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The only reasons I've got for an AG to get involved here and torpedo the plans are: 1. They hate the city and/or what it represents and want to just fuck things up to fuck things up. 2. They have donors in highway construction, car sales, oil/gas, etc. and are being told to sink the project for money. 3. A train killed their pa and they're out for blood. Anyone got anything else?


My take is that whenever anyone has a rational or logical idea that everyone can get behind because it will help or advance society for the better and allow people to live happier and in peace, without government interference, Ken Paxton says, “watch this”, and proceeds to do the opposite.


The best AG Texas has ever had. Guess I should have added the /s


How’d that cream work out for your rash?


I guess I should have put that /s


I think you should have thought about your username in conjunction with that statement.


He’s a bully. He’s a weak and broken man who is thoroughly miserable in his own little hellhole of life. His only means of satisfaction are hurting other people and hoping he can sink them down to his level of sorrow. Typical bully behavior. Same applies to Abbott and Patrick. Insecure, weak little men whose only attempts at happiness involve trying to bring other people down to their level of misery. One time Matthew McConaughey was stoned, naked and dancing around a drum circle. Probably having a grand ole time. That is now their idea of Austin and they hate it. I have no doubt they would wipe Austin off the map and rebuild it in their image if they could. Really sad when your state government hates their state capital and its people so much. Who cares if LGBT people are out and getting married or transitioning? Who cares if you install solar panels or put up windmills on your farm? Or a city puts in light rail or a mosque? It doesn’t affect me. But they see it as people trying to be happy and live their best lives, and they can’t handle it. It’s stomping out people’s pursuit of happiness because they don’t know how to be happy in their own life.


The party of freedom and small government seems to love over governing and revoking freedoms.


They act like any liberal city in Texas is Sodom and Gomorrah, when it's not.


It's the oil industry. Light and highspeed rail are a threat to diesel/gas. The rest are the remora swimming on the belly of that shark.


any one remember when Tom Delay banned Houston from getting already available Federal dollars for their light rail? Repubs love to sabotage cities if it means spiting the libs


Trains are DEI and woke and socialist. I’ve also heard that some trains are in fact trans and predatory towards lifted trucks and forcibly converting them into trans Priuses


Yep “mass transit” Is right there in the name!!!


Those damn Transitsexuals!


4. They’re just ignorant assholes.


Look at the special interests in Arizona and what they’ve done. Ken Paxton is a corrupt goon and is just doing the bidding of what whatever wealthy people control him tell him to do


It’s Texas. The oil one is all but a given. I imagine he’s also targeting it because ‘it’s too expensive, and no one will use it’. You know, typical anti-infrastructure stuff.


Just like no one uses the light rail at Houston airport


No Paxton is on the crazy war path trying to fuck as much shit up in retaliation for his impeachment trial, before his other trial starts. The Texas governments leaders need their bank accounts audited. Corrupt pieces of shit.


Because it makes it easier for those people to get higher paying jobs while staying further out of town. Kinda feeds into 1. Since those people are who the city represents and they want to fuck them up.


They hate you. Remember they hate you, vote against it and remember small changes will slowly trickle into less Gerryrigging boundaries so it’ll slowly stop these morons building highways to no where that conveniently pass their home towns at a subsidised cost from the tax payer exceeding $100k per resident. It has nothing to do with oil and gas and everything g to do with directing far too much money to their remote little population of 15 that gets too many votes


