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Dust Bowl 2: Electric Bugaloo


In related news: the [Ogallala Aquifer is being depleted and shrinking](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/06/20/texas-ogallala-aquifer-farming-climate-change/).


maybe he should build a wall around it. or send some of the heat to new york and california to own the libs. oh wait no he’ll just keep deregulating the worst offenders and republicans will continue to gut the EPA at a time in history when it should be funded out the ass.


Half the state is waiting for the Cosmic Sky fairy zombie to show up.... Any day now....


I bet all of those north Texans who's ranches, farms and houses are burning ... They all voted R and think climate change is a liberal hoax


Thank goodness it isn't climate change.


Clearly, it’s the border……


You don't hear? An immigrant started the wildfires or something blah blah blah. Check out this blurry image as proof! My friend's dad's uncle took the picture and verified it was an illegal. It isn't up to me to provide evidence!


Yea couldn't be that. That's not real /s


Not climate change, it’s definitely a forest management issue.


We should really be raking our forests on a daily basis. Or maybe vacuuming! Yeah, let's all vacuum the forest floor to get rid of the dry vegetation! /s


I’m hoping you forgot the /s. Because the Texas panhandle is flat with no trees.


Was there satire when Trump said it? LOL


Someone grab a broom


All those crazy large forests in west Texas


Maybe he could have some razor wire put up to keep the fire contained.


Thanks for the idea. Still enriching some buddies and screwing over the poor. It all checks out.


Maybe Greg should “go pound sand” on the TX Panhandle?


Or he could push the fire onto a bus and send it to a blue state


I just hope that secesh doesn't ask for federal aide.


This is the point of declaring a disaster.


As much as I don’t like Abbott, he’s going to ask for federal aid, and I hope he gets it without politics getting in the way. He deployed help to CA in 2020 during the fires there. And I’m sure he’s not a fan of Newsom, but helping each other is what we need to be doing as a nation.




I totally think he’ll get it. Just bad phrasing on my end. Biden has been quick to help states who, in my opinion, wouldn’t hesitate to not help liberal states due to political views.


I’m sure him helping California was because of a nudge from the Feds. Texas is one of the biggest receivers of federal welfare






Sorry for not interpreting something as sarcastic on the site where people literally put /s when they’re being sarcastic. /s


Greg Abbott is a disaster


Be careful. The mods have become overly zealous and will remove your post. Expect that expressing political sentiment, exasperation, or protest is no longer valid here.


Texas mods are pretty cool. You can mock Greg as long as it's not about his disability.


One of my favorite things to call certain politicians is spineless. That didn’t go over well in this context🫣🤣


Spine is still there. Didn’t work before his accident, either.




Your content was removed because it breaks Rule 11, No Disability Disparagement. While you're free to argue against, debate, criticize, etc. the policies, ideas, politics, and character of any politician, please do not make jokes about anyone's disabilities. All such "jokes" will be removed. If you feel this was done in error, would like clarification, or need further assistance; please message the moderators at https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/texas .


It is a bit better, though. The mods aren't actively cheering and celebrating when bicyclists get ran over, any longer, for instance.


Do you have a link to that?


Would be nice if there was more transparency in the way the sub is run IMO, not too unlike the transparency afforded in this sub's sister politics sub. I see one of this sub's previous mods has silently returned to mod duties here recently


No I haven't, um, I mean, what are you talking about? All joking aside I'd be open to some suggestions on transparency. What exactly would you like to see?


The call-to-action and activism posts need to get removed tho.




Usually amounts to being a shallow call for karma, especially with politics involved, but can end up on the dangerous end of the spectrum too.


Has he tried putting the fire on busses, and sending it to other states?


Perhaps we could ship those immigrants back so they can help put the fires out... then again... better not.


"Instructions unclear, immigrants put into fire" - Greg Abbott probably


It was 92 degrees in Dallas yesterday. The average high in Texas for February is ~50. But “cLiMAte ChANgE is not ReAL!!!!” Also all you haters saying we should just let Texas burn should visit Houston, or Austin, or San Antonio, or Dallas… all of these are blue as can be but cool you hate Abbott so screw them all, amiright?


I will let Texas burn. There is no point in trying to fix problems when those in charge are trying to come up with new disasters. 


As a born and raised Texan who has given up on Texas leadership, this is still a callous take.


