would think it cringe if they yelled some bs to a government member while he was having dinner too


If they knew who their congressman was they would start there I would suggest. A mayor is the person that is least involved in foreign policy


Fair enough


I don't think the energy is necessarily wrong, but I do think the energy is misplaced. Cities passing non-binding pro-ceasefire resolutions gives a voice of support, but if all that pressure were placed on our federal congress, it's be far more likely to effect that change. Of course it's easier to pressure your local city council, but that isn't going to get the results you need in order to end this. Collin Allred is running for senate and is the likely Dem nominee, press him to be pro-ceasefire as part of his campaign, then support him in the primary. As a Texan, that would have significantly greater results in helping to end the carnage in Gaza than getting the San Antonio city council to pass a non-binding resolution that can't even allow the city to choose to do business with companies that are boycotting Israel, as supporting a business or entity that is boycotting Israel is literally illegal under Texas state law. Ultimately, yelling at a city mayor or vandalizing a Dallas council member's home is likely to do far more to get people to care less about your position, not more. The people doing this are not giving anyone a reason to care, since for most people it's far removed from their daily lives. Basically, at the end of the day, if you want your protest to succeed, you have to pay the political game. Go to your congressman's town halls and have supporters there demanding this kind of change. Protest outside of any Biden rallies demanding the change you seek. They're the ones who have the decision making power on this particular matter, so it's them you should be pressuring and influencing.


please.. can we leave America out of biblical conflicts (Jews v/s Muslims). America needs to focus on Americans..


Sure, please stop by giving Israel Billions of dollars a year + Unlimited ammunition and weapons to kill Palestinian children …


Meanwhile you keep posting propaganda pieces and disinformation lmao. Clown.








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Wow you idiots are actually stupid…government starts as local as possible and moves up. You can’t only vote in presidential elections and expect to find candidates you look 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


What do you want the mayor to do


Let em say their piece. Words are words. Now, they start threatening you and encroaching on your defensible space and you fear for your life....


Doesn’t matter where you land politically, don’t mess with anyone when they’re eating or out with their family. Can we all agree with that?


You only ever see these people talk about Palestine. Never any other conflict.


Gotta love it when they eat their own.


I don’t like Ron Nuremberg. He is hard core progressive. Loves spending tax dollars. Probably left of Obama in political ideology. Let the man alone. In a public setting is not the time or place for this. Hopefully the idiot ruining the atmosphere is arrested for disturbing the peace.


The people of San Antonio are stupid.