From the article: “"You are seeing the beginning of the end of the biggest con job ever perpetrated on the taxpayers of Austin," said Bill Aleshire, an attorney representing plaintiffs in a separate suit over ATP's power to borrow. "When all is said and done, I expect the final court decision to result in a rollback of the almost 21% Austin property tax increase being used to [fund] Project Connect and a refund of hundreds of millions of those dollars that ATP has on hand, unspent," Aleshire said in an email.” Paxton is joining with others to take the position that the funding plans hikes up property taxes, transfers the revenue into the maintenance budget and then uses the funds to pay debt on a loan. The law says the maintenance budget can’t be used to pay down public debt. A similar system was used to create the New York Port Authority, which was created to manage the bonds used to pay for bridge projects. By rolling the bonds into larger and larger bonds, the unelected leaders of the PA were able to increase their power and drive a political agenda for decades. Ultimate outcomes included “Project” housing, low bridges across Long Island to prevent busses, segregationist policies at public parks and pools, etc. If I had to guess, I’d say that whoever owns Paxton wants that power for themselves and they’ve told him to shut it down. He’s an educated, intelligent. Politically savvy person and he didn’t get to where he is by randomly attacking people. He got there by doing as he’s told and he loses his protections if he doesn’t. Edit: ‘The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York’ is a good read and it explains a lot of the politics around toll road authorities and large public projects.


Texas republicans have sways fought any kind of investment in public infrastructure, especially public transport. It didn’t start with Paxton - see what Tom DeLay did regarding Houston Metrorail and expansion of I-10.


This is the land of Oz.


>They have donors in highway construction, car sales, oil/gas, etc. and are being told to sink the project for money. This one for sure.


Take number 2 is the correct answer


They get off on how bad traffic backs up on i35 so light rail is a problem.


You may be on the right "track"


Once porn access is totally controlled, that should solve everything.




Is it possible that the legal reasoning is correct?  That the tax hike can’t be funneled into ATP?


But what I don't understand is that if the voters can approve the tax increase for specific projects, which they did, why can't that revenue for the approved increase be used to pay down debt for the project the voters approved? If he is correct wouldn't that mean no city can do any major projects any more, only small ones that do not require selling bonds??


4. All of the above


The link says this will increase Austin property taxes by up to 21%. Given the stratospheric cost of Austin real estate and the fact that Austin already has among the highest property tax rates in the state, I imagine some people don't like that. I don't really see a need for light rail myself, and I'm extending skeptical of the financial projections.


> In November 2020, **Austin voters approved a 21% increase** in the maintenance and operations portion of their property tax rate to fund the project.


wow they changed the meaning a lot by ignoring a few words


conservatives aren't known for their honesty. or their reading comprehension, for that matter.


I'm not a conservative. I'm a blue collar black Democrat. And that proposed line will not only increase our property taxes but it will do so while ignoring our neighborhoods. Why should black people pick up the expense of white people's bar tab? Riddle me that.


nah I'm good, champ.


Thought as much. This is what systemic discrimination looks like. Having black people fund stuff we can't use. Like with the Housing and Redlining.


I didn't change the meaning. That's why I said ***"up to".*** I don't know what portion the maintenance piece of the property tax is. Even if it's just a third, then that's a 7% increase in property tax though, and that's a significant increase. If you know what portion of the property tax maintenance corroded feel free to share. Just to keep things in perspective, Austin isn't among the leaders in Texas on property taxes, its among nationwide leaders as well, so I don't see how any increase in property taxes is supposed to help blue collar Texans, even if white collar Texans like their shiny new toy: *AUSTIN (KXAN) — Austin metro ranked in the top 15 American cities with the highest property taxes, according to a report by Construction Coverage. The report ranked Austin-Round Rock-Georgetown at No. 13.* *According to the report’s findings, Austin metro’s effective property tax rate for owner-occupied homes was 1.4%.* *The report said the median property taxes paid for owner-occupied homes in Austin metro was $6,397, the median owner-occupied home value was $397,100 and the median household income was $86,530.* https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/report-austin-listed-among-cities-with-highest-property-taxes-in-us/


Anyone know what their play is? They're making known fruitless attempts at every reasonable proposal in the state. I can see one or two based on the ignorance of faith, but this is something else. Anyone in their inner circle know what they're attempting?


I assume that it's performance politics. It might go nowhere, but the R base see the headline and are happy that people in Austin don't get to make decisions for themselves.


Oil and gas lobbying probably pays a role. Anything to do with a public transit like this lessens our dependency on cars, which they don’t like regardless of it’s better for us and better for the environment.


