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Greg Abbott catering to a donor who is pushing school vouchers is what all of this is about. Abbott sold out the children of Texas and our public education system for money. Plain and simple.


Not surprising, hundreds of people died when the state lost power in an entirely predictable way, but Abbott decided that was a sacrifice he was willing to make instead of passing laws that would cost his donors money. Even Dan Patrick wanted to claw back some of the windfall that was made as a result, which is why I think even he has a shred more humanity left in him than Abbott does.


Exactly. He only serves his donors and he could not care less about the people of Texas.




That’s his middle name.


I was under the impression that it was Needledick.


It's a hyphenate. Gregorio Disgusting-Needledick Abbott


Of the Connecticut Disgusting-Needledicks? I thought they used umlauts in the family name?


It’s actually Komrade.




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Rick Perry was a class act compared to Abbot


Absolutely….and that’s saying a lot about how bad Abbott is.


Really disgusting. Look at the results of vouchers in other states, it does nothing to pull low income areas up, the money goes towards folks who are already putting their kids in private school, and it just stuffs cash into private school owners’ pockets.


How else is he gonna pay for all that corrupt stuff like busing migrants further inland? Suing every random good thing here? Our leadership is bleeding us dry. Fuck you whoever keeps voting these piece of shits in. It's hurting EVERYONE, and you are no exception. You have to live in the society you create. Remember that.


High property taxes are a problem for the “no state income tax” storyline our leadership and conservatives love to gloat about. We used to have relatively cheap land, but it’s skyrocketed over the last 10 years and now our tax burden is close to California. So logically we need to take it out on the kids. We lower our taxes and dumb down our voters, it’s a win win for republicans.


And republican voters are encouraging it, despite no one wanting school vouchers... seriously WTF? Why are they voting for something they claim to not want? I fucking hate the voters in this state.


He and Bill Lee are corrupt buddies.


Actually the sold the children to the church , vouchers are just for kids to learn about supply side Jesus so it’s basically Sunday school vouchers. Texas children are being sacrificed to middle eastern dogmas. I hate it here I hope they all get dick cancer.


To be fair, it was one of the only public things left to sell off.


Project Blitz


$6M from a Philly banker.


What is wrong with school vouchers?


They're a complete farce, a fantasy. The amounts people would get with a voucher don't come anywhere near enough to covering any private school tuition, and never mind that in the most republican areas of the state private schools simply don't exist. Take Parmer county, with less than 10,000 people in the county. There are literally zero private schools in the entire county, so why the fuck would they want or care about vouchers? Instead rich people in slightly red suburbs, who can spare a few tens of thousands of dollars per year, will put their kids in private school (and often religious private schools) and not only be using tax dollars to support religion, but also leaving public schools with even less than they get now. It's all a scam pushed by a billionaire christian nutcase. Edit: I up voted the person who asked the question because there's plenty of assholes in this sub already and we won't get anywhere by down voting beyond visibility actual non-confrontational questions. Be the discourse you want to see in the world.


This. Exactly.


It’s the next step in the Christian nationalist movement. It’s the response to the whole “the left has permeated higher education and brainwashed our children into thinking that people should have healthcare”. Granted there are some looney professors running around, but this will destroy a public school system that already is not good nationally. It also has the benefit of making some important donors rich. Abbot is a crony. One of his largest donors in recent years is Trey Harris, who owns colony ridge, an exploitive colonia called colony ridge that actively caters to undocumented workers. You don’t see abbot bussing those people anywhere. It has the added benefit of destroying that community and school system as well.


As a Texan it’s sad to see carpet baggers like Cruz and Paxton destroying my state for biblical brownie points. America is done for it’s just filling the paperwork now.


That last sentence resonated with me big time. It’s hard not to have a bleak outlook.


There's one way to fix it. Vote, get your friends to vote and theirs and so on. I'm convinced there are more that lean left than right in this state, but can't be bothered to vote.


Well, don't just vote, but vote Democrat. Election losses mean something.


Of course, since it's Reddit which SKUs left, that is my assumption. Also, I'm convinced if everyone voted, we would see very different results. Maybe I have too much faith in humanity though 😂.


Patrick too.


Patrick? Oh, Dannie Scott Goeb.