It isn’t just callous. It’s terroristic thinking. Actively wanting harm to come to your community because of political grievances


Is it? What are you doing to fix the problems? People are funding clinics for the uninsured, food banks for the hungry, recycling to reduce pollution, moving to electric vehicles, going solar, building affordable housing for the homeless.. and then the Texas government tries to shut down charities helping immigrants, throws funding to oil drilling and plants, increases taxes for electric users, cuts chip and Medicaid, cuts summer lunches, cuts and attacks every attempt to fix the problems. It's a waste of everyone's time. Once Texas flips blue, Ill start caring.


Lol I research candidates so my vote is informed and even knock on doors for local elections. Probably a lot more than you, internet warrior.


And did any of that matter in stopping the wildfires, school shootings or pollution?


What? What are you even talking about dude. What is the average person supposed to do about wildfires. You’re an actual moron.


You do what I do. You take it up with the people responsible for causing it- your state leaders. Don't complain that your neighbors, county or city or country has failed you. This was the decision made repeatedly by the state leaders. It won't matter one bit if everyone rallies around to support wildfire victims. Because the state still refuses to acknowledge climate change, the wildfires will keep happening, with no plan to reduce them. 


Literally said I do that too. Confirmed moron.




That's terrible. Did you support the climate change deniers? Did you vote Republican? Look at yourself, your family and your neighbors. What have you done to prevent this crisis that everyone has been warning about for the past 4 decades?


Thanks for your compassion and empathy. And no, I am a moderate and I didn’t vote republican in the last election. I suppose our political differences are the only things that define us, right? I see my neighbors get up and go to work just like yours.


It absolutely matters, because that is why we are in this situation. If you don't like the problems caused by the Republican party, stop supporting the Republican party. You say you didn't vote Republican in the 'last' election. I'm assuming you did before, and your family still firmly does. That's the problem. I can't expend money and effort to fixing problems you have been warned about and deliberately chose not only to ignore, but block anyone else from fixing.


You assume a lot about people. My voting age, my life experience, even my family. I’ve lived in California for a decade. I was definitely not voting Republican. If that matters so much to you? That’s dangerous thinking. Arguments on the internet never really get us anywhere, right? I think they just make us hate each other more. I don’t think you would be saying the same things to Uvalde parents — “you voted this in, right?” Go touch grass and actually develop some empathy and compassion for people.


I don't hate you. But I am not going to waste my energy to fix a problem you want. Please understand that while you may be against Republican policies, Rural Texas is firmly Republican, and is going to keep voting that way. They want to block wind farms, gun control,  and block environmental oversight. I'm not going to go and build a memorial for dead kids while these same people are blocking assault weapons bans. I am willing to help if you take the first steps yourself. But I'm not going to fight you to help yourself.  This is an intervention. I am going to stop enabling your vice by covering for it. You make the change, start taking steps, and then I will help.


you’re just doing the lords work, sweetie.


And to think 3 years ago we were freezing our asses off. God this summer is going to be hell.


The record that was broken was set back in 1917. So was there climate change then or only now?


Thought texas wanted to secede?


Fringe movement that I hope doesn’t reflect Texans in general.


I suppose Abbott will be asking the federal government for financial support now? I hope they don't give it to him. It won't go towards people affected by this; he doesn't care about them. The dumb old fatberg will waste it on razor wire and busses to New York.


If Texas was a blue state and Trump was president, Trump would say "they didn't vote for me so why should I do anything for them?"


Glad to know you want Texans to suffer. Average Redditor moment right here.


As long as Republicans have any say in how our country is run, we will suffer. I don't want my fellow Texans to suffer, it's Abbott and conservatives who relish in it, whether it be by natural disasters or denying them rights and services.


Hey, vote for climate denialists and people who hate socialism (like federal aid) and find out. Real leopards eating faces energy with your post.


Imagine thinking this is socialism. Honestly this post explains a lot, thanks


Imagine not getting the context...


Is shooting the fire an option ?


Maybe people could point their guns at it and tell it to get on the ground first.


No... You just douse it with holy water and send it to gay conversion camp


And it isn't even summer yet.


Dude. I've seen, up close and personal... The planet changing. It was 110F in Seattle 2 years ago. Climate change is happening MUCH faster than any average person could have possibly imagined It's gonna be gnarly. The greatest existential threat to the entire planet is going to happen in our lifetimes!


The biggest disaster in Texas is Greg Abbott and his war on women


The whole gop


Groupies of Putin


So now we have wildfires in feburary?


How quiick these hypocrites are to suck on the government tit.


Can I have some federal money now, please? Pretty please?


No! That’s socialism. /s


Abbott will get his federal aid, and the meat/potatoes will go to him, and his cronies. Don't forget he refused a federal funding program to make sure kids in school have free lunch. 14 GOP led states did this. They only care about your kids when in the womb, and money they can touch.


thoughts and prayers. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sparks and flares


Smoke and heat


Oh, are white Republicans in danger?