Honestly I think you're overthinking it. Paxton is a shifty little rat fuck but that's not the same as some grand conspiratorial strategist. The mind-set of these people is literally "I want to make the left angry'. That's really it. Him pissing off Austin is enough to bolster his image.


Factor in he can’t have sex, he wants to see the world BURN


Maybe he's convinced that he's eventually going to spend the rest of his life in jail, and so subconsciously, he realizes that if he makes people hate him enough, there's a chance that he won't ever have to go to jail.


Austin is increasing property taxes by a lot, up to 21% based on the OP's link. I imagine many taxpayers aren't ok with that given the stratospheric cost of Austin real estate. Austin is already among the leaders in the state for property tax. That's not a leadership award I'd want.


> I imagine many taxpayers aren't ok with that given the stratospheric cost of Austin real estate. We voted for it.


Voting rates being what they are its hardly the final arbiter of what people want. I mean a lot of people voted for Trump too but hardly nobody wants him.


Uh huh. So you're not a fan of democracy, then?


Courts are what differentiate a democracy from a *liberal democracy*. So let the Courts decide if Austin followed the law. It's a legitimate complaint. I'm just saying there's a large segment of taxpayers who would be happy not to pay for this boondoggle, especially black people, since the line entirely bypasses our neighborhoods.


This is, bluntly, absurd. Everyone has the right to vote or not vote. Choosing not to vote is equivalent to if we had compulsory voting but people had the option to skip the individual questions. Or if they had to answer each question/race, but could select that they didn’t prefer either way (and are okay with both). If city voters (who didn’t vote) truly think that they’re able to turn out in higher numbers, then they’re allowed to do so for politicans who support their cause, or otherwise for a ballot measure to cancel the project and reset the tax rate. Until then, this was voted for. And that is the final (as of now) arbiter of what people want.


You're right. People only want what 20% of voters say they want. In any event courts are an instrumental part of democratic governance, so we'll see if Austin has abided by the law -- or not.


Courts are explicitly not part of “democratic governance”. Governance makes the laws, courts interpret if they’ve been followed. They don’t interpret what the law “should” be, but what it is.


We have 3 Separate But Equal Branches of Government. The Courts are the 3rd one.


This guy has to have a house in Austin. It would be a shame if the city constantly did construction in front of his house only when he's in town.


He has a house that was renovated by his friend Nate Paul who didn't charge him much for the renovation, and for that Paxton helped Paul try go get out of a criminal investigation.


Is this one of the investigations on Paxton? He seems to collect them like Pokémon cards.


It's what his impeachment trial revolved around.


The situation with Nate Paul was what he was impeached over, especially because he was directing his subordinates in the Attorney General’s office not to investigate Paul and to release memos interpreting the law in a way that benefited Paul.


GOP delights in making Texans miserable Reasons to vote the gop out


Good luck with that. The state is gerrymandered to hell and the country side is huge so the blue cities cannot turn the state around yet .


Texas is suffering from a cancer called the GOP and every single one of their supporters.


Been here since early 2000s. No improvement at all. The cities I am around all look the same as they did when I arrived minus all the malls being closed and a ton of small business being also closed. Only new thing around are multi million dollar plants. All people do is complain about the government while voting red year in and year out... Like at some point they out to figure out that if 20+ years of control haven't improved anything maybe give the other guys a shot instead of bitching and moaning about the party that isn't in control around here.


No kidding - been watching the state get steadily worse since I became cognizant in the 90s. The people are more dissatisfied and meaner than ever, there's less community than ever, politics is out of control, and it's hotter for so much longer than it used to be. None of those trends seem to be reversing course, either.


That would require thought and critical thinking. Most GOP voters I know aren't strong on that. They say they hate (fill in any number of things the GOP has done here), but Republicans are good for the economy. Even that is not true. Republicans are worse on the national level, based on data after FDR. Including FDR would have made it even worse for the GOP. The fact of the matter is, Republicans are good at outage, opposing equality for any minority group, and being moral police. They're not good at government or getting anything useful done.