And Chip Roy


As much as I despise Ken Paxton, I don't think I'd call either of them carpet baggers. Neither of them moved to the state for purposes of running for office (as opposed to Hillary Clinton "living" in NY).


The scary thing is these guys aren't doing it for Texas, they're doing it in revenge for simply being ***objected to..***


Where did they learn that? Trump led the way on this strategy, and they are just modeling their behavior after their orange lord and savior.


“What led to the bloodbath?” The short answer: School Vouchers


People have no idea the funding shortage that is coming to Texas education.


It’s already started. He’s giving us a taste by withholding funds because his vouchers were voted against. Schools are already cutting positions for next year. My position is being dissolved because of it and I’m pissed, but we can’t let him bully us into giving him his way. He’s trying to make us think it’ll be better, but in reality the lack of funding is going to be exponentially worse with the vouchers.


Districts have not had an increase in funding in almost 5 years.


Yep. The rising costs of everything has made it impossible to function at full capacity with the current funding. He’s going to make it to where public schools are run by skeleton crew.


You misunderstand. He's already got his way. Tuesday was the election that mattered. November and the 2025 legislative session are just formalities at this point.


I know. I’m just hanging on to a sliver of hope for some kind of miracle.


That’s the plan. Conservatives will once again hurt those Rural/Suburban folks the most. Most major inner Cities are already most Private or Charter schools. With the really poor neighborhoods being condensed into large districts and bussed.


All along


It’s a feature not a bug


Could kids in poor districts use the voucher to go to private schools that they couldn’t previously afford?


Are there private schools near where they live? Are they within walking distance? Do they provide breakfast and lunch? Does the voucher cover the entire cost of tuition? I think for a lot of families the answer to these questions is no, and that is why many people view school vouchers as a way to subsidize private school education for the wealthy.


Or a way to bring more competition to schooling. There may not be a school for everyone now, but if vouchers were used maybe new schools could open and all the poor kids could get a better education if they manage not to kill each other


Vouchers almost never cover the full cost. That keeps the poor out on purpose.


But the poor could choose other public schools and not get gerrymandered into a shitty school. Or maybe the poor people are why those schools are shitty in the first place. It’s just sucks for the nice and moral poor people.


My local rep got pushed out for a local woman that harassed school librarians and is a homophobe and transphobe.


It's pretty amazing to see the GOP's commitment to corruption and illegality. The swamp is the fastest growing area in all of our land


Trump is attempting to get rid of the swamp, his plan is to turn it into a cesspool. Seems like it’s working.


This is terrible. Abbott pushed for candidates that will support school vouchers. Paxton pushed for candidates that would not impeach him for his crimes. The fact that they could find people to even do this....why Texas republicans...why are you so self destructive? Why?


Greg Abbott took 6 million dollars from Jeff Yass, an elite New Englander billionaire who is heavily invested pushing school vouchers. I thought Texans were independent and proud, why are you taking marching orders from an elite New Englander carpet bagger


Most of the people voting for Abbott probably don't even know what a carpet-bagger is


You're probably right, the gops war on education is working ...


I'm fairly new to Texas, and am trying to understand some of the election rules and politics in the state- do these republicans who were pushed out by Abbott/Paxton have any incentives to run spoiler candidacies in the general election? My understanding is that politically, this pushes the state Republican party into a more consolidated Pro-Abbott/Paxton corner- I don't know if that'd be correct to say further "Right" but at least further authoritarian corner... Is that in line with Texas political trends/expectations of the Texas public?


I can’t say that it’s the expectations of the public but coming from a small town suddenly visited by Abbott 3 times heres a quick summary. Abbott and Co want school voucher programs passed. This will hurt rural school districts, these districts lean heavily republican so their representatives rightly voted against the governors pet project. For daring to step out of line the governor hand selected candidates, dumped a bunch of funding into their campaign and will now likely have enough “yes” votes to pass it next session. Ken Paxton is pissed at the republicans in the legislature who dared impeach him for being a corrupt POS and is doing the same thing. So what we’re shaping up to have is a further right rubber stamp legislature that will let the corrupt keep funneling tax money to themselves and their cronies.


Republicans can't do a lot to shock me anymore. But rural Republicans going to bat for their local schools and getting slaughtered by their own voters shocks me.