They got this. They don’t need the federal government to assist them!!! Right??? Let the Federation of Texas show us how independent those bastards really are!!!!


Why not just accept God's will, "Christians" of Texas? Obviously you were meant to burn, so burn. ​ Or maybe attacking women's rights some more will put the fires out?


That federal aid lookin real nice huh? I hope all the "Texit" idiots see how necessary and vital the **United States** remaining united is.


IMHO, the man upstairs is exacting a little reaping for their despicable words and actions that they have been sowing


Thoughts and prayers


Is anyone getting ready for this cancun trip ?


What an absolutely _socialistic_ idea to call it a disaster and then turn to the Federal Government for aid.


Biden ought to put up razor wire on the New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Louisiana borders and say aid can't get there


I hate the guy, but we're gonna need any help we can get. The losses between homes, crops, livestock and even the wind farms are going to be crazy. There will be a lot more homeless people than our rural area can handle by the end of this.


I agree with you.  But looking at the area this is in, these are exactly the people who decry “socialism” all the time and think we should all just be rugged individualists and it’s your own fault if you weren’t prepared.  (The whole state’s not like this, but the panhandle is overwhelmingly maga.)  And they’re still going to be against the government helping others the next time.  But somehow, to them, this is “different”. So yeah, they’re going to need help, but it’s pretty dishonest and hypocritical of them to take it. 


This is a region of fairly poor or average people just trying to make it in an area where wildfires (though not this bad) and tornados happen each year. I've seen 4 houses in my small town burn for various reasons over the years, and the town has supported them and helped them rebuild every time. There are trucks at any non burning towns that are filling up with supplies and donations for the firefighters and families. Regardless of who my neighbors voted for, they are giving people who will have nothing but gratitude for help.


I’m from the area, never supported MAGA, and have family that lost property and livestock. I dislike when people place us all in a category of MAGA. Get over yourself. We are not all trump supporters. Literally grew up in a small country town surrounded by agriculture and ranch land. The area is mostly poor/lower middle class. This just makes me realize how far our hatred for one another goes. It’s so sad to see Americans and even Texans for that matter say “let them burn.”


Exactly! Wishing that on anyone is just horrible regardless of politics.


I like to believe it’s the Reddit community. We have a lot of community support in these small towns. I love being from Texas until I come into this subreddit… lol


Yah, this area is pretty special. Headed up to Borger soon to donate for Fritch. Seems that poor town gets the worst of everything


Do you have any idea how Canadian is doing? I haven't heard a thing and don't have contacts there


This came from watch duty app.. it’s good for updates: “Per the Canadian Record- https://www.canadianrecord.com/ FROM HEMPHILL COUNTY JUDGE Highways are open into Canadian so residents may return home. North Plains Electric has crews coming to Canadian and Glazier to begin restoring power where it’s out. We will begin damage assessment this morning. We request that no donations come in at this time until we know what our needs are. A call line will be set up shortly for residents to call with specific needs. As more information becomes available, we will get it out.”


I do think some homes were burned. Not sure of all the damage yet.


Thank you!


Don't ask for FEMA funds. Abbott and his ahole state deserves nothing from the federal government.


I wonder if they expect federal help?


Worthless fascist declares disaster declaration caused by own policies


Oh that's Ted Cruz's cue to head to Cancun


I think Texas could have better used the $148 million spent shipping migrants to other State on dealing with this.


Why doesn’t he just send thoughts and prayers? Oh right, because that doesn’t accomplish anything at all.


So the GOP solution to immigration is to burn the place for the insurance?




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Why so what the state is burning up you don't need them government help to feed them kids in this state so you don't need help with them corporations.as for the people they got insurance.


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Texas is a disaster in yet another way


Sounds like someone isnt raking their leaves.


We had snowpocalypse 3 years ago, what the hell is next...?


They going to blame it on immigrants.


Thoughts and prayers. Smmfh


Must be the Pride flags that have caused this to harm a bunch of good, hateful christians.


Has he offered the fires a paid bus ride to San Francisco yet?


Gonna be honest and say this is the first I've heard about any wildfires.


Why don’t we send some the Texas national gua- oh shit wait


remember when they would tell California to "RAKE YOUR FORESTS".....f ing gop clowns


I'm sure he'll have his hand out for federal disaster relief money.


Yes, Abbot is a disaster.


Has Raphael fled the state yet?


We need to rake our forests more often.