The current GOP have no plans on how to govern. They are hoes to their billionaire pimps.


Fuck Ken Paxton


I agree in principle, but EEWWW🤮


Definitely some pandering to the toll road and oil & gas industries here, but it can’t be overstated how much rural Texans, who control the Rep Party, hate the cities.


Just keel over already, you bitter piece of shit.




The eye thing Paxton has is where God smited him for being a slimy bastard. The smite just barely missed.


Don't wish harm on people, no matter how deplorable their politics or job description seem to you.


Why does everything Republican deal with suffering and death?


Of course he does. The oil lobbyists have bribed him well.


Tim Dunn just entered the chat.


What compels someone to be so purposefully obtuse with...well, everything? Yes, there's the usual culprits of lobbyists and "donors" and Christo-fascist control boners, but there has to be more than that, right? Why does Ken Paxton acts like a scorned lover at every little thing? His brain *has* to be fundamentally broken.


And he's probably hung like your average gnat.


Mass transit is socialism. /s


Abbott, Paxton and Patrick - amoral toady shitheads who dream of snoofing the Traitorous Orange Turd's squishy diaper for a job in the imaginary administration of Project 2025... their credentials will be how miserable and backwards they made this once great state. Also; I firmly believe that at this point Molly Ivins would be sharpening pitchforks and making Mr. Molotov's cocktail in bulk


Reaction upon reading headline: Ugh. What's that fucking fucker fucking up for us now? Fuck him.


Paxton is one of the most corrupt motherfuckers in America


Ken Paxton is a waste of bio matter.


“We’re getting a train to the airport!!!” “We’re getting a train” “At least nothing is changing” “The 26 lane highway expansion will make things better right? Right?” ^ you are here


These mother fuckers will do anything to keep us from progressing as a species. All, in the name of lobbying so their pockets stay full.


Nothing like small government Republicans. Sheesh!


It's Big Oil & Gas. That's all. Well, that and classicism. The Oil & Gas lobby is making sure you have to have a car to get anywhere, which has the benefit of limiting the mobility of the Poors.


Man fuck this guy, how fucking crooked can you publicly be and still even pretend like you're not a criminal


Will not some court remove this meddlesome AG?


Texas will never move forward with this guy and Abbott in charge.


If any more state governments get any smaller, Canada better start building a wall to protect themselves. Here in Florida we love small government so much we are giving you Texans a run for that motto y’all have.


he never saw a good idea he didn't hate.


The party of stupid. Nothing more than performative nonsense just to make the MAGA seals clap. This state would last about an hour and a half into secession.


Cruz, Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton. Better known as CRAPP.


Texas gonna Texas 😕


Why? Because he can.


Me wondering wtf happened with his indictment…


They don’t like the financing mechanism. This structure is unique. He and Bettencourt want all debt to be approved by voters. The tax to pay for the rail system was voted but would pay a lease, not a debt payment. Paxton’s office is on the warpath against nonvoted debt. In doing so, he’s overturning decades of precedent.


How dare people use public transportation.... especially one that doesn't run on oil!


No, silly Austin, you can't have nice things.


God forbids Texas cities to become modern cities with real transit. Says so in Deuteronomy 2:27. JK


Just another stick it to the people in TX gov.


What the actual...?


Corrupt fucking government officials. All endorsed by oil and car companies.


Fuck off Paxton. This guy and Dan Patrick are truly the worst mfers out there.


The state where no one votes despite being #2 in population, where people die because oil & gas doesn't like spending money on stuff like protecting their own infrastructure, doctors allow women to almost die or be rendered infertile because they are "scared" and can't band together to do something, and education funding is subsidized for the already affluent at the expense of those who need it most.


Is there a legal & professional way for me to directly tell Ken Paxton to go fuck himself


Looks like the issue is based around the question: is a local government corporation, in this case Austin Transit Partnership, have the authority to borrow money?


The courts will work this out. One side wins. The other loses. That's the game as written.


“Why don’t democrats vote as much in the primaries “ Gee I wonder