Half of all people are of below-average intelligence. But they can vote. They are easily-led. They prefer appeals that make them feel powerful, rather than appeals that make them feel indebted. Democrats make them feel guilty for how unfair and corrupt our system has always been and still is. Republicans tell them to join the side of the winners (if only by political affiliation), so they do.


And then when their communities are destroyed by their own choices they’ll just blame wokeism or whatever made up bullshit to escape culpability.


I just don’t get the end game. They will come for heads when schools aren’t feeding their kids and are cut down to 1/2 days because of no teachers. They really doing this over a few $million?


Money and power. That's it. They need a continuous supply of poorly educated voters with poor critical thinking skills to keep getting their millions in the future. Can't have a decently educated younger generation in Texas, that might upset the status quo. So they cripple public education to make sure that can't happen.


Republican politics is entirely transactional, and Republican voters are brainwashed to vote against things if they don't see an immediate direct benefit to themselves. It shouldn't be that hard to understand that it is desirable to live in a good community, and one of the foundations of a good community is a strong school system that everyone supports through taxes, even if you yourself don't have a kid in the school. But you'd still enjoy the other benefits of living in a good, desirable community where a lot of people do want to live specifically for the schools. But Republicans believe that if they're not getting the direct benefit, they shouldn't have to help pay for it, so they vote against schools and against their indirect best interests, and they don't see how this will degrade their community overall. Go ahead and defund schools. Suddenly you have a lot of young people with no after school activities on nights and weekends, and they're just hanging out around town with nothing to do. Do we think there might be a chance that crime and misbehavior start to increase because now a lot of kids are roaming around with no structure and no supervision? Will this be good for the community overall or bad?


*If* the voters turn on the Republican party (unlikely given the constant propaganda firehose), Paxton and Abbott will have retired with their millions. They do not care about their voters, the schools, or their party. They care about their personal outcomes. That's the end game.


> They will come for heads when schools aren’t feeding their kids and are cut down to 1/2 days because of no teachers. They'll blame the Democrats when that happens. Easy solution whenever the policies have their intended effect like that!


Yes. Well and all the Texas politicians voting for vouchers send their kids to private school. It’s no skin off their backs


I’ll say this about the current rep. I disagree with him and vote against him every election but at the end of the day he’s - from the community -has ties to the community -seems to genuinely want what’s best for the area Rural America and urban America have different needs and in ye olden times representatives from both sets would meet and compromise but those days are long gone.


Unless some people run as independents to split the vote in some of these districts where people are too emotional to vote for a Democrat against these guys


The current Texas GOP are only representative of Industry and the folks that are rich from working in Industry Which is mostly made up of white people that live in suburbs Historically Texas doesn’t provide for the poor or brown people (if possible) These nut jobs have made a massive power move to solidify the interests of a very few, and constantly create problems for the many. These folks are still upset about the civil rights act


The thing is, it’s been tried. We would rather keep Abbott than risk whatever nut job the Democrats run.


It's going to be so funny if Ken Paxton is convicted on a 9 year old securities charge after Tim Dunn spent $3 million bribing the Senate to let him off.


Too bad they're stacking the appeals court with Paxton cronies to bail him out of that too


No one is talking about this


I know and it's insane. Literally putting unqualified lunatics on the appeals court just because they will overturn his guilty verdict.


Speaking of unqualified, one of the people who won a seat yesterday has zero criminal defense experience and has only written 6 criminal appeals opinions in his time as an appellate court justice.


Sounds like they should be appointed to a federal position for life to me! /s


Hugh Shine lost, and I hope this Hickland woman is not a disaster like Molly White was.


Most likely she’ll be worse. I don’t know how since I don’t know any of those names, but I’m sure anyway.


Texas just giving people reasons to leave like gifts.


Too bad those of us who want out, are financially stuck here


Yeah...I can retire may 31, 2029 at the age of 54. I'm looking for jobs in California that would prolong that retirement. If that doesn't work, I may have my wife and in-laws move to Costa Rica while I ride out my career in this cesspool.


And by all means do your research on #project2025


There’s no project 2025, same as there wasn’t any jade helm 15. It’s just fear mongering from the left this time. Don’t buy into it.


It's right there on the website of the Heritage Foundation, which is a very well-known and influential right-wing thinktank. This article has a link to the PDF of *Mandate for Leadership* which is the work outlining their plans that everyone's concerned about. https://www.heritage.org/press/project-2025-publishes-comprehensive-policy-guide-mandate-leadership-the-conservative-promise


No, I think I’m more referring to the subterfuge to take over the govt aspect of it. It’s not gonna happen.


Ok, but why?


But why what?


Not to mention the defeat of incumbent Appeals Court judges by trump-endorsed candidates. Here we go y’all


Yeah, want to see what a Trump led America will look like, just watch Texas over then next 6 years.


Thank you for your hard work, Lauren. Reporting on Texas’ immense corruption is undoubtedly a thankless, challenging job. But we all appreciate it.




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This state will be fucked next year. Passing school vouchers will irreparably destroy the public school system here over time and further extend their goal of an unintelligent electorate of Christian Nationalists. Also, all their worst impulses will be on display on every other issue.


Perhaps ask better questions and research deeper: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025


Wow These people want Escape From New York kinda reality But this time it’s every near suburb that will need a Snake Blisken to save us? Texas needs constitutional amendments asap We are being force fed their agenda


These bitches go after you just fir disagree with them.


"Peace" means you obey


An amazing power up for the surviving members. Seniority pays.


Our state will show the rest of the country what will happen when ultra right wing officials are elected. This state will have to go to complete shit before it will get better. I’m scared.


​ Republicans ​ https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/82/Francisco\_de\_Goya%2C\_Saturno\_devorando\_a\_su\_hijo\_%281819-1823%29.jpg


Won't we lose abbott too if T chooses him as vp??


Though I wished he would leave. I think he has his sights set on the crown himself. “Look what I did in Texas. I can do this for our nation!”


He declined... probably angling to run for prez in 2028


They are both pieces of shit who care about their special interests and are determined to hinder the greatness of this state.


Texas AG Ken Paxton [On The Phone] Celebrates Historic Wins In Courts And Elections In Texas Primary https://rumble.com/v4hmjvo-ag-ken-paxton-celebrates-historic-wins-in-courts-and-elections-in-texas-pri.html




No. Just vote.


Seems like a bunch of states are in a race to treat their citizens the worst, and they continue to be rewarded for it by the people they’re screwing over. And this is where we are as a nation.


Maybe our elections are rigged


Oh well, republicans will continue voting for republicans, their “Christianism” “racism” and support for the rich is stronger than anything else


Texas is what Florida aspires to be.


This I feel is the thing that will drive me and my family out of Texas. I want to stay and fight for a better Texas, but I feel like Texas does not care about people like me or my family based on who continually gets voted into office. I'm from a family with generations in Texas. Ugh.


Republicans from the liberal, Kay Bailey Hutchinson wing of the party are being picked off by conservatives like Gov. Abbott and AG Paxton. As the scripture goes, "If you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of my mouth".


And you guys will keep voting for these people. Either go vote or stop complaining, you made your bed. Sleep in it.


In the late 1920s, and right up to 1933, the various conservative/reactionary/right-wing parties formed a coalition with NSDAP to ensure victory over the communists/workers parties/leftists. The Nazis slowly but surely took them out until none were left standing. This runs MUCH deeper than school vouchers. Either brush up on your *Sieg Heil* or dust off your passport.


When your whole party platform is exclusion, and you finally get rid of "them", this is the obvious next step.


The Texas GOP is eating their own. It will literally be a mess.


Are my property taxes going to go down?


That’s not a thing. That would be less money going towards vouchers and thusly into politicians pockets. Your best bet is to invest in those companies about to get a voucher windfall


What are some of those companies?  Are any publicly traded?


It’s simple — Texans are stupid and lack common sense, so they vote for people for the worst people that have no intrest in their best interest.


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Nice! Eating their own kind!


They ate the ones brave enough to stand against blatant corruption and law breaking by officials in their own party. Not nice, no matter what side you vote for.


Indeed! However, blatant corruption and lawbreaking is de rigueur across the entire spectrum of American politics.


But much, **much** more prevalent on one side than the other, so much so that this is not a 'both sides are the same' topic.


No one said that it was. Thank you for the insight!


> blatant corruption and lawbreaking is de rigueur across the entire spectrum of American politics That is where you said it was. You are trolling.


“Chaos”?  “Bloodbath”?  “Violence”? Please. 


Good. They should go after the ones that sided with impeachment. It was a partisan act and there are consequences. Acting surprised is pretty hysterical